Spiritual Gifts Project Team Handbook

Bethel Bible Fellowship Spiritual Gifts Project Team Handbook Becoming agents of change Authors: Resource Team


Bethel Bible Fellowship Using Your Spiritual Gifts to Connect to Communities

Transcript of Spiritual Gifts Project Team Handbook

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Bethel Bible Fellowship

Spiritual Gifts

Project Team

Handbook Becoming agents of change

Authors: Resource Team

Page 2: Spiritual Gifts Project Team Handbook

Spiritual Gifts - Project Teams Handbook

Using our Spiritual

Gifts to serve our


Page 3: Spiritual Gifts Project Team Handbook


Purpose/Goals ......................................... 4

Near Communities: .............................. 4

Assignment of Groups ................................. 4

Gifted Groups .......................................... 5

Next Step ............................................... 6

Examples of Gifted Groups Projects ................ 7

More Ideas for Service projects and Showing God‟s

Love ..................................................... 9

General ideas ..................................... 9

Reference Material ................................... 15

Resources .............................................. 18

Spiritual Consultants ................................. 18

Project Analysts ...................................... 18

Social Media and PR Analyst .................... - 27 -

Technical Resource Analyst ..................... - 27 -

Free Online Resources ...................... - 28 -

Evangelism Analyst ............................... - 29 -

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Purpose/Goals Our purpose is to identify our Spiritual

Gifts and use them to affect change in our

community near and far. In doing so, we

will grow deeper in Christ…. as we fulfill

our assigned purposes. We will reach out

to serve our communities, introduce them

to our church, our ministries, and extend

invitations to worship with us.

Near Communities:

Zip Codes in and surrounding Carrollton, TX:

1. 75006

2. 75007

3. 75010

4. 75287 Dallas (Denton Co.)

5. 75056 Lewisville

6. 75024 The Colony

7. 75093 Plano

Assignment of Groups There are seven groups. Five groups of

adult members are grouped by their gift

inventory 3 or 4 highest scores. Some of

the gifts will overlap. After reviewing your

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gifts and the team grouping, you must

decide in which area you prefer to work.

Gifted Groups 1. Teaching

Healing, prophecy, shepherding

2. Helps Giving, Giving Aid, Serving, Prophecy, Compassion

3. Shepherding

Discernment, Evangelism, Prophecy, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Exhortation

4. Administration Discernment, Prophecy 5. Healing

Faith, Discernment, Evangelism

6. Youth (list each member‟s gift) age 12-18 7. Children‟s Service Project (List each member‟s gift if they have taken inventory with their family)age 5-11

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Next Step

On Sunday September 25, 2011 you will meet with your group to select a Team Administrator. The TA‟s role is to collect contact information. The team should determine what day they will meet and by what method. You may meet at home, church or by conference call. If by conference call, TA should go to www.freeconferencecall.com, sign-up to receive number and access code, email this information to your team. Make note of all this information on the sign-up sheet and provide copy to the Resource Team. On your meeting day make a list of projects of interest. After you have selected the project you should select a Project Leader. You may do short projects throughout the year; or a recurring monthly project. We have provided project suggestions to help build ideas. The decision is up to the teams. All projects will use the same guidelines and project planning. These projects may be in person at locations, online or other innovative methods that you might come up with.

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Examples of Gifted Groups Projects

1. Teaching: Healing, prophecy, shepherding

Project examples:

Online Tutoring Classes

Health Fair at Church Location

Notification of News for Free health screening using social media network

Provide a Lifestyle course online or at the church or library.

2. Helps:

Giving, Giving Aid, Serving, Prophecy, Compassion

Project examples:

Recycling paper products; donating the income for school supplies-see example

Dry goods and/or can goods drive – to be given to qualified recipients on a specific date

Visiting area Nursing Home to read, or other forms of Christian entertainment

3. Shepherding:

Discernment, Evangelism, Prophecy, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Exhortation

Project examples:

Weekly or monthly Online Prayer through social media, blog or podcast.

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Start a blog for „Word of Wisdom‟ for the week or month using short sermon bites.

Start a blog for Praise Listings online 4. Administration:

Discernment, Prophecy Project examples:

Each group should have an Admin talent

Volunteer to help organize at different charities

Organize church areas

Organize Senior or Disabled citizens kitchens

5. Healing:

Faith, Discernment, Evangelism Project examples:

Blogging messages of healing from faith for evangelism purposes, such as recorded sermons, praise dances.

Online Classes for social issues, such as anger management,

Online Prevention lectures of diabetics, strokes, etc

6. Youth (list each member‟s gift on sign up sheet) age 12-18.

The Youth Group will be asked when appropriate to help with PR through their Face Book and Twitter accounts.

7. Children‟s Service Project - age 5-11

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(List each member‟s gift if they have taken

inventory with their family on sign-up sheet) Example: Recycling Phone Books and magazines

This year you can provide Congolese refugee children living in Kenya the resources they need for a new start through education. For more information visit: www.covchurch.org This example may also be used as a church wide project. Notes - requires research

More Ideas for Service Projects and

Showing God’s Love

General ideas

November – can be a focus for ministering

to women

December – can be a focus for ministering

to men

Classes can do activities alone or work

together. For the bigger projects it might

really help to enlarge the group.

We should encourage people in the

congregation who are not in classes to join

with a group in their service

project/activity. (We announce/advertise

the activities that each group is doing.)

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1. Women’s Shelter –

o Host an event to minister to the

women at the shelter such as a

Mother‟s Day Brunch with activities

for the children. The men can help

with activities with the children.

(This will be healthy for the


o Have a carnival for the families.

o Have a women‟s day out for them

and babysit/teach activities with

the children.

2. Men’s Shelter –

o Host a Father‟s Day event with a

focus such as men being fathers

going forward (not regrets but

opportunities) and using God as the

example of Fatherhood.

o Host a game night at the shelter

and sit around and talk. The men

can share about their lives. The

women can provide the snacks and

support the men.

3. Senior Living home –

o Do a volunteer service day such as

cleaning their apartment or helping

with the center.

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o Have a worship service with music

(hymns) and preaching.

4. Bethel Church Neighborhood

Events/Activities –

o Children Event - Host a children‟s

fun event for the children in the

community around Bethel church

with games and activities and have

a short lesson with the gospel and

teach a Christian principle such as

love, kindness, etc. on a Saturday.

o Family Activity - Host a family

activity for families in the

community around Bethel church

where families get to have fun

together and even compete with

other families. (These “families”

can be nuclear or extended families

or a group who are a “family” in


5. Nursing Home ministry – Visit the Nursing

Home with Redeemer Covenant Church


6. Volunteer with a Non-for-profit Ministry –

Commit to helping with a certain project

or task(s). [i.e. administrative help with

project, stocking shelves, cleaning up,

serving meals (such as with Dallas Life

Foundation), etc.]

7. Volunteer with a Prison Ministry – Go

once with another church to help with

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their prison ministry. (By going with

another ministry, there wouldn‟t be a long-

term commitment.)

8. Acts of Kindness – Commit to doing so

many acts of kindness during the months of

May and June. (This would have a group

goal, but individuals would do various good

deeds - at least one act of kindness per

week - and report it to the group.)

9. Canned Food Drive – Set a goal of the

amount of can good you can gather for a

specified time and get friends, family, and

co-workers to donate and use it as an

opportunity to share Christ and the

meaning of being a Christian in caring for


10. Clothes and Household items Donation

drive – Get friends, family, and co-workers

to donate slightly used/good quality items

and use it as an opportunity to share Christ

and the meaning of being a Christian in

caring for others.

11. Teenage Boys Basketball Tournament -

Host a basketball tournament for teenage

boys on a Saturday. Have plenty of food.

Share a principle about real manhood and

present the gospel.

12. Teenage/Young Adult Girls Outing - Have

a girls outing with the teenage girls and

women with a chat session where the girls

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get to ask the women any questions that

they have about life.

13. Women’s Outing - Have a women‟s outing

where women in their thirties and forties

get to talk and hangout with older women

and get nuggets of wisdom and do

something for the older women.

14. Encouragement Handout - Have a day in

which for 2 hours your group stands and

give away “words of encouragement” that

are in little containers similar to fortune

cookies at a designated place.

15. Block Clean Up - Have a block clean up for

a neighborhood in Dallas and help the

residents clean it. (The idea is to show the

power of community and what can happen

when people care. You will need to have a

significant relationship with someone who

lives on the block.)

16. Block Party - Work with a class member to

host a block party in their neighborhood

with activities for the kids and an

opportunity to talk about the Lord with

people who live on the block.

John 13:35 NAS "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another."

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Matthew 25:35-40

35 'For I was hungry, and you gave Me something to eat ; I was thirsty, and you gave Me something to drink ; I was a stranger, and you invited Me in; 36 naked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, and you visited Me; I was in prison, and you came to Me.' 37 "Then the righteous will answer Him, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and give You something to drink ? 38 'And when did we see You a stranger, and invite You in, or naked, and clothe You? 39 'When did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?' 40 "The King will answer and say to them, 'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.'

Luke 6:32-36

32 "If you love those who love you, what credit is

that to you? For even sinners love those who love

them. 33 "If you do good to those who do good to

you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners

do the same. 34 "If you lend to those from whom

you expect to receive, what credit is that to you?

Even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive

back the same amount. 35 "But love your

enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting

nothing in return ; and your reward will be great,

and you will be sons of the Most High ; for He

Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. 36 "Be

merciful, just as your Father is merciful.

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Reference Material Spiritual Gifts Definitions Administration is a gift that enables one to provide leadership and guidance in matters of organization and administration. The administrator serves by recognizing and coordinating the abilities and gifts of other members of the group, institution, or church.

Apostleship is the ability to communicate the Christian message across cultural (and frequently linguistic) barriers and plant a Christian church where there is no knowledge of the gospel. The term in Greek (apostolos and Latin (missio) means "a sent one" or "a messenger." The rough modern equivalent is a pioneer missionary.)

Compassion transcends both natural human sympathy and normal Christian concern, enabling one to sense in others a wide range of emotions and then provide a supportive ministry of caring.

Discernment is the ability to read or hear a teaching or to consider a proposed course of action and then determine whether the source behind the teaching or action is divine, human, or satanic.-

Evangelism is the special ability to lead unconverted persons to a personal knowledge of Jesus Christ. Persons with this gift are able to help others to a life-changing decision which moves them to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior

Exhortation is the ability to call forth the best within others through the ministry of understanding, encouragement, and counsel. This gift equips one to lift

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up and strengthen others by helping them to move from their problem to a resolution of that problem.

Faith is the special ability to "see light at the end of the tunnel," even though others are unaware of divine possibilities in a situation. This gift results in one's having extraordinary confidence in God, and it enables that person through prayer to tap God's resources in behalf of others.

Giving empowers one in an extraordinary way to understand or discern the material or financial needs of others and then meet those needs generously. The more one uses this gift the more God prospers one so that the person with this gift is enabled to give still more.

Giving aid literally means in the Greek "he who provides leadership in giving aid." This gift equips one to see practical needs and co-ordinate the resources and abilities of others so that those needs are met.

Healing enables one to function as an instrument of God's healing grace in the lives of others. The gifts of healings(double plural in the Greek text) extend to the healing of the body, the mind, and the emotions . Helps is a gift that leads to practical ministries to others which relieve them, in turn, to perform still wider ministries.

Miracles refer to the superseding of natural law. In the Book of Acts this gift most frequently relates to healing and to exorcism (Eg., Acts 19:11-12).

Prophecy is the ability to present God's word with clarity and power. The primary ministry of this gift is not prediction or foretelling; it principally has to do with declaration or forth telling.

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Teaching is the ability to understand and communicate the Christian faith so as to make truth clear to others. The end result of this gift is the maturing of Christian believers so that they may be more effective Christian disciples.

Serving is a task-oriented ministry that results in the supplying of material and temporal services to others in the Body of Christ, thereby freeing them to perform still other ministries.

Shepherding is the ability to give pastoral leadership to an individual or to a community of Christian believers. The primary function of this gift is to feed, guide, and nurture other Christians with sensitivity and sacrificial concern.

Word of Knowledge is knowing a fact or the truth about a person or a situation as it is directly revealed by the Holy Spirit.

Word of Wisdom relates to a special illumination that

enables one in a specific instance to grasp divine insight

regarding a fact, situation, or context.

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Spiritual Consultants Our Spiritual Consultants are available to provide

pastoral leadership to an individual or a Team.

The primary function of this group is to guide, and

provide clarification of our church doctrine with

sensitivity and sacrificial concern. Your assigned

SC must sign off on your team project plan.

Dr. Terrance Woodson

Chaplain Larry Gardner

Minister Brenda Patterson

Project Analysts The project analysts will review and assist the teams with project process and design. A PA must sign off on your team project plan along with a SC. The preferred method is online at Google docs. Upload the document and shared it with the SC and analyst, giving permission to edit. You are able to send notification at the same time that you „share‟. When you have received both sign-off‟s share with the Social Media Resource (Cari), who will then post to the appropriate media; at the same time the doc should be shared with the Evangelism Analyst for feedback.

Pat Johnson email: [email protected]

Pat Dean email: [email protected]

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You will need to create a project plan. Below you

will find an example of a plan. There is a more

detail plan at google.com for the groups to follow

for completion(Google doc). When you have

decided on a Project Leader the doc will be

shared with that person.

Project and Scope


Recycling Phone Books

and magazines

(example only)

Prepared By



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(for project plan)

TABLE OF CONTENT..................................2


Executive Summary.............................3

Project Definition................................3

Church Objectives...............................6

Project Objectives...............................7


Summary of Scope................................7

In Scope Activities……………………………………….7

Out of Scope Activities……………….………..… …8

Project Dependencies...........................8

Constraints….......................................8 8

Risks………………………………………….............. 8

Project Scope and Definition – Stakeholder

Approval………………………........................ 9

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NOTE: It is recognized that not all of the

information contained in this document is

necessarily available or has been fully defined as

the project is being initialized. A project must be

approved by Pastor Woodson and your Shepherds

before work begin on the project.

Executive Summary:

This project has enabled children in our church

to offer hope and opportunity to children in

some of the world’s most destitute places. This

project will enable them to make a difference in

the lives of Congolese refugee children youth

now living in Kenya.

These children had to flee their homes in Congo

and are now trying to get a new start in Kenya.

The children’s service project will be helping

these children by providing the funds they need

to pay school fees, uniforms, books, etc.

Project Definition:

The project will collect recyclable paper to raise

funds for the Congolese refugee children. The

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children will pass out cards requesting family to

save their news papers, Magazines and other

recyclable paper. A bin will be setup in the

church parking lot where material can be


Church Objectives:

This project is the North American Evangelical

Covenant Church service project to help

children in Kenya. All funds will be collected

and distributed to Kenya Covenant Church to be

used to provide the funds they need to pay

school fees, uniforms, books, etc. The donations

will also go to help pay the salary of English

teacher, as English is the primary language in

Kenya and a necessity for children to learn if

they are to succeed in school.

Project Objectives:

The goal of this project is collect enough

recycling paper to fund 50 students for the



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The project will be for children ages 5

through 11. An adult from the learning

center will help the student leader lead the

project. Children will not visit any homes to

collect recycling if there is a need to collect

the recycling an adult will do the collecting.

Cards inviting families, friends and class

mates to participate will be given out by the


Summary of Scope:

This project will collect recyclable paper to

raise funds for the Congolese refugee children

now living in Kenya.

In Scope Activities:

All recyclable paper must be brought to the bin located in the church parking lot.

Out of Scope Activities:

Children will not visit homes to collect recyclable paper or pass out cards

Project Dependencies:

We will need to have a bin setup in the church parking lot

See project schedule for additional tasks

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Kids will not collect recycling from home or pass out cards at homes

Only paper will be excepted for recycling


Kids must be kept safe at all times

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Project Name - Project and Scope

Definition –Stakeholder Approval

Pastor Dr. Terrance

Woodson or


Spiritual Consultant Date

Team Project



Project Analyst Date


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Example of steps to complete plan:

Recycling Phone Books and Magazines (EXAMPLE)


Dependent Components

Status Date Start Date Complete

Owner Difficulty Notes

Develop project scope and definition

open 9/12/2011 9/23/2011 Project leader


Obtain approval of project

open 26-Sep-2011


Project team


Assign resources open 27-Sep-2011


Project team


Explain project to team

open 3-Oct-2011 3-Oct-2011 Project team


"Obtain recycling bins for church

parking lot"

open 10/10/2011 10/31/2011 Project team


"Pass out cards to friends and relatives


10/10/2011 10/31/2011 Project team


Collect recycling open 11/5/2011 12/16/2011 Project team


Take recycling to recycling center

open 12/17/2011 12/17/2011 Project team


Give Money to Project leader

open 12/17/2011 12/17/2011 Project team


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Social Media and PR Analyst Cari Poweziak email: [email protected]

1. Will manage our Bethel FaceBook, twitter etc

2. Notify select zip codes when there is an event

i.e. subject matter, time, date, location

Examples(these are made up)

Tutoring discussion 7:00 Wednesday




Anger Management sponsored by Bethel

Bible Fellowship at TalkRadio



3. Gather info from the groups to place on

Bethel‟s Face Book and twitter accounts,

decide when a project should be presented to

the media and prepare press release.

4. Refer information to the Youth Group for

assistance when appropriate.

Technical Resource Analyst Our TRA will help you with instructions on how to

use the technical resources and set up team

emails at your request.

Jeannette Bennett – [email protected]

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Free Online Resources

(* - denotes resource has not been validated by

Resource Team)

Document Creation and Editing (Basic)

Google Docs



File/Document Sharing

Google Docs

Yahoo! Groups


Email Mailing Lists

Bethel Bible Fellowship Email Addresses (contact

Jeannette Bennett)

Gmail (groups?) *

Social Media




http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ Free trial for one


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Video/Presentation Creation and Editing

Preszi *

Phone/Conference/Video Calls

Google Chat *

Skype *


Evangelism Analyst The evangelism analyst will suggest ways to add

evangelism to your project, such as always

extending an invitation to our Worship & Prayer

Meetings or by simply adding the church name and

location for written projects such as blogs or

online prayer...

EA Carl Traylor – [email protected]

Everyone has their favorite place, where they feel safe

and comfortable. Tell people that you come in contact

with to consider making Bethel Bible Fellowship one of

your favorite places where you’ll be loved and respected

– and where you can learn more about God’s love. We

are a church that “loves God and loves people”.

* What could you tell someone about how

your life has changed because of Christ? Have you

thought about how to give a clear explanation of

your faith?

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Peter wrote, "Always be prepared to give an

answer to everyone who asks you to give the

reason for the hope that you have" (l Peter 3: 15).

As someone who has experienced God's saving

love, you have much to share.

In Mark 5 we read how Jesus encountered a man

who was demon-possessed and living in tombs.

With power Jesus healed the man.

As Jesus was leaving, the man begged him to let

him come along. Jesus' reply- was that the man

should instead return home and share his new-

found life with others. The man did so, and we

read in Mark 5: 20 that" all the people were


We too were living in the "tombs" of deadly sin

before we accepted Christ as our Savior. And so

we also have good news to tell others!

* excerpt taken from, Growing In Christ by The


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Grow deeper

in Christ….

as we seek out our

community needs


Gifted Bible Study


Let your light so shine

Before men that they may see

your good works,

and glorify your Father.

Matthews 5:16

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