Sports Coaching Portfolio (Ch 1-5)

 Sports Coaching Portfolio Chapter 1 – Life’s & Coaching philosophy (answer questions in slides) Chapter 2 – Major ojecti!es ("eter#ine your $ #ajor ojecti!es) (answer questions in slides) Chapter $ – Coaching styles ("eter#ine your style) (%hich style appeals to you) Chapter – Coaching for character ('dentify one character you would coach and eplain using $ step process) Chapter Coaching reco##endations for #aturation* cultural* gender* disaility di+erences ($ reco##endations for each)

Transcript of Sports Coaching Portfolio (Ch 1-5)

Page 1: Sports Coaching Portfolio (Ch 1-5)

7/21/2019 Sports Coaching Portfolio (Ch 1-5) 1/1

Sports Coaching Portfolio

Chapter 1 – Life’s & Coaching philosophy (answer questions in slides)

Chapter 2 – Major ojecti!es ("eter#ine your $ #ajor ojecti!es) (answer

questions in slides)

Chapter $ – Coaching styles ("eter#ine your style) (%hich style appeals

to you)

Chapter – Coaching for character ('dentify one character you would

coach and eplain using $ step process)

Chapter – Coaching reco##endations for #aturation* cultural* gender*

disaility di+erences ($ reco##endations for each)