#SPSHOU The Value of Tribal Knowledge and Strategies to Increase Adoption

The Value of Tribal Knowledge and Strategies to Increase Adoption

Transcript of #SPSHOU The Value of Tribal Knowledge and Strategies to Increase Adoption

The Value of Tribal Knowledge and Strategies to Increase Adoption

The world has become a giant network




Your customers expect more.

Yet, we continue to work like we always have

As a result,

companies are being disrupted.

Today I Learned

• Assess my organization’s social maturity

• Effectively Work Out Loud

• Enable business value without being disruptive

My name is…Challenging the status quo

Kanwal KhippleFounder, Principal Consultant

Creative Lead World’s 1st Office 365 based intranet and award winner

(Nielson Norman 2014).


You’ll love the way we work. Together.

User Experience

Business Strategy

Technology Architecture

Welcome to SharePoint Saturday Houston

• Please turn off all electronic devices or set them to vibrate

• If you must take a phone call, please do so in the hall so as not to disturb others

• Special thanks to our Title Sponsor, ProSymmetry

Thank you for being a part of the 5th Annual SharePoint Saturday for the greater Houston area!

Thanks to all our Sponsors!

Share is the new save

Social MaturityCrawl. Walk. Run.

Evolution of Social Mediums

Work like a network?

• Awareness and embracing a new approach

• Social doesn’t equal slacking

• Open doesn’t equal insecure

• Publish then perfect

• Authoritative content is not the only kind that offers value

Don’t over think social

Diffusion of “Social” Innovations

Maturity Model

How does your organization rank?

No ProcessInformal Process,

Randomly PerformedFormal Process,

Routinely Performed

Define and measure social metrics 1 3 5

Define objectives aligned with target audiences and social metrics

1 3 5

Create a social engagement strategy with a tactical plan of action

1 3 5

Select processes that fit social platform architecture and tactics

1 3 5

Social Maturity Rank Trial Phase 4-6 Transition Phase: 8-16 Strategic Phase: 18-20

The point is to extract learning FROM work, not impose more work

Adoption Model

• Baseline - define where you are currently and objectives for improvements

• Plan a Pilot - prioritize social capabilities and define training, pilot and standards

• Training & Piloting - introduce non-disruptive social capabilities with greatest potential value

• Launch and Drive Success – communicate effectively on purpose and value

• Adapt and Iterate - collect metrics, tweak processes as required and integrate into how you operate

• Employee Connectedness

• Culture Initiatives

• Sharing Industry Articles &


• Replace Meetings

• Team & Department FAQ Sharing

• Employee Recognition

• Streamlining Any Business-Related

Function or Task

• Co-Authoring Content

• Sharing Best Practices

If what you’re doing isn’t worth sharing, then why are you doing it?

“Social Enterprise is implemented 80% through organization culture and 20% through technology.”

- Gartner, September 2012

Transforming Culture + Deploying Technology


Work Out LoudLoud. LOUDer. LOUDER.

Social communities leverage an increasingly expensive asset – people – by allowing them to work out loud, connect with more people, establish trust, and find relevant information and solutions more quickly.

Rachel Happe

Which Communities, When?

When to Work Out Loud

Be your Organization’s Intraprenuer

Yammer & Your OrganizationTips for every organization

How to earn success

Why Yammer?

• One application for global communications.

• Best solution to build our social business & improve business agility.

• Quick to implement.

Tips to increase adoption?

• Used Yammer’s ‘Quick Launch’ plan.

• Executive and HR buy in.

• Yambassadors Team in every office.

• Made it easy to reach for help.

• Made it fun!

What does success look like?

• Gave us the business agility & social business we needed.

• Has become imbedded into business.

• Continuous quarterly health checks.

• Helped with our company culture.

• Part of our normal work life.

Enable Business ValueGO where the community is.

Culture Move from Command and Control to

Network: Open, Fluid, Fast

Listento conversations

that matter

Adaptand make smarter




Work like a network.

Come For The Content, Stay For The Community



improvement in project collaboration


of business leaders agree that internal social tools stimulate innovation

93%Red River, 2013Inside Communication, 2012


more visibility into other departments and office locations

76%Yammer, 2013

Deciding Factor for ESN?

Impact of ESN?

Ways to Drive Business Value

1. Encourage Sharing

2. Capture Knowledge

3. Lunch and Learns

4. Yambassadors

5. Praise an employee

6. Enable Action

7. Empower Employees

8. Post an idea and ask for feedback

9. Start a group

Moving your Exchange DLs to Yammer

Arguments to stay away from Yammer

• There is no offline access / offline archive to Yammer

• It is easier to follow an email DL thread than using the browser

• Yammer does not have a good notifier

• We cannot attach pictures and other data like in a classical E-Mail message

• It’s hard to find something or stay up to date

• Too much noise in Yammer

• Only single account support in Yammer

Yammer Tips

• Adjust email notification settings• Treat Yammer as your new Distribution List• Each Yammer group has an E-Mail address• Use the Yammer mobile Apps• Reply to a Yammer thread via E-Mail• Search, filter and organize information relevant for you• Use Topics• Look into the “More” Link• Don’t get lost in threads use your Yammer Inbox• Don’t fight it – use it

If everyone in the team narrated their work openly, we wouldn’t need any meetings to assess project status and we would gain a lot of time.

Jerden Sangers

Groups Groups NetworkPeople

Enable teams to self-organize, focus and collaborate more efficiently

Quantify Engaged MembersTIP

Analyze the number of engaged

members vs. total members.

An engaged member has:

Sent a private message, started a

thread, replied to a thread, liked or

shared a conversation.

Viewed a full conversation, or clicked

to expand a post.

Understand Message VolumeTIP

Analyze the number of messages

posted in a group vs. in a private


Measure the number of monthly

messages posted in the past 6


Analyze Group ActivityTIP

Review the percentage of active

groups on the network.

If a particular group is popular, invite

the group admins to share their best

practices for keeping a group active.

Quantify File SharingTIP

View the total number of files that

have been uploaded to the network

over time.

If files usage is low, organize a

training session on collaboration best


Understand Notes UsageTIP

Analyze the number of notes that

have been created over time and the

number of unique note edits and


If notes usage is low, organize a

training session on collaboration best


Analytics Overview


Getting Started

• Take a snapshot to measure results over time

• Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days

Best Practices

• Work with your Community Manager to decide network analytics strategy

• Use this view to see if there is consistent growth

Questions to Ask

1. Are messages being posted by a few people in your network?

2. How can you get additional member active and involved?

3. With the growth, what additional actions are needed?

Engaged Members


Getting Started

• Toggle the results between 7 or 28 days

• Engaged users have taken an action* in Yammer

Best Practices

• Use this view to see how many total members are in the network

• Engagement varies because of organizational uses of Yammer

Questions to Ask

1. How are new members joining the network?

2. What could be done to increase the level of engagement?

* An action means the member has posted, replied to, Liked or Shared a conversation or Private Message, viewed a full conversation, or clicked to expand a post.

Today I Learned

• Where my company is in their social maturity

• How to effectively Work Out Loud

• I can enable business value without being disruptive

Got Yammer! Now what?

• Yammer Training program (4 weeks)• Week 1 – Microsoft Social Platform

• Week 2 – Your Social Journey

• Week 3 – Understanding Social features

• Week 4 – Getting started with Enterprise Social

• Portal Launch Assistance program (4 weeks)• Week 1 – motivate and engage the existing community

• Week 2 – recruit and engage new employees

• Week 3 – showcase the organization, network and people

• Week 4 – discuss what matters

Yammer Feature Cheat Sheet

Please Leave Feedback During Q&A

Please submit your feedback by going to or by scanning QR code


Collect• Speaker presentation slides should be available from the

SPSHOU website within a week or so

• The Houston SharePoint User Group will be having it’s next meeting Wednesday April 15th. Please join us at www.h-spug.org

Cultivate relationshipsAs in any good relationship, your followers require care andattention. Follow the five-step adoption model in thispresentation to deliver high-quality content that addressesmember needs and you‘ll not only grow your community,but also forge bonds and foster honest conversations withpotential customers.

Thanks for listening, and happy posting!

Thank You

Kanwal [email protected] 416-888-7777