Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)

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Transcript of Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)

  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)





    OlYMPIc aThlETES



    GENERaTION 3.0:


    RacISM INfOOTball

    hackNEY: 2012 &


    Intllignc for

    a mlti-thnic Britain

  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    2| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org


    bUllETINDr Ro bereeyDirctor

    Sr IsDpty Dirctor

    Dr Omr knHad of Policy Rsarch

    Dr Deie weees-bernrdSnior Rsarch & PolicyAnalyst

    Pi MinneyRsarch & Policy Analyst

    vstin beonRal Historis Dirctory

    Roin frmptonPblications editor

    vii buterPblic Aairs Managr

    kr SmitRsarch & Policy Analyst

    kmjeet GiRsarch & Policy Analyst

    Ree werAdministrator

    Ojeu NuoProjct Assistant

    Ntn Rirds

    7 Plogh YardLondon eC2A 3LPT: 020 7377 9222

    ISSN 2045-404X

    Th Rnnymd Trst,Jn 2012. Opn accss,som rights rsrvd,sbjct to th trmsof Crativ CommonsLicnc Dd: Attribtion-Non-Commrcial-NoDrivativ Works 2.0 uK:england & Wals. Yo arfr to copy, distribt,display and prformth work (incldingtranslation) withot writtnprmission; yo mstgiv th original athorcrdit; yo may not sthis work for commrcialprposs; yo may notaltr, transform, or bildpon this work. For morinformation plas go towww.crativcommons.org. For prposs othrthan thos covrd bythis licnc, plascontact Rnnymd.

    Runnymede is th uKslading rac qalitythinktank. W ar a

    rsarch-ld, non-partypolitical charity workingto nd racism.

    coer ImgeFlickr/Tablatny

    WeLCOMe to th Spring 2012 iss of th Rnnymd Blltin.

    I wold lik to thank Nathan Richards for his trmndoscontribtion to this iss of th Blltin h has thoghtfllyditd articls, bn crativ in his pag dsign, and has hadmany idas as to photos w might s to illstrat storis inthis iss on sport and th Olympics. H has also writtn anintrsting articl on th rst profssional Black footballr inBritain, Arthr Wharton.

    I am also gratfl to th Rnnymd Trst, Michl Moor,for commissioning Profssor Kvin Hylton to writ his xcllntarticl on th ovrarching strctral constraints ndrlying thsymbolic gstrs of Olympism, and for condcting intrviwswith two top British Olympic athlts Tasha Danvrs and Larry(Onochi) Achik.

    Hitsh Patl, Rnnymd 360 mmbr and trst of Sport4 Lif uK, rports on his own prsonal xprincs of racismin football, inqalitis in football (a qartr of all footballrsar black, bt whr ar th black coachs, managrs andadministrators?), and racism in othr parts of erop, amidconcrns abot racist abs that may act playrs and fans inth ero 2012 football championship in Poland and ukrain.

    Hana Riazddin has writtn abot th contining lack of BritishAsian womn at th top lvls of womns sport.

    Th sbjct of Sports in Mslim Hritag dsrvs spcialattntion. Profssor Salim Al-Hassani contnds that thr isamnsia in th minds of popl abot 1,000 yars of Mslim,Chins and Indian civilization btwn 600 and 1600 Ce.

    Riat Ahmd writs abot th lm sh mad for th Gnration3.0 projct arond th thms of boxing, rac and gndr. Thlm looks at rac and racism in Manchstr.

    Dian Abbott MP asks whthr th lgacy of th Olympics willbring any bnt to hr constitnts in Hackny. Sh stronglyblivs that for th Olympics to b a sccss, local poplmst hav accss to jobs, and th Olympic Park, mdia cntrand othr bildings mst b trnd into spacs th commnitycan s aftr th big vnt.

    Th nxt iss of th Blltin will b on rcovring fromrcssion, inclding mploymnt prospcts for BMe popl.Plas contact m if yo wold lik to contribt or hav idasas to topics w cold incld.

    Thank yo.

    Robin Frampton, editor.email: [email protected]


    Blltin editorial Assistantand Pag Layot Dsignr

  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    .runnymedetrust.org SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369|RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN |3


    cUTS TO PUblIc SERvIcESRnnymd wants yor hlp inmasring th impact of pblic

    srvics cts


    MIchEllE MOORE


    TaSha DaNvERS, Olympic


    laRRY (ONOchIE) achIkE,

    Olympic Tripl Jmpr


    kEY facTS

    Tn things yo didnt know

    abot BMe popl in sport



    Rob Brkly on th rolsport plays within or socity;

    braking barrirs and

    conncting commnitis

    NEwS IN bRIEf

    Govrnmnts social

    intgration stratgy; policracism

    Swdns Cltr Ministr

    calld to rsign; 55.5%

    of yong black mals



    ThE PROblEM wITh

    fOOTballHitsh Patl xplors th story

    of racism within footaball and

    what is bing don to combat

    this onc again scalating


    aRThUR whaRTON

    Nathan Richards clbrats

    Britains rst profssional black


    RacE, SPORT, aNDlEGacY

    Kvin Hylton args that

    strctral constraints ar likly

    to ndrmin thos sking

    to s th Olympics to bring

    abot rgnration in th east




    Hana Riazddin considrs

    why thr ar so fw Soth

    Asian fmals on th uK

    sporting scn

    a 1000 YEaRS aMNESIa:



    Salim Al-Hassani args

    that whil erop was in thdark ags, th islamic world

    nojoyd a priod of high art,

    scinc, socity and sport

    clENch: whaT aRE YOU

    fIGhTING fOR?

    Riat Ahmd talks abot th lm

    sh mad for th Gnration 3.0

    projct arond th thms of

    boxing, rac and gndr

    hackNEYS lEGacYDian Abbott MP asks whthr

    th lgacy of th Olympics

    will bring any bnt to hr

    constitnts in Hackny

















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    4| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org

    Th Mtropolitan PolicCommissionr Brnard Hogan-How spok to th Hom AairsSlct Committ abot th issrcntly, saying Racists will ndm an implacabl nmy wwill driv thm ot of th Mt Itis a srios iss and I think yocan s that by th rigor and thvigor of what or rspons hasbn, that wr taking it sriosly.

    Kith Vaz MP, chairman ofth committ, said: Thisis an opportnity to ask thcommissionr abot th stps hhas takn to driv ot racism fromth Mt and to rstor condncin or polic srvic w hopth commissionr will b abl topdat th committ on th actionthat h has takn.

    to adhr to mainstram andmajority vals, Rnnymdargd that th govrnmntsapproach dos not prsntintgration [as] a two-way procssof mtal accommodation.

    Following Rnnymds rsponsto th stratgy docmnt, an earlyDay Motion (eDM) was tabld byLabor MP Aln Michal calling forth govrnmnt to pt togthr arac qality stratgy. Th motion

    was signd by 36 MPs, incldingmmbrs from all thr mainpolitical partis.

    Th eDM was signd by, amongothrs, dpty ladr of th LibDms, Simon Hghs MP, andco-sponsord by Ptr Bottomly,Andrw Gorg, Carolin Lcas,Lisa Nandy and Vindra Sharma.

    eqalitis grops condmn thgovrnmnts social intgrationstratgy, otlind in a rcntlypblishd papr ntitld Cratingth Conditions for Intgration byth Dpartmnt for Commnitisand Local Govrnmnt (CLG).Th docmnt mad availablonlin via th CLG wbsit, aims tonabl vryon to play a fll partin national and local lif whatvryor backgrond and ncorags

    locally-ld action in th pblic,privat and volntary sctor.

    Th stratgy also idntis thchallngs still facing england:Cltral attitds and practics;th ability to participat in socity;opportnitis for social mobility;and a lif fr from intolranc anddiscrimination, bt mphasissthat soltions to ths isss havto b achivd throgh commnityinitiativs as wll as lgislationsch as th eqality Act (2010).

    Th Rnnymd Trst joind withVoic4Chang england to addrssa nmbr of concrns fond withinth govrnmnts stratgy papr.Th rspons was signd by 19organisations, inclding Rac onth Agnda, Show Racism thRd Card and Migrants RightsNtwork. Th consnss of thqalitis grops was damning ofth docmnt, stating that it doslittl to addrss th prsistntracial inqalitis that xist across

    th nation, dspit th fact thatth govrnmnt has prsntd itas qivalnt to a rac qalitystratgy.

    Th rspons frthr criticisd thlack of vidnc-basd rsarch,consltation or ngagmntwith rlvant rac rlationsorganisations. In addition, followingrmarks mad by th CommnitisScrtary eric Pickls MP, argingthat th stratgy promots Britishvals and that it is important

    nes in rie

    Government puises integrtion strtegy

    20 polic ocrs ar crrntlyndr invstigation amid growingscandal srronding racism withinth polic forc. Sinc 1999 whnth Macphrson rport lablldth Mtropolitan polic forcinstittionally racist, 293 policocrs hav bn disciplind forracist bhavior, thogh only vcass hav rsltd in dismissal ofocrs.

    Thr hav rcntly bn a varityof high-prol cass of racism inth polic forc that hav broghtth iss back into th mdiaspotlight. Cass incld that ofedric Knndy-Macfoy, an o-dty rman, who was tasrdand vrbally absd by six policocrs whil trying to assist thmin a pblic ordr iss. In anothrincidnt, PC Alx MacFarlan of th

    Mtropolitan Polic was allgdlyrcordd racially absing MaroDmtrio, 21, dring his arrst. Onth rcording th ocr can bhard saying: th problm withyo is yo will always b a n****r.

    Nw grs hav indicatd thatcomplaints of racism against policocrs hav dobld in th pastdcad, bt that th vast majorityof allgations of racist bhaviorar not phld. Civil socity gropsactiv in this ara hav rsponddto th grs by claiming thatthy prov that th rcnt highprol cass of polic racism wronly th tip of an icbrg. Policocials hav in trn argd thatth grs wr dmonstrativ ofth hostility facd by th policon th strts vry day, and thatmost complaints wr baslss.

    Poie rism under srutiny

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    Sedens cuture Minister ed to resignSwdns Cltr Ministr LnaAdlsohn Liljroth is facing callsfor hr rsignation ovr hrparticipation on th 15th April in whata spoksprson for th NationalAssociation for Afro Swds callda racist spctacl.

    Adlsohn Liljroth was attndingth clbration for th contrys75th World Art Day at th Msmof Modrn Art in Stockholm. It hadarrangd for varios controvrsial

    artists from arond th contry todsign birthday caks in honorof th occasion, with th aim ofproblmatising fmal circmcision.Adlsohn Liljroth was askd to takpart by ctting th rst pic of cak,which was mad in a strotypicalimag of a nakd black woman withnck rings. Th artist bhind th

    pic, Makod Aj Lind, paintd hisown fac black and arrangd for thCltr Ministr to ct a slic fromth crotch of th cak, nactingfmal gnital mtilation, and thnfd it to th had of th cak, actdby Lind himslf. Th photograph ofthis incidnt qickly sprad acrossth intrnational mdia, casingwidsprad controvrsy.

    Organisations sch as th eropanNtwork Against Racism (eNAR)

    hav calld for th Swdishgovrnmnt to pblicly condmnth incidnt, whil th NationalAssociation for Afro Swds havaskd for th Ministrs rsignation.Othrs hav lookd into th stagingof th vnt and askd if th scnwas intntionally nginrd tocaptr th Ministr on camra inthis mbarrassing sitation.

    Ovr half of conomically activblack mn agd 16-24 arnmployd, according to nwgrs from th Oc for NationalStatistics (ONS). Th gr foryong black popl ovrall is 44.4%and 26.7% for yong Asian popl,compard to 20.8% for yong whitpopl.

    Following this annoncmnt DianAbbott MP rspondd in a Gardiancolmn, writing: Thr is noqstion that a lack of qalicationsholds som yong black poplback [bt] lack of qalicationsalon dos not accont for this lvlof nmploymnt. What is clar isthat this rcssion is hitting thnicminoritis disproportionatly hard.

    Th Dpartmnt for Work andPnsions said on th iss: War spnding 1bn ovr th

    nxt thr yars to hlp yongjobskrs by crating arond halfa million opportnitis throgh workxprinc and apprnticships.

    55.5% o young mes unempoyed

    Th Cltr Ministr rspondd toth controvrsy and calls for hrrsignation by stating I was invitdto spak at World Art Day abotth frdom of art and its right toprovok I dont rviw art, bt Ican vry wll ndrstand that thiswhol sitation was misndrstood.Sh also said: [Th artist] claimsthat it challngs a romanticisdand xoticisd viw from th wstabot somthing that is rally abot

    violnc and racism adding Artnds to b provocativ.

    Th s of blackfac is part of asris by Lind calld Afromanticswhich is mant to challng thviwr and b a critiq of racism.Howvr, many hav objctd to thtrivialization of an immns issinto a shock val pic.

    In rspons to th rcnt grs,Rnnymd said that rasons for thimbalanc incld: discrimination,lowr dcational attainmnt,attnding lss prstigiosnivrsitis, living in aras of highnmploymnt and migration.

    Rnnymd has also calld forth govrnmnt to do mor toincras mploymnt opportnitisof disadvantagd grops andpblish monitoring data on th WorkProgramm, which aims to spportthos sking work.


  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    6| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org

    english football is an intrnationalsccss story, with th PrmirLag bing th most watchdand most lcrativ footballlag in th world. Thr isno dnying th innc of or

    national gam and th shopwindow it provids for this contry.

    Football is in or national psychand following th rcnt high-prolracism controvrsis w hav snin football with Livrpools LisSarz; th allgations srrondingChlsas John Trry; th ChickTiot and Tom Adymi cass;and FIFA Prsidnt Spp Blattrdnying racism xistd in football,saying any isss cold b rsolvdwith a handshak aftr th match

    it has com as no srpris tos both th Govrnmnt andParliamnt intrvn in th mattr.

    In Fbrary this yar, David Camronhostd an anti-discrimination smmitin Downing Strt, whil th Hos ofCommons Cltr, Mdia and SportSlct Committ has rcntly hldan inqiry into racism in football.Camron himslf has said, W willnot tolrat racism in Britain. It hasabsoltly no plac in or socity.

    And whr it xists, w will kick it ot.

    My own xprincs tll m that,sadly, racism still xists in football.My tam, Wst Bromwich Albion,rachd th Championship Play-OFinal against Drby Conty in2007. As it was or rst Wmblynal in 14 yars, thr was anndrstandably high dmand fortickts. W wnt on to los th gambt, whil most Albion spportrsflt thir disappointmnt at th nalwhistl, my disappointmnt bgan

    bfor kick-o whn thr whitAlbion fans walkd past m and myfrinds (both whit and Asian) withon casally saying; Whr did yopakis gt yor fcking tickts from?.

    And ths wr spposd to bfans of a tam which onc lddth Thr Dgrs of BrndonBatson, Lari Cnningham andCyrill Rgis, th rst high-proltrio of black playrs to mak an

    impact in th domstic gam.

    Fast forward to March this yar whnId jst sn my tam famosly batChlsa at Th Hawthorns. Onntring th mtro station followingth gam, a grop of Chlsa fansapproachd from th oppositsid and, as thy nard th ticktinspctors (both black and Asian),thy said that thy didnt ndto hav thir tickts chckd. Asthy passd ot of arshot of thinspctors, I qit clarly hard

    on of thm say, Ill show yo mytickt whn yo show m yor visa.

    a reent inestigtion

    y te bbcs Pnorm

    progrmme soed tt

    oert dispys o rism

    nd nti-Semitism ere

    rie t oot mtes

    in Pond nd Urine.

    Ths two incidnts highlight thfact that racism still xists in Britishsocity. edcation is obviosly kyand, whil initiativs sch as KickIt Ot and Show Racism th RdCard, as wll as th Football AgainstRacism in erop (FARe) ntwork,hav mad signicant stridsin combating racism in football,w mst nvr b complacnt worrying grs rgarding th

    nmbr of racist incidnts in Britishschools (narly 88,000 btwn2007 and 2011) rcntly ncovrdby th BBC is vidnc of that.

    Thr ar othr apparnt

    inqalitis in football that cold bsn as discriminatory. Arond aqartr of all footballrs ar black,bt whr ar th black coachs,managrs and administrators? BothDavid Camron and th DptyPrim Ministr Nick Clgg havacknowldgd this as an iss.Thr has bn talk of introdcinga vrsion of Amrican FootballsRoony Rl, which rqirstams to intrviw candidatsfrom minority backgronds forcoaching and snior managmnt

    positions to addrss this inqality.

    And whil black British footballrshav com throgh th ranks andstablishd thmslvs as playrsin th domstic top-ight, why havw yt to s a similar brakthroghfrom th uKs Asian commnity?

    Ths ar isss that hav cross-party consnss and ar not nw.Formr Labor Sports Ministr,Richard Caborn, said in 2007 that,

    from th local park to th Prmirshippitch th gam mst inspir andnrtr black and thnic minoritytalnt, whil th crrnt Sports andOlympics Ministr, Hgh Robrtson,has said that h wants to s bttrrprsntation for thnic minoritisat all lvls in th gam [and] rightacross th sporting landscap.

    Football tams and allgiancsform part of popls idntitis andgiv thm a sns of blonging. Itsimportant, thrfor, that football

    isnt sn to tolrat or condonracism as this cold giv ris toa blinkrd tribalism which, intrn, givs sccor to racism.

    RacISM IN fOOTballhites Pte is memer o Runnymede 360 nd

    trustee o Sport 4 lie Uk, rity dedited

    to nging ies troug te poer o sport.

    here e reports on te rism e s persony

    experiened itin te rems o britis oot,

    te sitution in some oter Europen ountries,

    nd reent goernment initities to i it out. Photo:Flickr/Drvisv


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    .runnymedetrust.org SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369|RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN |7

    Ntn Rirds rites outartur wrton, te ords rst

    proession ooter.

    Born in Ghana, in 1865 to a Grnadian/Scottish fathr and Fant mothr,Wharton had a long and colorflcarr playing for Shld utd, AshtonNorth end and Stockport Conty.

    Whartons rst visit to england was inth 1870s, whn h accompanid hisMthodist Ministr fathr to London,following an Asant prising in th GoldCoast. His fathr srvd as Chaplain

    for Mthodists in th British anti-Asantforc. His mothr is said to hav camfrom Fant royalty.

    H rtrnd to england again in 1881to stdy Divinity at Shoal Hill MthodistCollg. Whil at Shoal h bcaman activ sportsman in th local ara;playing football for Cannock & WhitCross, along with rgby and cricktfor th Wslyan Band of Hop CricktClb.

    Following th compltion of his stdis

    Wharton dcidd to stay in th uKprmanntly, nding himslf immrsdin th world of amatr football, playingas Goalkpr for Darlington. In 1886Wharton won th AAA 100 yard sprint

    commmorat his lif and to hlp ghtracism within football. It is spportd byplayrs sch as Vivian Andrson MBeand Rio Frdinand.

    championships, rnning 10 scondsat Stamford Bridg, London a rcord

    that h rtaind for ovr 30 yars.

    As th football lag was fonddin 1888, Wharton ocially wntpro as Goalkpr for RothrhamTown in 1889, whil also bginninga profssional carr in crickt forGrasborogh.

    Th 1890s saw Wharton marry emmaListr of Grasborogh, bcom a pbmanagr in Shld, and captain forNorth end FC, playing cntr-forward.

    Wharton rtird from a sccssflsporting carr in 1902, bcoming afll tim pblican, thogh continingto play both football and crickt at anamatr lvl.

    H srd a long and painfl illnss,which vntally took his lif onDcmbr 12 1930, agd 65.

    In 1997 at a spcial crmony ammorial ston was placd ovrhis nmarkd grav in edlington

    Cmtry, Doncastr, to commmorathis contribtions.A fondation has sinc bnstablishd in Arthr Whartons nam to

    foots unsung pioneer



    artur wrton 1865-1930

    Th football athoritis ld by Th FAhav now, probably mor than vrbfor, dmonstratd a willingnssto com togthr to promot qalityand divrsity and to tackl all formsof discrimination in th gam, notjst racism. Thy ar d to rportback to Govrnmnt with an action-plan latr this smmr in tim for th201213 sason and wv snsom positiv signs alrady. ThGovrnmnt has invstd 3m in StGorgs Park, th FAs nw NationalCoaching Cntr, which aims todvlop th nxt gnration of playrsand coachs, inclding initiativsto bring on thos from minoritybackgronds. Hathr Rabbatts hasalso bcom th rst fmal to bappointd to Th FA Board as a nw

    indpndnt non-xctiv dirctor.Th Profssional FootballrsAssociation has vn sggstdthat class shold b insrtd intoplayrs contracts which wold makracist abs a sackabl onc

    Howvr, whil wv mad progrssin th uK, othr parts of eropar lagging bhind. ex-Brazilianintrnational, Robrto Carlos, andformr Blackbrn Rovrs playr,Chris Samba, both crrntly playingin Rssia, host nation of th 2018World Cp, hav had bananas thrownat thm on th pitch in rcnt months.

    This typ of discrimination issomthing that Wst Brom strikr,Nigrian Ptr Odmwingi, alsohad to ndr whil playing forLokomotiv Moscow, and h fls thatth sitation is now gtting wors.

    Th FA hr, manwhil, hasraisd concrns with ueFA abothow englands playrs and fans

    cold b on th rciving nd ofracist abs dring this smmrsero 2012 football championshipin Poland and ukrain.

    Th familis of englandplayrs Tho Walcott and Alx

    Oxlad-Chambrlain hav dciddagainst travlling to th rgion faringracist attacks. A rcnt invstigationby th BBCs Panorama programmshowd that ovrt displays of racismand anti-Smitism wr rif at footballmatchs in Poland and ukrain, thero 2012 host nations. Footagshowd a particlarly distrbingnprovokd racist attack on a gropof yong Indian stdnts, who wrsat in a family ara of a ukrainstadim, which wil l b on of th ero2012 vns, lading Sol Campbll,th formr england captain, torspond by saying to england fans:Stay at hom, watch it on TV. Dontvn risk itbcas yo coldnd p coming back in a con.

    Nlson Mandla famosly said thatsport has th powr to chang thworld, th powr to inspir, th powrto nit popl in a way that littl lscan. Football wont b batifl ntilw harnss this powr to kick racismot of th gam onc and for all.

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    8| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org

    grops and this can b vidncd indivrs sttings from th classroom to thchanging-room. Sport is a dobl-dgdsword. Sport privilgs som, jst as itis not so gnros to othrs. A radingof th rlatd sports litratr in th uKidntis an instittion that, throghracialisd cstoms and practics, isrpatdly accsd of advantagingWhit popl as playrs, spctators andmploys ovr thos idntid as Blackand minority thnic, vn in thos sportswhr sccss amongst Black grops ismor conspicos. Th pictr of ths

    isss is not complt as th absncof som social grops in th writingarond sport is not only racd bt alsogndrd as mainstram writrs havfaild to incld Black womn in thiranalyss. In particlar, rsarchrs havbn rticnt in ngaging with th lisrlifstyls and sporting xprincs ofBlack womn and as a rslt w knowfar lss abot Black womn than w doabot Black mn in sport.

    Re, Sport nd Edution

    Throgh rac talk or capabilitis insport ar oftn dscribd in physicalor psychological trms; thy ar snas bing natral dirncs. Thsdirncs in sport ar oftn idntidas th dirnc btwn thos liklyto sccd in a givn sport and thoswho ar not. This discors of spriorityand infriority ar not dissimilar to othrdbats otsid of sport that rvolvarond gntics, intllignc andltimatly ndrpin psdo-scinticvryday idas. edcation is notimmn to ths discorss; for xampl,

    in Flmings work Sport, Schooling andAsian Mal Cltr (Psychology Prss,1991: 53) h prsntd a viw thatsport is a vhicl for th xprssion ofantagonism and racial tnsion whichwas frthr mphasisd by athorslswhr. evn in Carrington andWoods (1983) classic stdy, Body Talk:Imags of Sport in a Mlti-racial School(Mlti-racial edcation 11(2): 2938),vidnc of th intrnalisation of racialthinking was apparnt amongst Blackschool childrn to th dgr that thy

    wr rinforcing thir own sbordinationand opprssion throgh thir ownsmingly chosn bhavior. In additionto th strotyps of thir libral mindd

    IntrodutionTh notions of divrsity, commnity,and lgacy wr cor mssags in thbidding for th London 2012 OlympicGams. Dspit ths promiss ofrgnration in th east end of London,thr rmain signicant ovrarchingstrctral constraints that ctivlyndrmin th symbolic gstrsof Olympism.Ths ndmic isssrarly occpy th crativ narrativ ofpro-Olympic storis or lgacy promiss.Commnity and thnic dirntiationbasd pon racialisd, classd and

    gndrd fondations prdat and willcontin on apac aftr th London2012 Olympic dvlopmnts. By thisit is argd that singl-mga-vntpolicis ar not th answr to broadrsocial isss that magically ovrtakntrnchd racial inqalitis. Thrhtoric of Olympism attmpts to maskth prsnc of strctral inqalitisthrogh hyprbol, oftn ignoring andrndring thm invisibl. Howvr,history has shown that ignoring racialisdprocsss and formations in sport and

    widr socity nithr rndrs thmbnign nor harmlss.

    I arg in Rac and Sport: Critical RacThory (Rotldg, 2009) that in sportpractics that lgitimat, rathr thanchallng th notion of rac, monolithicracial idntitis and th black Othrprsist. Absiv chanting still occpissport stadia and sporting nvironmntsarond th world; natral dirncs arcommonly articlatd in sport as physicaland psychological strotyps prvad;racial disparitis in th ladrship and

    administration of sport ar commonplacworldwid; yt from rsarch into racismin sport th pblic awarnss of thsisss is widsprad, with many knowingthat racism taks plac thogh it is alwaysovr thr. For many this racism is partof th gam and somthing that nablsan advantag to b stoln. Th corollaryof this is th accommodation of thspractics by th victims of racism who,as participants, fl that to win thy mstintrnalis thir racialisation to ovrcomths intgral aspcts of comptition.

    Rathr than xplod thm, th vrydayrac talk in sport hardns frthr thconstrctd dirncs btwn social

    tachrs som of th ppils wr radilyabl to rprodc racially strotypicalbhaviors in sport and dcation aspart of a rational for thir own flingsof stm and sccss; idas rinforcdin mor rcnt rsarch by th CarngiRsarch Institt, Lds Mtropolitanunivrsity: Flintos (2010) stdy on BMeTrains exprincs of Pe Initial TachrTraining, condctd for th Training andDvlopmnt Agncy, and Long t al.s(2010) rviw of litraton BMe Sportand Physical Rcration Participation,condctd for Sporting eqals and th

    Sports Concils. This procss of thinking,acting and rinforcmnt in physicaldcation and sport is so sbtl that vnin adlts common racialisd assmptionsrmain nchallngd. Thy giv spportto Yongs (Rcration, Novmbr,2000: 24-25) contntion that ths viwssggst that if Black popl ar natrallytalntd at sport thn thy ar natrallylss wll-qippd intllctally.

    Harrison t al. (2004) ar clar that racand divrsity ar nglctd in physical

    dcation and sport and thy qry itslack of signicanc in this acadmicarna (Rac, ethnicity and edcation,7(2), Jly, 159-166). What in ctw do gt ar vrsions of concptalWhitnss or Blacknss that thmslvssignify notions of achivmnt,middl classnss, intllignc anddcatd as normativ charactristicsof Whitnss, whil gangs, basktballplayr, ntrtainr and sprintrbcom th marginalisd anddlgitimatd catgoris of Blacknssor African Caribbanss prompting

    Ladson-Billings (1998: 9) to ask JstWhat is Critical Rac Thory and WhatsIt Doing in a Nic Fild lik edcation?(Qalitativ Stdis in edcation, 11(1),7-24). Mor hmorosly, Coats (2002)papr ntitld I Dont Sing, I Dont Dancand I Dont Play Basktball! (CriticalSociology, 28(1-2), 255-279) mphasissthat as a powrfl social constrct racstrctrs or historis and or approachto sport to th point that bnciarisdo not rgistr th prks or privilgsof Whitnss, nithr do th dominant

    classifying discorss challngth concpts that sbtly racialis,marginalis and opprss black popl inth uK.

    Re, Sport nd legyProessor kein hyton, who works at th Carngi Faclty, Lds Mtropolitanunivrsity, args that strctral constraints will, nlss addrssd, ndrmin thorts of thos sking to s th Olympics to bring abot rgnration in th east end.

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    10| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org

    Chins, Prsian, Indian and Mslimcivilizations.

    For ctiv social cohsion andintr-cltral rspct, it is ssntialto go frthr and nrich all othrtaght sbjcts, inclding sports,with contribtions from othrcltrs, spcially thos fromMslim Hritag and in particlarfrom Mslim Spain; withot which th

    eropan Rnaissanc wold nothav takn plac.

    Th sbjct of Sports in MslimHritag dsrvs spcial attntion.Not vn Mslims ar awar of thvast contribtions th Mslim worldhad mad to sports dvlopmnt.Tak for xampl, w all associatCrickt with Britishnss, yt thisgam originatd in North India arond700 Ce and travlld wstwardsraching its climax whn th Britishadoptd it as thirs. Anothr gam

    is Polo, an ancint sport from Prsiaand Afghanistan. Th Mslimsnjoyd it gratly. Manscripts showminiatrs of mn and womn jointlyplaying in th sam ld.

    It is blivd that Propht Mhammadlovd sports. H racd with his wifAisha. Sh won th rst sprint, bt loston th scond rond. H ncoragdparnts to tach childrn swimming,riding and archry.

    Th Arabic word for sport is Riyadhah.It is intrsting to not that th samword is sd for mathmatics andth Ss sd it to rfr to xrcisingth sol. Sport in Mslim Hritaghas bn associatd with xrcising

    Thr is amnsia in th minds ofpopl abot 1,000 yars of Mslim,Chins and Indian civilizationsdring 600-1600 Ce. Or dcationalsystm largly nglcts that, instadconcntrating pon erop whrmch of th priod is glossd ovras containing th Dark Ags and/or Mdival Ags. School syllabi,particlarly thos of STeM sbjcts(Scinc, Tchnology, enginringand Maths) and th sbjct ofsports, tnd to jmp ovr th priod,laping back from th eropanRnaissanc to th Roman andGrk civilisations, largly ignoringscintists or invntions from non-eropan cltrs.

    A possibl dangr of this amnsiais that it ngndrs a sprioritycomplx in th eropan charactrwhilst simltanosly casing aninfriority complx in th charactrof othrs. Th diagrams clarifyth problm and how it may brsolvd. Th rst shows th 1001yars gap (amnsia) and th scondappropriatly lls th gap with

    t h

    th body, th mind and th sol. Sportybhavior was normally linkd withhigh morals and xmplary bhaviorsch as chivalry, trstworthinss andgnrosity. Whn Mslims rachdSpain, Sicily, Istanbl and othr partsof th world, thy stoppd all sportswhich inictd harm on th playrs,lik gladiators and th lik. Onwondrs if thos Mslims wold havallowd knock-ot in boxing.

    W hav rcntly noticd a srgof sportsmn and womn from thMslim world participating in thOlympics. Of intrst is th highprcntag of womn playrs. Bt ofparticlar intrst is th apparancof Mslim womn with Hijabcompting with Sharia-compliantdrss cod, i. only fac and handsof womn ar to b shown. Whn,in 2008, Bahraini lady (Rqaya al-Ghasara) won hr gold in 100 and200m rn, sh shook th world with

    hr drss covring all hr body.



    a 1000 yers mnesi:Sports in Musim heritge

    Proessor Sim a-hssni is n Emeritus

    Proessor t te Uniersity o Mnester. he

    is President o Te foundtion or Siene,

    Tenoogy nd ciiistion Uk, i

    deeoped te ord mous 1001 Inentions touring

    exiition nd oo, te rd inning lirry o serets

    m nd te enyopedi esite Musimheritge.om. he

    is feo o te britis Siene assoition nd is nmed

    mongst te 500 most inuenti Musims in te ord.

    600CE 1600CE

    History of Science and Sports

    as should be taught:


    Modern Day






    15/16th 18/19th 20thBC 5th

    Dark Ages Northern






    Chinese, IndiansPersians

    When Amnesia is eliminated

    Did modern Civilisation really rise from nothing?

    600AD - 1600AD

    History of Science and Sport as taught by

    many education systems

    The Greeks

    Modern Day


    The Romans




    15/16th 18/19th 20thBC 5th

    Dark Ages









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    as prt o Runnymedes Genertion 3.0 projet, i oos t ys to end rism in

    genertion, mmer Rit amed s mde 15 minute tion m out rism nd gender.

    clENch wt re you gting or?fEaTURE

    To xplor th thms arondboxing, rac and gndr I dcidd tospak with local commnity gropsand yoth workrs in Old Traordand Salford, Manchstr. I qicklydiscovrd that boxing was a vrysignicant sport in th city with astrong following and commnity links- training clbs opn to th pblicxist in almost vry town.

    Th popl who attnd thos clbs,howvr, tndd to b popl wholivd locally; with littl vidnc of

    popl from on town going to aclb in anothr town. Salford andOld Traord ar sid by sid bt vrydirnt in thnic mak p. Salfordis a majority whit ara and OldTraord gnrally consists of Asianand black commnitis. Intractionbtwn th towns is vry limitd.This was particlarly d to ngativprcptions and xprincs.Many popl in Old Traord flt thatSalford was an xtrmly racist ara,whras th popl in Salford smisolatd and lss inclind to mix.

    Bt dos rac mattr in boxing?Dos yor backgrond mak anydirnc?

    According to Bolton born, BritishPakistani boxr, Amir Khan in aGardian articl in 2009, h blivsit dos:

    I know for a fact if I wr a whitenglish ghtr mayb I wold havbn a sprstar in Britain, and thworld.

    Amir Khan has don incrdibly wlland gnratd a massiv fan basas a nw gnration British boxr,and I was drivn to nd ot what hmant by ths words.

    Throghot history boxing has oftnbn associatd with isss arondclass and rac. For xampl, thspportrs of African-Amricanboxr, Mohammd Ali, wr originallyworking class thnic minoritisbfor h gaind th spport of thwidr pblic. H was considrd to

    b a rprsntativ of a whol racof popl as wll as a rnowndathlt.

    Boxing has always bn a vry maldominatd sport, yt with th rcnt

    sccss of Ambrn Sadiq, thuKs rst fmal Pakistani boxr it isclar that isss arond gndr ar

    still prvlant, rctd in th lackof fmals invold in th sport.

    I dcidd that rathr than makinga docmntary I wold constrcta narrativ lm that prsntscharactrs of varios thnicbackgronds, mindsts andscnarios that xplor isssarond idntity, gndr, rac,intrgnrational commnicationand nighborhood politics withinth sphr of boxing.

    Th lms narrativ follows Ash, amixd rac Pakistani whit girl whois on a yoth rfrral schm. Shis givn a choic to tak part in awks boxing camp at th SalfordLads Clb or to work in a rsidntialhom for oldr popl in Traord.

    furtermore, esee te o mingsuspiious ssertionsout ass resons

    or eing sent to teu.

    Sh is pt in a position whr shhas to ntr a town that is a majoritywhit. Althogh sh is half whit,th jdgmnts sh oftn facs arbasd on hr Pakistani hritag dto hr looks. I wantd to xplor thjdgmnts that ar mad abotsomons rac and idntity basdon apparancs, and thn comparthm with rality.

    Natrally, th charactr Ash flsanxios; sh has prconcivdidas that sh will fac dicltyntring a spac which has astrong history of whit working class

    mn attnding th clb sinc 1914;bing from an thnic minority aswll as a fmal this raiss concrn

    and intimidats hr.Whn sh arrivs at th clbsh raliss hr coach is AfricanCaribban and is slightly srprisdto mt somon who is not whit.W s that hr coach makssspicios assrtions abot Ashsrasons for bing snt to th clb,which highlights that racism andprjdic is not always black andwhit bt can also occr btwnothr thnic grops.

    For a sport that is oftn mtwith criticisms of violnc andaggrssion, w s that it is actallyvry controlld and disciplind.rqiring a lot of mntal trainingas wll as physical. Th main workis in th footwork, which I flt wasan important mtaphor to s w hav to think abot th stpsw tak as individals in making ajdgmnt abot somon bforactally knowing thm.

    Sinc th making of th lm Ihav com to bliv that boxingcan b a vry strong positivtool in braking down rigid idasabot rac, class and gndrand can ncorag popl of allbackgronds and ags to larn tolistn and commnicat with onanothr. Additionally, it can assistintrgnrational convrsations, asshown in th rlationship btwnAsh and th coach. Ash is notalways abl to commnicat howsh fls bt larns to channl hrfrstration in larning th right stps

    from somon mor xprincd.To ie te m, go to: .genertion3-0.org/mnester


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    Bjing Olympic Gams. This bronz

    mdal was a long tim coming aftra particlarly hard yar whr I hadbn injrd a lot. I wnt into thOlympic Gams not knowing myform or what tim I cold rn. I wasslctd to b part of th GB tambasd on my prvios prformancsat championships. It wasnt a poplardcision as thr was anothr vrygood athlt ot thr that wasprforming wll at th tim. Whn Iwas slctd ovr anothr crdiblathlt aftr a poor prformanc atth Olympic Trials, I trly flt it was

    mant to b and somthing gratwas going to happn at th gams.It was vn diclt at th trainingcamp d to injry I cold only rn instraight lins and as yo can imaginfor a 400m hrdlr this was a ralchallng, I can look back and laghnow. Howvr I knw that I had a

    good wintr training bhind m andthat tnss was still in my body. I ranwll in th hats and smis to oandthis gav m condnc to know

    that if I jst xctd my rac planin th nal I wold mdal which iswhat happnd and I won th bronzmdal xcding all xpctations.

    For hndrd-mtr hrdlr Tasha

    Danvrs has mad a habit of provingpopl wrong. Whn sh took timot from th sport to giv birth tohr son in 2004, most popl withinth mdia thoght sh wold nvrrtrn to comptitiv athltics. Btsh rtrnd to tak silvr at th 2006Commonwalth Gams. In 2008, aftra sason fll of injris, Danvrs, asrpris pick for th Bijing Olympics,rompd hom in third plac to tak abronz mdal.

    Now on of Britains most poplar

    athlts, th 34-yar-old Danvrscombins hr tim comptingwith pblic spaking, coaching,modling and painting. Th msicbsinss gradat who hascomptd for Britain in nmrosmajor comptitions ovr th last 20yars, was rcntly indctd into thunivrsity of Sothrn Californias Hallof Fam. Tasha was born in Londonto two athlts, Klfa Snnah andDonald Danvrs, who both movd toth uK from Jamaica as childrn.

    ho did you rst eome inoedin tetis? Iv bn compting asan athlt sinc I was 15 yars old.I com from an athltics backgrondas my mm was a high jmpr andjavlin throwr and my Dad was ahrdlr so its a part of my gnticmak-p. I njoyd athltics andjoind an athltics clb whn I wasabot 13 yars old and hav nvrlookd back. I grw p in SothLondon and whn I was 18 I rlocatdto th uS, rtrning to th uK in 2009.

    wt s een your gretestieement in tetis so r?Winning th bronz mdal at th 2008

    wt oud you sy s een your

    most enging experienes sn tete? Coping with injris andcoming back aftr th birth of my sonwas particlarly challnging. In 2006I won silvr at th CommonwathGams which was my scondgratst achivmnt as this was myrst snior mdal aftr having my son.Howvr lots of popl dobtd if Iwold rtrn to high lvl comptition.Whn I bcam prgnant in 2004 thmdia said my carr was ovr. I flrally prod of that mdal as I wasabl to prov to myslf and othrs

    that yo can still choos to hav afamily and fll yor drams, it jstmant that I had to postpon somof my prvios plans. I rcivd a lotof ngativ mdia abot th timing ofmy prgnancy at a critical tim in mycarr.

    I tin rism iseeryere, oeer

    in tetis i you re

    te seetion stndrdson your eent ndiee tt timend/or distne ten

    rism nnot reyome into py s yourperormne nt e

    rgued it.

    Th ongoing nd for sstaind andscint fnding is a challng.expctations ar that onc yobcom an Olympic mdallist that

    Oympi Medist & MoterMiee Moore, ormer tete nd Runnymede Trustee, interies Oympi mediist Ts Dners

    Ts Dners is britis Oympi

    ronze medist, o nised tird pe

    in te 400m hurdes t te 2008 beijing

    Oympis. Se is one o britins most

    reognise nd rismti tetes.




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    glamor in btwn th mscl asmch as possibl. Iv always bn abit if a rbl, I paint my nails dirntcolors, I s gold harispray,glamoros rnning lotards, worngold rhinston bandanas yonam it Iv don it. Whn yo ar

    yong popl shn th mscls btas yo gt oldr yor dmographicsddnly bgin to wish thy wr likyo. Fitnss and halth ar dnitlya blssing not jst asthtically.

    wt s een te est die youere gien in your tetis reerso r? My mothr has givn m thbst advic by rinforcing in m thatI hav th talnt and that if I kpon trying th talnt will lad m ontoothr positiv things. Athltics hasgivn m many positiv opportnitis

    and xprincs I woldnt hav had.

    I hav workd in schools dlivringinspirational talks and motivatingchildrn, Iv don fn things likgam shows, I am an ambassadorfor 8 dirnt organisations thatwork with childrn. I travl thcontry spporting grass rootssports dvlopmnt initiativs. Form, this is th whol point in bing asccssfl athlt, th mdals mannothing to m if I cannot s thm to

    hlp mak a dirnc in somonlss lif.

    ho do you sty motited? Im ata dirnt plac in my carr and mylif than I was 4 yars ago, and as arslt what I nd and what motivatsm is compltly dirnt. Now I lookto thos who ar signicant grs inmy lif or history for motivation, withth aspiration of mlating thm. Myrol modl of all tim is th amazingMhammad Ali, h is bold, fnny,inspiring and was a fantastic athlt.

    H took his sport to th highst lvland sd his sccss to plift hiscommnity and th world ghtingracism; h is a tr champion in vrysns of th word. I s myslf as abit whacky and fnny and althogh inboxing thr is mor bantr and yocan b rally bold, athltics dosntrally giv yo thos opportnitisbt I try to brak ot of th convntionthrogh my apparanc and frshapproach to my individal challngsand th fact that I am a championship

    prformr. My mm is also my rolmodl as sh always ncoragsm and is my liflin whn things gttogh rminding m that I am alradya champion.

    actally sponsorship wold not bsch an iss. Many popl thinkthat onc an athlt has rachd atop lvl thy atomatically bcom

    walthy. This is not rality and wasdnitly not my rality. In factfrom th convrsations Iv hadwith nancial advisors that workwith athlts, many ar making thqivalnt of minimm wag pryar.

    In ddition to your on rd or,t to tors oud you symost eped you to progress intetis? Having goals and bingsingl-mindd to achiv thm andnot taking on th opinion of othrs.

    Srronding myslf with a gratspport ntwork parnts, coach,psychologists, ntritionist, tc isvry important as thy ar alwaysthr to pick yo p and kp yopositiv. At tims whn yo arfling dobtfl thy rmind yo, yocan do it.

    he you eer experiened rismduring your time s n tete?Not vr dirctly at m bt thrhav crtainly bn sitations which

    I hav sn that I think hav bnqstionabl and mad m sspctthat racism was taking plac. I thinkracism is vrywhr, howvr inathltics if yo rach th slction

    standards on yor vnt and achivthat tim and/or distanc thn racismcannot rally com into play as yorprformanc cant b argd with.

    Tere s een mu ous o teon rism in oot. Do you tintetis so s proem itrism? I so, t do you tinn e done to ddress tis?Popl who ar racist ar jstridiclos. Racism is a hard issto tackl bcas most racisthav no intllignt jstication forthir bhaviors, bt I bliv thatdcation cold b th answr.Th baty of athltics is that yocan sqz racism ot by good

    prformancs. This is not th casfor othr sports lik football whr Ibliv that thr shold b strictrpnishmnt and sanctions for racistincidnts in football and sport ingnral. A zro tolranc policy onracism shold always b nforcd.

    hs it een diut to mintinyour emininity ist ompetings ord ss tete? Irmmbr that I didnt want to do lotsof arm crls as a yongr athlt as it

    wold mak m appar too b andlook lik a man bt I soon ralisdthat this was what was going to makm win so I got ovr that vry qickly.Now I try and sqz vry bit of



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    14| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org


    hackNEYS lEGacY?

    Dine aott MP ss eter te egyo te Oympis i ring ny enet to er

    onstituents in hney nd surroundingorougs ere te gmes i te pe

    Sinc work bgan on th OlympicPark, I hav bn concrnd

    abot th low nmbr of localpopl working on th sit. Figrsrlasd by th Olympic DlivryAthority (ODA) in Octobr 2010rvald that ot of 6,423 workrson th Olympic Park, jst 130 hailfrom Hackny, th lowst of all vhost boroghs. Thr wr also jstsvn apprntics on th sit wholiv in Hackny.

    Th sitation has improvd sincth nd of 2008, whn jst 83

    popl mployd on th OlympicPark sit wr from Hackny. BtI nd it shocking that so fw localpopl hav bn abl to gtwork on th park, dspit th highnmploymnt rats in Hackny.

    Th v Olympics Host Boroghs Grnwich, Towr Hamlts,Nwham, Waltham Forst andHackny ar among som of thpoorst aras in th contry. In factall v host Boroghs ar in th mostdprivd 15 pr cnt of th contry,

    and Hackny is in th bottom 5 prcnt. Only 55 pr cnt of poplof working ag ar in mploymntin Hackny, dspit th fact thatth poplation is comparativlyvry yong. Thr ar fw othrplacs in th contry that ar morin nd of an conomic boost andrgnration. And I trly bliv thatth 2012 Olympics is th prfctopportnity for this boost andrgnration.

    To draw attntion to ths lownmbrs I hld a dbat inWstminstr Hall in March 2010and mad two spchs in thHos of Commons last yar. As

    Whn it was annoncd thatLondon had won th bid to host

    th 2012 Olympics lik mostLondonrs I was absoltlyovrjoyd. Th bid to bring thOlympics to London was basdon th fact that east London woldb rgnratd. Mony, bsinss,torism and rgnration wold bpord into th ara. Th potntialimprovmnt for Hackny washg.As plans for th Olympics havnfoldd w hav all sn what

    an ambitios and crativ projcthosting th Olympics is. I admirth hard work that has gon intocrating th projct, stting ot thplans for what th vnt will looklik and nsring th lgacy of thOlympics mans that London willbnt for yars to com.

    Bt I strongly bliv that for thOlympics to b a sccss, localpopl mst b spportiv of thprojct. That mans that localpopl mst hav accss to jobs,and th wondrfl Olympic Park,

    mdia cntr and othr bildingsmst b trnd into spacs thcommnity can s aftr th bigvnt.

    wll as raising awarnss of thproblm in Parliamnt I hav had

    rglar commnications withrprsntativs from th OlympicDlivry Athority (ODA), thLondon Organising Committ ofth Olympics (LOCOG), and thorganisations chargd with gttingOlympics jobs for Hackny popl.I want to nsr that Olympic

    ocials ar making th most ofth opportnity that th Gamsar providing in east Londonand that thy acknowldg thirrsponsibility to thos living onth doorstp of th sit who hav

    had thir homs and bsinsssprootd.

    I also hav major concrns abotth Olympic lgacy and th impactth Gams will hav on ast Londononc thy ar compltd. Crrntplans will allow walthy individalsliving otsid of th OlympicBoroghs to by homs on th sit,laving no chanc for many livingin and arond th Hackny arato liv thr. Throgh varios talks

    with th ODA and othr bodis, I amcontinally strssing th fact thatlocal nds mst b mt in ordrto trly flll Londons Olympiclgacy.




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    facTS cOMPIlED bY haNa RIazUDDIN & REbEcca wallER

    1In beijing, 8% o te britisOympi tem nd 2%o te Prympi tem

    ere rom etni minoritygroups (Uk Sport, 2008)

    2wter Tu s one

    o britins irst proession ooters

    en e signed it Tottenmhotspur in 1909. he s sote irst britis-orn rmyoier nd te irst oierto ed britis troops into tte.

    3amir kn eme teyoungest britis Oympioxing medist en e

    on sier t te 2004 atensOympis t te ge o 17 ndon te wba ord tite t 22.

    4Is Gu s te rst omno asin ground torepresent te Engnd riet

    tem, ming er deut t 17.

    5In 2004, brins Ruqya Gsr, deoutMusim, s te irst

    tete to eer te prt in

    n Oympis ering ij.

    6bME omen re te estiey o ny demogrpigroup to te prt in sport

    s memer o u. (atiePeope Surey 4 2009/2010,Sport Engnd)


    O te 92 proessionoot us, ony to

    e mngersdespite qurter o te pyerseing (Gurdin, 2011)

    8bME omen re mosttie s iey to pyoot s ite omn.

    (atie Peope Surey 32008/2009, Sport Engnd)

    9Judo, Rounders, Rugynd hoey re te oestprtiiption sports or

    bME groups. (Sporting Equs,2010)

    10coing in te Ukremins n tiitydisproportiontey

    dominted y ite, middess mes. Ony 3% o oesre rom etni minoritygrounds nd ony 1% oquiied oes re rombME grounds. (Sportscoing in te Uk III, a

    sttisti nysis o oesnd oing in te Uk, Jnury2011)

    Only 3% of

    coaches are from

    ethnic minority


    and only 1% of

    qualified coaches

    are from bME




  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    16| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org

    JUMPING MY TRUE POTENTIalMiee Moore, ormer tete nd Runnymede Trustee, interies Oympi mediist lrry aie


    lrry (Onoie) aie is iming ig or london

    2012 nd s ongstnding reer s one o britins

    est tripe jumpers. lrry is o Nigerin prentge

    nd s ompeted or Gb or te st tenty yers.

    Larry Achik is on of Britainsgratst and most dcoratd tripljmprs. Th 37-yar-old formrrgby playr was a gold mdalistat th 1998 Commonwalth Gams,

    2000 eropan Cp and th 1994World Jnior Championships. Achikalso placd fth in th 2000 Olympicsstting a nw prsonal bst of 17.30(th winnr was Jonathan edwardswho achivd 17.71) and svnth inth 2008 Olympics.

    Whil injris hav marrd somof Achiks carr, at his bst thIslington born athlt has provn tob a world class and inspirationalgr. Th Biomdical Scinc

    gradat was captain of Grat Britain2009 World Championship tam andnow combins his tim as mmbr ofth Shaftsbry Barnt Harrirs tamwith dlivring talks at schools andfor corporat companis, coachingat Brnl univrsity and mntoringlit athlts. Achik has st hissights on th London 2012 Olympicsand is crrntly looking for a sponsor.

    ho did you rst eome inoedin tetis? My Pe tachr sd

    to b a tripl jmpr and was anengland rgby playr and hrcognizd my sporting potntialand ncoragd m to try th tripljmp and rgby. Whn I was in mylast yar at collg my Pe tachrpromisd m a bottl of champagnif I jmpd frthr than his prsonalbst. Which I did by narly a mtr.Im still waiting for that bottl! Morimportantly my Pe tachr sd todriv m to th local rnning trackvry Tsday and Thrsday so I

    cold train with th bst athlts inth conty. H did all of this in hisspar tim. Im vry gratfl for hisncoragmnt and spport.

    Dspit raching conty lvl inrgby I had mor sccss as atripl jmpr so from th ag of 19I dcidd to focs on my athlticscarr having jst won th World

    Jnior Championships. I amcondnt I mad th right dcision.

    wt s een your gretestieement in tetis so r?Winning gold at th CommonwalthGams was my rst snior mdal andthis gav m ral condnc in myabilitis to b a world class athlt.Also making two Olympic nals anddspit not winning mdals I madth last ight bst tripl jmprs in thworld and both Olympic nals wr

    my most mmorabl and gratstachivmnts. For both nals Iwas rankd otsid of th top 12bst tripl jmprs and I prformdndr trmndos prssr tootprform and showd that I am atr championship prformr.

    In te beijing

    Oympis I s te

    ony tete in te n

    o d u time jo

    to support my Oympi

    drem o inning


    Th Sydny Gams in 2000 was abittrswt xprinc as I was inthird plac going into th last rondof th nal bt was otprformd bytwo grat athlts in th vry last two

    jmps of th comptition and waspshd down to fth plac. Jonathonedwards won this comptition and Iam thankfl for vry opportnity Iv

    had to compt against on of thbst tripl jmprs of all tim.

    In 2009 at th World AthlticsChampionships in Brlin I was

    awardd th honor of bing thCaptain of th GB tam which wasa hgly signicant achivmntfor m and on which I rlishdtrmndosly; my main rol was todlivr th tam talk.

    My talk was abot mpowring thathlts to bliv in thir capabilitisas limitlss. I ndd with th slid Ialways nd with in my inspirationalspchs and thats Dram anddram big. Lots of popl told

    Barack Obama h woldnt mak itbt h provd thm wrong.

    In ddition to your on rd or,t to tors oud you symost eped you to progress intetis? Advic that I hav givnto myslf to hav th tmost faith inmyslf whn othrs hav not blivdin my abilitis to sccd. Whn Iwas 17 I had a disastros rst JniorWorld Championships whr I trid toxprimnt in th nal and pformd

    poorly. I was ttrly distraght andthis taght m a valabl lsson.

    Following this I vowd to myslf thatI wold rtrn in two yars tim andwin which is xactly what I did.This was a dning lsson for mthat onc I commit to somthingand bliv and trst in my abilitisI can mak it happn and this hasstck with m throghot my carr.I hav bn with my coach FrankAttoh for 18 yars and his advic and

    ncoragmnt has bn invalablfor my sccss.he you eer experiened rismduring your time s n tete?

  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    .runnymedetrust.org SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369|RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN |17

    I xprincd racist tants andthrats dring a rgby tornamnt asa yong playr, and I rmmbr mycoach wanting th tam to pll otof th comptition. I was also on thrciving nd of racist nam-callingwhn I comptd in an intrnationaltripl jmp comptition in Grcabot nin yars ago. Th ocialsdid not challng it and it was a

    vry hostil crowd so I dcidd towithdraw myslf from th comptitionaftr th scond rond.

    Tere s een mu ous o teon rism in oot. Do you tintetis so s proem itrism? I so, t do you tinn e done to ddress tis?

    Inathltics it is hardr for racism toprvail, bcas slction timsand distancs ar th ways in whichathlts atomatically qalify tocompt for thir contry. Racismcoms in many dirnt forms. I havoftn sn vry sccssfl athltsstrggl to scr sponsorship.In th Bijing Olympics I was thonly athlt in th nal who had afll tim job to spport my Olympicdram of winning a mdal. Alsoth administration strctr within

    athltics is not rctiv of th thnicdivrsity rprsntd by th athltsin th sport.

    ho do you sty motited? I stillbliv that I hav not jmpd mytr potntial. I fl th distancs Ihav jmpd so far in my carr arnot rctiv of my talnt and it is thishngr to prform my bst that kpsm going. I still nd to pt in that

    big jmp which will trly validat mycarr and th London 2012 OlympicGams givs m that opportnity.

    I am vry thankfl for th rich andpositiv xprincs athltics hasgivn m and th yong popl Icoach and dlivr talks to kp m

    motivatd. I bliv its massivlyimportant to giv back to thcommnity and I njoy givinginspirational talks in schools andbliv it maks a ral dirnc tochildrn.

    I e een n

    tete or tenty

    yers nd e een

    to ots o tem tsnd s mn I

    nted to e e to

    represent positie

    imge s te tem Gb



    Th coalition govrnmnt hasdcidd to mak nprcdntdcts to govrnmnt spnding, ovr83 billion within th cors of onparliamnt. Th impact that this willhav on commnitis is only jstbcoming apparnt and th cton qality within th pblic sctorworkforc nds to b chartd.Rnnymd has bn commissiondby th TuC, uNISON, unit, PCSand NASuWT to track th impact ofpblic srvic rform on qality inth workplac.

    Crrnt grs sggst that thnmbr of NHS workrs fll byalmost 20,000 btwn 2010 and2011 and 71,000 popl mploydwithin th dcation sctor lost thirjobs in 2011. It is likly that no ralassssmnt of th impact on wholgrops of popl took plac bforth dcision to mak ths cts toth pblic sctor.

    emrging rsarch sggsts thatths cts will not act all pblicsctor workrs qally. W alradyknow that pblic srvic cts to

    th workforc ar likly to impactngativly on thos most likly tob fond working within th sctor namly womn and minority thnicsta. Thirty pr cnt of all BlackCaribban womn ar mploydwithin th pblic sctor and whnnmploymnt riss dring priodsof rcssion, it bgins arlir amongBlack grops. Whn th conomicsitation bgins to improv, it takslongr for th impact to b flt amongBlack grops as nmploymntrmains highr for thm for a longrpriod of tim.

    This projct will s crowdsorcing(distribtd problm-solving) tognrat data to hlp s map thtrnds nationally, highlighting whrinqalitis in th pblic sctor aroccrring and targting action toaddrss it. Wv dvlopd anonlin gid to hlp popl masrth impact of pblic sctor cts

    and it is availabl onlin at: www.rnnymdtrst.org/projcts-and-pblications/projcts/mploymnt-2/in-this-togthr.html

    Th gid was lanchd at thTuC Black Workrs confrncon Satrday 28 April 2012 atCongrss Hos and inclds sflinformation on how to monitor thimpact of ths rforms, as wll ashow to s th information collctdto hold mployrs to accont. Thrar sggstions, tools and vidointrviws of activists who havalrady startd this work.

    W ar asking nion branchrprsntativs to monitor howth cts ar acting popl inthir workplac and to shar thinformation with s throgh an onlinsrvy. Th srvy is opn now andavailabl throgh http://rminsight.co.k/srvys/RnnymdSrvyand th dadlin to ll in th srvyis 27 Jly 2012. Thr will b a nalrport pblishd this atmn that willincld ndings from th srvy andhman intrst storis from pblic

    sctor workrs.

    If yo wold lik mor informationabot th projct plas contact:

    [email protected]

    Mesuring te Impt o Pui Serie Reorm

  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    18| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org

    Carrington bgins by saying thatth ida of th black athlt wasborn in a Sydny boxing ring on26 Dcmbr 1908 whn th blackTxan boxr, Jack Johnson, bathis whit Canadian opponnt,Tommy Brns, to bcom th rstblack havywight champion of thworld. Johnsons victory was snto ovrtrn th long-hld notion ofwhit colonial sprmacy forcing thrconsidration of rac and politics.

    diersity smed y some

    s te ery resonor te terrorist

    tts A particlarly intrsting sction ofth book is whr Carrington looks

    at th 1989 and 1996 ghts btwnth boxrs Mik Tyson and FrankBrno, comparing th diringportrayals thy rcivd in th mdia,what thy symbolisd, and howthy rinforcd racial strotyps.elswhr, Carrington args thatblack athlts ar at th vangardof how contmporary sports arincrasingly hypr-commrcialisdand prot-drivn to th xclsion ofothr vals and non-markt thics.To mak this and othr points in thbook, Carrington provids xampls

    of athlts from a rang of sportssch as Michal Jordan, TigrWoods and, from a uK prspctiv,Lwis Hamilton and Monty Pansar.

    Latr in th book, Carrington tristo show how th two days in Jly2005 whn London rst won thright to stag this yars Olympicand Paralympic Gams and thn,lss than 24 hors latr, fll victimto a sicid bombing campaign byradical British Islamist xtrmists

    rslting in th loss of 52 innocntlivs ar connctd by th thmof mlticltralism. Carrington notsthat London had won its bid partly

    Thr is no dnying that sport iswovn into British cltr it formspart of or daily livs hr in th uKand across th glob. Yo only ndlook at th amont of covrag sportrcivs on tlvision, in nwspaprs,and across social mdia to s itsinnc on socity. With Londonhosting th Olympic and ParalympicGams this smmr, and with Polandand ukrain hosting th forthcomingero 2012 football tornamnt,covrag will ndobtdly incrasand or intrst in sporting mattrswill invitably intnsify.

    If w also considr th rcnt racismcontrovrsis w hav sn inenglish football which hav rsltdin David Camron hosting a smmitat Downing Strt and th Cltr,Mdia and Sport Slct Committlanching an inqiry into th iss,it is prhaps timly to rassss howth worlds of rac, sport and politicscollid.

    In his rcnt xtnsiv stdy, thBritish acadmic Bn Carringtonlooks into th history of how rac,sport and politics hav intractd inth uK and intrnationally. This is anacadmic txt and so non-acadmicswill nd to invst som tim andort to trly ndrstand th isssbing discssd.

    Originally from Soth London,Carrington has bn tachingsociology at th univrsity of Txasin th uS sinc 2004 and, ovrfor chaptrs looking at sportingrsistanc, sporting rdmption,sporting ngritd and sportingmlticltralism, h sts ot how thris of th black athlt has impactdon rac and politics.

    On of th cor thms of Carringtonsbook is th ida of sport rdcingrac, whrby sport provids thnvironmnt for rshaping thrac dbat arond thms sch

    as frdom, qality and idntity.Frthrmor, h says that by bingapolitical, th vry natr of sport ispolitical and has an impact on widrsocity.

    throgh clbrating its sccssflmlticltralism bt, that this divrsitywas blamd by som as th vryrason for th trrorist attacks.

    Sport is sn to b disconnctdfrom formal politics and, bcash fls that participation in sport issn by som as a way of promotingsocial cohsion and commnityintgration dring tims of nationalcriss (not that this book waswrittn bfor last yars riots),Carrington sggsts that, as far assport is concrnd, th concpt ofmlticltralism is itslf contstd.

    Carrington gos on to rcognis thatth London 2012 Gams do providan opportnity which cold signalth rvival of a trly mlticltralnation nally at as with itslf, anation abl to honstly confront thpast in ordr to prodc a morprogrssiv and galitarian, twntyrst cntry socity. Howvr,spaking to th BBC whn his bookwas rst pblishd, Carrington wasaskd if h saw a ftr whn activitysch as sport wold b dvoid of anyracial maning. H rplid saying

    that this probably woldnt happnntil th uK has its rst black PrimMinistr. Aftr rading his book, yomay think h has a point.

    Sporting Mlticltralism


    Re, Sport nd Poitis:Te Sporting b DisporBy Bn CarringtonSag Pblications 2012Book rviw by Hitsh Patl



  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    .runnymedetrust.org SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369|RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN |19

    London will b th rst city inth world to host th Olympic

    Gams for th third tim. Mchof th modrn day Olympics andParalympics originatd in Britainin th 19th and 20th cntris:Many of th gams cods (fromsmall-bor shooting to tabltnnis) wr formlatd by Britishsportspopl.

    Som rcnt xprincs ofBlack popl in th BritishOlympic tam hav rctd thracial and cltral inqalitiswhich xist within socity morgnrally. Daly Thompson(th dobl-gold mdal winningdcathlt) fond himslf withotsponsorship or ndorsmntsat th hight of his carr andndd p briy playing footballfor Mansld Town. Th sprintr,Joic Madka holds th rcordfor winning th most mdals ofany athlt at th British AthlticsChampionships yt sh blivshas missd ot on pblicityopportnitis dclaring if I had

    blond hair and bl ys thywold lov m. Dian Modahland Linford Christi hav alsocitd racism as a factor in thirxclsion from th Olympicspotlight.

    In 2012 a signicant nmbr ofBritish Olympians (particlarlyathlts) will b Black.

    Th Ahmd Iqbal ullah edcationTrsts pblication Britains BlackOlympians is a clbration ofths sportsmn and womn.Throgh th biographis ofOlympic hros lik Tssa

    Sandrson, Mo Farrah and ColinJackson Britains Black Olympians

    dmonstrats how yong popl canactivly ngag with Black Olympichritag whilst acknowldging thbattls against discrimination onwhich it is bilt.

    As wll as focsing on familiar starsof track and ld, Britains BlackOlympians taks a timly look atprsonalitis in lssr known arassch as Alxandra Rickham, aParalympic yacht racr and ShanazRad a profssional British BMXracr and track cyclist.

    In potry, pros and pictrs, childrnfrom ftn Manchstr primaryschools hav posd th qstion:What maks a champion? In thlivs of ths Black Olympians whohav ovrcom racial discriminationand advrsity thy hav an answr:

    britins b Oympinswor reted y idren romteen primry soos inMnesterPblishd by th Ahmd Iqbalullah edcation Trst, 2012Book rviw by Stphn Martin



    Black Olympians

    BritainsBlack Olympians


  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    20| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org

    Th aim of this 400+ pag txt is to provida maningfl ovrviw of th brgoningmatrial on idntity. Th handbooknabls th radr to apprciat thintllctal trrain and provids an ntrypoint to dpr rading. This is to bwlcomd, spcially as othr txtscan los th radr in th complxity ofthortical xpositions.

    Th mphasis of th writing is onconsidring claims of widr strctralchangs which, it is claimd, havnsttld and transformd idntitis.Th book is dividd into thr sctionswhich focs on: thoris of idntity; thanalysis of idntitis (basd on mpiricalwork); and th politics of idntity.

    Th xposition of varios thoris ofidntity in Part 1 is a ral strngth.Lmrts opning chaptr is a vry sflhistorical ovrviw of th dvlopmntand concptalisation of idntity. Thischaptr is ssntial rading; placing

    th concpt of idntity in its historicalcontxt is a vry sfl dvic to prvntth radr from ncritically adoptingdominant concptal framworksand thoght. Sam Hams chaptr onfragmntation of idntity is a sprblyslctd ovrviw of post-strctralistand postmodrn innc on thoghtson idntity. Ham allows th radr toglimps th importanc for idntity ofDrridas thoghts of cntr and thfram which holds sch a cntr, andpowrfl idas sch as th impossibilityof origin and arrival, all of which ndoth notion of a nid slf. Drridalads into Jdith Btlrs work on thprformativity followd by som criticismof this school by writrs sch as NancyFrasr who introdc a not of matrialand political critiq. Stphn Froshschaptr on psychoanalysis is a brilliantstdy into th hart of th dbatsconcrning psychosocial thoght andth concptalisation and rol of thnconscios. Th accssibl xpositionof Lacan is complling and allows thradr to mak connctions with othr

    parts of th work. Additionally thr archaptrs in Part 1 which provid a goodovrviw of th dirncs and diringmphasis arond th intrlocking idas

    of individalisation, modrnity and risk.Ths ar good solid chaptrs in whichon can captr th main thrst of ththoris of Giddns and Bck.

    Danil Chas chaptr on rxividntitis is fascinating as it dwlls onth ky concpt of rxivity. Chaprovids a way of apprciating thmltifactd natr of this concptalong with a rjoindr to thos tooasily tmptd to join th thorticalbandwagon. Insights into th qality ofrxivity, sch as Jry Alxandrsclaim that rxivity is inhrnt in socialaction challngs th notion of a radicalshift to rxiv idntitis associatdwith widr strctral changs. How thslf is mad and rmad is qstiondand a mor masrd considration ofthis concpt is soght. Drawing on thditors and Charls Lmrts work, ericHss chaptr on nw individalism isa sfl spplmnt in considring thimportanc of spd and tmporality in

    Idntity formation.

    In Part 2, chaptrs covr rac andthnicity, virtal idntitis and consmridntitis. Stvnsons discssion of thmdia and its rol in dvloping informdparticipating citizns is a sccinct andwlcom distillation of th thoghts ofa nmbr of writrs from th Frankfrtschool and thos, lik Habrmas, whowr inncd by thm. Stphnsonmanags to captr th trms of thdbats of th critical possibilitis ofth mdia (all commnicativ forms)as an aid to dmocratic procsss.This h taks right throgh to prsntdiscssions arond intrnt tchnologyand th prolifration of non-hirarchicalforms of commnication. This chaptrworks vry wll along with Sam Hamsdiscssion of thorists considration ofhow comptr mdiatd tchnologismay b dvloping nw forms of virtalidntitis that ar frd from many ofth constraints of mbodid living andtmporality. In lin with th gnralformat of th book thr is criticism of a

    particlar prspctiv in ach chaptrand Ham tiliss Slavoj Zizks thoghtsto good ct to critiq th ida thatidntitis hav bn radically shiftd

    Routedge hndoo o IdentityStudieseditd by Anthony elliot

    Rotldg, 2011Rviwd by Rizwan Btt


    throgh comptr mdiatd tchnology.Instad, h args, sch tchnologydos not crcially transform or sns ofslf, bt rathr th inhrntly dcntrdslf is providd yt anothr plac tond xprssion. Sch shards of claritygiv strngth to this txt and th ditorsslction of pics is jdicios in allowing

    radrs to mak connctions across thrang of chaptrs.

    Part 3 covrs aras sch as th politicsof Islam, Black frdom strggls andAfrican Amrican idntity and sxalidntity. Part 3 on th whol is lsscomplling, prhaps in comparison toth forc of Parts 1 and 2. With its statdmphasis on considring th natrand impact of widr social changs thhandbook prhaps misss som of thgrowing litratr on prsonal lif and

    motions in th making of idntitis, bttakn as a whol this is an xcllnt txtfor bradth of thoght on th sbjct ofidntity and a catalyst for frthr rading.


    exposition of Idntity


  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    .runnymedetrust.org SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369|RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN |21

    Whthr yo call it hat againstMslims or targtd racism,Islamophobia in th mdia and thblogosphr contins to grow.In Pointing th Fingr: Islam andMslims in th British Mdia, ladingcommntators cam togthrto look at th stat of Mslimsrprsntation in th British mdiaand dscrib how moral panichas workd as a binding factorto bild p a collctiv nightmarso strong as to jstify rstrictivpolicis and vn th militaryintrvntion in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Jlian Ptly and Robin Richardsonprsnt a mlti-factd analysiswhich inclds a stdy condctdin 20062007 for th GLA andcontribtions from xprts in thld. It also inclds prss articlsand broadcast programms sd ascas stdis. Th ditors rsarchand langag analysis lads thmto arg that mdia discors is

    charactrisd by Islamophobia, whichndrmins orts to ght xtrmism.Frthrmor, th ditors argmntsar basd on dtaild mdiamonitoring of isss rlatd toMslims in Britain. This monitoringmasrs both th attntion givnto this topic and also how rportrshandl spchs and chroniclvnts. Asid from rgistring anincras of mdia attntion towardstoris fatring Mslims, th analysisinclds a qalitativ valation thattaks into accont socio-cltraldynamics as wll as th national andintrnational political nvironmnt inwhich ths mdia vnts took plac.

    Th nws covrag analysisspotlights th s of trrorismas a nws hook that nhancsxtrmism, and photos fatringa singl Mslim mal in locationssch as corts and polic stationshav bn sd to portray Islamas a thrat. Mislading hadlins,spcially whn thy ar printd in

    hg capital lttrs, hav a dpct in ncoraging a collctivpanic. Political corrctnss, originallyinvntd to spport vlnrabl

    victims, has bn intrprtd byillibral mdia as a cnsorshiptool, and has bn associatdwith anxity abot Britishnss andMlticltralism. Nvrthlss,thr is a hg dirnc btwnpolitical corrctnss and promptingpanic throgh hat spch.

    Th ditors contnd that th dbatabot thnicity in Britain has movdon from mlticltralism to th 4Psstratgy: prs prvnt protct prpar. Sch a shift ran on thtracks of gndr qality and thrat,symbolisd by th vil. Indd,th brqa bcam th symbol ofwomns opprssion, bt no Wstrngovrnmnt invstd any mony ingirls dcation. Instad, narrativs ofsalvation ndors th alrady markddichotomy btwn a progrssivWst and an archaic Middl east.Dconstrcting and analysingth clstrs sd against BritishMslims, th athors try to shap a

    (jornalistic) modl of th ovrlappingof cltrs, to oppos th poplarthory of th Clash of Civilisations.Considring both th ChristianWst and Islam as mlti-factdisss and drafting spcic cods ofcondct ar som of th sggstionsprsntd to tackl Islamophobia.

    Th nal part of th book is basd onMslim jornalists xprincs whoscontribtions pt forward critical andchallnging propositions. On ofthm sggsts: thrs an lmntof trth in vry strotyp, bt thatdosnt man yo hav to accpt it.Th volm is compltd bygidlins for jornalists andwold-b jornalists, incldingtips on daling with th anxitythat vidntly mrgd from thstdy and a call for a mor criticalndrstanding of rligion. Also, somathors sggst changs to makth Prss Complaint Commission(PCC) mor ctiv from th point ofviw of Mslims fair rprsntation.

    Ovrall a good rsorc foracadmia and th mdia sctor,this book ors an insight into howmdia-flld myths innc



    pblic and political agndas, andit is thrfor also intrsting forthos kn to go byond snsationalor misrprsntational hadlins.Indd, th book dns th actorswho play th storis dscribd in thprss and doing so ors a gratcontribtion to rct on thm. Forxampl, whn arging whthr thMslim Concil of Britain is th rightntity for rprsnting dirnt Mslimgrops, th athors of that particlararticl qot a 2007 articl by thGardians Madlin Bnting, whopondrd: Why shold thnic minoritypolitics b any lss complx andcompromisd than th Labor party?Pointing th Fingr sggsts paths tolink p th Wst and Islam. Th rst stpis admitting that considring thm astwo monolithic concpts is a sparklthat gnratd Islamophobia. Factalrporting, prodcd by jornalistswith divrs backgronds or mor

    importantly by accrat rportrs,is prsntd as part of th soltion.As Robin Richardson sggsts:Dmonisation is not an option.


    Pointing at Islamophobia

    Pointing te finger: Ism ndMusims in te britis Medieditd by Jlian Ptly and RobinRichardsonOnworld Pblications 2011Book rviw by Cladia Santoro

  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    22| RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN | SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369 .runnymedetrust.org



    This book addrsss a vry topicaliss givn th rcnt otcomsrgarding th Stphn LawrncInqiry. Indd th ntir topic whichPilkington covrs in this book hasits origins in th Stphn LawrncInqiry, th sbsqnt MacphrsonRport (1999) and th RacRlations (Amndmnt) Act (2000).Macphrson (1999) dndinstittional racism as th collctivfailr of an organisation to providan appropriat and profssionalsrvic to popl bcas of thircolor, cltr or thnic origin.Th Rac Rlations (Amndmnt)Act (2000) phld that it wasnlawfl for pblic athoritisand instittions to discriminatin carrying ot thir fnctions. Inthis book Pilkington rports on thgrond lvl impact of ths rportsand lgislation by docmntingndings from his own mpiricalcas stdy pon two instittions:

    th polic and th acadmy. Hisrsarch is locatd in on ara inNorthrn england h invstigatson Midshir polic srvic andth local Midshir nivrsity.

    This book is topical and ncssaryas instittional racism within thacadmy is ndr-rsarchd.Pilkingtons book xplors howfar instittions hav takn stpsto addrss instittional racismand promot racial qality. Hconsidrs th broadr social contxtof racism and th challnging natrof racial discors in Britain as wllas dbating th val of th trminstittional racism. Pilkingtonhighlights th practical complxitis inimproving racial qality by focsingpon th rac qality procdrsand xprincs within a particlarnivrsity and polic srvic.Sparat chaptrs ar dvotdto th polic and th acadmy;both incld intrviw transcriptsto vidnc and sbstantiat th

    contrast btwn th occpationalcltrs of ths organisations.

    Th chaptrs on Midshir polic

    incld intrviws with Black, Asianand Whit polic ocrs. Pilkingtonalso xamins th procdrs forrporting racist incidnts within thforc and conclds that althoghappropriat policis wr pt inplac at snior lvl th practicalimplmntation of th policis hasbn lss straightforward d tolimitd training and lack of rsorcing.

    Pilkinton thn concntrats on thacadmy and considrs how onparticlar instittion has addrssdracial inqality. Within thissction, Pilkington also xplainsand discsss th contstdnatr of qal opportnitis. Hcompars libral procdrs whichar dmd fair bcas thy arth sam for vryon and radicalapproachs, which focs on thrdistribtion of rwards spcicallybcas trating vryon thsam ignors dirncs btwnindividals and thir social agncy.

    This book is thorogh anddscriptiv, it dns and xplorsth concpt of instittional racismand provids an ovrviw of rlvantpolicy. Pilkingtons own rsarch alsogivs insight into th mor practical,ral-lif sitations. Pilkington ss hisrsarch ndings to rais awarnssof ongoing isss rgarding racqality. H proposs his ownrcommndations and sggsts thatsocity mst considr Britain as acommnity of commnitis in ordrto challng th convntional viwwhrby Britain is dividd into twosmingly homognos gropings:whit majority and thnic minoritis.

    Th book is wll writtn and a vryintrsting rad. Pilkington dosa grat job of xplaining all thinncing political, conomicand social factors that intrtwinto challng rac qality. Thisbook will appal to anyon withan intrst in rac qality, thos

    who work in pblic instittions,as wll as stdnts, tachrs,managrs and practitionrs.


    Institution Rism in teademy : a cse StudyAndrw Pilkington, 2011Trntham Books Limitd.Rviwd by Kat DArcy

    Instittional Failr

    Soiety must

    onsider britins ommunity

    o ommunities inorder to engete onention

    ie ereybritin is diided

    into to seemingy


  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)


    .runnymedetrust.org SPRING 2012 / ISSue 369|RUNNYMEDE bUllETIN |23

    DiretorscOlUMNRnnymd dirctor Ro bereey

    on sport as a powrfl mtaphorfor or strggls in lif




    As a prmatrly rtird rgbyplayr, brothr to an Olympian, andson of a Wst Indian crickt fan,sport holds an important plac inmy lif. I dont spport a prmirshipfootball tam bt somhow cannot

    avoid having a viw on th rlativmrits of Arsnal or Chlsa, ManCity or unitd. Sport is oftn a sit foror national convrsation, bringingcollags togthr at th watrcoolr, or providing a backdrop forthos collctiv national momnts.From Jonny Wilkinsons last mintdrop goal, to Maradonnas Hand ofGod, or Co v Ovtt at th MoscowOlympics, sporting momnts canbcom tchd on th nationalimagination, and act as a nifyingforc.

    Sport is a powrfl mtaphor for orstrggls in lif. Th pic storis ofhman ndavor that mrg fromsporting vnts rmain th sorcfor inspiration on many fronts.unsrprisingly sport has bn aky prism throgh which to s orstrggls for rac qality. FromCLR Jams in Byond a Bondary,to Norman Mailrs Th Fight,sport has bn th sit for mchconsidrd thinking abot racial

    injstic in or socitis. Sportsmnand womn hav oftn bn abl tos th prol gaind throgh sportto challng racism; from Victorianprofssional footballr ArthrWharton, to Jss Owns at th1936 Brlin Olympics, or TommiSmith and John Carloss BlackPowr salt at th 1968 Olympics,and th mor rcnt intrvntionsof Amir Khan, Rio Frdinand, IsaGha, and Sol Campbll in th uK;Zindin Zidan in Franc or CathyFrman in Astralia.

    2012 is an xcptional sporting yarwith th formrly dominant WstIndis crickt tam toring england,

    th most xciting nd yt to aFootball Prmirship sason, andahad, ero 2012 and of cors thOlympics in London. It is howvrnot an xcptional yar in trms ofracism. Indd it is dprssingly

    familiar. Th formr england footballcaptain awaits trial, accsd of aracist pblic ordr onc; shockinginvstigations into violnt far rightactivity in th ukrain and Polandthratns ero 2012, with th forignoc advising Black and Asianengland fans to xrcis cation;and critics of th Olympic jamborclaim it will bnt intrnationalbig bsinss mch mor than ththnically divrs commnitis onwhos doorstp th vnt is binghld.

    Sport can provid a platform tomphasis or collctiv invstmntin mritocracy and th rl of law,bt as in or political and conomiclif th mismatch btwn oraspirations in ths aras and thrality of xprinc is grat. It isclar sport is not immn to thpattrns of racism in or socity.Inqality in positions of powr, mobmntality driving xclsion on thbasis of thnic backgrond, sclrotic

    rsponss from govrning bodis,and xploitation of th marginalisdcan all b fond in sport as mch as inor political and conomic systms.Th contrast btwn aspirationand rality is somhow mor starkon th sporting ld. Prhaps thisis basd on or sns of fair playand viscral disgst at injsticsthat man w ar all chatd ofth bst otcoms. Asid from thxcptional sporting momnts thatwill ndobtdly b gnratd ovrthis smmr, I frvntly hop that th

    sporting lgacy will incld gratrradinss to tak action to addrssth racial injstics o th ld aswll as on it.








  • 7/31/2019 Spring 2012 Runnymede Bulletin (Sport)
