Spring/Summer 2014 Activity Brochure




Transcript of Spring/Summer 2014 Activity Brochure

parks & recreation

Spring Summer 2014

Creating Community through people, parks and programs


RegistRation Begins

MaRch 31st

camp Registration Form is on Website


taBLe oF contentsstaff lists/Contact information ............................1yorktown supervisor letter ................................1registration/refund & important information ........2special events ....................................................3town parades ................................................. 3-4Vacation Camps ................................................4pre school programs ....................................... 4-7youth – teen programs .................................. 7-11adult programs / adult sport leagues ......... 11-16

senior Citizen programs ............................ 16-18golf and tennis .......................................... 18-19youth speciality Camps .............................. 19-26day Camp program .................................... 26-28aquatic programs ....................................... 28-29pool/Beach/permit/pass information ............ 29-30Cooperating agencies ............................... 31-32program registration Form ...............................32Facilities map and description ........................33

YoRktoWn PaRks & RecReationPhone: 245-4650 • Fax: 245-1608

E-Mail: [email protected]/parksandrecreation

Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30am to 4:30pmProgram Registration Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am to 4:00pm

Pool Pass ID Hours: See page 30

nothing kills a good program QuiCker than Waiting until the last minute to register For it! registering at the last minute may mean that the program has already Been Filled or

CanCelled due to laCk oF enrollment.


The Town of Yorktown gratefully acknowledges the cooperation extended by the Yorktown Central School District No.2, the Lakeland Central School District and the Yorktown Community and Cultural Center with regard to the use of their facilities for programs.

YOU SNOOZE - YOU LOSENEED A FACILITY?We’ve got you covered inside and out!

Call the parks & recreation department for information on rental of:

* Downing Park Pavilion ** Sparkle Lake House *

* Pool Parties *

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camp Registration Form is on Website


Letter from the Town Supervisor dear yorktowners:i don’t know about you, but this cold weather has me craving the heat of the summer. thank goodnesstheParksandRecreationDepartmentisworkinghardtoprovideaterrificscheduleofeventsandexcitingactivitiestokeepusbusyhereathomeforthenextfewmonths.We kick off the season at downing park with our annual egg hunt and on page three you will finddetailsforParades,CommunityDay,theFishingDerby,ScreeningundertheStars,andthespectacularSummerConcertSeriesthatisexpectedtosizzlethisyear.there are so many new activities to share with you including rock Band, a spring break soccer clinic, Cross Fit for teens, and Cake decorating. how about trying an acting class? improvisation will providethebasicsandhopefullyinspireyoutobecomethenextGeorgeClooney. this spring marks the grand opening of the sylvan glen paw park. the park’s unique design nestled in the beautiful preserve of sylvan glen offers dogs their own place in yorktown to socialize, exercise,andenjoytheoutdoors. so much is in store for our community this season. look through the brochure carefully and you aresuretofindsomethingnew,fun,andsensationalthissummer.

michael grace & Brian grayTown Supervisor Superintendent Parks & Recreation Department

toWn oF YoRktoWnBoaRD MeMBeRs

michael grace – Town Supervisor

BoaRD MeMBeRs nicholas Bianco terrence p. murphy Vishnu patel

RecReation coMMission diana l. Quast, Chairperson al avitabile, Vice Chairperson patrick Cumiskey Joseph a. Falcone James martorano, Jr. patricia Caporale James F. hackett david paganelli – Liaison stuart Wadler

PaRks & RecReation staFF

Brian gray ...................... Superintendent Barry gelbman ...........Parks Foreman todd orlowski, Cprp ..... Assistant Superintendent dominic monopoli ....Assistant Parks Foreman erin riedel ………….… . Recreation Supervisor stephen melillo ..........Maintenance Mechanic Jessica Bambach............. Senior Office Assistant guido parks ................Maintenance Mechanic anita hecker .................. Office Assistant michael hoek ............HMEO lesley Benedusi ............. Recreation Assistant Vincent haight ...........Tree Trimmer/MEO eric hollberg ..............Park Groundskeeper rich Williams .............Park Groundskeeper al pisano ... ...............Maintenance Mechanic-Pool andrew Cerrato ..........Maintenance Mechanic-Pool peter goldberg ...........Laborer scott Ferreira ..............Laborer


RegistRation anD iMPoRtant inFoRMation

• REGISTER EARLY!!! Most programs have limited enrollments. Besides not getting into the program, nothing cancels programs more than waiting until the last minute to register as classes may be cancelled due to poor enrollment. It is recommended that your registration form and fee be received two weeks prior to the start of the program.

• Programs with insufficient registration will be cancelled three (3) business days prior to the program starting date.

• REGISTRATION HOURS: Monday - Friday from 8:30 am to 4:00pm.

REGISTRATION WILL BEGIN ON March 31, 2014 any registration received by mail prior to march 31will be considered part of that day’s mail.please note that this could result in a particular program beingfilledpriortoyourapplicationbeingprocessed.

• unless otherwise noted in the individual program descriptions, registration will be taken in person at the yorktown parks and RecreationOfficeorbymailingacompletedregistrationformand correct fee to:

Yorktown Parks and Recreation Department176 Granite Springs Road

Yorktown Heights, NY 10598• Please Note: Pool registrations CANNOT BE MAILED. See

Pool sections for details.• under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to participate

in any of the programs unless he/she first registers with the yorktown parks and recreation department and pays the appropriate fee. registration will not be taken at the class by instructors.

• incomplete registrations will not be processed. • Checks or money orders are to be made payable to the: town of

yorktown parks and recreation department.• discover, master Card & Visa credit cards accepted. Convenience

fees apply.• the department may use photos taken during event programs unlessotherwisenotifiedinwriting.

RESIDENCY:• Aresidentisdefinedasonewhoresides within the town limits at anaddressthatpaysYorktownTowntaxes.

NON-RESIDENTS:• if space is available in a program two (2) weeks prior to start of

that program, non-residents will be allowed to register by paying a 20% surcharge. For non-fee programs, a $10.00 charge will be assessed unless stated otherwise.

NEW RESIDENTS AND NEW REGISTRANTS:• if you have moved into the town of yorktown within the last

year and/or have never registered for a program, PROOF OF RESIDENCY is required when registering. all mail-in and walk-in registrations must be accompanied by a driver’s license along with a currentutilitybill,property insurancecertificate,mortgage statement, or closing papers. renters must show their rental agreement.

SENIOR CITIZENS:• Senior Citizens are defined as permanentYorktown residents

ages 60 and over.

RETURNED CHECKS:• a $20.00 service charge will be assessed for all checks returned

to the recreation department. returned checks cannot be redeposited. Cash or money order will be required to replace the returned check and service charge.

• after three (3) returned checks from a household, all future payments must be made in cash.

INSURANCE:• the town of yorktown maintains a standard liability insurance policy that does not cover medical costs for anyone injuredduring the normal course of participation in any recreation department program or facility. all persons participate at their own risk.

CANCELLATIONS:• information concerning weather related cancellations will be put onouransweringmachine(914-245-4650ext2)after4:30pm.

• PLEASE NOTE: if public schools are closed, yorktown recreation programs held in school facilities will also be cancelled. Check with department for all other cancellations.

REFUNDS/CREDITS: Will be given only under the following conditions:• Afullrefund/creditwillbegiveniftheprogramiscancelledby

the parks and recreation department prior to the program starting.• Allrefund/creditrequestsstatingthereasonfortherefund/credit

must be made in writing, by the halfway point of the program, to the superintendent of parks & recreation for consideration. If a refund/credit is granted, it will be pro-rated on the date the request is received.

• Refundsof$10.00orlesswillbemaintainedasacredit to the participant’s account.

•Norefund/creditwillbeconsideredonceaprogramishalfover.• A $20.00 processing fee for all approved refunds will be as-

sessed, except for programs cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Department.

• A $10.00 processing fee for all approved credits will be as-sessed, except for programs cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Department.

• Ifaparticipantbecomesillorinjuredforanextendedperiodoftime, a full or pro-rated refund/credit (less processing fee) will be made based on the date the written request is received. a doctor’s medicalnote(nofaxes,e-mailsorcopies)mustaccompanytherequest, and the request must be made prior to the end of the program.

• Refunds/Credits will not be given for scheduling conflicts.

DAY CAMP/EXTENDED DAY CAMP REFUND POLICY:• RefundrequestsreceivedbyMay2ndwillbeissuedfor90%of

the fee.• RefundrequestsreceivedbetweenMay3rdandMay30thwillbe

issued for 50 % of the fee.• RefundrequestsreceivedonorafterMay31stwill not be issued.• A$20.00processingfeewillbeassessedforallapprovedrefunds.• A$10.00processingfeewillbeassessedforallapprovedcredits.

TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE CAMP REFUND POLICY: no refunds will be issued due to the nature of the camps and the need to purchase tickets/admission in advance.

town of yorktown parks and recreation facilities are accessible to the physically disabled. any disabled resident needing special as-sistance should call the recreation department.

Watch for our 2014/2015 Fall/Winter Brochure to be mailed in August.


sPeciaL eVentsDecoRateD egg contest Children grades k through 5th can decorate a paper egg provided by the recreation department. this paper egg form must be used by the participant and will be available online and at the RecreationOffice beginning inMarch. EntriesmaybemailedorbroughttotheRecreationOfficebyFriday,april 4th. place ribbons will be awarded by age group and handed out at the easter egg hunt.

easteR egg hUnt Co-sponsored with the yorktown lions Club Children 12 years old and under will participate in Jelly Bean guess, have their picture taken with theEasterBunnyandothercharacters,andenjoyhuntingforcolored eggs. prizes will be provided to all participants, with specialprizesforthefindersofthespecialeggs.Date: saturday, april 12 (rain date: april 19)Time: 10:30am Location: downing parkFee: no charge

aRBoR DaYplant, nurture, and celebrate trees this year! arbor day recognizes the care for trees, roadside beautification, and environmental stewardshipacross the country. Join us here in yorktown to celebrate. Date: Friday, april 25 Time: 4:00pm Location: patriot garden

Fishing DeRBY program no: 281201-Aeligibility: Children ages 5 to 14. Children under 9 years old must be accompanied by an adult.Abouttheprogram:AwardCertificateswillbe given out for various categories. participants mustsupplytheirowndropline/fishingpoleandhooks. Bait is available from the recreation department. LearnorbrushuponfishingskillswithourFishingLessonprogram. see page 10 for details. Date: saturday, may 10 Time: 10:00am-1:00pm Location: sparkle lake (rain date: may 11)Fee: resident: $5.00 nonresident: $10.00

aMeRican canceR societY-ReLaY FoR LiFe oF YoRktoWn relay For life is an overnight event, that celebrates the victories of cancer survivors, remembers those who were lost to cancer andseesacommunityfightbacktogetheragainst cancer. Date: Fri.-sat., June 13-14Location: John “Jack” de Vito track and Field. to register and for more information go to relayforlife.org/yorktownny

YoRktoWn coMMUnitY DaYCo-sponsored by the alliance for safe kidsthe 25th annual Community day will feature the taste of yorktown and showcase local merchants, organizations and community group achievements. the day will also include entertainment, activities and games for all ages. help kick off the summer! For more information, please contact ask at (914) 736-1450 or [email protected]: saturday. June 7 Time: 11:00am-4:00pmLocation: yCCC Jack deVito memorial Field

scReening UnDeR the staRs: YoRktoWn’s oUtDooR MoVie night! mark the following date on your summer calendar: Thursday, July 17. the town of yorktown will host its annual outdoor movie at the John “Jack” deVito gazebo. thanks once again to our sponsors.

sUMMeR conceRt seRiesentering its 20th year, the yorktown lions Club and the yorktown parks and recreation department will host a fabu-lous line-up of summer performers as part of the annual summer concert series. Day: sundaysDate(s): June 29, July 13, July 27, august 10, august 24, and september 7 Time: 6:00pm Location: yCCCFee: no chargeWeather: if raining, concert will be held at the yorktown stage theatre

DiscoUnt ticket PRogRaMin cooperation with the new york state Recreation and Park Society, enjoy discounted ticketsto various amusement parks in new york, new Jersey, massachusetts and pennsylvania by purchasing tickets directly from our RecreationOffice.Visit the Recreationdepartment Website (www.yorktownny.org) or call the recreation department for further information @ 245-4650. the last date for ticket sales will be August 15, 2014.

toWn PaRaDesMeMoRiaL DaY PaRaDesponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the american legion, and the town of yorktownDate: Sunday, May 25 11:00 am – service at memorials located at town hall11:15 am – parade – speeches and ceremony at John “Jack” deVito gazebo located at the yorktown Community and Cultural Center


YoRktoWn heights engineco.#1 FiRe DePaRtMent PaRaDethe carnival will commence immediately after the parade onJune25andrunthroughJune29.Enjoythisfamilyeventfilledwithrides,gamesandplentyoffood!

Wednesday June 25 7:00 pm Yorktown Hts. FD

gRange antiQUe tRactoR & VehicLe PaRaDe sponsored by: yorktown grange tractor ClubSaturday September 6 12:00pm the parade route will begin on Veterans road and end at the grange Fairgrounds. open to all tractors and antique vehicles. entries may contact: [email protected]

Vacation caMPsMaD science-clues, crimes & chem Week mad science staffprogram no: 227101-A, B, Cabout the program: AM Session: secret agent lab- step into the shoes of a detective and uncover the science involved in evidence gathering and analysis. you will probe the science of tracking as you stamp out a scenario on a case card accordingtoapre-determinedstory.Thiscampisfullofcooltakehomeprojectsthatwillbringoutthesecretagentinyou! PM Session: Crazy Chemworks- Come and spark imagination learning with a week of mad chemistry. Watch as we combineelementsandmakethemfizz,crackleandchangecolor!We’lldelveintomoleculesandchemicalreactionsthatproduce light, gas and even slime! Full day session campers must bring lunch. eligibility: grades 1 – 5Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 4/14-4/18 9:00-12:00pm sparkle lake Building B: monday-Friday 4/14-4/18 12:30-3:30pm sparkle lake Building C: monday-Friday 4/14-4/18 9:00-3:30pm sparkle lake Building Fee: resident: $210.00 (half day) $300 (Full day) nonresident: $252.00 (half day) $360 (Full day)

BoYs’ & giRLs’ socceR cLinic transylvania gym & soccer staffprogram no: 271902-AAbouttheprogram:Lessonplansarebasedonthefourmajorcomponentsofthegameofsoccer:Technique/Skills,Tactics& strategy, Fitness and psychology. technique includes ball control, receiving/trapping, passing the ball, dribbling, shielding,shooting,andheading.Fundamentals/individualexerciseswiththeballaswellasscrimmageswillbeplayed.Playerswillbeexposedtoallareasofgroupandteamplay,bothattackinganddefense.FunctionalTacticalTrainingisthe plan for players ages 11 – 14. goalkeeper school: this program will combine technical and tactical training and the latestinagilityandexercises.Eligibility: BoysandGirlsages 5 to 16.Day: Date: Time: Location:monday-thursday 4/14-4/17 9:00-12noon yCCC Field (rain date: 4/18)Fee: resident: $100.00 per program (includes camp t-shirt & soccer ball) nonresident: $120.00 per program

PRe-schooL PRogRaMs BoRn to PLaY BaLL Frozen ropes, instructorprogram no. 222411-A, B (6 classes)about the program: For ages 3 to 5. Join the elite coaches from Frozen ropes who will teach the proper techniques forthrowing,hittingandfieldinginanon-competitivesessionwithadditionalemphasisongrouprulesandteammateinteraction! all players will learn the dynamics of the baseball diamond and the primary rules of playing organized baseball and softball in the years to come.Day: Date: Time Location:A: mondays 4/21-6/2 12:30 -1:15pm legacy Baseball FieldB: mondays 4/21-6/2 1:30-2:15pm legacy Baseball Field (no class may 26)Fee: resident: $95.00 nonresident: $114.00


ZUM-kiDs leapsmart, instructorprogram no. 222102-A (8 classes)about the program: For ages 3 to 5.Anexcitingwaytoexercisewhilehelpingchildrendevelopcoordination,stamina, balance, discipline, memory, creativity and team work! each class combines great music, challenging routines and lots of energy. Children will love learning a new routine each class and the music is multicultural and100%kidfriendly!Withthisfunfilledprogramchildrenwilljump,stepandboogietogetherwiththeirfriends!Day: Date: Time: Location:mondays 4/21-6/16 1:00-1:45pm sparkle lake Building (no class may 26)Fee: resident: $105.00 nonresident: $126.00

cReatiVe MoVeMent leapsmart, instructorprogram no. 222101-A (8 classes)about the program: For ages 3 to 5. With a variety of music and props each creative movement program is ajoyfulexperience.YourLeapSmartteacherwillguidechildrenonajourneythatinspirestheirimaginationsandchannelstheirenergyinaproductiveway.Withnewandexcitingthemeseachday,childrenwillfocuson problem solving, teamwork, body awareness, balance, stretching and creativity.Day: Date: Time: Location:mondays 4/21-6/16 1:45-2:30pm sparkle lake Building (no class may 26)Fee: resident: $105.00 nonresident: $126.00

2 MUch FUn Club Fit, instructorprogram no. 222201-A, B (8/10 classes)about the program: For ages 2 to 5. this 2 hour program introduces your child to arts & crafts, music and movement, reading, spanish and, of course, free play!Day: Date: Time Location:A: mondays 4/28-6/23 9:45-11:45am Club Fit Jefferson Valley (no class may 26)B: tuesdays 4/22-6/24 9:45-11:45am Club Fit Jefferson ValleyFee: a: resident: $256.00 nonresident: $307.20 B: resident: $320.00 nonresident: $384.00

cRossFit tots CrossFit staff, instructorprogram no: 223101-A, B (8 classes)about the program: For ages 4 to 5.It’snevertooearlytoteachchildrenabouttheimportanceofphysicalfitness.ChildrenwillparticipateinvariousWOD’sdesignedespeciallyforthem.Fastpacedandfun!Running,jumping,push ups, pull ups, squats, and core strengthening. CrossFit yorktown is located at 1404 east main street in shrub oak.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: mondays 5/5-6/30 11:00-11:25am CrossFit yorktown

(no class 5/26)B: Wednesdays 5/7-6/25 11:00-11:45am CrossFit yorktown Fee: resident: $99.00 nonresident: $118.80

socceR sQUiRts PaRent anD Me u.s. sports institute, instructorprogram no: 225515-A, B (8 classes) about the program: soccer squirts classes are a fun and positive introduction to soccer ages 2 and 3. With a parent or guardian participating by their side, kids will have fun learning the fundamental skills of soccer through a program of structuredactivities,funbasedgamesandscrimmages.Eachsessionwillfocusonmaximizingparticipationandlearningthroughavarietyoffungamesdesignedtostimulateachild’simaginationanddevelopmotorskills.Thisisanexcellentopportunity to spend quality time easing your child into social situations with support and direction from our coaches. Day: Date: Time: Location:A: tuesdays 4/22-6/10 10:00-10:45am legacy Field (no class may 24)B: saturdays 4/26-6/21 3:15-4:00pm hunterbrook FieldFee: resident: $110.00 nonresident: $132.00


totaL sPoRts sQUiRts PaRent anD Me u.s. sports institute, instructorprogram no: 222502-A (8 classes) about the program: this program introduces children aged 2-3 years to a new sport in each session, with a helping hand fromMomorDad!Childrenhavetheopportunitytotrylacrosse,soccer,basketball,t-ball,floorhockey,parachutegamesandmoreinasafeandstructuredenvironment.TheTotalSportsSquirtsprogramisidealforanychildjuststartingoutinthe world of sport. as with all squirts programs, the emphasis is on safety, fun and learning. Day: Date: Time: Location:tuesdays 4/22-6/10 10:45-11:30am legacy FieldFee: resident: $110.00 nonresident: $132.00

totaL sPoRts sQUiRts u.s. sports institute, instructorprogram no: 222501-A, B (8 classes) about the program: this program introduces children aged 3 to 5 to a variety of sports such as soccer, basketball, lacrosse, hockey and t-Ball. all classes will take place in a safe, structured environment which is sure to encourage learning and skill development. games and drills are designed to capture each child’s imagination. all activities promote hand-eye coordination, movement, balance and most importantly Fun, Fun, Fun!Day: Date: Time: Location:A: tuesdays 4/22-6/10 3:30-4:30pm legacy BaseballB: saturdays 4/26-6/21 2:00-3:00pm hunterbrook Field (no class may 24)Fee: resident: $150.00 nonresident: $180.00

toDDLeR tiMe risa d’amaso, instructorprogram no: 221101-A (8 classes)about the program: Join the fun! meet new friends and playmates. Children ages 1 to 3 years and their parents/caregivers willenjoyavarietyofactivitiesincludingartsandcrafts,storiesandfreeplay.Paints,glue,etc.willbeusedduringclasstime.please wear appropriate clothing. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Day Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 10:00-10:45am sparkle lake Building Fee: resident: $75.00 nonresident: $90.00

itaLian LangUage cLasses FoR tots Carolina didomenico, instructorprogram no: 221204-A, B (8 classes)about the program: italian through music, art, stories and dance – all directed in italian. For ages 1 - 5 ComejointhroughaculturalexplosioninItaliandesignedtoengagechildrenthroughalltheirsenses.Thisisadropoffclassforages 3-5, but we have a gentle approach to separation. if the child is not ready, parents sit in the room as needed.Day Date: Time: Location:A: Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 1:00-1:45pm (ages 1-3) yCCC, room 104 B: Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 2:00-2:45pm (ages 3-5) yCCC, room 104 Fee: resident: $170.00 nonresident: $204.00

Pee Wee LacRosse solaris sports Club, instructorprogram no: 225504-A (6 classes) about the program: For ages 3 to 5.Thissix-weekinstructionalclinic isopentoboysandgirlsandwillbespecificallydesigned for the young ones. Coach gail lozado will focus on throwing, catching and cradling and scooping. no contact will be made. We will provide each player with a stick. Day: Date: Time: Location:A: thursdays 4/24-5/29 9:30-10:15am solaris sports ClubFee: resident: $95.00 nonresident: $114.00

tae kWon Do tots LornaGroux,BlackBeltInstructorprogram no: 222401-A, B, C, D (8 classes)about the program: For children ages 2 to 5 years.Thisclassprovidesanexcellentopportunitytolearnbasics of tae kwon do, including defense, offense, punches, kicking, blocking and stances. tae kwon do also helps develop self assurance in shy children, teaches concentration and discipline, and teaches children how to interact with others, calming the aggressive child and instructing in self-defense. parental participation encouraged. philam self-defense at 1761 Front street in yorktown.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: thursdays 4/24-6/12 10:00-10:50am philam-self defenseB: thursdays 4/24-6/12 11:00-11:50am


C: thursdays 4/24-6/12 12:30-1:20pmD: thursdays 4/24-6/12 1:30-2:20pm Fee: resident: $75.00 nonresident: $90.00

BUiLD, LeaRn & PLaY Bricks 4 kidz staff, instructorprogram no: 221201-A, B (6/8 classes)about the program: By following step by step directions, preschoolers ages 3 to 5 gain greater awareness of the world around them as each week they build fun simple sculptures based on the aBC’s. the lessons teach and practice essential preschool skills, like letter recognition and sound, patterning, counting, and colors. they developtheirfinemotorskills,learnpositionalanddirectionalwordsandsustainattentionfortaskcompletion.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: thursdays 5/8-6/12 10:00-10:45am sparkle service BuildingB: thursdays 4/24-6/12 1:00-1:45pm sparkle service BuildingFee: a: resident: $100.00 nonresident: $120.00 B: resident: $130.00 nonresident: $156.00

socceR sQUiRts u. s. sports institute, instructorprogram no: 225503-A, B (8 classes)about the program: This programprovides an introduction to thebeautiful game, in a funfilled, safe environment forchildren aged 3-5. soccer squirts is designed to develop motor skills, balance and coordination within a low pressure social environment. the schedule includes a range of games based upon, short passing, dribbling, turning and of course shooting. as well as not forgetting the most important aspect… Fun, Fun, Fun!Day: Date: Time: Location:A: Fridays 4/25-6/13 3:30-4:30pm legacy turf FieldB: saturdays 4/26-6/21 4:00-5:00pm hunterbrook Field (no class may 24)Fee: resident: $150.00 nonresident: $180.00

LeaP into LangUage hillary rosenberg, m.s. CCC-slp, instructorprogram no: 221203-A (8 classes)about the program: this program is for parents and toddlers 18 months – 3 years designed to teach techniques that help stimulate early speech and language abilities. Classes incorporate a “focused stimulation” approach to theme-based stories and play activities, all structured to promote healthy development. parents will be educated in many areas of early speech and language development and provided with idea and activities that they can incorporate into their everyday routines. the goal of the program are to increase early communication skills, promote academic readiness and reduce risks for language-learningdifficulties.Day: Date: Time: Location:Fridays 4/25-6/13 10:00-10:45am sparkle lake BuildingFee: resident: $150.00 nonresident: $180.00

YoUth anD teen PRogRaMstae kWon Do FoR kiDs LornaGroux,BlackBeltInstructorprogram no: 222412-A (8 classes)about the program: For grades K to 1. tae kwon do is a martial art form which uses leg kicks and punches as its predominant weapons. this class will introduce the students to tae kwon do and will consist of learning forms, breaking boards and sparringwithoutcontact.Studentswilldevelopself-disciplineandconfidenceaswellasathleticism.PHILAMSelf-Defenseat 1761 Front street in yorktown.Day: Date: Time: Location:mondays 4/21-6/16 4:00-5:00pm philam-self defense (no session may 26)Fee: resident: $95.00 nonresident: $114.00

coMe PLaY Yoga katherine Bradshaw, instructorprogram no: 222203 -A, B (8 classes)about the program: Grades 2-5: yoga is a wonderful tool enhancing concentration, focus, and discipline in and out of the classroom.Thepracticehelpsbuildawarenessof thebody-mindconnection.Letyourchildrelax,unwind,andbreathedeeply while having fun with peers. Come get strong, learn fun yoga games, and get on your namaste! please bring a yoga


mat. Grades 6-9:Unplugandcomedevelopapracticeofmindfulawareness throughyogaposes,deeprelaxation,andbreathwork.Thisclasswillenhanceflexibility,balance, strength,andposture throughalignment. Preventathleticandregularlifeinjuriesthroughsynergisticmuscletraining.Alllevelsoffitnessandabilitieswelcome.Nojudgments.Pleasebring a yoga mat.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: mondays 4/21-6/16 4:00-5:00pm (gr.2-5) sparkle lake BuildingB: mondays 4/21-6/16 5:00-6:00pm (gr.6-9) sparkle lake Building (no session may 26)Fee: resident: $100.00 nonresident: $120.00

cRossFit kiDs CrossFit staff, instructorprogram no: 223201-A, B (8 classes)about the program: For ages 6 to 12. participants will participate in various Wod’s designed especially for them. Fast paced and fun, each hour will include: warm up, strength/skill work, a short intense workout and cool down! CrossFit yorktown is located at 1404 east main street in shrub oak.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: mondays 5/5-6/30 4:00-4:35pm CrossFit yorktown (no session may 26)B: Wednesdays 5/7-6/25 4:00-4:35pm CrossFit yorktown Fee: resident: $99.00 nonresident: $118.80

cRossFit teens CrossFit staff, instructorprogram no: 223211-A, B (8 classes)about the program: For ages 13 to 17.SeeabovedescriptionforCrossfitKids.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: tuesdays 5/6-6/24 4:00-4:35pm CrossFit yorktownB: thursdays 5/1-6/19 4:00-4:35pm CrossFit yorktown Fee: resident: $99.00 nonresident: $118.80

iMPRoVisation cLass augie abatecola, actor, yorktown stageprogram no: 225313-A (8 classes)about the program: Children grades 2-8. participants learn and practice basic improvisational skills through instruction, theatregames,exerciseandactivitiesdesignedtoteachwhilehavingfun.Enjoythe“onthespot”or“offthecuff”spontaneousmomentsofsuddeninventivenessthatcanjustcometomind,bodyandspiritasaninspiration.Nopreparationortrainingisneeded.Attheendofeachsessiontheparticipantstakepartinashowcaseperformancethathighlightsthesubjectslearned.Day: Date: Time: Location:tuesdays 4/22-6/10 4:30-5:30pm sparkle lake Building performance for parents 6/16Fee: resident: $125.00 nonresident: $150.00

aMeRican ReD cRoss BaBYsitting Joseph pepe, instructorprogram no: 226102-A (3 classes)about the program: the purpose of the american red Cross Babysitting course is to provide individuals ages 11 to 15 with the information and skills necessary to provide safe and responsible care for children in the absence of parents or adult guardians. this training will help participants develop skills in leadership and professionalism, basiccare,safetyandsafeplay,andfirstaid.Participantswillalsoreceivetrainingininfant/childCPRandgetaCDROMwithextrasfromprintingbusinesscardstogamesthatcanbeusedwithchildrenwhilebabysitting.Day Date: Time: Location:tuesdays may 6, 13, 20 5:30-8:30pm sparkle lake BuildingFee: resident: $105.00 nonresident: $126.00

itaLian LangUage cLass FoR kiDs Caroline didomenico, instructor program no: 221205-A (8 classes)about the program: For ages 6 to 11 years - “scuola elementare.” italian language and culture are taught through thematic unitsusingmusic,art,games,readingandwriting.Instructionbeginstomakeconnectionswithothersubjectssuchasscience,social studies, mathematics and language arts. Writing and reading in italian become an integral part of the learning process. students learn how to put words together to form sentences in written and spoken form. homework may be assigned.Day Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 3:45-4:45pm yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $190.00 nonresident: $228.00


aRt attack ginny oppedisano, instructorprogram no: 223303-A (8 classes) about the program: For children ages 6 to 9: Basic painting and drawing class to promote creative fun for children. participants willdevelopartisticexpressionanddeveloppaintinganddrawingtechniquesinarelaxedandfunenvironment.The“aspiringartist” will develop his/her artistic skills at one’s own pace and have fun interacting with “other artists” in this workshop.Day Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 5:00-6:00pm yCCC, Cr 1Fee: resident: $95.00 nonresident: $114.00

JR DeVeLoPMent RacQUetBaLL Club Fit instructorprogram no: 225701-A, B, C (10 classes)about the program: For ages 7 to16. learn the rules, basic strokes, game strategy and sportsmanship. instructional drills include forehand, backhand, and positioning. multi-bounce rules will apply and/or handicap will be given according to abilities. groups will be formed based on age and ability. Day Date: Time: Location: A:Wednesday 4/23-6/25 4:00-5:00pm Clubfit,JeffersonValleyB: Wednesday 4/23-6/25 5:00-6:00pm C: Wednesday 4/23-6/25 6:00-7:00pmFee: resident: $256.00 nonresident: $307.20

FaMiLY tae kWon Do philam- self defense, instructorprogram no: 222402-A (8 classes) about the program: parents and kids spend quality time and bonding together learning tae kwon do forms, breaking boards andsparringwithoutcontract.Otheractivitiesincludingincludewarm-up,teambuildingexercisesandbasicself-defensetechniques. philam self-defense located at 1761 Front street in yorktown. Day: Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 6:30-7:20pm philam self-defenseFee: resident: $68.00 nonresident: $81.60

Rock BanD dan taber, nWmsprogram no: 223501-A, B (10 classes)about the program: not only is playing in a band fun, but it teaches one how to work in a group setting. in this class, studentswilllearnbasicrocksongsandrhythms,exploreimprovisation,aswellasmasterhowtoreadchordcharts.Attheconclusion of the class, students will perform on stage to display their newly acquired skills. the beginner class (ages 6-10) requirestwomonthsofinstrumentalexperience,whiletheintermediate(ages 10 and older) requires the enrolled student to have been playing an instrument or singing for one year or more. any instrument welcome. must bring own instrument. Singerswelcome.Placementwillbedeterminedafterarelaxedaudition. Practicerequired forparticipation. northern Westchester music school is located at 2051 Baldwin rd. (French hill school) in yorktown.Day Date Time: Location:A: thursdays 4/24-6/26 4:00-5:00pm (Beg.) nWmsB: thursdays 4/24-6/26 5:00-6:00pm (Int.) nWmsFee: resident: $145.00 nonresident: $174.00

songWRiting WoRkshoP dan taber, nWmsprogram no: 223502-A (10 classes)Abouttheprogram:Songwritinghasbeendescribedasthemostmagicalofmusicalexperiences.Thisclasswillincludewriting lyrics, constructing melodies, and practically applying rhythm, chords, and forms. a recording session resulting in a demoCDtotakehomeandaperformancewillconcludetheprogram.Twomonthsofmusicalexperiencerequired. practice required for participation. must bring own instrument. singers welcome. northern Westchester music school is located at 2051 Baldwin rd. (French hill school) in yorktown.Day Date Time: Location:thursdays 4/24-6/26 6:00-7:00pm (all ages) nWmsFee: resident: $145.00 nonresident: $174.00

MoDeRn MUsician’s Link to PeRFoRMance sUccess dan taber, nWmsprogram no: 223503-A (10 classes)about the program: did you ever wonder how to take the musical fundamentals you have learned and transform that into practical ability? What role does music theory play in performance success? this class for ages 11 and up will answer those questions by providing an in depth link between what you know and what you need to learn to perform well on stage. We will cover chord construction, reading chord charts, melodic manipulation, practice habits, stage presence, general music theory,andhow to fosterpracticalability.Oneyearmusicalexperiencenecessary. must bring own instrument. singers


welcome. practice required for participation. northern Westchester music school is located at 2051 Baldwin rd. (French hill school) in yorktown.Day Date Time: Location:thursdays 4/24-6/26 7:15-8:15pm nWmsFee: resident: $145.00 nonresident: $174.00

intRoDUction to Fencing (ages 8 & oVeR) Jim Bernitt, WFCprogram no: 225501-A Session 1 (6 classes) 225511-A Session 2 (6 classes) Abouttheprogram:Instructionincludesbasicexercises,footworkandmobility,fundamentalweaponmanipulationandfencingrules.Studentsworkwitheachotherandwiththeinstructor.Allprotectivegear (exceptgloves)andfoilsareprovided. participants can use either their own leather gloves, borrow from the limited supply available, or purchase their own (from suppliers or through the activity). instruction is given and gear is supplied under the auspices of Westchester Fencers Club, a member of the united states Fencing association.Day Date Time: Location:S1: thursdays 4/24-5/29 6:00-7:00pm sparkle lake Building S2: thursdays 7/3-8/7 6:00-7:00pm sparkle lake Building Fee: resident: $110.00 nonresident: $132.00

skateBoaRD Lessons 2nd nature skate shop, instructorprogram no: 225911-A, Beginner (8 classes) 225911-B, Intermediate (8 classes)Abouttheprogram:Comelearntoskatesafelywithourexpertinstructors.Thisclassisgreatforanyoneinterestedinlearning to skateboard. Whether you’ve never stepped foot on a board or are a novice looking to learn more advanced trickslikeolliesandkickflipsyouwillgetalotoutofthisclass.Helmets,elbowpadsandkneepadsarerequired.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: Fridays 4/25-6/20 4:00-5:00pm patriot skate parkB: Fridays 4/25-6/20 5:00-6:00pm patriot skate park (no class may 23)Fee: resident: $120.00 nonresident: $144.00

Fishing Lessons **EARLY REGISTRATION** Chris mantz, prof. Fishermanprogram no: 281211-A (4 classes)about the program: For children grades 1-5.Learnthebasicsoffishingincludingknots,casting,rigging,bait,safetyandfishspecies.Mustbringownfishingrod.FeeincludesentryintoFishingDerbyonMay10th (see page 4 for details).Day: Date: Time: Location:saturdays 4/5-5/3 10:00-11:00am sparkle lake (no class april19)Fee: resident: $50.00 nonresident: $60.00

chess sal Catalfamo, instructorprogram no: 224101-A (8 classes) (Beg.)about the program: For ages 5 and over. learn how to play the game of Chess, how the pieces move, how they attack and capture each other and how to capture your opponent’s king and win the game. program no: 224102-A (8 classes) (Int.)about the program: learn how to write down your moves and improve your game. learn how to understand why your opponent made his/her last move, so you can prevent your opponent from capturing your king and then how you can capture your opponent’s.Day Date: Time: Location:saturdays 4/26-6/21 10:00-11:00am (Beg.) yCCC, senior roomsaturdays 4/26-6/21 11:00-12:00noon (int.) yCCC, senior room (no class may 24 )Fee: resident: $85.00 nonresident: $102.00

caRtooning ginny oppedisano, instructorprogram no: 223301-A (8 classes)about the program: Children 6 to 10 years old will learn the basic of creating funny characters, famous characters and making up your own creatures with fun drawing lessons. learn how to make comic strip art and comic book charactersandsuperheroes.Projectsgiventoparticipantsbasedonageandskilllevel.


Day Date: Time: Location:saturdays 4/26-6/21 9:00-10:30am yCCC, Community room 1

(no class may 24)Fee: resident: $95.00 nonresident: $114.00 ACRYLIC PAINTING FOR YOUNG ARTISTS ginny oppedisano, instructorprogram no: 223401-A (8 classes) about the program: Children 7 to 11 years will learn to make paintings of real scenes they choose themselves from photos,pictures theyfindand fromstill lifeandoriginaldrawings.PleaseNote:Bringcanvaspanelsandpaintsandphotos that interest you.Day Date: Time: Location:saturdays 4/26-6/21 10:30-12:00noon yCCC, Community room 1 (no class may 24)Fee: resident: $95.00 nonresident: $114.00

KUNG FU/KARATE FOR KIDS sifu nat Costanzo, instructorprogram no: 225801-A (8 classes) about the program: For children ages 7 to 11 years old. Theywill learnDiscipline, build Self-Confidence,will buildawareness, be taught fundamentals of self-defense, as well as develop endurance and strength. students will also learn the proper way to stretch, be introduced to martial arts basics, and will be given demonstrations in hand and sword katas (forms). NOTE: This class has no sparring or contact. Day: Date: Time: Location:saturdays 4/26-6/21 10:00-11:00am yCCC, room 104 (no class may 24)Fee: resident: $64.00 nonresident: $76.80 HORSEBACK RIDING I AND II Zephyr Farm, instructorprogram no: 225201-A, B, C, D (6/8 classes)about the program: Horseback Riding I: this class is for students in Grades 2 to 8 who have had little or no horseback riding instruction. participants will be introduced to the sport in a fun and safe environment. Classes are run in a lighted, indoor arena. each class will consist of a 40-minute riding lesson that will teach the basics in balance, position, control and safety, and a 20-minute discussion and/or demonstration. students must wear long pants and heeled shoe boots. helmets are available for loan.Horseback Riding II: this class is for students in Grades 2 to 8 who are able to walk, trot and canter on their own. participants will continue to develop their skills. Classes are run in the time frame as horseback riding i. there will be no more than 5 students per class. Zephyr Farm (located at 219 Watermelon hill road in mahopac, ny)Day: Date: Time: Location:A: sundays 4/27-6/22 12:00-1:00pm (Horseback Riding I) Zephyr FarmB: sundays 4/27-6/22 1:00-2:00pm (Horseback Riding II) Zephyr Farm (no class may 25)C: sundays 7/6-8/10 12:00-1:00pm (Horseback Riding I) Zephyr FarmD: sundays 7/6-8/10 1:00-2:00pm (Horseback Riding II) Zephyr FarmFee: A, B: resident: $320.00 per program nonresident: $384.00 per program C, D: resident: $240.00 per program nonresident: $288.00 per program

aDULt PRogRaMscPR FoR the PRoFessionaL RescUeR/aeD coURse program no: 238721-A, Babout the program: this course covers the american red Cross material for professional level Cpr and AEDrequiredbyNYSCamps&Lifeguards(1-yearcertification).Ifyouchoosetorecertify(renew)yourexistingcertification,pleasebringyourcurrentorrecentlyexpiredCPRcardtotheinstructor.Day: Date: Time: Location: A: april 28, 29, may 5 (Full Course) 6:00-9:30pm lakeland Copper Beech msB: april 28, 29 (Review Course) 6:00-9:30pm lakeland Copper Beech msFee: resident: $35.00 (review Course) or $85.00 (Full Course) nonresident: $42.00 (review Course) or $102.00 (Full course)Plus: $35.00payabletotheinstructoronthefirstnightforRedCrosscertificationprocessing.


Meet the aUthoRs oF WALKABLE WESTCHESTER program no: 281101- A about the program: the former quarries at the sylvan park preserve supplied granite for the approaches to the george Washington and Whitestone bridges. Join Walt and Jane daniels on a 2.5 mile hike through the park. Visit quarries and the eighteen foot circumference Quarry oak. the trails traverse a variety of terrain, from steep climbs and descents to gentle woods roads. Bring a camera, wear comfortable shoes (no sandals), bring water and a snack. Walk will occur regardless of the weather.Day: Date: Time: Location: sunday may 4 2:00-4:30pm sylvan glen parking lot on morris lane mohegan lakeFee: Free

BeLLY Dance Fit gina Bergamini, instructorprogram no: 231103-A (8 classes)about the program: Belly dance is undergoing a surge in popularity all over as this great workout appeals to everyone.ExcitingBollywoodmusichelpsyoushakeandshimmyyourwaytofitness.Relaxyourmindandnurtureyour soulas theenergyburns thecalories. Veilsprovided foruseat thefirstclass.Becomeamysteriousandglamorous woman!Day: Date: Time: Location:mondays 4/21-6/16 7:30-8:30pm sparkle lake Building (no class 5/26)Fee: resident: $104.00 nonresident: $124.80

aFteR WoRk coRe FUsion WoRk-oUt lori Barr, instructorprogram no: 231201-A, B, C Session 1 (8/16 classes) 231202-A, B, C Session 2 (5/10 classes)Abouttheprogram:Comeearly...WORKOUTwithLoriandstillhaveaneveningtoenjoy!Loriguaranteesshewillgetyouin the shape you want with this core fusion workout. one sizzling half hour of low impact aerobics combined with effective exercisesforfatburningintheareasthatneeditmost.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: mondays see Below 6:30-7:30pm sparkle lake BuildingB: Wednesdays 6:30-7:30pm sparkle lake BuildingC: mondays & Wednesdays Session 1: 4/21-6/16 (no class 5/26) Session 2: 7/7 – 8/4 Fee: S1: resident: $104.00 (one day) $198.00 (two days) nonresident: $124.80.00 (one day) $237.60 (two day) S2: resident: $65.00 (one day) $130.00 (two days) nonresident: $78.00 (one day) $156.00 (two day) FRee the BoDY FRoM the Past With RePatteRning MoVeMent cLass (RPM)

sim Wong, instructorprogram no: 236301-A, B (5 classes)about the program: eliminate unnecessary stress and pain, improve breathing, posture and mobility, feel younger and more flexiblethroughgentlemovementsanyonecando.Amazinglyhelpfulforbackproblems,jointproblemsandchronicpain.Participantswillrequireanexercisemat.ExperiencetheFortinberry-MurrayMethod®ofSomatic&EvolutionaryPsychology,taughtatmajoruniversitiesintheU.SandAustralia.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: mondays 4/21-5/19 7:30-8:30pm yCCC, Cr 1B: mondays 6/2-6/30 7:30-8:30pm yCCC, Cr 1Fee: resident: $85.00 nonresident: $102.00

BeLLY, BUtt & thighs BUsteR eileen torres, instructorprogram no: 231402-A (8 classes) Abouttheprogram:Thisworkoutismosteffectiveforallfitnesslevels.Squats,lungesandkicksforlowerbodystrengthandtoningcombineswithspecialcoreconditioningexercisestomaximizeyourresults.Thisisapower-packedsessiontotargetexactlytheseareas.Comeinwork-outclothingandsneakers,bringamatand3to5poundweights.Day: Date: Time: Location:tuesdays 4/22-6/10 9:30-10:30am sparkle lake BuildingFee: resident: $128.00 nonresident: $153.60


gentLe FLooR Yoga sandra Bernstein, instructorprogram no: 236401-A (8 classes)Abouttheprogram:ThisspeciallydesignedprogramprovidesyouwiththebenefitsofYogainagentleandnon-strenuousway.Youwillconcentrateonyogaposesandbreathingtechniquesusingpropsandchairsaswellasthefloorandwalls.Experiencehowyoucanimprovecirculation,increaseflexibilityinyourjoints,relievestressandfeelrenewed.Pleasebringa yoga mat and a small towel or pillow.Day: Date: Time: Location:tuesdays 4/22-6/10 1:15-2:30pm yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $90.00 nonresident: $108.00

20/20/20 WoRkoUt michelle saccurato, instructorprogram no: 231101-A Session 1 (8 classes) 231102-A Session 2 (5 classes) about the program: Combine 20 minutes of aerobics, 20 minutes of weights and 20 minutes of core strength to get the most effectiveworkout.Loseweight,toneandfirm.Sweat,slimdown,loseinchesandfeelterrific.Day: Date: Time: Location:S1: tuesdays 4/22-6/10 6:30-7:30pm yCCC, gymS2: tuesdays 7/8-8/5 6:30-7:30pm sparkle lake BuildingFee: S1: resident: $104.00 nonresident: $124.80 S2: resident: $65.00 nonresident: $78.00

ZUMBa! pam mckenna (tuesdays)/eileen torres (thursdays)program no: 231301-A, B, C (8/16 classes) about the program: Zumba is the feel happy, lose yourself into the music routine that is great for the body and mind. it is fun and easy, yet very effective as you “dance” away the pounds! latin rhythms and upbeat salsa music keep this workoutnewandexciting.Theroutinesaresimple!Day: Date: Time: Location:A: tuesdays 4/22-6/10 7:30-8:30pm yCCC gymB: thursdays 4/24-6/12 7:30-8:30pm yCCC gymC: tuesdays & thursdays 4/22-6/12 7:30-8:30pm yCCC gymFee: resident: $104.00 (one day) $198.00 (two days) nonresident: $115.20 (one day) $237.60 (two days)

PiLates Mat Jennifer longobardi, instructorprogram no: 231604-A (8 classes)Abouttheprogram:Classcentersaroundfloorexerciseswherestudentsusetheirownresistancethroughaseriesofexercisesranging from beginner to advanced. through this great workout, increase your strength and balance while releasing tension in your body. improves posture and alignment and can decrease those aches and pains in your back! Day: Date: Time: Location:tuesdays 4/22-6/10 6:00-7:00pm yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $96.00 nonresident: $115.20

intRoDUction to Pen & ink Judika lieberman, instructorprogram no: 234201-A (8 classes) about the program: discover a Black and White approach to your art with a hint of color. you will learn to see in positive andnegativespaces.Createdramaticresults:abstracts,designs,figurativeorrealistic.Learntouseacrowquill,micronpens and water-colored pencils. minimum supplies needed to create dramatic results. Day: Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 10:00-11:30am yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $95.00 nonresident: $114.00

MUsic aPPReciation northern Westchester music schoolprogram no: 232204-A (7 classes)Abouttheprogram:Classicalmusicisprobablymorefamiliarthanwemightatfirstimagine.Youdon’tevenrealizehowmany nice melodies you know from famous movies and can sing along to, belong to the classical repertoire. attend this informative course that will introduce you to the history of classical music. meet the greatest composers; recognize their styles and most famous pieces instantly. northern Westchester music school is located at 2051 Baldwin rd. (French hill school) in yorktown.Day Date Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/4 2:00-3:00pm nWmsFee: resident: $95.00 nonresident: $114.00


kUng-FU: chinese kenPo (ages 12 and over) sifu nat Costanzo, 8th tengprogram no: 235501-A (8 classes)Abouttheprogram:Classisopentoallbeginners,aswellasthosewhohavehadexperienceinanymartialart.Learnhowtodefend yourself by learning the ancient secrets of shaolin. those qualifying will earn a belt at a promotion ceremony in June 2014. Basic self-defense stances, blocks, hand weapons and techniques are taught as well as simple to intermediate katas (forms). Note: This class has sparring. Beginners and advanced students can join at any session.a $15.00 promotion & Belt fee will be payable to instructor separately in June 2014. Day: Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 6:30-7:30pm yCCC, nutrition Ctr.Fee: resident: $70.00 nonresident: $84.00

tai chi anD chi kUng (ages 13 and over) sifu nat Costanzo, 8th tengabout the program: tai Chi is a low impact workout designed to increase your mental and physical energy. the short form willbetaught,aswellasChiKungexercisesandstretchingtoimproveone’sflexibility,balanceandcoordination.Changstyle tai Chi will help you achieve total harmony of body, mind and spirit. Please Note: Beginners and advanced students can join at any session.Beginner I:program no: 236601-A (8 classes)Day: Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 7:30-8:30pm yCCC, nutrition CtrFee: resident: $70.00 nonresident: $84.00 ORBeginner II: (Previously attended) Beginner I will be dismissed at 8:30pm and Beginner II will continue for an additional 15 minutes.program no: 236621-A (8 classes) Day: Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 7:30-8:45pm yCCC, nutrition CtrFee: resident: $75.00 nonresident: $90.00

hatha Yoga eva Brenish, instructorprogram no: 236411-A (8 classes) about the program: With this practice of ha-tha (sun-moon) yoga, we allow asana (postures) to reveal our inner strengths andincreaseflexibility.Foldingandunfoldinglikethebudofaflowerorabirdinflight.Createbalancebytuningintobreath;theteacherthatisrightunderournoses.Instructor:Evahas15yearsofexperience.Day: Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 4/30-6/18 6:30-7:45pm yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $128.00 nonresident: $153.60

LongeVitY Qi gong/tai chi soo d’agnese, instructorprogram no: 234301-A (8 classes)about the program: Qi (energy), gong (practice) is gentle and easy to follow regardless of age and is the mother of most other styles such as kung fu, tai Chi etc. it is described as” meditation in motion” by harvard medical review. over 6,000formofqigongexist,butwewillfocusononeofthemosthealthenhancingform:8PiecesofTreasuretounifyyourmindbodyandspirit.Forteensandadults–thisclasscanbebeneficialforfamilymemberstodotogether.Day: Date: Time: Location: thursdays 4/24-6/12 11:00-12:00noon yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $85.00 nonresident: $102.00

MeDitation soo d’agnese, instructorprogram no: 234302-A (8 classes)Abouttheprogram:Notyouraveragemeditationclassthatjustfocusesmainlyonmindandbodyrelaxation.Thisclassalso supports your spiritual development. When you truly unify mind, body and spirit, then your stress level will naturally decreasealongwithanyphysicaldiscomfort.Yourmindwillbecrystalcleartorevealitswisdomandbeneficialinsights.Forteensandadults–thisclasscanbebeneficialforfamilymemberstodotogether.Day: Date: Time: Location:thursdays 4/24-6/12 12:15–1:15pm yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $85.00 nonresident: $102.00

haPPY RainBoW tai chi Fan soo d’agnese, instructorprogram no: 234303-A (8 classes) about the program: With effortless grace, you can glide and guide your life forces harmoniously within and out, rewiring yourbrainstoestablishlongtermwellnesshabits.Thefanisalsoanenticingtoolforalltopracticedailywithjoy.Besides


beingexquisitelybeautiful,likepoetryinmotions,itisloadedwithpracticalhealth,virtuousandmentalbenefits:deepcalmness, better sleep, greater body awareness etc. minor fee for fans may applied paid to instructor.Day: Date: Time: Location:thursdays 4/24-6/12 1:30–2:30pm yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $85.00 nonresident: $102.00

ReaL FooD nUtRition 101 kim Carolan, nWCprogram no: 238651-A (Seminar)about the program: learn about real, whole food nutrition and what it means to take the real food pledge. discover how organic whole foods can nourish your body and promote a greater sense of health and well-beinginanenjoyableway.We’llexplorethebasicsofmixingandcombiningreal,good-for-youfoodstocreatedelicious and healthy meals and discuss importantfactorslikeexercise,stress,andcreatingabalance.Day: Date: Time: Location:thursday april 24 7:00-9:00pm yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $35.00 nonresident: $42.00

WoRkshoP: taking the Real Food Pledge kim Carolan, nWCprogram no: 238653-A (4 classes)Abouttheprogram:Startyourrealfoodjourneybyattendingthisworkshopthatteachesyoufourkeyingredientstotakingthe real food pledge for life. topics will include how to build your diet, tips for saving money at the store, staying active, eating out, and indulgences. learn how to implement key strategies into your lifestyle so that you can eat real, whole foods that you will love and that will love your body back. Bonus: those registered in real Food nutrition seminar receive 10% off!Day: Date: Time: Location:thursdays 5/1-5/22 7:30-9:00pm yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $100.00 nonresident: $120.00

cake DecoRating 101 la Cakes llCprogram no: 238403-Aabout the program: learn to design and create your own innovative cakes to WoW your friends and family. Basic techniques will include leveling, Crumbling, kneading, and use of fondant to cover your cake. Class will continuetointroducetheskillstocreategumpasteroses,useoflusterdust,anddecoratingfinaltoucheswitheyecatching “bling” to ace your cake! supply list to be provided at registration.Day: Date: Time: Location: thursdays 4/24, 5/1 10:00am-1:00pm sparkle lake BuildingFee: resident: $85.00 nonresident: $102.00

intRoDUction to Fencing Jim Bernitt, WFCprogram no: 235502-A Session 1 (6 classes) 235503-A Session 2 (6 classes)About theprogram: Instructionincludesbasicexercises, footworkandmobility, fundamentalweaponmanipulationandfencingrules.Studentsworkwitheachotherandwiththeinstructorforatotalofsixsessions.Participantscanuseeithertheirown leather gloves, borrow from the limited supply available, or purchase their own (from suppliers or through the activity). instruction is given and gear is supplied under the auspices of Westchester Fencers Club, a member of the us Fencing assoc.Day: Date: Time: Location: S1: thursdays 4/24-5/29 6:00-7:00pm sparkle lake Building S2: thursdays 7/10-8/14 6:00-7:00pm sparkle lake Building Fee: resident: $120.00 nonresident: $144.00

Painting in oiL oR acRYLics Jeanne demotses, instructor program no: 234601-A (10 classes) about the program: this course will cover both still life and photographic sources and focus on composition as well as the use and care of painting materials. the instructor will demonstrate various painting techniques and also offer critiques in a non-threatening atmosphere. if you have always wanted to learn to paint in oils or acrylics, or if you want to bring your paintingskillstothenextlevel,thisclassisforyou.Day: Date: Time: Location:saturdays 4/12-6/21 9:00-12noon sparkle lake Building (no class may 24)Fee: resident: $120.00 nonresident: $144.00


hoRseBack RiDing FoR aDULts Zephyr Farm, instructorprogram no: 235201-A, B (6/8 classes)about the program: this class is for students ages 15 and older, who have had little or no horseback riding instruction. participants will be introduced to the sport in a fun and safe environment. each class will consist of a 40-minute riding lesson that will teach the basics in balance, position, control and safety, and a 20-minute discussion and/or demonstration. students must wear long pants and heeled shoe boots. helmets are available for loan. located: Zephyr Farm (located at 219 Watermelon hill road in mahopac, ny)Day: Date: Time: Location:A: sundays 4/27-6/22 2:00-3:00pm Zephyr Farm

(no class may 25)B: sundays 7/6-8/10 2:00-3:00pm Zephyr FarmFee: A: resident: $320.00 nonresident: $384.00 B: resident: $240.00 nonresident: $288.00

aDULt sPoRts LeagUesaDULt socceR Pick UP/LeagUesplay organized games and pick up soccer at legacy Field throughout the year. take advantage of competitive play for both men and women. soccer is run in cooperation with kiids inc. Contact rick romanski for scheduling and registration information at: [email protected] or 242-8627. Visit our website at: www.kiidsports.com.

YoRktoWn FLag FootBaLL LeagUe NorthernWestchester’spremierflagfootballleagueconsistsofthreedivisionsof6v.6.league games are sunday mornings from early september to early december and from July to early august. Following ChampionshipSundayinNovember,theseasonfinalefeaturestheannualRun-N-GunShootoutTournament.InJulylookfordetailsontheofficialleaguewebsite:www.leaguelineup.com/ytownorcontacttheofficetoenteryourteam!

YoRktoWn Men’s soFtBaLL LeagUe Open Competitive and Over 40 Leagues Spring: Weeknight league offers a 14 game regular season of competitive softball. there are 3 divisions and games are played at downing park. there are 2 divisions in the over 40 league. games are played sunday mornings at various fieldlocationsandtheregularseasonconsistsof12games.Fall: teams play 8 regular season games and league play consists of 1-2 divisions depending on amount of entries. deadline for registration will be Friday July 25. all fees, rosters, and information must be submitted by the deadline to be eligible. this league is a Clincher softball league.


senioR citiZen PRogRaMssenioR Painting robert heinrichs, instructorprogram no: 238301-A (10 classes)registration: Must sign up at the Recreation Office beginning March 31. If you have never registered with us, please provide proofs of residency. Space is limited, so please sign up early.about the program: dabble in several art media from acrylics to watercolors, along with several art genre.Day: Date: Time: Location:mondays 4/21-6/30 10:15-11:15am yCCC, Cr1 (no program may 26)Fee: yorktown seniors: $10.00 nonresident: $30.00 (this is a materials fee)

chaiR Yoga sandra Bernstein, instructorprogram no: 238501-A (10 classes)registration: Must sign up at the Recreation Office beginning March 31. If you have never registered with us, please provide proofs of residency. Space is limited, so please sign up early.Abouttheprogram:Gentlechairyogaisforseniorswhomayhavedifficultygettingupanddownfromthefloororhavesomephysicallimitationswhichpreventsittingonthefloororstandingwithouthelp.Day: Date: Time: Location:tuesdays 4/15-6/17 12noon-1:00pm yCCC, gymFee: yorktown seniors: no fee nonresident: $30.00


senioR citiZens Line Dance & eXeRcise Cameron kelly, instructorprogram no: 232501-AAbouttheprogram:Linedancingwithsomefitnessexercise.Registration: Participants must sign up at the Recreation Office beginning March 31. If you have never registered with us, please provide proofs of residency. Day: Date: Time: Location:Fridays 4/11-6/13 10:45-11:45am yCCC, gymFee: yorktown residents: no fee nonresident: $30.00

senioR Line Dancing Betty Boot, instructorprogram no: 232201-AAbouttheprogram:ComeandjoinBettyBootinsomefunCounty-WesternLinedancingsteps.Registration: Participants must sign up at the Recreation Office beginning March 31. If you have never registered with us, please provide proofs of residency.Day: Date: Time: Location:1st and 3rd Wednesdays 4/2-8/20 12noon-1:00pm yCCC, gymFee: yorktown residents: no fee nonresident: $30.00

aDDitionaL PRogRaM oPPoRtUnities FoR senioRsthe following programs are available to the senior population of yorktown on a drop-in basis at the yorktown Community & Cultural Center. no registration is necessary. For additional information please call 962-7447. Sites are subject to change.

• Knitters Club – tuesdays from 10:00am to 12noon in room 104 (no summer sessions)• Mah Jong – tuesdays from 10:00am to 12noon – room Cr1• Bridge Club – Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 4:00pm –senior room• Card Games & Bingo – monday thru Friday from 10:00am to 12noon – nutrition room.• Billiards – a pool table for open play is available in the nutrition Center between 8:30am to

3:00pm. participants should call 962-7447 for daily availability. • Pickleball – use courts at Blackberry Woods.

coMPUteR LaB at Yorktown community and cultural centerOpenComputerLabisavailableforseniorsonafirstcome,firstservedbasisonWednesdaysandFridaysbetweenthehoursof 1:00 and 3:00pm in Community room 1 at the yorktown Community & Cultural Center.

senioR citiZens sWiM eligibility: residents 55 and olderregistration: Bring proof of age & residency (driver’s license) to pool each session. pool staff will have various aqua training devices available.Day: Date: Time: Location: tuesday & thursday 6/24-8/21 10:30-12noon Brian J. slavin Facilitysite: Brian J. slavin aquatic Facility at shrub oak memorial parkFee: no ChargeDay: Date: Time: Location: monday, Wednesday & Friday 7/28-8/15 10:00-12noon Junior lake Facilitysite: Junior lake pool at yorktown memorial parkFee: no Charge

senioR citiZen cLUBs All clubs (except St. Patrick’s Seniors & AARP) meet at the Yorktown Community & Cultural Center Senior Room.

Yorktown Chapter Imeetings: tuesdays - 10:00am to 2:00pmpresident: rhoda sussman – 245-0641

Yorktown Chapter IImeetings: thursdays - 10:00am to 2:00pmacting president: Frank adler – 245-6214 Shrub Oak Seniorsmeetings: mondays - 10:00am to 1:00pmpresident: lee kull – 245-9277

New Horizons meetings: Wednesdays (1st, 3rd & 4th) - 10:00am to 1:00pmpresident: Connie Verrino - 962-3072

AARP-The American Association of Retired Personsmeetings: Wednesday (2nd) - 1:30pm in nutrition roompresident: gil kaufmann – 302-7030

St. Patrick’s Seniorsmeetings: tuesday (3rd) – 10:00am in parish Centerpresident: Carol manse – 245-2953

Jefferson Village Travel Clubtrip Coordinator: Winny Zahensky – 245-3197


senioR neWsLetteR the senior newsletter is a bi-monthly circular pertaining to senior Citizens’ activities and special events calendars, along with timely articles of interest to yorktown seniors. if you would like to submit any articles orinformationtothenewsletter,pleasecalltheRecreationOfficeat245-4650.

nUtRition centeR mary de silva, directorTheYorktownSeniorNutritionCenterisopenfivedaysaweek.Ahot,nutritiouslunchisservedat12Noonandtransportationis provided. there is a suggested contribution. For more information, please call 962-7447 between the hours of 8:30am and 2:30pm, monday to Friday.

senioR citiZen’s MeDicaL tRansPoRtationthe town of yorktown has a medical transportation program for doctor visits within the town of yorktown. this program is offered weekdays from 9:30am to 1:30pm for a nominal fee to senior citizens who are residents of the town. if you are a para-transit user, please continue to use their service. At least one week advanced reservation is required. For more information, call 962-7447.

goLF anD tennisJUnioR goLF instRUction MaxGallowayPGA,MohansicGolfCourseDrivingRangeprogram no: 225401-A (5 classes)instructors: to be determinedabout the program: a program of progressive instruction for the novice or intermediate golfer, designed to establish the fundamentals of the swing and the game. eligibility: ages 7 to 17Day: Date: Time: Location: Wednesdays 6/25-7/23 9:00-11:00am mohansic golf CourseFee: resident: $100.00 nonresident: $120.00

aDULt goLF instRUction (Beginner & advanced Beginner) MaxGallowayPGAMohansic golf Course driving rangeprogram no: 235301-A (Wednesday) (5 classes)program no: 235302-A (thursday) (5 classes)about the program: a program of fundamental elements of the grip, stance and swing along with short game session and handouts on “rules and etiquette.” instructors: tBdeligibility: ages 18 and overDay: Date: Time: Location:Wednesdays 5/7-6/4 7:00-8:00pm mohansic golf Coursethursdays 5/8-6/5 7:00-8:00pm mohansic golf CourseFee: resident: $114.00 per program nonresident: $136.80 per program

YoUth tennis instRUction solaris sports ClubAbouttheprogram:Ifyouarejuststartingorwanttodevelopyourskills,theseclasseswillintroducethefundamentalstrokepatterns, basic rules and sportsmanship. Quickstart tennis (ages 5-10) is a new format to help kids learn to play tennis. to make it easier we have changed the court sizes, racquet sizes, nets and balls to help children start playing tennis almost immediately. non-marking rubber soled shoes required. loaner racquets are available.

program no: 242301-A, B, C (8 classes)Day: Date: Time: Location:A: saturdays 4/26-6/21 9:00-10:00am (ages 5, 6, 7) solaris sports ClubB: saturdays 4/26-6/21 10:00-11:00am (ages 8, 9, 10)C: saturdays 4/26-6/21 11:00-12noon (ages 11 & up) (no class may 24)Fee: resident: $216.00 nonresident: $259.20

program no: 242101-A, B, C, D, E, F (8 classes)Day: Date: Time: Location:A: mondays 6/23-8/11 4:00-5:00pm (ages 5, 6 & 7) solaris sports ClubB: mondays 6/23-8/11 5:00-6:00pm (ages 8, 9 & 10)


C: mondays 6/23-8/11 6:00-7:00pm (ages 11 & up)D: Wednesdays 6/25-8/13 4:00-5:00pm (ages 5, 6 & 7)E: Wednesdays 6/25-8/13 5:00- 6:00pm (ages 8, 9, & 10)F: Wednesdays 6/25-8/13 6:00-7:00pm (ages 11 & up)Fee: residents: $216.00 nonresident: $259.20

aDULt tennis instRUction solaris sports Clubabout the program: a variety of options, Tennis 101 covers the fundamentals and basic rules of tennis. Tennis 202 introduces players to placement, shot selection, and strategy. Tennis 303providesthemoreexperiencedplayerwithdrillsandmatchplaywhileexploringadvancedtactics.Loanerracquetsareavailable.Non-markingrubbersoledshoesarenecessary.

program no: 244101-A, B, C, D (8 classes)Day: Date: Time: Location:A: tuesdays 4/22-6/10 11:00-12:30pm (Tennis 101) solaris sports ClubB: Wednesdays 4/23-6/11 11:00-12:30pm (Tennis 202)C: thursdays 4/24-6/12 11:00-12:30pm (Tennis 101)D: sundays 4/27-6/22 10:30-12:00pm (Tennis 303) (no class may 25)Fee: resident: $240.00 nonresident: $288.00

program no: 244102-A, B, C, D, E, F (8 classes)Day: Date: Time: Location:A: mondays 6/23-8/11 9:30-10:30am (Tennis 101) downing park CourtsB: mondays 6/23-8/11 10:30--11:30am (Tennis 202)C: mondays 6/23-8/11 11:30-12:30pm (Tennis 303)D: Wednesdays 6/25-8/13 9:30-10:30am (Tennis 101)E: Wednesdays 6/25-8/13 10:30-11:30am (Tennis 202)F: Wednesdays 6/25-8/13 11:30-12:30pm (Tennis 303)Fee: resident: $216.00 nonresident: $259.20

YoUth sPeciaLitY caMPsRising staRs cheeR caMP program no: 225502-A, B, C about the program: this is a cheer-gymnastics clinic, incorporating the fundamentals of cheering and gymnastics including tumbling, stunt coordination, dance, team building skills, performance and enthusiasm. Camp will be high energy and feature a structured schedule of hands-on instruction, personal movement, and a live performance on the last day capturing thegamedayexperienceofcheerleading.InstructionisprovidedbypastandpresentVarsityCheerleaders.eligibility: entering grades 1-8.Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday–Friday 7/7-8/1 9:00-12:00noon yCCC, gymB: monday-Friday 7/7-7/18 9:00-12:00noon yCCC, gymC: monday-Friday 7/21-8/1 9:00-12:00pm yCCC, gymFee: resident: a: Full session: $375.00 nonresident: Full session: $450.00 B: session 1: $205.00 nonresident: session 1: $246.00 C: session 2: $205.00 nonresident: session 2: $246.00

aniMationFLiX IncrediFlixStaffprogram no: 227601-AAbouttheprogram:Inthisfastpacecamp,studentswillcreateupto5stop-motionanimatedflix!Eachdayyou’ll use a new style of stop-motion, combining the favorites of past years with some completely new styles. It’stheultimateartsandcraftscampwherecamperscreate,direct,andfilmtheirmoviesinage-appropriategroups.*Allflixdownloadablewithinamonthaftercampends.eligibility: Children ages 7-13Day: Date: Time: Location:monday-Friday 7/7-7/11 9:00-12:00noon sparkle lake Building Fee: resident:$175.00 nonresident: $210.00


FiLMMaking FLiX IncrediFlixStaffprogram no: 227602-Aabout the program: do you want to have a blast making a movie? you don’t have to be an actor to star in these movies that you make from “action” to “that’s a wrap.” We’ll guide you through the hollywood process as you brainstorm, location scout,bringinpropsandcostumes,actanddirectinacollaboratedmoviethatwillbefunfortheentireaudience.*Allflixdownloadable within a month after camp ends. eligibility: Children ages 7-13.Day: Date: Time: Location:monday-Friday 7/7-7/11 1:00-4:00pm sparkle lake Building Fee: resident: $175.00 nonresident: $210.00

PaRent anD Me goLF sQUiRts us sports instituteprogram no: 225402-Aabout the program: using the revolutionary snag (starting new at golf) system, this program is an ideal introduction to a life-long sport. delivered in a safe controlled environment, this program makes learning simple, progressive and fun for both parent and child. the highly acclaimed snag equipment is specially designed to increase consistency, plus learning and development in a short period of time. participants can take advantage of oversized, lightweight clubs, and with the help of mom or dad, will work towards attaining correct grip, stance and swing mechanics.eligibility: Children ages 3-5 yearsDay: Date: Time: Location:monday-Friday 7/7-7/11 4:30-5:30pm downing lower FieldsFee: resident: $80.00 nonresident: $96.00 FiRst PLaY LacRosse us sports instituteprogram no: 225505-A, BAbouttheprogram:Curriculumensuresplayerswillhavegreatfunlearningthisexhilarating,fastpacedgame.all participants will learn the fundamentals of the sport including, stick handling, passing, scooping, dodging and shooting as well as many other key techniques. this clinic is ideal for entry level players with little or no previousplayingexperience.Participantswillbegroupedbyageandplayingabilityasnecessary.Equipmentprovided, but if you have your own stick please feel free to bring it along. Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 7/7-7/11 5:00-6:30pm (ages 6-9) granite knolls FieldB: monday-Friday 7/7-7/11 5:00-6:30pm (ages 10-12) granite knolls FieldFee: resident: $110.00 nonresident: $132.00

21st centURY BaseBaLL caMPprogram no: Session 1: 271904-A,B Session 2: 271905-A,Babout the program: Join 21st Century sports – Future in Baseball talent development – for a 1-of-a-kind baseball camp experience! Camp introducedby SeanKennedy,YorktownVarsityCoach, features state-of-the-art “uReview”playerfeedbacksystem,whichusescomputer tablets righton thefield forenhancedskill instruction. Playerswillwork toimprove hitting, pitching mechanics, catching, base running. eligibility: grades k-7 Day: Date: Time: Location:S1: mon.-thurs. 7/7-7/10 A: 9:00-3:00pm (k-7) legacy Baseball

B: 9:00-12noon (k-2 only)S2: mon.-thurs. 7/21-7/24 A: 9:00-3:00pm (k-7) legacy Baseball B: 9:00-12noon (k-2 only)Fee: resident: $265.00 (Full day) nonresident: $318.00 (Full day) resident: $140.00 (half day) nonresident: $168.00 (half day)

t BaLL sQUiRts us sports instituteprogram no: 225513-AAbouttheprogram:T-BallSquirtsisagreatwaytointroduceyouryoungsluggers,totheexcitinggameofbaseball!T-Ballsquirts focuses on the fundamental skills of the game: including hitting, throwing, catching and running the bases. our progressive t-Ball curriculum enables children to develop their skills, along with an understanding of the game. using safe and developmentally appropriate equipment, core components of t-Ball are learned through a series of fun games and activities designed to reinforce fundamental skills while incorporating realistic game situations.eligibility: Children ages 3-5 yearsDay: Date: Time: Location:monday-Friday 7/14-7/18 4:30-5:30pm downing lower FieldsFee: resident: $80.00 nonresident: $96.00


FiRst PLaY BasketBaLL us sports instituteprogram no: 225412-A, BAbouttheprogram:Themainfocusoftheclassistodevelopawellroundedunderstandingofthegamethroughexcitinggames and drills. professional coaches will teach the basic techniques of dribbling, passing, shooting and defense through a series of inclusive group activities. each session will end with small-sided game realistic scrimmages and allowing each player the chance to showcase newly learned skills during structured team play. Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 7/14-7/18 5:00-6:30pm (ages 7-9) kensington WoodsB: monday-Friday 7/14-7/18 5:00-6:30pm (ages 10-12) kensington Woods Fee: resident: $110.00 nonresident: $132.00

giRLs’ FieLD hockeY cLinic yorktown huskers Clubprogram no: 271201-Aabout the program: introduce and develop the basic skills and fundamentals to become a stronger player. individual and groupinstructionprovidedbytheYorktownhighschoolandjuniorvarsitycoachingstaffaswellasvariouscollegiateandvarsityplayers.Clinicwelcomesallagesandlevelsofexperienceandwillincorporatevariousdrillsandexercisestoaddfunandcompetitionwhilebuildingself-confidence.Eligibility: Ages6–17Day: Date: Time: Location: Friday, saturday, sunday 6/27-6/29 5:00-8:00pm legacy turf FieldFee: resident: $110.00 non-resident: $132.00

“3-R” BaseBaLL cLinic Abouttheprogram:Basicskillsandfundamentalsincludinghitting,pitching,fielding,bunting,baserunning,sliding,etc.games will be played as part of instruction. Rain information: in case of rain, listen to Whud 100.7Fm for cancellation announcements. make up time will be the following day, from noon to 3:00pm. if rain occurs during camp hours, please pick up your child at the downing park shelter. For more information: [email protected] or www.facebook.com/3rsBaseballCampeligibility: Children ages 4 – 15registration: SaturdayJune7,14,21,from9:30to11:30amattheRecreationOfficeparkinglot.Day: Date: Time: Location: monday-Friday 7/28-8/1 9:00-12noon downing park Fieldsmonday-Friday 8/4-8/8 9:00-12noon downing park FieldsFee: resident: $120.00 per sessioninstructors: mike robinson and 3-r Baseball Camp staff.

For info call mike 845-528-6525 or 914-384-2962(cell)

chess caMP sal Catalfamo, instructorprogram no: 224103-A, B about the program: Beginner: learn how to play the game of Chess, how the pieces move, how they attack and capture each other and how to capture your opponent’s king and win the game. intermediate: learn how to write down your moves and improve your game. learn how to understand why your opponent made his/her last move, so you can prevent your opponent from capturing your king and then how you can capture your opponent’s.eligibility: Children ages 5 and olderDay Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 7/28-8/1 4:00-5:00pm (Beg.) sparkle service BuildingB: monday-Friday 7/28-8/1 5:00-6:00pm (int.) sparkle service BuildingFee: resident: $55.00 nonresident: $66.00

Dance caMP star struck dance instructorsprogram no: 272101-A, B about the program: leaps and Jumps, turns, lyrical technique, hip-hop techniques, tricks, tumbling and more! in this camp, students will blend movement, music, improvisation, and basic dance steps as an excellentintroductionforthefuturestudyofdancetechniques.Studentswillexperienceavarietyofdancedisciplines. star struck dance studio is located at 1906 e main st. mohegan lake Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 9:00-12:00noon (ages 5-8) star struck dance studio B: monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 1:00-4:00pm (ages 9-12) star struck dance studioFee: resident: $180.00 nonresident: $216.00


BoYs’ & giRLs’ socceR caMP transylvania gym & soccer staffprogram no: 271901-A (Session 1)program no: 271903-A (Session 2)Abouttheprogram:Lessonplansarebasedonthefourmajorcomponentsofthegameofsoccer:Technique/Skills,Tactics&strategy, Fitness and psychology. technique includes ball control, receiving/trapping, passing the ball, dribbling, shielding, shooting,andheading.Fundamentals/individualexerciseswiththeballaswellasscrimmageswillbeplayed.Playerswillbeexposedtoallareasofgroupandteamplay,bothattackinganddefense.FunctionalTacticalTrainingistheplanfor players ages 11 – 14. goalkeeper school: this program will combine technical and tactical training and the latestinagilityandexercises.Ifrain,pleasewearsneakers.eligibility: Children ages 5 to 16 yearsDay: Date: Time: Location:S1: monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 9:00-12noon yCCC FieldS2: monday-Friday 8/11-8/15 9:00-12noon yCCC FieldFee: resident: $125.00 per program (includes camp t-shirt & soccer ball) nonresident: $150.00 per program

Lego engineeRing Mini-caMP play-Well staff Abouttheprogram:Camperswillbuildcities,bridgesandmotorizedcars/planesandexplorethemanycreativepossibilitiesofengineeringwiththeLEGOsystem.Camperstakeonreal-lifeengineeringchallengesthatexploreconceptsinphysics,architecture, mechanical and structural engineering. With access to over 100,000 pieces of lego, the participant will have the opportunitytobuildwhathe/sheonlydreamedaboutwiththesupportofanexperiencedPlay-Wellengineeringinstructorasa guide. Please Note: Children do NOT bring projects home at the conclusion of the camp.

program no: 224701-APre-Engineering With LEGOeligibility: entering grades k – 2Day: Date: Time: Location:monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 9:00-12:00noon yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $145.00 per program nonresident: $174.00

program no: 224901-AEngineering FUNdamentals With LEGOeligibility: entering grades 3 - 6 Day: Date: Time Location:monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 1:00-4:00pm yCCC, room 104 Fee: resident: $145.00 per program nonresident: $174.00

skateBoaRD caMP 2nd nature skate shop, instructorprogram no: 225902 – A about the program: skate Camp is a course designed for skateboarders of all levels and will include trick tips, proper foot placement, technique and style development. the camp will also include games and competitions as well as instruction on skateboard maintenance. helmets, elbow pads and knee pads are required. participants are encouraged to bring something to drink. eligibility: Children 8-13 years old.Days: Date: Time: Location:monday-thursday 8/4-8/7 10:00-12:00noon patriot skate park (rain date: 8/8)Fee: resident: $120.00 nonresident: $144.00

FaiRY PRincess caMP * recreation staffprogram no: 225315-Aabout the program: a royally good time for your little princess! each day we celebrate a different princess, and build the curriculum and color theme around that princess. she will “earn her tiara” by participating in dancing, singing, games, Crafts,Storytellingandofcourse,PrincessEtiquette!Princessoutfitsfromhomearewelcomeatcamp.eligibility: Children ages 3- grade kDay: Date: Time: Location:monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 9:00-12:00noon yorktown Comm. nursery school Fee: resident: $180.00 nonresident: $216.00

sUPeR heRo caMP LornaGroux,BlackBeltInstructorprogram no: 271301-A, Babout the program: has your child dreamed of being a superhero? this camp offers a fun & safe environment where you learn about different super heroes and become one. highlights include: superhero activities, arts & crafts, games, snack


time, ribbons and rewards. this camp provides opportunity to learn the basics of tae kwon do: defense, offense, punches, kicking, blocking and stances. goals include: develop a child’s intelligence, balance, coordination, social skills,concentrationanddiscipline.Superherooutfitsfromhomearewelcomeatcamp.eligibilty: Children ages 3- grade kDay: Date: Time: Location:A: mon.-thurs. 8/11-8/14 9:00- 12:00noon philam-self defenseB: mon.-thurs. 8/18-8/21 9:00- 12:00noon philam-self defenseFee: resident: $145.00 nonresident: $174.00

Lego FLiX IncrediFlixStaffprogram no: 227604-Aabout the program: We know you love legos and can create incredible lego worlds, now it’s time to bring those worlds tolifeinLegoStop-MotionAnimatedFlix!WeprovidetheLegos,andyouprovideyourimagination.Studentswillcreatea LegosetwithLegocharactersforamovietheystoryboard,write,shoot,andvoice-overinage-appropriategroups.*Allflixdownloadable within a month after camp ends. eligibility: Children ages 7-13 yearsDay: Date: Time: Location:monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 9:00-12:00noon yCCC, room 209Fee: resident: $175.00 nonresident: $210.00

cReatURe FLiX IncrediFlixStaffprogram no: 227603-Aabout the program: make your very own creatures and make them look like they’re running around the room in this wild stop-motion animation camp! after designing and creating your cardboard creatures, you and your group will write the story, filmyourmovies,andaddyourownvoice-oversandsoundeffectsinthisone-of-a-kindcampwhereyourcreaturescangoanywhereyougo.*Allflixdownloadablewithinamonthaftercampends.eligibility: Children ages 7-13 yearsDay: Date: Time: Location:monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 1:00-4:00pm yCCC, room 209 Fee: resident: $175.00 nonresident: $210.00

MaD science caMPs mad science instructors

Bugs, Birds & Beasts Week program no: 227501-Aabout the program: AM Session:NatureAcademy-Explorethenaturalworldanditsadaptations.Makecastsofanimalstracks&buildabirdfeedertomixyourownseedblendtoattractspecificbirdspecies.Studythefeeding habits of owls as we dissect their lunch’s remains while we learn all about the world around us! PM Session: diggin’ up dinos- see how these ancient beasts lived, played and hunted. Cast replicas of fossils withusthatyouwillgettokeepandassembleskeletonsoftheseextinctbehemoths!Full day session campers must bring lunch.eligibility: entering grades 1 – 5Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 9:00-12:00noon sparkle lake Building B: monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 12:30-3:30pm sparkle lake Building C: monday-Friday 8/4-8/8 9:00-3:30pm sparkle lake Building Fee: resident: $210.00 (half day) $300 (Full day) nonresident: $252.00 (half day) $360 (Full day)

Rockets & Robots Weekprogram no: 227502-Aabout the program: AM Session: nasa: Journey into outer space. Comets, planets, stars and more are all waiting tobediscovered.Learnaboutthefourforcesofflightandthechallengesofspacetravelasyouconstructyourown rockets and participate in a launch. PM Session: robotics-solar Frogbot-Calling all engineers! using its hindlegsandrubberfeet,ourfrogbotjigglesitseyesasadogwoulditstail.Thetailless,leapingminisolarkitis activated by the power of the sun’s rays; no batteries required. Full day session campers must bring lunch. eligibility: entering grades 1 – 5 Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 8/11-8/15 9:00-12:00noon sparkle lake BuildingB: monday-Friday 8/11-8/15 12:30-3:30pm sparkle lake BuildingC: monday-Friday 8/11-8/15 9:00-3:30pm sparkle lake BuildingFee: resident: $210.00 (half day) $300 (Full day) nonresident: $252.00 (half day) $360 (Full day)


Intention-ation Weekprogram no: 227503-Aabout the program: AM Session:Jr.Engineers.Buildonscientificprinciplesaswebuildalldifferentsortsofstructures.Delveintoconstructionprojectsandobservetheimportanceofsimplemachineslikepulleys,leversandwheels.Takethebridgebuilding challenge and learn about trussing and the strength of different shapes. PM Session: robotics-Junglebot-learn about andplaywithrobotswhilewediscusswhatmakesrobotsdifferentfromhumans.Thenbuildthisbattery-controlledjunglerobot which teaches the basic principles of robotic sensing and locomotion. With two modes of transportation this robot is sure to be an awesome adventure. Full day session campers must bring lunch. eligibility: entering grades 1 – 5 Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 8/18-8/22 9:00-12:00noon sparkle lake BuildingB: monday-Friday 8/18-8/22 12:30-3:30pm sparkle lake BuildingC: monday-Friday 8/18-8/22 9:00-3:30pm sparkle lake BuildingFee: resident: $210.00 (half day) $300 (Full day) nonresident: $252.00 (half day) $360 (Full day)

YoRktoWn kiiDs socceR yorktown kiids inC.program no: 225301-A, Babout the program: kiids inC (kids interested in developmental soccer) run by rick romanski, kiids inC coordinates innovative soccer programs. this camp program has a mission to develop each child’s physical and mental ability to play the game of soccer while also emphasizing fun, fun, fun.grades: entering kindergarten to 2nd grade Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 7/14–7/18 9:00-12:00noon yCCC, Field B: monday-Friday 8/18–8/22 9:00-12:00noon yCCC, FieldFee: resident: $150.00 per program non-resident: $180.00 per program

totaL PLaY MULti sPoRt caMP us sports instituteAbout the program: Experience over 16 different sports from around theworld including soccer, basketball, lacrosse,volleyball,discgolf,cricket,floorhockeyandmanymoreatthiscamp.Allactivitieswilltakeplaceinanatmospherewhichpromotes good sportsmanship, teamwork and, most of all, fun. Campers will receive technical instruction, have the chance toexperiencethesportinarealisticgamesituation,andwillparticipateintheexcitingUSSIWorldCupCompetition.Thisisthe only sports camp truly dedicated to children of all abilities. eligibility: ages 5-13 (half day program) 6-13 (Full day program)program no: 271101-A, B, C (rain date, 8/15)Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-thursday 8/11-8/14 9:00-12:30pm downing lower Fields B: monday-thursday 8/11-8/14 1:00-4:00pm downing lower Fields C: monday-thursday 8/11-8/14 9:00-4:00pm downing lower Fields Fee: resident: A: $155.00 nonresident: A: $186.00 B: $105.00 B: $126.00 C: $185.00 C: $222.00

program no: 271102-A, B, C (rain date, 8/22)Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-thursday 8/18-8/21 9:00-12:30pm downing lower Fields B: monday-thursday 8/18-8/21 1:00-4:00pm downing lower Fields C: monday-thursday 8/18-8/21 9:00-4:00pm downing lower Fields Fee: resident: A: $155.00 nonresident: A: $186.00 B: $105.00 B: $126.00 C: $185.00 C: $222.00

totaL PLaY sPoRts sQUiRts caMP us sports institute program no: 271103-A about the program: this camp introduces children to a variety of sports such as soccer, basketball, lacrosse, hockey and t-Ball. all classes will take place in a safe, structured environment which is sure to encourage learning and skill development. games and drills are designed to capture each child’s imagination. all activities promote hand-eye coordination, movement, balance and, most importantly, Fun, Fun, Fun!eligibility: Children ages 3 to 5 years Day: Date: Time: Location:monday-thursday 8/11-8/14 4:30-5:30pm downing park 202 Field (rain date, 8/15) Fee: resident: $80.00 nonresident: $96.00


socceR sQUiRts caMP us sports institute program no: 271104-A Abouttheprogram:Introductiontothebeautifulgame,inafunfilled,safeenvironmentforchildren.Soccersquirts is designed to develop motor skills, balance and coordination within a low pressure social environment. the camp schedule includes a range of games based upon, short passing, dribbling, turning and, of course, shooting, as well as not forgetting the most important aspect… Fun, Fun, Fun!eligibility: Children ages 3 to 5 yearsDay: Date: Time: Location:monday-thursday 8/18-8/21 4:30-5:30pm downing park 202 Field (rain date, 8/22) Fee: resident: $80.00 nonresident: $96.00

aLL-staR aViatoRs caMP hobby Quest instructorabout the program: in this camp children grades K-5 will learn to build their own aircrafts and delight as they soar overhead. Thecampersbuildhigh-flyingbalsawoodmotorizedairplanes,longdistancefliersandstuntplanes.Eachmodelisbuiltfromscratch and is yours to keep at the end of camp!program no: 227201-A, Beligibilty: entering grades k-5Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 8/11-8/15 9:00-12:00noon (gr. k-2) yCCC, room 104 B: monday-Friday 8/11-8/15 9:00-12:00noon (gr. 3-5) yCCC, room 209 Fee: resident: $175.00 nonresident: $210.00

FashionaBLY chic caMP hobby Quest instructorAbouttheprogram:Callallfabulousfashionistaslookingfortheperfectsummeroutfit!Learntomakeityourself!We’llteach you the ins and outs of fashion design from top to bottom, head to toe: you’ll create an entire ensemble, including shirt/blouse, skirt/shorts and fun accessories to show off. our fashion instructors guide you through every step of the process, fromconstruction tofinalfitting.Andsinceeveryyoungdesignerdeserveshis/herdayon therunway,we’llcelebrate the end of the camp with a fashion show for friends and family!

program no: 227401-A, Beligibilty: entering grades 2-4Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 8/11-8/15 1:00-4:00pm yCCC, room 104B: monday-Friday 8/18-8/22 9:00-12:00noon yCCC, room 104Fee: resident: $175.00 nonresident: $210.00

program no: 227402- A, Beligibilty: entering grades 5-8Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 8/11-8/15 1:00-4:00pm yCCC, room 209B: monday-Friday 8/18-8/22 9:00-12:00noon yCCC, room 209Fee: resident: $175.00 nonresident: $210.00

‘aMaZing Magicians’ caMP hobby Quest instructorsAbouttheprogram:Thissummeryou’lldiscoverthemagicsecretstightlyguardedforcenturies.Fromchangingobjectstomystic mind bogglers, we have several tricks to hide up both your sleeves. We’ll learn to perform famous wonders such as makingobjectsdisappearfromthinair,andre-materializeagainasnothinghadhappened.Wewillevenshowyouhowtoastound with a mastery of mind-reading tricks. all the tricks you’ve learned are yours to keep at the end of camp.

program no: 224801-A, Beligibilty: entering grades k-5Day: Date: Time: Location:A: monday-Friday 8/18-8/22 1:00-4:00pm (gr. k-2) yCCC, room 104 B: monday-Friday 8/18-8/22 1:00-4:00pm (gr. 3-5) yCCC, room 209 Fee: resident: $175.00 nonresident: $210.00

tRaVeL socceR DeVeLoPMent cLinic yorktown kiids inC.program no: 225411-A, Babout the program: this program will provide advance team training for soccer travel teams. these sessions will focus on team tactics and skills to help promote an understanding for playing as a team. program includes building awareness on dietary needs and physical conditioning for each athlete.


Day: Date: Time: Location:monday-thursday A. 7/14-7/17 5:30-8:00pm yCCC Field B. 8/18-8/21 5:30-8:00pm yCCC FieldFee: resident: $135.00 nonresident: $162.00

DaY caMP PRogRaMRegistRation Begins:

monday, march 31: 8:30-4:00 pre-school, half day, Full day and specialty Campssaturday, april 5: 9:00-12:00 travel & adventure Camps monday, may 5: 8:30-4:00 non-residents all Camps (20% surcharge will be applied to listed fees)monday, may 19: Fees increase

Friday, may 30: last day to register for pre-school, half day & Full day camps

geneRaL RegistRation inFoRMationregistration:•registration must be done by parent/guardian of the child.•proof of age is required for pre-school Camp.•First time registrants must provide proof of residency: current

license and utility bill.•pre-registration is required for all camp programs. under no

circumstances will registration be accepted at the camp site or prior to registration date.

•day Camp registration Form and day Camp medical Form canbefoundinRecreationoffice,oronourwebsite.

•all camp forms must be completed in Full. a spot in camp cannot be held without a complete registration and medical form. each camper needs a separate registration and medical form. eXaCt date (month, day, year) is reQuired for all immunization doses. no attachments.

•residents of the lakeland and yorktown school districts who donotpayTownofYorktowntaxesordonotresidewithinthe town of yorktown must show proof of residency in the school district. acceptable proof of residency is an ORIGINAL report card or school tax bill for 2013-2014.PLEASE NOTE: Does not apply to Pre-School and Travel & Adventure Camps.

•enrollment for all camps is limited. once a camp has reached maximumcapacity,analternatecampmustbeselected.

•requests for a child’s placement with a friend can only be made on registration Form. no separate requests faxed,e-mailed,mailedorhandedinwillbeaccepted.

refunds/Credits: see page 2

medical information: as required by department of health, your child’s immunization record is mandatory at the time of registration. any child required to take medication at camp must complete a special medical form which requires doctor’s signature. please request a form at time of registration.

additional important registration information for travel & adventure Camps:a special registration will take place on saturday, april 5th from 9:00am until 12 noon for travel and adventure camps only. so that our registration process runs smoothly and is fair to all involved, we ask that you follow the procedures below:•there will be a separate line for travel Camp and for

adventure Camp. if you need to register a child in both camps, a staff member will assist you. you need not wait in line again.

•please note that parking is not allowed on granite springs road.

•you can only register for your own family.•Numberswillbegivenoutnotingyourplacementonlinejust

before registration begins. absolutely no placement on line can be saved for another family. please do not let someone arriving later take a spot beside you on line.

•individuals residing in the town of yorktown may register for adventure and travel Camps. registration for non-residents will be accepted beginning monday, may 5th, if space allows. Be advised there is a 20% surcharge for non-residents.

•InanefforttoexpeditetheregistrationprocessonApril5th,ifyou have never registered with the recreation department, please establish your household (providing proofs of residency)withtheofficepriortoApril5th.

camp Registration Form is on Website


PReschooL caMP yorktown Community nursery school, Veterans roadday & time: monday - Friday – 9:00am to 12:00noonprogram no: 261103-A Full season: July 7 – august 1 261101-A session 1: July 7 – July 18 261102-A session 2: July 21 – august 1eligibility: 3 - 5 year olds. must be 3 by 4/1/14, must be potty trained (no pull ups). Fee: Received through May 16 Received after May 16 Full season - $485.00 Full season - $525.00 session 1/2 - $270.00 session 1/2 - $290.00about the program: activities will include games, story telling, music, imaginative play, arts and crafts and more. early pick up available for those who have siblings at half day camp.

haLF DaY caMPdates: July 1 – august 1 (no camp July 4)day & time: monday thru Friday – 8:30am to 12noonprogram no: 261201-A yorktown half day - tBd 261301-A lakeland half day - tBdeligibility: Children entering kindergarten through 6th grade.Fee: EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT

Received through May 16 $330/$320/$310/no charge 1st child/2nd child/3rd child/4th child in family Received after May 16 $380/$370/$360/no charge 1st child/2nd child/3rd child/4th child in family

All registrants must be enrolled in same program number to receive multi-child discount.about the program: Camperswillenjoyart,nature,sports,free play activities and a wonderful staff encouraging participation and fun for all. Camp-wide special events and themes encourage equal fun and amusement. transportation and snack are the responsibility of the camper.

FULL DaY caMPsdates: July 1 – august 1 (no camp July 4)day & time: monday thru Friday – 8:30am to 3:00pmprogram no: 262101-A lakeland Full day - tBd 262201-A yorktown Full day - tBdeligibility: Children entering grades 1-6.Fee: EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT Received through May 16 $630/$620/$610/no charge 1st child/2nd child/3rd child/4th child Received after May 16 $680/$670/$660/no charge 1st child/2nd child/3rd child/4th childAll registrants must be enrolled in same program number to receive multi-child discount.about the program: Campers will spend the day following a structuredschedulefilledwithsports,artsandcrafts,natureactivities, swimming, camp-wide special events and themes encouraging equal fun and amusement. Free swim (no lessons) will take place at the Brian J. slavin aquatic Facility at shrub oak park or Junior lake pool. transportation and lunch are the responsibility of the camper.

eXtenDeD DaY caMP PRogRaM yorktown Community & Cultural Centerdates: July 1 – august 1 (no program July 4)day & time: monday thru Friday 3:00pm – 6:00pmprogram no: 262501-Aeligibility: ExtendedDayCampProgramisavailableto

Full day Campers. Fee: EARLY REGISTRATION DISCOUNT Received through May 16 $300/$290/$280/$270 1st child/2nd child/3rd child/4th child Received after May 16 $350/$340/$330/$320 1st child/2nd child/3rd child/4th childabout the program: at the conclusion of the Full day Campday,ExtendedDayCamperswillbebussed to theyorktown Community & Cultural Center where they will be supervised by day Camp staff in a variety of games and activities which will keep them busy. Campers are welcome to stay until 6:00pm but they may be picked up anytime by their parent/guardian between 3:30 and 6:00pm

aDVentURe caMPlakeland-Copper Beech middle school parking lot(trip drop-off and pick-up location)day & time: tuesday, Wednesday, thursday - trip times varyprogram no: 262303-A Full session: July 8 to July 31 262301-A session 1: July 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17 262302-A session 2: July 22, 23, 24, 29, 30, 31eligibility: Children entering grades 6-9 Fees: Received through May 16 Received after May 16 Full session: $665.00 Full session: $705.00 session 1/2: $360.00 session 1/2: $380.00(Includes admission fees and transportation to all event sites)registration: there will be a restricted number of campers per session. registration will be taken in person beginning Saturday, April 5th from 9:00am to 12noon at the recreation Officeorbymailbeginning april 7.about the program: Campers will travel three days a week (tuesday, Wednesday, thursday). AtripscheduleisavailableattheRecreationOfficeoronour website.

tRaVeL caMPlakeland-Copper Beech middle school parking lot (trip drop-off and pick-up location)day & time: monday thru Friday - trip times varyprogram no: 262403-A Full session: July 7 to august 1 262401-A session 1: July 7 to July 18 262402-A session 2: July 21 to august 1 eligibility: Children entering grades 6-9Fee:Received through May 16 Received after May 16 Full session: $990.00 Full session: $1030.00session 1/2: $520.00 session 1/2: $540.00


about the program: trips will be planned daily. a detailed tripscheduleisavailableattheRecreationOfficeoronourwebsite. each camper will need to be swim tested before the start of camp.

Camp registration Form on WeBsite

(Includes admission fees and transportation to all event sites)registration: there will be a restricted number of campers per session. registration will be taken in person beginning Saturday, April 5th from 9:00am to 12noon at the recreation OfficeorbymailbeginningApril7.

aQUatic PRogRaMsLeaRn to sWiM! program no & 211101-A,B,C,D: July 7 - July 18 (session 1)dates: 211102-A,B,C,D: July 21 – august 1 (session 2) 211103-A,B,C,D: august 4 – august 15 (session 3)Eligibility: Entering kindergarten to 6th Abouttheprogram:Learningtoswimpromotesconfidence,waterawareness,andisgreatforoverallhealth.Thelocalswimteam and swim lessons will be sharing the pool facility. lessons will occupy the diving well and part of the lap lanes. this isanintroductiontoWater,Beginner,AdvancedBeginner,IntermediateandSwimmeraccordingtoRedCrossclassifications(level 1, 2, 3, 4). Class times: each participant will be assigned to a 30-minute class between 9:30am and 11:30am according to his/her abilityaftertestingonthefirstday.A: grades k and 1 B: grades 2 and 3 C: grades 3 and 4 D: grades 5 and 6Day: Dates: Time: Location:monday-Friday see above 9:30-11:30am Brian J slavin Facilitytesting: July 7 (session 1), July 21 (session 2), august 4 (session 3). testing starts at 9:00amFee: resident: $90.00 nonresident: $108.00

coMPetitiVe sWiMMing cLinic Beth kear & staffprogram no: 211401-A (21 classes)about the program: this program will be run as a competitive swim team practice focusing on preparing youngsters for competition.Youngerswimmerswillbetaughtthe4competitivestrokes(butterfly,backstroke,breaststroke,freestyle)aswell as receiving an introduction to starts and turns. seasoned swimmers will be geared towards strength, conditioning and speed training. this is not a beginner’s swim lesson program. eligibility: 8 – 17 year olds (under8mustbeevaluatedbycoachatfirstsession)Day: Date: Time: Location:tuesdays, Wednesdays, 4/8-5/29 4:15-5:45pm lCBms, pool& thursdays (no class april 15, 16, 17)Fee: resident: $150.00 nonresident: $180.00

YoRktoWn sWiM & DiVe teaM Brian J. slavin aquatic Facility6-7 week schedule beginning on monday June 23, 2014. new swimmer evaluations will be done thursday, June 26. all practice sessions are monday thru Friday emphasizing quality stroke development and competitive diving instruction.

regular swim practice times:dive team – 7-8:30am 11 & older swimmers 8-9:30am 10 & under swimmers 9:30-10:30amregistration: log on to: www.yorktownny.org/ and go to parks & recreation page to download the ysdt registration form. spirit wear and swimsuits will be available for purchase at the walk in registration held at the sparkle lake service Building on may 17, 2014 from 1-4pm.

Check or money order only, made payable to yorktown swim & dive team400 Chestnut Court, yorktown heights, ny 10598

Mail in Early Registration Fee before May 12, 2014: $150.00 per childALL registrations received after May 12, 2014: $165.00 per child

(Includes walk in registrations.)eligibility: yorktown residency is REQUIRED. all registration forms (either mailed or in-person) must include a copy of the parent’s/guardian’s current valid driver’s license and a second form of proof of residency such as a current utility bill. registration will not be accepted without two proofs of residency. this is not a Beginner’s sWimming program. all new swimmers will be required to try out and will be accepted at the coach’s discretion. For questions or further information, please call 302-7542 between 5:00pm and 9:00pm.


WateRFRont LiFegUaRDing pat minichino & steve haimsprogram no: 212511-A (Session 1)day & dates: april 23, 28, 29, 30, may 5, 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21 time: 6:00-9:30pm andsite: lakeland Copper Beech ms pool & room 339

eligibility: residents age 15 or older by may 20, 2014 for program #212511-a or July 20, 2014 for program #212501-a. Participantsmustpasstheentrancetestthefirstdayofeithercourse,consistingofacontinuous550yardswim,a20yardswim with a surface dive to retrieve a 10 pound brick, resurfacing with the brick, then swimming 20 yards on back, using legs only,andexitingthepoolin100seconds,and,finally,a15yardunderwaterswim.Abouttheprogram:ThisAmericanRedCrosscourseconsistsofallthenecessaryrequirementstobeacertifiedlifeguardinNewYorkState.Fee includes all books andmaterialsforthecourse(whicharenotreturnable)withtheexceptionofmaskandsnorkelneededbyeachparticipant.Bringswimsuitandtoweltofirstclassforwatertest.Fee: resident: $385.00 per program no. plus$35.00payabletoinstructoronfirstnightofclassforRedCrosscertifications. nonresident: $462.00 per program no. plus$35.00payabletoinstructoronfirstnightofclassforRedCrosscertifications.

WateRFRont LiFegUaRDing ReceRtiFicationprogram no: 212502-A Abouttheprogram:ThisAmericanRedCrossprogramisforlifeguardsinneedofrenewingtheircertificationinLifeguardtraining.PleasebringyourcurrentorrecentlyexpiredLGTandCPRcardstotheinstructoronthefirstdayofclass.Day: Date: Time: Location:monday-thursday June 2, 3, 4, 5 5:00-9:00pm lCBms, poolFee: resident: $200.00 plus$35.00payabletotheinstructoronthefirstnightofclassforRedCrosscertifications. nonresident: $240.00 plus$35.00payabletotheinstructoronthefirstnightofclassforRedCrosscertifications.

PooL/Beach inFoRMationa valid parks & recreation department pool permit or pass must be presented at each pool facility in order to gain access.

JUnioR Lake PooL at Memorial Park – phone: 962-4200 (Children must be 41” tall for slide pool.)dates: may 24 – august 17 hours: Weekends & holidays 11:00am to 7:00pm Weekdays (June 16 – June 20) 1:00pm to 6:00pm Weekdays (June 23 – august 15) 12noon to 7:00pm

BRain J sLaVin aQUatic FaciLitY at shrub oak Park – phone: 245-4114 (Children must be 41” tall to use the interactive pool.)dates: June 7 – september 1 hours: Weekends & holidays 11:00am to 7:00pm Weekdays (June 16 – June 20) 1:00pm to 6:00pm Weekdays (June 23 – august 29) 12noon to 7:00pm

sPaRkLe Lake Beach – phone: 245-5060open to yorktown residents onlydates: June 21 – august 17hours: daily 11:00am to 6:00pm

SWIMMING FACILITIES:• areas will be closed or will close early on days of inclement weather.• Children must be at least 12 years old in order to utilize the facilities without adult supervision.• only us Coast guard approved type iii lifesaving devices are allowed at our town pools. although us Coast guard

approved type iii devices are allowable this does not replace the role of parental supervision of their child. all parents must directly supervise their child in and around the water. no other device can be used unless for medical reasons.

• please note: the Junior lake pool will be closing for the season on august 17.•

program no: 212501-A (Session 2)day & dates: mondays thru thursdays - July 7 - July 24 saturdays – July 12 & 19 time mondays thru thursdays: 6:00-8:30pm site: Brian J. slavin aquatic Facility saturdays: 9:00am to 3:00pm at sparkle lake proof of age required at registration. Must attend every session


Rent the Lake House!Contact the Recreation office for details


PooL PeRMit/Pass Fees• no refunds will be given for pool permits.• lost Cards- there is a $5.00 charge for any card that needs to be replaced due to loss. please allow 5 business days to

be processed. • Forpasspurposes,thefollowingdefinitionsareapplicable Family: includes the immediate, nuclear family only (parents and children 22 years of age and under). grandparents,

aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, houseguests, au pairs and babysitters are not included. adult: individual 18+ years Child: individual 3 – 17 years Couple: 2 adults living in the same household (married or domestic partners) Early Registration Discount Starting June 2

pool ages 3 – 17 $90.00 $115.00 individual permit ages 18 & over $145.00 $170.00

pool parents and Family permit children under 22 $295.00 $345.00

pool parents and Family permit children under 22 nonresident $750.00 $850.00 (limited number avail.) school district non-resident* $525.00 $625.00

pool 2 adults living Couple permit in same household $245.00 $295.00

senior Citizens: ages 60 – 64 $20.00 $30.00 ages 65 & over $10.00 $15.00 splash pass 5-entries into pool $40.00 $40.00 (renewable)

daily admission ages 3 and over $20.00 $30.00

DAILY ADMISSION PASS GATE FEE Until 5:00pm 5:00p-7:00pm ages 18 & over $8.00 $6.00 ages 3 – 17 $4.00 $3.00

GUEST RATES: MaximumTWOguestsperpermit/passholder ages 18 & over $10.00 ages 3 – 17 $8.00

PooL PeRMit/Pass inFoRMationPermits from 2013 are NOT valid.

in order to gain entry into yorktown’s pool Facilities you must obtain a yorktown recreation pool permit/pass.

Ourpermitsystemallowsforincreasedefficiencyandtheabilitytocaptureimportantuserinformationatourfacilities.IDcards from 2013 can be reused and will be validated upon registering for the 2014 season. all family members do not need to be present to renew the cards, however, all cards must be brought in. To avoid excessive lines we encourage you to come in early!

PROOF OF RESIDENCYAcceptable proof of residency: all residents applying for a pass (including pass renewals) must show one proof from the firstcolumn and tWo proofs from the second column. renters must show rental agreement with proof. all documents must be originals.*Children 18-22 years of age must show proof of residing in the household. the burden of proof of residency rests with the person making the application. Previously issued ID cards are not acceptable as current Proofs of Residency.

neWtwilight hours


One (1) Photo with street address: Two (2) Dated Bill with street address driver’s license 2014 yorktown toWnTaxBill learner’s permit 2014 utility Bill (home phone, gas, electric, cable) non-driver photo id (dmV) 2014 mortgage statement or rent statement Citizen id Card 2014 Fuel oil Bill 2014PropertyInsuranceCertificate Voter registration

Ifyouhaveanyquestionsregardingacceptableproofs,pleasecontacttheRecreationDepartmentat245-4650,ext.0,8:30am to 4:30pm, monday thru Friday.

I.D. APPLICATIONS:• registration must be IN PERSON during posted i.d. hours. (see hours below.)• to obtain a card (including renewals), please bring 3 proofs of residency (originals only) and your payment (cash or

check only). the burden of proof of residency rests with the person making the application.• For new applications, each member of your family will need to have his/her picture taken before obtaining an id card.

HOURS FOR PASS REGISTRATION AND RENEWALS:loCation: parks and recreation administration Building at sparkle lake.

mornings: may 5 – July 11 9:00am – 11:00am (mondays AND Fridays)Weekdays: may 5 – July 11 1:00pm – 4:00pm (monday thru Fridays)eVenings: may 6 – July 10 6:00pm – 8:00pm (tuesdays thru thursdays) saturdays: may 3 – July 5 10:30am – 2:00pm

**I.D. Office will be closed May 26, July 4**

cooPeRating agenciesthe YoRktoWn teen centeRThe Yorktown Teen Center is a positive safe place where teens come together to have fun and form friendships as they develop their self-esteem and learn to give back to their community. It is located in room 102 in the Yorktown Community and Cultural Center and is open to youth in grades 6 to 12 who reside in the Town of Yorktown. For more information about the center, hours, and upcoming events, visit our website at www.yorktowntc.org or call at 302-2123.

NOR-WEST REGIONAL SPECIAL SERVICES Special Recreation for Special Populationsnor-West regional special services is a social service agency that provides community-based therapeutic recreation programs, respite and transportation services to persons ages 5 to 65 with differing abilities residing in the northwestern portion of Westchester County. For further information and current program information, visit their website: www.nor-west.org

SPARC – SPECIAL PROGRAM AND RESOURCE CONNECTIONRecreation, Social and Therapeutic servicesSPARC is a not-for-profit agency that provides adapted and skill basedprograms to children, teens and adults.Twodivisions of services offer: Kids Express, an after school recreation program for all children attending yorktown and lakeland elementary schools. Therapeutic Recreation programs serve participants with developmental disabilities. For more information call (914) 243-0583 or visit the websites www.sparcinc.org or www.kids-express-sparc.org

NEW YORK-NEW JERSEY TRAIL CONFERENCEthe trail Conference publishes maps and books that guide public use of these trails. For more information about the trail Conference including suggested hikes, visit www.nynjtc.org. the trail Conference has taken on the responsibility of building and maintaining new trails in sylvan glen park preserve, Woodlands park and granite knolls park. the trail Conference isassistedbyvolunteersfromtheWestchesterMountainBikeAssociationonbuildingmulti-usetrails.Tojoininwithtrailbuilding trips contact [email protected].

TOWN OF YORKTOWN MUSEUMlocated top Floor in yorktown Community & Cultural CenterThemuseumhasanextensiveLibrary/Researchroomthatincludesgenealogicalandlocalhistoryinformation,alongwitha gift shop that offers reproductions and unique gifts.

Museum Hours: saturdays 12noon to 3:00pm tuesday & thursdays 11:00am to 4:00pmFormore information about future exhibits, donations and volunteer opportunities, call (914) 962-2970or visit thewebsite at www.yorktownmuseum.org

ALLIANCE FOR SAFE KIDS (ASK) the alliance for safe kids (ask) is a coalition representing all sectors of our community working together to promote awareness and prevention of substance abuse and other destructive behaviors damaging to our youth. For more information and how to get involved, visit our website www.allianceforsafekids.org.

YORKTOWN YOUTH SOCCER CLUB yysC is one of the largest youth soccer organizations in the area for boys and girls ages 4 to 14 (must be 4 as of november 30). For additional information please call rick romanski or nancy leader at (914)962-8865 or (914)245-2789 or visit www.yorktownsoccer.org

SHRUB OAK ATHLETIC CLUB the shrub oak athletic Club is a youth sports organization serving northern Westchester and southern putnam Counties, NY.Ourin-houseprogramsfocusonthevalueofteamwork,learningthegame,sportsmanshipandjusthavingfun. travel programs are also available. Visit: www.shruboakac.org

YORKTOWN ATHLETIC CLUB the yorktown athletic Club, inc. provides organized youth sports programs. We offer both recreational and travel youth sport programs that are age appropriate and are designed for the full participation. Visit: www.yacsports.com



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YORKTOWNPARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT176 Granite Springs RoadYorktown Heights, NY 10598

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