Spatial Organization By Maria Gabriela Inojosa 08-10556.

Spatial Organization By Maria Gabriela Inojosa 08-10556

Transcript of Spatial Organization By Maria Gabriela Inojosa 08-10556.

Spatial Organization

By Maria Gabriela Inojosa



What is Space? What is Organization? What is Spatial Organization? Relationship with Urban planning Standards Urban Plans The Planners

What is Space?

Cambrigde Dictionary (online) noun (EMPTY PLACE) /speɪs/ an empty

area which is available to be used open space: land, especially in a town,

which has no buildings on it Wikipedia

is the boundless, three-dimensional extent in which objects and events occur and have relative position and direction

Gottfried Leibniz, space is no more than the collection of spatial

relations between objects in the world.

What is Space?

What is Organization?

Cambrigde Dictionary (online) (UK usually organisation) the way in which

something is done or arranged. Wikipedia

is the act of rearranging elements following one or more rules.

What is Spatial Organization?


when components of an abiotic or biological group are

arranged non-randomly in space


Spatial organization is the arrangement of different levels

of objects (physical and human) on the earth's surface.

What is Spatial Organization?

My own definition: the action of preparing and structuring the spaces considering

certain standards previously studied in order to achieve an specific goal. These standards need to be functional in all aspects in order to be efficient.

Spatial Organization

Relationship with Urban Planning

Urban, city, and town planning integrates land use planning and transport planning to improve the built, economic and social environments of communities.


The standards of a city should be measured by the needs of the society. Education Transportation Recreational Spaces Job Spaces

Urban Plans

The Greater London Plan The Radiant CityGarden CitiesParis Plan

The Planners

“The curious thing about this is that along in history, cities keep an evolutionary pattern, so spatial organization or urban planning will always be a constant activity for the specialists and for the people building the cities and those are US!!! The citizens, we as citizens should be aware in all terms of the growth and develop of the urban spaces, it should be relevant whether we study architecture, law, engineer, mathematics, etc. we are all part of the city and with our activities we are building it, so planning cities is about planning together our lifestyles, working together for the quality of life that we want, with base on values, creativity and participation.

The Urban planner will only be the one who translates all the ideas of the citizens in a real project”

