Speed correction


Transcript of Speed correction


To begin with I’m going to talk about two different types of speed, to know a little more about this aspect that everybody has.

INTERVAL TRAININGIt’s the capacity to run at your maximum speed in a race. To practice this you have to begin running and little by little you increase your velocity, and after that you decrease it and again increase it… With this you can increase your velocity in a race.

SPEED REACTIONIt is the time that you need in order to perform certain movements, or the time that you need to start running. To improve this you have to take several factors into account:-Gender and age. –Anticipation.-Level of fitness. –Stage of learning.-Health. –Time available.-Body temperature. –Experience.

Now I’m going to talk about how to do a warm up for speed.

WARM UP (GENERAL)For this part of the warm up, first, you go jogging for 5-10 minutes and after that, you go running in intervals, I mean, first you run with a moderate speed and after that you run for a short time with a high speed.

WARM UP (SPECIFIC)For this part of the warm up, you have to stretch the ankles, knees and all the articulations in your legs, doing different movements to prevent damages.

MAIN PARTIn the main part you have to play four different games:-”Accelerate and keep”.-”The mouse and the cat”.-”Overtake by surprise”.-”Relieves”.

COOL DOWNFor this part, you have to go walking for3-4 minutes in order to relax the muscles or stretch the parts of your body that you have employed in the session, and in that way you prevent muscle pain.