Spiritual Quiz With Answers


Transcript of Spiritual Quiz With Answers

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Which place is known as Patali Srikhetra??1)

Kotasamalai..subarnapur district

2)X is an eminent poet of Sanskrit. Immortilized for a certain work of literature and Bhakti

His birth has been a topic of controversy among the two neighbouring states.

While writing a certain stanza of aforementioned work he hesitated as he thought its impossible. Its believed that Lord Krishna came in disguise of him and wrote that stanza.

Who is X??

Jayadev.Gita Govinda

3)Identify the temple and the place where its situated..the interesting fact is there is no deity in this temple

Raja Rani Temple..Bhubaneswar

4)X is son of Lord Sri Krishna. He was attacked by Leprosy and he prayed the Sun to get cured from this disease and eventually was cured.

For this there is a festive occasion where for better health of children, mothers worship the Sun.

Who is X? What is the occasion??

SambaSamba Dashami


Swami Viekananda

6)*This is a screenshot from the critically acclaimed and National award winning movie Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose: The Forgotten Hero.

In this particular scene Netaji is meditating in front of 3 photos. The two are of Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa.

Who is in the other photo??

Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra

7)Odia Bhagabata is written by Jagannath Das. Its written in Nabakshari Chhanda i.e the words in stanza are 9 in total.

But according to some legend it was first written in 14 letter and later modified to 9. Its evident as one chapter is found in 14 letter Chhanda in some publication.

The chapter is about a very famous story and we all are told about this during our childhood.

What is the chapter about???

Dhruba Charitra

8)This Rock edict of Ashoka is found near a certain famous monument which was built by theJapan Buddha Sanghain the 1970s

Name the monument

9)While Sri Chaitanya Dev was visiting Puri, a king of Odisha eagerly wanted to meet him. But Chaitanya Dev denied meeting him saying that its prohibited according to scriptures for a sanyasi to meet a king.

But the king was so determined that he removed his lavish dress and ornaments and went wearing general clothes and barefooted. After seeing Chaitanya Dev he sang the verses from Sanskrit Bhagavat about the glory of tales of Lord. Then Sri Chaitanya embraced him.

Who was the king??

King Prataparudra Deva

10)The following part is from a song from movie Baahubali:The Beginning.

Identify the Original Sanskrit Hymn and who is the writer?

Shiva Tandav StotramRavana



Krupacharya Veda Vyas

King Bali



Who is X?

Parasuram..the 7 immortals of hinduism


This place is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Its believed that Lord Buddha attained Spiritual Enlightenment..


Mahabodhi Temple..Bodhgaya

13)Identify the folk dance


14)*The occassion first started in 1308.

This has been done for approximately 35 times.

This was not done fully in 1893.

Done in gap of 8 years or 12 years or 16 years or 19 years depending on the auspicious day

Recently this occasion took place

Which occasion is being discussed here??









Apart from fact that they were all warriors and participants in Mahabharat War, Whats the connecting link??

Different parva or chapters are named after them

17)Rabindranath Tagore said Here language of stone surpasses the language of man by looking at this sculpture.Identify It

The ancient name of this place is Arbudaanchal. According to mythology the region has been referred to asArbudaranya("forest of Arbhuda").

It is believed that sage Vashistharetired to the southern spur at following his differences with sageVishwamitra. There is another mythology according to which a serpent named "Arbuda" saved the life of Nandi - Lord Shiva's bull.

This place is home to several Hindu Temples though we all know this place for the Jain Temples.

Which Place??18)

Mount Abu


Currency of which country??


X was was the twenty-fourth and last tirthankar.

He was born into a royal family in what is nowBihar, India. At the age of 30, he left his home in pursuit of spiritual awakening.

He abandoned all the worldly things including his clothes and became amonk.

Who is X?20)

Mahavir or Vardhaman

21)Who is the writer of this prayer..a favourite of Mahatma Gandhi and very famous in Odisha

Ramakrishna Nanda


Identify the painting and the painter

The last supper by Da vinci

23)On the penultimate day of the Kurukshetra War, after Arjuna killed Karna, Kunti requested the Pandavas to perform the rites for Karna.

When they protested, she revealed the true identity of Karna. They were shocked to find that they had committed fratricide.

Yudhishtira, furious with his mother, then cursed all the women of this universe.

This story is said to be the reason behind what common saying/occurence?

Women cant hide anything

24)*To please Ganeshas constant demand of marriage, Brahma created two beautiful women Riddhi (representing wealth and prosperity) and Siddhi (representing intellectual and spiritual powers).

Who are the two sons of Ganesha from them representing auspiciousness and profit?

25)According to legend, Chandra Deva (the Moon God) also known as Soma constructed this as a thanksgiving gesture after Lord Shiva cured him of his illness which was caused by Daksha Prajapatis curse

A sculpture of historical importance


Somnath Temple

26)Identify the lyricist of this song from movie Highway

Sant Kabir

Identify the SculptureIts related to which famous personality??


Swami Vivekananda Rock Memorial

X is used as an important ritual object in Hinduism. It is used as a ceremonial trumpet, as part of religious practices and The warriors of ancient Indiaused it to announce battle.

Its also used for decoration and also in formation of different medication in Ayurveda.

What is X?28)

Identify this place..the visit to this place is known by which special name..29)


30)The Rozabal Line was a thriller book written by Ashwin Shanghi. It deals deals with the subject ofJesushaving survived the crucifixionand having settled down in India.

Very Recently another book known as Christ Parichay Written by Ganesh Damodar (Babarao) Savarkar, one of the five people who founded RSS was in the news because of an audacious claim.

What was the claim?

Jesus was a Hindu Tamil

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