Sports & Innovative Patents

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  • 8/12/2019 Sports & Innovative Patents


    Sports & Innovative Patents

    Written By

    Vennila Mutthusamy

    Football is one of the worlds favorite sports, has over !" million players in #$! million

    teams in %"",""" lubs aross the world$ 'he sport has ontinually evolved and ontinues

    to do so$ 'here are many innovations have been evolved in soer sports in whih from

    top ompanies to individual inventor have ma(or ontribution to it$ In order to understand

    the tehnolo)y and methods, desi)n involved in it Patent and trademar* ould be useful


    + review of the patents )ranted over the last " years reveals that there was an

    upti* in the number of patents )ranted for sportsrelated tehnolo)ies durin) the

    #--"s, with a spi*e of nearly ."" patents )ranted in #--/ alone, followed by a drop to an

    avera)e of around ." patents per year from """ to "#$ 'he patents )ranted for

    innovations related to football are enormous$ +ordin)ly, the number of patents

    mentionin) 0soer1 in the patent spei2ations as reorded on reahed a 2)ure of 3

    ,44% in between "#"#!$ +lso, the number of patent spei2ations 5inludin) desi)n

    patents6 mentionin) 0soer1 in the title as reorded on 7spaenet leap from -# in #--"

    -- to .# in "#"#!$

    'here are various han)es in the desi)n of the football it had han)e from #panel

    layout to 8panel desi)n thats ustom 2t and provide stable aerodynamis$ So many

    thin)s have han)ed in the )ame and the innovative part has been patented either in

    desi)n or utility and also trademar* have important role in this$ If we ta*e a loo* over the

    patents 2led by 9ermany durin) the year "#% to "#! related to soer or football is

    related to 34!$

    Below is the hart depitin) the ountries and their number of patent 2lin) in the year

    "#% to "#!

  • 8/12/2019 Sports & Innovative Patents


    In this :un)ary patent number :;#""8!+ is )ranted for Football Ball 7