Special Exam Intelligence


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Southville International School and Colleges

Special Exam in Intelligence

Name: _____________________________________ Score: __________ Instructor: _________________________________ Date: ___________ I. Read the statements carefully. Choose the letter that completes the sentence. Write your answer on the space before the number.

__________ 1. There is a spirited debate about whether people have a ___________ intelligence or a number of specific intelligence.

a. General b. Basic c. No d. Good __________ 2. One controversy about intelligence is whether intelligence is more influenced by ___________ and the environment.

a. Humidity b. Heresy c. Heredity d. Personality __________ 3. In 1904, the French Ministry of Education asked ___________ Binet … (go to No. 4)

a. Alex b. Andrei c. Anthony d. Alfred __________ 4. …and Theophile __________ to devise a method of identifying children who were unable to learn in school.

a. Simon b. Sein c. Soros d. Sheldon __________ 5. Binet’s concept of mental age is the individual’s level of _______ development relative to others.

a. Elemental b. Physical c. Emotional d. Mental __________ 6. IQ refers to a person’s mental age divided by ____________ age multiplied by 100. a. Real b. Perceived c. Physical d. Chronological __________ 7. The Binet Test has been revised several times at ____________ University

a. Oxford b. Stanford c. UCLA d. Ateneo __________ 8. Published in 1916, the _______________ Test became the standard intelligence test in the United States.

a. Lewis b. Stanford-Binet c. Truman d. IQ __________ 9. A general composite _________ is still obtained to reflect a overall intelligence.

a. Score b. Test c. Assumption d. Term __________ 10. Intelligence tests such as the Stanford-Binet and Weschler Scales are given on _______ basis. a. A Group b. A Team c. An Individual d. A Regular II. Matching: Fill-in the blanks with the correct match on Gardner’s 8 Frames of Mind. Write the LETTER on the blanks. A. Verbal E. Musical B. Mathematical F. Intrapersonal C. Spatial G. Interpersonal D. Bodily-Kinesthetic H. Naturalist

____________ 1. Welder

____________2. Rocket Scientist

____________3. Baker

____________4. Gardener

____________5. Civil Engineer

____________6. Landscape Architect

____________7. Choir Singer

____________8. Church Pastor

____________9. Public Relations Manager

____________10. Botanist

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____________11. Mural Artist

____________12. Public School Teacher

____________13. Training Manager

____________14. Composer

____________15. Farmer

____________ 16. Zoo Keeper

____________ 17. Railroad Engineer

____________ 18. Astronaut

____________ 19. History Professor

____________ 20. Congressman

III. Modified True or False. Write True if the statement is correct. If the statement is False, write False before the number and underline the word/s that made the statement wrong.

________ 1. Intelligence is the ability to solve problems.

________ 2. Intelligence can be directly measured.

________ 3. A mentally retarded individual has an IQ score below 100.

________ 4. Because intelligence is such an abstract and broad concept, it is not surprising that there are so

many different ways to define it.

________ 5. Experts describe intelligence as creativity and interpersonal skills.

________ 6. Intelligence is the capacity to adapt and learn from experience.

________ 7. Alfred Binet and Theophile Simon developed the Stanford-Binet Test.

________ 8. In 1942, William Stern created the concept of the IQ.

________ 9. IQ stands for Intelligence Quota.

________ 10. Alfred Binet developed the concept of mental age (MA).

________ 11. Engaging children in brainstorming sessions helps them be more creative.

________ 12. Heritability index in computed using correlational techniques.

________ 13. Cultures are the same in the way they define intelligence.

________ 14. The gap between African Americans and so called Whites on standardized intelligence tests have

narrowed through the years.

________ 15. Females score better on spatial reasoning tasks.

IV. Essay. Write a brief essay on what you perceive are your key strengths and why you think you are gifted in

those areas. Discuss one of your weaknesses and write down how you think you can improve on it.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Homer Nievera Ludy Balatbat, Ph. D.

Instructor Chairperson

Approved by:


Dean of Arts and Science