Specifications fro sewerage plant


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Specifications fro sewerage plant

Transcript of Specifications fro sewerage plant


    Volume 3A Specifications

    July 2014

  • General Table of Contents

    VOLUME 1 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS Section 1 Instructions to Tenderers Section 2 Form of Tender and Appendix to Tender Section 3 Form of Initial Bond Section 4 Glossary of Terms Section 5 Evaluation Grids

    VOLUME 2 CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENTS Section 1 Form of D/B Contract Agreement Section 2 General Conditions Section 3 Form of Performance Bond Section 4 Form of Advance Payment Guarantee Section 5 Form of Parent Company Guarantee Section 6 Form of Operation & Maintenance Contract Agreement

    VOLUME 3A SPECIFICATIONS Section 1 General Requirements Section 2 Process Specifications Section 3 Civil Specifications VOLUME 3B SPECIFICATIONS Section 4 Mechanical Specifications Section 5 Electrical Specifications Section 6 ICA Specifications Section 7 Testing and Commissioning Section 8 Operations & Maintenance Requirements Section 9 Schedule of Limits and Basic Conditions for Alternative Proposals

    VOLUME 4 SCHEDULES Section 1 Schedule of Prices Section 2 Dayworks Schedule and Schedule of Rates Section 3 Schedule of Guarantees Section 4 Technical Schedules Section 5 Cash Flow Schedules Section 6 Operation and Maintenance Schedule of Prices and Performance


    VOLUME 5 Design Documents (DRAWINGS) Section 1 Drawings for Information

    VOLUME 6 OTHER INFORMATION Section 1 Soil Investigation Information Section 2 Bathymetric Data Section 3 STP Environmental Impact Assessment Executive Summary Section 4 STP Environmental Management Plan Section 5 Outfall Environmental Evaluation Report Non-Technical Summary Section 6 Outfall Construction Environmental Management Plan Section 7 Outfall Operation Environmental Management Plan



    Tender Documents

    Volume 3 Section 1

    General Requirements

    July 2014



    1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................ 1

    1.1 Objective of the Works .................................................................................................. 1

    1.2 Specification Documents ............................................................................................... 1

    1.3 General Information Pertaining to the Site ................................................................... 1

    1.4 Architectural Design and Treatment of the works ........................................................ 6

    1.5 AMAS STP Landscaping.................................................................................................. 6

    2 DESIGN OF THE WORKS .................................................................................................... 7

    2.1 General .......................................................................................................................... 7

    2.2 Design Lives ................................................................................................................... 9

    2.3 Standards and Codes ..................................................................................................... 9

    2.4 Planning Permission and Building Control Permits ....................................................... 9

    2.5 Contractor's Documents for Review by the Engineer .................................................. 10

    2.6 Final Documents to be provided by the Contractor ..................................................... 15

    2.7 Other Documents to be provided by the Contractor ................................................... 16

    2.8 Quality Assurance/Quality Control System ................................................................. 17

    2.9 Contractors Company Quality Assurance System ....................................................... 17

    2.10 Control Plans for the Works included in this Contract ................................................ 17

    2.11 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) ..................................................................................... 17

    2.12 Control Plans ............................................................................................................... 18

    2.13 Contractors Control and Documentation .................................................................... 18

    2.14 Defects Liability Period ................................................................................................ 19

    2.15 Retention of Documents .............................................................................................. 19

    2.16 Post Warranty Service Agreements ............................................................................. 19

    3 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ...................................................................... 20

    4 CONSTRUCTION OF THE WORKS .................................................................................... 20

    4.1 Construction Permits ................................................................................................... 20

    Vol 3, Section 1 Page i of ii General Requirements


    4.2 Interpretation of Drawings ......................................................................................... 20

    4.3 Continuous Working .................................................................................................... 20

    4.4 Signboards ................................................................................................................... 21

    4.5 Temporary/Security Fencing of Site ............................................................................ 21

    4.6 Setting Out and Checking the Works .......................................................................... 21

    4.7 Survey of Site............................................................................................................... 21

    4.8 Interference with Land Interests ................................................................................ 22

    4.9 Interference with Access to Properties ....................................................................... 22

    4.10 Site Cleanliness and Environmental Protection ........................................................... 22

    4.11 Demolition, Damage and Making Good ....................................................................... 22

    4.12 Site Drainage ............................................................................................................... 23

    4.13 Monitoring of Existing Structures ................................................................................ 23

    4.14 Interface with Existing Structures .............................................................................. 23

    4.15 Interface with Other Contractors ................................................................................ 24

    4.16 Traffic Requirements ................................................................................................... 24

    4.17 Maintenance of Access Roads ...................................................................................... 24

    4.18 Water for Testing ......................................................................................................... 24

    4.19 Excavations for Water Mains and Sewers ................................................................... 24

    4.20 Existing Services .......................................................................................................... 25

    4.21 Electricity, Water Supply and Telecommunications .................................................... 25

    4.22 Protection of Work ...................................................................................................... 26

    4.23 Materials and Workmanship ........................................................................................ 26

    4.24 Site Safety and Welfare ............................................................................................... 29

    4.25 Site Offices, Attendance and Site Facilities ................................................................. 38

    4.26 Public Relations ........................................................................................................... 43 Appendix I Drawings and other information forming part of the Contract Appendix II Addresses of Statutory Organisations Appendix III Source Countries Appendix IV Plant species list

    Vol 3, Section 1 Page ii of ii General Requirements



    1.1 Objective of the Works

    There are two separately identifiable elements of the Works forming the Al Madina Al Shamaliya Sewage Treatment Plant (AMAS STP) Works included in this Contract. They are:

    Provision of Sewage Treatment works with all associated intermediary pumping stations, rising mains, discharge pipelines, TSE Storage tank and TSE pumping station and access roads, including landscaping within the works boundary wall.

    Provision of Operation and Maintenance Services of AMAS STP works for a period of five (5) years starting after the Taking Over Certificate for the construction of the AMAS STP works is issued.

    1.2 Specification Documents

    Volume 3 of the Contract Documents comprises the following specification documents:

    Section 1 General Requirements;

    Section 2 Process Specifications;

    Section 3 Civil Specifications;

    Section 4 Mechanical Specifications;

    Section 5 Electrical Specifications;

    Section 6 ICA Specifications;

    Section 7 Testing and Commissioning;

    Section 8 Operations and Maintenance Requirements. If there is a conflict of requirements between the above specification documents and MoW Standard Specification for Construction Works 2009, then the above documents take precedence.

    The Employers Requirements may be amended or amplified during subsequent correspondence with Tenderers prior to the award of Contract, or after award by the issue of a variation under Clause 14 of the Conditions of Contract. The Employers Requirements are to be found in this section and are amplified in the Specifications and Drawings which shall be considered as part of the Employer's Requirements.

    1.3 General Information Pertaining to the Site

    1.3.1 Location

    The site is located on a group of reclaimed islands off the north west coast of Bahrain know as Al Madina Al Shamaliya (AMAS). The AMAS STP will be located to the eastern edge of the AMAS development (Island 13c) in a prepared area screened by a landscaped hill from the rest of the development. A Location Plan is included in the Drawings.

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    1.3.3 Contractors Access to the Site

    Access to the Islands is via a causeway/s linking the islands to the mainland with further bunds providing access across the channels between the individual islands making up the development. Access around the islands will generally be via unpaved site roads. It should be noted that the main and secondary access roads will be shared with many contractors carrying out construction at AMAS concurrently with this Contract including the Contractor for the PPP area, MoH Housing & Infrastructure Contractors, EWA Contractors, STP Contractors, Ahliya University Contractors and other Stakeholders (Mosques, Schools, Recreation etc). In particular, the access to Island 13c is via a bund currently wide enough only for single lane traffic. This will be the main access route for construction of the STP and Terminal Lift Pumping Station (TLPS) and will be shared with other contractors, primarily the primary infrastructure contractor for the construction of the TSE pipeline on Island 13c and also the termination of the deep gravity sewer at the TLPS Details of the access arrangements are indicated on the Drawings.

    1.3.4 Climate

    Bahrain has a hot and arid desert climate with low and erratic rainfall. There are two main seasons: a hot and humid summer (June to September) and a cool winter with some occasional rainfall (December to February). Bahrains large-scale climate is influenced by a number of regional features, including the Gulf waters, the dust and sand basins of Iraq some 650km to the north-west and the Zagros mountain range in Iran, 220km at their nearest to the north-east. The Gulf provides low level moisture supply, while the Zagros hills influence pressure patterns and direct low level winds to blow mainly from the north-west or south-east. The dust bowls of Iraq and northern Saudi Arabia provide an abundance of fine dust particles, which are easily transported by north-westerly winds and can cause visibility reductions in Bahrain, mainly in the months of June and July. Rainfall Rainfall in Bahrain is rare and irregular. The annual average rainfall is about 70mm, but this figure may vary greatly from almost nothing (


    Figure 1.1: Rainfall Data









    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec












    . of R



    Average no. of rain daysAverage monthly rainfallHighest rainfall in 1 day

    *29-year averages

    Humidity Due to its proximity to the sea, Bahrain is humid throughout the year (except when hot, dry winds blow off the mainland). Relative humidity is higher than in many other parts of the sub-region. The mean daily maximum is about 85% and the average daily minimum usually ranges between 50% and 60%. Between May and July the minimum may drop as low as 40%. Potential evapo-transpiration (ETP) rates indicate a variation from about 75mm in January to 250mm in June. Figure 1.2: Humidity Data












    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec






    Average daily relative humidity: max

    Average daily relative humidity: min* 16-year averages

    Vol 3, Section 1 Page 3 of 43 General Requirements


    Temperature The average temperature in Bahrain is about 27C. The annual variation is considerable, with temperatures ranging from a mean daily minimum of 14C in January to a mean daily maximum of 38C in August. The lowest minimum temperature recorded is 2.8C and the highest maximum is 46.7C. Ground surface temperatures are considerably higher, with probable peaks above 60C. Due to the proximity of the sea in all directions, the difference between day and night temperatures is usually moderate. Figure 1.3: Temperature Data












    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec








    Average daily temperature: maxAverage daily temperature: minHighest maximum recordedHighest minimum recorded

    *29-year averages

    Wind As a result of its location and low topography, Bahrains islands are windswept. The predominant wind direction is from the north-west. Over the course of a year, about 45% of the winds blow either from the WNW, NW or NNW direction. The next most frequent wind directions are west and north. All other directions are almost equally represented with frequencies of more or less 5%. During the summer, the winds are generally light to moderate and blow from the N and NW directions. During the winter, the winds move eastwards as a result of low pressure systems generated over the Mediterranean and Arabian Peninsula. Mean wind speeds range from 6 to 8 knots (11 to 15 km/h), though shamal winds blowing from WNW to NNW can reach 10 to 12 knots (18 to 22 km/h). The shamal is the predominant dust-raising wind in the region, bringing airborne silts from Saudi Arabia or Iraq some 400 km to the north-west.

    1.3.5 Seismic Conditions

    There is limited information and data on seismicity for Bahrain and the whole Gulf region. A world-scale seismic hazard map produced by the Global Seismic Hazard Assessment Programme (GSHAP) suggests that Bahrain is in a low risk earthquake zone (see figure below). The nearest active fault zone is the Zagros Fault in southern Iran.

    Vol 3, Section 1 Page 4 of 43 General Requirements


    Figure 1.4: Seismic Hazard Map for the Gulf Region

    1.3.6 Ground Conditions

    The topography of AMAS STP is characterized principally by a flat terrain below a boomerang shape hill extending to the northern, western and part of the eastern side of the plant area while the seafront forms the southeastern boundary of the area. The ground elevation in the STP site is approximately 2.65m above sea level.

    Detailed soil investigation and topographical information are included in Volume 6.

    The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the interpretation and use of any information included in these reports.

    The Contractor is deemed to have satisfied himself of the local ground conditions and its suitability for his method of construction.

    1.3.7 Hydrology

    Hydrological information is included in Volume 6, Section 3.

    1.3.8 Electricity, Water etc

    In accordance with Clause 4.20 of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall be entitled to use any supplies of power, water and any other services that may be available on the site. The Contractor shall pay the Employer for the use of such services in accordance with applicable tariffs. If not available, the Contractor shall make his own provisions.

    1.3.9 Other Information

    Information provided to the Contractor in Volume 6 (Other Information) may be utilized by the Contractor in his design but the Contractor is responsible for checking its validity and shall accept full responsibility for any design based on the information used.

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    1.4 Architectural Design and Treatment of the works

    As part of their works, the Contractor is required to construct the following:

    1) Boundary Wall

    A 3.5 meter high boundary wall shall be provided to the entire perimeter of the AMAS STP site as indicated on the AMAS STP layout plan.

    As well as its primary security function, the boundary wall shall also provide screening of the plant to reduce its visual impact when viewed from the surrounding areas.

    The proposed boundary wall shall consist of precast columns with precast wall panels placed in between. The precast elements shall be textured and coloured as required.

    The wall shall be designed with a decorative finish so as to present a pleasant, low impact faade. In order to reflect the traditional Bahraini theme, a number of GRC patterns shall be incorporated within the wall.

    2) Higher Structures

    The Contractors architectural design and treatment of the higher structures will be dealt with in such a way to give the impression of traditional Bahraini buildings, which will blend in with the surroundings and ensure the aesthetically acceptable external appearance of the STP. In addition, screening by trees shall be integrated into the design (see also landscaping below).

    The Contractor shall submit for the Engineer's approval his detailed architectural design for the boundary wall and all AMAS STP higher structures.

    1.5 AMAS STP Landscaping

    In order to enhance the view of the STP works and reduce visual intrusion on surrounding development, the Contractor is required to implement an integrated landscaping scheme for the whole site of the STP designed by a specialist landscaping consultant familiar with the local conditions. The scheme shall include:

    1) Mass planting within the STP site along the inside of all Boundary Screen walls. Minimum width of boundary planting strip to be three metres.

    2) Mass planting to the STP site entry precinct between the access gate to the main plant area.

    3) Planting works to a minimum of 5% of the total STP site. This 5% site area total may be achieved through installing a number of mass planting beds with the minimum size per planting bed to cover an area of not less than 50m2.

    4) All planting works shall be irrigated using a fully automatic drip irrigation system. The irrigation system shall be designed by an approved irrigation design consultancy. The system shall include but not be limited to:

    a. Automatic multi-station controller system, directly wired to electrical supply. The Controller shall be located in the Administration Building in an approved location.

    b. Solenoid valve stations including manual isolation valve upstream of the solenoid valve, disk filter, pressure regulator.

    c. Inline drip line irrigation application using pressure compensating drippers with a maximum flow rate of 2.3 litres per hour. Dripline shall be UV stabilised.

    d. Irrigation application system shall include air relief valves and line flushing valves per station.

    The landscaping scheme shall be integrated with the architectural design (see above) to provide supplementary screening of the plant structures, particularly any high structures.

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    The Contractor is required to submit both planting and irrigation design to Ministry of Housing for approval prior to commencement of any landscape works within the STP site. The planting works stipulated do not refer to areas of turf/lawn. In designing the mass planting beds, the Contractor shall implement the following guidelines:

    Tree planting to the Entry Precinct is to be an avenue to either side of the entry road with random tree planting behind.

    Tree planting to the Boundary Screen Walls and Retaining wall is to be random spacings. Tree planting within the STP Site proper is to be random spacings Tree planting to provide screening to higher structures 60%of the trees to be palm trees. minimum height of palm trees at the time of planting will

    be 2.5 metres clear trunk height.

    Palm spacings are to be in the range of 4m minimum to 6m maximum. Palms are to be planted in groups of minimum 3 No. palms to a maximum of 9 No. palms.

    Canopy trees are to be spaced in the range of 6m minimum to 8m maximum. Minimum height of canopy trees at the time of planting will be 2.5 metres clear trunk height.

    Shrub, groundcover and vine densities are to be such that the planting mass will provide a continuous covering of plant material within 2 growing seasons from the time of planting.

    Plant species (palms, canopy trees, shrubs, ground covers, etc.) will be selected from the list provided in Appendix IV.


    2.1 General

    2.1.1 Outline

    The AMAS STP will be located on Island 13C and the contract will be awarded on a Contractor design and build basis. The following outline principles must be adhered to when undertaking the design: The STP shall be located entirely within the boundary indicated on drawing number


    The height of structures and buildings shall not exceed 12m above zero datum

    The electrical loading shall not exceed 6.0 MVA (including future STP expansion)

    The STP shall be designed to accommodate phased sewage flows and loads in line with the housing development construction and occupation.

    The Works shall have a capacity (design flows and loads) as detailed in Volume 3, Section 2 of the Tender Documents.

    The quality of treated effluent and sludge produced by the Works shall be in accordance with Volume 3 Section 2 of the Tender Documents.

    2.1.2 Site Works

    The Contractor shall investigate on site and verify all available information and inform the Engineer of any discrepancies with information provided in the Tender Documents prior to finalization of his design.

    The Contractor shall use this information to design the proposed Works.

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    The design shall be undertaken using current best practices and shall comply with the Employers Requirements, current Bahrain design regulations and all construction standards currently in force in Bahrain.

    The Contractor shall be responsible for confirming all necessary site levels and geotechnical information pertaining to the Works prior to tendering. The Contractor shall undertake investigations necessary for the design and construction of the Works.

    The design of all Works shall facilitate inspection, cleaning and repair and maintenance in a safe environment to ensure satisfactory operation under all service conditions.

    2.1.3 Pipelines

    Pipework and pipelines shall be designed for all foreseeable load cases including the following:

    a) maximum working pressures on completed pipelines; b) minimum working pressures, especially if drain down and surge control vacuum can be

    a problem; c) field test pressure on completed parts of the pipeline and the whole of the pipeline

    (field test pressures); d) required hydrostatic test pressure on individual pipes and fitting at the place of

    manufacture (works hydrostatic test pressures).

    2.1.4 Buildings and Structures

    Electrical systems for buildings shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of Volume 3B, Section 5.

    ICA systems for buildings shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of Volume 3B, Section 6.

    Structures shall be designed to resist water loading due to maximum external water level corresponding to ground level, brim of wall or potential flood level. Uplift forces on structures, tanks and pipes shall be calculated assuming they are empty.

    2.1.5 Chambers

    Unless otherwise stated, general chambers not subject to traffic loads shall have anodised, marine grade aluminium open or solid pattern covers. Covers shall be fixed in frames recessed into the top of the chamber walls. Chambers that require man entrance (generally greater than 900 mm deep) shall be provided with minimum access area through the cover of 800 mm x 600 mm. Ladders shall be installed in all chambers over 1.5 m deep. Where vertical ladders are installed in chambers over 2.5 m deep they shall be provided with hoop safety cages.

    All chambers shall have a nominal floor slope to a sump.

    2.1.6 Water Retaining Structures

    Any structures containing any liquids or excluding any liquids shall be designed to the appropriate standard for liquid retaining structures.

    Structures that are to be water tested before back filling shall be designed accordingly.

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    2.1.7 Sound Insulation

    Noise levels at the Site boundary generated by the operational plant shall not exceed 45 dBA during daylight hours and 40 dBA at night. The Contractor will be required to produce calculations to show that noise levels generated at the Site boundary will satisfy these conditions. In addition the noise level within any working area shall not exceed 80 dBA at any time.

    2.2 Design Lives

    The Contractor shall ensure that the design complies with the requirements of the Specification and the following design lives:

    Facility Design Life New civil work including pipelines, sewers, chambers, roads, buildings and concrete structures

    50 years

    Mechanical and electrical equipment 15 years Instrumentation and Control Systems 7 years Analytical and Process Instruments 7 years

    Notwithstanding the requirements of the Specification the Contractor shall ensure that the Works and all equipment and plant provided therein shall take into account the most extreme conditions that will occur during construction and the life of the works, and will be suitable for the design lives above.

    2.3 Standards and Codes

    Bahrain standards are referred to where appropriate. The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining these standards and translation if required.

    During construction, the Works will be inspected by the Employer. The inspectors may require seeing copies of international standards to which the Works have been designed. The Contractor shall allow the Employer access to the Works to undertake the inspections.

    2.4 Planning Permission and Building Control Permits

    The Contractor shall employ an Engineer and/or Architect registered in Bahrain (in accordance with legislative Decrees governing the Practice of Engineering) to prepare the necessary applications for Planning and Building Control Permits.

    The Contractor shall take note of the requirements to prepare the documentation for the applications for all the permits and endorsements necessary to obtain Planning and Building control permits for the execution of the construction works. The Contractor shall be responsible for securing all necessary approvals of the designs provided and the designs produced by himself, as required by the relevant Bahrain authorities and shall allow for this in his programme at his expense.

    The Contractor shall allow a realistic timescale for dealing with the third parties responsible, for permits etc., in his planning and programming of the works.

    Latest by the commencement date of the Works, the Contractor shall submit to the Employer the following:

    a) The technical submissions required for obtaining the Planning and Building control permits.

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    The technical submission must be complete in full for all the required authorizations. The Contractor shall be responsible for any rejection of the Planning and Building control permits or any other authorization due to technical reasons.

    Approvals for the design and construction shall be obtained from the Employer.

    All costs associated for obtaining the Planning and Building control permits will be borne by the Employer.

    2.5 Contractor's Documents for Review by the Engineer

    2.5.1 Design Documents

    The contractor should submit to the Engineer for his approval three hard plus one electronic copies of:

    Process Design Criteria and Calculations for 1. Liquid Treatment processes (including nitrogen and phosphorus removal


    2. Sludge Treatment processes (including aerobic digestion, dewatering, thermal drying, etc.) and

    3. Odour treatment facilities Process flow diagrams (showing mass balance data for max, average and min organic

    and hydraulic loads)

    Hydraulic Design Criteria and Calculations (for max, min, average flows, etc.) Civil works Design Criteria (appropriate Geotechnical, Structural, etc.) E/M Design Criteria P & ID with tags

    followed by: Drawings of all principal components of the works including plans, sections and

    preliminary elevations of proposed structures suitable for submission for application for Planning and Building control approval

    General Layout Plan of the Sewage Treatment Plant Hydraulic profile for the STP Landscape drawings Security Fencing, alarms and Controls drawings Lighting arrangement drawings Laboratory facilities drawings Hazardous area classification drawings Electrical Single Line Diagrams Preliminary motor & Load schedule PLC/SCADA architecture Manufacturers List for 1st stage approval

    The Contractors final design shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval in three hard plus one electronic copies of:

    - complete working drawings,

    - all design criteria and calculations and

    Vol 3, Section 1 Page 10 of 43 General Requirements


    - details of construction of the works and other apparatus and all other parts as may be required to give full information to the Engineer regarding the proposed design

    at least 42 days prior to the programmed activity commencement.

    Submissions shall be numbered using an agreed referencing system and shall comprise but not be limited to the following:

    a) Site Layout and General Arrangement drawings with dimensions and setting out details.

    b) Details of modifications to existing manhole structures and connections to existing structures.

    c) Details of treatment plant elements including mechanical, electrical and ICA equipment, schematic layout of plant, details of pipe layouts, diameters, flow direction, invert levels and cover levels.

    d) Process design calculations for the wastewater, sludge treatment plant.

    e) Hydraulic design calculations for the plant and effluent discharges.

    f) Hydraulic design calculations for the pumping stations, rising mains and other pipework including determination of test pressures.

    g) Drawings and schedules showing all pipework, fittings, chamber and trench details and thrust block arrangements.

    h) Manhole/access chamber schedules, schematic layout of each manhole and access chamber providing details of pipe profile, layout, diameters, flow direction, invert levels and cover level.

    i) Reinforcement drawings and calculations for thrust blocks to pipework and chambers.

    j) Drawings, calculations and method statements for all road crossings and connections to existing pipework.

    k) Design criteria and methods covering the structural and geotechnical design of the Works.

    l) Detail of pumping stations including mechanical and electrical equipment.

    m) Detail of maintenance and sludge disposal equipment

    n) Details of road construction and reinstatements.

    o) General arrangement and foundation drawings, complete with dimensions, for all buildings, tanks, plant and associated equipment.

    p) Structural calculations and drawings including foundation design.

    q) Reinforced concrete details, structural steelwork and masonry drawings.

    r) Reinforcement drawings and calculations for insitu and precast concrete.

    s) Fabrication drawings for any structural steelwork/metalwork

    t) Architectural and building works drawings including masonry, cladding, roofing, etc, and all specified fixtures and finishes both externally and internally.

    u) Details of protective coating design.

    v) Road construction drawings including kerbing and drainage details.

    w) Landscaping, land drainage, sub and top soiling and all ancillary works.

    x) Design Criteria and calculations for:

    Power consumption for wastewater treatment (tanker reception facility pumps, aerators, blowers, mixers, intermediary pumps, screens, washers, grit and grease chambers air requirements, secondary treatment ASP and FST tanks, Tertiary Treatment, disinfection and all associated wastewater treatment plant, chemical Phosphorus removal, etc.)

    Vol 3, Section 1 Page 11 of 43 General Requirements


    Power consumption for the operation of sludge treatment and all associated sludge handling plant including liquor return pumps, etc.

    Power consumption for odour control /treatment y) Design Criteria and calculations for Disinfection chemical consumption (related to

    disinfection before final effluent disposal)

    z) Design Criteria and calculations for:

    Chemicals consumption (related to Phosphorus removal). Chemicals consumption (related to sludge treatment). Chemicals required for disinfection

    aa) Design Criteria and Calculations for:

    Excess Sludge treatment products transport and disposal to landfill and/or land spreading, and

    Transport and disposal of residuals (grit and screenings), in accordance with the tender documents.

    bb) Design Criteria and calculations for mains water consumption for polymer dilution, or elsewhere within the treatment process where treated effluent cannot be used - Criteria and Calculations

    cc) Technical information (including Design Criteria and Calculations) for noise suppression and insulation, ventilation and odour control, fire protection and alarm systems, etc.

    dd) Technical and functional description of all works (including the main and ancillary equipment to be installed chemicals to be used, operational issues, etc.)

    2.5.2 HAZOP Study

    The Contractor shall arrange for a full HAZOP Study to be conducted once the STP designs are substantially completed. The purpose of the HAZOP is to identify potential hazards and operability problems which could arise in the AMAS STP through a structured examination of the detailed designs of the project by a joint team of designers and operators drawn from suitably experienced staff from the Client, Contractor and Supervising Engineer organisations. Problem areas identified will be re-examined by the designers to eliminate or reduce the severity of the identified problem. Resulting design amendments will be incorporated in the final designs.

    The HAZOP involves systematic and structured analysis of P&I drawings and operations and maintenance procedures. During the study, deviations are deliberately introduced into the process variables in normal operating procedures to study their effect on the process, plant and machinery. Adequacy of the protection provided will be critically examined and recommendations are made to improve safety, if the protection provided is found to be inadequate.

    An internationally accepted HAZOP procedure shall be followed whereby a qualified HAZOP Chairperson will be engaged by the Contractor to conduct the study. A full HAZOP Report will be produced to record the parties in attendance, areas and operations examined, the problems identified, and the recommended actions with sign-off when completed.

    2.5.3 Construction and Installation Method Statements

    Construction and installation method statements shall be prepared for the principal elements of the Works and shall be submitted to the Engineer for review at least 28 days prior to the programmed activity commencement.

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    Construction and installation method statements shall make due allowance for all requirements and restrictions imposed by the Contract. Each method statement shall comprise a step-by-step schedule of specific operations or activities with description, date, times and duration of each step. The statements shall be supported by sketches, diagrams or other supportive detail as necessary to enable a clear understanding of the method and significance of each step of work or operation.

    The construction and installation method statements shall include, but not be limited to:

    the method of working;

    construction equipment to be used;

    measures for controlling noise and vibration;

    hours of working;

    layouts of compounds storage facilities;

    sources of Materials;

    methods of movements and storage of bulk materials and spoil;

    haulage routes;

    site organization;

    measures of controlling dust;

    temporary lighting details;

    temporary works details;

    details of all disposal sites;

    maintaining and cleaning of Site roads;

    safety procedures and risk assessments;

    pedestrian, light vehicular and emergency access;

    any proposed demolition methods.

    Method statement shall include for dealing with storm drainage and dealing with groundwater.

    2.5.4 Production and Submission Procedures

    The Contractor shall provide the Engineer with three paper copies of all technical documents for review. Submissions will include:

    for drawings:

    one copy in DWG format and one copy in PDF format on a USB flash drive or CD ROM where applicable (or alternative such as through shared directories on networked site computers)

    for calculations, FDS, valve schedules, instrument schedules, equipment schedules, manufacturers data, etc:

    one electronic copy in either pdf, or word/excel format.

    On submission, the Contractor shall clearly identify previously submitted inter-related technical documents and also changes to previously reviewed technical documents.

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    All designs, drawings and documents submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for review. shall be checked by the Contractor before submission and shall be signed by a senior member of the Contractors staff in accordance with approved QA procedures, to confirm that the check has been conducted. The Contractor shall use SI units only and shall likewise check submissions from his sub-Contractors or from any other source before passing such submissions to the Engineer.

    A drawing and document register shall be kept and updated continuously by the Contractor. A copy of the register shall be submitted to the Engineer every time a drawing or document is issued.

    Where it is considered that the technical documents do not comply with the requirements of this Contract, the Engineer shall return one copy to the Contractor indicating where the proposals are considered to be non-compliant. Where a Document requires alteration, the Contractor shall make the necessary alterations and submit three copies of the altered document to the Engineer. Any revisions to drawings and documents shall be clearly highlighted by the Contractor. Drawing amendments shall be listed in the title box. Amendments to Documents shall be redlined, struck out or marked in the margin.

    All drawings submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for consent shall be on ISO standard size sheets with a maximum size of A0. Every drawing shall have a title box in the bottom right corner showing:

    Employers name;

    title of scheme;

    title of Contract;

    Contractor's name;

    title of work location;

    title of drawing;

    drawing number;




    a separate revision box;

    signature of Contractor to the effect that the drawing, whether his own or from any other source, has been checked by him before submission to the Engineer.

    All layout and arrangement drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be drawn to scale and dimensioned and shall include a graphical scale to aid the use of photographic reproductions. All clearances required for the installation, routine operation and maintenance of items of Works shall be noted on the drawings.

    Designs and documents submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for review shall include:

    contents list;

    scope (description of the contents and purpose of the submission);

    conclusions and recommendations;

    references, specification requirements, codes, manuals and supporting documents used, drawing numbers and titles of drawings which are based on the design;

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    description of design approach;

    criteria, parameters and methods used;

    test procedures, analyses and results;

    calculations and schedules;

    qualitative description and comments on results;

    any other relevant information.

    A statement explaining the principles of design and type of analysis adopted shall preface all design calculations prepared by the Contractor. The statement shall also indicate the Codes of Practice or Standard(s) upon which the design is based. Any computer programs used in the design shall be fully described, and details of inputs and printouts shall be presented in a manner that can be readily understood. Program manuals and any instructions to program users shall be made available to the Engineer upon request.

    Final works inspection reports shall be submitted to the Engineer before dispatch of the Works from manufacturer.

    The following documentation will not be specifically required for review but may be subject to a random audit at the request of the Engineer:

    All civil and structural calculations;

    Services clash checks;

    Services routing diagrams;

    Safety Plan and Safety File.

    2.6 Final Documents to be provided by the Contractor

    2.6.1 As-built Documents

    The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer copies of the As-built Drawings as detailed below:

    2 full size, unbound, paper copies in English;

    3 bound sets of A3 paper reductions in English;

    2 copies in electronic format on DVD Rom as Microsoft Workstation files (latest release) in English;

    Subject to the consent of the Engineer, the Contractor may submit the As-built drawings in an alternative electronic format provided that the Contractor provides to the Employer free of charge the software required to read, edit, save and print the drawings.

    All As-built drawings submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer shall be on ISO standard size sheets with a maximum size of A1. A0 size drawings will not be acceptable. Every drawing shall have a title box in the bottom right corner as detailed in Clause 2.5.3. All layout and arrangement drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be drawn to scale and dimensioned and shall include a graphical scale to aid the use of photographic reproductions. The Contractor shall use SI units only.

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    2.7 Other Documents to be provided by the Contractor

    2.7.1 Health and Safety Plan

    A Health and Safety Plan shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for his consent at least 14 days prior to any programmed construction activities on site. The Health and Safety Plan shall include, but not be limited to:

    Construction risk assessment and control measures;

    Organization and management arrangements for implementing the plan;

    Appropriate specified safety requirements;

    Welfare arrangements for staff messing, first aid and sanitary arrangements.

    The Contractor shall not take possession of the Site before the Engineer has approved his Health and Safety Plan.

    2.7.2 Organization Chart

    Within 14 days of commencement, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer details of the Contractors Representative and other key personnel including respective job descriptions, addresses, 24-hour telephone numbers and facsimile transmission numbers. The Engineer shall be notified immediately of any changes to the details provided.

    2.7.3 Programme

    The Contractors detailed time programme shall be prepared on a programme software package suitable for operation with a Windows operating system, as agreed with the Engineer and shall include:

    A detailed works contract programme in the form of a Gantt chart which clearly details individual functions, actions and tasks and shows the period for design, approvals, procurement, fabrication, main construction, installation, testing, commissioning and all other such operations as may be applicable with key dates indicated. The planned input of the joint venture partners and sub-contractors (if appropriate) shall be highlighted as well as (in terms of activities undertaken, timing, etc.).

    An associated Pert chart with all task linkages and the critical path clearly indicated;

    Resource charts specifically related to but not limited to the activities shown on the programme of work.

    2.7.4 Photographic Records

    A photographic record shall be kept of the Construction work on the following basis:

    Prior to commencement of the Works, a joint photographic survey of the Site and the surrounding area shall be carried out and agreed by the Engineer and Contractors Representative;

    Photographs of each structure shall be taken upon completion of the structure;

    Photographs of each pipe laid shall be taken at 20m intervals immediately prior to backfill of the trench;

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    Photographs of each connection to existing structures shall be taken before and after connection is made;

    Photographs of each structure affected by Modification shall be taken before and after the work is carried out;

    Two sets of the photographs shall be provided to the Engineer, together with the digital computer format files. The photographs shall be high resolution, full colour and 150mm by 100mm minimum size. The photographs shall be suitably titled, dated and coded in numerical order.

    2.7.5 Relevant Standards

    The Contractor shall provide one copy of the relevant standards, which he consider applicable to this contract.

    2.8 Quality Assurance/Quality Control System

    A Quality Assurance (QA)/Quality Control (QC) System covering all aspects of the Contract and the Works must be implemented, documented and maintained by the Contractor during the period of the Contract. The system shall comply with a recognized international Quality Assurance Standard to ISO 9001/2000. The System shall as a minimum include the items referred to in 2.9 to 2.15.

    2.9 Contractors Company Quality Assurance System

    The Contractor shall provide a Quality Assurance System for the Company showing the overall QA Organization and the lines of responsibility, monitoring and action. Furthermore, the overall principles and procedures for establishing Quality Assurance Plans, Control Plans, QA Organization, etc. for specific projects and contracts, sub-contractors and suppliers shall be provided.

    The Contractors Foreman/Site Agent shall be certified in accordance with Bahrain Laws.

    2.10 Control Plans for the Works included in this Contract

    As a minimum the Contractor shall, as part of his tender, submit the QA System for the Company, Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and initial Control Plans (CP) for the Works included in this Contract, providing all important and critical activities for controls, inspections and tests to fulfill the specifications.

    It is a general requirement that works are only sub-contracted to companies with an effective QA System.

    2.11 Quality Assurance Plan (QAP)

    The QAP shall as a minimum cover the following issues:

    The Contractor's staff and management organization for the project, management plan, and the quality assurance organization. The person responsible for the Contractor's QAS shall be authorized and qualified to take decisions on quality assurance issues, and his reference and communication lines to the Company's overall quality assurance organization and its responsible management shall be clearly shown. Persons performing quality control and testing shall be independent of those executing or supervising the Works.

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    The Contractor's system of management of current documentation for the execution of the Works shall include his sub-contractors and suppliers, and shall detail:

    a) how it is ensured that only valid and approved documents are used for the execution of the Works, and

    b) the method of recording variations and amendments to the documentation.

    Management of sub-contractors and suppliers, and requirements of their QAS's.

    Management of documents.

    Management of procurement.

    Control of materials and workmanship, defects and material reconciliation, procedures for corrective actions, etc.

    Handling of deviations, additions or variations to the Contract Documents.

    The Contractor's initial proposed Control Plans describing important and critical verification activities based on the Tender Documents and the Contractor's own considerations in respect of execution of the Works.

    2.12 Control Plans

    The Contractor shall present for the Engineer's approval his detailed Control Plan (CP) for all quality assurance efforts or measures for the Works or sections thereof. Such CP shall be presented to the Engineer not later than one week before the commencement of the Works or an approved section of the Works. The CP shall include controls as specified in the Contract as well as any other normal and special controls that the Contractor finds necessary in order to ensure the quality of his work. The CP shall for each control activity describe type, method, criteria for approval and documentation and who is responsible for performing the activity. If the Engineer does not give the consent to the CP as submitted, then the CP shall be amended for next submission. Subsequent changes in terms of the quality assurance work will not cause changes in agreed deadlines or contract sums.

    2.13 Contractors Control and Documentation

    2.13.1 General

    During the Contract period, the Contractor shall, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, document that the Works comply with the quality assurance requirements stipulated in the Contract or approved during the Contract period. Consequently, based on the approved QAP and the CP's, the Contractor shall during the execution of the Works carry out and document the quality control and its compliance with the stipulated requirements. The Contractor's quality control does not limit his responsibility for the Works according to the Contract. If the Engineer, during the period of the Contract, can substantiate that the Contractor's control and/or documentation shall be extended, the Contractor shall follow the Engineers written instructions to this effect at his own cost and within the agreed time for completion.

    2.13.2 Method of documentation and filing during execution of the Works

    All control activities specified in the Control Plan shall be documented. The CP's and all other issues related to the QA System shall be kept and maintained by the Contractor in the QA filing system, which shall be kept at the project site throughout the period of the Project. On the basis of the QAP and CP's the Contractor shall produce the necessary forms for registration, log

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    books, and check lists, etc. before work is commenced. All documentation shall be provided with identification, the date and signature of the person responsible for the documentation. The identification shall as a minimum comprise: name of project, activity number as defined in the CP, time and place of the control activity. The Engineer shall have full access to the filing system and he may without notice commission a quality audit.

    2.13.3 Security

    The Contractor shall be responsible for the security of all plans, papers, books, typewriters or instruments from theft or fire during the continuance of the Contract and his insurance policies shall cover the office of the Resident Engineer.

    2.13.4 Documents at delivery

    At the time of delivery of materials and goods, the Contractor shall submit the following documentation to the Engineer in two originals or in two certified copies:

    All certificates, documentation of tests etc. of materials and goods to be used in the Works;

    All documents verifying that inspection, control and tests performed are in accordance with the Specifications;

    Identification lists with cross-references between documents and material and goods.

    2.14 Defects Liability Period

    The Contractors remedial works after completion is subject to the same control conditions as the actual construction work.

    2.15 Retention of Documents

    The Contractor shall keep the filing system with the QA documentation for minimum 5 years after the defects liability period has expired.

    2.16 Post Warranty Service Agreements

    Before taking over the Contractor will submit to the Engineer proposals for post warranty service framework contracts covering all the equipment provided under the Contract. These post warranty service contracts should cover the expected life of the equipment and clearly specify:

    The Bahrain company who will provide the service

    Qualification of the proposed service company

    Foreseen service schedule and attached costs

    Schedules of prices and delivery duration for consumables, spare parts and accessories

    Recommended minimum stock

    Response time in assessing the breakdowns and repair works

    Hourly labour costs and duration for the main repairs and service

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    Alternative proposal for provision of spare parts and consumables if these will be out of current manufacture before expire of the equipment lifetime

    The post warranty contracts will be agreed with the Engineer during the Defects Liability period.

    3 Environmental Management System

    A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) covering all aspects of the Contract and the Works must be prepared, implemented and maintained by the Contractor in accordance Bahrain statutory requirements to ensure that impacts on the environment as a result of construction activities are mitigated during the construction phase of the Contract. The system shall comply with a recognised international Environmental Management Standards and the requirements of Bahrains Supreme Council for Environment (SCE) including Supreme Council for Environments (SCE) EIA-12 Construction Environmental Management Plan Guidelines issued on 22 June 2011.

    The aims of this CEMP are to:

    raise environmental awareness of key personnel associated with the project.

    provide and suggest practical measures for dealing with specific issues that may affect sensitive receptors (e.g. noise, waste management, etc.).

    provide easy access to key environmental regulations, roles and contact details of key stakeholders (e.g. the SCE) and standards (and/or guidance) that have specific pertinence to the project.

    provide a framework for monitoring compliance with key mitigation advice.

    CEMPs have been prepared as part of the EIAs for the STP and the long sea outfall. These documents are included in Volume 6 and include reference to the relevant legislation and Ministerial Orders. These documents shall be used as a basis and developed by the Contractor to cover all environmental aspects of the construction.

    An Environmental Consultant shall be appointed by the Contractor to audit and monitor the implementation of the CEMP. In this capacity, the Environmental Consultant will be responsible for liaising with the SCE and other regulatory authorities, as well as the Contractors HSE Manager.


    4.1 Construction Permits

    The Contractor shall provide copies of any drawings and calculations as required for the issue of construction permits and the cost shall be deemed to be included within the Contract Price.

    4.2 Interpretation of Drawings

    Neither the Employer nor the Engineer accept responsibility for any omissions from or for correctness of the representation on the drawings of existing features.

    4.3 Continuous Working

    If, in the opinion of the Engineer, it is necessary for the safety of the Works or for any other reason the Works, or portion thereof, shall be carried out continuously by day and night.

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    4.4 Signboards

    Signboards shall be provided, erected, maintained and moved as required at the site, at the offices of the Engineer and at the offices of the Contractor.

    Primary signboards shall be provided in Arabic and in English giving the names of the Client, Consultant and Main Contractor only. The construction, size and wording of all signboards shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

    The signboards shall consist of a supporting structure securely anchored to the ground and with sign plates fitted on it. All working details including siting and positioning shall be submitted for approval and shall be approved before fabrication or erection commences.

    Secondary signboards shall be provided where necessary to cater for specialist consultants and sub contractors. These shall be of a standard and type of construction equal to the primary signboards and shall be approved before fabrication or erection commences in the same way as primary signboards. Each sign plate shall be the same size as those used for Consultant and Contractor on the primary signboard.

    Portable signboards shall be provided as necessary.

    The Contractor shall comply with current regulations of the Municipality and obtain approval of the Municipality. The Contractor shall keep clean and maintain the sign boards and remove them and make good all works disturbed upon completion of the Contract. The Contractor shall provide space for signboards at suitable locations.

    4.5 Temporary/Security Fencing of Site

    Security fencing shall be 2m high chain link fence as a minimum.

    Other temporary site fences shall be post and wire or chestnut paling or similar approved by the Engineer and shall have a minimum height of 1.2m.

    For work in roads, the Contractor shall follow the requirements of the Employer and the local Police.

    The Contractor shall mark all open trenches and other obstructions by approved signs, fences, barricades, and lights for the safety of the public.

    The Contractor shall instruct all persons engaged in the Construction of the Works not to trespass on land adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Site.

    4.6 Setting Out and Checking the Works

    Works temporary bench marks shall be established at suitable locations on the Site. During the progress of the Works the value of the bench marks shall be periodically checked against the value of the Master Datum. Temporary bench marks shall be located clear of construction works.

    4.7 Survey of Site

    The Contractor shall be responsible for producing an accurate record of the existing site showing the location of the existing structures and features and existing ground levels.

    The existing ground levels are shown on the Drawings are indicative only.

    Before any work commences on Site, the Contractor shall take colour photographs in sufficient quantity in agreement with and in the presence of the Engineer to accurately portray the

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    condition of the existing works, plant and equipment and general site area. A set of prints of these photographs of minimum size 200mm by 100mm is to be handed to the Engineer within four weeks of the Commencement Date.

    4.8 Interference with Land Interests

    Constructional operations shall generally be confined within the Site, or such other areas of land as may be negotiated. Contractor's employees shall be instructed not to trespass.

    4.9 Interference with Access to Properties

    Before obstructing the access to any property, satisfactory alternative arrangements must be provided.

    4.10 Site Cleanliness and Environmental Protection

    The Site shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner and particular attention shall be paid to the protection and conservation of any local environmental features and local habitats.

    Contractors refuse shall not be deposited indiscriminately and arrangements shall be made for all waste and general refuse such as bags, packing cases, surplus concrete, waste timber and tins to be transported to an authorised tip. No refuse is to be deposited into trenches or other excavations before backfilling. Local facilities for recycling of wastes shall be investigated and adopted wherever possible.

    The public highways leading to the Site, and internal access roads, which are used for access shall be kept clean and free from spoil and rubbish at all times.

    Site personnel shall be prohibited from urinating or defecating on Site except in properly constructed toilets provided by the Contractor

    If the Contractor fails to keep the Site clean then the Engineer will instruct a third party to carry out the work and the costs shall be recovered from the Contractor through the Contract.

    No caravans or huts are to be brought onto the Site for use as sleeping accommodation unless prior approval is obtained from the Engineer.

    4.11 Demolition, Damage and Making Good

    Care shall be taken when demolishing or cutting away existing work or dismantling existing plant such that no adjacent work is unnecessarily damaged. Any work so damaged shall be made good. For major structures in excess of 50 cubic metres the Contractor shall put forward detailed proposals for demolition, dismantling, and temporary supports.

    All materials arising from demolition work, except as otherwise provided for in this clause, shall be disposed of by the Contractor as surplus material.

    Any mechanical and electrical equipment, pipes, fittings and valves retrieved from demolished or dismantled structures and pipelines shall, if required by the Employer, be delivered to and stacked at one of the Employers depots to the instructions of the Engineer. Pipes, fittings and valves not required by the Employer shall be disposed of as surplus material.

    Unless otherwise specified, underground structures and chambers shall be demolished to a depth of one metre below finished ground level, cleared out and filled with approved clean material

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    Where existing sewers and conduits are connected to the new systems, the length of pipes which are not incorporated into the new system shall be abandoned.

    Buried pipelines to be abandoned shall be sealed with a mass concrete plug to a minimum depth of 1,000 mm at either end and at any intermediate manholes.

    Manholes and abandoned pipelines shall be demolished to a depth of 500 mm below final ground level and the void filled with hard core or other approved fill material and surface reinstated to a finish similar to that of the surrounding area.

    Exposed raw faces of existing concrete or blockwork which will not have new work built on to them shall be made good with cement rendering or new blockwork as applicable.

    All trees and shrubs shall be protected, if necessary with fencing, unless written permission is given to fell or lop.

    Where any building, land, hedge, wall, fence or other existing feature is disturbed or damaged in any way the permanent reinstatement shall be made with materials similar, and not inferior, to those in the undamaged portion.

    4.12 Site Drainage

    At all stages of the work the Site shall be properly drained so that standing pools of water are not allowed to form.

    Drainage works shall be in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations and the Contractor will be responsible for consultation and liaison with all relevant authorities. All proposals for drainage works shall be approved by the Engineer, but such approval will not absolve the Contractor from his complete responsibility for the Works in this regard.

    Silt traps shall be provided as required on any permanent or temporary drains which may be required for the removal of water during the construction period. All drains shall be maintained clear of silt until completion of the Contract. Any silting of drains, whether within the Site or not, which arises from the failure to observe this clause shall be removed.

    4.13 Monitoring of Existing Structures

    The Contractor shall monitor any structure in close proximity to any construction activities to ensure that no damage or disturbance is caused to existing structures.

    The Contractor shall submit his proposals for monitoring to the Engineer for his consent prior to any construction activities on the site. The proposals shall include an assessment of the structures likely to be affected by the construction activities together with details of the proposed monitoring activities and details of proposed temporary support if necessary to ensure no adverse effect on the structures concerned.

    The Engineer shall have the right to suspend the Works at no cost to the Employer if in the opinion of the Engineer the Works are causing excess or uneven settlement, damage or disturbance to any structure affected by the Works, and the Contractor shall bear the cost of any repairs, reinstatement, temporary supports and the like so occasioned whether by the Contractors acts or omissions.

    4.14 Interface with Existing Structures

    Where the Works involve any modifications of, or connections to existing structures, the Contractor shall maintain the integrity of the existing structure and ensure that all anticipated loading conditions are fully considered, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, so that no cracking,

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    subsidence or any other adverse effect is caused to the existing structures, and the Contractor shall bear the cost of any repairs.

    4.15 Interface with Other Contractors

    Whilst constructional operations shall generally be confined within the Site, the Contractor should be mindful of interfaces with others at the project boundaries. Particular attention is drawn to the construction of the Inlet Pumping Station (Terminal Lift Pumping Station) where a high level of liaison, interfacing and cooperation will be required with the Contractor responsible for the construction of the incoming Deep Gravity Sewer which will connect to the Inlet Pumping Station.

    Similarly, the TSE irrigation pipeline from the TSE pumping station will interface with the contractor constructing the TSE network serving the rest of the AMAS development.

    4.16 Traffic Requirements

    The Contractor shall obtain approval from the Responsible Authorities for road closures, road diversions and notifications. The Police and Fire Authority shall also be notified.

    4.17 Maintenance of Access Roads

    The Contractor shall maintain all public and private roads, drives and tracks which he has permission to use during the Contract and shall leave them in the same state of repair as at the commencement of the Contract.

    The Contractor shall ensure that all the access routes and channel crossings are suitable for his use and allow for any temporary measures that may be required to bring them up to the standard he requires. The Contractor is to restore the routes and channel crossings to their original state upon completion of the Works.

    Should the use of any access routes arranged by the Contractor be considered by the Employer to be detrimental or contrary to any undertakings or statements given by the Employer regarding environmental aspects of the Contract, the Engineer may withhold his consent to the use of the access route.

    Prior to any construction work the Contractor shall prepare and agree with the Engineer a schedule recording the condition of all structures, land and surfaces (including the depth and condition of any topsoil, if present) within the site working areas and access routes and site compounds.

    4.18 Water for Testing

    Water will be supplied to the Contractor for testing of pipes and structures after due consultation and agreement with the Employer. The Contractor will pay at cost for the supply of water.

    Water may be taken subject to at least 24 hours written notice and the Contractor shall adhere to all restrictions applied by the Employer on flow rates and times.

    4.19 Excavations for Water Mains and Sewers

    The Contractor shall comply with all the requirements of any national or local regulations or codes of practice for buried Services.

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    If dewatering of excavations is required, the Contractor shall comply with the requirements of any relevant national or local regulations or codes of practice.

    In roads, compaction shall achieve not less than 95% of the natural ground compaction.

    The Contractor shall bear the cost of road reinstatement, which shall be undertaken by the relevant authority or an approved agent appointed by the authority in accordance with the requirements of any national or local regulations or codes of practice.

    4.20 Existing Services

    The Contractors attention is drawn to the Code of Practice for Service Installation prepared by the Ministry of Works, Power & Water. In collaboration with the Engineer and before any work commences outside the STP site, the Contractor shall contact the local officials of each of the service authorities and shall maintain close liaison with them throughout the construction. The Contractor shall establish in advance the positions of all main services liable to interference by the construction and shall mark the position physically on the ground. The Contractor shall be in possession of a cable locator for this purpose.

    Apart from verifying positions to prevent damage, scrutiny is needed to identify those main services which might conflict with the Permanent Works where this is not indicated on the Drawings. Early scrutiny of these services is essential to enable any such diversions to be made in advance of the construction.

    Notwithstanding the scrutiny referred to above the Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage to existing buried main services and connections to buildings.

    The Contractor should note in particular that the Electricity Directorate will not permit work in close proximity to high voltage cables (11kV and above) during periods of high demand (which are normally from about mid May to mid September) other than in exceptional circumstances.

    The Contractor shall provide adequate temporary support to all existing services and connections that are exposed or partially exposed or otherwise weakened by the excavation. Should any damage occur he shall immediately notify the Engineer and service authority and afford every facility for the immediate repair of the affected service.

    The Contractor shall carefully preserve and replace all marker tapes and tiles affected by his excavations.

    In addition to the precautions to be taken with buried services the Contractor shall ensure that his plant and equipment do not damage pipeline or pipe supports above ground or any overhead electricity or telephone cables. He shall also take all precautions to prevent his plant from operating too closely to overhead high tension cables, and he shall, in conjunction with the Engineer and Electricity Directorate establish all necessary precautions for crossing under such cables.

    The Contractor shall afford the Engineer and the relevant service authorities such assistance as they may require in the preparation of records of existing and diverted services.

    Existing services on the site of the STP are generally the property of the Employer. Similar procedures shall, however, be followed to also ensure the protection of these services.

    4.21 Electricity, Water Supply and Telecommunications

    Electricity, water supplies and telecommunications shall be provided to the Site for both temporary and permanent requirements.

    1. Water Supply

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    The Contractor shall provide adequate supplies of water for drinking and for all other purposes where required. The Contractor shall take note that it may not be possible to secure the provision of water for commissioning and testing through a connection to a public water supply. The Contractor shall allow for this in his programme for the completion of the works at his expense. Arrangements for permanent supplies shall be made with the Water Supply Directorate P.O. Box 326, Manama.

    2. Electricity Supply The Contractor shall make arrangements for the supply of electricity to his own offices, the offices of the Engineer and for use in the Works whether by means of site generators or by connection to the public supply. In the latter case arrangements shall be made with the Electricity Distribution Directorate, P.O. Box 2, Manama. Where a permanent supply will ultimately be provided the Contractor shall not assume that this is available during the construction of the Works.

    3. Telephones Where appropriate, the Contractor shall arrange with Bahrain Telecommunications Company, P.O. Box 14, Manama for his telephone connections. He shall also arrange for the telephone connections for the Engineer as specified.

    4.22 Protection of Work

    The Contractor shall, at his own expense, case up and suitably protect all work liable to injury, either by the weather or by the method adopted for execution of the Works.

    Precautions especially required for the protection of new concrete and brickwork are specified elsewhere.

    No other work requiring the use of cement or lime shall be carried out when the shade temperature is above 40C (104F) nor shall any materials that have been exposed to the direct rays of the sun during hot weather be used until, in the opinion of the Engineer, sufficient time under favourable conditions has elapsed for the materials to reach a suitable temperature for incorporation in the Works.

    The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of maximum and minimum thermometers so that the Engineer may observe the shade temperature at each place of mixing, placing and building.

    4.23 Materials and Workmanship

    4.23.1 Local and Environmental Requirements

    All materials and manufactured items shall be suitable for the climatic and environmental conditions in Bahrain described in this specification.

    The environmental conditions may be different in different parts of the Works and materials shall be selected and manufactured items designed accordingly to withstand the relevant corrosive elements. In particular:

    (i) all products or materials in contact with sewage or a sewage environment shall be non-biodegradable.

    (ii) all products or materials in contact with potable water shall not constitute a toxic hazard, shall not support microbial growth, shall not cause taste or odour cloudiness or discolouration of the water, and shall be approved by a recognised certifying authority as being suitable for use in potable water supply systems.

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    All local customs, laws and regulations relating to the supply or source of materials shall be complied with.

    4.23.2 Quality of Manufacture and Standards

    All materials and manufactured items supplied for incorporation in the permanent works shall be new, of high quality and of sound workmanship. They shall be purchased only from approved suppliers who shall be capable of demonstrating the suitability of their products by reference to similar works or certified test results.

    Materials and manufactured items shall normally be certified as complying with relevant specifications of a recognised national or international standards organisation which shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

    Except where otherwise indicated in the Contract, the edition of an approved standard shall be that current 42 days prior to the date for the return of tenders.

    The Schedule of Approved Standards and Guidance Publications in Volume 3A, Section 3, Civil Specifications (Section S) lists approved standards as a quality guide for the materials and articles to be provided. This schedule in no way prejudices the approval of any other equivalent or superior national or international standards. Also included in this schedule are publications for guidance on procedure and practice.

    Where the requirements of this specification and an approved standard differ, the more stringent requirement shall apply. Should the requirements of this specification and an approved standard be incompatible, the requirements of this Specification shall take precedence.

    Copies of the appropriate edition of any national or international Standards in English which may be called for as being required in the execution of the Contract shall be provided for the sole use of the Engineer. These may include alternative Standards to those to which the materials are manufactured for use as a comparative quality guide. The Standards will remain the property of the Contractor and will be returned to him at the end of the Contract.

    Any reference to a Manufacturer/product is to be taken as indicative of quality only.

    4.23.3 Approval of Suppliers, Manufacturers, Materials and Manufactured Items

    Prior to the placing of any order for materials or manufactured items, the approval procedure described under this clause shall be followed. All requests for Approval shall be submitted in triplicate. The information shall be clearly and neatly presented in a standard format to be agreed with the Engineer. All submissions shall have a document number and revision reference in accordance with the Contractors quality assurance system. No orders shall be placed until one copy of the final Request for Approval has been returned duly signed and dated by the Engineer or his representative.

    Generally a two stage approval procedure shall be followed as described below. The first stage requires the Contractor to demonstrate that his proposed supplier/manufacturer has the necessary experience, competency and reputation in the field of the proposed supply. The second stage follows approval of the supplier and comprises a full technical submittal.

    1. Approval of Supplier/Manufacturer

    The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer full details of his proposed supplier/manufacturer. The submission shall include:

    Name and address of proposed supplier or manufacturer

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    Background and history to demonstrate compliance with the specified requirement for experience, competency and reputation in the field of the proposed equipment supply.

    Reference numbers and title of relevant specifications of a recognised national or international standards organisation with which the materials or manufactured items will comply together with copies of the specifications in English where required by the Engineer.

    Manufacturers literature and data sheets for articles and fabricated items.

    Details of reference sites.

    Contact details for referees.

    Any other information called for in particular clauses of the Specification

    Period for approval is 14 days subject to submitted information being of a satisfactory standard. For minor items of supply the approval of Supplier/Manufacturer stage may be waived at the discretion of the Engineer.

    2. Full Technical Submission

    Following approval of the supplier/manufacturer, a full technical submission shall be made as described elsewhere under this clause. Evidence (by copy of letter of enquiry or otherwise) that the attention of the

    proposed supplier or manufacturer has been drawn to the particular climatic and environmental conditions in Bahrain.

    Samples of materials representing the quality of the bulk of such materials the Contractor proposes to use.

    Sufficient information to demonstrate that the materials or manufactured items are suitable and comply with the Specification including reference to all relevant Specification Clauses.

    Detailed design calculations and design, fabrication and installation drawings

    Any other information called for in particular clauses of the Specification.

    Provided the information requested is satisfactory, the Engineers approval will be given within a period of 21 days. Where additional information or clarification is required, the 21 day approval period will commence on receipt of the satisfactory additional information.

    Prior to despatch to Site or to a designated place of storage the following shall be provided:

    i) Facilities for inspection and testing at suppliers' pits or quarries, manufacturers works or at approved independent testing centres as appropriate. Inspection and/or witness testing may be carried out by the Engineer or the Engineer Representative or other appointed Inspector.

    ii) Details of the suppliers or the manufacturers quality control test procedures.

    iii) The carrying out of tests as stated in the current quoted or appropriate British Standard or other national standard as appropriate, and such other tests as are necessary in the opinion of the Engineer, to determine that the Works comply with the Specification either under test conditions at the manufacturers works, on site or elsewhere under normal working conditions. Where tests and inspection have been completed to the

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    Engineers satisfaction and when the test certificates, etc., have been checked the Engineer will confirm acceptance in writing and the items concerned shall not be delivered or incorporated in the Works until this acceptance has been received.

    iv) Four copies of all test certificates where appropriate to be supplied to the Inspecting Engineer within two weeks of any witnessed tests.

    v) Shipping and consignment identification details to be submitted to the Engineer.

    vi) Where witness tests are not required the test certificates and/or certificates of compliance with the appropriate standard are to be forwarded to the Inspecting Engineer within two weeks after instructions to waive witness tests have been received.

    vii) Each certificate shall give sufficient information to enable the Engineer to identify the material or equipment to which it refers prior to the issuing of his release order.

    viii) No inspection or passing by the Engineer, or the Inspecting Engineer of the Work, or manufactured item, or materials covered by this Contract, whether carried out or supplied by the Contractor, shall release him from any of his obligations under the Contract.

    ix) The Engineer reserves the right to require the Contractor to meet any extra costs which are occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with the above testing and inspection requirements including the provision of test certificates, curves, etc., or, which in the opinion of the Engineer, are due to insufficient care having been taken by the Contractor or his Sub-Contractor before presenting the item for inspection or test. If unauthorised delivery has taken p