Special Prosecutors Rest Weak Case

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Special prosecutors rest weak case against Judge Tracie Hunter Cincinnati, OH- September 26, 2014— After two and a half weeks of testimony by only a few witnesses, the prosecution has rested its case in the trial of Judge Tracie M. Hunter. The trial has had the grandeur of a murder trial and a plot akin to a poorly constructed Perry Mason episode or a 2014 remake of Much Ado About Nothing. Despite all the pomp and circumstance, each of the nine felony charges against the first term judge have unraveled and the prosecutors case has gone down the drain, along with Hamilton County taxpayers’ money. When asked during pretrial hearings what the trial is actually costing, the prosecutor’s office admitted that they had not yet negotiated a fee. So, essentially it seems that prosecutor Joe Deters, handed special prosecutors Merlyn Shiverdecker and Scott Crosswell, III a blank check to bring these frivolous charges against Hunter. Defense attorney Clyde Bennett, II, who has used the prosecutor’s own witnesses to skillfully dismantle the prosecutors case, says the charges amount to “a personal vendetta and prosecutorial vindictiveness” towards a judge who refused to “give up her seat”. Hunter is accused of theft for using her county-issued credit card to pay court fees, stemming from charges filed


Special Prosecutors Rest Weak Case

Transcript of Special Prosecutors Rest Weak Case


Special prosecutors rest weak case against Judge Tracie Hunter

Cincinnati, OH- September 26, 2014After two and a half weeks of testimony by only a few witnesses, the prosecution has rested its case in the trial of Judge Tracie M. Hunter. The trial has had the grandeur of a murder trial and a plot akin to a poorly constructed Perry Mason episode or a 2014 remake of Much Ado About Nothing.

Despite all the pomp and circumstance, each of the nine felony charges against the first term judge have unraveled and the prosecutors case has gone down the drain, along with Hamilton County taxpayers money. When asked during pretrial hearings what the trial is actually costing, the prosecutors office admitted that they had not yet negotiated a fee. So, essentially it seems that prosecutor Joe Deters, handed special prosecutors Merlyn Shiverdecker and Scott Crosswell, III a blank check to bring these frivolous charges against Hunter.

Defense attorney Clyde Bennett, II, who has used the prosecutors own witnesses to skillfully dismantle the prosecutors case, says the charges amount to a personal vendetta and prosecutorial vindictiveness towards a judge who refused to give up her seat.

Hunter is accused of theft for using her county-issued credit card to pay court fees, stemming from charges filed against her judicial office; having an unlawful interest in a public contract by using her judicial office to secure overtime for her brother; and for backdating court entries to prevent the prosecutors office from filing appeals.

Testimony of witnesses proved that Hunter was never personally informed of the specific business expenses the card could be used for, however she never used her credit card for anything other than business. Witness testimony revealed that Judge Karla Grady had, but was given the opportunity to correct her mistake. Hunter was instead charged with three felonies associated with the business oriented filing fees.

Dwayne Bowman, superintendant of the Youth Center (2020) testified that Hunter used her position to secure overtime for her brother and subsequently intervened in her brothers investigation after he was fired. On cross-examination, however Bowman admitted that he coordinated the overtime through Hunters bailiff and had in fact never communicated directly with Hunter regarding her brothers overtime.

Hunters brother who amassed only 4.9 hours in overtime on Judge Tracie Hunters floor, worked for the juvenile court for several years before his sister won her judicial seat. Stephen could not confirm whether his sister even knew he was working on her floor. Over the course of the year, Stephen Hunter only worked 93 hours of overtime at the Youth Center, while several others holding his position worked upwards of 2500 hours in overtime.

No evidence was presented that proves that Hunter interfered with the investigation, however the prosecution is accusing Hunter of securing documents from the court and giving them to her brothers attorney prior to the investigation into his firing. These documents were public records claims defense attorney Bennett. The defense plans to call witnesses who will testify that they requested and secured public records from Hunter.

Testimony by Proware software executive and case manager Lisa Miller, revealed that Miller, Connie Murdock, Karla Gunther and others routinely backdated court entries. On Friday, it was also revealed that Judge Hunters cases had been changed and deleted in the courts computer system, overturning her original ruling, which was not in favor of the magistrates decision in the A.C. case. The A.C. case is one of two that she is currently being brought up on charges for. Hunter does not have the ability to delete an entry from the system.

Modifying the judges decision could constitute a criminal offense on the part of Connie Murdock; the case management supervisor who Miller says ordered the change. During pre-trial hearings special prosecutor Crosswell told defense attorney Bennett that if he could show him one incident where anyone else backdated documents I will prosecute them as well.

On cross-examination, Proware software executive testified that the reason he did not provide the names of who actually did the backdating is because the prosecutor didnt ask him to. No testimony or evidence was presented demonstrating that Hunter backdated the documents in question.

News media outlets, which previously sensationalized the allegations against Hunter, have now chosen to no longer write daily articles on the case. Kimball Perry, a Cincinnati Enquirer reporter who has been described by supporters as obsessed, unprofessional, aggressive, one-sided, and tabloidal in his reporting of the pretrial hearings, became eerily silent and almost non-existent as defense attorney Clyde Bennett, II masterfully dismantled the prosecutors case using the prosecutions witnesses.

Assistant Prosecutor James T. Harper admitted that the prosecutors were fighting Hunter and representing her at the same time, when he was lead attorney for the Board of Elections in an attempt to suppress votes from predominantly black communities to try to keep Hunter off the bench. Hunter eventually won her case and the election. During cross examination, Harper admitted that he, Joe Deters and several others in the prosecutors office were upset when Hunter filed grievances against them with the Ohio Supreme Court. It is the worst thing that can happen to an attorney, he stated. When Bennett asked if this wasnt a conflict of interest, Harper said we were fighting her as Tracie Hunter and representing her judicial office.

Katherine Pridemore, the prosecutions star witness and also an employee of the prosecutors office, further demonstrated the strength of Bennetts claim that the prosecutors office had it in for Hunter and wanted her off the bench by any means necessary. Pridemore became unraveled as she railed against Hunter pointing her fingers and gnashing her teeth, I lived and breathed your client, Pridemore said. While under oath, Pridemore said the directives to investigate Hunter came from the prosecutor and the Ohio Supreme Court. John VanNorman of the Ohio Supreme Court denies that they ever conducted an investigation on Judge Hunter.

Pridemores testimony was further impeached by Chief Public Defender Raymond T. Faller, when he admitted that there were no timeline for cases on appeal and when he admitted that the cases that they accused Hunter of being out of time on did not harm children and originally filed in 1998 and 2005, long before Hunter took the bench. On cross-examination, Prosecutor William Breyer also disputed Pridemores testimony that Hunter used nunc pro tunc entries to backdate. A non pro tunc entry is not used to backdate, it is used only to correct an earlier entry. It cannot be used to change a date.

Bishop Bobby Hilton is calling for a massive protest rally and press conference on Hamilton County courthouse steps at noon on Monday, September 29th. Prosecutor Joe Deters office who brought these trumped up charges against Judge Hunter, is the same prosecution team responsible for allow the officer to go free of charges in the homicide of John Crawford, who was holding a toy gun he intended to purchase at the Walmart store in Beavercreak, Ohio.


Vanessa Enoch, Ph.D. studentUnion Institute & UniversityReporting from CincinnatiYou Got the PowerP.O. Box 146Tuskegee, Alabama 36087(334) 328-6627