Spectacle Island Class Project Working Groups I,II,III ecisl/specisl11.html.

Spectacle Island Class Project Working Groups I,II,III http://www.mos.org/bigdig arch/specisl/specisl11.ht ml

Transcript of Spectacle Island Class Project Working Groups I,II,III ecisl/specisl11.html.

Spectacle IslandClass Project

Working Groups I,II,III


Background Info

• The island's location made it an ideal spot for industrial activities that would not be tolerated in heavily-populated Boston. This photograph shows two of the later occupants of Spectacle Island. In the background are the remnants of a horse-rendering plant on the northern portion of the island. It was built in 1857 and remained in use until horses were supplanted by the automobile. In the foreground is a garbage-rendering plant built by the City to extract grease from garbage and incinerate refuse. After the garbage plant closed in 1935, raw trash was simply dumped on the island. This stopped in 1959 when a bulldozer moving refuse on the island sank into the trash pile!

• Today, the Central Artery/Tunnel Project is using 2.7 million cubic yards of dirt from its excavations to cap over the dump and prevent pollutants from seeping into the Harbor. Dirt is transported to the island by barge and spread over the island by truck.

• http://lighthouse.cc/spectacle/history.html

The big dig (30 mil tons of dirt) provided topsoil for 2,400 pine, oak, sycamore, and maple trees