Spring Newsletter

EAST LOTHIAN COUNCIL Spring 2012 Spring Newsletter S2 On Top Of The World! As part of the S2 January activities, around 70 pupils gathered at the back of the Law in order to solve a group challenge – how to make the world in their own back garden. We were blessed with fine weather as 6 groups of pupils broached their global challenge. Working in Continent Teams, the S2 pupils did a great job and the Modern Languages De- partment was proud to post their photos on the department blog (http://edubuzz.org/ nbhslanguages/ ). Twitter North Berwick High School now has its very own Twitter account - please follow us @NorthBerwickHS and keep up with all our latest news! Fair Weather Precautions While we don’t want to tempt fate, we can hopefully look forward to a lovely spring and early summer. Please remem- ber to ensure that your son / daughter has a supply of sun screen for any out- door activities taking place in the new term. Please note that, for health and safety reasons, we do not keep a supply of sun screen in school and, for obvious reasons, staff will not apply it to pupils. Many thanks for your cooperation and here’s hoping for lovely weather! NORTH BERWICK HIGH S NORTH BERWICK HIGH S NORTH BERWICK HIGH S NORTH BERWICK HIGH SCHOOL CHOOL CHOOL CHOOL


NBHS Spring Newsletter

Transcript of Spring Newsletter

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E A S T L O T H I A N C O U N C I L Spring 2012

Spring Newsletter

S2 On Top Of The World!

As part of the S2 January activities, around 70 pupils gathered at the back of the Law in order to solve a group challenge – how to make the world in their own back garden. We were blessed with fine weather as 6 groups of pupils broached their global challenge. Working in Continent Teams, the S2 pupils did a great job and the Modern Languages De-partment was proud to post their photos on the department blog (http://edubuzz.org/nbhslanguages/ ).


North Berwick High School now has its very own Twitter account - please follow us @NorthBerwickHS and keep up with all our latest news!

Fair Weather Precautions While we don’t want to tempt fate, we can hopefully look forward to a lovely spring and early summer. Please remem-ber to ensure that your son / daughter has a supply of sun screen for any out-door activities taking place in the new term. Please note that, for health and safety reasons, we do not keep a supply of sun screen in school and, for obvious reasons, staff will not apply it to pupils. Many thanks for your cooperation and here’s hoping for lovely weather!


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North Berwick High School

Global Citizenship Week 2012

‘Doors to the World’

GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP WEEK The week starting 6th February was Global Citizenship Week at NBHS. There was a tremen-dous amount going on in school from being addressed about Global Citizenship during Assem-bly, to curricular tie-ins. Teaching and non-teaching staff alike decorated their room doors to reflect a country, an Olympic Value or an issue of global relevance, such as recycling. Many of the pupils were buzzing with questions, and at lunchtime on Monday and Thursday there were "Stall in the School Hall" covering aspects of Global Citizenship such as human rights, the practical application of science for the environment, the effects of oil spills and the Olym-pics. Finally, at breaktime, there was a pupil-run Fairtrade Tuck Shop, and on the Thursday, a Fairtrade Fashion Show.

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RWANDA Kari Spence and Isabelle Ives, two former North Berwick High School pupils, are return-ing to Rwanda this June for three months. School counsellor Sue Spence and a friend are also joining the girls for the month of July. Throughout their trip they plan to work in a poor rural school, set up a summer school and work in two orphanages teaching sports, arts and crafts and English. To help raise awareness and funds for the trip Rory Spence, along with fourteen other S1 pupils, took part in a 24 hour ‘join together’. Throughout the Saturday afternoon the pupils spent two hours walking along North Berwick High Street and managed to make an amazing £210. Each young person was also being individually sponsored to be tied to friends for the 24 hours and overall they man-aged to make over £1000. Thanks to all who took part in this event and to all those who kindly gave donations.

Charities Report The fundraising for the school's two nominated charities continues apace. Assemblies about Help for Heroes were held just before the Christmas break and representatives from Muirfield Riding Therapy spoke at assemblies at the end of February. During the week 4-9 March daffodils were sold on be-half of Marie Curie Cancer Care and on Friday 9th March a dress in yellow day was held. The sum raised was £738.54. At the forthcoming Spring Concert a raffle will be held. Donations of prizes will be welcomed. These can be sent in via your child or left at the office for the atten-tion of Mrs Macaskill.

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S4 Biology Trip to Lochgilphead, Thursday 1 December 2011

Miss Kaur, Mrs Bloomfield, Mrs Menzies, Mr Jones and Mr McClintock took 43 S4 Biology students to the Beaver Trial Site at Knapdale Forest in Lochgilphead, accompanied by Polly Phillpot from the Royal Zoological Society of Edinburgh. After a 7.30am start, the journey took a slight turn for the worse after a land-slide on the A83, which added an extra two hours onto the coach trip! Luckily we all arrived unscathed, though slightly road weary, at Lochgilphead for a two mile hike round the Loch Collie Bharr. The trip started with a bang, as we were shown a full beaver pelt, along with a real beaver skull, allowing us to see the true size of the world’s third largest rodent. Apart from five minutes of rain at the very start we were treated to a fairly pleasant walk, getting to see a real beaver dam and walking along a floating pontoon in the middle of the Dubh Loch. There were a few slips and slides in the muddy terrain (most of them by Miss Kaur), but the whole party managed to get round the Loch in one piece, having thoroughly en-joyed the beautiful surroundings and observ-ing the many different plant specimens on offer. Although no actual beavers were seen (they are mainly active at sunrise and sunset), it was a very interesting and educational trip, in

Callie: I thought that the beaver trip was an ex-citing trip. The bus journey was a bit long, and it kind of wore off the excite-ment. When we got there I thought the talks were good and informative. One guy looked like a crazy scientist! I thought the scavenger hunt was a good break from the walk. Not seeing the bea-ver’s was quite sad but I suppose the chances of seeing them were low. The highlight was watching Ethan fall over in the mud, and holding the beavers skin. Overall, the trip was good, but the bus ride was not so good. It was a nice day out. Thank you!

Finlay Pratt: I thought that the beaver trip was a great day out, filled with many fun and exciting moments. The walk was nice and refresh-ing, and had many wonderful views. The fact we didn’t see any beavers was a bit disappointing but we all knew the chances of seeing one were slim. I enjoyed the scavenger hunt and seeing people strug-gle in the mud. The banter of the trip was something to be admired (even when we weren’t feeling well)! The only downside was the length of the bus trip, which was a long time for just a day trip. Despite this if I was given the chance I would do it all again! THANK YOU!

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The NBHS school newspaper ‘NBHS News’ continues to need enthusiastic pupils who will

oversee its production and gain valuable experience in the journalistic process. So far this

session there has been one edition of the newspaper, issued at the end of term 1, which was

bought and read enthusiastically by both students and staff. The busy nature of term 2 –

particularly for senior students – has meant that the second edition of the newspaper has

had to wait until term 3. The editorial board wishes to thank all those enthusiastic reporters

who have contributed to the paper’s production and hopes to encourage more students to

get involved.

P7 Enterprise Day

On 8 February all P7 pupils from the feeder primary schools visited North Ber-wick High School to participate in an en-terprise event. Everyone had a fantastic day, creating various products around the theme of Friendship. All groups worked well together, came up with fantastic ideas and were helped by S3 pupils from the High School.

Mixed Hockey The Mixed hockey club will be starting after the Easter holidays. It is for pupils from S1 to S6. If you want to play for fun, to learn or to get better come along every Friday after school. You will need your gum shields and shin pads. Pupils who have come to this session have im-proved tremendously as there is no pres-sure and they can try out their tech-niques and show off their skills. Pupils learn a few things each week and learn a lot more by observing and helping each other.

Cookery Club

From September 2011 to end of March 2012 there has been a cookery club run-ning in Mrs Ralph’s kitchen at the High School. Every Wednesday after school there has been a combination of Primary 7s from Law primary and S1 – 4 students from NBHS cooking and baking for fun with Mrs Ralph, Mrs Finney and Mrs McCormack. Occasionally, in order to boost the funds for the club, the chefs have sold half of the wares they have produced at break time in the school canteen displaying finely honed sales techniques and powers of persuasion! The club will disband for the summer months so that Mrs McCormack can run the Gardening Club!

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Pupil Support Spring Newsletter

The Department returned after a Happy Christmas to support the English and Mathematics prelims for the young people with Additional Support Needs in S5 and S6. During the month of January a group of young people from the Support Base took part in a three week block of activities at Meadowmill near Prestonpans. They played football and took part in athletics and met other young people from the other secondary schools in East Lo-thian. During the month of February four young people who attend the Support Base attended Moray House University to take part in ball games with the student teachers. All the young people thoroughly enjoyed the experience. At the end of February the whole of first year visited Surgeons’ Hall as part of a cross curricular project and this event was par-ticularly enjoyed by two young people who attend the Support Base. We also successfully supported the S5/6 in the remainder of their prelims. The S4/5/6 Moving On Groups had 2 successful visits to Jewel and Esk College this term – as a result of these visits many of our young people have made applications to various courses. We wish them well in their application. The S4 Moving On Group has also been participating in an African Drumming workshop this term, organised by ELJAM. Everyone has enjoyed the experience working together, making some fantastic music and learning about the different African instruments. As a Department we have been inviting colleagues from various departments to come to the Support Base and have a cup of tea or coffee with some home bakes made in the base with the young people hosting the events. In February we invited some of the English teachers and this month we have successfully entertained the PE, Home Econom-ics and Social Subjects Departments as part of the Marie Curie Fundraising that the school has as one of its charities this year. The Support Base was decorated with Daffodils as part of the fund raising event. March also sees the Department busy supporting all the S3 with Additional Support Needs in their assessments. This will be their first formal opportunity to sit assessments and we wish them all the very best.

Rugby News The NBHS Under 14s had two magnifi-cent victories recently. They won both the Merchiston and the Stewart's Mel-ville Sevens tournaments. This is a great achievement - never before has a state school won both these tourna-ments in the same season. There was more success at the East Lothian Schools Sevens on Friday 23 March, when both the Under 15 and Under 18 teams won their levels at Meadowmill. Well done to all who took part in the games, and to our wonderful coaches.

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream

A number of pupils from across the school have been rehearsing over the past few

months for a production of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Pupils

involved are looking forward to recreating the antics of the various fairy and human char-

acters over the course of three public performances on the evenings of 13th – 15th June

and one performance just for pupils of NBHS on 13th June. Everyone hopes that the pro-

duction will be as successful as last session’s Macbeth which culminated in a trip to Strat-

ford Upon Avon for many of those pupils involved.

Fairtrade School Award.

North Berwick High School has gained the coveted Fairtrade School Award from the Fairtrade Founda-tion.

This is a great reward for all the work the school and our Fairtrade Group have done towards raising awareness of Fairtrade issues.

We have included Fairtrade in our lessons, held tuck shops and bake sales, eaten a lot of chocolate, sold huge quantities of rice from Malawi and made tea and coffee for the staff.

To celebrate our award the Fairtrade Group held a Fairtrade Fashion Fix it Event. With the help of workshops led by Jacquie Rixon from Earthmatters, North Berwick, the team took fairtrade cotton jumpsuits and created a whole wardrobe of new designs. The results were then paraded on the catwalk by a range of models who were willing to take a step for fairtrade.

The team have plans for more events next term so if you are interested in helping come along to Languages 1 on Thursday morning breaks.

Fairtrade Group

Some of our models who stepped out to fix a fairer world

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North Berwick High School Football Club

S1 Football Well done to the S1 squads who competed recently in the East Lo-thian Sevens tournament held at Ross High School. NBHS teams finished 1st and 4th. S2 Football The S2 team have competed really well in the Under 14 league, holding unbeaten Dunbar Grammar to a 2-2 draw and fighting back superbly from 3-1 down to defeat Ross High 8-5. The boys have had only one defeat in their last five games in all competi-tions. S2 League Results North Berwick 8 Ross High 5 North Berwick 2 Dunbar Grammar 2 Musselburgh Grammar 6 North Berwick 3 Further results and the current league table can be found at www.lsfa.co.uk. Search for ‘EMSFA Under 14’ under League Tables. At the time of going to press, the S2 team have two remaining league fixtures, away to league leaders Newbattle High School and at home to Lasswade High School. S4 Football The S4 boys have recently been competing in an East Lothian Senior competition and have given a very good account of themselves against older school teams. This will prepare them for seniors football in S5. They have still to play Knox Academy in their final game. Results North Berwick 2 Preston Lodge 2 Ross High 3 North Berwick 2 ——————————————————————————————————————————-

Thank You A big thank you to the parent helpers, staff and S4 pupils who have helped out both by coaching the S1/S2 players, and giving their tremendous support on match days. Special thanks go to S4 pupils Jack Fish, Callum Baptie, Fraser Thomson, Hamish Law , Nathan Evans and Finn Donaldson for their coaching in-volvement with the S1 and S2 squads. You have done a great job in inspiring our future footballer stars – thank you! Mr.Docherty / Mr McFarlane

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The Ukulele Orchestra of North Berwick High School From humble beginnings in 2009 the Ukulele Orchestra has flourished within the High School’s music department. For some the ukulele is a novelty; small in stature and ‘as cheap as chips’! For us, this is a fundamental value that allows us to reach out to the local community. Where the ‘Orchestra’ cannot go, the ‘Ukulele Orchestra’ will venture – like a cheeky younger sibling. We are rather fond of this principle and relish each opportunity - great or small - to perform for the school and in the community.

Performances for NBHS 3x Easter Concerts 2x Christmas Concerts 2x Senior Citizens Concerts 2x Lunchtime house events 1x Fidra Fair 2x Xmas pantomime intervals 1x Senior awards ceremony 1x Pirate day 1x P7 induction day 1x S1 open day 4x Ceilidh Interval entertainment 1x Malawi Car-boot sale busk/promotion

In the Community 4x NB Day Care Centre 2x Fidra House Nursing Home 2x Fringe by the Sea - Open mic 2x Trad on the Tyne Music Festival - Open mic 3x East Coast FM 1x Captivate in Concert (Fundraising for MRT) 1x Birthday Party 2x With Dunbar Choral Society (Fundraising for NB in Bloom and RNLI) 1x NB Lifeboat Fete 1x NB Community Festival (Lodge) 4x East Linton Pantomime (Variety Show) 1x Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland

2012 Uke Orchestra Leavers Elliott Bruce, Robert Turton, Alison Williams, Alison Wright, Jasmine Lauchlan (Vocal), Sarah Pat-rick (Vocal), Jacob Cusworth (Bass Guitar), Rowan Wood (Cajon). We are now looking for the next generation of budding ukulele players, singers and musicians. So, are you interested in learning the ukulele? Anybody can play! For MUSICIANS – A new challenge and instrument to master. A wealth of opportunities to build up performance experience. For NEW LEARNERS – A casual and rewarding introduction to playing an instrument. No performance experience required. For STAFF – Why not? For ALL – FUN! All you need is enthusiasm and commitment! It is but a cheap hobby and playing in the group is a super way to get involved with the commu-nity! For further info PLEASE ask Mr Roderick in Computing 2. He’s more than happy to help and also a super mentor. Robert Turton S6

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From Mr Roderick : I would like to say a massive thank you to all the uke members for all their hard work, effort and commitment to per-forming for others. There is nothing better than being of service (seva) and making people happy. What goes round comes round and it is a good way of clearing your negative karma! Thanks to Robert for all his hard work with organising everyone to get to the gigs and for helping me with the ar-rangements for all the songs. The Uke Orchestra gives plenty of opportunity to learn real life skills, people skills and to grow in confidence. The ukulele is the easiest instrument to learn; to play and sing at the same time! I will miss the enthusiasm and friendship of the S6 pupils, Robert, Rowan, Elliot, Jacob, Sarah, Jasmine, Alison and Al-ison. Goodbye, and Peace to you all on your journeys.

Moving To A New Leadership Structure In North Berwick High

School In line with many local authorities in Scot-land, East Lothian Council has reviewed its leadership and management structure in secondary schools. All six secondary head teachers have been working in association with the Head of Education and the Human Resources department to change our struc-ture so that it better reflects the principles of Curriculum for Excellence and also saves money, given the continuing financial situa-tion. From Tuesday 5th June, when the new timetable begins, North Berwick High School will have a structure consisting of the head teacher, depute heads and Princi-pal Teachers (Curriculum and Support). The Principal Teachers (Curriculum) will have responsibility for the whole-school ar-eas of literacy, numeracy, health and well-being, design and technology, humanities, performing arts, international education, sciences and finance and ICT. The Principal Teachers (Support) will continue to provide support for pupils and our four Houses will continue as focal points for the school.

Rwanda Fundraiser

As part of their S3 studies on the Politics of Aid, S3 Modern Studies students will be hold-ing a fundraiser on Thursday 19th April to raise money which will go to support education in Rwanda. Our very own school counsellor, Sue Spence, is heading to Rwanda at the be-ginning of the summer break and she would like to contribute the money raised to help aid the education of children in a country still recovering from the brutalities of civil war. The students plan to set up a series of challenges in the hall at which you can try your luck to win a prize. Be warned, though, many of the challenges are not as easy as they look! The work that S3 have put into this project so far is commendable and they are looking forward to running this event and would greatly appreciate your support.

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Gnome-napping – a warning!

I have been asked to inform all gnome lovers that a dangerous gang of gnome-nappers has been operating in the area. I have reason to believe that some members of the gang may even be students at our school.

The gang were also spotted on the High Street apparently raising funds for the North Ber-wick Rwanda Connection – rumour has it they raised a lot of money!

When my only gnome went missing I was horrified to receive these photos, together with a ransom demand. As you can see my gnome underwent experiences that no gnome should have to endure. I believe that we should never give in to acts of terrorism but if you wish to protect your garden ornaments, may I recommend a donation to Rwanda School Aid (Mrs Spence or Rory Spence 1F)

The gnomes of North Berwick will thank you!

Mrs Lowe

Wanted – The Gnome-nappers of North Berwick. Do you recognise these students?

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BBC News School Report Recently 1G2 participated in the BBC News School Report Project with Miss Forster. This project involved us working with other people in the class and school to develop our news stories. We got to learn how to use various technological items and how to be real re-porters working in a live news room. Before the News Day we had been learning about the news and how to write/ record our own reports. We did various lessons where we got to make up news reports under pres-sure so we knew what it would be like on the real day. We shared our findings with other groups and spoke about what we did well and what we could have improved on. On the News Day we had firmly decided who we wanted to work with and knew what problems we were likely to face because we had a practice day. Some of the problems that we knew we had to improve on were: the batteries kept running out, there weren’t enough cameras and we didn’t have enough silent rooms to record in. However, on the News Day we were given a list of rooms and cameras which we had to sign-out on big flip chart paper. We also had lithium batteries which lasted so much longer and we knew exactly what we had to do because we had been through the process once before. On the News Day my group wrote a story called Afghan Truck Terror. I really enjoyed writing the story and recording footage to accompany the story on the school’s website. Other groups did various different stories. Some were local news and others were more national. At the end of the day Rachel and Katie checked the stories and uploaded them to the school’s website and Miss Forster uploaded the video footage. I really enjoyed doing this project because it gave me an insight into what it would be like to be a reporter which is something that I may never have had the opportunity to do. I also enjoyed it because we got to work in groups that we were able to choose ourselves which allowed us our freedom and proved that our teacher trusted us to work together. We got to sign in and out of the news room so that our teacher knew where we were at all times and we had to use our time management to make sure everything was com-pleted on time. At times, it could be rather stressful but most groups worked very well and really wanted to make the day a huge success. Another thing that we enjoyed doing was interviewing Iain Gary and Fiona O’Donnell. They were very polite and answered our questions in great detail. We were very pleased that they were able to visit our school. We asked them lots of questions about what they do and what their plans are for the future of East Lothian. I recommend that we do this again and I think that we should definitely get other classes involved in it. Please tune in and read/watch our stories on the NBHS website. By Sebastian Coke and Fraser Munro 1G2

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Outdoor Learning Do you remember the times in your youth when you learnt new things just by being outdoors? Whether it was building a rope swing, damming a stream or playing football in the park, these experiences helped build up inde-pendence, resilience, teamwork and a whole host of skills you will subcon-sciously have used in later life. Today’s young people are in danger of missing out on these experiences and this is something we hope to address with a new initiative at NBHS being introduced next session. The school aims to be one of the first in East Lothian (and perhaps the country) to have a specific outdoor learning policy. Scotland is one of the few countries in the world which explicitly includes outdoor learning as a necessary approach in building the curriculum

and we are looking to use this to ensure all young people have a range of experiences of learning outside the class-room (both in the local area and further afield) during their time in school. The eco-schools group is currently doing a lot of work gath-ering opinions of staff and pupils on how they want the new policy to look but we are also asking for ideas from parents. How do you see outdoor learning and what can you do to help? To gather as many opinions as possible we would like to invite you along to a curricular evening in the school grounds next term. Details will follow after Easter. At the event we will explain a little more about the benefits of out-door learning, invite you to take part in a few examples of how lessons can be delivered outside the classroom and have a good chat around the fire – with perhaps a cuppa

and some outdoors-style food. It would be great to have as many par-ents as possible at the event and an indi-cation of numbers would be good to en-sure sufficient catering – please email [email protected] if interested or you have any further ques-tions. Remember to dress appropriately for the weather conditions – learning does not stop for rain.

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Careers Update

This term is really all about preparing students to make their S4/5/6 transition to further study, employment, training or voluntary options. Skills Development Scotland will com-plete the follow up of all December 2011 and June 2012 school leavers to confirm their current destinations. This is a very important part of our work but it also allows us to hear the individual stories and some of the experiences are fantastic! To help students move on I will continue to offer individual interviews and back this up with targeted group sessions if appropriate. Students applying for college courses were of-fered support as well as an online session and anyone considering this route should have completed their application. S5/6 are now receiving email updates on current vacancies and this information is avail-able at the careers blog and a post containing a range of employability resources is avail-able for everyone. As always I can be contacted via email [email protected] and I visit the school every Wednesday and Thursday. Mick Burns Careers Adviser

Drinking Water In School

Stop The Spread of Germs

A gentle reminder, please could all pupils ensure that they bring a WIDE NECKED bottle with them to school if they wish to use the drinking water fountains. Nar-row necked bottles, or those without a drinking spout that can be removed, mean that germs may be spread from one person to another. Thank you for your co-operation.

Work Experience at the Space, Uprising EL.

Five pupils will be starting work experi-ence at the Space, Tantallon Road, af-ter the Easter holidays. Jason Kerr, Bruce Heapy, Samantha Perkins, Finlay McDonald and Naomi Pearson are going to be working in the cafe/soft play area. They will gain experience in food preparation, customer service, dealing with the public, handling money and supervising children. We are working closely with Adrian Gilring (Coordinator) to create more op-portunities for young people to gain employability skills locally. Tina Logan

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The Pupil Learning Team

The Pupil learning Team is now up and running!

The team consists of a mix of pupils in all year groups who come together to discuss learning and their experiences in the classroom. The first time we met, we discussed what makes a good teacher and what the pupils feel teachers can do to ensure that they have the best possible opportunities for learning. We also discussed the responsi-bilities that pupils have in creating a really positive teaching environment in the class-room. Our second meeting was spent discussing a really good lesson that each pupil had experienced recently, what made it so enjoyable and what the teacher did to con-tribute to this.

Of course, we don’t mention anyone by name and focus very much on the positives – really trying to understand exactly what helps our students to have access to the high-est quality education possible.

Our meetings have been really productive and extremely enjoyable – we hope that this will help to create a real ‘buzz’ about learning in school and that teachers can use our feedback to help prepare for future lessons. We have lots of plans for the future and hope to be able to involve parents in this too, so we will keep you posted!

Our Pupil Learning Team members are:

Jamie Clydesdale 1C Katie Brown 1F James Marwick 1G2 Rebecca Thomson 2G

Daisy Chambers 2F1 Kailey Pollock 3G1 Dominic Spiden 3G1 Jamie Bullen 4C2

Hamish Law 4G Lara Frostwick 5C Maggie Goodlad 5L1 James Leslie 5G2

Mrs Neri & Mrs Rodger

Music News

Jack Bradley 4C2 passed his Grade 4 Guitar with Distinction, scoring 88%. In one piece, he scored 100%, which Mr Coady has only seen once be-fore in 30 years of teaching. Many NBHS pupils took part in East Lothian ensembles for the Showcase Concert in March. NBHS hosted 9 hours of rehearsals for String Orchestra and Guitar Ensemble over Fri 16 and Sat 17 March - St Patrick himself would be proud of the endeavour.

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SCHOOL SESSION DATES 2012-2013 Wednesday 15th August 2012 Pupils resume

Monday 17th September 2012 September holiday

Monday 15th October 2012 First day of October holiday

Tuesday 23rd October 2012 Pupils resume

Friday 21st December 2012 First day of Christmas holiday

Tuesday 8th January 2013 Pupils resume

Monday 11th February 2013 First day of February half-term holiday

Monday 18th February 2013 Pupils resume

Monday 25th March 2013 First day of Easter holiday

Monday 8th April 2013 Pupils resume

Monday 15th April 2013 Holiday

Monday 6th May 2013 May Day Holiday

Monday 20th May 2013 Victoria Day holiday

Tuesday 21st May 2013 Teachers’ Inservice Day

Wednesday 22nd May 2013 Pupils resume

Friday 28th June 2013 School closes for summer holiday

Dates For Your Diary April Thursday 19th S1 Parental Consultation Evening

Tuesday 24th S1 Parental Consultation Evening

Thursday 26th S4 Study Leave begins

May Tuesday 1st Parent Council meeting

Monday 7th Holiday

Tuesday 8th Inservice Day for staff

Wednesday 9th S5/6 Study Leave begins

Monday 14th- S1 to S3 Activities Week

Friday 18th

June Monday 4th Holiday

Tuesday 5th New timetable begins

Tuesday 19th Parent Council meeting

Wednesday 20th- P7 Visit

Thursday 21st

Thursday 21st P7 Parents’ Evening

Friday 29th School closes for summer holiday