SPREE LEADERS FORM INFO - Urban Saints LEADERS FORM INFO 2016.pdfStatic Caravans: 1. Each static...

spree West Midlands 2016 15th - 17th July 2016 Age: 8 - 15 Years Lenchwood Christian Centre Spitten Farm, Abbots Lench, Evesham, WR11 4UP LEADERS GUIDE

Transcript of SPREE LEADERS FORM INFO - Urban Saints LEADERS FORM INFO 2016.pdfStatic Caravans: 1. Each static...

spreeWest Midlands 2016

15th - 17th July 2016 Age: 8 - 15 Years

Lenchwood Christian Centre Spitten Farm, Abbots Lench, Evesham, WR11 4UP




Dear group leader SPREE WEST MIDLANDS is a camping and activity weekend for children and young people aged 8 – 15 years. With a range of high quality activities and creative,

evangelistic teaching sessions, SPREE WM offers a full and exciting experience for children and young people wherever they are in their faith journey.

  The latest addition to nine other SPREE camps located regionally across the UK, SPREE WM 2016 will be held at a new site in Worcestershire.  Offering a complete and professional package, this weekend is specifically designed to make residential breaks easier and more accessible for group leaders.   SPREE is organised by URBAN SAINTS and WORCESTER DIOCESE, in partnership with Youth for Christ and Youth Ministry Network. All staff and volunteers, including those on site at Lenchwood Christian Centre, have current DBS checks.  This event is insured by Urban Saints.

Booking & Cost Booking your group on to SPREE couldn’t more simple but there are a couple of things you should keep in mind.

1. You will retain your own young people’s forms: You will hold responsibility for ensuring that all of your group leaders have an up to date DBS form. You will provide us with:1. A breakdown of ages and the numbers of young people and leaders you are bringing (using the group booking

form).2. Payment.3. DBS declaration completed by main group leader (see Appendix A)

2. SPREE is a camping weekend:1. There is no electricity available (except in the leaders’ lounge for emergency mobile phone charging)2. There is no gas available3. There are showers4. There are toilets5. There are washing up facilities for all6. Caravans will be permitted7. There are a small number of static caravans that can be booked on a first come first served basis.

3. Payment: You will notice that on the front of your young people’s booking form there is a space for you to add the price. This is because you will need to factor in the cost of transport and food in your own SPREE price. The core price of SPREE is as follows:1. Early Bird booking: £45 per person (inc leaders) if booked before 15th April. 2. Normal booking: £50 per person (inc leaders) if booked after 15th April.3. Steward booking: £20 per person4. The final date for receiving outstanding payments relating to any early bird and standard bookings is the 24th June

2016. Any groups booking in after the 24th June 2016 are subject to an additional late booking administration fee of £5.00 per person. Bookings close on the 8th July 2016. 

• This year all onsite activities are included in the price, however there will be a tuck shop and opportunities for young people to spend small amounts of money if they wish.

• A deposit of £15 per person will be payable at the time of booking. Early bird booking can also be secured with a deposit.

• Cheques payable to ‘URBAN SAINTS’• BACS transfer: Urban Saints, Sort Code: 30 97 25. Ac no: 01738038. Please email [email protected] to

obtain your BACS reference before sending payment.

4. Static Caravans:1. Each static caravan has a toilet / shower and a fully equipped kitchen2. Static caravans are for small single sex groups where there are two leaders of the same gender present. 3. Each static caravan will hold an additional charge of £90 per group based on 6 people booking.4. Static Caravans are 6 berth. Two leaders of the same gender as the young people must be present.5. Please enquire directly about static caravans so as to avoid disappointment. We cannot guarantee that there will

be a static caravan available for your group. Email: [email protected]

spreeWest Midlands 2016

Spiritual Programme Although the activity programme will be a big draw to SPREE West Midlands 2016, the spiritual programme is as important, and we hope that you’re ready to come to take

part and help to move your young people forward in their understanding and ultimately their journey towards faith in Jesus. This year we have two main venues for the young people as

well as a stewards venue and an extra programme designed for young people who are moving deeper in their relationship with God.

1. Explore (8 - 10s) A fun activity and small group focused programme for all young people aged 8 - 10.

2. Create (11 - 15s) This is our evangelistic venue. Featuring YFC’s dance team STANCE, a rapper and performer JOZZY, Create aims to deliver a fun and interactive programme that will focus on small group discussion and activity.

Deeper (11 - 15s) Expanding on the material delivered in the Create venue, Deeper will provide worship and additional teaching. These supplementary sessions are dotted throughout the programme.

3. Stewards (16+) Headed up by Reign Ministries, the programme for our stewarding team will focus on discipleship and service.  Although this may be hard work for the young people, it will be deeply rewarding for all who are moving into maturity in Christ.

Leaders briefings, first aid and bookings base There will be times throughout the weekend when group leaders are required to attend short briefings.  These briefings will take place in the leaders’ base and provide vital information regarding the activities, venues or any potential changes to the programme. You can also access the following items in the leaders’ base.

1. First aid point2. Charging station3. Group bookings4. Activity bookings5. Refreshments for leaders

Things to note 1. No alcohol will be allowed on site.2. Lenchwood Christian Centre is a no smoking site.3. All groups are expected to abide by child protection guidelines and safe working practices.4. Camp fires are not permitted on site5. BBQs may be used on site but must be elevated from the ground6. Bad behaviour or non compliance may result in young people / groups being asked to leave the site.

spreeWest Midlands 2016


All adults who stay on site must have an Enhanced DBS Disclosure less than five years' old at the time of the event. Where a group has DBS Disclosures issued by Third Parties (churches, schools, workplaces, etc.), the group must complete and return the declaration to indicate that they have seen all DBS checks for adults in the group attending the event (see Appendix 1). The onus is on groups to check evidence of this and to sign the form to indicate that this has been done. The liability for checking rests with the group and not Urban Saints. The exceptions to this are Saturday Day Visitors and those groups whose DBS checks are carried out by Urban Saints (Energize Plus groups). If you are in the latter category, we will ask you for a list of adults attending so we can check their DBS status but, if you are aware of any of your group needing a new or updated check, you must inform us of this by 31st May 2016 or we may not be able to process this in time for the weekend.


Deposits are non-refundable. Other terms:• More than four weeks: 100% of fee paid will be refunded, less deposit• Four weeks to one week: 50% of fee due, less deposit or refund of 50% of fee paid, less deposit• One week or less: No refund STEWARDING TEAM

For young people aged 16-19, Spree offers the opportunity to join our stewarding team.  This will be a great way for them to make new friends, develop leadership skills, and grow in their faith. If you have young people who you think would make great members of the stewarding team, please encourage them to sign up for the weekend. We require a written reference for each stewarding team member (see Appendix 2). PARENTAL CONSENT FORMS

Each young person must have a completed Urban Saints Spree Parental Consent form that are attached to the corresponding flyer - please do not use your own church's version• Bring the forms with you for you to refer to whilst at Spree - please do not post them to the Administrator• Bring a photocopy of each form and hand the copies in at registration• Urban Saints Spree Parental Consent forms are also required for day visitors CONTACT DETAILS

If you require any further information about Spree West or require help making your booking, please e-mail: [email protected]

spreeWest Midlands 2016

Group Booking

Please fill in the following booking information to register your group for SPREE West Midlands 2016. Once completed, please send all information and payment to: Spree West Midlands, 124 Littleworth Road, Hednesford, Staffordshire, WS12 1NT

Main Leader information & registration

The following section should be filled in with the main contact and leader for your group.

Group Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Church / Organisation: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Group leader name: ………………………………………………………………………………………(For contact and booking information)

Group leader Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

Post Code: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Please sign below to confirm that you have read and understand the information enclosed. Please make sure that you’ve taken particular note of the DBS declaration section.

spreeWest Midlands 2016

Category No. Age 8

No. Age 9

No. Age 10

No. Age 11 - 13

No. Age 14 - 15

No.16+ stewards

No. Adults Total amount per category

Explore 8-10 £

Create 11-15 £

Steward 16+ £

Adult leader £

Total amount payable £

Signed: Date:

2nd Leader name: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

Post Code: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

3rd Leader name: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

Post Code: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

4th Leader name: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

Post Code: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

5th Leader name: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

Post Code: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

6th Leader name: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

Post Code: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Telephone: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Email: ………………………………………………………………………………………

Urban Saints is the operating name of The Crusaders’ Union, a company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales, company number 07771037, charity number 1144923, and in Scotland, charity number SCO39313.

APPENDIX A DBS Declaration

In order to comply with the Urban Saints Safeguarding Policy agreed with our insurers, this declaration must be returned by all groups attending Spree with the exception of those whose DBS checks are carried out by Urban Saints (Energize Plus groups) and those who are attending as Saturday Day Visitors. It must be signed by the group leader making the booking and the church leader (if not the same person) and returned no later than 13th June 2016.

You are signing to say that:

• you have seen an Enhanced Disclosure for working with children for every person aged 18 or over (leader helper, parent or Service Crew member) who will be attending Spree and staying on site. If your disclosures are completed by your diocese (or equivalent), you have obtained confirmation that the person concerned is able to work with children and young people.*

• every Enhanced Disclosure is clear, i.e. has “none recorded” in the sections that have been checked** 

• every Enhanced Disclosure is less than five years old at the time of the event 

• you have no reservations or concerns regarding the adults who are attending 

• If you have DBS checks ‘in process’ for any of your group attending the event, you must not sign this form until you have received the Disclosure or confirmation that the person concerned is able to work with children and young people

** If the disclosure is not clear, a decision on whether the person may attend must be taken with the agreement of the Urban Saints Safeguarding Officer. A disclosure with issues recorded may not prevent a person attending; this will depend upon the nature of the disclosure.

If you have any queries, please contact the Urban Saints Safeguarding Officer on 01582 589850 before signing and returning this form.

In completing this section, you are taking liability for adults attending Spree with your church/group.

Name of Church/Group: ____________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________

Position within church/ group: ____________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________

If the church leader is making the booking this section can be left blank.

Church Leader’s signature: ____________________________________________

Name: ____________________________________________

Date: ____________________________________________

Please keep a copy for your records and send original NO LATER than 1st July 2016 to:




Being a Steward at SPREE WM 2016 is a responsible position and your young person will be expected to work hard and set a good example to the children and young people at the event. In return, they’ll receive a discounted weekend rate which includes their camping fees, food and a special stewarding team-only activity session.  

SPREE WM could not work without the efforts of our fantastic stewards.  During the event, they will be involved in helping to supervise and run activities, set up venues, litter picking, stewarding, security and other jobs relating to running a successful event. However, this  is more than just an opportunity to serve.   This is  an investment.   To show our appreciation, we provide a specialist team to encourage,  disciple and pastorally care for our Stewards. It is our aim to provide them  with an opportunity to:

• serve in a new and challenging environment that they may never have experienced before

• help the young people grow and share their faith, empowering them to disciple others when they return to their homes, churches and groups

• encourage them to become strong in their faith and see the ways God is working in their lives at all times

The stewarding team will be pastorally cared for by Reign Ministries.  In addition to delivering cutting-edge teaching sessions, the team will strive to motivate,  inspire and build confidence in our Stewards through relationship building and prayer. Reign Ministries have been  serving young people and connecting  them to Christ since 2001.  Based in Bicester, their dedicated team believe that amazing things occur when teenagers reach other teenagers with Christ’s message of hope, and have a shared passion to see discipleship restored to the heart of youth ministry.

The young person must be aged 16 or over to be part of the stewarding team. They need to bring a completed Parental Consent form with them - although, if  they are over 18, they can complete the details themselves.

Stewards aged 18 and over must have valid DBS disclosure and should be included as part of your DBS Declaration (Appendix B), if Urban Saints are not responsible for providing your DBS checks. For groups where Urban Saints are responsible for your DBS checks (Energize Plus groups), we will contact any stewarding team members requiring DBS checks.

For young people who are being a Steward for the first time, we may ask them to participate in an informal interview to assess their suitability and give them  further information about their role. We will arrange a convenient time and venue for this, most likely during  one of your regular meetings but, if necessary, via Skype or over the telephone.

We are happy to accept applications from young people to join the stewarding team even if their group is not attending Spree. Please contact Sara Taylor [email protected] for more information.


Name of young person: _________________________________________________

Date of birth: ____________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________

Mobile: ____________________________________

Group: _________________________________________________


Name of Referee: _________________________________________________

Telephone number: ______________________________

E-mail: ___________________________________________

Relationship to applicant, e.g. group Leader: __________________________________

How long have you known the applicant? __________________________________

Please tell us why you are supporting this application. i.e. why you think the applicant is suitable to be on the stewarding team. Is there anything we should be aware of that might impact their role? How would you describe the young person’s current relationship with Christ?

(Continue on extra sheet if necessary)

Signature ___________________________________________________ Date _______________

Please send your completed form to: