Speach by Prakash Republic Day 2012 on January 26

Respected Chairman, Principal ,Dear Staff members and beloved students, On the eve of our 63rdnd Republic Day, I extend my warmest greetings to all. Today we all have gathered here to celebrate our 63rd Republic Day. Let me tell you the importance of this day. The British monarch was head of state still India obtained its independence on August 15, 1947 and the Indian Constitution implemented and came into effect only on January 26, 1950. During the transition period from 1947 to 1950, King George VI was the head of state. Lord Mountbatten and C. Rajagopalachari served as the Governors-General of India during this period. After January 26, 1950, Rajendra Prasad was elected as the first president of India. The Parliament officially approved the Constitution of India and declared itself as a "Republic" on January 26, 1950, a date thereafter celebrated every year as Republic Day in India. On this day, A grand parade is held in New Delhi, the Capital of India, beginning from Raisina Hill near the Rashtrapati Bhavan (Presidential Palace), along the Rajpath, past India Gate and on to the historic Red Fort in the old quarter of the city. The President of India, who is also the Commander in Chief of the Indian Armed Forces, takes the salute. This year India invited Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand, as chief guest for Republic Day celebrations in New Delhi. The parade also includes many traditional dance troupes, to symbolize the cultural heritage of India. It traditionally ends


Republic Day Speach

Transcript of Speach by Prakash Republic Day 2012 on January 26

Respected Chairman, Principal ,Dear Staff members and beloved students,

On the eve of our 63rdnd Republic Day, I extend my warmest greetings to all.

Today we all have gathered here to celebrate our 63rd Republic Day. Let me tell you the importance of this day.

The British monarch was head of state still India obtained its independence on August 15, 1947 and the Indian Constitution implemented and came into effect only on January 26, 1950.

During the transition period from 1947 to 1950, King George VI was the head of state. Lord Mountbatten and C. Rajagopalachari served as the Governors-General of India during this period. After January 26, 1950, Rajendra Prasad was elected as the first president of India.

The Parliament officially approved the Constitution of India and declared itself as a "Republic" on January 26, 1950, a date thereafter celebrated every year as Republic Day in India.

On this day, A grand parade is held in New Delhi, the Capital of India, beginning from Raisina Hill near the Rashtrapati Bhavan (Presidential Palace), along the Rajpath, past India Gate and on to the historic Red Fort in the old quarter of the city.

The President of India, who is also the Commander in Chief of the Indian Armed Forces, takes the salute.

This year India invited Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Thailand, as chief guest for Republic Day celebrations in New Delhi.

The parade also includes many traditional dance troupes, to symbolize the cultural heritage of India. It traditionally ends with a colorful fly-past by Air Force jets in a tiranga formation.

Similar parades are held in the capitals of all the states of India, where the Governor of the respective state takes the salute.

On this day before 10 years I will see this parade in the TV, but nowadays lot of Entertainment in Tv

Every year we gather in large numbers to pay our tribute to our brave freedom fighters & to show our love for our motherland, that is a very good thing.

But does it end there?

Now this is a question to the students.

Are you proud of your country?

Do you love your country?

Only during cricket match isn't it?

Unfortunately our patriotism comes out only during matches, and all other times we are busy fighting amongst ourselves in the name of religion, region etc.

If you ask this question to today's young generation, you'll find many of them complaining that India is a poor country, dirty country with corruption everywhere.

But why is it so?

A country is made up of its people. If people make it dirty the country is bound to be dirty;

if people are corrupt, country is corrupt.

So who is responsible?

We are responsible.

If we are responsible then shouldn't we do something?

We should all go and join army, isn't it?

NO. We don't have to go anywhere.

We can stay right here and do a lot of service for our country.

If every citizen of India observes his/her duties properly no one can stop our country from progressing.

As students what are your duties?

To take care of public property (when you travel in trains & buses, or you go to parks , you must keep these places clean) ,

you should help senior citizen & those younger than you,

but what is your most important duty- to study sincerely.

I am sure all of you study hard at last when exam is near.

But from today onwards I want you all to study

not for teacher, not for parents.

You should study to gain education, to become a good citizen tomorrow.

Because when all individuals become educated & self sufficient , the country becomes rich.

One more important thing I want to discuss with you students today.

Tell me one thing?

If suppose your house is not as clean as your neighbour's house?

What do you do? Do you run away from your house and go to stay at your neighbour's house? No,

you try to do something about it!

Then why do you run away from your country, your motherland?

We say very proudly that more than 50% NASA scientists are Indians, 38% doctors in the US are Indians, 34% employees at Microsoft, 28% at IBM but do they really care about India?

With so many scientists of Indian origin why don't they think of starting a NASA standard centre in India itself?

I really don't think any of those Green-Card holders cares at all about India.

This is what is called as "Brain- Drain".

Every year India produces batches of Top class Doctors, Engineers & other highly qualified intellectuals. Of these most run abroad & settle there.

That is why India has suffered in the past.

Now its time to put a stop to this.

And it is for you students to decide whether you want to stay here and serve your people or you want to run behind money?

A recent book by the renowned economist Mr. Raghav Behl?

The book "Super power" had created a lot of controversy amongst economists.

In the book he describes India & China to be in a "hare & tortoise race".

He says India is the tortoise which has been moving slow & steady but will be eventually winning in this race.

He has predicted in this book that few decades down the line India will emerge as a superpower. I

sincerely hope that when that day comes, each one of you will be able to say that I have contributed to India's success! I am responsible for India's progress. Jai Hind!