Spreading of Pollution Catalyst Which pollutant causes depletion of the ozone layer? What is one...

Spreading of Pollution Catalyst Which pollutant causes depletion of the ozone layer? What is one negative effect of ozone layer depletion? Which pollutant causes acid rain? What is one negative effect of acid rain? Which pollutant is contained in agricultural runoff? What is one negative effect of agricultural runoff? Write in complete sentences Don’t talk during the Catalys

Transcript of Spreading of Pollution Catalyst Which pollutant causes depletion of the ozone layer? What is one...

Spreading of Pollution

Catalyst Which pollutant causes depletion of the ozone layer?What is one negative effect of ozone layer depletion?

Which pollutant causes acid rain?What is one negative effect of acid rain?

Which pollutant is contained in agricultural runoff?What is one negative effect of agricultural runoff?

Write in complete sentences!

Don’t talk during the Catalyst!


By the end of today, all SWBAT...

Explain how pollution in one area (air, land, or water) negatively affects life in the other two

Explain why we must keep our air, water, AND land pollution-free


Catalyst Review Quiz Mastery Quiz Review – Questions 7 and 14 Pollution Spreads: Key Points Stations Mini-project Exit Question

SE 6: Ozone depletion and acid rain

5 63.3

SE 7: Illustrate the flow of nitrogen

5 73.0

SE 12: Describe how pollution affects selected populations

5 68.0

Pollution Quiz Average

5 68.1

Overall Mastery for All Units

5 80.36

Quiz Review – Questions 7 & 14

Pollution Spreads

Broadly speaking, pollution occurs in three areas: air, land, water

Key Point #1: Pollution in one location (air, land, or water) often negatively affects life in the other two locations All life is tied together!

Air pollution may affect life in water and on land

Land pollution may affect life in water and air

Water pollution may affect life on land and in air


Remember: as biodiversity decreases, food webs become less stable Organisms in air, water, and land all depend on each other for food

If enough organisms die, the food web will collapse

Pollution produces BIG environmental changes If temperature increases (global warming), life is affected EVERYWHERE

The same goes for increased UV radiation (ozone depletion), changes in pH (acid rain), etc.

The Point

Key Point #2: In order to protect life on Earth, we have to keep our land, water, AND air pollution-free It does no good to clean up pollution in one area without cleaning up the others

Pollution spreads from one area to the others!

Don’t Believe Me?

Six stations, five minutes at each station Biodiversity Global warming Ozone depletion Acid rain Agricultural runoff Big Picture

Compare Answers

You have 7 minutes to… Discuss answers in groups Change any that you got wrong

I will collect one person’s answers at random to grade The entire group will earn that grade

Make sure that your group-mates’ answers are correct!


Exit Questions

Pollution can occur in three locations: air, water, land. Describe an example of how pollution in one of these locations can negatively affect the other two.

Based on your answer to the previous question, WHY is it necessary for humans to keep air, water, and land pollution-free?

Write in complete sentences!

Don’t talk during the Exit Question!