Special Dates in December St. John Eagle

Staff and Special Events 2 From the Pastor 3 Ladies Aid, Funeral Luncheon, & Updates 4-5 Youth, Stewardship, & Do Not Be Afraid 6-8 Agenda, Special Offerings, & Order Form 9-10 What Your Child Deserves 11 Worship Assistants and Flowers 12 St. John Eagle YOUR SOURCE OF SPIRITUAL NOURISHMENT FOR YOUR SOUL THROUGH THE WORD Special Dates in December 7th - Midweek Advent Services (12:30 and 7:00 pm) 10th - Ladies Aid Christmas Luncheon (noon) 11th - Youth Caroling & Christmas Party (4:00 pm) CFS Christmas Dinner (6:00 pm) 12th - Poinsettia Orders Due 14th - Midweek Advent Services (12:30 and 7:00 pm) 15th - Potluck & Bible Study (noon) 18th - Voters’ Meeting (11:15 am) Children’s Christmas Service at Grace (4:00 pm) 24th - Christmas Eve Worship Service (6:00 pm) 25th - Christmas Morning Worship Service (9:00 am) 26th - Office Closed 31st - New Year’s Eve Worship Service (6:00 pm)

Transcript of Special Dates in December St. John Eagle

Page 1: Special Dates in December St. John Eagle

Staff and Special Events 2

From the Pastor 3

Ladies Aid, Funeral Luncheon, & Updates 4-5

Youth, Stewardship, & Do Not Be Afraid 6-8

Agenda, Special Offerings, & Order Form 9-10

What Your Child Deserves 11

Worship Assistants and Flowers 12 St.







Special Dates in December

7th - Midweek Advent Services (12:30 and 7:00 pm) 10th - Ladies Aid Christmas Luncheon (noon)

11th - Youth Caroling & Christmas Party (4:00 pm) CFS Christmas Dinner (6:00 pm) 12th - Poinsettia Orders Due

14th - Midweek Advent Services (12:30 and 7:00 pm) 15th - Potluck & Bible Study (noon) 18th - Voters’ Meeting (11:15 am)

Children’s Christmas Service at Grace (4:00 pm) 24th - Christmas Eve Worship Service (6:00 pm)

25th - Christmas Morning Worship Service (9:00 am) 26th - Office Closed

31st - New Year’s Eve Worship Service (6:00 pm)

Page 2: Special Dates in December St. John Eagle


Sunday Services

9:00 a.m.

+ + + +

Radio Broadcasts...

9:00 a.m. on 2nd Sunday

of each month

KAYL 101.7FM.

+ + + + + + Lutheran Hour Ministries Lutheran Hour Ministries Lutheran Hour Ministries Lutheran Hour Ministries KAYL 8:00 a.m.KAYL 8:00 a.m.KAYL 8:00 a.m.KAYL 8:00 a.m. Every SundayEvery SundayEvery SundayEvery Sunday Saturday Services

6:00 p.m.

+ + + +

Holy Communion

1st and 3rd Weekend

of each month


Rev. Bruce Lesemann

Home: 712-732-0161


Celeste Cummins


Suzanne Winterhof


Renae Norwood


ST. JOHN LUTHERAN CHURCH, 402 Lake Ave, Storm Lake, IA. Phone: 712-732-2400 Email: [email protected]




Be in the Word

Adult Bible Class meets at 10:30

a.m. in the Fireside Room (led by

V. Winterhof). Pastor Lesemann’s

Bible Study is taking a break

while he fills the Newell vacancy.

Faithbuilders will be held at Grace

during December. Practices for the

Children’s Christmas Service will

be Dec. 4th & 11th at 10:30 am.

Page 3: Special Dates in December St. John Eagle


Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! Psalm 34:3

Our Advent Wednesday series for this year highlights three children of God that are a

central part of the Christian faith. Each one is featured in the previous Sunday’s Gospel

reading. All of them praise God, yet we will emphasis three different aspects of the

faith they each demonstrated.

Last week from Zechariah we learned the aspect of “Praise and Pray.” This coming

Wednesday, John the Baptizer will teach us “Praise and Witness.” And the final

Wednesday with Mary the mother of Jesus will show “Praise and Serve.”

I believe we all have special characteristics that God wants to use for His Glory. Yet in

our walk of faith there are universal characteristics that God wants us all to display,

like the examples of praise, prayer, witness and service. And with the guidance of the

Holy Spirit we do all these things in our own special way using the talents God has

given each one of us.

Do we try to emulate Zechariah, John the Baptizer or Mary? Not necessarily, but all of

us can think of people that have influenced our lives that we have tried to emulate. I

myself remember trying to emulate my 8th grade teacher Mr. Schelp. Thankfully he was

a wonderful child of God who gave his students many examples of how to live out a

life of faith. And I can say that he also influenced me to become a teacher and in that

way serve God.

Examples of faith are throughout God’s Word and we can and should learn from them.

Yet there are also many examples of faith in our day and age and they are all around

us! We can learn from them as well! What about you? Are you an example of faith?

Let us strive to be an example of faith by giving others, especially children, a direction

for life. We do this because we have a merciful heavenly Father who cared enough to

send His Son Jesus Christ to save us! Now by the power of the Holy Spirit He desires

to use us as His instrument and for His glory!

In His grace,

Pastor Bruce Lesemann

Page 4: Special Dates in December St. John Eagle


Ladies’ Aid NotesLadies’ Aid NotesLadies’ Aid NotesLadies’ Aid Notes St. John Lutheran Ladies’ Aid met on November 2. Lois Sahl provided refreshments; because of illness, she was not able to attend so Renae Norwood assisted in serving. Lois Lytle presented the devotion, “God Has

Promises.” So often we feel something is impossible, but God gives the strength and ability to accomplish the task. Roll call was answered by ten members who told of family members who have served our country in the Armed Forces. A gift of $100 was given to Mission Central in honor of Pastor’s 10 years of service; Pastor was to designate the recipient. The focus grant for the month was the support of Global Students at the Concordia Seminaries. A funeral service for Eileen Johnson, 86 years old, was held October 28,

2016 at 10:30 am. Group 2 was in charge. Thank you to everyone who

furnished or served the food and helped clean up.

JOIN US - The congregation is invited to the Annual Advent/Christmas Luncheon sponsored by the Ladies’ Aid to be held on Saturday, December 10, at Noon. In this festive season, this is a great way to enjoy the fellowship of Christian friends and reflect on the meaning of Christmas. The program for the day will be “The Story Behind the Song.”

Don’t miss it!! Each year the St. John Choir and other musicians prepare a special “gift” for the congregation in the form of a worship service featuring special music. Appropri-ately, this is the Third Sunday in Advent….the “rejoice” Sunday….and what better way to rejoice than in singing the carols of Christmas! Reflect on the meaning of Christ’s birth and give thanks and praise for His great gift.

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VOTER’S MEETING - A special voters’ meeting will be held at 11:15 am

on Sunday, December 18, 2016 to approve the 2017 budget for St. John. The order of business, list of special offerings, and the proposed 2017 budget are posted on the bulletin board at church. The order of business and special offerings are also included on p. 9 of this newsletter. DIRECTOR’S REPORTS - Attention all board and committee directors: if you have not already turned in the report of your group’s activities for

the December 18th voters’ meeting, please submit them to Celeste no later than Tuesday, December 6th, so they can be included in the meeting packet.

THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT - Missionaries, Rev. Herb and Markie Burch and Rev. Cullen and Jackie Duke are grateful for the financial support they have received from St. John through Mission Central. The Burch’s received $465.00 and the Duke’s received $200.00. Thank you for your generosity in supporting their mission work!


on Sunday, December 18th at 4:00 pm. This year the children will share

the good news of Jesus’ holy nativity through the eyes of the saints of old.

The promises of our faithful Lord, which were made to our first parents and

repeated through all generations of the Family of God, come to life through

the spoken Word of God and traditional hymns of Christmas!

POINSETTIA ORDERS - If you enjoy seeing the beautiful poinsettias in the front of the church during the Christmas season, make plans to order yours! As in the past, they will still be available for $10.00 and will be delivered to the church. Order forms are avail-able in each weekend’s bulletins and on p. 10 of this newsletter.

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Sunday, December 11 at 4:00pm Grace/St. John Christmas Caroling Party: St. John and Grace brothers and sisters are going caroling. After we carol in the community, we will have a Fun Christmas Party hosted by Grace. Junior and Senior High students are asked to bring a gag gift that they made, bought for $5 or less, found or reused for the party. And the students are also invited to bring any treats to share. A Christmas

drink will be provided. Come, relax and have a SEASON of fun. Please plan on meeting at Grace at 4:00PM (new time) before we go caroling to Methodist Manor and Otsego Place. If you have any questions, call Jerry 732-2775 or [email protected]. – Host Family Needed Too – I need drivers and a someone to help set up for the party.

No Apologies ConferenceNo Apologies ConferenceNo Apologies ConferenceNo Apologies Conference Wednesday, January 25Wednesday, January 25Wednesday, January 25Wednesday, January 25thththth at 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm at 6:30 pm ---- 8:15 pm 8:15 pm 8:15 pm 8:15 pm

Teen Night is open to all 6th-12th grade students. Midweek attendance will be excused at St. John and Grace for all the Junior High youth who can go to this event. It is sponsored by the Cherish Center and teaches students about making smart and healthy life decisions. The theme of the conference is “Deceived: How Have We Been Deceived Into What We Think About Sex?” The youth group will cover your $5 registration fee. Learn more about it at Learn more about it at Learn more about it at Learn more about it at nononono----apologies.orgapologies.orgapologies.orgapologies.org.... Harris “the Third” is an award-winning illusionist, communicator and the founder of the Istoria Collective, a production company that champions the art of storytelling. He is also the director of the STORY Conference, a gathering designed by creatives, for creatives. Please RSVP (December 18).Please RSVP (December 18).Please RSVP (December 18).Please RSVP (December 18). Contact Jerry Johnson at 712-732-2775 or [email protected].

Page 7: Special Dates in December St. John Eagle


Stewardship Message: Jesus’ words in Luke 11:9: “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be

given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” (SEEK) We look to the Bible for direction to live our lives. 2 Chronicles 12:14 tells us King Rehoboam “did evil because he prepared not his heart to

seek the Lord.” From this we learn it is evil when we fail to seek the Lord.

Like the crowds of old who sought the Lord, our question is, “What shall we do, that we

might work the works of God?” Jesus’ answer to the crowd is the same as He would tell us

today, “This is the work of God that we believe on him, whom he hath sent” (John 6:28, 29). Our belief in Him and our faith lead us to “live a life worthy of the Lord and…please Him in

every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God…” (Colossians

1:10). Because of this, we will joyfully “produce fruit in keeping with repentance” (Matthew


How does God feel about all of this? Deuteronomy 10:12 tells us, “what doth the Lord

require of thee, but to fear the Lord God, to walk in all his ways, and to love him, and to

serve the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul.” Out of our love and gratitude for

what God has done for us, we will want to follow what He has asked us to do.

Why is it necessary to have faith? Hebrews 11:6 tells us, “without faith, it is impossible to

please Him.” If we do not have faith in our Lord and Savior, none of these works matter.

They are all done for naught.

What, then, does all this mean for us? There is a time for us to physically work for the Lord

and a time to enjoy the years taking time to study His Word. Through focusing on God’s

Word we will increase in Godly knowledge, Christian love, and be able to keep our thoughts

centered on what He has done for us through His Son Jesus. As a result, we will want to

share it with others.

May we always ask God to help us in our walk of faith to do what is pleasing to Him for He

promises He will give us what is good. “OH GIVE THANKS to the Lord for He is good” (Psalm 107:1).

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“Do Not be Afraid” By: Celeste Cummins

Fear or phobia (as the Greeks would say) - what are you afraid of? My mom is an ophidio-

phobic. That means she has an intense fear of snakes – whether it’s live contact, seeing them on

TV, seeing a picture of one, or just hearing someone talk about them, it scares her to death. We

always told her she should have been in the Garden of Eden instead of Eve then none of this sin

thing would have happened because she would have ran from that snake! ☺

Many people have phobias of some kind. You may be afraid of heights or afraid of flying.

Maybe you do not like getting in front of people and are afraid of speaking in public. If you’ve

ever had children, you may remember when they were afraid of the dark, or afraid of the

monsters under their beds, or terrified to go to the doctor and get a shot.

There’s another fear that many people suffer from. It’s called gamophobia. Although it

sounds like it would be the fear of games, that’s not what it means. After reading Matthew

1:18-25, it’s a fear that we discover Joseph had: the fear of marriage. Joseph had just found out

his girlfriend, Mary, was pregnant. Imagine the thoughts swarming around in his mind. What a

disgrace! Who did this to her? How much shame has Mary brought onto us? I can’t live with

the public rejection, humiliation, and ridicule. What about the stress it will put on our

marriage? It will be doomed before it even gets started! Can’t you just imagine the turmoil

this young man from Nazareth was experiencing? So Joseph decided to quietly slip out of the

picture and let Mary go.

But, before Joseph had a chance to carry out his plan, God intervened. He sent an angel to

Joseph in a dream. The angel told Joseph, “Do not be afraid to take Mary home, as your wife,

because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 1:20). The angel also told

him the baby would be a boy and he should give Him the name Jesus. Now, I’ve heard of some

fast weddings, but that one seems to be about the quickest! The Bible tells us, “When Joseph

woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his

wife” (Matthew 1:24). Go to sleep, wake up from a dream, get married! That’s pretty fast.

Through his dream, Joseph discovered he did not need to fear that their marriage would be

doomed. By marrying Mary, Joseph was following God’s will. Their marriage would be

blessed by God in order to fulfill His promise in Genesis 3:15. To the human Joseph, the idea of

marrying a girl who was pregnant seemed like a recipe for disaster, but it was all part of God’s

plan to be used for our good.

We, too, at times question situations in our life or think that something does not make sense.

In moments such as this, we need to turn to Isaiah 55:8 for assurance. There God tells us, "For

my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways."

As the new year begins, we can be assured that God may have different plans for our lives

than we do, so if we just sit back and follow what He wants us to do, we will discover every-

thing will work out just right in the end - like it did for Joseph.

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Order of Business

Special Voters’ Meeting of the St. John Voting Membership

Date: Sunday, December 18, 2016

Time: 11:15 am

Location: St. John Sanctuary

Voting Membership Eligibility: “Any communicant member of this [St. John] congregation

18 years of age or older, both male and female…” (1983 St. John Constitution, p. 10)

1. Approval of 2017 St. John Budget

2. Approval of Special Offerings Recipients for 2017 (see list below)

3. Iowa District West (IDW) 2017 Budget Commitment by St. John

2017 Special Offering Designations

The Stewardship committee has designated where these special envelope offerings will be given.

You may designate your offering wishes on your regular envelopes any time during the year.

There is an extra line at the bottom of your envelopes to write in your wishes.


BIRTHDAY………………………………………………………………...MISSION CENTRAL





(needy school children)

THANKSGIVING…………………………………...UPPER DES MOINES (food for the needy)



CHRISTMAS DAY………………………………………………………...…..CAMP OKOBOJI

NEW YEARS EVE…………………………………………………………FRIENDSHIP FUND

In 2017, loose offerings will be divided equally

between Home and Missions (IDW).

Page 10: Special Dates in December St. John Eagle


It’s time to order poinsettias for Christmas! The cost is still $10.00 each. If you wish, you can bring your own, as well, but it is requested that they all be red. It will be listed in the bulletin who gave each plant, & if you like, you may have them in memory of someone or in honor of a particular occasion. We ask that you fill in the form below so the names & occasions are accurately listed (please print).

INSTRUCTIONS….INSTRUCTIONS….INSTRUCTIONS….INSTRUCTIONS…. Please return this form by Monday, December 12th using one of several options

Mailing it to the church office or drop it off (mailbox) Emailing it to the church office…[email protected] Calling the church office with the necessary information

We look forward to decorating the Lord’s Altar each Christmas reminding us of the joy of celebration as we thank our heavenly Father for the blessings of the Birth of His Son, our Savior. Please help us to continue this expression of joy in our Christmas Worship Service. Poinsettia given in memory of ____________________________________________________




Poinsettia given in honor of_______________________________________________________ (Occasion)

By_____________________________________________________________________________ (Names)

Poinsettias given in thanksgiving for the blessings of the Birth of our Savior by


(Simply state your name)

Plants may be taken home after the Christmas Day ServicePlants may be taken home after the Christmas Day ServicePlants may be taken home after the Christmas Day ServicePlants may be taken home after the Christmas Day Service

___ I will take my poinsettia home with me following the Christmas Day Service.

___ I will pick up my poinsettia before Thursday, December 29, 2016. Plants left after

noon on Thursday will be disposed of.

Page 11: Special Dates in December St. John Eagle


What Your Child Deserves

“Keep his decrees and commands, which I am giving

you today, so that it may go well with you and your children after you and that you may live long in the

land the LORD your God gives you for all time.” Deuteronomy 4:40

Sometimes we get scared because our kids remind us so much of ourselves. We see in them the same fears

and proclivities that we have struggled with. We watch them veering off life’s highway in some of the same

spots where we crashed and burned, and it’s difficult not to want to save them. But sometimes we can’t. They’ve grown up with their own

mindset, strengths, and dreams. And if the parable of the prodigal son teaches us anything, it’s that good parents can raise children who are

only capable of learning the hard way. So what can you do? Pray for them – and ‘be there’ when they return. Many a successful adult was

once a prodigal saved by the prayers of a parent who refused to give

up on them. If what you’re doing is taking you away from prayer time for your children, your priorities are wrong. There’s nothing more

valuable than the time you spend before God interceding on their behalf. You say, ‘But I don’t know how to pray.’ Try this:

Prayer: ‘Father, I’m concerned about the direction my children are

taking. Right now they seem beyond the reach of my voice and

influence. But You can reach them. You can remind them of what they’ve been taught – and initiate the circumstances that will bring

them back to You. Your Word says if I obey You, things will go well for me and my children (Deuteronomy 4:40). So I stand on Your promise,

believing they’ll choose to serve You and walk in Your blessing for the rest of their lives. In Christ’s name I pray. Amen.’

Copyright © 2014 LCC Daily Devotions. All rights reserved. Written by Tim Hetzner, President, Lutheran

Church Charities.

Page 12: Special Dates in December St. John Eagle


December Worship Assistants

Altar Guild: Lynn Schable & Donna Jean Truelsen

Greeters: Saturday, 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, 9:00 a.m.

Bell Ringers: Saturday, 6:00 p.m.

Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Emily Johnson

Acolytes: Saturday, 6:00 p.m. Emanuiel Gach

Sunday, 9:00 a.m. Mercedes Norris

The KAYL Broadcast for this month has been

sponsored by Tim Redenbaugh to the glory of God.


Sunday Morning—9:00 a.m.

402 Lake Ave

Storm Lake, Iowa 50588

Phone: 712-732-2400

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.stjohnstormlake.org


Altar FlowersAltar FlowersAltar FlowersAltar Flowers

4 - Donna Bumann in memory of Don B. 11th - In memory of Marv & Angel Jesse by their family 18 - Poinsettias 25 - Poinsettias

Musicians are encouraged to share their talents during our worship services throughout the year. If you play an instrument or would like to join the choir, please contact our music director, Suzanne Winterhof. The choir rehearses each Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm. New members are always welcome.

St. John is a member of

the Lutheran Church

Missouri Synod (LCMS)