Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ......

N O R T H S Y D N E Y C O U N C I L Sport and Recreation Reference Group Report SR03 - 25 November 2013 Attachments: 1. Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve Playground - Upgrade Concept AUTHOR: Melissa McManus, Technical Officer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Berry Island Reserve was one of the first playgrounds to be upgraded back in 1997, following the preparation of Council’s first Playgrounds Plan of Management, and the Playgrounds Upgrading Methodology. The upgrade focused on providing an adventurous playground suitable for older children. Subsequently the playground has become very popular, and Council’s latest Playground Upgrading Methodology 2011 revealed that there is now strong demand for additional facilities suitable for younger users in this location. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding for this project was included in Year 1 (2013/14) of the adopted 2013/14-2016/17 Delivery Program and financial estimates. RECOMMENDATION: 1. THAT the Berry Island Reserve Playground - Upgrade Concept report be received. Signed: Endorsed by: Director Open Space and Environmental Services

Transcript of Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ......

Page 1: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve


Sport and Recreation Reference Group

Report SR03 - 25 November 2013

Attachments: 1. Concept Plan

2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview

SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve Playground - Upgrade Concept AUTHOR: Melissa McManus, Technical Officer EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Berry Island Reserve was one of the first playgrounds to be upgraded back in 1997, following the preparation of Council’s first Playgrounds Plan of Management, and the Playgrounds Upgrading Methodology. The upgrade focused on providing an adventurous playground suitable for older children. Subsequently the playground has become very popular, and Council’s latest Playground Upgrading Methodology 2011 revealed that there is now strong demand for additional facilities suitable for younger users in this location. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS: Funding for this project was included in Year 1 (2013/14) of the adopted 2013/14-2016/17 Delivery Program and financial estimates. RECOMMENDATION: 1. THAT the Berry Island Reserve Playground - Upgrade Concept report be received. Signed: Endorsed by: Director Open Space and Environmental Services

Page 2: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve

Report of Melissa McManus, Technical Officer Re: Berry Island Reserve Playground - Upgrade Concept


LINK TO DELIVERY PROGRAM The relationship with the Delivery Program is as follows: Direction: 1. Our Living Environment Outcome: 1.5 Public open space, recreation facilities and services that meet community needs Direction: 2. Our Built Environment Outcome: 2.1 Infrastructure, assets and facilities that meet community needs Direction: 4. Our Social Vitality Outcome: 4.1 Community is connected

4.3 Community is active and healthy 4.4 Enhanced community facilities, information and services

BACKGROUND Berry Island Reserve was one of the first playgrounds to be upgraded back in 1997, following the preparation of Council’s first Playgrounds Plan of Management, and the Playgrounds Upgrading Methodology. The upgrade focused on providing an adventurous playground suitable for older children. Subsequently the playground has become very popular, and Council’s latest Playground Upgrading Methodology 2011 revealed that there is now strong demand for additional facilities suitable for younger users in this location. In addition to expanding the Berry Island play facilities to create a new, connected, yet separate, junior play area, Council will comprehensively refurbish the existing senior equipment which has received very high levels of use over the past 14 years. The proposed new junior playground incorporates landscaping and trees as essential elements of the design; creating a dramatic entrance, an important canopy link for local wildlife, and a beautiful, shaded, natural play space for the children. The Concept Plan shows an exciting variety of new, low visual impact equipment located in the area between the existing playground and the revegetated area to the north. CONSULTATION REQUIREMENTS Community engagement will be undertaken in accordance with Council’s Community Engagement Protocol. SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT The sustainability implications are of a minor nature and as such did not warrant a detailed assessment.

Page 3: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve

Report of Melissa McManus, Technical Officer Re: Berry Island Reserve Playground - Upgrade Concept


The following table provides a summary of the key sustainability implications: QBL Pillar Implications Environment This upgrading project will result in benefits to the environment

with increased native tree planting and native landscaping that will improve wildlife corridors and canopy linkages.

Social Improved junior facilities will provide a social hub for parents and carers of young children, maximizing the community benefits of this already popular playground.

Economic Minor expansion of this existing facility will significantly increase the number and age range of children it will accommodate representing excellent value for money.

Governance Upgrading of the Berry Island Reserve Playground is in accordance with the Playgrounds Plan of Management and Council’s Delivery Program.

DETAIL Upgrade Objectives To expand play facilities at Berry Island Reserve to create a new junior play space that:

Has a style and character that complements the existing playground and the existing bushland character of the Reserve;

Employs a palette of materials that reflects the bushland setting; Capitalises on the shade provided by existing trees and incorporates new trees where

additional shade is required; Is visually attractive and low key; Is robust and low maintenance, with equipment designed to withstand the

environmental effects of a foreshore location; Accommodates many users within a relatively small area; Clearly ‘reads’ as a junior space, allowing parents to encourage age-appropriate

activities for the various age children under their care; Encourages imaginative, open-ended play; and Offers a pleasant environment for parents and carers, with well-placed seating to

facilitate easy supervision. Concept Design The proposed new junior playground incorporates landscaping and trees as essential elements of the design; creating a dramatic entrance, an important canopy link for local wildlife, and a beautiful, shaded, natural play space for the children. The Concept Plan (Attachment 1) shows an exciting variety of new, low visual impact equipment located in the area between the existing playground and the revegetated area to the north. Placing the playground here will create a comfortably contained lawn space for family or group picnics around the existing seats and provide parents or carers with a great vantage point for supervising children in both the existing play area and the new junior area. A green rubber pathway will provide a clear and easily accessible link between the main grassy area

Page 4: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve

Report of Melissa McManus, Technical Officer Re: Berry Island Reserve Playground - Upgrade Concept


of the Reserve and the picnic/sitting area. The proposed new junior play equipment will mimic the existing older children’s play items, allowing parents to clearly distinguish between the junior and senior play areas, and providing the opportunity for junior users to progress to the more challenging items as they grow older and their skills improve. The formal play items in the new junior playground have been chosen to offer a diverse range of movement sensations including spinning, climbing, sliding, swinging and bouncing. Other items have been included to encourage open-ended imaginary and creative play; a cluster of sandstone boulders will be carefully positioned and subtly sculpted to imply a couch set, and a free- standing, softly melodious wind-chime panel will be installed. Materials and Colours The new playground equipment will be constructed from materials that are robust but visually low-impact and that complement the bushland setting. Posts will be timber and any metal or plastic components will be coloured to match the existing older children’s equipment which blends comfortably with the surrounding bushland. The entire playground will be edged with sandstone; with large random boulders defining the entrance and creating an edge to the vegetated areas. Sections of sandstone blockwork will provide informal seating for parents. The whole play space will be under-surfaced with organic soft-fall, giving a soft earthy feel and further blending the facility into the site. Community Engagement The upgrading of Berry Island Reserve Playground will be of low impact. It involves an expansion of the existing play space footprint by approximately 20% to incorporate a landscaped junior play area. There is one residential property approximately 100m away and then further low density residential properties several hundred metres up the hill. The proposed Community Engagement Strategy is outlined below and will commence in November 2013. The ‘level of impact’ of the playground is Low-Local. The ‘Level of Engagement’ proposed is limited to ‘inform’ and ‘consult’. Method Engagement Level Purpose Posters Inform Explains the proposal. To be displayed in the park

near existing equipment (i.e. on site) and in Civic Centre noticeboards.

Direct Letter Inform Letter box drop to key stakeholders: - Surrounding low density households in

south section of Wollstonecraft - North Sydney Family Day Care - Water Scouts (their shed is behind

playground) Web Page Inform/Consult A new page will be created in the ‘Have your say’

section of Council’s website. - Introduction and invitation to comment - Online Survey ‘Form’ - Design Overview

Page 5: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve

Report of Melissa McManus, Technical Officer Re: Berry Island Reserve Playground - Upgrade Concept


Method Engagement Level Purpose - Concept Plan and Artist’s Sketch

e-Newsletters Inform Includes North Sydney eNews. Explains the proposal. Refers to website for more information.

Reference Groups Inform/Consult Inform the Sport and Recreation Reference Group. Online Panels Inform/Consult Via VoiceBox. Precinct Committees Inform/Consult All Precinct Committees will be informed of the

proposal and senior staff will be available to attend Committee meetings to talk to the proposal, as requested.

Public Exhibition Inform/Consult The minimum 28 day public exhibition of the Concept Plan via webpage.

Conclusion The result of this playground upgrading will be a fully refurbished and expanded playground that will cater to a much wider age range and larger numbers of children, providing both locals and visitors with a wonderful social meeting place and a stimulating, landscaped playground for the children. It will also provide an important canopy link creating a wildlife corridor between the island bushland and the newly re-vegetated area.

Page 6: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve
Page 7: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve
Page 8: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve

Berry Island Reserve Playground Upgrading

Overview With its magnificent harbourside location and diverse landscape, Berry Island Reserve is one of North Sydney’s most popular reserves. The reserve is characterised by a large flat lawn area that was created when the island was connected to the land. The island itself has wonderful natural bushland and features a walking trail, ‘the Gadyan Track’ and signage that interprets the area’s aboriginal heritage. Berry Island Reserve was one of the first playgrounds to be upgraded back in 1997, following the preparation of Council’s first Playgrounds Plan of Management, and the Playgrounds Upgrading Methodology. The upgrade focused on providing an adventurous playground suitable for older children. Subsequently the playground become very popular, and Council’s latest Playground Upgrading Methodology 2011 revealed that there is now strong demand for additional facilities suitable for younger users in this location. In addition to expanding the Berry Island play facilities to create a new, connected, yet separate, junior play area, Council will comprehensively refurbish the existing senior equipment which has received very high levels of use over the past 14 years. Objectives To expand play facilities at Berry Island Reserve by creating a new junior play space that:

• Has a style and character that complements the existing playground and the existing bushland character of the Reserve

• Employs a palette of materials that reflects the bushland setting • Capitalises on the shade provided by existing trees and incorporates new trees

where additional shade is required • Is visually attractive and low key • Is robust and low maintenance, with equipment designed to withstand the

environmental effects of a foreshore location • Accommodates many users within a relatively small area • Clearly ‘reads’ as a junior space, allowing parents to encourage age-

appropriate activities for the various age children under their care • Encourages imaginative, open-ended play • Offers a pleasant environment for parents and carers, with well-placed seating

to facilitate easy supervision Concept Design The proposed new junior playground incorporates landscaping and trees as essential elements of the design; creating a dramatic entrance, an important canopy link for local wildlife, and a beautiful, shaded, natural playspace for the children. The Concept Plan shows an exciting variety of new, low visual impact equipment located in the area between the existing playground and the revegetated area to the north. Placing the playground here will create a comfortably contained lawn space for family or group picnics around the existing seats and provide parents or carers with a great vantage point for supervising children in both the existing play area and the new junior area. A green rubber pathway will provide a clear and easily accessible link between the main grassy area of the Reserve and the picnic/sitting area.

Page 9: Sport and Recreation Reference Group - North Sydney … · Sport and Recreation Reference Group ... Concept Plan 2. Artist’s Sketch 3. Design Overview SUBJECT: Berry Island Reserve

The proposed new junior play equipment will mimic the existing older children’s play items, allowing parents to clearly distinguish between the junior and senior play areas, and providing the opportunity for junior users to progress to the more challenging items as they grow older and their skills improve. The formal play items in the new junior playground have been chosen to offer a diverse range of movement sensations including spinning, climbing, sliding, swinging and bouncing. Other items have been included to encourage open-ended imaginary and creative play; a cluster of sandstone boulders will be carefully positioned and subtly sculpted to imply a couch set, and a free- standing, softly melodious wind-chime panel will be installed.

The new playground equipment will be constructed from materials that are robust but visually low-impact, and that complement the bushland setting. Posts will be timber and any metal or plastic components will be coloured to match the existing older children’s equipment which blends comfortably with the surrounding bushland. The entire playground will be edged with sandstone; with large random boulders defining the entrance and creating an edge to the vegetated areas. Sections of sandstone blockwork will provide informal seating for parents. The whole play space will be under-surfaced with organic soft-fall, giving a soft earthy feel and further blending the facility into the site.

Materials & Colours

Conclusion The result of this playground upgrading will be a fully refurbished and expanded playground that will cater to a much wider age range and larger numbers of children, providing both locals and visitors with a wonderful social meeting place and a stimulating, landscaped playground for the children. It will also provide an important canopy link creating a wildlife corridor between the island bushland and the newly re-vegetated area. Have Your Say Copies of the Berry Island Upgrading plans are available on Council’s website at Written comments are welcomed and should be received at Council no later than Tuesday 17 December 2013. A simple on-line survey form has been provided and can be accessed by scanning the QR code below or visiting Council’s webpage. [Insert QR code] Comments can also be sent via email to [email protected] or posted to North Sydney Council, PO Box 12, North Sydney, 2059. Anyone who would like further information on the proposed Berry Island Reserve Playground Upgrading should contact Melissa McManus (Tuesdays & Wednesdays) on 99368100.