Spying out a good land mexidonia

Mexidonia- Spying Out The Land- A Good Report Like Joshua & Caleb of old who had a good report to share with fellow worshippers of Jehovah, many loved ones know I recently had the privilege of attending one of the 3 English District Conventions in Mexico. This convention was held in the Rosarito Beach Assembly Hall Sept 9-11, 2011. What a wonderful experience the convention and the days that followed proved to be. This was an adventure as you will soon appreciate and is a taste of what is going on in this field of teaching Bible truths. Included also are tips and observations to give you a feel for life “south of the border”. The convention was a delight for many reasons; different illustrations, interviews and speakers were a highlight as was the speakers whose delivery was loving, inspiring, faith strengthening and motivating. If this wasn’t encouragement enough the convention provided added joy because the beautiful friends include many who have “stepped over to Mexidonia” as the fields are “white for harvesting” as you will soon see. Before sharing what I appreciated about the convention and the whole Mexico experience, I think it best to address concern about the dangers of Mexico. I felt confused knowing our brothers invite all whose hearts impel them to “step over” all the while the images in the media tell another story. To allay my fear I called the U.S. State Dept. and related my desire to go to Mexico. The advice was “You’ll be fine, Mexico is safe but we recommend you stay away from the border”. I explained this is where I was going. When asked my business there I related attending a convention for those who want to teach the Bible in English to English speaking Hispanics. The response, ”You’ll be fine you’re not traveling in circles where the trouble is so enjoy your visit”. With that assurance I began the journey of “spying out the land”…….. My trip started with contacting friends met at the International Convention in HI 2 years previously who were attending this convention. Araceli offered once I expressed an interest in attending, to make arrangements for a brother in San Diego to take me to the border in Tijuana (TJ) where I would meet her and Miguel. Additionally she offered a place to stay with them as they rented a house for the convention. Thanking Jehovah for such a wonderful brotherhood, where else can one experience this kind of hospitality other than Jehovah’s organization! Jehovah knew this was exactly the welcome I needed to see his direction. I felt first hand was the best way for me to get a real feel for what’s happening in Mexico’s English field, plus I wanted to show Jehovah my earnest desire is to reach out.

Transcript of Spying out a good land mexidonia

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Spying Out The Land-

A Good Report Like Joshua & Caleb of old who had a good report to share with fellow worshippers of Jehovah, many loved ones know I recently had the privilege of attending one of the 3 English District Conventions in Mexico. This convention was held in the Rosarito Beach Assembly Hall Sept 9-11, 2011. What a wonderful experience the convention and the days that followed proved to be. This was an adventure as you will soon appreciate and is a taste of what is going on in this field of teaching Bible truths. Included also are tips and observations to give you a feel for life “south of the border”. The convention was a delight for many reasons; different illustrations, interviews and speakers were a highlight as was the speakers whose delivery was loving, inspiring, faith strengthening and motivating. If this wasn’t encouragement enough the convention provided added joy because the beautiful friends include many who have “stepped over to Mexidonia” as the fields are “white for harvesting” as you will soon see. Before sharing what I appreciated about the convention and the whole Mexico experience, I think it best to address concern about the dangers of Mexico. I felt confused knowing our brothers invite all whose hearts impel them to “step over” all the while the images in the media tell another story. To allay my fear I called the U.S. State Dept. and related my desire to go to Mexico. The advice was “You’ll be fine, Mexico is safe but we recommend you stay away from the border”. I explained this is where I was going. When asked my business there I related attending a convention for those who want to teach the Bible in English to English speaking Hispanics. The response, ”You’ll be fine you’re not traveling in circles where the trouble is so enjoy your visit”. With that assurance I began the journey of “spying out the land”……..

My trip started with contacting friends met at the International Convention in HI 2 years previously who were attending this convention. Araceli offered once I expressed an interest in attending, to make arrangements for a brother in San Diego to take me to the border in Tijuana (TJ) where I would meet her and Miguel. Additionally she offered a place to stay with them as they rented a house for the convention.

Thanking Jehovah for such a wonderful brotherhood, where else can one experience this kind of hospitality other than Jehovah’s organization! Jehovah knew this was exactly the welcome I needed to see his direction. I felt first hand was the best way for me to get a real feel for what’s happening in Mexico’s English field, plus I wanted to show Jehovah my earnest desire is to reach out.

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So the journey began…..…..

The first day started at 5 a.m. Sept. 8th with a drive to Joplin to pick-up dear friends Shelly and Tristan Twitchell who saw me off at the Tulsa Airport at 8:00 a.m. The plane arrived in San Diego at 12:40, and once landing I received word from Araceli and Miguel that the plans to have someone pick me up fell through. Miguel said all I needed to do was to spend time in San Diego and they would pick me up at TJ at 6:30. That was no problem because I wanted to see San Diego. I inquired at the airport

about something to do. I was advised to take the sight seeing trolley which was a couple hour excursion. Hoping a taxi I found the Trolley and enjoyed the history of the city including the Hotel Coronado on Coronado Island just across the bay. At the end of the tour there were no traffic lights and our guide called to notify the authorities. We had no idea the events soon to develop……. Upon concluding the tour, the trolley driver let me off at the train station for a train to TJ which is only $5.00. On arriving I discovered the train wasn’t running because there was no power. As the day passed I sat there amidst a crowd of anxious travelers who were also stranded. Watching the traffic in the city come to a complete standstill, I began to be concerned that this could be a long situation.

As the sun entered the evening sky I felt the city would not be a good place (thinking of Katrina and the state of emergency) for me to be. Radio stations said rumors of a terrorist attack may be responsible for the outage. While I didn’t know why there was no power I did know the extent; from AZ to L.A., down to San Diego including Mexico. Some 10 million were without power. At this point I thought it best to gather my things and get to the border. So catching a taxi we for the next hour and a half navigated the traffic which included a stop

off for the Muslim driver to get out his prayer rug from the trunk (complete with a compass) and face the western sky for evening ceremonial prayers. If you’re wondering what a ride like this costs it wasn’t cheap, it was my first $100.00 taxi!! (More on this later)

Arriving at the TJ (see map) border at 6:30 pm was an accomplishment with all the drama, and it only heightened my eagerness to meet the friends. With nothing to do and no where to go my seat became my luggage while waiting their phone call.

(picture on previous page)

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While there I was amazed at the thousands of Mexican’s who commute by foot through the border every day and thousands more spend long hours crossing by car. Amazed as I was at this sight, I too must have been a sight for them as I sat there. As darkness loomed I sat under the only light, an emergency floodlight. (No that’s no me I forgot to get a pic so I found one) Without power there’s no internet on cell phones, most text messages were failing, and phone calls weren’t going through. So it was a unique situation for everyone that evening as communication was almost non-existent. About 7:00 pm I got a call that said Miguel, who works for the power company, was called to work and is working until the power is restored! (The outage was discovered to be human error in AZ). So there I sat. At this point I thought no problem I’ll witness to women walking across the border. Soon my attempts were to no avail because I found no one spoke English. What I discovered though is that a smile is the “international language”, so I shared many smiles that evening. While the hours continued I couldn’t help but think about what a great story this will be to tell while I had no idea how the story would end. Then I saw next what I never imagined………. Out of the darkness were 20 men shackled and handcuffed together in jumpsuits escorted by armed guards through the gate just ahead. Their crime I asked border patrol? They’re illegal and are being deported. These were the very treasure I heard about in this land! Around 11:00 I got a call from a brother who introduced himself as Adrienne. He said Araceli had been trying for hours to find someone in TJ to pick me up but she couldn’t get through with the power outage and little phone service. He said he and his wife serve in English in TJ and they were on their way to pick me up and they would call when they got to the border. At this point all I needed to do was look for a flashing light that would signal it was them and they would let me know when they arrived.

Nearing midnight they called and I gladly gathered my things and began the walk through what seemed like a mysterious “other side” in the dark. If you’re wondering, I was a little intimidated walking through a one way gate as I had no idea what was waiting. Once through I found myself in an alley corridor where the semi-darkness turned to pitch. As I continued on stumbling that is, in the far distance I could see 2 small blue lights. When I arrived it was Mexico’s border patrol doing bag search by flashlight. Walking on I saw like a rush of relief a glimpse of a flashing light. As I got closer with my luggage in tow there were my hero’s, Adrienne and his lovely wife who greeted me with a handshake and hug!! (My “hero’s” at left and what a nice surprise to see Adrienne as a speaker in the symposium on Fri.)

Helping me with my bags I told them of the day’s journey. By this time it was about 20 hours long. Getting in their car it hit me; where else but in Jehovah’s organization can a single white woman, alone, in a black out, in infamous

TJ, at midnight, get in a car of 2 total strangers, and be just fine!! With that we laughed at the days events!! The friends took me to a motel for delegates which included a bed as hard as the floor, (that’s why I bring foam) cigarette smell, (open the windows), and no a/c. Funny how under different circumstances I would have been unhappy with this situation. But

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this night all I could focus on was I was with the brothers, in a safe place, enjoyed a cool shower, and had a place to rest my head, and for those things I was extremely thankful! At 7:00 am Fri. I was greeted by a phone call from Araceli who said they arrived at 3 a.m. and they would be picking me up for the convention. Shortly thereafter I was greeted by 3 smiling faces, Araceli who is a long time pioneer, Miguel who serves in the congregation (left) and Alpha (right) each from Mexicali East English Congregation. Arriving at the Assembly Hall (see map) we took our seats in time to sing the first song. During the song I noticed a lovely blond sister who looked familiar. When traveling you see faces that remind you of someone you know so I dismissed her familiar face. Then I noticed her looking my way again, and this time she smiled, so I smiled back. Suddenly her husband turned around and his face was one I knew immediately…Ken Hieronymus Jr.! At lunch Ken & Lori related how they prayed about serving in Mexico English and before making a move they visited several times. Three weeks earlier they made the move with their boys 18 & 15 from Des Moines, IA via

KC, via Neosho where Ken Jr. grew up so what a treat it was to see them here. Ken shared an interesting point, he said his son’s are nearly grown and he realized there was little time left with them. They felt the need to give their sons an opportunity to see in Jehovah’s organization and a life focused on spiritual vs. material things. They moved to Mexico to get their son’s away from materialist pursuits. Ken & Lori are in Ensenada. (See map) During our visit we found it a wonderful blessing to see a familiar face and be reminded how DELIGHTFULLY SMALL the world is when you serve Jehovah!!

Convention Highlights

During the convention Fri. the audience was introduced to Brother Jimmy Walker who was interviewed. Brother Walker’s life story is not one we usually hear. He was removed from the congregation twice for drug and lifestyle problems years ago but since made his way straight with Jehovah and serves as a pioneer and congregation coordinator. His is a unique and encouraging experience of one who overcame much. The experience included something profound. When asked “do you have any regrets about moving to Mexico” he said “yes one…I regret I didn’t move sooner!” Brother Walker speaks no Spanish so his example was real food for thought. An outstanding point was shared was by the District Overseer, who said, “Imagine all you are going to be able to do in the new order………….While you’re thinking about it……… I want you to see the 2nd house you’re going to build…Think about what it looks like, the style, the color. For me I’m going to have a house over the water with a glass floor so I can watch the fish. “Now, why should you see your second house in the new order?” he asked.

Because Earth’s resources are corrosive, and eventually the first house you build will wear out and need replaced! So far into the future is your second house that this is how far in the future you need to see you self!! What a point!!

“Awesome” is the word to best describe the blessing of seeing friends from International Convention met 2 years earlier. Friends like Alejandro& Gabby (left front and side right).who though they speak very little

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English drove 2 hours to give me a hug and bring Jacquelyn and me gifts from their heart! Both serve as pioneers in TJ .

At (right front) is Cesar who serves in TJ English awaiting an assignment. Caesar said “so you’re the sister everyone’s talking about who was stranded at the border last night! You’re famous here already!!! What a hoot he is!! The friends in the center are newly baptized and moved to Mexico to serve in English. He works for a U.S. time share company and she has an online business. What a great example they are as well! The conventions peak attendance was 2062 with 17 baptized. To appreciate the growth here 3 years earlier there was one district and 250 attended!! This was just the beginning of the treasures uncovered in “spying out the land”……

At noon I made my way to the information desk where I met Brother Mike Raye who serves as coordinator in La Paz, MX. Brother Raye and I visited extensively as I expressed my first issue of concern; safety. Brother Raye related the following experience to help me understand how different serving in Mexico is, he said; “In TJ where the drug cartel has a large operation, we have brothers right now studying with members of the cartel. The brothers go to their heavily guarded facility where they are meeting with semi-automatic weapons. When they say “Jehovah’s Witnesses here for bible study” they are allowed in and have no problems.”

He continued, “you see what Americans have a hard time understanding is you see images in the news about massive slayings, but those slayings are not killing of random people like in the States, they are targeted executions of drug informants, competing drug operations, they’re drug related killings. It’s not Americans being targeted, in fact Mexican’s have a high regard for the Bible, and when we tell them our business, they have no problem with us. I assure you Mexico is safe. Like any area there are parts that aren’t, but that’s no different than the U.S. What we find here is the people know we are looking for English speakers they help us find them. They take us to them. These are a very humble people.”

These expressions were the first of a dozen conversations I had the pleasure of having over the days that followed. And during all these conversations one constant remained; no matter the area, no matter the gender, no matter the age, every American I spoke to about serving in Mexico expressed the same thing, Mexico is safe. But there’s an even bigger issue soon discovered……...

What is that you ask? It is this resounding fact shared at least 6 times by friends all unbeknownst to each other who said; “When we preach in Spanish we get the palm, not interested. Ten minutes later we preach to the same door in English and the same people accept a bible study”. Why? “Because the people feel if the message is so important it’s coming in English then they need to listen! Then it hit me, THIS IS THE REASON Satan is filling the U.S. media with fears of Mexico’s violence, swine flu, drugs, etc. He knows the effect English has on these humble people and he wants to stop the work. How best to do it but create panic in the hearts of those who hear bad reports, but whose mother tongue is that which is most needed here!! Friends know this; our friends are harvesting in this field and they want you to know this is propaganda!! Don’t let yourself be duped. Our enemy doesn’t want anyone to serve where the “fields are white for harvesting”! Jesus said the truth can not be hid, so please share this information with everyone because we need to do all we can to get the word out and help any who are considering prayerfully such an assignment to have the confidence to know they are 1. Being led by spirit, 2. Are needed, and 3. Aren’t in imminent danger!!

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But there is so much more…..

What is the preaching work like in Mexico you ask? Meet Rod & JoAnne McKay serving in Culiacan, MX for 7 years. Joanne said it’s as simple as this, “We’re looking for English speaking people who want to learn the Bible in English, is that you?” How’s that for simple? Where you are can you get a Bible study that way? If not and if you’re struggling to find joy in your ministry, perhaps speaking to a kinder more humble people is just what you need to find real joy in your ministry.

Interesting Facts About Mexico English

To say this field is growing is an UNDERSTATEMENT!! Why the need? Because first the deportee situation is HUGE!! Imagine living your entire life in the US but because you are not legal you are deported. So where’s the problem you ask? For many illegal’s who come to the U.S. they want their children to learn English. Some are bi-lingual, some are not. But English becomes their mother tongue because they go to school here. Some illegals learn English and when they do they don’t teach their children Spanish because they want their children to blend in. These are just a couple examples of why deportees need to learn the truth in English. And when ones are deported, and they are by the thousands everyday, many have no money, no family, no Spanish, it’s a tragic situation. And those

who have no options live in tents and beg until they eventually find a way to acclimate to their new surroundings and life. It’s a travesty indeed that we know the kingdom (Matthew 6:9) will resolve, but until then this situation continues to affect tens of thousands every year. Another group is bi-lingual’s who work in resorts and who want to learn and study in

English. And the third is retirees, or ex-pats they’re called from the US, Canada, England, Australia, etc. who respond because they don’t have the pressure of family stopping them. Here’s where it gets real interesting;

While the US has a publisher to world ration of 1-259, Mexico has a ration of 1-153 Bible Studies in US 683,090 Bible Studies in MX 1,004,000


It’s true that the vast number of studies is not English bible students, ask yourself this, “what does Jehovah do first, bring in the harvest or bring in the workers for the harvest? We know the harvest is never brought in without harvest workers first in place. This means congregations and brothers serving first because Jehovah is the God of order. Thus it’s exciting to see what the future holds in light of the Aug KM insert!! Anticipated growth this year is 4-5%! US Memorial 2,485,231 MX Memorial 2, 148,385 MX Memorial Attendance was 1 out of 58 people in the entire country. If the US had the same response

memorial attendance in the U.S. would be 5.3 million!!

What Kinds of Real Needs Are There?

Thought you’d never ask!! Here are some congregations I found to be the most in need which will change I’m sure after the convention, but these are here so you have an idea of why the friends are begging for our help;

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San Luis Rio Colorado: Border Town- This congregation has one elder serving who is a Nigerian brother married to a Mexican sister who has to commute to the States for work. San Luis Río Colorado has a population of 133,800 with one small English congregation. Please keep this congregation in your prayers until Jehovah sends re-enforcements!

Los Mochis: Coastal Town-This is a congregation of 14 publishers in a city of 260,000 who have 60 bible studies! None of the friends serving in this little congregation are native English speakers, they are all language learners. Meeting 2 of the 14 publishers (pictured) is Crystal & Gloria who expressed clearly their territory speaks English

better than they do. The friends here desperately need help with English as well as help them with their students!! They said they don’t work their territory because they have so much interest. Los Mochis is in the state of Sinaloa.

Mexicali: Border Town- With a population of 1.5 million and deportees of 300 per day, 2 congregations in Mexicali

are in desperate need of help. Brother Walker helped me to appreciate the need for English when comparing Mexicali to TJ whose population is twice but who has 12 English congregations compared to 2 in Mexicali. Mexicali needs many congregations as they also have no coverage of territory outside the city itself.

Here are a few of the 30 beautiful friends who serve in Mexicali East English. Stephanie (front right) is a newly baptized sister and an attorney in MX who works for immigration. I had the privileged of going on her study with my newly discovered treasure, Cindy Walker.

In the back center is Jimee (Hi-Me)

a deported chef who learned the truth 2 years ago who is a fine brother with responsibilities in

Mexicali East. This is the inside of the KH that hosts the Mexicali East

English Congregation.

The Adventure Continues…..My Newest Adopted Daughter

On Friday evening of the convention Alpha and I got to know each other starting with how we came in the truth. In so doing we realized a special bond was ours as we both began to study at 10, dedicated our lives without parents being in the truth at the same age, and were baptized about the same age as well. With that we felt a kindred spirit. Saturday morning was a great surprise when we both put on our zebra stripes! What a good laugh we had. I related how this was something my adorable Tim and I did as well as my girls when they were young. So now we were family! Sunday after the convention while Alpha was using her black cell phone I noticed her looking in her purse for something, but what was it? Of course it was her hot pink cell phone! Now I realized Alpha was my younger Mexican twin because I too carry 2 cell phones, a black one and a red one! What a great laugh we had yet again!

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The “Casa Grade” Surprise……The Convention Castle

To have no expectations for accommodations only to end up at a gated beach house over looking the ocean from our balcony was far more than I ever expected or imagined! Our “castle” as I called it was a beautiful 4 bedroom 4 ½ Bath, 2 car (tiled garage floor) spiral stairs, vaulted ceiling, 2 fireplaces, (master suite and living room), fully furnished kitchen, walk in sunken shower, rental where for $13.00 a night Alpha and I enjoyed this blessing as we shared expenses with 6 friends. During my stay I couldn’t help but think of Brother Geoffrey Jackson who said ….”Jehovah does everything in a classy way!” The Casa Grande is evidence of how our father gives us special blessings when we have no expectations only appreciation.

On to Mexicali & San Philippe

On Monday after the convention an unexpected turn of events made it so that Alpha and I had to catch a taxi to Mexicali which is a 3 hr drive from Rosarito Beach. The taxi was a bargain at $140.00 (the rest of the story) where thankfully Alpha and were able to split the cost. Being aglow with the spirit from the convention we had a captive audience as our driver spoke broken English and Alpha is bi-lingual. We asked if he knew Testigo De Jehova he said cee. He then asked “Who is the biggest Christian religion?” Knowing where he was going with this question we fielded it with the line of reason learned at the convention. “There are 600,000 ministers in the U.S. and there are 1.2 million Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching. Worldwide there are 400,000 Catholic priests and there are 7.5 million Jehovah’s Witnesses preaching.” Graciously he nodded and got the point. To our surprise he now held up an invitation to the convention. Pointing to the image he asked what the image meant. Seeing we had an opportunity and a 3 hour drive we conducted a Spanglish bible study as he drove.

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Once arriving in Mexicali at Alpha’s home she showed him an English Bible teach book and explained all the questions he asked are answered in the publication. She encouraged him to find the brothers when returning to Rosarito. He assured us he would. Alpha and I thanked Jehovah as the angels clearly put us in this taxi. Someday this man will be our brother as evident by his sincere interest, thought provoking questions, and humility to listen and learn. The first night in Mexicali was quite a different in temperature than in Rosarito where the Assembly Hall needed no a/c because of the delightful ocean breeze. Mexicali is below sea level and desert, and the drive there included crossing a mountain range where there is no vegetation only huge boulders which is quite unique. Arriving at sweet Alpha’s simple home (similar to the picture below) I got a taste of what truly simple is. Her hospitality included wares of 2 plates, 2 forks, 2 cups, one chair, a couch a microwave, a transistor radio, a bed and a bathroom. Her hospitality is second to none as she did all she could to make me feel welcome, and welcome I felt it.

The next day proved to be quite a turn of events……

Cindy Walker is a James 1:27 friend who earns this reputation for many reasons. One of which was Tuesday when she found me in spite of not knowing where I was she drove til she figured it out and picked me up for service. At the end of the service day the sky clouded over

and shortly large drops of rain began to fall. For Mexicali rain isn’t unusual but when the rain became hail so intense it was impossible to see to drive, it became real unusual. In minutes the streets started to flood because there isn’t drainage since it’s the desert. As the storm raged I recognized all the signs of a tornado. Cindy said, “Not only does it not rain much in Mexicali, it doesn’t pour like this and it never hails or tornados!!” Trusting I knew the signs of a tornado we realized there was no place to go and no way to see to get there. Waiting until the storm passed the wind and rain whipped. Once we were able to see again this was the sight; flooded streets and people in a boat!

The Walkers are to be commended because before the convention they didn’t “know me from Adam” but once they knew I was available they insisted I stayed with them. What a lesson in hospitality this was and another blessing from Jehovah. Because Alpha worked through the week I accepted their gracious offer and through the floodwater we went to get my things. Once at

alpha’s I waded through thigh high water slapping near her front door to get my suitcases. Who would have thought the 1st day in Mexicali would be this bizarre! (FYI - a neighboring town had a twister and Mexicali had trees torn up.)

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Mexicali though a desert is an oasis of people with spiritual appreciation as made evident by the amazing success in the ministry. This city of 1.5 million has 101 Spanish congregations! I have never heard of so many congregations in one city before and a small city at that. How encouraging to know the responsiveness of the territory here.

On to San Philippe

After 5 days in Mexicali I was invited to travel with the Walkers to San Philippe (see map) where Jimmy gave the talk. Once there we were graciously hosted by friends whose hacienda has a separate studio and one bedroom apartment, and we were accommodated overnight. (Left and right) San Philippe is a small resort town on the

Sea of Cortez and has one Kingdom Hall that hosts 5 congregations; 2 Spanish, 1- English, 1 MSL( Mexican Sign Language), 1- Local Indian Dialect

Of the friends we met there is Brother King (right) who serves as coordinator of the congregation. Brother King relates how he and his wife came to live here. He said they spent time here a few years ago and decided to sell their home & business in MI. While waiting for things to sell the economy went

bust in 2008. Not only did they end up loosing their home and business, to make matters worse their CPA for 14 years embezzled 1.4 million dollars over that time which wasn’t discovered until an IRS audit that took what was left through a levy of their belongings. With nothing left but what fit into the back of his pickup, they drove to San Philippe. Having never looked back, nor regretting the change in circumstances Brother King says “It was the best thing that ever happened to us, we love our simple life, and wished we’d come sooner!” In the picture below (right front) are the Swains. When introducing myself as Kari Gray from Neosho, MO their response was “You wouldn’t happen to be related to the Gray’s in Plattsmouth, NE would you?“ My mouth fell open with yet another crazy coincidence!!

The Swain’s are from Blair, NE and knew Tim and his family, so what a wonderful gift to get acquainted! I asked Sister Swain about their life here, she said they own a simple 450 sq ft house they paid $10,000.00 for. She loves it because in 15 minutes it’s clean. She explained that for $500-600 a month they live in Mexico and added, “We never want to go back to the States.” Why I asked? “Because we love the small family like congregation in San Philippe, the territory and our less stress life!” Brother Swain asked me to share this bit of advice to friends who read this who have school age children. They both attest that Mexico’s schools are good as they raised two daughters between both countries and felt the education they received in Mexico was equivalent to the states. For 7 years the Swains have made Mexico

their home.

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Personal Observations

The most beautiful part of Mexico isn’t the palm trees, the beaches, the mountains, the architecture or the country, which are all beautiful. The simple truth is the most beautiful part of Mexico is the beauty of our brothers & sisters’ hearts and sweet smiling faces! These smiles aren’t forced, they are a reflection of the “joy of Jehovah” written on their face and radiates in their eyes. It’s unmistakable. For me this alone is “worth the price of admission” as the saying goes.

Reflecting on why the work in Spanish is so plentiful I recalled a profound thought shared at a pioneer meeting years ago. There are three main qualities people must possess to come into the truth, Humble, Hungry and Honest. In Mexico the people are for the most part a very humble people by nature, some by circumstance, thus the first H. The second H is hunger. I personally know of no religion that leaves more spiritual hunger in a good heart than Catholicism does. Thus the 2nd H. So it seems this field is finding the third H, honest hearted. Perhaps that’s why Spanish congregations in the U.S., and Spanish and English congregations in Mexico flourish because 2/3’s of the work makes their hearts receptive when comparing education in the U.S. that pushed “American Pride” . As Jehovah’s people we fight this thinking, but pride in the territory is a heart hardener that prevents seeds of truth from penetrating hearts. Added to the mix is materialism, another form of pride which is fused with religious fervor where no matter how much one acquires one is never satisfied. When life is full of material things, time, energy and worship surrender to it as it becomes the master. While it’s true Mexico has much poverty it also has the soil conditions of the hearts that provides the conditions were the truth can grow which is more of a blessing than I ever realized before it could be. One constant remained, every American friend I spoke with said they love Mexico and never want to go back to the States. This was not what I expected to hear. Why I asked? Many related how much happier and healthier they are because here they don’t need high blood pressure meds, ulcer meds, depression meds, etc because they….. Live a simple life which is easier because most here have simple lives so there’s no huge temptation for more Preach to humble people and receive rich blessings and wonderful experiences Have discovered an easier way of life with focus on people not things Wonderful family like atmosphere in small need greater congregations Year round sunshine Better quality fresh food


As scary as the thought of Mexican healthcare sounds I found this to be a misnomer as well. Mexico’s healthcare cost is around 10% of the States, but the qualities of the services are not a fraction like the costs. A significant difference friends explained is they have applied for the FM 2 and FM 3 status they are called. While I’m not an expert on these you can research them and see how affordable healthcare is possible in Mexico. I also met friends whose business it is to do the paperwork for Americans seeking affordable healthcare as they navigate through the process for a nominal fee. With the FM 2 & FM 3 affordable and even free healthcare is possible for those who need it as many friends are uninsured.

Options to Making a Living

The friends here have a variety of ways to support themselves. Ken Jr. observed; “it’s interesting how the “baby

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boomer generation” is the biggest in history and in the time of the end is also the generation who has the means to reach out to serve in foreign fields because they have the financial circumstances to make it work in area like Mexico.” How so? Some have a business online, some commute to the US for short periods, some live close to the border and commute frequently, some work for U.S. companies, while others own a business and are sponsored by a Mexican business owner. All these options are all the ways to support oneself so have no fear there are many options available.


Mexico has been classified as a third world country, however because of advancements it can rightly be considered a second world country due to improvements in water purification, cellular service, high speed internet, satellite TV, road system, availability of electricity, sewage and trash services, etc. Mexico is not the same place I saw as a kid where it was true third world poverty. Mexico though is not the U.S. Its citizens are the “have’s” and the “have nots” and most are the have nots. Unlike the States with mist being middle income where you don’t consider yourself “a have” the truth is no matter how poor we feel we are in the U.S. we are the haves to most of the world. Preaching to those in poverty is certainty a challenge as dealing with the heart rendering poverty is at times part of “counting the cost” one must face in order to remain joyful in such an assignment. I enjoyed several days in the ministry and saw serious poverty while I also saw every material thing we have in the States from other bible students. Ironically, unlike the States though there seems to be more contentment with far less and that mind set encourages the friends to be content with less. Challenges- Economic, Weather, Prejudice

Brother Walker shared an insight I feel important to pass along. Years of experience has taught him that when one wants to serve where the need is great there are 3 factors to consider; 1. Economic challenges in either making a living and/or poverty of the people, 2. Extreme weather conditions and 3. Prejudice from the territory or toward the area. He explained that one, two or three conditions are always present and make “need greater territories” less than perfect circumstances to serve in. With that insight it became clear why anyone considering this life needs to have a “missionary mindset” because this isn’t resort living. But the blessings of going outside a comfort zone bring joys, experiences and privileges that far outshine the challenges.

A Sacrifice Isn’t a Sacrifice Unless It’s A Sacrifice

A BIG sacrifice I admire in the friends here is these are parents and grandparents with families they love. Serving in Mexico is an immense sacrifice for them however, many looked at the positive and said they have a great place for their family to visit, and they too visit the U.S. for extended stays. One example is the Walkers who have 14 grandchildren (right) and live on a fixed income. Cindy says, “We make trips to see the grandkids and they come and stay with us too so we keep in their lives.”

Depending on the area you choose to live friends give up conveniences like name brand shopping malls, and Mexico doesn’t offer cheddar cheese. If these are things you don’t want to give up friends bring back with them from excursions to the States

items they can’t replace.

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What Are The Differences of Life In Mexico?

To sum it up I could say most everything is different but really it’s not as different as one may feel it is as you can find national U.S. chain stores for example. As for structure Mexico like the U.S. has states, Mexico has 37 ( a great way to get to know them is to go to www.visitmexico.com a wonderful site with videos on every state. In 2 hours you’ll come to appreciate the culture and the diversity which are amazing!!) Mexico has every climate zone and its size is three times that of Texas. Mexico offers something for everyone. There are paved roads (not many interstates but what’s the hurry this is Mexico!) Because of the drug war there are Mexican Army check points and the lines are long but the check process is easy. Crossing the border by car is easy though the wait is long and one needs only a valid driver’s license (I was proven this by a U.S. agent who wouldn’t accept my passport but accepted my driver’s license! Go figure.) The currency is the peso and the conversion last month was 12 to 1. So a gal of gas in MO was 3.40 there it was 300 peso’s or like $2.50 a gal (if my math is correct.) Food is in most instances less expense, some instances like fresh fruit and vegetables a lot less expensive and available year round. Friends say they live in Mexico comfortably on 60% of what it would in the States but they have the freedom to serve without the stress of the higher cost of living. (Savings depends on factors such as the part of the U.S. you come from, the standard of living you seek to live in Mexico.) Mexican people are very enterprising as man have small business out of their homes like food stands, (including the drive by tamale wagon best tamales I ever had for 1.00!!) daycare, tires, second hand clothes, etc. Driving in Mexico is similar to the U.S. except one difference; stop signs are more like slow signs. I would say it’s hard to acclimate once you get used to it when coming back to the States and driving.

One of the many things that make Mexico unique is the history and the culture. Mexico’s first inhabitants were amazing people who built empires thousands of years ago and these stone edifices tell their story. Spaniards 600 years ago replicated what they left in their homeland, European elegance.

As for service it very different, here because for many areas its not what we do in door to door service but is instead gate to gate, fence to fence, as homes have a fence where one does not enter instead the householder comes

to the gate (takes time) so service like many things here is a much slower pace for sure which is different and the friends use a rock, a coin or a key to cause a noise on the metal fence or gate in order to get the householders attention. Because of the many influences in Mexico each left a footprint of native dress that varies greatly by region which is why there is so much cultural diversity in traditional Mexican dress.

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If You’re Considering a Life Where the Need is Greater Here’s Some Tips;

1. Make it a matter of earnest prayer 2. Research Watchtower CD Rom 3. Talk with your local Elders 4. For Mexico write the Branch with the area of interest to [email protected] 5. “Spy out the land” for yourself not as a vacation but to work with local congregation for a time 6. Speak to other friends serving in the field 7. Please Note; Need Greaters Circumstances Don’t Include; Spiritual, Emotional, Financial or Family Problems. (Congregations need workers not problems. If current circumstances prevent you from expanding your ministry pray earnestly and work diligently toward resolving these circumstances.) 8. Experienced publishers are desperately needed 9. Pioneers/Publishers with a missionary spirit are needed 10. Brothers serving are desperately needed!

This Experience Taught Me 3 F’s………Fear…….Foolishness…….Faith

Though we have Fear of the unknown Faith conquers Fear because Faith (like love) casts Fear outside (1 John 3:18) Though we are imperfect Faith provides Godly wisdom to protect us from Foolish decisions and risks. (Proverbs 2:10) In Closing

Know this beloved friends and family, if going where the need is greater isn’t attainable at this time with your current circumstances know for a certainty there’s no less dedication in serving Jehovah whole souled where we are. And the next time a friend or family member says they’re considering a trip to “spy out the land” or move where the need is great just remember, have faith and pray Jehovah bless the faith they show. (Hebrews 6:10, 2 Timothy 4:22) Christian Love to You All, Kari Gray [email protected] 417.312.4305 PS- Feel free to share this with any who would enjoy reading it (please excuse the errors) thank you.

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