Spinal or General Anesthesia? COPYRIGHT © 2014, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED From the Publishers of.

Spinal or General Anesthesia? COPYRIGHT © 2014, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED From the Publishers of

Transcript of Spinal or General Anesthesia? COPYRIGHT © 2014, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED From the Publishers of.

Spinal or General Anesthesia?


From the Publishers of

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Help settle a debate.I remember that the less anesthesia my pt needs the better. Hv always thoughtspinal btr than general if pt cld tolerate. A colleague disagrees and says no diff re outcome. Whose side are U 2 on ?

:) [email protected]


Help settle a debate.I remember that the less anesthesia my pt needs the better. Hv always thoughtspinal btr than general if pt cld tolerate. A colleague disagrees and says no diff re outcome. Whose side are U 2 on ?

:) [email protected]


Anesthesia: General vs Regional

No difference morbidity - mortalityAdvantages of regional:

Less myocardial, respiratory depression Avoid endotracheal intubation (autonomic stimulation)

Disadvantages of regional: Anxiety catecholamine release MVO2 Spinal vasodilation BP

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Meta analysis (141 trials, 9559 patients)Studies are heterogeneous: Meta analysis validity?Meta analysis overestimates “treatment effect” (positive

trial publication bias)No patient randomizationPostop management has changed making benefit of

neuraxial anesthesia less important

Rodgers A, et al. Reduction of postoperative mortality and morbidity withepidural or spinal anaesthesia: results from overview of randomised trials. BMJ. 2000;

321: 7275.

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Ballantyne, Jane C. et al. Does the evidence support the use of spinal and epidural anesthesia for surgery? Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 2005;17: 382 - 391

Benefits of spinal and epidural anesthesia and analgesia: Less blood loss Superior pain control Decreased ileus Fewer pulmonary complications Decreased ileus

No mortality benefitNo definite improvement in cardiac outcomeNo fewer thromboembolic events when DVT prophylaxis


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The Guys reply text

General vs. Spinal / epidural anesthesia : no difference in cardiac mortality

Spinal / epidural may have fewer non-cardiac complications: pulmonary, pain control

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