1 V IP7lorp w I 4 THE WORLD MONDAY EVENING JULY 20 1903 = J = SPORTING NEWS SPECJALLY FOR THE EVENING WORLD 2- Q t ir GIANTS PLAY IN- c 7 ORANGETODAYTJ- MOrrOw McGraws Boys Will Go to P oklyn for a Game with Hanlons Pots National tenoue Slanillnir- cm w L rci Club w u rc- jtIIibag 63 Z4 W8 llrwklrn 37 3S 40- 7cHictii U 12 DCtnD 30 Jo JJ1 n 5MIt louIZS CI rI1I 41 35 539riillti3tlphU23 55 2- Ofleu1ti ofter1n7 UnmeI 81 Lacli C DrooVlrn 4 Ten Inolnii- CBIu > 8i rtUiturr 5 Cincinnati FhlU4 lphU S flnt fim- Clnclnnul 7 P IUd lptili 4 Twmt nn- nasinie 1 Scliedaled for ToUnjP- lttiburK it Chlcito- placlaMtl tt St Uuli I The alan play an exhibition game till afternoon In Orange N J with the Orange Athletic Club and tomor tow Will be pitted against Hanlons tribe on the Brooklyn grounds They- do a not play on the Polo field until next Monday when Boston arrives for a threeday series After that New York nlll have Boston i and Brooklyn lo deal wIth for nearly two weeks Tho Wcslcrn teams then come here an dthe roanan closes with a twentyd y trip for New York In the Western enemys territory Tho trip just closed was unfortunate In many ways Tho team won eight I games and lost Erven not so good a i record as on the nrst expedition tint they wrestled with some fatal handi- caps ¬ I Ureinahan and Luuder being out of many games on account of Illness Warner nnJ Uonorman both cnklng In Crippled stale and Uan Mcdann being absent from iome ot the contests j Of all the fifteen gamrs but two were outand out beatings In Chicago sixteen I runs were piled up and though ihe GIii mad nine enough lo win almost C any game Chha j got afler Taylor pO bard that there was nothing to It I Cnderrnted St InnU I 1 St Loula won he two came hy the closest sort of margins principally for the reason that New York seemed to I Underrate the tallend fighters and did A3 light hud Tho heal and continual thteils from tho spectators Mao hud something lo do wllh It In Cincinnati the Giants won Ihreo Cime anj of Ihe fourth they were certainly robbed by Hank ODay who ma Jo a notoriously bad decision IIV the llcds favor that was fatal to New Coming York down to the Ilttsburg series there Is linnlly any excutc for the Rlants not getting away with three parncs In that fourtcenlnnlng conleil- ttey I played Ilttsburx to n mamlMtU- ShOAInc pluck and timely hitting The I Bccoml game was a slaushttr Mcln- p 1 I < iy bclni the victim and New York i l4u not mo IWil of a snow j irc last two BIIIIO however were I ghU PUre and slinplv both Tuylur mid I > ter pltahins magnificent games and I ther shin losing for the lack of a little cttckwork Uolh gaines were pulUd out by Clarence Beaumont who after sit the other Ilnilcs mid failed stung the bill anj scored on lImo other help I Miller Pooled Kicker Ro joe Miller whom McGraw signed fun Detroit List year went In the box on Saturday Instead of Jlathewfon Tho crowd yelled and hissed at the dis- appointment ¬ This will be another murder said everybody Well just kill this man Matliewson la the only pitcher McOraw has etc etc By the time Miller had worked four C Inning and ilioie great batters Beau- mont ¬ Sebrlng Wagner and Leach and- all the rest of the Pirates were able to garner but two hits the populace be- gan ¬ to sit up and wonder IC As the game jumped along to the eighth and only four more lilts had been added they were saying Why this fellows just an good as Mathew aon nod the fact Is that Miller did pitch a championship game mixing then up with the skill ot one who had been working right along during the non So that Miller did his part and the game parsed away became with one out and three nn bases the Giants were notable to hi- tSCULLERS ROW 1 IS UPSET AGAIN Work of Filling In of the Bulk- head ¬ I i at MacCombs Dam Park Begins This Week The residents of Scullers Row are Fe t obliged to move again Commissioner I Kustls has notified the row that the li i work of filling In the bulkhead at Ma j a combs Darn Iark will begin this 1 week r Two or three of the houses will be 1 Y jacked up and a couple will remain on 1 their present opllw and the space around I them will be tilled up to the required level One clubthe Nassau will have t to move out altogether because the 1 three houses rest on rafts and will be unmanageable when the nillng begins- It was learned aftne Nassau that the S houses will be towed today or tomor ¬ row directly across the river and site located IIt the tout ot Ono Hundred and Httyeixti street AS oon as the XronmBe ha been fllled In the Nassau nIt will begin the erection of a hinglo 1 C1 house on their present cite and of the old boathouses to the highest bidder Plans for the now building are already tinder W Yltlfd over WMO has been r1ya rxlsod toward the construction fund A ili l sum of sljWO will be needed altogether It Is proposed that the home jhill be l 1 Met 73 rent In width on the 2 11nstllloryall1 be fitted with all thu Y fl wetnxtuei tJI fit Ann A c Gftmcs- S t Viral of he bimonthly game ot- St It e5 Anno A C were held at the ufc grounds Wllllamsbrldge yesterday rnlng Several ot the ich1olati ckiof the Bronx took part In the l and excltlnig were the it made the best j log winning tour firsts out of thi- sQAT i uC fto areS si NI IliP4Mltij an- vGriter IN C1sehd- I TJ A tT t k I I tflt it I- i > Ii < i tt- i I u FRANK FARRELL ANXIOUS- TO QUIT AMERICAN LEAGUE- Has 6 Offered to Sell Stock in New York Club- to a WellKnown Brewer I American lrngne Btundlnv Club w i iti Club tv L re nation K 21 S5 14 41- 3ItiiiijiipMM 31 uilitiirsgo 34 is 472 CJvld a9 31 6 47 m n- Xtv < ii York 31 31 tOO I Wublnnn 2 61 311 Cnmri Scheduled for TnDny- ClttUnd it Xtir York ft hut It Ihllldtlpflll Detroit < t Jiouo- ndiltuo tt Wiihlniton Exclusive Information won furnlihed the Evening World today that Frank Farrell bosom frlen1 of Dill Devery alleged king nt tho poolrooms and owner ol Blue Andrew Mack Duelist Minotaur Tim Hulllvan and half a dozen other turnout race horses had developed n sudden attack of cold feet In his latest venture the great Ameri- can ¬ grime of baseball It has bern known for some time that Farrell regretted his ever mixing In with a proposition with which he was no lit tlo acquainted He shouldered Mm re- sponsibility ¬ of financing the New York American League tram under this 1m jression that the 7S000 or 1104000 he Invented would be returned tenfold Now tint It has proved n failure Farrell Ii keen to get from under and nt the meeting of the National Leigun magnates began this mornIng nt the Victoria Hotel It trnnttplred that Far- rell ¬ Ii dickering with a wealthy brewer to unload Ills shares Fnrrrll DlsBintil- Fnirell It Ii said waited up until a few day ixo to sue whether business would pick up nt the One Hundred am- Sixlyflflh Mreel ground and then be- coming ¬ disgusted went to the brewer who l < a neighbor of his on West flo- vMtyflwt street mnti nude a proposition lint the brewer did not huw any huge Interest and finally rejectiil tin offer flatly at the same time rnnntlanlng the Intended transnctun 10 that It retched Ih PUTS of Nilloiial Ix nKUr men who made no attempt to conceal their joy ut < hat they consider a great blow to the rival organlzillnn- FVirreliii action may have ponrrfnl weight In settling the momentous ques- tion ¬ that will oo debated todav whuhr o two league will declare open war and go at It on the fold and In- C Jllt When rrexldnnt Ran Johnson finally succeeded In breaking Into New York rirouirh the financial backing of Frank FVrrell It wee upposed that the Amer Icai league had secured a triumph A nuttier of I7JOCO was spool on the grounds end players were engaged who o salary list to about the lame round sum New York has failed utterly as a bark OUBLEHUDRAT GAfFESGROUN- DSS S Team of Cleveland Sluggers the Attraction To Day at 165th St Clirk Orimths Invaders will have double duly tn perform at American League Park this afternoon Its s tough job ni the occupant of the bleachery would say No len A batting team than Napoleon Lajole Cleveland sluggers art slated to oppdfee the New Yorkers The nrit game as usual will be called- at 2 oclock and the other Immediately afterward Griffith and Chcibro will likely be the Invaders twlrlers and an even break Is the least the tan expect GriffIth Is apparently not quite1 maths fled with his staff of pitchers anti has signed a new one He js Deanna whom Detroit had for a while In exchange for the pitcher the New Yorks save the Tlecra Green the young third base man Manager Harrow of the Detroit thought he saw In Green a good one anti suggested Ihe trade Deerlng while a good pitcher Is Inclined to do- a he please whether the manager likes It or not That Is the reason De- troit let him go PRINSTEININ JUMPING fORM- Clears 23 Feet 1 Inch but Even with That He Gets Only Sec- ond ¬ Prize Myer Prlnsleln the holder of the American record for the broad Jumo showed some of tho form which enabled him to mske his marK nt the Knmei nt the Tlppernry Association at Celtic Park yesterday He succeeded In doing 23 feet 1 Inch and wat accordingly the tar of the athletic meeting Prlnetcln did not win his event for ho was obliged to give I tVolibor of Slev ens Institute twenty Inches and with that handicap the latter was figured al 23 feet I 12 Inches having made on ac- tual ¬ Jump of a feet 8 12 Inches PHILADELPHIA GIANTS BEAT MURRAYS AGAIN Newt Similar OltourKrn llrldjreport Trim Wilt Iluy Harlrmltcs Tho PhiladelphIa Giants showed yes terday At Olympia Field One Hundred- and Thlrtyntth atreet and Lenox ave flue that they make up as tine u semi profusslonal baswjall team as thre Is In the country Fut the third time this year they met the strong Murray mil team and after a wellplayed game the Giants wore rnturncd the victors by the score of 5 to 2 The victory was ill the more credItable In view of the feet that the Murray lied n League pitcher In the box nfaJnllttbem Maiteen Strong 4MM decided to stick to WIIUeDeelan In the and n t8uadiMf at OlymPla1lIMI he pitch against ORourkaUrldcc ¬ port team J t jhI< 1Jk J J ibcne and source of Income to the Amer- ican ¬ 1xngU and tho future prospect Ii not particularly tray for another reaaon- whlcfc the UvoMrxf World learned to- day ¬ from one Ciigh up In National League politics thrush Very Wise Mute As Is well known John T Brush old out the Cincinnati club Ian yrnir for HMOOO end bourfil u controlling Interest- In the New fork club Andrew Freed- man one of the shrnwdmt business men In America had made a failure of the Giants the fact that he did not devote enough time to the work So Freedman was wiltIng to et out having a cheerful nest egg of abojtID- OOOorx that at leapt keels the wolf from singing ragtime at > e barn- yard ¬ Kate But rush was wise In leav- ing ¬ Freedman with just enough shares to keei his Interest In the Ijam Illght today Ii demonstrated the wis- dom ¬ of that move tOt It la rumored that there will be no aUbway atatlon at One Hundred and fllxtyIUth street either this year or next merely from the co- incidence ¬ that Andrew Freedman has the ear of August Belmont antI all the other subway magnates Freedman In- deed ¬ hat over luou000 In the company that bonded the subway 80 there you lire Furthermore It leaked out prior to the call of time at today meeting that Frvedmans Influence Is so effective that he hue persuaded the Manhattan IvJevnod people to build a station right In the Polo Ground grandstand so patron wilt lit landed In the very set This station will probably he built this fall when Manhattan Field and the Polo Ground are thrown together ant Brurii begin his project of construct- ing ¬ the finest h arena ever seen When the presidents of the various clubi Dreyfus from Plttsburg Herr ¬ mann of Cincinnati nobL on of Bt louis Potter of Philadelphia Soden and Cormnt of Boston Hart of Chi- cago ¬ anti > Kbbetts of Brooklyn opened their star chamber proceedings today Brush therefore ivas on hand with three trump earths that iterated likely to give him the winning hand Till Meeting > eceiar5- Not In a doion years have the Nn lena Lov > un owners found It necessury to call n meeting In the middle of a season And It was only urgent neces- sity ¬ that demanded this one Augustus lerrmann blames Brush for starting the empest when he played Gen e Davis who has contrartM both with fipw York and the Chicago Ameilrans Comlskey has enjoined UavlH and the case will be argued In the courts hero AUK 6 The Western managers with the sx- ccptlon of Droyfuss have generally I mood h Hermann who that Brush did wrong The Easterners arc land In glove with Brush on the con rarv If the meeting ends with pear among National league men It will probably also mean war with tho American League Ban Johnson with Comlxkey who arrived In town this morning Is watching the outcome and hustling while he watches NfW MARK SET FORCENTURIONS Charles B Ferguson Chops Off 1 Hour 912 Minutes from Halls Record Charles B Ferguson of the Kings County Whelmen established n new century motorpaced record over the hundredmile course at Valley Stream yesterday Ferguson clipped more than an hour oft tho old record or lo be ex- act ¬ he made the time Ih Om 30s faster than the previous record His time for the distance was 5h 26m hOe The pre- vious ¬ record wai held by Harry Hall Fergusons performance was all the more noteworthy because It was made over heavy roads and during the one hundred miles the rider met with several mishaps which necessitated his die mounting from his wheel These delays cost him considerable time Three times during tim race Fcrgtiwon had to change motorn The start was matte at daybreak Be ¬ fore the fIrst twentynvo miles had beau covered Ferguson was obliged to dis- mount ¬ but he nevertheless covered the distance In th lIen The second twenty nve miles was covered In exactly the same time With hIs motor and wheel out at order the besj Ferguson could do In the third quarter was Hi Mm a loss of twenty minutes over the previous quarter Fer IlULIOn s troubles stiii ttOk to him in the I itch quarter when he was forced to dismount several times His time now ever was lb 3ni 3011 With a little more practice It i > ex peeled that the motorJ > Ie ed record will exonlunlly bit down to hour There Is talk of a hundredmile motor paced race between Hall and Ferguson RACING NOTES Ohnot Is entered to start In the chaw handicap todty but proliibly will be nn abtfonlcc The gelding was nol Injured In his last as wu reported but ran away with a light txorise boy tho other tiny Roma of the friends of James Me rAilithlln Ir trIed lo congratulate hint on what they e II really good price for Duke of Kendal o star of Saturday Mle of horses In That wn not a big price for thift colt ho eald Ho IH II race liorw tiitl I bcllevoil he would bring 1000 11nl think that we got the boat of that sale Do you know that Capt Sam llnwi come very ntMr lnlns ihe nun lhcn > last winter nkel n CnrinJ at Wilkhton Beach yosUTday hail Mr Smather boon one biter ho hive been Just tot late for tlpt I Tni ° hnl about dfclde1 to buy and wn only wnlllnB for tbr approval of Ielo Vl0 mer when Mr HmatluTs cot the colt Tin prlie HIIlp1 In C mil Irowl nan JjOOOo nnd he WOIIM liCte nail hn I chnnre ff Ihe colt- S en 1 V II Jaunn who ttiter tel W it Jrk Hurrrlr hIl ot plo n lnrnl ilich ot typitoiti fever Nimhvllle yrstrrU leou 1 widow and I son two Trans nl- the stable of Newton which Is to be raci1 at Saratoga Wai shipped from Oravvscnd today Mr Dennlnxton HRH fortynlnu horses In his stable but only sixteen will lie sent to Saratoga The stable jockey ONctlh expocts to follow the today S S a This mud out her Is a cinch compared to wdiat we havo In Saul the man who rubs McChesney Alt you have to do with tide stuff I to blow It off Out there It sticks closer than a brother or these fellows who want to- 0aMcCbtIneyatm3 Itjajob to tu oft T f H tI THE EVENING WORLDS GALLERY OF GIANTS A IIILEFTFIELDER SAM MERTES Sam Mrrtess pircnts did llltle to ad- vance ¬ his glory for his father was an humble carpenter and his mother a domestic doul who cared not for news- papers ¬ or the pliiidlu of tile multitude Both of them were Gcrmins Most historIans give Sans birthplace In Sun Frinclco as verses In- scribed ¬ on n gold tablet near the Golden Gate do wltncjf Sam lcrtel they call him born In A ball player from his molhers knee And eke a marvel the glory of our youth And a man of greatest tame For the srune number of ear that i Jacob served for Ilachel O served hits npprenllccshlp at the carpen- ters ¬ bench From early dawn till late at night he with lila two brother planed lathed anti hammered was a hard worker and many the Saturday afternoon llltle Samuel gazed hungrily at his playmates juggling the ball on the commons while he forsooth must stick to tho dusty bench Sam got so much of the bench In those days that he never frequented It since He was a good ball player anti while many another squats on the long seat a better man taking his place no manager In years tins ever ordere the mighty Samlow to Its The day that Sam was twentyone- years old he looked Dad Mcrtcs In the eye alt handed him his tool kit plugged long enough said he Now I awhile Unbeknown to Dnd the husky car ¬ penter had made a reputation as catch- er ¬ without mask gloves or protector and when Buck Albright saw him per LOU DILLON MAY GO AFTER RECORD Race Against Time Likely to Be Arranged for Trotting Meet- ing ¬ at Brighton Beach- It IB very likely that Iou Dillon Mr C K nilllnsss swift trotter wi be senl after time worlds roourd the Ilrtshtmi llciich track next month Sue rotary MrCully of ihe local irolllns association has nn eye to the attrac- tion ¬ and Is In D Holt lodiy trying to IrMuce Mr IHIJinxi to his Ore to send Mr mine miller ririctuVt lx u Dillon hem tnvellpl a tulle fislv lo I nulks tliir any trotur of lice sex It only a fen day ago that aht nrot- iaitd u mill it 2 o31t iinri Mr 1Ille It onlidriit that will mao > new record fur Ihe mtlo- J 4n Iinulr Vnrd Vln 01 Clip John M Wnr ° who gane t reputa- tion ¬ as a Milplayer year ego Is among tho champions cm tho golfrlinks Yester- day ¬ ho non thu Presidents cup at match lla > in time finals on the Holly- wood ¬ Golf Club links over n eighteen bole courfc- Trowil nt Ilanillinll Hatch A large cro il ot hanaball enthusiasts fllled Tarrants court In Jersey City yesterday t see the match game In- whtchT Koley ond JL de 1 A Tturant anti T lYoacblo three out of five P1t I I N o form he took Bandow aside anti offered him ISO a month to sign with a semi- professional team called the Aliens Thirty per was a fortune then to Barn and lie went along to Lincoln Neb be- longing ¬ to the Western Association Sam played there long enough as he puts it to get a sandwich for his ambitions were already aroused and when he re- turned ¬ to Frisco and knocked a liner over the old Hlroet fence the longest hit ever registered on the Frisco grounds managers came looking for himAfter playing In half a dozen Western League clubs during 1894 and 1S33 he went- to St Paul as outnolder where he worked In 18W breaking Into the Na- tional ¬ League In Philadelphia tit the en of that season The year 1637 found him In Columbus 0 but the nve succeeding years he spent In Chicago three with the Na- tionals ¬ and two with Comlskoyn WhIte Sox He worked out his contract there anti last August John McGraw landed him for time Giants this being his first year In their comtan tertea this has played Ilx name and during that time has nine of slsts three hli lrld10 putout of 975 Dolan of the Reds and Dobbs Chicago Brooklyn are tho only ones ahead of him with 1000 and 985 but neither has Woe stEM is Jut now No8 In thin list with nn average of 3S6 and hi nearly at the ton with long hits Merles Is about the most popular man on the tram taking part In none of tho club politics He attends strictly to business lien time boys at the gate vellHully heule 1 Merles It pleases Sam to death though Burkcvllle says botherst him a great deal asking ques tloim during the game Sandow Is only thirtyone year oIl Is married lives la Frisco winter likes rlzo tights and smokes a many cigarettes that he rolls himself He plav In New York Ua anywhere team rise anJ hopes to be with OOOM AND BURNS IN CLOSE RACE- Each Jockey Rode Six Winners- at Brighton Beach Track Dur- ing ¬ the Past Week Jccke1 Ieors Odom and Tommy are having n close flfthl for rid- Ing honors at tilt BrIghton Beach meet- ing ¬ Koch boy has ridden six wllnl one place horse anti three was outside the money ncvtn times and IOllan eight The work of Burns Is a decided Improvement OWl the form- al own by him earlier In tho year Tho records nf us Uiulliif Jockeys at the Brighton track last week are as follows En JwLei Won larl t t TllrdpIle I I t imilimesa I I iflifli- tt7 I 5 2 12 4 ndlr 3 g 2 It 2 1 10 u1 2 1 t 1 30 1 WilIerion t 1 1 oflntmn- OZecffwty 1 i j 7 Seott trO I i 7 Easteris Lsn 1Aadlug ClubW L P L PC DutlG CIt744 46 19 23 661 tll 3t n1 Iiwart a 14 nome n n C 34 Ttll a Zl I J J 14Jj MANY CYCLISTS ENTER EVENING WORLDS EVENT a it Indications Point to a RecordBreaking List of Entries Next Month as ENTRY BLANK OPEN TO ALL EVENING WORLD CENTURY RUN I Cut this out and address to Cashier of The World Inclooed find 91 to cover entry fl In The Evening World century I Run of J Saturday Aug 8 Sunday Aug 9 I f Name i Address Club I any City Section morning or afternoon Mark which time you would like to start 5X0 6 620 640 7 730 740 8 A M Saturday or SundYI2 230 P M Saturday mJod E Munoirred cu444iiim1 luuio tuiU time uble of the run are on receipt or entries ayaIm l on envelope banded to wearers of badgas at time start Had plane de- sign ¬ and workmanship KAJflWBD FINISH to beuttulln tog the course within fourteen ho r1tbout further charge Right to reject any entry ire In CUll of AT TUE START the run win take ENT pac clear Saturday Entries registered In order of receipt SO With The Evening World century run yet three week away the entries al- ready ¬ In that the event will be- a notable one In the annals of cycling Time route selected along the level roads of Long Island li one that appeals to wheelmen while the of the pacomaklng staff guarantees perfect managementan In a century run that Contrary to general belief the Sat- urday ¬ section of the run hiss proven more popular with longdistance riders Many of tho Saturday riders however have declared their Intention of par- ticipating ¬ In the Sunday section also and havo naked whcthe they could make post entries second sec ¬ ton This will be permitted of course only to those who rjde In the Sat ¬ urday run All entries must be In sev- eral ¬ d1 before the days set In ordor that numbered badges and checks may bo sent to those entered The handsome meals to be given without any to every- one covering the one hundred miles soon show their effect some day this week and will be placed MAJOR DELMAR TO TROT THE ABBOT- Fast Trotters Will Meet in a Match Race Near Albany on July 29- ALBANY July 20The Abbot erst- while holder of the world trotting record an4 owned by J J Scannell ox Fire Commissioner of New York City has been matched to meet Major Del mar A P McDonalds fast trotter In a race for a purse ot CMO The Abbot has been at Village Farm all year and Is reported to be back to his old form His trainer says the old trotter Is In as tine condltbn today as whel ho placed the worlds record at Major Delmar is In floe condition having been undergoing preparations for a race with Lord Derby which tel through owing to an Injury to Smathersj horse According to the conditions of the math The Abbot end Major Deloar at Island Par near this city- on July 29 John will drive The Abbot and Mr MoDonald will handle- the rein behind Major Delmar M BRITT A 6 TO 10 FAVORITE- IN FIGHT WITH OKEEFE Lightweight Will Have Third Meeting 1 Frisco Title Month SAN FRANCISCO Ju1 20 Jimmy Britt and Jack who are to meet here on July 31 have gone Into active training for the bout Brltt has taken quarters at Crolls with Jim Corbett while OKeefe Is stationed A Sheehans rQdhoue on the beach Britt has met OKeefe twice The first time he lost on a foul In Portland after six rounds of Sighting nnd the go resulted In a draw Hi will econ over OKeefe and the way thing look now the odds will Do about r 800 CYCLISTS MAY START- IN THIS CENTURY RUN Veterans Event PromIses to Do nn Unusually Dig Saoccin Every Indication points to the largest eulry list of tho year for tho Vet- eran ¬ fifth annual century run next Sunday I ocal riders have entered in- substantial numbers and larce della ¬ from Bridgeport Boston ton Elizabeth and other outoftown points have carried the entry list to dab beyond the two hundred nnd well toward the threehundred murki Indi- cating ¬ a probable total fully time run elifhl run will have fact and slow di- visions ¬ with special for the net four of the fast division to Botch Knlrtcs will close next Frllay- MISCEllANEOUS SPORTS- Frank I Kramer won both of the pro- fessional ¬ events at the Ielevlle cycle track in Newark yesterday afternoon with less than a foot to spare In noch Instance I 5 5 5 A quartet of wellconte events on track and field marked tho champion- ship ¬ point of the Brooklyn Lt yesterday at Gram Park Masueth L 1 Wc Gowan was the ta performer of the I S S darWI but the result of a single game the three leading learns corn for tho champlciahlp of the New York Cricket Association the series or that o I lninto The arouUlunUU- 1ntert nelf two moat oppb pants two Bo4udays an they wlYUmvo to Dutto an extra of r to In 1 i a c tIiih l li on exhibition In some of the larger sporting goods store They are ele ¬ gant specimens of the Jewellers art and will make worthy souvenirs of the occasion Several hundred of the medals will bo struck off and they will be handed to the rides at the end of the run Centurionof the Century Road Club of America has boel ap- pointed ¬ chief pacemaker of run He will be assisted by a competent ataff of pacemakers three to each division who will see that the scheduled speed of twelve miles an hour Is not exceeded This ic Important If there Is any vari- ation ¬ In the pace the rider will bo fatigued much sooner even steady pace can be kept up mite after mile but short stretches of sprinting will soon show its effects The stopping places are close together- The slop will be nine miles from the frt at Bedford Rest Tho next rest will be seven mllen further on In this way riders will get a chance to rest before they realize they arc tired There are a tow places In the earlier divisions et open If you vint to have choice In any particular dtvl Ion your your entries now EARLY DATE fOR CUP RACE TRIALS First of Series to Select New Shamrocks Opponent Will Be Sailed Next Monday NEW NDON July 20Tho trial to select a defender for Amerlcan race be sailed three days earlier wl than first scheduled After a con- ference ¬ on board Jj Plerpont Morgans Corsair It was decided that the lImit race of the series will be sailed on July 17 at the termination of the pres ¬ ent cruise of the New York Yacht Club As announced the new schedule Is as follows Monday July 27 Wednesday- July 29 and Saturday Aug 1 The Newport series for which the yachts are eligible are Tuesday July 2 and Thurs- day ¬ July 30 This will Give the American defender probably tho Reliance five more days to tune up In than she would otherwUe have had which la none too much when considered that the cup races will begin on August 20 less than three weeks after the last trial race Is sailed COUNTRY TEAM DEFEAT THE Znnesrllle 0 Club Win Game b7 Score of O to S- 7NFVrLE 0 July National League team yesterday by a score of 9 to 8 Catchier Dexter of Boston had his right thumb split by a foul tip and will be out of the game for some time Den- ton of the Zanesville team cot four singles a twobagger and a base on bills In six times bat a h h TUB JIBOO And Flvs Uvtntj All ta > I I Annual Lasting from Early Morning Until a Huge Success- The I New York anti Boston division ot time Bureau of Animal Industry are to- day ¬ I recuperating from tho effects of their annual celebration held here Satur- day ¬ They had a great time lasting from 7 A M until midnight the torrent of rain doing little to dampen their en- thusiasm ¬ The days fun hogan with the arrival of the Boston division at time People line pier nt 7 oclock Tho New Yorkers a awaited the visitors In a big tallyho l i drawn by six horsc After breakfa at Hnllorans avenue and FO tocnlh nnd n drive through < and along Riverside Drive the party stopped for luncheon at Pabsts In et One Hundred and Twentyfifth street After luncheon the baseball game was In order Out the rain came down mercilessly and It was thought that this Important feature of the day might have to be called oft Enthusiasm ran high however and the game waa played at tIme Polo In the drenching rnln by a snore of 7 to 2 Only roar InnIng were plnyed but Umpire Harry said that they were ufCIMt to show the Hubltea accordingly called the game Capt Dr Montague- of the local nine wanted to continue but Capt Mahoney and his Boatontana wouldnt hear of it A aunntlly of lubricating fluid was then consume to put the boys on edge for In Ihe evening at the Cafe Martin Here the celebration was J ended with a good meal and some timely toasts course of which praise- was hOWerell on the New York division for It management of the affair Dr I II Waller chief of the New York division was the toast master and he filled the job to the letter Neatly turned speeches Interspersed with ralllerv by Dr S E I time ton Boston division and Des 8bower Chenme and ¬ others were thoroughly Time New York division will visit D ton next year l J Popular Cub Annnnl Affair at I The Most Sncoc fnl The Columbus Catholic Club of Wet Flftyflrsl street can boast of a ¬ ter out of tho ordinary In Dave Dunn who so well at th club i to The Wet New Brighton S I Dunn w yard dash and Ihe 440 beating fast fields In both event Tim sey ran second to In and Bill huh was the runner up Ith quarter The fat mens race a bit of a phennomenon In Jim Fox who J rivals John Plenlng the wrestler for tile llllc of the Butcher Boy PoX J beat a select field after running a dead heat In whlci the frs two men and jcinl two ciotsed line on even ternu 1lb run off Fox got ot llnt anti his field tl hDve goiiv tj a tire CharlIe Smith I John Vaughn D M Counsellor1 I Ferguson the political genius tied to hold Fox but he shook them and won pulled up like a Waterboy J The athletic contests were a feature of the outing which was a huge success The tug The Erin carried the boys down the river to their lesinatVm In the Kill von Kohl The trip down wan most enjoyable thanks to the vocallstlo ability and humorous outpourings of Handsome Tim Rafferty and COOn ¬ saIlor Hayes and the managerial abil- ity ¬ of HughIe Weston Boyle f Commissioner George E Best Daniel F McMohonfl able lieutenant and AI herman William Wenzl missed the oat and reached via ferry and trolleys They werent sorry tbe made the A C Itestuno Game games of the Forreat A l C were resumed at the cubs ground Westchosler yesterday All the events were evenly oonteste some rare sport Ipeclton presant 120yard The hurdle spe- cial ¬ I race which Walsh Won s email margin I i h troubles their thttr dlMasts donl ban to urged t But who kootrst Do yout- Miious You may Dot anD SUSPI0 t t trouble Why remain In dOlt All the and ot New York Muter Specialist service for a PREB Ute Notbtag to pay If you dont need treatment An absolnte guarantee t1 If yen 0 MECICINES IURNIBHBC FR Prostatic Troubles Private cured no mat 1 to 10 vt bow long standing th w me Ir it In from 1 t Z days dma o pl Varlcocele Hervoas Debility cured without cutting quick and ID from I to 10 day- sStricture Cur br r1 i famous mebe I Potion In 15 dar with ¬ cue CUlIDI pat o of I d ru detention fr from bnilncts t DhLAY DONT f I YOltIf6 MACTEll UPnCIALI3T1 I I MAKK NO OHAUUE for a friendly taut or corr spondnoa- eluilvily bCy bseasg treating prlvaly and special diseases of men for JOjrears othbg cieao can desiac or money buy Is Melting In ay clime equipment uie you ty treat you restore to health In the time with the l ui medic as dIscomfort and xpene practicable I guaraote to cur say easel Bf- rdertakt > IT you cannot call write for my home cure DR It WHTTAMScft ies w 34th St NV II L Hours 6 to a 8udaglGg te 1 Sporting 7r hton ace aT- OnORROW 1130 Nautilus Stakes Other MUSIC DT 11LTAa1 iJ4N- PIKtby ANIMAL INDUSTRY MENSGREAT DAY Celebration Midnight- Was Ground goJatur DAVEDUNNTOOKSPRIN- lHONORSATCCCSOIJTING prtormt Dep tri- PForret adt- urnlshe MENWHOKNOW Diseasesp- ermneotly Enremoved TOPAY CinCAOO IIAXDlCArPn Sporting 2X1 Drotihrer 094 1 posit rottOOci pnbllihw 10 irorUl rehaSh raving Information dilly C0 man a4 Western lulecllaai uuurpuM4 aoOilag uncle Informitljo Irlae br tnr 0 J l ticlnx txperU txlr o t5hai tutttn isytiglten tolUIUdj mrml frtf CaU1 llutlon ready noun- A n < TflThe war to reach home of Now York Is through th1 newspaper that the batlr- telhe 1 II r- ri y

Transcript of SPORTING NEWS SPECJALLY FOR THE t - Chronicling America

1 V IP7lorp w I









MOrrOw McGraws Boys Will

Go to P oklyn for a Game

with Hanlons Pots

National tenoue Slanillnir-cm w L rci Club w u rc-

jtIIibag 63 Z4 W8 llrwklrn 37 3S 40-

7cHictiiU 12 DCtnD 30

Jo JJ1n 5MIt louIZS

CI rI1I 41 35 539riillti3tlphU23 55 2-Ofleu1ti ofter1n7 UnmeI

81 Lacli C DrooVlrn 4 Ten Inolnii-CBIu > 8i rtUiturr 5Cincinnati FhlU4 lphU S flnt fim-Clnclnnul 7 P IUd lptili 4 Twmt nn-

nasinie1 Scliedaled for ToUnjP-

lttiburK it Chlcito-placlaMtl tt St Uuli

I The alan play an exhibition gametill afternoon In Orange N J withthe Orange Athletic Club and tomortow Will be pitted against Hanlonstribe on the Brooklyn grounds They-do


not play on the Polo field until nextMonday when Boston arrives for athreeday series

After that New York nlll have Bostoni and Brooklyn lo deal wIth for nearly

two weeks Tho Wcslcrn teams thencome here andthe roanan closes witha twentyd y trip for New York In theWestern enemys territory

Tho trip just closed was unfortunateIn many ways Tho team won eight I

games and lost Erven not so good a i

record as on the nrst expedition tintthey wrestled with some fatal handi-caps

¬ I

Ureinahan and Luuder being outof many games on account of IllnessWarner nnJ Uonorman both cnklng InCrippled stale and Uan Mcdann beingabsent from iome ot the contests j

Of all the fifteen gamrs but two wereoutand out beatings In Chicago sixteen I

runs were piled up and though iheGIii mad nine enough lo win almost


any game Chha j got afler Taylor pO

bard that there was nothing to It I

Cnderrnted St InnUI

1 St Loula won he two came hy theclosest sort of margins principally forthe reason that New York seemed to I

Underrate the tallend fighters and didA3 light hud Tho heal and continualthteils from tho spectators Mao hudsomething lo do wllh It

In Cincinnati the Giants won IhreoCime anj of Ihe fourth they werecertainly robbed by Hank ODaywho ma Jo a notoriously bad decisionIIV the llcds favor that was fatal toNew


down to the Ilttsburg seriesthere Is linnlly any excutc for theRlants not getting away with threeparncs In that fourtcenlnnlng conleil-tteyI played Ilttsburx to n mamlMtU-ShOAInc pluck and timely hitting The

I Bccoml game was a slaushttr Mcln-p1 I < iy bclni the victim and New York

i l4u not mo IWil of a snow j

irc last two BIIIIO however wereI ghU PUre and slinplv both Tuylur mid I

> ter pltahins magnificent games andI ther shin losing for the lack of a little

cttckwork Uolh gaines were pulUd outby Clarence Beaumont who after sitthe other Ilnilcs mid failed stung thebill anj scored on lImo other help


Miller Pooled KickerRo joe Miller whom McGraw signed

fun Detroit List year went In the boxon Saturday Instead of Jlathewfon Thocrowd yelled and hissed at the dis-appointment


This will be another murder saideverybody Well just kill this manMatliewson la the only pitcher McOrawhas etc etc

By the time Miller had worked fourC Inning and ilioie great batters Beau-


Sebrlng Wagner and Leach and-all the rest of the Pirates were ableto garner but two hits the populace be-gan


to sit up and wonderIC As the game jumped along to the

eighth and only four more lilts hadbeen added they were saying Whythis fellows just an good as Mathewaon nod the fact Is that Miller didpitch a championship game mixingthen up with the skill ot one who hadbeen working right along during thenon

So that Miller did his part and thegame parsed away became with oneout and three nn bases the Giants werenotable to hi-



Work of Filling In of the Bulk-



I i at MacCombs Dam

Park Begins This Week

The residents of Scullers Row areFe t obliged to move again CommissionerI Kustls has notified the row that theli i work of filling In the bulkhead at Maj

a combs Darn Iark will begin this1 weekr Two or three of the houses will be1 Y jacked up and a couple will remain on1 their present opllw and the space around

I them will be tilled up to the requiredlevel One clubthe Nassau will have

t to move out altogether because the1 three houses rest on rafts and will be

unmanageable when the nillng begins-It was learned aftne Nassau that the

Shouses will be towed today or tomor ¬row directly across the river and sitelocated IIt the tout ot Ono Hundred andHttyeixti street AS oon as theXronmBe ha been fllled In the Nassau

nIt will begin the erection of a hinglo1 C1 house on their present cite and

of the old boathouses to the highestbidder

Plans for the now building are alreadytinder W Yltlfd over WMO has beenr1ya rxlsod toward the construction fund Aili l sum of sljWO will be needed altogetherIt Is proposed that the home jhill be l

1 Met 73 rent In width on the2 11nstllloryall1 be fitted with all thu

Y fl wetnxtueitJI fit Ann A c Gftmcs-

St Viral of he bimonthly game ot-StIt e5 Anno A C were held at the

ufc grounds Wllllamsbrldge yesterdayrnlng Several ot the ich1olatickiof the Bronx took part In the

l and excltlnig were theit made the bestj log winning tour firsts out of thi-


uC fto areSsi NI IliP4Mltij an-

vGriter IN C1sehd-


TJA tT tk I

I tflt it I-

i > Ii< i tt-

i I u




Offered to Sell Stock in New York Club-to a WellKnown Brewer


American lrngne BtundlnvClub w i iti Club tv L re

nation K 21 S5 14 41-3ItiiiijiipMM 31 uilitiirsgo 34 is 472

CJvld a9 31 647 m n-Xtv

< iiYork 31 31 tOO

I Wublnnn 2 61 311

Cnmri Scheduled for TnDny-ClttUnd it Xtir Yorkft hut It IhllldtlpflllDetroit < t Jiouo-ndiltuo tt Wiihlniton

Exclusive Information won furnlihedthe Evening World today that FrankFarrell bosom frlen1 of Dill Deveryalleged king nt tho poolrooms andowner ol Blue Andrew Mack DuelistMinotaur Tim Hulllvan and half adozen other turnout race horses haddeveloped n sudden attack of cold feetIn his latest venture the great Ameri-can


grime of baseballIt has bern known for some time that

Farrell regretted his ever mixing In witha proposition with which he was no littlo acquainted He shouldered Mm re-


of financing the New YorkAmerican League tram under this 1mjression that the 7S000 or 1104000 heInvented would be returned tenfold

Now tint It has proved n failureFarrell Ii keen to get from under andnt the meeting of the National Leigunmagnates began this mornIng nt theVictoria Hotel It trnnttplred that Far-rell


Ii dickering with a wealthy brewerto unload Ills sharesFnrrrll DlsBintil-

Fnirell It Ii said waited up until afew day ixo to sue whether businesswould pick up nt the One Hundred am-

Sixlyflflh Mreel ground and then be-


disgusted went to the brewerwho l < a neighbor of his on West flo-vMtyflwt street mnti nude a propositionlint the brewer did not huw any hugeInterest and finally rejectiil tin offerflatly at the same time rnnntlanlng theIntended transnctun 10 that It retchedIh PUTS of Nilloiial Ix nKUr men whomade no attempt to conceal their joy ut

< hat they consider a great blow to therival organlzillnn-

FVirreliii action may have ponrrfnlweight In settling the momentous ques-tion


that will oo debated todav whuhro two league will declare openwar and go at It on the fold and In-

C JlltWhen rrexldnnt Ran Johnson finally

succeeded In breaking Into New Yorkrirouirh the financial backing of FrankFVrrell It wee upposed that the AmerIcai league had secured a triumph A

nuttier of I7JOCO was spool on thegrounds end players were engagedwho o salary list to about thelame round sum

New York has failed utterly as a bark




Team of Cleveland

Sluggers the Attraction To

Day at 165th St

Clirk Orimths Invaders will havedouble duly tn perform at AmericanLeague Park this afternoon Its stough job ni the occupant of thebleachery would say No len A battingteam than Napoleon Lajole Clevelandsluggers art slated to oppdfee the NewYorkers

The nrit game as usual will be called-at 2 oclock and the other Immediatelyafterward Griffith and Chcibro willlikely be the Invaders twlrlers and aneven break Is the least the tan expect

GriffIth Is apparently not quite1 maths

fled with his staff of pitchers anti hassigned a new one He js Deanna whomDetroit had for a while In exchangefor the pitcher the New Yorks savethe Tlecra Green the young third baseman Manager Harrow of the Detroitthought he saw In Green a good oneanti suggested Ihe trade Deerlngwhile a good pitcher Is Inclined to do-

a he please whether the managerlikes It or not That Is the reason De-troit let him go



Clears 23 Feet 1 Inch but Even

with That He Gets Only Sec-




Myer Prlnsleln the holder of theAmerican record for the broad Jumoshowed some of tho form which enabledhim to mske his marK nt the Knmei ntthe Tlppernry Association at Celtic Parkyesterday He succeeded In doing 23

feet 1 Inch and wat accordingly the tarof the athletic meeting

Prlnetcln did not win his event for howas obliged to give I tVolibor of Slevens Institute twenty Inches and withthat handicap the latter was figured al23 feet I 12 Inches having made on ac-


Jump of a feet 8 12 Inches


Newt Similar OltourKrn llrldjreportTrim Wilt Iluy Harlrmltcs

Tho PhiladelphIa Giants showed yesterday At Olympia Field One Hundred-and Thlrtyntth atreet and Lenox aveflue that they make up as tine u semiprofusslonal baswjall team as thre IsIn the country Fut the third time thisyear they met the strong Murray milteam and after a wellplayed game theGiants wore rnturncd the victors by thescore of 5 to 2 The victory was ill themore credItable In view of the feet thatthe Murray lied n League pitcher Inthe box nfaJnllttbem

Maiteen Strong 4MM decided to stickto WIIUeDeelan In the andn t8uadiMf at OlymPla1lIMI hepitch against ORourkaUrldcc ¬port team


jhI< 1Jk J J

ibcne and source of Income to the Amer-ican


1xngU and tho future prospect Iinot particularly tray for another reaaon-whlcfc the UvoMrxf World learned to-day


from one Ciigh up In NationalLeague politicsthrush Very Wise Mute

As Is well known John T Brush oldout the Cincinnati club Ian yrnir forHMOOO end bourfil u controlling Interest-In the New fork club Andrew Freed-man one of the shrnwdmt business menIn America had made a failure of theGiants the fact that hedid not devote enough time to the work

So Freedman was wiltIng to et outhaving a cheerful nest egg of abojtID-OOOorx that at leapt keels the wolffrom singing ragtime at >e barn-yard


Kate But rush was wise In leav-ing


Freedman with just enough sharesto keei his Interest In the Ijam

Illght today Ii demonstrated the wis-dom


of that move tOt It la rumored thatthere will be no aUbway atatlon at OneHundred and fllxtyIUth street eitherthis year or next merely from the co-incidence


that Andrew Freedman hasthe ear of August Belmont antI all theother subway magnates Freedman In-


hat over luou000 In the companythat bonded the subway 80 there youlire

Furthermore It leaked out prior tothe call of time at today meetingthat Frvedmans Influence Is so effectivethat he hue persuaded the ManhattanIvJevnod people to build a station rightIn the Polo Ground grandstand sopatron wilt lit landed In the very setThis station will probably he built thisfall when Manhattan Field and thePolo Ground are thrown together antBrurii begin his project of construct-ing


the finest h arena ever seenWhen the presidents of the various

clubi Dreyfus from Plttsburg Herr ¬

mann of Cincinnati nobL on of Btlouis Potter of Philadelphia Sodenand Cormnt of Boston Hart of Chi-cago


anti > Kbbetts of Brooklynopened their star chamber proceedingstoday Brush therefore ivas on handwith three trump earths that iteratedlikely to give him the winning hand

Till Meeting > eceiar5-Not In a doion years have the Nn

lena Lov > un owners found It necessuryto call n meeting In the middle of aseason And It was only urgent neces-sity


that demanded this one Augustuslerrmann blames Brush for starting theempest when he played Gen e Daviswho has contrartM both with fipw Yorkand the Chicago Ameilrans Comlskeyhas enjoined UavlH and the case will beargued In the courts hero AUK 6

The Western managers with the sx-ccptlon of Droyfuss have generally I

mood h Hermann who thatBrush did wrong The Easterners arcland In glove with Brush on the conrarv If the meeting ends with pear

among National league men It willprobably also mean war with thoAmerican League Ban Johnson withComlxkey who arrived In town thismorning Is watching the outcome andhustling while he watches



Charles B Ferguson Chops Off1 Hour 912 Minutes fromHalls Record

Charles B Ferguson of the KingsCounty Whelmen established n newcentury motorpaced record over thehundredmile course at Valley Streamyesterday Ferguson clipped more thanan hour oft tho old record or lo be ex-act


he made the time Ih Om 30s fasterthan the previous record His time forthe distance was 5h 26m hOe The pre-vious


record wai held by Harry HallFergusons performance was all themore noteworthy because It was madeover heavy roads and during the onehundred miles the rider met with severalmishaps which necessitated his diemounting from his wheel These delayscost him considerable time Threetimes during tim race Fcrgtiwon had tochange motorn

The start was matte at daybreak Be ¬

fore the fIrst twentynvo miles had beaucovered Ferguson was obliged to dis-mount


but he nevertheless covered thedistance In th lIen The second twentynve miles was covered In exactly thesame time

With hIs motor and wheel out at orderthe besj Ferguson could do In the thirdquarter was Hi Mm a loss of twentyminutes over the previous quarter FerIlULIOn s troubles stiii ttOk to him in theI itch quarter when he was forced todismount several times His time nowever was lb 3ni 3011

With a little more practice It i > expeeled that the motorJ>Ieed record willexonlunlly bit down to hourThere Is talk of a hundredmile motorpaced race between Hall and Ferguson


Ohnot Is entered to start In thechaw handicap todty but proliiblywill be nn abtfonlcc The gelding wasnol Injured In his last as wureported but ran away with a lighttxorise boy tho other tiny

Roma of the friends of James MerAilithlln Ir trIed lo congratulate hinton what they e II really goodprice for Duke of Kendal o star ofSaturday Mle of horses InThat wn not a big price for thift

colt ho eald Ho IH II race liorw tiitlI bcllevoil he would bring 1000 11nlthink that we got the boat of that saleDo you know that Capt Sam llnwicome very ntMr lnlns ihe nunlhcn > last winter nkel n CnrinJ

at Wilkhton Beach yosUTday hail MrSmather boon one biter hohive been Just tot late for tlpt I Tni°

hnl about dfclde1 to buy and wn onlywnlllnB for tbr approval of Ielo Vl0mer when Mr HmatluTscot the colt Tin prlie HIIlp1 In

C milIrowl nan JjOOOo nnd he WOIIM liCtenail hnIchnnre ff Ihe colt-


en 1V II Jaunn who

ttiter tel W it Jrk Hurrrlr hIlot plo n lnrnl ilich ot typitoitifever Nimhvllle yrstrrU leou1 widow and I son two Trans nl-

the stable of Newtonwhich Is to be raci1 at Saratoga Waishipped from Oravvscnd today MrDennlnxton HRH fortynlnu horses Inhis stable but only sixteen will lie sentto Saratoga The stable jockey ONctlhexpocts to follow the today

S S a

This mud out her Is a cinch comparedto wdiat we havo In Saul theman who rubs McChesney Alt youhave to do with tide stuff I to blow Itoff Out there It sticks closer than abrother or these fellows who want to-0aMcCbtIneyatm3 Itjajob to tuoft T

fH tI



IIILEFTFIELDER SAM MERTESSam Mrrtess pircnts did llltle to ad-


his glory for his father was anhumble carpenter and his mother adomestic doul who cared not for news-papers


or the pliiidlu of tile multitudeBoth of them were Gcrmins

Most historIans give Sans birthplaceIn Sun Frinclco as verses In-


on n gold tablet near the GoldenGate do wltncjf

Sam lcrtel they call him born In

A ball player from his molhers kneeAnd eke a marvel the glory of our

youthAnd a man of greatest tameFor the srune number of ear that i

Jacob served for Ilachel O

served hits npprenllccshlp at the carpen-ters


bench From early dawn till lateat night he with lila two brotherplaned lathed anti hammered

was a hard worker and many theSaturday afternoon llltle Samuel gazedhungrily at his playmates juggling theball on the commons while he forsoothmust stick to tho dusty bench

Sam got so much of the bench Inthose days that he never frequented Itsince He was a good ball player antiwhile many another squats on the longseat a better man taking his place nomanager In years tins ever ordere themighty Samlow to Its

The day that Sam was twentyone-years old he looked Dad Mcrtcs In theeye alt handed him his tool kit

plugged long enough said heNow I awhileUnbeknown to Dnd the husky car ¬

penter had made a reputation as catch-er


without mask gloves or protectorand when Buck Albright saw him per



Race Against Time Likely to Be

Arranged for Trotting Meet-



at Brighton Beach-

It IB very likely that Iou Dillon MrC K nilllnsss swift trotter wi besenl after time worlds roourd theIlrtshtmi llciich track next month Suerotary MrCully of ihe local irolllnsassociation has nn eye to the attrac-tion


and Is In D Holt lodiy trying toIrMuce Mr IHIJinxi to his Oreto send Mr mine miller ririctuVt

lx u Dillon hem tnvellpl a tulle fislvlo I nulks tliir any trotur of lice sexIt only a fen day ago that aht nrot-iaitd u mill it 2 o31t iinri Mr 1IlleIt onlidriit that willmao > new record fur Ihe mtlo-


Iinulr Vnrd Vln 01 ClipJohn M Wnr °

who gane t reputa-tion


as a Milplayer year ego Is amongtho champions cm tho golfrlinks Yester-day


ho non thu Presidents cup atmatch lla > in time finals on the Holly-wood


Golf Club links over neighteenbole courfc-

Trowil nt Ilanillinll HatchA large cro il ot hanaball enthusiasts

fllled Tarrants court In Jersey Cityyesterday tsee the match game In-

whtchT Koley ond JL de1 A Tturant anti T lYoacblo

three out of five P1tI

I N o

form he took Bandow aside anti offeredhim ISO a month to sign with a semi-professional team called the Aliens

Thirty per was a fortune then to Barnand lie went along to Lincoln Neb be-longing


to the Western Association Samplayed there long enough as he puts it

to get a sandwich for his ambitionswere already aroused and when he re-turned


to Frisco and knocked a linerover the old Hlroet fence thelongest hit ever registered on the Friscogrounds managers came looking forhimAfter playing In half a dozen WesternLeague clubs during 1894 and 1S33 he went-to St Paul as outnolder where heworked In 18W breaking Into the Na-


League In Philadelphia tit the enof that season

The year 1637 found him In Columbus0 but the nve succeeding years hespent In Chicago three with the Na-


and two with Comlskoyn WhIteSox He worked out his contract thereanti last August John McGraw landedhim for time Giants this being his firstyear In their comtantertea this has played Ilxname and during that time has

nine of slsts threehli lrld10 putout of 975 Dolanof the Reds and Dobbs ChicagoBrooklyn are tho only ones ahead ofhim with 1000 and 985 but neither has

Woe stEM is Jut now No8 Inthin list with nn average of 3S6 andhi nearly at the ton with long hits

Merles Is about the most popular manon the tram taking part In none of thoclub politics He attends strictly tobusiness lien time boys at the gatevellHully heule 1 Merles It pleasesSam to death though Burkcvllle saysbotherst him a great deal asking questloim during the game

Sandow Is only thirtyone year oIlIs married lives la Frisco winterlikes rlzo tights and smokes amany cigarettes that he rolls himselfHe plav In New York Uaanywhereteam

rise anJ hopes to be with



Each Jockey Rode Six Winners-

at Brighton Beach Track Dur-



the Past Week

Jccke1 Ieors Odom and Tommyare having n close flfthl for rid-

Ing honors at tilt BrIghton Beach meet-ing


Koch boy has ridden six wllnlone place horse anti threewas outside the money ncvtn times and

IOllan eight The work of Burns Is adecided Improvement OWl the form-al own by him earlier In tho year

Tho records nf us Uiulliif Jockeys atthe Brighton track last week are asfollows

EnJwLei Won

larl t t TllrdpIleI I t

imilimesa I Iiflifli-tt7

I 5 2 124

ndlr 3 g 2 It2 1 10

u1 21 t 1 30

1WilIerion t 1 1oflntmn-OZecffwty


i j 7Seott

trO I i 7

Easteris Lsn 1AadlugClubW L P L PC

DutlG CIt74446 19

23 661 tll 3t n1Iiwart a 14 nome nn C 34

Ttll a ZlI

J J 14Jj


a it

Indications Point to a RecordBreaking List ofEntries Next Month



Cut this out and address to Cashier of The WorldInclooed find 91 to cover entry flIn The Evening World century


Run of J Saturday Aug 8Sunday Aug 9


Name iAddress

Club I any City

Section morning or afternoon

Mark which time you would like to start 5X0 6 620 640 7 730 7408 A M Saturday or SundYI2 230 P M Saturday

mJod E Munoirred cu444iiim1 luuio tuiU time uble of the run areon receipt or entries ayaIm l on envelope banded

to wearers of badgas at time start Had plane de-sign


and workmanship KAJflWBD FINISH to beuttullntog the course within fourteen ho r1tbout further charge Right to rejectany entry ire In CUll of AT TUE START the run wintakeENT pac clear Saturday Entries registered In order of receipt SO

With The Evening World century runyet three week away the entries al-


In that the event will be-

a notable one In the annals of cyclingTime route selected along the level roadsof Long Island li one that appeals towheelmen while the of thepacomaklng staff guarantees perfectmanagementan In a century run that

Contrary to general belief the Sat-urday


section of the run hiss provenmore popular with longdistance ridersMany of tho Saturday riders howeverhave declared their Intention of par-ticipating


In the Sunday section alsoand havo naked whcthe they couldmake post entries second sec ¬

ton This will be permitted of courseonly to those who rjde In the Sat ¬

urday run All entries must be In sev-eral


d1 before the days set In ordorthat numbered badges and checksmay bo sent to those entered

The handsome meals to be givenwithout any to every-one covering the one hundred milessoon show their effectsome day this week and will be placed



Fast Trotters Will Meet in aMatch Race Near Albany on

July 29-

ALBANY July 20The Abbot erst-while holder of the world trottingrecord an4 owned by J J Scannell oxFire Commissioner of New York Cityhas been matched to meet Major Delmar A P McDonalds fast trotter Ina race for a purse ot CMO

The Abbot has been at Village Farmall year and Is reported to be back tohis old form His trainer says the oldtrotter Is In as tine condltbn today aswhel ho placed the worlds record at

Major Delmar is In floe conditionhaving been undergoing preparations fora race with Lord Derby which telthrough owing to an Injury toSmathersj horse

According to the conditions of the

math The Abbot end Major Deloarat Island Par near this city-

on July 29 John will drive TheAbbot and Mr MoDonald will handle-the rein behind Major Delmar




Lightweight Will Have ThirdMeeting 1 Frisco Title Month

SAN FRANCISCO Ju1 20 JimmyBritt and Jack who are tomeet here on July 31 have gone Intoactive training for the bout Brltt hastaken quarters at Crolls with JimCorbett while OKeefe Is stationed ASheehans rQdhoue on thebeach

Britt has met OKeefe twice Thefirst time he lost on a foul In Portlandafter six rounds of Sighting nnd the

go resulted In a draw Hi willecon over OKeefe and the waything look now the odds will Do about



Veterans Event PromIses to Do nnUnusually Dig Saoccin

Every Indication points to the largesteulry list of tho year for tho Vet-


fifth annual century run nextSunday I ocal riders have entered in-

substantial numbers and larce della ¬

from Bridgeport Bostonton Elizabeth and other outoftownpoints have carried the entry list to dabbeyond the two hundred nnd welltoward the threehundred murki Indi-cating


a probable total fullytime runelifhl run will have fact and slow di-


with special for the netfour of the fast division to BotchKnlrtcs will close next Frllay-


Frank I Kramer won both of the pro-


events at the Ielevlle cycletrack in Newark yesterday afternoonwith less than a foot to spare In nochInstance I

5 5 5

A quartet of wellconte events ontrack and field marked tho champion-ship


point of the BrooklynLt yesterday at GramPark Masueth L 1 WcGowan was the ta performer of the

I S SdarWI but the result of a single game

the three leading learns cornfor tho champlciahlp of the New

York Cricket Association the series orthat o IlnintoThe arouUlunUU-1ntert nelf two moat oppbpants two Bo4udays anthey wlYUmvo to Duttoan extra ofr to In 1


a c tIiih l li

on exhibition In some of the largersporting goods store They are ele ¬

gant specimens of the Jewellers artand will make worthy souvenirs of theoccasion

Several hundred of the medals will bostruck off and they will be handed tothe rides at the end of the run

Centurionof the CenturyRoad Club of America has boel ap-pointed


chief pacemaker of runHe will be assisted by a competent ataffof pacemakers three to each divisionwho will see that the scheduled speedof twelve miles an hour Is not exceededThis ic Important If there Is any vari-ation


In the pace the rider will bofatigued much sooner even steadypace can be kept up mite after milebut short stretches of sprinting willsoon show its effects

The stopping places are close together-The slop will be nine miles fromthe frt at Bedford Rest Tho nextrest will be seven mllen further on Inthis way riders will get a chance to rest

before they realize they arc tiredThere are a tow places In the earlier

divisions et open If you vint tohave choice In any particular dtvlIon your your entries now



First of Series to Select New

Shamrocks Opponent Will Be

Sailed Next Monday

NEW NDON July 20Tho trialto select a defender for Amerlcanrace

be sailed three days earlierwlthan first scheduled After a con-



on board Jj Plerpont MorgansCorsair It was decided that the lImit

race of the series will be sailed onJuly 17 at the termination of the pres ¬

ent cruise of the New York Yacht ClubAs announced the new schedule Is as

follows Monday July 27 Wednesday-July 29 and Saturday Aug 1 TheNewport series for which the yachts areeligible are Tuesday July 2 and Thurs-day


July 30

This will Give the American defenderprobably tho Reliance five more daysto tune up In than she would otherwUehave had which la none too much when

considered that the cup races willbegin on August 20 less than threeweeks after the last trial race Is sailed


Znnesrllle 0 Club Win Game b7Score of O to S-

7NFVrLE 0 JulyNational League

team yesterday by a score of 9 to 8Catchier Dexter of Boston had his

right thumb split by a foul tip and willbe out of the game for some time Den-ton of the Zanesville team cot foursingles a twobagger and a base onbills In six times bata

h h


And Flvs Uvtntj

All ta



I Annual Lasting fromEarly Morning Until

a Huge Success-



New York anti Boston division ottime Bureau of Animal Industry are to-day

¬ I

recuperating from tho effects oftheir annual celebration held here Satur-day


They had a great time lastingfrom 7 A M until midnight the torrentof rain doing little to dampen their en-thusiasm


The days fun hogan with the arrivalof the Boston division at time Peopleline pier nt 7 oclock Tho New Yorkers a

awaited the visitors In a big tallyho l idrawn by six horsc After breakfaat Hnllorans avenue and FOtocnlh nnd n drive through <

and along Riverside Drive the partystopped for luncheon at Pabsts In

et One Hundred and Twentyfifthstreet After luncheon the baseballgame was In order Out the rain camedown mercilessly and It was thoughtthat this Important feature of the daymight have to be called oft Enthusiasmran high however and the game waaplayed at tIme Polo In thedrenching rnln by asnore of 7 to 2 Only roar InnIng wereplnyed but Umpire Harry saidthat they were ufCIMt to show theHubltea accordinglycalled the game Capt Dr Montague-

of the local nine wanted to continuebut Capt Mahoney and his Boatontanawouldnt hear of it

A aunntlly of lubricating fluid wasthen consume to put the boys on edgefor In Ihe evening at theCafe Martin Here the celebration was J

ended with a good meal and some timelytoasts course of which praise-

was hOWerell on the New York division

for It management of the affair Dr I

II Waller chief of the New Yorkdivision was the toast master and hefilled the job to the letter Neatly turnedspeeches Interspersed withralllerv by Dr S E Itimeton

Boston division and Des8bower



others were thoroughlyTime New York division will visit Dton next year

l J

Popular Cub Annnnl Affair at I

The Most Sncoc fnlThe Columbus Catholic Club of Wet

Flftyflrsl street can boast of a ¬

ter out of tho ordinary In Dave Dunnwho so well at th club ito The WetNew Brighton S I Dunn wyard dash and Ihe 440 beatingfast fields In both event Timsey ran second to Inand Bill huh was the runner up Ithquarter The fat mens racea bit of a phennomenon In Jim Fox who Jrivals John Plenlng the wrestler fortile llllc of the Butcher Boy PoX J

beat a select field after running a deadheat In whlci the frs two men andjcinl two ciotsed line on eventernu 1lb run off Fox got otllntanti his fieldtlhDve goiiv tj a tire CharlIe Smith IJohn Vaughn D M Counsellor1 I

Ferguson the political genius tied tohold Fox but he shook them andwon pulled up like a Waterboy J

The athletic contests were a featureof the outing which was a huge successThe tug The Erin carried the boysdown the river to their lesinatVm Inthe Kill von Kohl The trip down wanmost enjoyable thanks to the vocallstloability and humorous outpourings of

Handsome Tim Rafferty and COOn ¬saIlor Hayes and the managerial abil-ity

¬of HughIe Weston Boyle fCommissioner George E Best Daniel

F McMohonfl able lieutenant and AIherman William Wenzl missed theoat and reached via ferryand trolleys They werent sorry tbemade the

A C Itestuno Gamegames of the Forreat A lC were resumed at the cubs ground

Westchosler yesterday Allthe events were evenly oontestesome rare sport




¬ I

race which Walsh Won s emailmargin

I i

htroubles their thttr dlMasts donl ban to urgedtBut who kootrst Do yout-

MiiousYou may Dot anD SUSPI0 tttrouble Why remain In dOlt All the and

ot New York Muter Specialist service for a PREB UteNotbtag to pay If you dont need treatment An absolnte guaranteet1If yen0MECICINES IURNIBHBC FRProstatic Troubles Private

cured no mat 1 to 10 vtbow long standing th w meIr it In from 1tZdays dma oplVarlcocele Hervoas Debility

cured without cutting quick andID from I to 10 day-

sStrictureCur brr1 i

famous mebe I

PotionIn 15 dar with ¬cueCUlIDI pat o of I

d ru detention frfrom bnilnctst



YOltIf6 MACTEll UPnCIALI3T1 II MAKK NO OHAUUE for a friendly taut or corr spondnoa-

eluilvilybCy bseasg

treating prlvaly and special diseases of men for JOjrears othbg cieaocan desiac or money buy Is Melting In ay clime equipment uie you tytreat you restore to health In the time with the l uimedic as dIscomfort and xpene practicable I guaraote to cur say easel Bf-rdertakt


IT you cannot call write for my home cure

DR It WHTTAMScft ies w 34th St NV IIL Hours 6 to a 8udaglGg te1


7r htonace aT-


Nautilus StakesOther






















Sporting2X1 Drotihrer 094 1posit rottOOci pnbllihw 10 irorUl rehaShraving Information dilly C0 man a4Western lulecllaai uuurpuM4 aoOilag

uncle Informitljo Irlae br tnr 0J lticlnx txperU txlr o t5haitutttn isytiglten tolUIUdj mrml frtfCaU1llutlon ready noun-


n<TflThe war to reach

home of Now York Is through th1newspaper that the batlr-telhe 1 II

