Speaking Skills. Presenting a prepared speech TSWBAT use persuasive speaking skills effectively in...

Presentations Speaking Skills

Transcript of Speaking Skills. Presenting a prepared speech TSWBAT use persuasive speaking skills effectively in...

PresentationsSpeaking Skills

Learning Target Presenting a prepared speech

TSWBAT use persuasive speaking skills effectively in a presentation.

Requirements 3 – 4 minutes 3 notecards based on your outline Presentation should include

visuals/video (video cannot exceed 60 seconds)


Image-what the speaker looks like and what the audience expects can influence the audience response.

Attitude-an interested speaker has a very different effect than an uninterested one; if the speaker is friendly, the audience will receive the message better than if the speaker is hostile.

Delivery-the sender’s verbal and nonverbal messages have an impact on the receivers; if the speaker isn’t very excited about the topic, the audience won’t be either.


Image- the image of the audience causes the speaker to encode messages differently; the message must fit the receiver

Attitude- if the listeners’ attitudes differ from that of the speaker or message, the message will be received differently; the receiver might be totally bored or totally excited with the topic

Delivery (reaction)- the audience’s verbal and nonverbal reactions will tell the speaker how he or she is coming across; this helps the speaker adjust the message

Messages Occasion- sets the tone for the

development of content and organizations of the speech

Message should draw in the listeners so they are an active part of the process

A well-planned, well-organized message is at the core of effective speaking

Inferences Communication breakdowns can

come between the speaker and the audience

Both the speaker and the audience should be aware that interference can occur and should do whatever they can to minimize it

Pausing… You need to pause BEFORE you speak and AFTER you speak for

2-3 seconds!!!! This means that you have to first wait for everyone to be quiet and then wait 2-3 seconds before speaking.

During this time, you can be scanning the audience to make sure everyone is paying attention. Similarly, at the end, you can give a couple of last looks at your audience to show them you are finished.

Why? Because this action commands the attention of the room, shows professionalism, and raises confidence.

This is a very easy way to seem professional, making it a very easy thing to forget to do. So, let’s practice:

  Exercise: Write down one short (appropriate) sentence.

Memorize it. Got it? Okay. In turn, each person will come to the front of the room and deliver their one sentence to practice pausing both before and after they speak. No, I’m not kidding.

Pausing During Your Speech

You should also pause DURING your speech. Don’t just race through at one speed! Appropriate reasons/places to pause:

A transition- You have just finished one point and are about to move on to another. Either before or after your transition (whichever is more comfortable), pause for a second or two.

Emphasis- You are about to utter the most important part of your speech; pause to build suspense/add emphasis.

Listing- If giving a list of things, pause for a second between each item so your audience does not get overwhelmed.

Forgetting- When you forget something, instead of saying “Um…” just pause and collect your thoughts.

Holding your note cards: USE ONE HAND!!!!!!!!!!!! The only time your second

hand should touch your note cards is when you move the front one to the back.

Use your cards vertically instead of horizontally. It makes them easier to hold and handle. It is also less tempting to use both hands this way.

What should I do with my other hand?? If you are not comfortable gesturing yet, or you are at a point in your speech where gesturing is not effective, then just let your hand rest at your side. It may feel awkward, but it doesn’t look it.

No matter what you do, don’t put your hands in your pockets!!!!!!

You may use 3 notecards. Bulleted points.

Stance Stance: You need to stand with your weight equally distributed

on both of your feet. No shifting!!! If you start going from one foot to the other, you begin to sway.

This doesn’t mean you can’t move at all. You just need to make sure your primary stance is stationary.

Shifting weight from one foot to the other is often a subconscious action. It is your responsibility to make it conscious. To do this, you must PRACTICE! So….

  Exercise: Stand up! (NOW!) Equally distribute your

weight on both feet. Are your feet hip-width apart? Don’t you feel better? Good. Sit. Good, student.

  Remain conscious of your stance as you speak.

Gestures GESTURES SHOULD HAVE PURPOSE!!! Moving your hands about for no

reason will not get you points for adequate gesturing! Your gestures should be relaxed and natural. Don’t be a robot. The only way to become a natural at gesturing is to—you guessed it—


Exercise: Find a partner. Read the following paragraph. Decide where gestures would be appropriate/effective and what those gestures might look like. Each take a turn delivering this speech with gestures. Again, I’m not kidding.

“I want to make three things perfectly clear. First, I will not, I repeat not, be scared by anonymous threats. Second, I will continue to testify in the open courtroom to prove that I still have faith in our system of justice because it is based on that beautiful foundation, “One is innocent until proven guilty.” Third, I plan to return to my work after the trial and refuse to “buy protection” from the two-bit hoods who think they own my neighborhood. I’m not hero—just one person who is trying to live up to what I believe. And I need your support. “

Appearance There are no points awarded for dress. You will not be

“docked points” for not dressing up, but you are the one who must persuade, and looking unprofessional could lose your audience.

If you dress up for your assigned day and we don’t get to you for some reason, you MUST dress up the next day!!

I will not allow you out of class to go change

General guidelines of appropriate dress:• Girls: Bottom—nice pants or a skirt with an appropriate length. No

sweats/jeans. Shoes do matter. Do NOT wear flip-flops or tennis shoes. Top—a sweater or blouse with limited distracting patterns, accents. Jewelry—don’t let it be distracting; to you or the audience. ***This is a minimum. You can wear a suit or dress.

• Boys: Bottom—nice dress pants. NOT CARGOS! Khakis are fine. Shoes do matter. Do NOT wear sandals or tennis shoes. Top—collared shirt (polo or button-up) or sweater. IT MUST BE TUCKED IN!!!!!!!! No logos. ***This is a minimum. You can wear a suit and/or tie