Split Valuation Configuration


Transcript of Split Valuation Configuration

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TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................4 1. Activate Split Valuation................................................................................5 2. Configure Split Valuation.............................................................................6

2.1 Define Valuation Category..........................................................................7 2.2 Create Valuation type ..................................................................................9 2.3 Allocate Valuation type to Valuation categories ................................... 18 2.4 Allocate Valuation categories to Valuation areas................................. 22 2.5 Default Valuation type per plant.............................................................. 26

3. Creating a split valuated Material Master.............................................. 32 3.1 Create the Valuation Header Record ......................................................... 32 3.2 Create the Material for the Valuation type (In -house manufactured) .... 40

4. Creating procurement alternatives ......................................................... 46 5. Creating Mixing Ratios ............................................................................. 50 6. Create Standard Cost estimate............................................................... 52 7. Mark and Release Cost estimate............................................................ 55 8. Scenario...................................................................................................... 60

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INTRODUCTION What is Split Valuation? Split Valuation means managing a material as several partial stocks. Each partial stock is valuated separately. Why do you require Split Valuation? Split Valuation is required for certain materials in order to valuate them separately. Following can be the reasons for opting for split valuation:-

1) Different origin of the material 2) Different grades of the material 3) Different statutes of the material 4) Differentiation between in -house production and external procurement 5) Differentiation between deliveries

Each transaction whether it a goods receipt, goods issue, invoice receipt or physical inventory, is carried out at the level of the partial stock. When you process one of these transactions, you must always specify which partial stock is involved. This means that only the partial stock in question is affected by a change in value, the other partial stocks remain unaffected. Alongside the partial stocks, the total stock is also updated. The calculation of the value of the total stock results from the total of the stock values and stock quantities of the partial stocks. You define whether the material is subject to split valuation on the accounting view of the material master record. There are two fields for this:

ü The valuation category specifies which criterion should be used as the basis for differentiating between the various partial stocks.

ü The valuation type specifies an individual characteristic of a partial stock.

We will understand the split valuation configuration. We cover how to maintain a split valuated material master and how to create and release a standard cost estimate for a split valuated material. Lastly we see the split valuation results after goods receip t is done for a split valuated material.

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1. Activate Split Valuation For configuration we use the following path on the SAP application screen:- SAP Menu à Tools à Customizing à IMG à SPRO – Edit Project à

IMG à Materials Managementà Valuation and Account Assignmentà Split Valuationà Activate Split Valuation

Here we configure whether split valuation is allowed for our company.

Allowing split valuation does not mean that you must valuate each and every material on this basis. You decide whether to do so or not for a particular material when creating the material master record.

In the standard SAP R/3 System, split valuation is set as active.

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2. Configure Split Valuation IMG à Materials Managementà Valuation and Account Assignmentà Split Valuationà Activate Split Valuation à Configure Split Valuation In split valuation, you can distinguish between partial stocks of a material according to certain criteria and valuate them separately. The material stock is divided according to valuation category and valuation type:

• The valuation category determines how the partial stocks are divided, that is, according to which criteria.

• The valuation type describes the characteristics of the individual stocks.


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2.1 Define Valuation Category IMG à Materials Managementà Valuation and Account Assignmentà Split Valuationà Activate Split Valuation à Configure Split Valuation The valuation category specifies which criterion should be used as the basis for differentiating between the various partial stocks. The standard system contains several default valuation categories, for example:

• B for procurement type

The stock is divided up according to whether the material is manufactured in -house or procured externally.

• H for origin

The stock is divided up according to where it was delivered from.

• X for Batch

This is a special case: no valuation types are predefined for this category. At goods receipt, a batch is created for the material entered. This also serves as its valuation type. This makes it possible to valuate every goods receipt separately, for example, by using the order number as the valuation type.


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2.2 Create Valuation type IMG à Materials Managementà Valuation and Account Assignmentà Split Valuationà Activate Split Valuation à Configure Split Valuation There are valuation types for each valuation category, which specify which individual characteristics exist for that valuation category. If you give the valuation types meaningful keys, each valuation type in some way represents the name of a sub-stock. Fixed valuation types are defined in the system for each valuation category except valuation category X.

Example 1:

You get a material both from in -house production and from external vendors. You want to valuate the stocks from each source separately. In this case, you select Procurement type as the valuation category (B) and Internal and External as valuation types.

Example 2:

You procure a material from several countries. You want to valuate the stocks from each country separately. In this case, you select Origin as the valuation category (H). As valuation types, you define the relevant countries, for example, USA and UK.

Example 3:

You procure a material in different grades. You want to valuate the stocks of each class separately. In this case, you select Quality as the valuation category (Q). As valuation types, you could define A, B and C.

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Scenario :

In our scenario A Ltd is manufacturing product Polyethylene in-house and also procuring it from an external vendor.

The cost of manufacture of Polyethylene in-house (in plant 9100) is 265.78 INR per kg.

The cost of procured Polyethylene (from vendor 1000010) is 240 INR per kg.

Thus the same product Polyethylene has different valuations due to different source of procurement.

Different valuation for the same material is only possible by using split valuation functionality.

We will use the valuation category B (procurement type) and create 2 valuation types under B.

1) INTMFGD – Internal Manufactured 2) PROCURED - Procured


Split Valuation

B (Procurement type)

H (Origin Country)

Q (Quality)

Valuation Category


External USA UK A B C Valuation


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Update the following:- Take a drop down in the field Ext. purchase orders

Select 0 Take a drop down in the field Int. purchase orders

Select 2

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The account cat. Reference 0009 is Finished goods which is linked to the valuation class and the material type.


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Click on


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Click on

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Click on Click

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2.3 Allocate Valuation type to Valuation categories IMG à Materials Managementà Valuation and Account Assignmentà Split Valuationà Activate Split Valuation à Configure Split Valuation We need to allocate valuation type to valuation category.


Click and then


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Position the cursor on Valuation type

Double click

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Click on Valuation type

Double click

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Click on Let us deactivate all other valuation types in Valuation category B. Click on

Double click

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Similarly deactivate all others

Click on

2.4 Allocate Valuation categories to Valuation areas IMG à Materials Managementà Valuation and Account Assignmentà Split Valuationà Activate Split Valuation à Configure Split Valuation


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Click on

Double click

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The valuation categories B, H and X are active for Plant 9100. Since we only want one valuation category B to active for plant 9100, let us deactivate H and X. Proceed as follows:-

Click on

Double click

Click on

Double click

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Click on

2.5 Default Valuation type per plant IMG à Materials Managementà Valuation and Account Assignmentà Split Valuationà Activate Split Valuation à Configure Split Valuation The default valuation type per plant can be set here in this step. This is only possible if there are 2 valuation types per valuation category. This default is useful so that whenever users raise purchase order, info records, goods receipt they do not have to manually enter the valuation type applicable. In this case PROCURED. Further it is also useful for users creating production orders wherein they do not have to manually specify the valuation type (INTMFGD)


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Click on

Double click

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Update the following;-

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Click on Update the following:-

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Click Update the following:-

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Click on


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We have change the default valuation type for external procurement to PROCURED and in house production to INTMFGD This is useful since the users while creating info records and purchase orders do not have to select manually the valuation type. But if more than one valuation type exists for a plant then these defaults should not be set.

Click on 3. Creating a split valuated Material Master Let us now create a split valuated Material Master. A split valuated material master has 2 step creation procedures. The first step is creating a Valuation header record. The second step is creating a material per valuation type.

3.1 Create the Valuation Header Record This is where the individual stock of a material are managed cumulatively. The Valuation header record is always managed using the price control V (moving average price). The moving average price is built in the valuation header record from the values and quantities of the individual stocks. Update the following:-

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Update the following:-


Update the following:-

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Take a drop down in the field Valuation Cat.

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Click on

3.2 Create the Material for the Valuation type (In-house manufactured)

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Click on Now we create material for the valuation type PROCURED

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Since the item is procured from a vendor we keep the price control as V.

Click on

The split valuated material is ready.

We now need to calculate the standard cost estimate for the split valuated material. The procedure for creating a standard cost estimate for a split valuated material is slightly different. The reason being when you calculate standard cost estimate using transaction code CK11N or CK40N no valuation type selection is available. Therefore we need to create procurement alternatives for each of the procurement type using transaction code CK91N.

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After creating the procurement alternatives we need to maintain mixing ratios using transaction code CK94. This step is to give weight age to each of the procurement alternative. The standard cost thus derived for the header record is a mixed cost estimate. Let us proceed to create the standard cost estimate. 4. Creating procurement alternatives SAP menu àAccounting à Controlling à Product Cost Controlling à Product Cost Planning à Material Costing à Master Data for Mixed Cost Estimate à CK91N - Edit Procurement Alternatives Update the following:-


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Select Update the following:-


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Click on Update the following:-


Select Update the following:-

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Click on

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5. Creating Mixing Ratios SAP menu àAccounting à Controlling à Product Cost Controlling à Product Cost Planning à Material Costing à Master Data for Mixed Cost Estimate à Mixing Ratios à CK94 - Create/Change Mixing ratios are nothing but the product mix of the procurement alternatives which will be followed for the year. We will buy 60% of the output from the vendor and 40% we will manufacture. Update the following:-

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Click on 6. Create Standard Cost estimate SAP menu àAccounting à Controlling à Product Cost Controlling à Product Cost Planning à Material Costing à Cost Estimate with Quantity Structure à CK11N – Create

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Click on 7. Mark and Release Cost estimate SAP menu àAccounting à Controlling à Product Cost Controlling à Product Cost Planning à Material Costing à CK24 - Price Update

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Click Update the following:-

Click on Click

Remove the Test run


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8. Scenario Let us now see the valuation of the split valuated material, when goods receipt is made for each of the valuation type and the effect on the header record.

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Goods Receipt of Valuation type PROCURED

Click on

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Goods receipt of valuation type INTMFGD


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Click on

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Material Master display (MM03)

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You can see above that the procured stock is shown as 1000 and the stock value is 240,000 INR.

Click to go to another valuation type Update the following:-

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You can see above that in valuation type INTMFGD the stock shown is 1000 and the stock value is 265,780 INR.

Click to go to header record

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The total stock shown for Polyethylene is 2000 KG and the stock value is 505,780 INR. This is the way SAP handles different valuations for the same material with the split valuation functionality.