Speech Paper

Pills won’t make you thin Specific purpose: Persuade my audience to follow a healthy life style and keep themselves and the people they know away from the weight-loss pills. Central idea: following a healthy life style and nutrients rich diet is safer and more beneficial than using the weight loss pills that have negative effects on human’s health. Introduction I. Most of us want to maintain a healthy weight and look fit, but not all of us work on that. II. It sounds nice to swallow a pill that makes you lose weight, and eat all the food you love at the same time. III. Sometimes obese people don’t have enough money to go to a dietitian or be a member in a fitness center. IV. Some people are not obese, but they believe that they should lose weight and they want to do so without effort. V. All of us heard of the weight loss pills or know someone who used them, but not all of us know the side effects or problems that might occur because of them. VI. “The pharmaceutical research firm Decision Resources projects that the obesity drug market will grow in the U.S. from $222 million in 2006 to nearly $2 billion by 2016.” (Susan Moores, R.D. 2008)

Transcript of Speech Paper

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Pills won’t make you thin

Specific purpose: Persuade my audience to follow a healthy life style and keep

themselves and the people they know away from the weight-loss pills.

Central idea: following a healthy life style and nutrients rich diet is safer and more

beneficial than using the weight loss pills that have negative effects on human’s health.


I. Most of us want to maintain a healthy weight and look fit, but not all of us work

on that.

II. It sounds nice to swallow a pill that makes you lose weight, and eat all the food

you love at the same time.

III. Sometimes obese people don’t have enough money to go to a dietitian or be a

member in a fitness center.

IV. Some people are not obese, but they believe that they should lose weight and

they want to do so without effort.

V. All of us heard of the weight loss pills or know someone who used them, but not

all of us know the side effects or problems that might occur because of them.

VI. “The pharmaceutical research firm Decision Resources projects that the obesity

drug market will grow in the U.S. from $222 million in 2006 to nearly $2 billion

by 2016.” (Susan Moores, R.D. 2008)

VII. Today I would like to persuade you to not use the weight loss pills and to help

with keeping the people you know from using them by producing no-cost

solutions that help with weight loss.

(Transition: Let’s begin by addressing the pills regulations issues and the side effects of

these pills)


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I. The weight-loss pills have side effects and what makes people exposure to them

is the lack of the safety regulations

A. The Lack of safety regulation is the reason why there are over-the-

counter products with many major side effects.

1. The Food and Drug Administration doesn’t closely check the safety of

over-the-counter weight loss pills. Because the law doesn’t require the

FDA to test the dietary supplements and weight-loss medications and

they don't fall under the same regulatory standards as prescription

medications. (Carol Ochs. 9/2/2010

2. If the product turned out to be dangerous after its in the market, the FDA

checks the product safety

3. There are two weight-loss medications that have been improved by the

FDA, but these two medications failed to get federal approval in 2010

because of safety concerns, including heart risks and birth defects. (Julie

Deardorff. 12/5/2012)

B. Weight-loss pills have a lot of side effects on the human’s health, while

the chance of losing little weight is only %50.

1. Weight-loss pill can be addictive due to the hyperactivity affect.

2. Many of the products on the list contained sibutramine, which is a

controlled substance that can cause high blood pressure, seizures, rapid

heartbeat, palpitations, heart attack or stroke. Another ingredient found

in the products was rimonabant, which did not have FDA approval for

sale in the U.S. It's been associated with increased risk of depression and

suicidal thoughts. (Carol Ochs. 9/2/2010)

3. They cause digestive tract problems like diarrhea and stomach pain. In

addition to the dry-mouth affect, profuse sweating, and menstrual cycle

and sex drive disturbances (Laura Ciocan. 2012)

(Transition: Now that we talked about the weight-loss pills and their effect on health,

let’s talk about another way to lose weight without any side effect.)

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II. As I’m a nutrition student, I know about the efficient ways that help losing

weight and even maintain the healthy weight for a long time.

A. Burning calories can be done by increasing the physical activity. It is not

necessary to spend money on fitness center. Moderate jogging, bicycling, or

some aerobics five days a week, 30 minutes a day, can be helpful.

B. Decreasing the fat intake to %20 of the daily intake and using vegetables oil

instead of the solid saturated fats will be beneficial.

C. Using whole grains starch products help with increasing the time of the

satisfaction feeling after the meal. In addition to the positive effect on the

intestinal bacteria which leads to increasing stool movement.

D. Increase the vegetables and fruits intake helps with getting the required

amount of vitamins and anti-oxidants. In addition to the fact that they create

a feeling of satisfaction while they are low in calories.

III. Following a healthy lifestyle and healthy diet creates a good feeling of lightness

and helps maintain a healthy body weight.

A. Getting a help with making healthy food choices can be done free on

www.choosemplate.gov. This website is created by the USDA to help people

with daily meal planning and intake tracking to lose weight.

B. This website also has physical activity guidelines. It tells how many calories

can be burned over a period of time when performing a physical activity, for

example swimming or walking.

C. You will also find tips for eating healthy when you are eating outside, menu

samples, and tips for vegetarians.

D. Everyone can follow the MyPlate food groups guidelines to learn how to

build a healthy plate.

E. At the beginning of every week you can plan your meals ahead for each day

and make sure you have the ingredients available at home. You can also

schedule 30 minutes for five days a week that you will spend jogging,

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bicycling or doing any physical activity that be done at home or out in the


F. If you are an over-weight or obese person who has any heart disease

problem, you should visit a doctor to get a further care before you start your

diet and physical activity.


I. I am hoping that all of you understood the negative effects of the weight-loss

pills and stop using it if you are doing so. If you know any person that takes

these kinds of pills, you would be very helpful to tell them about the

consequences and the other healthy ways for losing weight.

II. Following the healthy natural way for losing weight, helps maintain the goal

you reach for a longer time than the pills do.

III. You can be creative with your meal planning and enjoy the healthy feeling you

will have after a month.

IV. The most important thing that I want you to keep in mind is that we create our

habits, and then our habits shape and form us.


Carol Ochs (9/2/2010). Disadvantage of diet pills. Retrieved 4/7/2013 from


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Julie Deardorff (12/5/2012). Weight pros and cons of two new diet drugs. Retrieved

4/7/2013 from Chicago Tribune Newspapers.

Laura Ciocan. 2012. Diet pills health risks. Retrieved 4/7/2013 from


Susan Moores (5/2/2008). A diet pill won’t make you thin. Retrieved 4/7/2013 from
