Speaking at PyCon: The how and why

Speaking at PyCon The How and the Why Cris Ewing @crisewing cewing

Transcript of Speaking at PyCon: The how and why

Speaking at PyConThe How and the Why

Cris Ewing


The How and the Why

The Why and the How


Why Not?


“Kill Your Heroes”

–Julie Pagano

“What I mean by kill your heroes is killing the imaginary version of them that we have created

in our minds.”

Why Not?


Meet People

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Meet People

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Build Community

“Public speaking is for introverts”

–A. Jesse Jiryu Davis

“…people you should meet come find you. It's easy to talk with them, because you already

began the conversation with your presentation.”

“It gives me a way to learn”

–Pamela Fox

“After I give a talk on a particular technology, that gives developers in the audience an

opportunity to come up and tell me about their experience with that technology, and often

share different solutions from what I shared”

Meet People

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Build Community

Meet People

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Build Community

–Pamela Fox

‘When I had to put together a talk for a conference, it would force me to take a moment

to stop working and just think, asking myself questions like “What is it that I’ve learnt that I think is worth sharing? What have I liked or disliked about the technology we picked?”.’

Poetic APIs

Meet People

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Build Community

Meet People

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Build Community

–A. Jesse Jiryu Davis

“A talk about software doesn't have to be a tour de force. It's just the campfire we gather around

so we can be together..”

• PyDX (http://pydx.org/)

• VanPyDay (http://www.vanpyday.com/)

• PyBay (http://www.pybay.com/)

• PyOhio (http://pyohio.org/)

• PyTennessee (https://www.pytennessee.org/)

• PyData (http://pydata.org/)

• SciPy (https://conference.scipy.org/)

• Plone Conference (https://ploneconf.org)

• PuPPy (https://www.meetup.com/PSPPython/)

• Seattle PyLadies (https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-PyLadies/)

• Seattle Ansible Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-Ansible-Meetup/)

• Seattle SaltStack Meetup (https://www.meetup.com/Seattle-SaltStack-Meetup/)

• Python Data Science (https://www.meetup.com/seattle-python-data-science/)

• SeattleDAML (http://www.meetup.com/Seattle-DAML/)

• …

We Need You!


The Why and the How



Pick A Venue

Start Local

Move Regional

Shoot for the Stars!


Pick A Venue

How Pick A Venue

Pick a Topic

“lively conversations over random observations"

–Ashe Dryden

“A good rule of thumb is if a bunch of people have more questions than answers (or more

feels than facts), it'll make an interesting talk..”

–Ashe Dryden

“[speakers will] have the advantage of having the fresh knowledge and experiences of a

beginner so they know what might trip other people up.”

“Puts Butts in Seats”

–Ned Jackson Lovely

“The easiest way to judge coherence is to consider your talk as a story, with a narrative. Is

there a beginning, middle, and end, with a theme that ties it all together? That's coherent.”

How Pick A Venue

Pick A Topic

How Pick A VenuePick A Topic

Make a Proposal

• Duration

• Audience

• Level

• Objectives

• Summary

• Outline (with timings)



How Pick A VenuePick A Topic

Make A Proposal

How Pick A VenuePick A Topic

Make A ProposalPractice, Practice, Practice


“educate your audience"

–Ned Batchelder

“Your listeners have a lot of other things on their mind. Make your content easy to digest. Yes,

they are technical, and yes, they are interested, but they are also human, and in an unusual environment. Do what you can to catch and

hold their attention, and don't make them work too hard to follow along”

How Pick A VenuePick A Topic

Make A ProposalPractice, Practice, Practice

How Pick A VenuePick A Topic

Make A ProposalPractice, Practice, Practice

Get A Coach


How Pick A VenuePick A Topic

Make A ProposalPractice, Practice, Practice

Get A Coach

How Pick A VenuePick A Topic

Make A ProposalPractice, Practice, Practice

Get A Coach

Meet People

Learn More

Build Community

The Why and the How

• Julie Pagano: http://juliepagano.com/blog/2013/11/02/it-s-dangerous-to-go-alone-battling-the-invisible-monsters-in-tech/

• A. Jesse Jiryu Davis: https://emptysqua.re/blog/tech-talks-are-campfires-jesses-three-reasons-you-should-speak-at-pycon/

• Pamela Fox: http://blog.pamelafox.org/2013/08/why-do-i-speak-at-conferences.html

• Eric Rose: Poetic APIshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQYnFyG7A8c

• Ashe Dryden: https://www.ashedryden.com/blog/what-you-need-to-know-about-speaking-at-conferences

• Ned Jackson Lovely: http://www.njl.us/essays/pycon-talks/

• Brandon Rhodes: http://rhodesmill.org/brandon/2013/example-pycon-proposals/

• Allison Kaptur: https://github.com/akaptur/pycon-proposals

• Ned Batchelder: http://nedbatchelder.com/text/presentationtips.html

• PyLadies: http://www.pyladies.com/blog/speaking-pycon/

• "I Can't Bare to Look" - by Rennet Stowe CC-BY-2.0https://www.flickr.com/photos/tomsaint/3265581942

• "On a Pedestal" by Paul J Everett - CC-BY-2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/paul_everett82/3473643273

• "Contrail" by Fernando Kokubun - CC-BY-2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/fk_photon/15105244944

• "Knit Knit Knit" by fdecomite - CC-BY-2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/fdecomite/3122636240

• "Campfire" by Isaac Mao - CC-BY-2.0 https://www.flickr.com/photos/isaacmao/2440742452