Spring Newsletter 2020

Special Edition EASTER 2020 This is Good News… There’s so much we would like to share with you in so little time. Back @ the beginning of the year, we celebrated the Life and Ministry of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke with His friends and family in Florida. Ironically, this German born fire-brand lived 79 years and led 79 million people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As I sat in the service, people paid there respects and many kind and commendable remarks were made about his life and legacy. Yes, his passion was unquenchable, his impact was unequal, his anointing was unstoppable, his integrity was unquestionable and so on! However, this one phrase was reiterated over and over again or at least it stuck out to me: Reinhart Bonnke was a man with laser vision. He never strayed far from the cross of Jesus Christ. Indeed, he was a man on fire with a clarity and a focus when it came to His call as an evangelist. Why am I sharing this information with you? First and foremost, this is the word that God has been speaking to UPCOMING EVENTS 3/22: Burlington Assembly Mission’s Sunday @ 10:30am 3/23 - 5/22: Cross Country Ministry Trip in the Motorhome ** For a Detailed Itinerary Download our Ministry App ** 5/23: The Hardin Wedding Greensboro, NC @ 5:00pm 5/24: Vision Baptist Church Raleigh, NC @ 10:30am 5/24: Siler City Church of God Siler City, NC @ 6:00pm 5/31: Go2020 Community Event LeBauer Park, Greensboro 6-8pm 6/7: Available Date? 6/11 - 6/18: Revive Brazil 3 Day Conference: Rio de Janiero 6/21: Available Date? For more Information and/or Scheduling Please Send an Email to: [email protected] SPRING NEWSLETTER. CHANCE WALTERS MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL

Transcript of Spring Newsletter 2020

Special Edition EASTER 2020

This is Good News… There’s so much we would like to share with you in so little time. Back @ the beginning of the year, we celebrated the Life and Ministry of Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke with His friends and family in Florida. Ironically, this German born fire-brand lived 79 years and led 79 million people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As I sat in the service, people paid there respects and many kind and commendable remarks were made about his life and legacy. Yes, his passion was unquenchable, his impact was unequal, his anointing was unstoppable, his integrity was unquestionable and so on! However, this one phrase was reiterated over and over again or at least it stuck out to me: Reinhart Bonnke was a man with laser vision. He never strayed far from the cross of Jesus Christ. Indeed, he was a man on fire with a clarity and a focus when it came to His call as an evangelist. Why am I sharing this information with you? First and foremost, this is the word that God has been speaking to


3/22: Burlington Assembly Mission’s Sunday @ 10:30am

3/23 - 5/22: Cross Country Ministry Trip in the Motorhome ** For a Detailed Itinerary Download our Ministry App **

5/23: The Hardin Wedding Greensboro, NC @ 5:00pm

5/24: Vision Baptist Church Raleigh, NC @ 10:30am

5/24: Siler City Church of God Siler City, NC @ 6:00pm

5/31: Go2020 Community Event LeBauer Park, Greensboro 6-8pm

6/7: Available Date?

6/11 - 6/18: Revive Brazil 3 Day Conference: Rio de Janiero

6/21: Available Date?

For more Information and/or Scheduling Please Send an

Email to: [email protected]


Special Edition EASTER 2020

me. There’s a great sense of urgency to share the Good News of the Gospel in our day. In fact, we must be committed to this call with a laser-like-focus because this is the final outcome: the salvation of souls. This is our mandate and this is our mission. Chance Walters Ministries was birthed with this one purpose: to bring back those who are far away form God and our efforts will continually paint this picture. With this in mind, we’ve started the year strong and we’ve come too far to turn back around! I agree, we need God more today than we’ve ever needed Him before but we also need you. This is true: You and other faithful ministry partners have gotten us through 7 years of full-time evangelistic ministry. It’s amazing to think about how far we’ve come and how much we’ve already accomplished. The best part is we’re not just surviving, we’re thriving! Every month, God is growing our ministry, little by little and we are forever grateful for his enabling grace. However, I keep hearing this whisper in my spirit saying, don’t you settle! Keep praying, keep stretching, keep preaching the Gospel! God is doing something in our day that has never been done before! Some prophets are saying, we are on the brink of a billion soul harvest! I don’t know about you but I want to be a part of the greatest move of the Spirit of God that the world has ever seen! This is where we find ourselves as a ministry and as a church. There is more in store for you and there is more in store for our ministry! Let’s keep moving forward and let’s be laser-focused!

Please take note of the schedule of events and prayer list to the left of the newsletter. As you know, we covet your prayers and financial support. May God continue to bless you for your faithfulness to the Gospel. Please let us know if we can serve you or pray for you in any way. Keep fighting the good fight of faith and we hope to see you soon.

Until the Nets are Full, From your Evangelist,

Rev. Chance Walters & Family








✓8TH ANNUAL SPRING BANQUET Cancelled Due to the Corona Virus: Would you Sow a Seed to help us meet our 2020 Ministry Budget?

✓You can mail in the enclosed envelope or GIVE Online @ www.chancewalters.org

✓Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!



Special Edition EASTER 2020


In light of all the chaos and insecurity that our world is reflecting right now, I wanted to give you a glimmer of hope or you might say, a different perspective, or a heavenly perspective if you will.

First and foremost, we have to remember, this world is not our home. Hebrews 13:14 says, "this world is not our permanent dwelling place; we are looking forward to the great city that is to come." In life, its so easy to focus on what we can see, hear, touch and feel. In fact, the enemy of our souls would love for us to focus on: our problems and not His promises, the passing and not the permanent, the temporal and not the eternal…

The underlining reality is this: "you and me are just pilgrims passing through into a place called eternity!" We will make it to the other side of the celestial sea despite our light and momentary troubles and adversity. Furthermore, God has a plan and His purposes shall prevail...

Secondly, especially in times crisis, we have to make sure that we are building our lives upon the rock of Jesus Christ and not the shifting sand of the worlds reality. What do I mean? The only difference between the two men represented in Matthew Chapter 7 is this: Both men heard the word of God, Both men encountered a storm in their life but only one man obeyed the word of God in the midst of his circumstance. The Book of James reiterates this point: "Be ye doers and the word and not just hearers only." Let me ties these two together: During times of crisis, we have to pay close attention to what the Lord has to say. I hate to be say this but it could mean life and death for you. Therefore, watch and pray lest troubles or temptations overcome you...

Side Note: Thank God for Grandparents because Kacie and I had the opportunity to pray and read the scripture today, uninterrupted. One of things that came out of our conversation was the revelation that God was dethroning America Idols through the attack of the Corona Virus…

This is what I posted on Social Media: "The gods of America are bowing the knee. At least for now, no more entertainment, sports, modern day luxuries, pleasures, travel and even work? Indeed, we are living perilous times! With this in mind, may we pray and use the season that we’ve always wanted to seek the face of God. The reality is, if we have Him, we have everything we need."

Interesting huh? In a matter of days, the whole country is shut down. As we were discussing this condition, the News Reporter kept saying on the TV, "we are facing an invisible enemy" speaking of the corona-virus. However, as believers, we know the real truth. The invisible enemy is really the devil and in response to what Christ accomplished on the cross he is already defeated. I agree, "the enemy you don't know is always much scarier than the enemy you know." That's why we have nothing to be afraid of: As Christians, we are not unaware of the devils schemes. In fact, this is not scary situation at all because I know what the devil means for evil will ultimately, be turned around for our good and the saving of many lives. The Lord showed me this while meditating this week: "The ceiling of the church is about to become our floor." Friends, in this hour, we are going from faith to faith and glory to glory. A matter of fact, the next decade will be a double decade of harvest...indeed!

Go ahead and thank the Lord for what He's doing behind the scenes today! The devil is a defeated foe. The people of God around the globe are almost being forced to spend time together @ home which is going to evolve into a bigger blessing. Once the Lord heals the heart of the home He can release a greater measure of His spirit in the church. The church can only be as strong as the

Special Edition EASTER 2020

home in which it is established. I hope all of this makes sense? I've been saying this for years, the only missing piece to a world breaking, earth shattering, global move of God is unity. May we humble ourselves the next few weeks as we rediscover the importance of spending quality time with God and with one another. As you already know, we are stronger together…

Lastly, I want to say, keep fighting the good fight of faith. Use the next two weeks to really humble yourselves and pray. Pray that God would give you fresh revelation, insight and understanding concerning the times and seasons in which we live. Pray that God would release the gift of wisdom in what to do and what not to do as a family, church and country. As I told my wife, this is real life and we need God's divine intervention like never before.

In fact, the Lord spoke to me a few days ago and said, "Son, this is what you have been praying for!" And for a few minutes I didn't understand what He meant but after some further discussion, He showed me according to world history, revival doesn't break out during the best of times, revival breaks out during national crisis...

Please consider these:1. The Day of Pentecost in Jerusalem is followed by Persecution under Emperor Nero in 64 A.D. 2. The 1st Great Awakening in the 1730-1740’s is followed by the Revolutionary War: 1775- 1783.3. The 2nd Great Awakening from 1795- 1835 is followed by the Civil War from 1861-1865.4. The Asuza Street Revival from 1906- 1914 is followed by War War 1 from 1914-1918.5. The Voice of Healing movement of the 1940-1950's is during/ followed by War War 2 from 1939- 1945 and there's so many more examples…

However, in the midst of study, I began to ask myself: “Does spiritual awakening generally precede and/or coincide with national chaos and disaster?” And furthermore, “Does the Bible describe an end time scenario in Isaiah Chapter 60 where we can be certain that the earth will be filled with glory AND crisis, light AND darkness, awakening AND turmoil being manifested simultaneously across the earth? Both historically and biblically - I think as a Church we can say, YES!!! This is certain: GOD IS ON THE MOVE AND HIS ULTIMATE GOAL IS TO SAVE SOULS!

Therefore, I charge you this coming week:Remember, this world is not our home...Therefore, make sure to build your life upon the revelation of Jesus Christ and to do what He asks you to do... & Lastly, to keep fighting the good fight of faith even until the end…Can somebody say, Yes and Amen? & I might add, Thank you Jesus for being so good to me!

 In conclusion, due to the recent guidelines released by the CDC and NC Government, we have decided to cancel our Spring Banquet this coming Friday and Saturday Night. We are contemplating another celebration at a later date but for now, we are focusing on what is best for the overall population of our country. 

With this in mind, as some of you already know, our Spring Banquet is our largest fundraiser of the year. In fact, I love to tell people my childhood church, hometown community and surrounding region literally send me all over the world to preach the Gospel!In light of this reality, we would you consider sowing a seed to help us stay on budget for 2020? Thanks ahead of time for praying and supporting us so generously…

From: Your Evangelist, Rev. Chance Walters and Family