Sponsored by in Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic … Intensive Training in Clinical Hypnosis and...

12-Day Intensive Training in Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic Psychotherapy Melbourne 2018 Sponsored by Dr. Yapko & Associates Perth 2018 Sponsored by The Australian Psychological Society (APS)-Western Australia Branch www.yapko.com for dates, location, costs, and a video description of this training.

Transcript of Sponsored by in Clinical Hypnosis and Strategic … Intensive Training in Clinical Hypnosis and...

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12-Day Intensive Training in Clinical Hypnosis and

Strategic Psychotherapy

Melbourne 2018 Sponsored by Dr. Yapko & Associates

Perth 2018 Sponsored by The Australian Psychological Society (APS)-Western Australia Branch

www.yapko.com for dates, location, costs, and a video description of this training.

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“Vivamus et metus.”

An Open Letter from Dr. Michael Yapko Dear  Colleague,    In  this  ever  quickening  age  we  live  in,  it  seems  an  obvious  truth  that  some  things  simply  cannot  be  hurried  or  instantly  acquired.  Clinical  skills  take  years  of  education  and  training  to  evolve.  So  does  good  clinical  judgment.    Building  on  the  foundation  you  have  already  developed  as  a  clinician,  you  can  now  take  specialized  training  in  the  dynamic  and  fascinating  methods  of  hypnosis,  a  domain  of  professional  practice  that  encompasses  empowering  and  effective  approaches  to  psychotherapy  (such  as  skill  building  and  resource  accessing)  and  behavioral  medicine  (such  as  pain  management).      The  field  of  hypnosis  has  moved  to  the  forefront  of  objective  research  in  striving  to  understand  subjective  experience.    High  quality  neuroscientific  research  into  changes  in  the  way  the  brain  and  mind  interact  during  hypnosis  offer  compelling  evidence  that  there  is  much  more  to  hypnosis  than  meets  the  eye.  As  you  will  happily  discover,  the  old  “hocus-­‐pocus”  days  are  long,  long  gone!  Thus,  this  hypnosis  training  is  probably  much  more  diverse  in  its  considerations  and  practical  in  its  approaches  than  you  might  expect.    This  four  part,  12  day  intensive  training  provides  participants  with  the  skills  essential  to  the  competent  and  ethical  practice  of  clinical  hypnosis.  Each  part  builds  progressively  on  the  part  before,  and  the  two-­‐month  space  in-­‐between  parts  2  and  3  allow  for  ample  time  to  incorporate  clinical  hypnosis  into  your  practice.  By  the  time  you  complete  the  12-­‐day  program,  you  will  know  an  impressive  amount  about  diverse  ways  to  use  hypnosis  for  the  benefit  of  your  clients.    Hypnosis  allows  hidden  resources  we  all  have  to  be  far  more  accessible,  greatly  empowering  individuals  in  the  process.  In  this  respect,  hypnosis  may  well  be  regarded  as  the  original  “Positive  Psychology,”  for  anyone  who  practices  hypnosis  recognizes  that  people  have  many  more  resources  than  they  realize.    The  empirical  evidence  for  the  merits  of  these  approaches  will  be  on  display  in  this  training.  Beyond  what  the  science  tells  us,  though,  is  the  reality  that  therapy  involves  at  least  as  much  artistry  as  science.  This  is  the  greater  focus  of  the  training;  the  small  group  and  structured  program  assure  you  of  having  lots  of  time  to  address  your  individual  needs.  In  whatever  ways  you  may  wish  to  apply  hypnosis  

in  your  clinical  practice,  you’ll  be  sensitively  guided  each  step  of  the  way  to  evolve  the  artistry  you’ll  need  as  well  as  the  scientific  underpinnings  for  those  skills  in  an  environment  that  is  both  supportive  and  challenging.      I  have  dedicated  my  professional  life  to  advancing  the  field  of  clinical  hypnosis.  I  have  learned  a  great  deal  and  I  have  contributed  a  great  deal.  It  has  been  a  privilege.  I  hope  you’ll  plan  to  attend  so  I  may  have  the  chance  to  show  you  what  makes  the  study  of  hypnosis  both  fascinating  and  clinically  powerful.      More  details  about  the  program  are  provided  elsewhere  in  this  announcement  as  well  as  on  my  website  www.yapko.com  

With  best  wishes,  Michael  D.  Yapko,  Ph.D.  Clinical  Psychologist  


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Why Study Hypnosis?


There  are  so  many  excellent  reasons  to  study  hypnosis.  Here  are  just  a  few  of  them:    ❖ Suggestion  is  an  inevitable  part  of  any  treatment.  Learning  hypnosis  allows  you  to  better  understand  how  you  currently  use  suggestive  language  in  your  treatment  approaches  and  how  to  increase  and  diversify  your  range  of  skills  in  suggesting  therapeutic  possibilities.    ❖ Hypnosis  provides  deeper  insights  into  how  people  generate  their  experiences,  including  symptomatic  ones,  making  your  therapy  more  strategic,  focused  and  effective.    ❖ Empowering  people  is  an  essential  part  of  any  therapeutic  intervention,  and  there  simply  is  no  approach  more  empowering  to  the  individual  than  hypnosis.    ❖ By  learning  hypnosis,  you  will  be  able  to  tap  into  peoples’  innate  strengths  in  ways  beyond  what  they  may  think  is  possible.  Amplifying  peoples’  strengths  is  often  more  clinically  effective  than  trying  to  diminish  peoples’  weaknesses.    ❖ People  learn  best  through  experience.  Hypnosis  is  a  vehicle  of  focused,  experiential  learning.    ❖ Research  on  the  effectiveness  of  hypnosis  highlights  the  fact  that  hypnosis  reliably  enhances  treatment  outcomes.    ❖ By  learning  hypnosis,  you  will  acquire  a  desirable  additional  treatment  tool  to  help  market  your  practice  both  to  clients  and  other  health  professionals  who  will  seek  out  your  area(s)  of  expertise.    


❖He  is  the  author  of  the  leading  text  in  the  field,  called  Trancework:  An  Introduction  to  the  Practice  of  Clinical  Hypnosis,  now  in  its  4th  edition.  Trancework  has  been  the  premier  text  in  the  field  for  nearly  30  years,  endorsed  by  professional  hypnosis  societies  all  over  the  world,  and  reflects  both  the  science  and  art  of  clinical  hypnosis.    ❖ He  has  received  lifetime  achievement  awards  from  the  International  Society  of  Hypnosis  as  well  as  from  the  Milton  H.  Erickson  Foundation.  In  2012  he  also  received  the  award  for  Distinguished  Contributions  to  Professional  Hypnosis  from  the  American  Psychological  Association's  Division  30,  the  Society  of  Psychological  Hypnosis.    ❖ He  has  received  major  honors  from  the  two  primary  professional  associations  in  the  United  States:  the  American  Society  of  Clinical  Hypnosis  and  the  Society  for  Clinical  and  Experimental  Hypnosis.    ❖ He  has  been  teaching  some  of  the  most  highly  rated  workshops  at  national  and  international  professional  conferences  for  more  than  30  years.  People  appreciate  his  structure  and  style  of  teaching.  He  is  clear,  supportive,  and  makes  learning  fun.    ❖ His  depth  and  breadth  of  knowledge  about  hypnosis  is  evident  in  his  writings  and  teachings;  in  fact,  beyond  the  15  books  he  authored,  he  was  honored  to  be  asked  to  write  the  authoritative  section  on  hypnosis  for  the  Encyclopedia  Britannica  Medical  and  Health  Annual.  He  will  describe  the  hypnotic  underpinnings  to  diverse  forms  of  effective  treatment.    ❖ His  emphasis  in  this    12  day  program  is  on  a  more  naturalistic  (rather  than  ritualistic)  style  of  hypnosis,  what  many  refer  to  as  “Ericksonian  hypnosis.”  However,  all  models  of  hypnosis  will  be  considered  so  participants  will  have  a  broad  base  of  understanding  and  experience  with  hypnosis.  

Why Study Hypnosis with Dr. Michael Yapko?

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Group Size and Structure

This  program  is  structured  to  be  an  intensive  training  opportunity  for  health  care  professionals  only.  There  will  be  a  limited  number  of  professionals  allowed  to  participate  in  order  to  enhance  the  learning  experience.    Group  members  will  each  commit  to  attending  the  full  12  days  (84  hours)  together  as  a  group.  New  members  will  not  be  added  later,  thus  adding  both  continuity  and  group  cohesiveness  to  the  training  experience.    This  training  program  is  “hands-­‐on”  and  highly  practical.  There  will  be  didactic  sections,  as  well  as  the  modeling  and  demonstration  of  approaches.  The  larger  goal  is  clinical  competence  in  designing  and  delivering  hypnotically  based  interventions,  skills  that  will  be  developed  primarily  through  numerous  structured  practice  sessions.      You  will  be  doing  and  experiencing  a  lot  of  hypnosis  in  this  program.  This  comprehensive  training  program  is  provided  in  a  concentrated  format  of  two  6-­‐day  segments.  These  are  spaced  two  months  apart  in  order  for  participants  to  take  their  skills  back  to  their  clinical  practices  and  further  develop  them  in-­‐between  phases.    Part  1  meets  for  three  days  and  then  you  have  a  day  off  to  rest  and  give  your  mind  and  body  a  break.  After  a  day  off,  you  return  for  another  3  days  of  work  in  Part  2  of  this  training.    After  Part  2,  we  take  a  couple  of  months  to  allow  participants  to  integrate  their  new  skills  and  begin  to  utilize  them  in  their  respective  clinical  contexts  before  returning  for  parts  3  and  4.  These  parts  again  meet  for  3  days  on,  one  day  off  and  then  3  days  on.    The  training  hours  are  from  9:00-­‐5:30  pm  each  day.  

“Is  the  goal  of  treatment  to  reduce  pathology  or  expand  wellness?  Hypnosis  generally  focuses  on  and  amplifies  peoples’  strengths,  beginning  with  the  premise  that  people  have  more  resources  than  they  realize.  Hypnosis  allows  us  to  connect  with  and  enhance  the  best  parts  of  human  experience.  Best  of  all,  the  scientific  literature  shows  clearly  that  hypnosis  enhances  the  treatment  process  in  ways  we  are  just  beginning  to  understand.”  

–  Michael  D.  Yapko  

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Parts 1 and 2 Parts 3 and 4

The  Foundations  of  Hypnosis:    Concepts  and  Basic  Methods  

   In  this  comprehensive  beginning  to  intermediate  level  training,  you  will  learn  the  principles  of  hypnosis  as  well  as  general  ways  hypnosis  can  be  applied  clinically.      The  first  two  parts  of  this  intensive  training  provide  a    strong  foundation  to  build  upon  whether  you’re  new  to  hypnosis  or  have  been  integrating  it  in  your  practice  for  years.    More  specifically,  you’ll  learn:  the  “nuts  and  bolts”  of  hypnotic  suggestion  and  ways  to  fit  them  to  your  clients’  needs,  modern  perspectives  of  hypnosis,  the  nature  of  hypnotic  phenomena,  contextual  considerations  in  applying  hypnosis,  the  social  psychology  of  hypnosis,  clinical  versus  research  findings,  suggestion  structures  and  styles,  methods  of  induction,  finding  and  using  client  strengths,  assessing  client  self-­‐organization,  structuring  hypnosis  sessions  to  build  therapeutic  momentum,  mindfulness  as  a  close  cousin,  and  more…      You’ll  learn  enough  hypnosis  in  just  these  first  two  parts  of  the  training  to  start  using  it  skillfully  in  your  clinical  practice.  

Applying  Hypnosis  in  Strategic  Psychotherapy  and  Behavioral  Medicine  

   The  foundational  skills  acquired  in  the  first  two  parts  of  the  training  and  subsequently  practiced  will  be  guided  in  the  direction  of  evolving  artistry  in  performing  hypnosis  in  psychotherapy.      The  ability  to  use  hypnosis  to  build  client  receptivity  to  new  ideas  and  possibilities  in  order  to  begin  to  transform  his  or  her  experience  in  some  meaningful  way  is  an  essential  step  in  any  treatment  process.      In  the  third  and  fourth  parts  of  this  training,  you  will  learn:  interviewing  strategies  for  uncovering  the  symptom  formation  process,  cognitive  style  and  treatment  responses,  key  patterns  of  self-­‐regulation,  sequencing  stages  of  therapeutic  interaction,  building  discrimination  skills,  thinking  strategically  about  treatment,  creating  and  offering  goal-­‐oriented  hypnosis  sessions,  treating  depression,  managing  anxiety,  pain  management,  the  use  of  indirection  in  treatment,  habit  modification,  the  interface  between  hypnosis  and  assigning  therapeutic  homework  ,  designing  and  delivering  therapeutic  metaphors  in  hypnosis,  seeding  of  growth-­‐oriented  changes  even  after  formal  treatment  ends,  and  more…      By  the  time  you’ve  finished  this  intensive  4-­‐part  training,  you’ll  have  evolved  into  a  knowledgeable  and  experienced  hypnosis  practitioner!  Please visit www.yapko.com

for dates, location, costs, and a video description of this training.

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After teaching clinical hypnosis courses of varying lengths and intensities all over the world for most of my professional life, in recent years I have chosen to offer this 4 part, 2 phase, 84-hour program format. Allow me to explain why. Hypnosis is a complex subject encompassing many related disciplines, from neuroscience to social psychology to clinical psychology. Learning how to do a simple induction process isn’t usually all that difficult. The real test of skill lies in what you say next to someone in distress who is hanging on your every word hoping you’ll say something that truly makes a difference. What would you say to someone who is immobilized by depression, or racked with excruciating pain, or paralyzed with crippling anxiety? In this program, addressing such challenging issues sensibly is just some of what we’ll cover.

Learning to design and deliver skillful interventions with hypnosis is a process that evolves over time. If you truly want to be both scientifically informed as well as clinically competent, you’ll need much more than just a weekend workshop! So, I have designed this training program to facilitate that competence-building process in the best way I can. Past participants from all over Australia have routinely called it “life changing.” This program is intense in its integration of both the science and the artistry, assuring you that you will know more about hypnosis when we’re done than most of the people who call themselves “hypnotherapists.” That’s my promise to participants.

I know the program is costly in terms of both time and money. I hope the reason for the time commitment is now apparent to you. The costs of putting on a program of this length and intensity with a small group is probably self-evident, and if you think about it in detail you’ll likely realize how reasonably priced the program really is. People often pay much more to be anonymous in a packed lecture hall. You won’t be anonymous in our program, I can assure you! Please join us for this wonderful training opportunity.


Psychologists, MFT’s, LPCs and LCSWs: Dr. Yapko & Associates is an approved provider by the

American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Dr. Yapko & Associates maintains responsibility for this program and its content. Participants will receive 84 CE credits. Nurses: Dr. Yapko & Associates is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider#15158. These hours count towards the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH) education hours for their certification. For courses outside the U.S., please contact the relevant organization to determine what credit is received for attending this course.


Online: www.yapko.com

Phone: +1.760.402.9100

E-Mail: [email protected]

Cancellation/Refund Policy Varies with the sponsor/location of the training. All programs sponsored by Dr. Michael Yapko and Associates clearly articulate the cancellation/refund policy on the website registration page. ADA Accommodations All programs sponsored by Dr. Michael Yapko and Associates honor the Americans With Disabilities Act. The training site provides full accessibility for people with disabilities. If you require any special ADA accommodations, please contact Diane ([email protected] or 760-402-9100) 2 weeks prior to the beginning of the training so we can meet your individual needs.