Spring 2016 Catalogue



This Spring 2016 Catalogue presents new and forthcoming titles from Leuven University Press in the field of history, music, literature, architecture, photography, social science, political science and philosophy. You can find more information at www.lup.be.

Transcript of Spring 2016 Catalogue

Page 1: Spring 2016 Catalogue

Leuven university Press Spring 2016

Page 2: Spring 2016 Catalogue

Established in 1971, Universitaire Pers Leuven / Leuven University Press is proud to celebrate its 45th anniversary this year!

The world of scholarly communication is in transition and academic publishing is facing fundamental changes. New and online distribution channels, electronic books and journals, and ever-changing user needs are disrupting traditional business models and force us to innovate and reinvent ourselves time and again.

On its 45th birthday I am proud to say that Leuven University Press has stood its ground and adapted fast and adequately. For a number of years now, titles have been systematically made available both in print and electronically (copyrights allowing). Both formats are available worldwide through all major sales channels, whether online, in brick-and-mortar bookshops, or via print-on-demand facilities. We have recently started a journals program, with articles available online as well as in print. And in close collaboration with some of our authors and partner institutes, we have successfully explored new models for open access publishing.

However, we also tread the electronic path with caution, without discarding the values of the printed book, by continuously assessing the options that new technologies have to offer. Which formats offer the greatest benefit to our authors and their works? Which help us to enhance the academic content or increase readership? Which help us to fulfill our mission as a university press? In partnership with the academic community at large, Leuven University Press embraces any new development that will help us to disseminate scholarly knowledge of the highest standards and find targeted audiences for our authors worldwide.

This catalogue presents our new and forthcoming titles for Spring 2016. Besides a steady list of academic monographs on music, art, literature, social sciences, and political history, there are also some thought-provoking titles for a wider audience of readers: from designer babies and DNA privacy in the witty The Human Recipe (p. 3), to reflections on life in prison from clergymen, philosophers, and criminologists (p.4) and the sharp and sometimes polemical opinions on constitutional freedom of speech by Jogchum Vrielink (p.5). We also present the new Collection Historia Belgica, a list of 27 academic monographs on the history of Belgium and the Low Countries, as well as our 45 bestselling and notable publications from the recent backlist.

We look forward to a special year in which we will celebrate our 45th anniversary together with our authors, customers, and friends. Keep an eye on our website www.lup.be and social media (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) and stay posted on our publication program and special offers!

Marike SchipperDirector, Leuven University Press

Celebrating 45 years of Leuven

University Press !

General Interest —History —

Textbook —Literary studies · Poetry —

Music —Literary studies · Comics —

Architecture —Photography —

Art History —Social science —

Political Science —Philosophy —

Medieval Studies —Ancient Philosophy · Literary Studies —

Collection Historia Belgica —45 Bestselling and notable titles —

Ordering Information —


All our publications are published with care and attention to detail. Prior to publication, all

manuscripts are assessed by an independent editorial board and external specialist readers to ensure the highest academic standards. For

academic titles we support the Guaranteed Peer Reviewed Content (GPRC)-label.

Page 3: Spring 2016 Catalogue


The Human RecipeUnderstanding Your Genes in Today’s Society

Pa s c al B orry · Gert Mat thijs

Human genetics is not the playground of science alone. Genetics concerns all of us, for we all have DNA, genes, genomes, and chromosomes. In fact, our genes determine our appearance and our behaviour. They even define our talents and our health risks.

The authors of The Human Recipe explain clearly and with humour what exactly is understood by human genetics. With anecdotes and topical examples they demonstrate how genetics interferes with our everyday lives. What if a DNA analysis reveals that your biological father is someone else than the person you have been calling dad for years? Why do Africans excel in athletics, Asians in gymnastics, and Europeans mainly in sports testing physical strengths? What is the difference between a genetic disease and a contagious illness?

The newest developments in human genetics also raise ethical questions and provoke actual debates which the authors do not bypass. Why are many people reluctant to the conception of designer babies and less to rescue babies? Is it possible to eliminate cancer? And are preventive surgeries and amputations the most appropriate solutions to do so? What about privacy in DNA research and forensic databases? Can DNA be stolen and is this considered a serious crime?

The Human Recipe is a smart guide to all you want to know about human genetics in our current society.

Pascal Borry is assistant professor of medical ethics at KU Leuven – University of Leuven. Affiliated to the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law his research mainly deals with ethical, legal and social implications of genetics and genomics.

Gert Matthijs is full professor of molecular genetic engineering of the Department of Human Genetics at the KU Leuven – University of Leuven. As head of the Laboratory of Molecular Diagnosis at the Centre for Human Genetics he conducts research on congenital disorders.

€ 19,95 / £ 24.95ISBN 978 94 6270 072 7May 2016Paperback, 14 × 21,5 cmca. 220 pp.60 cartoons by Joris SnaetEnglisheBook available

G e n e r a l I n t e r e s t

A smart and witty guide to all you want to know about human genetics

Page 4: Spring 2016 Catalogue


De gekooide mensGevangenisstraf als doorleefde realiteit

Tom Daems · Pieter De W it te · Geert jan Zuijdw egt (red.)

De gevangenis is een totaalinstituut en heeft een fundamentele impact op alle aspecten van het leven. De gekooide mens is niet alleen beroofd van zijn vrijheid, hij wordt ook geconfronteerd met de grenzen van het bestaan.

Vanuit zijn ervaring als aalmoezenier in de Centrale Gevangenis van Leuven, schreef criminoloog Achiel Neys (1943–2013) veelvuldig over de belevings- en zingevingsdimensies van de vrijheidsberovende straf. Zijn teksten hebben vandaag nog niets aan actualiteitswaarde ingeboet. Ze nodigen uit tot debat en reflectie, en illustreren de unieke positie die Neys innam in het debat over de strafuitvoering.

De gekooide mens situeert zich op het kruispunt van criminologie, filosofie, theologie en literatuur. Het bundelt de belangrijkste publicaties van Achiel Neys en plaatst deze in dialoog met de hedendaagse gevangenisrealiteit. Die wordt vertolkt door verschillende deskundigen uit Vlaanderen en Nederland die, ieder vanuit een andere achtergrond, reflecteren op het werk van Neys en de relevantie daarvan voor het leven achter tralies vandaag de dag.

Met een voorwoord door Rik Torfs.

Tom Daems is hoofddocent criminologie aan het Leuvens Instituut voor Criminologie (LINC) van de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid aan de KU Leuven.

Pieter De Witte is onderzoeksmedewerker aan het Centrum voor Levensbeschouwing en Detentie (KU Leuven) en aalmoezenier in de gevangenis van Mechelen.

Geertjan Zuijdwegt is FWO aspirant aan de Faculteit Theologie en Religiewetenschappen van de KU Leuven en werkt als vrijwilliger in de Centrale Gevangenis van Leuven.

Contributors: Achiel Neys † (KU Leuven), Mohamed Ajouaou (VU Amsterdam), Erik Borgman (Tilburg University), Tom Daems (KU Leuven), Pieter De Witte (KU Leuven), Katrien Lauwaert (KU Leuven), Sonja Snacken (VUB) en Geertjan Zuijdwegt (KU Leuven).

€ 19,95ISBN 978 94 6270 065 9Mei 2016Paperback, 14 × 21,5 cmca. 220 p.Nederlandse-book verkrijgbaar

G e n e r a l I n t e r e s t

Reflecties op het leven achter tralies

Page 5: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Pro DeoOngevraagd juridisch advies voor vrijheidsstrijders en andere fanatici

Jo g chum Vrielink

Grondrechten. Een enkele fascist, communist of jihadist daargelaten, draagt iedereen ze hoog in het vaandel. Tot je naar de praktijk kijkt: vaandelvlucht volgt zodra rechten ongemakkelijk worden. En ongemakkelijk zijn ze. Onvermijdelijk ongemakkelijk. Ze laten veel ruimte voor choquerend of ronduit vulgair gedrag. De Grondwet is er tenslotte ook voor racisten, hooligans en homofoben.

Veel politici en beleidsmakers daarentegen lijken slechts gelukkig als ze allerlei ongewenst gedrag bij wet kunnen verbieden. Of het nu gaat om boerkini’s, negationisme of seksisme: de relatiestatus tussen Wetstraat en rechtsstaat laat zich in het gunstigste geval omschrijven als it’s complicated.

Recht werkt bovendien vaak averechts. Ongewenst gedrag bestrijden door het te verbieden en te sanctioneren heeft de aantrekkingskracht van de eenvoud. Maar het heeft ook de diepgang van een surfplank: de realiteit laat zich niet zomaar sturen door inktvlekken op papier.

Grondrechtenspecialist en rechtsantropoloog Jogchum Vrielink neemt de actualiteit op de korrel. Hij laat steevast een tegengeluid horen wanneer de waan van dag het dreigt te halen en spaart daarbij links noch rechts. Pro Deo bundelt zijn snijdende opiniestukken. Het zijn beschouwingen van een opiniemaker-in-bijberoep. Geboren uit noodzaak: omdat Twitter maar 140 tekens toelaat.

Jogchum Vrielink is doctor in de rechtsgeleerdheid (KU Leuven, 2010). Tevens studeerde hij bestuurskunde en antropologie. Hij doceert discriminatierecht, mensenrechten en recht & religie aan de KU Leuven.

€ 19,95ISBN 978 94 6270 075 8Mei 2016Paperback, 14 × 21,5 cmca. 200 p.Nederlandse-book verkrijgbaar

G e n e r a l I n t e r e s t

Over de onvermijdelijke ongemakken van grondwettelijke vrijheid

pro Deo bijwoord latijn [lett. voor God] 1(juridisch) om niet, gratis, m.n. gebruikt mbt. de kosteloze rechtsbijstand aan onvermogenden

Page 6: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Wetenschap op de proefLaboratoria in het Belgisch overheidsbeleid, 1870–1940

Lyvia Diser

Het laboratorium met zijn glanzende proefbuizen en steriele witte jassen geniet vandaag een onbetwiste autoriteit als bron van kennis. Aanvankelijk waren universiteiten de eersten om het laboratorium als site van wetenschapsbeoefening te introduceren. In Wetenschap op de proef schetst Lyvia Diser hoe ook de Belgische staat daarna de mogelijkheden verkende om laboratoriumwetenschap in zijn beleid een plaats te geven. De auteur toont aan dat de onbetwiste objectiviteit en autoriteit van het laboratorium het resultaat was van een subtiel gevoerde en soms verbeten strijd tussen verschillende belangengroepen, waarbij de laboratoriumwetenschap binnen overheidsrangen werd getemd tot een niet-controversieel en hanteerbaar instrument, in het licht van de vooruitgang van de Belgische staat. De lezer krijgt zo een verrassende inkijk in de verborgen allianties tussen staat en wetenschap in de Belgische geschiedenis rond de eeuwwisseling.

Lyvia Diser is research fellow aan de onderzoeksgroep Cultuurgeschiedenis vanaf 1750 van de KU Leuven en tevens verbonden aan het Museum voor de Geschiedenis van de Wetenschappen van de Universiteit Gent.

€ 59,00ISBN 978 94 6270 068 0Mei 2016Hardback, 16 × 24 cmca. 300 p.Nederlandse-book verkrijgbaar

C u l t u u r G e s C h I e d e n I s · C o l l e C t I e h I s t o r I a B e l G I C a

Verborgen allianties tussen staat en wetenschap in België

aanVerwante tItels

G e L e e r d i n d e t r o P e n . L eu v e n , C o n G o & d e w e t e n s C h a P (1 8 8 5 –1 9 6 0)

r u B e n M a n t e ls

€ 25,00 · ISBN 978 90 5867 628 3 · paperback · e-book verkrijgbaar

a L b u m va n e e n w e t e n s C h a P P e L i j k e w e r e L d · a L b u m o f a s C i e n t i f i C wo r L d. d e

L eu v e n s e u n i v e r s i t e i t o m st r e e ks 1 9 0 0 · t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f Lo u va i n a r o u n d 1 9 0 0

G e e rt Va n pa e M e l , M a r k d e r e z , J o to l l e B e e k ( r e d. )

€ 22,50 / £ 19.50 · ISBN 978 90 5867 803 4, hardcover

Page 7: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Medisch laboratorium of universitair bedrijf ?Het Instituut voor Bacteriologie te Leuven

Geert Vanpaemel · Joris Snaet

Omstreeks 1900 was het Instituut voor Bacteriologie de parel van de Leuvense universiteit. Met de oprichting van het Instituut wilde de universiteit beklemtonen dat ze mee vooraan stond in het medisch onderzoek. Tegelijk was het Instituut ook een succesvol spin-off-bedrijf. Het produceerde serums tegen difterie en andere besmettelijke ziektes, en een tuberculine van eigen vinding dat internationaal erg werd gewaardeerd. In overeenstemming met de ambitieuze missie van het Instituut, werd het gebouw op een voor de Leuvense Universiteit ongewoon luxueuze en ornamentele manier ontworpen. Dit mooi uitgegeven boekje met een rijke schat aan historisch beeldmateriaal vertelt voor het eerst het verhaal van het Instituut, zijn bouwgeschiedenis en zijn opeenvolgende bewoners.

Geert Vanpaemel is hoogleraar wetenschapsgeschiedenis en voorzitter van de Commissie Academisch Erfgoed aan de KU Leuven.

Joris Snaet is coördinator bouwhistorische studies aan de Divisie Monumenten van de Technische Diensten van de KU Leuven.

€ 19,50ISBN 978 94 6270 064 2Maart 2016Paperback, 17 × 24 cmca. 70 p.41 illustratiesNederlands

l I p s I u s l e u V e n

Het verhaal van een bijzonder bouwwerk

aanVerwante tItels

e e n wa Lv i s i n d e sta d. d e C o L L eCt i es va n d e L eu v e n s e faC u Lt e i t w e t e n s C h a P P e n

n at h a l I e p o ot, G e e rt Va n pa e M e l , s I s k a wa e l k e n s

€ 25,00 · ISBN 978 94 6270 003 1 · paperback

v e r L e n G st u k k e n va n h e t b e w u st z i j n . P syC h o Lo G i s C h e o n d e r zo e ksa P Pa r at u u r

u i t d e ‘C o L L eCt i e m i C h ot t e ’M a r l e e n B r o C k ( r e d. )

€ 19,50 · ISBN 978 90 5867 843 0 · paperback

Page 8: Spring 2016 Catalogue


In verscheidenheid verenigdLessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw

Pieter d ’Hoine · B art Pat t yn (red.)

‘In verscheidenheid verenigd’ is het motto van Europa. De Unie telt vandaag 28 lidstaten die niet alleen in cultureel maar ook in sociaal opzicht grondig van elkaar verschillen. Lange tijd was het basismotief voor de eenmaking economisch: het Europa van de vrije markt. Sinds de crisis heeft toegeslagen, groeit het besef dat Europa ook op sociaal vlak ambitieuzer moet zijn. Europees Commissaris Marianne Thyssen licht in haar openingslezing van deze lessenreeks haar visie toe op dat sociale Europa.

Ook de universiteit is een huis met vele kamers. De Lessen voor de eenen twintigste eeuw weerspiegelen de verscheidenheid in onderzoeks-vragen en disciplines die het academisch onderzoek vandaag kenmerken. Of het nu gaat om nieuwe gezinsvormen, om psychisch welzijn of om de voorziening van energie of grondstoffen, alleen een wetenschappelijk pluralisme zal de vele maatschappelijke uitdagingen het hoofd kunnen bieden. Tegelijk worden heel wat wetenschappers gedreven door gelijk aardige idealen, zoals het streven naar inzicht in de mens en zijn interactie met de omgeving, het zoeken naar waarheid of – vaak realistischer – waarschijnlijkheid, het verleggen van de grens in wat we kennen en kunnen. In die zin is er eenheid in de verscheidenheid van academische kennis.

Bart Pattyn is hoogleraar aan het Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte en directeur van het Overlegcentrum voor Ethiek van de KU Leuven. Hij is coördinator van de Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw.

Pieter d’Hoine is docent antieke wijsbegeerte en intellectuele geschiedenis aan het Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte van de KU Leuven. Hij is mee verantwoordelijk voor de Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw.

Contributors: Marianne Thyssen, Filip Abraham, Koenraad Matthijs, Sofie Vanassche, Dirk De Wachter, Ronny Bruffaerts, Karel Van Acker, Jan Tytgat, Walter Bogaerts, Manuel Sintubin, Jan Baetens, Steven Eggermont, Jan Cools, Sylvia Wenmackers

€ 34,50ISBN 978 94 6270 069 7Maart 2016Hardback, 16 × 24 cmGeïllustreerdca. 250 p.NederlandsLessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw 22

t e x t B o o k · G e n e r a l I n t e r e s t

Interfacultaire lessenreeks over mens, maatschappij

en wetenschap

de vorige edities van de Lessen voor de eenentwintigste eeuw, volumes 9 tot en met 21, zijn beschikbaar. surf naar www.upl.be voor meer informatie.

Page 9: Spring 2016 Catalogue


De sonnetten aan OrpheusRainer Maria Rilke

Ingeleid, vertaald en van aan tekeningen v o or z ien d o or Bert Karel S chreur s

Rainer Maria Rilke (1875–1926) geldt als een van de grootste Duitstalige dichters. Na lange omzwervingen trok hij zich terug in het Zwitserse Château de Muzot. In februari 1922 schreef hij daar in amper 15 dagen Die Sonette an Orpheus. Zoals de mythische zanger die in de onderwereld afdaalde om zijn geliefde Eurydice terug te halen, overschrijdt Rilke in deze cyclus voortdurend de grens tussen leven en dood. Het is een ode aan het hele bestaan, dat zowel het zinnelijke als het bovenzinnelijke omvat. De dichter bezingt de aarde en hekelt het blinde geloof in de technologische vooruitgang, dat hij verantwoordelijk acht voor de teloorgang van onze humane leefwereld. Daarmee ontpopt hij zich als ecologist avant la lettre. Tegelijk toont hij zich een taalvirtuoos, die de statische sonnetvorm op ongeziene wijze dynamiseert en zijn taal onder hoogspanning zet.

Rilkes virtuoze rijmkunst evenaren is voor een vertaler geen gemakkelijke taak. In de vertaling van Schreurs wordt het rijm en metrum van het origineel zoveel mogelijk behouden, maar niet tot elke prijs. Schreurs voegde ook originele annotaties toe. Naast het taalverschil is er immers ook een tijdsverschil van ongeveer negentig jaar dat de lezer scheidt van de originele Sonette. De annotaties helpen deze afstand te overbruggen en reiken de lezer sleutels aan bij het lezen van de gedichten.

Bert Karel Schreurs is hoogleraar Duitse vertaling en Nederlandse taalbeheersing aan de KU Leuven.

€ 25,00ISBN 978 94 6270 071 0Mei 2016Paperback, 14 × 21,5 cmca. 232 p.Nederlandse-book verkrijgbaar

l I t e r a r y s t u d I e s · p o e t r y

Literaire geannoteerde vertaling van Rilkes meesterwerk

Page 10: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Experimental Affinities in MusicPaulo de A ssis (ed.)

Recognizing Music as an Art FormFriedrich Th. Vischer and German

Music Criticism, 1848–1887B arb ara Tit us

M u s I C · p h I l o s o p h y M u s I C · a r t I s t I C r e s e a r C h

Experimental Affinities in Music brings together diverse artistic, musicological, historical, and philosophical essays, enhancing a broad discourse on artistic experimentation, and exploring various experimental attitudes in music composed between the thirteenth and twentieth centuries. The golden thread running through the different chapters is the quest for inherently experimental musical practices, a quest pursued from interrogating, descriptive, or challenging perspectives, and always in relation to concrete music examples.

Experimental is taken as an adventurous compositional, interpretive, or perfor mative attitude that can cut across different ages and styles. Affinities suggest connectors and connections, convergences, contiguities, and adjacen-cies that are found in and through a diversity of approaches and topics. The texts share a common genesis: the lectures of the International Orpheus Academies for Music and Theory con vened by Luk Vaes (2011) and Paulo de Assis (2012, 2013). The affinities found in this volume include essays by Lydia Goehr, Felix Diergarten, Mark Lindley, Martin

Kirnbauer, Edward Wickham, Lawrence Kramer, Hermann Danuser, and Thomas Christensen, as well as interviews with pianist Leon Fleisher, with pianist-composer Frederic Rzewski, and with composer Helmut Lachen mann.

Paulo de Assis is a trained concert pianist and musicologist with interests in composition, conducting, and philosophy. He is a research fellow at the Orpheus Institute, Ghent.

Contributors: Paulo de Assis (Orpheus Institute, Ghent), Thomas Christensen (University of Chicago), Hermann Danuser (Hum boldt University), Felix Diergarten (Schola Cantorum Basiliensis), Leon Fleisher (pianist), Lydia Goehr (Columbia University), Martin Kirnbauer (University of Basel), Lawrence Kramer (Fordham University), Helmut Lachenmann (composer), Mark Lindley (University of Hyderabad), Frederic Rzewski (pianist-composer), Luk Vaes (Orpheus Institute, Ghent), Edward Wickham (St Catharine’s College, Cambridge).

€ 45,00 / £ 35.00ISBN 978 94 6270 061 1February 2016Paperback, 19 × 28,5 cmIllustratedeISBN 978 94 6166 188 3December 2015250 pp.EnglishOrpheus Institute Series

Music’s status as an art form was distrusted in the context of German idealist philosophy which exerted an unparalleled influence on the entire nineteenth century. Hegel insisted that the content of a work of art should be grasped in concepts in order to establish its spiritual substantiality (Geistigkeit), and that no object, word or image could accurately represent the content and meaning of a musical work. In the mid-nineteenth century, Friedrich Theodor Vischer and other Hegelian aestheticians kept insisting on art’s conceptual clarity, but they adapted the aesthetic system

on which this requirement had been based. Their adaptations turned out to be decisive for the development of music criticism, to such an extent that music critics used them to point out musical content and to confirm music’s autonomy as an art form. This book unravels the network of music critics and philosophers, including not only Hegel but also Franz Liszt, Franz Brendel, and Eduard Hanslick, whose works shaped public opinions of music.

Barbara Titus is associate professor of Musicology at the University of Amsterdam.

€ 69,50 / £ 59.00ISBN 978 94 6270 055 0March 2016Hardback, 15,6 × 23,4 cm270 pp.EnglisheBook available

Free ebook at oapen library www.oapen.org

‘This is a welcome contribution to the field of the history of music aesthetics.’

Sanna Pederson, University of Oklahoma

Page 11: Spring 2016 Catalogue


What Happens When Nothing HappensBoredom and Everyday Life in Contemporary Comics

Greice S chneider

Contemporary graphic novels show an interesting shift from the extraordinary to the ordinary in slice-of-life stories in which nothing happens. Present-day graphic accounts are inhabited by melancholic characters whining about the lack of meaning in life. This book examines this intriguing transition and brings a historical, aesthetical and narratological approach to comics in which boredom is not only a topic, but also awakens a deliberate affective response in the very experience of reading. This volume brings together close readings of work by Lewis Trondheim, Chris Ware and Adrian Tomine.

With a foreword by Raphäel Baroni (University of Lausanne).

Greice Schneider is associate professor of Communications at the Universidade Federal de Sergipe (Brazil).

€ 55,00 / £ 48.00ISBN 978 94 6270 073 4Mei 2016Paperback, 17 × 23 cmIllustratedca. 200 pp.EnglishStudies in European Comics and Graphic Novels 5

l I t e r a r y s t u d I e s · C o M I C s

Boredom and melancholy in the experience of reading

preVIously puBlIshed In the serIes

t r a n s fo r m i n G a n t h o n y t r o L Lo P e . d i s P o s s es s i o n , v i Cto r i a n i s m a n d n i n e t e e n t h - C e n t u ry wo r d a n d i m aG e

s I M o n G r e n n a n , l au r e n C e G r oV e ( e d s)

€ 55,00 / £ 48.00 · ISBN 978 94 6270 041 3 · paperback

r e m e m b e r e d r e a d i n G . m e m o ry, C o m i C s a n d P o st-wa r C o n st r u Ct i o n s o f b r i t i s h G i r L h o o d

M e l G I B s o n

€ 55,00 / £ 48.00 · ISBN 978 94 6270 030 7 · paperback

s fa r s o fa r . i d e n t i t y, h i sto ry, fa n ta sy, a n d m i m es i s i n j oa n n s fa r’ s G r a P h i C n ov e Ls

Fa B r I C e l e r oy

€ 59,00 / £ 52.00 · ISBN 978 94 6270 006 2 · paperback

t h e f r e n C h C o m i C s t h eo ry r e a d e ra n n M I l l e r , Ba rt B e at y ( e d s)

€ 59,00 / £ 52.00 · ISBN 978 90 5867 988 8 · paperback

Page 12: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Autonomous Architecture in FlandersThe Early Works of Marie-José Van Hee, Paul Robbrecht

& Hilde Daem, Christian Kieckens and Marc DuboisC aroline V oet · Katrien Vandermarliere · S ofie De C aigny · L ara S chrijver (ed s)

Five well-known graduates of the class of 1974 of the St Lucas Institute in Ghent, Marie-José Van Hee, Paul Robbrecht & Hilde Daem, Christian Kieckens and Marc Dubois can be considered as leading architects of their generation. To the present-day, their professional careers and legacy have been of great importance to the development of Flemish architecture. In their early works and writings, they established a distinct architectural language, rooted in historical knowledge and with a reflection to art and craftsmanship. Architecture was singled out as a spatial phenomenon with an autonomous logic grounded in inhabitation and experience. This generation represents a significant turn towards architectural autonomy in Flanders which resonated with similar international developments in the late 1970s. Moreover they played a decisive role in the emancipation and professionalization of the architectural culture in Flanders.

Caroline Voet is doctoral assistant of the Faculty of Architecture at KU Leuven, where she completed a PhD on the work of Dom Hans van der Laan in 2013. She is head of an architectural practice based in Antwerp.

Katrien Vandermarliere has been engaged in the policy support and public programmes for the building culture in Belgium and Flanders for over 25 years. She works as a freelance curator and editor.

Sofie De Caigny holds a PhD in architectural history and a Master in Cultural Management. She is coordinator at the Centre for Flemish Architectural Archives (CVAa) of the Flanders Architecture Institute (VAi).

Lara Schrijver is professor in architecture at the University of Antwerp. She has taught in Delft and Dessau. She is editor for the journals Footprint and the KNOB bulletin, and author of Radical Games.

Contributors: Birgit Cleppe (Ghent University), Sofie De Caigny (CVAa), Maarten Delbeke (Ghent University), Fredie Floré (KU Leuven), William Mann, Yves Schoonjans (KU Leuven), Eireen Schreurs (TU Delft), Lara Schrijver (University of Antwerp), Dirk Somers (Ghent University), Sven Sterken (KU Leuven), Mechthild Stuhlmacher (TU Delft), Hera Van Sande (VUB / KU Leuven), Katrien Vandermarliere, Caroline Voet (KU Leuven)

€ 45,00 / £ 35.00ISBN 978 94 6270 067 3June 2016Hardback, 22,5 × 28 cmIllustrated256 pp.English

a r C h I t e C t u r e – h I s t o r y

The influence of ‘Generation 74’ in Flemish and

international architecture

exhibition: The House. The Mentor. The Archive. Christian Kieckens — desingel, antwerp 12-02-2016 to 05-06-2016

With statements of Kristoffel Boghaert, Patrick Van Caeckenbergh, Adam Caruso, Els Claessens and Tania Vandenbussche, An Fonteyne, Tony Fretton, Pieter D’haeseleer, Hilde Heynen, Cristina Iglesias, Francis Strauven, Peter Swinnen, Koen Van Synghel, Paul Vermeulen, Jacques De Visscher

Page 13: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Paper CitiesUrban Portraits in Photographic Books

Susana S . Martins · Anne Rever se au (ed s)

Photographic books are almost as old as photography itself, and the city is one of their first and more recurring themes. Cities have been, and they continue to be, intensely photographed under a wide variety of forms, materialities, intentions and genres. This volume examines how a city can be moulded through the particularities of a photographic book, suggesting how urban portraits configure an overlooked, yet quite specific, photo-textual practice. Ranging from early photography to contemporary works, Paper Cities gathers thought-provoking case studies from several international contexts, providing new insights into art, material culture, history, heritage and memory, while simultaneously illuminating the debate on cities, photographs and books.

Susana S. Martins is a research fellow of the Institute of Art History and lecturer of the Art History Department at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. She specialized in photography and cultural studies.

Anne Reverseau specialized in Photography and Modern Literature. She is currently a FWO-postdoctoral fellow at KU Leuven.

Contributors: Steven Jacobs (Ghent University), Simon Dell (University of East Anglia), Hugh Campbell (University College Dublin), Steven Humblet (LUCA School of Arts), Chris Balaschak (Flagler College), Annarita Teodosio (University of Salerno), Cecile Laly (Université Paris I), Mónica Pacheco (University College London), Douglas Klahr (University of Texas), Johanna M. Blokker (Bamberg University), Philip Goldswain (University of Western Australia).

€ 34,50 / £ 25.00ISBN 978 94 6270 058 1April 2016Paperback, 17 × 23 cmIllustratedca. 224 pp.English

p h o t o G r a p h y · u r B a n s t u d I e s

Thought-provoking case studies on cities, photographs and books

Page 14: Spring 2016 Catalogue


The Modernization of Chinese ArtThe Shanghai Art College, 1913–1937

Jane Z heng

The Shanghai Art College was one of the most important art schools in Republican China. This is the first academic study written on the early history of the College. It makes a major contribution to the history of aesthetic education in China, Shanghai in particular. The book presents a new approach to how people understand the modernization of Chinese art, and the significance and consequences of modernity in the Shanghai art world of the period 1913–1937. The author proposes new theoretical models to explain the interactions between multiple levels of social structures and artists, with a special emphasis on the role of art education institutions in transforming artists, artworks and the development of artistic fields.

Presenting unique historical images hereto hidden in the archives of the College, the book brings forward the distinctive modern characteristics of the early 20th-century Shanghai Art College.

Jane Zheng is assistant professor of the Faculty of Arts at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

€ 69,50 / £ 59.00ISBN 978 94 6270 056 7March 2016Hardback, 16 × 24 cm140 illustrationsca. 420 pp.English

a r t h I s t o r y · a s I a n s t u d I e s

Fist academic study on modernity at the

Shanghai Art College

Page 15: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Hui Muslims in ChinaGui Rong · Hacer Z ekiye G önül · Z hang Xiaoyan (ed s)

As yet very little academic research has been done into the Hui people, a predominantly Muslim ethnic group in China. With particular attention to the Yunnan district community, this collection of contributions skilfully presents a wealth of information on Hui Muslims and introduces readers to the issues of Hui ethnic diversity in China. Reviewing the many aspects of the religious, educational and cultural life of Hui Muslims in China, the authors provide an ethnography in which becomes clear how traditional institutions and everyday life are adapted to local customs with respect to the Islamic identity. At the same time, the relationship between the China Republic and the Hui, an official minority of China, is discussed thoroughly.

Gui Rong is researcher at and Deputy Director of Yunnan University Museum of Anthropology.

Hacer Zekiye Gönül is PhD candidate of the Sociology Department at Peking University.

Zhang Xiaoyan is a research associate at the Yunnan University Museum of Anthropology.

Contributors: Lesley R. Turnbull (New York University), Liang Zhang (Yunnan Uni versity), Ross Holder (Trinity College Dublin), Aaron Glasserman (Columbia University), Frauke Drewes (University of Münster), Chuang Ma (Yunnan Open University), Yu Feng (Yunnan University), Suchart Setthamalinee (Puyap University)

€ 39,50 / £ 35.00ISBN 978 94 6270 066 6May 2016Paperback, 15,7 × 23,4 cmca. 200 pp.EnglishCurrent Issues in Islam 4

s o C I a l s C I e n C e · r e l I G I o n · a s I a n s t u d I e s

Introduction to Hui ethnic diversity in China

preVIously puBlIshed In the serIes

e v e ry day L i f e P r aCt i C es o f m u s L i m s i n eu r o P ee r k a n to ğ u ş lu ( e d. )

€ 39,50 / £ 35.00 · ISBN 978 94 6270 032 1 · paperback · eBook available

m o d e r n i s L a m i C t h i n k i n G a n d aCt i v i s m . dy n a m i C s i n t h e w est a n d i n t h e m i d d L e e a ste r k a n to ğ u ş lu, J o h a n l e M a n ( e d. )

€ 39,50 / £ 35.00 · ISBN 978 90 5867 999 4 · paperback · eBook available

n e w m u Lt i C u Lt u r a L i d e n t i t i es i n eu r o P e . r e L i G i o n a n d e t h n i C i t y i n s eC u L a r s o C i e t i ese r k a n to ğ u ş lu, J o h a n l e M a n , İ s M a I l M es u t s e zG I n ( e d s . )

€ 39,50 / £ 35.00 · ISBN 978 90 5867 981 9 · paperback · eBook available

Page 16: Spring 2016 Catalogue


World Views and Worldly WisdomVisions et expériences du monde

Religion, ideology and politics, 1750–2000 · Religion, idéologie et politique, 1750–2000Jan De Maeyer · Vincen t Viaene (ed s)

Emiel Lamberts (1941), professor emeritus of contemporary history at KU Leuven, is an international expert in the political and religious history of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries.

His work and the central themes in his research are the starting point in World Views and Worldly Wisdom. No less than eighteen leading international researchers put different aspects of his work in the spotlight. A recurring theme, however, is the attraction and repulsion between the Roman Catholic Church and modernity in Europe between 1750 and 2000.

The ambivalent relationship with modernity is therefore the leitmotiv of the first part of this volume, whereas the second part focuses on the repositioning of the Church and the tensions between religion, ideology and politics. In this way the volume reflects Lamberts’ fascination for the history of political institutions as well as his research on Christian democracy. The contributions address – in a comparative way and from a transatlantic viewpoint – this broad period of time in history, which gave rise to different social movements and different models of society in Belgium and elsewhere. For a list of contributing authors go to www.lup.be

Jan De Maeyer is full professor at KU Leuven and director of KADOC KU Leuven, Documentation and Research Centre for Religion, Culture and Society. He is president of the Belgian Historical Institute in Rome and author of several publications on political and social Catholicism, material Christianity, and the development of religious institutions.

Vincent Viaene studied history and international relations at KU Leuven, the Sorbonne and Yale University. He obtained a doctorate in history in 1999, and was afterwards a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at KU Leuven (1999–2008), a senior Fellow at KADOC (2008–2009) and a Marie Curie Fellow at Oxford University (2009–2011). He published on international history, religious history and history of colonialism in the 19th and 20th centuries. His most recent book is Religious Internationals in the Modern World (with Abigail Green, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012). He joined the Belgian diplomatic corps in 2011, and was First Secretary at the Belgian Embassy in Nairobi from March 2012 to August 2015. Since September 2015, he is seconded to the Belgian Royal Household as private Secretary to King Philip and Attaché for culture.

€ 49,50 / £ 37.00ISBN 978 94 6270 074 1May 2016Paperback, 17 × 23,8 cmca. 300 pp.English, FrenchKADOC-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society 17eBook available

p o l I t I C a l s C I e n C e · r e l I G I o u s h I s t o r y

The attraction and repulsion between the

Roman Catholic Church and modernity in Europe

between 1750 and 2000

Page 17: Spring 2016 Catalogue


The Struggle with LeviathanSocial Responses to the Omnipotence of the State, 1815–1965

Emiel L ambert s

The opposition to the omnipotence of the State – as symbolised by Thomas Hobbes’ Leviathan (1651) – had a significant impact on the political organisation of European society. A liberal strategy intended to provide a protective legal status for individual citizens, whereas a social strategy aimed to strengthen the social fabric to counterbalance the power of the State. Gradually both strategies became interwoven.

The Struggle with Leviathan pays special attention to the social strategy, developed by conservative and ecclesiastical circles against the omnipotence of the State, and is structured around the fascinating biography of the Austrian diplomat Gustav von Blome, a grandson of Metternich and an important opponent of Bismarck. He proved to be a transitional figure between aristocratic conservatism and Christian democracy, which had a great influence on European integration after 1945.

Besides Blome, several other dramatis personae – statesmen, prelates, political and social activists – are featured. As a result the book reads like a compelling narrative. At the same time, it offers a broadly sketched historical fresco of international politics and the gradual formation of the modern State.

The original Dutch edition of this book, Het gevecht met Leviathan, has been highly praised in the Dutch and Flemish press, and was awarded the biennial international Arenberg Prize for European History and Culture.

Emiel Lamberts (1941), professor emeritus at KU Leuven, has done extensive research in the field of modern political and religious European history. His most important publications include Christian Democracy in the European Union (1945–1995), The Black International (1870–1878) and the co-edited History of the Low Countries.

€ 49,50 / £ 37.00ISBN 978 94 6270 070 3May 2016Paperback, 17 × 23,8 cmIllustratedca. 300 pp.EnglishKADOC-Studies on Religion, Culture and Society 18eBook available

p o l I t I C a l s C I e n C e · e u r o p e a n h I s t o r y

English translation of the highly acclaimed and prize winning Dutch edition Het gevecht met Leviathan

Visit www.lup.be for the previously published publications in the KADOC-studies on Religion, Culture and Society series.

Page 18: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Grand Hotel AbyssDesire, Recognition and the Restoration of the Subject

Vl adimir Safatle

In the last two decades recognition – arguably one of the most central notions of the dialectical tradition since Hegel – has once again become a crucial philosophical theme. Nevertheless, the new theories of recognition fail to provide room for reflection on transformation processes in politics and morality.

This book aims to recover the disruptive nature of the dialectical tradition by means of a severe critique of the dominance of an anthropology of the individual identity in contemporary theories of recognition. This critique implies a thorough rethinking of basic concepts such as desire, negativity, will and drive, with Hegel, Lacan and Adorno being our main guides.

The Marxist philosopher György Lukács said that the Frankfurt School (Horkheimer, Adorno, etc.) left us with nothing but negativity towards the state of the world. Their work failed to open up a concrete possibility of practical engagement in this world. All too eager to describe the impasses of reason, the Frankfurt philosophers remained trapped in a metaphorical Grand Hotel Abyss (Grand Hotel Abgrund). It was as living and being guardian of lettered civilization in a beautiful and melancholy grand hotel, of which the balconies face a gaping abyss.

But perhaps in this way Lukács gave – and no doubt without realizing it himself – a perfect definition of contemporary philosophy, namely to confront chaos, to peer into what appears to a certain rationality as an abyss and to feel good about it. Touching Hegelian dialectics, critical theory and psychoanalysis, Grand Hotel Abyss gives a new meaning to the notion of negativity as the first essential step for rethinking political and moral engagement.

Vladimir Safatle is professor of Philosophy and Psychology at the University of São Paulo, Brazil.

f r eu d au Ca s Pa r Ca s. L eCt u r es P h i Lo s o P h i q u es d es Ca s f r eu d i e n sG I l l es r I Bau lt ( e d. )

€ 24,95 / £ 38.00 · ISBN 978 94 6270 050 5 · paperback · eBook available

d e L euz e a n d d es i r e . a n a Lys i s o f t h e Lo G i C o f s e n s ep I ot r e k Ś w I ąt ko w s k I

€ 49,50 / £ 42.00 · ISBN 978 94 6270 031 4 · paperback · eBook available

p h I l o s o p h y

Long-expected translation of the Portuguese academic bestseller Grande Hotel Abismo

€ 55,00 / £ 45.00ISBN 978 94 6270 062 8February 2016Paperback, 15,7 × 23,4 cm322 pp.EnglishFigures of the Unconscious 15eBook available

preVIously puBlIshed In the serIes

towa r d s a P o L i t i Ca L a n t h r o P o Lo Gy i n t h e wo r k o f G i L L es d e L euz e . P syC h oa n a Lys i s a n d a n G Lo -a m e r i Ca n L i t e r at u r er o C k w e l l F. C l a n Cy

€ 59,95 / £ 52.00 · ISBN 978 94 6270 011 6 · paperback · eBook available

Page 19: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Between Text and TraditionPietro d’Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle’s Problemata Physica in the Middle Ages

Pieter De Leemans · Maarten J .F.M . Hoenen (ed s)

The commentary of the Italian physician and philosopher Pietro d’Abano on Bartholomew of Messina’s Latin translation of Pseudo-Aristotle’s Problemata Physica, published in 1310, constitutes an important historical source. In a section of the corpus Aristotelicum that was not part of the standard curriculum at the medieval university, the commentary of Pietro d’Abano investigates the complex relationship between text, translation, and commentary. The eight articles in this volume provide valuable insights into the manner in which Pietro d’Abano deals with the problems of a translated text. They emphasize the idiosyncrasy of his approach in comparison to his contemporaries and successors, the particularities of his commentary in light of the habitual exegetical practices applied in the teaching of curricular texts, as well as the influence of philosophical traditions outside the strict framework of the medieval arts faculty.

Pieter De Leemans is professor at the De Wulf-Mansion Centre for Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy of KU Leuven (Belgium) and academic secretary of the Aristoteles Latinus project.

Maarten J.F.M. Hoenen, professor of philosophy, is Vice Rector of the University of Basel. He is the author of several books and numerous articles on the history of late medieval philosophy and theology.

Contributors: Joan Cadden (University of California, Davis), Gijs Coucke (KU Leuven), Béatrice Delaurenti (École des Hautes Études et Sciences Sociales – Paris), Pieter De Leemans (KU Leuven), Françoise Guichard-Tesson (KU Leuven), Danielle Jacquart (École Pratique des Hautes Études – Paris), Christian Meyer (Centre d’Études supérieures de la Renaissance – Tours), Iolanda Ventura (CNRS – Université d’Orléans)

€ 55,00 / £ 43,00ISBN 978 94 6270 063 5April 2016Paperback, 16 × 24 cm9 illustrationsca. 280 pp.EnglishMediaevalia Lovaniensia 46eBook available

M e d I e V a l s t u d I e s · l I t e r a r y s t u d I e s

New insights into Pietro d’Abano’s unique approach to translations

Visit www.lup.be for the previously published publications in the Mediaevalia Lovaniensia series.

Page 20: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Humanism in the Low CountriesJoz ef I Jsew ijn · Gilbert Tournoy (ed.)

Essays on Plato’s EpistemologyFranc o Trab at toni

a n C I e n t p h I l o s o p h y l I t e r a r y s t u d I e s

Jozef IJsewijn. Humanism in the Low Countries contains twenty-one essays written by the late Professor Jozef IJsewijn during the period 1966–1996. All essays were selected by his pupil Professor Gilbert Tournoy, who collaborated with him since the foundation of the Seminarium Philologiae Humanisticae in 1966 until his untimely death in 1998. They are now published in one volume in homage to the most brilliant scholar in the field of Neo-Latin Studies of the twentieth century.

A number of contributions focus on the life and/or work of a single humanist from the Netherlands, others have a more

general nature and deal with the very beginning and the later blossoming of Neo-Latin literature in the Low Countries or with the relationship between human ism in the Low Countries and in other European countries. Hidden in a less-known journal or a Festschrift for a colleague, these studies are nowadays not always easy to find.

Gilbert Tournoy is professor of Classical, Medieval and Renaissance Latin at KU Leuven. His research focuses on Latin Literature of the Italian Humanism and Humanism in the Low Countries.

€ 79,50 / £ 59.00ISBN 978 94 6270 045 1October 2015Paperback, 16 × 24 cm568 pp.English, French, Italian, LatinSupplementa Humanistica Lovaniensia 40

Through a careful survey of several significant Platonic texts, mainly focussing on the nature of knowledge, Essays on Plato’s Epistemology offers the reader a fresh and promising approach to Plato’s philosophy as a whole. From the very earliest reception of Plato’s philosophy, there has been a conflict between a dogmatic and a sceptical interpretation of his work and thought. Moreover, the two sides are often associated, respectively, with a metaphysical and an anti-metaphysical approach. This book, continuing a line of thought that is nowadays strongly present in the secondary literature

– and also followed by the author in over thirty years of research –, maintains that a third way of thinking is required. Against the widespread view that an anti-dogmatic philosophy must go together with an anti-metaphysical stance, Trabattoni shows that for Plato, on the contrary, a sober and reasonable assessment of both the powers and limits of human reason relies on a proper metaphysical outlook.

Franco Trabattoni is full professor of the History of Ancient Philosophy at the University of Milan. He is editor of Méthexis, International Journal for Ancient Philosophy.

€ 80,00 / £ 65.00ISBN 978 94 6270 059 8February 2016Hardback, 16 × 24 cm326 pp.EnglishAncient and Medieval Philosophy series 1 – 53eBook available

Visit www.lup.be for previous publications in the Ancient and Medieval Philosophy series 1.

An Innovating approach to Plato’s philosophy

Professor Jozef IJsewijn’s most relevant essays collected in one volume

preVIously puBlIshed

C o m Pa n i o n to n eo - L at i n st u d i es. Pa rt i : h i sto ry a n d d i f f u s i o n o f n eo - L at i n L i t e r at u r eJ oz e F I J s e w I J n

€ 40,00 / £ 35.00 · ISBN 978 90 6186 366 3 · paperback

C o m Pa n i o n to n eo - L at i n st u d i es. Pa rt i i : L i t e r a ry, L i n G u i st i C, P h i Lo Lo G i Ca L a n d e d i to r i a L q u est i o n s

J oz e F I J s e w I J n , d I r k saC r é

€ 74,00 / £ 64.50, ISBN 978 90 6186 859 0, paperback

Page 21: Spring 2016 Catalogue


Collectie Historia Belgica

Deze Nederlandstalige collectie bundelt kwalitatief hoogstaande uitgaves over het verleden van België en de Zuidelijke Nederlanden die sinds 2000 bij UPL verschenen zijn. De thema’s gaan erg breed, van sociaal-economische en politieke geschiedenis tot religieuze en cultuurgeschiedenis. Daarmee bieden de publicaties in de Collectie Historia Belgica een veelzijdig overzicht van de geschiedenis van onze vaderlandse regio.

Als wetenschappelijke uitgever biedt UPL systematisch ruimte aan historische monografieën in het Nederlands. De realisatie van deze uitgaven maakt immers deel uit van haar opdracht als ‘university press’. Doorheen de jaren werd zo een aanzienlijke collectie opgebouwd. Dankzij de Collectie Historia Belgica wordt dit fonds nu klaar en duidelijk in het voetlicht geplaatst.

h I s t o r y

Uitgaves over Belgische geschiedenis verzameld !

een volledig overzicht van de collectie vindt u op www.lup.be.

de collectie is verkrijgbaar op ‘standing order’. Vraag zeker ook naar onze kortingen bij bestelling van meerdere volumes. Mail naar [email protected] voor meer informatie.

r e v o L u t i e s i n d e k L a s€ 49,50ISBN 978 90 5867 964 2Paperback – e-book verkrijgbaar

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s o C i a a L- e C o n o m i s C h e G e s C h i e d e n i s

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m u s i C a L f o r m , f o r m s & f o r m e n L e h r e€ 24,90ISBN 978 90 5867 822 5eBook available

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h u m a n i s t i C a L o v a n i e n s i a , v o L u m e L X i v - 2 0 1 5Journal of Neo-Latin Studies€ 90,00ISBN 978 94 6270 053 6Archives available at JSTOR

t h e f r e n C h C o m i C s t h e o r y r e a d e rStudies in European Comics and Graphic Novels€ 59,00ISBN 978 90 5867 988 8

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Weekly online book giveaway! Win one of our bestselling and notable titles every week. To celebrate our 45th anniversary we are excited to give away one of our bestselling and notable titles every week, starting the beginning of March (week 10) until the end of May (week 22).

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leuven university pressMinderbroederstraat 4 · box 5602B-3000 leuvenBelgiumwww.lup.be