Spcl Project 2013-2015_Main Report_Umair Khann

Page 1 of 37 Chapter 1 Executive Summary This report talks about both the BPO and Real Estate Sector which is an eye candy for many individuals who are in need of a job holding great qualifications both on Graduate and Post Graduate level. Both these sectors are considered as a place for quick employment, lucrative and most importantly its work culture and at the same time is also known for its stressful work environment. This report talks about what causes stress to the employees and after effects of stress on their health this report talks about the factor which causes stress and the methods by which one can overcome stress. Stress can be mitigated at two levels one at organization level and another at individual level. The report studies the efforts which an individual and an organization should take so as to develop a foolproof coping mechanism which will reduce the attrition rate in the respective industries. Stress degrades the quality of work and is directly related to productivity, more the stress less the productivity. The crux of this report is the factors which cause stress and the methods which can be used to mitigate stress. The study says who faces more stress in an organization i.e. male or female and also elaborates factors which causes stress and what type of coping mechanisms can be effective , what all can be done to reduce stress levels in an organization and make it stress free and pleasant to work. This report also studies the health issues caused by stress and studies the behavior of employees through which there stress levels can be measured and can be concluded that they are stressed. The report also talks about the effect of this stress on the motivation and the performance of an employee. Job performance, workload and job security are creating more stress on the employees. Stress effecting on poor performance and not a single word of praise on excellence are the features of job feedback in call center. The report also analyses how an employee be can be motivated by the help of managing stress. Training is given regularly and special sessions are undertaken to release the stress. The report talks about how the level of the performance of the employee can be increased so that highest level of productivity is achieved.


Special Project

Transcript of Spcl Project 2013-2015_Main Report_Umair Khann

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    Chapter 1

    Executive Summary

    This report talks about both the BPO and Real Estate Sector which is an eye candy for

    many individuals who are in need of a job holding great qualifications both on Graduate

    and Post Graduate level. Both these sectors are considered as a place for quick

    employment, lucrative and most importantly its work culture and at the same time is

    also known for its stressful work environment. This report talks about what causes

    stress to the employees and after effects of stress on their health this report talks about

    the factor which causes stress and the methods by which one can overcome stress.

    Stress can be mitigated at two levels one at organization level and another at individual

    level. The report studies the efforts which an individual and an organization should take

    so as to develop a foolproof coping mechanism which will reduce the attrition rate in

    the respective industries. Stress degrades the quality of work and is directly related to

    productivity, more the stress less the productivity. The crux of this report is the factors

    which cause stress and the methods which can be used to mitigate stress. The study

    says who faces more stress in an organization i.e. male or female and also elaborates

    factors which causes stress and what type of coping mechanisms can be effective , what

    all can be done to reduce stress levels in an organization and make it stress free and

    pleasant to work. This report also studies the health issues caused by stress and studies

    the behavior of employees through which there stress levels can be measured and can

    be concluded that they are stressed. The report also talks about the effect of this stress

    on the motivation and the performance of an employee. Job performance, workload and

    job security are creating more stress on the employees. Stress effecting on poor

    performance and not a single word of praise on excellence are the features of job

    feedback in call center. The report also analyses how an employee be can be motivated

    by the help of managing stress. Training is given regularly and special sessions are

    undertaken to release the stress. The report talks about how the level of the

    performance of the employee can be increased so that highest level of productivity is


  • Page 2 of 37

    Chapter 2


    2.1 Introduction to Human Resources Management

    Human Resource Management is an art of managing people at work in

    such a manner that they give their best to the organization. In simple word

    human resource management refers to the quantitative aspects of

    employees working in an organization. Human Resource Management is also a

    management function concerned with hiring, motivating, and maintains people

    in an organization. It focuses on people in organization.

    Organizations are not mere bricks, mortar, machineries or inventories. They are

    people. It is the who staff and manage organizations. HRM involves the

    application of management functions and principles. The functions and

    principles are applied to acquisitioning, developing, maintain, and remunerating

    employees in organizations.

    Decisions relating to employees must be integrated. Decision on different aspect

    of employees must be consistent with other human resource decisions. Decision

    made must influence the effectiveness of organization. Effectiveness of an

    organization must result in betterment of services to customers in the form of

    high-quality product supplied at reasonable costs

    HRM function s is not confined to business establishment only. They are

    applicable to non-business organizations, too such as education, health care,

    recreation etc. The scope of HRM is indeed vast. All major activities in the

    working life of his or her entry into an organization until he or she leaves-come

    under the previews of HRM. Specifically, the activities included are HR planning,

    job analysis and be sign, recruitment and selection, orientation and placement,

    training and development.

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    2.2 Introduction to Stress Management

    A lot of research has been conducted into stress over the last hundred years. Some of the

    theories behind it are now settled and accepted; others are still being researched and

    debated. During this time, there seems to have been something approaching open

    warfare between competing theories and definitions: Views have been passionately held

    and aggressively defended.A definition should therefore be obvious, except that it is not


    Hans Selye was one of the founding fathers of stress research. His view in 1956 was that

    stress is not necessarily something bad it all depends on how you take it. The stress of

    exhilarating, creative successful work is beneficial, while that of failure, humiliation or

    infection is detrimental. Selye believed that the biochemical effects of stress would be

    experienced irrespective of whether the situation was positive or negative.

    Since then, a great deal of further research has been conducted, and ideas have moved

    on. Stress is now viewed as a "bad thing", with a range of harmful biochemical and long-

    term effects. These effects have rarely been observed in positive situations. The most

    commonly accepted definition of stress (mainly attributed to Richard S Lazarus) is that

    stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives

    The most commonly accepted definition of stress (mainly attributed to Richard S

    Lazarus) is that stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person

    perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual

    is able to mobilize..This is the main definition used by this section of Mind Tools,

    although recognize that there is an intertwined instinctive stress response to

    unexpected events. The stress response inside us is therefore part instinct and part to do

    with the way everyone thinks. Stress is associated with constraints and demands.

    The former prevents an individual from doing what he or she desires. The latter

    refers to the loss of something desired.

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    Stress is the response of the body to any demand for change. Both negative and

    positive stressors can lead to an experience of stress and the stressor can be

    external (e.g. job demands) or internal (e.g. high expectations) or both.

    There are two types of stress:

    1. Acute (short-term) stress is the bodys immediate response to a situation that

    is demanding, dangerous or exciting.

    2. Chronic (long-term) stress is caused by stressful situations or events that last

    a long period of time.

    The intensity and duration of the experienced stressor can vary depending on

    personal and situational factors. These include physical health, emotional health,

    social support, social issues; job related issues, coping strategies, personality,

    temperament and previous experience with stress related issues. Stress is

    therefore a complex experience that varies for each individual. Stress is an

    individuals response to a disturbing factor in the environment and the

    consequence of such reaction. Stress obviously involves interaction of the person

    and the environment. To quote a definition: stress is an adaptive response to an

    external situation that results in physical, psychological and/ or behavioral

    deviations for organizational participants.


    Stress (physics), the average amount of force exerted per unit area

    Stress is a measure of the average amount of force exerted per unit area. It is a

    measure of the intensity of the total internal forces acting within a body across

    imaginary internal surfaces, as a reaction to external applied forces and body

    forces. It was introduced into the theory of elasticity by Cauchy around 1822.

    Stress is a concept that is based on the concept of continuum. In general, stress is

    expressed as


    Is the average stress, also called engineering or nominal stress, and

    Is the force acting over the area .

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    Response to Stress

    Not all individuals experience stress at the same intensity. Some people

    overreact to stressors and get highly stressed. Others have the stamina,

    endurance and composure to cope with any stressors. How an individual

    experiences stress depends on

    i. The persons perception of the situation

    ii. The persons past experience

    iii. The presence or the absence of social support

    iv. Individual differences with regard to stress reaction.

    Perception: Perception refers to a psychological process whereby a person

    selects and organizes stimuli into a concept of reality. Employees perception of a

    situation can influence whether or not they experience stress. A simple transfer

    from one place to another may be perceived by one employee an opportunity to

    see new places and learn new things. The same transfer may be understood by

    another employee as extremely threatening and indicating unhappiness of the

    management with his/ her performance.

    Past Experience: Whether a person experiences stress or not depends on

    his/her past experience with the similar stressor. For example, writing

    anonymous letters against the boss or giving leads to the press and getting false

    stories published against the boss are common among disgruntled employees.

    Over a period of time the boss will get used to such allegations, though initially

    he/ she undergoes stress.

    The relationship between experience and stress is also based on reinforcement.

    Positive reinforcement or previous success in a similar situation can reduce the

    level of stress that a person experiences under certain circumstances;

    punishment or past failure under similar conditions can increase stress under

    the same circumstances.

    Social Support: The presence or absence of other people influences how

    individuals in the workplace stress and respond to stressors. The presence of co-

    workers may increase individuals confidence, allowing the person to cope more

    effectively with stress.

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    Individual Differences: Individual differences in motivation, attitudes,

    personality and abilities also influence whether employees experience work

    stress and if they do, how they respond to it. What one person considers a major

    source of stress, another may hardly notice. Personality characteristics, in

    particular, may explain some differences in the way employees experience and

    respond to stress.

    Performance: Performance is defined as the results and accomplishments

    cherished by the organization or system that one works in. It is natural that the

    working environment of the system where people work directly affects

    performance of human beings. People need work that motivates them with

    healthy working conditions, and the chance to play a part in social surroundings

    of work and to feel valued. Stressful working situations and conditions, arising

    from any of above mentioned factors, can directly or indirectly effect on job

    performance of the employee.

    Work place pressure affects the performance at a greater extent and it need to be

    dealt with carefully. Stress at a greater level on the other hand is harmful and has

    a negative effect on performance of employees over the long term as it wears

    down an individual and underutilizes his or her energy resources. High levels of

    stress can cause, low morale at work, fatigue, late comings, absenteeism and

    trouble in getting along with other team members or co-workers.

    Thus the study aims to find the impact of stress on employees performance. As it

    is obvious that no one can work to its optimum level when s/he is under stress.

    Under severe stress, an individual fails to take clear-cut decisions, reevaluate and

    reassess the priorities and lifestyles, and ultimately, tend to fall into

    unproductive distractions

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    The Impact of Stress on Performance

    Various studies have been conducted to examine the relationship between job

    stress and job performance. Job performance can be viewed as an activity in

    which an individual is able to accomplish the task assigned to him/her

    successfully, subject to the normal constraints of reasonable utilization of the

    available resources. At a conceptual level, four types of relationships were

    proposed to exist between the measures of job stress and job performance

    (Jamal M, 2007). One is a negative linear relationship, when productivity

    decreases with stress (distress). Productivity can also increase as a consequence

    of stress, thereby implying a positive linear relationship between the two.

    Thirdly, there could be a U-shaped or a curvilinear relationship wherein, mild

    stress could increase the productivity initially up to a peak and then it declines as

    the person descends into a state of distress.

    The relationship between stress and performance has been portrayed by the

    stress response curve created by Nixon P. in 1979. In addition, pressure, an

    important stressor, has also a crucial influence on an individual's response to


    One of the most noticeable effects of stress in ones life is the changes in his

    performance. While it can easily be recognized, the consequences of normal or

    excessive amounts of stress through mere observation, its best to learn about

    the scientific relationship between stress and performance.

    Effects of Stress Performance Response Curve

    To better understand the effects of stress to performance, Nixon, P. (1979)

    created the following graph of the stress performance curve explaining how

    stress affects performance in theoretical terms.

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    (Image from lesstress.net)

    The Stress Response Curve

    The curve shows that as the level of stress increases, the performance level also

    increases, to the point of eustress, or healthy tension. Near the point of fatigue, a

    called the Comfort Zone indicates the range of stress levels that can be

    absolutely manage and facilitates good performance levels.

    As stress begins to be perceived as overwhelming or excessive, the person

    reaches a fatigue point wherein the performance levels starts to decline. The

    ultimate end of overwhelming stress, called burnout, can be exhaustion, ill-

    health or breakdown.

    Positive Effects

    As shown by the graph, performance levels increase when stress management is

    effective. Stressors such as pressure and demands can facilitate better stress

    response and thus, higher levels of performance. For instance, a basketball

    player tries to run faster, shoot a three-point shot and succeeds in it because of

    the pressure he has obtained from the audience, the close scores and the tough


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    Another example is the short but adequate deadline given to an employee, which

    motivates and encourages her to work actively and efficiently on the project

    assigned to her. Yet another instance is an approaching major examination which

    leads a college student to double time on studying and reviewing of lessons.

    Negative Effects

    When stress is perceived as uncontrollable or unmanageable, the person begins

    to experience a gradual to drastic decrease in performance levels, causing a

    decline in productivity and enthusiasm to respond to the stress.

    For instance, a very tight deadline is given to an office employee who has to take

    care of her four children at home and a sick mother at the hospital. This

    overwhelming mix of situations, if not managed carefully and totally, will result

    to a poor performance at work, bad relationships with other members of the

    family, ill health, and burnout.

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    Coping with Stress at Work place

    With the rapid advancement of technology, the stresses faced at work have also

    increased. Many people dread going to work, hence the term Monday Blues.

    What is the reason for this? There is partly the fear from being retrenched in bad

    times, leading to greater job insecurity on the part of those who remain.

    Undoubtedly, occupational stress is one of the most commonly cited stressors

    faced by people all over the world.

    Stress refers to the pressure and reactions to our environment which results in

    psychological and physical reactions. Whilst some stress is good for motivation

    and increasing efficiency, too much stress can result in negative impacts such as

    reduced effectiveness and efficiency. More and more people are feeling isolated

    and disrespected at work, and this has led to greater occupational stress. Many

    companies have taken to consulting experts and professionals on ways to

    increase connectedness and motivation of their employees.

    Some companies organize parties and make their employees feel valued at work.

    These are measures to motivate employees and help them to feel secure at their

    jobs, translating into greater productivity. However, not all companies have such

    measures in place, and some have not gotten it quite right. Hence, it is up to you

    to make sure that you can cope with stress at your workplace, and use it to help

    you work better. Here are 3 simple steps to help you with coping with stress in

    the workplace.

    Step 1: Raising Awareness

    Help yourself to identify when you are facing rising levels of stress, tipping the

    scales from positive to negative. This is important, as being able to identify signs

    of being stressed can help you to take steps to ensure that your overall quality of

    life does not drop. If left unacknowledged, the problem will only snowball,

    leading to disastrous consequences to your health and overall wellbeing.

    You can identify if you are feeling stressed by checking if you have any physical

    or psychological reactions, such as excessive sweating or heart palpitations, or

    the onset of headaches, irritability or the need to escape. If you experience any of

    these reactions, identify if you are feeling any overwhelming negative emotions.

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    Step 2: Identify the Cause

    You need to be able to analyze the situation and identify what is causing the rise

    in stress. These stressors can be external and internal. External stressors refer to

    things beyond your control, such as the environment or your colleagues at work.

    Internal stressors refer to your own thinking and attitude. Often, one only starts

    reacting to stress when a combination of stressors working together exceeds our

    ability to cope.

    Keep a diary or a list of events that have caused you to feel strong negative

    emotions, or that are likely stressors. This will help you to identify the causes of

    your stress. Whilst it is not always possible to eradicate them, one can change the

    way that can be deal with.

    Step 3: Coping with Stress

    In order to deal with the situation that is causing you stress, you need to calm

    your mind and body so as to stave off the reactions and cope with it in a positive

    way. This can be through different methods, such as taking time off. If a situation

    is triggering your stress and you are unable to calm down, remove yourself from

    it. Go outside and take a walk to calm down. Alternatively, you can try

    implementing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing. If it is an internal

    stressor, stop your thought process until you are able to deal with it logically.

    The key to making these 3 steps work for you is to practice them. These are not

    instantaneous solutions, and you need to condition your mind and practice them

    so that you can implement it when you are feeling stressed.

    Stress Factors and its Impact on Performance

    Stress and Reliability of Employee

    Reliability is essential to employee performance. Reliability consists of the extent

    to which an individual or other entity may be counted on to do what is expected

    of him. For example, a reliable employee is one who shows up for work on time

    and is prepared to complete his work in a timely manner. A reliable worker does

    what he says he will do. The performance of a reliable employee may be

    degraded due to stress, when he or she is not able to meet targets, deadlines etc.

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    Stress and Alertness of an Employee

    Stress affects your ability to remember things you already know, to process new

    information you are learning and to apply both to analytical situations and tasks

    that require concentration. When employees are mentally exhausted from all of

    the worries, anxieties and tension brought on by a stressful environment or

    lifestyle, employees are more easily distracted, less alert and prone to make

    costly, harmful or even fatal mistakes on the job.

    Changes of alertness and efficiency have been suggested in employees who are

    disrupted, for e.g., night or shift-workers. Long working hours, sleep deprivation,

    irregular dietary habits, etc., which are common to these industries may have a

    negative effect on performance in normal human beings.

    Stress and Creativity of an Employee

    In an attempt to ensure a higher degree of consistency in service level and

    reduce costs, call centers have shifted to oversimplify tasks, encourage the

    adherence to strict scripts and standardize processes for their agents. These

    shifts reduce the amount of mental stimulation, creativity, autonomy and

    decision-making discretion that the agents are able to exercise.

    Stress and Absenteeism of an Employee

    According to Dimensions Data, absenteeism in call centers averaged 14.9 percent

    around the globe and was slightly higher in Asia because employees had to work

    the graveyard shift. Doctors also suggest that call center employees are four

    times more likely than other types of employees to miss work because of mental

    health issues such as stress or depression.

    Some of the main causes of absenteeism have been identified as too much focus

    on the quantity of customers helped rather than the quality of the service

    delivery. Other causes for a less-than-ideal environment included inadequate

    equipment and equipment failure, punitive use of call monitoring, unsupportive

    management and customer abuse.

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    Stress Management

    Stress management is the need of the hour. However hard one tries to go beyond

    a stress situation, life seems to find new ways of stressing us out and plaguing us

    with anxiety attacks. Moreover, be it our anxiety, mind-body exhaustion or our

    erring attitudes; tend to overlook causes of stress and the conditions triggered

    by those. In such unsettling moments one often forget that stressors, if not

    escapable, are fairly manageable and treatable. Stress, either quick or constant,

    can induce risky body-mind disorders. Immediate disorders such as dizzy spells,

    anxiety attacks, tension, sleeplessness, nervousness and muscle cramps can all

    result in chronic health problems. They may also affect our immune,

    cardiovascular and nervous systems and lead individuals to habitual addictions,

    which are inter-linked with stress.

    Like "stress reactions", "relaxation responses" and stress management

    techniques are some of the body's important built-in response systems. As a

    relaxation response the body tries to get back balance in its homeostasis. Some

    hormones released during the 'fight or flight' situation prompt the body to

    replace the lost carbohydrates and fats, and restore the energy level. The knotted

    nerves, tightened muscles and an exhausted mind crave for looseness.

    Unfortunately, today, one does not get relaxing and soothing situations without

    asking. To be relaxed one has to strive to create such situations.

    It is important to recognize whether you are under stress or out of it. Many

    times, even if under the influence of a stressful condition and our body react to it

    internally as well as externally, one fail to realize that reacting under stress. This

    also happens when the causes of stress are there long enough for us to get

    habituated to them. The body constantly tries to tell us through symptoms such

    as rapid palpitation, dizzy spells, tight muscles or various body aches that

    something is wrong. It is important to remain attentive to such symptoms.

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    2.3 Introduction to the Project

    BPO and Real Estate Sector industry are considered to be the employment

    generator for the economy and also it proved feasible occupations for the Indian

    society considering both the males and the females. It has helped many people to

    get the job and good pay with good position to live their livelihood. It helped

    each and every individual working in that sector to raise their standard of living

    and their familys level and status. It has contributed a major chunk of income in

    the growth of the economy. It changed the entire life style of the people working

    in those sectors with the advancement of technology. It also changed the

    mentality for the female working for late night jobs in field of BPO. The project

    highlights the employees stress level working in both the BPO and Real Estate

    Sector. The projects states about the stress level among the employees and their

    reparations on their motivation and performance for the company and

    individual. It helped the female to stand up on their own and earn to live their

    livelihood. It gave women a good status in the job. The report also talks about

    how the stress level effects the employees motivation and performance. There

    are mainly two types of stress among people i.e. mental stress and Physical

    stress. Physical stress is seen through health disorders and many more things

    but mental stress directly affects the emotional level of the employees. When an

    employee is going through an emotional stress his state of mind is different and

    he doesnt work properly because his mind is unbalanced. The stress also affects

    the personal or family life of the employees which in turn spoils the social life

    and there is no one to share his or her thoughts. This stress level affects the

    employees morale and he is not motivation. When the employee is not

    motivated he is not satisfied with the job nor is he willing to do the job out of

    passion but just out of compulsion to fulfill his responsibilities.And it is seen that

    absenteeism increase, alertness and awareness decreases, productivity

    decreases and in turn the individual and companys performance decreases. This

    leads to making loss in the organization. At the end it is concluded that the

    company should take some steps to overcome the workplace stress so that the

    employees personal and professional life is managed and balanced well and also

    the individual on his own should try to be happy and stress free. It is said that if

    you are happy then only can keep people happy around you.

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    Chapter 3

    Project Details

    3.1 Objective

    To understand the Stress Level of the Employees within a BPO and a Real Estate

    Company and to examine the influence of stress on the employees motivation

    and performance.

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    3.2 Methodology

    Data Source

    Primary Research: Personal Survey

    Secondary Research: Websites, Magazines

    Primary Research

    Information Areas

    Level of Stress faced during work (across different key aspects)

    Effect of Stress on Motivation and Performance

    Research Approach and Research Instrument

    Quantitative, Face-to-Face Interview using Structured Questionnaire

    Sampling Plan

    Sampling Unit: Grab House Pvt.Ltd. (Goregaon West), Global Solutions Pvt.

    Ltd. (Andheri West)

    Target Respondent: Employees of sector

    Sample Size: 100

    Sampling Procedure: Convenience, Simple Random Sampling

    Secondary Research

    Information Areas

    Effect of Stress on Motivation and Performance

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    3.3 Limitations of the Report

    The sample of business employees for the study was chosen for convenience

    and may not be representative of the total population of business employees.

    The report makes use of a questionnaire as an instrument for collecting data

    and no other tool has been used.

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    Chapter 4

    Analysis & Findings

    A. Demographic Profile

    A1. Gender Break-up

    Particulars Grab House

    (%) Global Solutions

    (%) Male 78 45

    Female 22 55

    TOTAL 100 100


    Maximum respondents in Grab House were Males i.e 78% and rest were females

    whereas the percentage of females working in Global Solutions were more i.e 55

    %.So this shows that BPO sector offers better job opportunities to female









    Grab House.com Global Solutions

    Female Male

  • Page 19 of 37

    A2. Age Break Up

    Particulars Grabhouse.com


    Global Solutions


    21-30 84 67

    31-40 16 33

    TOTAL 100 100


    84 % of the employees working in Grab House belong to the age group 21-30

    rest in the age group 31-40.67% of the employees working in Global Solutions

    belong to the age group 21-30 rest in the age group 31-40.This shows that

    employees working in both BPO and Real Estate sector are youngsters.







    Grab House.com

    Global Solutions



  • Page 20 of 37

    A3. Employees Experience

    Particulars Grab House

    (%) Global Solutions


    Less than a year 78 91

    1-5 years 22 9

    5-10 years 0 0

    More than 10 years 0 0

    TOTAL 100 100

    Inference 78% of the employees working in Grab House have an experience of less than a

    year in the firm and 91% of the employees working in Global Solutions too have

    an experience of less than a year. This shows that employees working in both the

    companies are mostly freshers.











    Less then a year

    1-5 Years 5-10 Years More than 10 years

    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com

  • Page 21 of 37

    B. Stress Level at Work in Grab House and Global Solutions

    B1. Are you comfortable with the working environment in which you work?

    The respondents were asked to select from the following particulars about the

    comfort level they feel in the organization.

    Inference 44% and 45 of the employees working in Grab House and Global Solutions are of

    the opinion that they are Neither Comfortable Nor Uncomfortable. This shows

    that employees working in both the companies are neutral in percepting the

    comfort level at the same time not being very comfortable and very













    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com

    Particulars Grab

    House (%)

    Global Solutions

    (%) Very Comfortable 18 9

    Comfortable 27 18

    Neither Comfortable Nor Uncomfortable 44 45

    Somewhat Uncomfortable 7 16

    Very Uncomfortable 4 11

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 22 of 37

    B2. In which of the following areas do you face a problem in your job?

    The respondents were asked to select from the following particulars about the

    problems they face in the organization.


    44% and 40% of employees working in Grab House and Global Solutions cite

    health issues due to stress occurring out of the work pressure. This shows that

    health of the employees is severely affected more than other problems that arise

    out of stress.











    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com

    Particulars Grab House


    Global Solutions


    Health 44 40

    Psychological 22 36

    Meeting Targets 9 18

    Work Itself 20 4

    Others 4 12

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 23 of 37

    B3. Do you think you are happy doing work in your Company?

    The respondents were asked to select from the following particulars about the

    degree to which they feel happy in the Company.


    45 % of the employees working in both the Grab House and Global Solutions are

    Neither Happy Nor Unhappy. This clearly shows Employees are really not

    enjoying the work they do and lack enthusiasm in the same.

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


    Global Solution

    Grab House

    Particulars Grab House

    (%) Global Solutions

    (%) Not at all happy 23 13

    Not so Happy 18 17

    Neither Happy Nor Unhappy 45 45

    Somewhat Happy 12 20

    Very Happy 2 5

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 24 of 37

    B4. If Unhappy, according to you which of the following do you think are the reasons for being Unhappy?

    The respondents had to select among the following reasons for being Unhappy.


    62% of the employees working in the Grab House are Unhappy because of

    workload.55% of the employees working in Global Solutions are Unhappy

    because of the working hours. This shows that Employees working in the Real

    Estate Sector have pressure of meeting targets that adds to the workload.

    Employees working in the BPO sector have long working hours in terms of both

    the day and night shifts that becomes a cause of sleep deprivation.

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com

    Particulars Grab House

    (%) Global Solutions


    Work Load 62 18

    Working Hours 22 55

    Meeting Targets 6 18

    Ventilation 0 0

    Interpersonal Relationships 7 5

    Performance Anxiety 3 4

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 25 of 37

    B5. Does Stress in your workplace have an effect over your basic performance?

    The respondents were asked to select from the following particulars the impact

    of stress over performance.


    44% and 42% of the employees working in the Grab House and Global Solutions

    are not so affected by the stress occurring at the workplace .Very few employees

    about 3% and 4% in both the companies feels that that they are very much

    affected. This shows that the stress in a way is manageable by the employees

    working in both the companies.

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com

    Particulars Grab House

    (%) Global Solutions

    (%) Not at all affected 11 13

    Not so Affected 44 42

    Neither Affected Nor Unaffected 33 36

    Somewhat Affected 9 5

    Very Much Affected 3 4

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 26 of 37

    B6. How do you think the stress at workplace, which is internal in nature can

    be controlled?

    The respondents were asked to select from the following particulars as to how

    the stress can be controlled.


    67% and 58% of the employees working in Grab House and Global Solutions

    feels that flexible working hours would help them to control the stress arising at

    the workplace. Therefore it can be said that flexibility in the working hours

    would help them render better performance in the output of the work.

    0 20 40 60 80

    100 120 140

    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com

    Particulars Grab House


    Global Solutions


    Flexible Working Hours 67 58

    Distributed Workload 9 18

    Timely Targets 11 5

    Periodic Relaxation 9 11

    Other 4 8

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 27 of 37

    B7. What measures do you suggest in controlling the stress causing factors?

    The respondents were asked to select from among the following particulars to

    control the stress causing factors.


    69% and 75% of the employees working in the Grab House and Global Solutions

    feels that Recreational tours if organized by the employer would be a good

    measure to control stress and would give them a break from work.

    0 20 40 60 80

    100 120 140 160

    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com

    Particulars Grab House


    Global Solutions


    Recreational Tours 69 75

    Sports Activities 20 18

    Family Tours 7 3

    Honouring Hard Work 2 2

    Others 2 2

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 28 of 37

    B8. How often does your Company Provide recreational activities to reduce the

    work stress of the employees?

    The Respondents were asked to select from the following particulars the period

    during which the stress management activities are carried out


    Yearly stress management drive is conducted in both the organizations .This

    shows that either of the companies are not too serious about managing stress

    and would not want to invest much time and money to manage stress for the

    employees working for the company.







    Monthly Quarterly Half Yearly Yearly

    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com

    Particulars Grab House


    Global Solutions


    Monthly 0 0

    Yearly 0 0

    Quarterly 0 0

    Half Yearly 0 0

    Yearly 100 100

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 29 of 37

    B9. Do you think the performance of the employees enhances due to various

    techniques adopted by the Management?

    The respondents were asked about possible enhancement in work after

    introducing the stress management Techniques by the Management.


    44% and 45% of the employees working in both the organizations feels that

    their performances are Neither enhanced Nor Unenhanced due to the stress

    Management techniques adopted. This shows that the techniques adopted to

    manage the stress are ineffective and since the stress management drive are

    conducted on yearly basis it only looks like a formality that yields nothing.

    0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90


    Global Solutions

    Grab House.com








    Not at all Enhanced 9 11

    Not so Enhanced 33 27

    Neither Enhanced Nor Unenhanced 44 45

    Somewhat Enhanced 9 11

    Very Enhanced 5 6

    TOTAL 100 100

  • Page 30 of 37

    B10. How do you want your H.R department in implementing work Stress

    Management Techniques?

    Reviews regarding the opinion of the employees as to how they wish the stress

    Management Techniques are implemented in the Company.

    Inference All the employees of Grab House and Global Solutions are of the suggestion that

    there opinions be sought while implementing the stress management program.

    This shows that employees are more flexible in being a part of stress

    management drive through offering their suggestions.

    Particulars Grab House


    Global Solutions


    Pre Planned 0 0

    Opinion Of

    Employees 100 100

    TOTAL 100 100








    Grab House.com Global Solutions

    Opinion of the Employees

    Pre Planned

  • Page 31 of 37

    C. How to Keep the Workforce Motivated

    1. Happy Workforce = Happy Customers

    Provide a great environment to work in and look after your staff the way you

    expect them to look after your customers.

    Why should they be nice to customers if they are getting a raw deal at work

    themselves? Keep them happy by providing what they need in terms of

    training (soft skills as well as technical knowledge) and genuine support with

    positive messages where appropriate and constructive feedback where

    development is needed.

    2. Senior Manager Feedback

    You dont need to spend a lot of money to make your people feel motivated

    and valued. Quite often a telephone call from a senior manager

    congratulating a team member on a good week is equally as effective as an

    offer of a training course or gift voucher. You cant be seen to be withdrawing

    from investing in your people. Of course, you may have to make decisions to

    protect the profitability of your business that may not be popular so the

    messages you communicate are extremely important and must continue to

    celebrate success, coach people on specific challenges and address any

    difficult issues they face.

    3. A Positive Attitude

    It is vital that recruitment team managers realign their expectations and take

    into consideration the economic climate when setting targets and objectives.

    Whilst it is all doom and gloom out there, it is definitely tougher to convert

    leads into sales and there are fewer opportunities. That said, team leaders

    must encourage their staff to raise their game and sell themselves out of the

    credit crunch.

    4. The Right Tools and Skills for the Job

    Staff motivation is influenced by the following factors: having the right

    person in the job who is capable of doing it; equipping them to do the job by

    giving them the right tools and support and finally setting realistic targets

    that they believe can be achieved.

    5. Dont be tempted to carry anyone who is not up to the job

    Leadership skills are ever more important during a credit crunch and you

    must lead from the front and inspire the team. Concentrate on motivating

    your best people and dont be tempted to carry anyone who is not up to the

    job this can be highly demotivating for the rest of the team.

  • Page 32 of 37

    6. Keep things fresh

    As obvious as it may sound, the key to motivation is to keep things fresh. Any

    job, however much you enjoy it, can become monotonous. This is even truer

    for the call center environment.

    7. Small quick fix prizes

    Monthly bonuses and incentive schemes are always useful, but what will keep

    them motivated throughout the month is the small quick fix stuff, the here

    and now, if you like. The little prizes they can take away with them as soon as

    they win them (or hit target).

    8. Training is always good, it keeps people up to date and focused on the


    Regular, effective and relevant training is massively important and a great

    motivator. If you want them to perform properly and consistently then you

    have to give them the tools to do so. Training is always good, it keeps people

    up to date and focused on the job at hand, it keeps their skills at the forefront

    and it will show them that management are obviously concerned with how

    well they do their job, etc.

    If they are given good quality training that covers the topics and issues they

    are faced with then they will respond and to a certain extent motivate

    themselves to stick with what they learn.

    9. Offer a nice clean working environment

    You need to make sure that the environment they are working in is conducive

    to good performance. Everyone likes to work somewhere nice, clean carpets,

    working computers and phones, a couple of nice plants.

    Consider this, which team do you think would give the best performance, the

    one who works in a scruffy office where the equipment only works half of the

    time and the managers never offer any support, or the team that works in a

    clean, friendly office where everything works properly and managers spend

    their day patting you on the back?

    10. Reward System and appraisal

    Human nature dictates that no matter what job is done, everyone likes to be

    rewarded or praised for doing it well. Sales people live by that, generally

    because the better they do the more money they get. Reward system is a

    must therefore to increase motivation and performance.

  • Page 33 of 37

    Chapter 5

    Conclusions & Recommendations

    5.1 Conclusions

    01. There are mostly young people working in the BPOS as well as the online

    Real Estate Companies at the same time having advantages in terms of

    computer usage and multitasking making them fit enough for these jobs.

    02. Currently more than half of the employees working in the call centers and

    online real estate companies are fresh graduates. Youth take multitasking

    to a whole new dimension.

    03. The stress levels are increasing, both in the Call centers and Real estate

    companies and employees are exposed to high amounts of pressure from

    the Management in terms of meeting targets and servicing the complaints

    of the customers thereby increasing the stress levels.

    05. The ability to cope with stress is severely reduced because of long hours of

    work causing sleep deprivation among the employees.

    06. Many problems with regards to stress occur because Management has not

    taken adequate steps to cope with stress among the employees.

    07. Male Employees specifically Smoke to reduce the stress which is fatal to

    health and female employees are more inclined to mediation, chatting

    listening songs to overcome stress.

    08. Almost all the employees working in both the companies are of the decision

    that their opinion be sought to plan techniques that will ease their work


  • Page 34 of 37

    5.2 Recommendations

    01. Companies must tie up with health clubs to ensure the health of the

    employees remains intact.

    02. Recreational tours must be organized periodically so that employees

    develop enthusiasm towards the respective companies.

    03. The Duration of breaks should be adequate enough to rest and consume


    04. Periodic Job Rotation would help employees explore other possible areas of

    rendering performance at the same time increasing the level of learning.

    05. Regular counseling of the employees through an inside member or an

    outside agent be sought to understand and overcome weak areas of

    performance and other interpersonal issues.

    06. Conducting seminars and workshops for their employees to address the

    problems encountered during work.

    07. Exercise meditation yoga and laughter therapy are good stress busters

    which should be periodically done by employees.

  • Page 35 of 37


    A. Questionnaire

    Name of the Company: ________________________________________________________

    Name: ___________________________ Age: __________

    Designation: ___________________________ Education: ___________________________

    1. Gender of the Respondent

    a) Male b) Female

    2. Respondent Age

    a) 21-30 b) 31-40

    3. Since how long have you been working with the Company?

    a) Less than a year b) 1-5 years

    c) 5-10 Year d) More than a 10 years

    4. Are you comfortable with the working environment in which you


    a) Very Comfortable

    b) Comfortable

    c) Neither Comfortable nor Uncomfortable

    d) Somewhat Uncomfortable

    e) Very uncomfortable

    5. In which of the following areas do you face a problem in your job?

    a) Health b) Psychological c) Meeting Targets

    d) Work Itself e) Others __________________

    5. Do you think you are happy doing work in your Company?

    a) Not at all happy b) Not so happy

    c) Neither happy nor unhappy d) Somewhat Happy

    e) Very happy

    6. What are the reasons for being Unhappy?

    a) Work Load b) Working Hours c) Interpersonal Relationships

    d) Ventilation e) Meeting Target f) Performance Anxiety

    7. Does Stress in your workplace have an effect over your basic


    a) Not at all affected b) Not so affected

    c) Neither affected nor unaffected d) Very much affected

    e) Somewhat affected

  • Page 36 of 37

    8. How do you think the stress at workplace, which is internal in nature

    can be controlled?

    a) Flexible working hours b) Distributed Workload c) Timely Targets

    d) Periodic Relaxation e) Other ____________________

    9. What Measures do you suggest in controlling the stress causing


    a) Recreational Tours b) Honouring the hardworking people

    c) Family tours d) Sports Activities

    e) Other __________________

    10. How often does your Company Provide recreational activities to

    reduce the work stress of the employees?

    a) Monthly b) Quarterly

    c) Half Yearly d) Yearly

    11. How do you want your H.R department in implementing work Stress

    Management Techniques?

    a) Pre-planned b) Opinion of the Employees

    12. Do you think the performance of the employees enhances due to

    various techniques adopted by the Management?

    a) Not at all enhanced b) Not so enhanced

    c) Neither Enhanced nor Unenhanced d) somewhat enhanced

    e) Very Enhanced

  • Page 37 of 37

    B. Bibliography

    Books referred

    Barden, N. R. (2001, November). Wellness programs: Everyone wins.

    Commerce and Health, 28-42.

    Foster, L. B. (2002). Workplace stress: Changing the pattern. Sales and

    Marketing Journal, 3233.

    100 ways to motivate others-Chandler and Richarson

    Quality without tears- Philips B. Crosby

    Websites referred












