Speaking Of The Truth Word File

Speaking of the Truth By Celia Villanueva For over three decades, patronage of contraception and population control is still going strong and this will be sustained for as long as the Truth behind these interventions remains ignored, rejected, and opposed. Now, even the Catholic community has been infiltrated by such liberal thinking that cast doubt on our very own faith. I am not a theologian or a scholarly expert on the Holy Scriptures. I may not have the vast knowledge to debate but what I have is my unchanging faith in God and the Roman Catholic Church, from which I learned the Truth. In its fullness, the source of the Truth is the Word of God revealed through the Natural Law. Knowing the Truth is very much necessary most especially during these days in our society where most of us are deprived of good values such as justice and love. But confusingly, our leaders are not focused on solving this dilemma. Rather, they blame the growing population for the deteriorating situation of our society. As a response to this, doomsday alarmists from the developed countries have been crafting population control programs since the 1960s. This is how they came up with contraception and abortion as so-called remedies for the so-called problems brought about by the actually healthy population. Zeroing in the Philippine situation, we can see and realize the real issue behind the picture of doom. It is very alarming to see our government promoting systematic campaigns against natural birth, which is contrary not only to tour culture and religion



Transcript of Speaking Of The Truth Word File

Page 1: Speaking Of The Truth Word File

Speaking of the TruthBy Celia VillanuevaFor over three decades, patronage of contraception and population control is still goingstrong and this will be sustained for as long as the Truth behind these interventionsremains ignored, rejected, and opposed. Now, even the Catholic community has beeninfiltrated by such liberal thinking that cast doubt on our very own faith.I am not a theologian or a scholarly expert on the Holy Scriptures. I may not have thevast knowledge to debate but what I have is my unchanging faith in God and the RomanCatholic Church, from which I learned the Truth.In its fullness, the source of the Truth is the Word of God revealed through the NaturalLaw. Knowing the Truth is very much necessary most especially during these days in oursociety where most of us are deprived of good values such as justice and love.But confusingly, our leaders are not focused on solving this dilemma. Rather, they blamethe growing population for the deteriorating situation of our society. As a response tothis, doomsday alarmists from the developed countries have been crafting populationcontrol programs since the 1960s. This is how they came up with contraception andabortion as so-called remedies for the so-called problems brought about by the actuallyhealthy population.Zeroing in the Philippine situation, we can see and realize the real issue behind thepicture of doom. It is very alarming to see our government promoting systematiccampaigns against natural birth, which is contrary not only to tour culture and religionbut even to the very core of true human development. It’s sad to say that in reality, thesecampaigns were courtesy of enormous financing coming from foreign pro-choice groups.None of these would have happened if only we and most especially our leaders took asecond look and examined the real score behind all of these issues. There is a need for usto face these TRUTHS:TRUTH ONE: The overpopulation dilemma is a hoax. What we have are micro scenariosof congestion and overcrowding in the urban areas. While the rapid growth of populationhas given rise to problems such as poverty, it is not the problem itself. Failure in theproper care of people is not caused by increase in its numbers. At the heart of theseproblems is the inner attitude of brother towards brother, an attitude of selfishness and ofinjustice.TRUTH TWO: Population is not the cause of poverty. On the contrary, its growthcontinues to boost our economic status since the manpower level increases. This can beseen in the huge amount of revenues overseas Filipino workers bring home.Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)Population control advocates have fallen into the old trap of fallacies using people as ascapegoat for the poverty of nations. They find it easier to sterilize people and promotecontraception than work for more appropriate laws and policies formulated for theprogress of the economy. An example of this is the pending House Bill 5043 or theReproductive Health Bill of 2008. Disappointingly, the myth of the world populationexplosion has remained as the basis for the so-called “contraceptive mentality” wellimbibed in this current promulgation. Can you imagine that more than 2 billion pesos isallocated for the implementation of the programs supported by this bill? When in reality,there are more programs existing in our government that could benefit more with thishuge amount of funding.

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Woe to these lawmakers who ignore the Truth and spread lies for their own vestedinterests!Woe to these Christians who profess to be Catholics but reject and oppose the very Truthof the Church’s teachings.TRUTH THREE: Contraception is devoid of any values and is immoral because itviolates the natural, moral law with regard to the use of sex and attitudes towards theformation of life. Contraceptives such as IUD and injectables actually prevent births byexpelling the developing human being. They violate the fifth commandment of God:“Thou shall not kill.”TRUTH FOUR: Sex is not bad. The correct use of it in marriage is so pleasing to God’seyes that it becomes a source of merit and blessings for the couple. The abuse or misuseof it is considered an assault to life and an affront to God’s creative power.Sex is a sacred gift from God and thus, it should be treasured by keeping it exclusive andall natural between a married man and woman. The use of contraceptives duringintercourse violates the premise. If we look at the Ten Commandments, contraceptionviolates, the first, fifth, sixth, and eighth commandments.Fertility is a sign of health. If birth limitation is a health program, then the single mostserious disease in the Philippines today is pregnancy, according to those supporting theoverpopulation ruse.TRUTH FIVE: From its very inception, life reveals the creating hand of God so life thenis sacred. To give it more credit, the human person is composed of a material body andthe spiritual soul in substantial unity.Life begins at conception and that is why a fertilized egg is considered a human being.Through the conjugal act of a married man and woman, the spouses make a reciprocalgift of self while they cooperate with God in creation of a new human being. This is whatmakes contraception all the more wrong. Contraception destroys this very concept ofprocreation.Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)TRUTH SIX: In careful examination, the current provisions of the pending ReproductiveHealth Bill actually violates Article II Section 12 of our constitution that says “thegovernment should look after the welfare of the mother and the unborn from conceptionto natural death.”No human being, no matter how handicapped and old, can become a property of anothernor the object of another’s right. The unborn baby is not an organ of the mother. Thebaby is a unique distinct being, with its own genetic individuality.TRUTH SEVEN: The Church’s stand against contraception is based on natural law andas such, it is applicable to all man and woman of all times. Induced abortion is a form ofmurder and thus, it breaks the principles of the natural law.TRUTH EIGHT: Promotion of contraception does not prevent the spread of abortion.Since it facilitates promiscuity as proven in studies, contraception aggravates the upscaleof unwanted pregnancies which most often lead to abortion if misguided. While it is truethat abortion is a more serious offense, two wrongs do not make a right.By respecting and observing the natural processes of the human body, periodiccontinence leads to a discipline of man’s intellect, a discovery of the beauty of the humanbody that God created and the dignity and respect it deserves. That is why the value ofdiscipline inherent in natural family planning is taught and encouraged.TRUTH NINE: Domination of the instinct through discipline separates man from the

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beast. This special character of human beings all the more makes abstinence and periodiccontinence possible and viable with regards to having sex.TRUTH TEN: God does not command the impossible. Every commandment carries withit a gift of grace which assists human freedom and human frailties.Rejoice in Truth. The Truth will set you free.Create PDF files without this message by purchasing novaPDF printer (http://www.novapdf.com)