Spanish Level 1 Party Games! First Level Significant Aspects of Learning Use language in a range of...

Spanish Level 1 Party Games!

Transcript of Spanish Level 1 Party Games! First Level Significant Aspects of Learning Use language in a range of...

Spanish Level 1 Party Games!

First Level Significant Aspects of Learning • Use language in a range of contexts and across learning• Continue to develop confidence and enthusiasm to communicate using the

language being learnt• Develop an awareness and understanding of patterns and sounds of language• Begin to develop an understanding of, interest in and respect for other

countries, cultures and languages • Appreciate and understand the value of language learning • Recognise familiar written words when listening • Explore how gesture, expression and emphasis are used to help

understanding.• Listen, recognise and respond to familiar voices in short, predictable

conversations• Understand and respond to familiar spoken vocabulary• Actively take part in daily routines• Listen and join in with stories, song or poem• Enjoy engaging with simple and familiar texts on my own and with others

using resources to support learning • Participate in familiar games, paired speaking and short role plays • Take part in simple, paired conversations about themselves giving simple

opinions and asking simple questions

Party Games – ¡La fiesta!

Aims: 1.To be able to understand unfamiliar language through making connections with English and support from images. 2.To be able to use a range of spoken vocabulary through repetition in games. 3.To learn about Spanish party games. 4.To enjoy using language in a range of contexts.

Actividad 1 – Teacher’s notes

Modern Languages I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages

English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a

Prior learning:

¿Quién es? Es ___

Actividad: ¡El hurón!1.Pupils stand in a circle with one in the middle..2.Pupils must pass an object around the circle, behind their backs, hiding from the pupil in the centre as it moves around from hand to hand.3.When the music stops, the pupil in the middle must try and guess who has it and in which hand.

Expressive ArtsI can sing and play music from other styles and cultures, showing growing confidence and skill while learning about musical notation and performance directions. EXA 1-16a

Actividad 1 – Teacher’s notes

El juego del hurón

El hurón means the ferret and the idea of the game is that an object is moving around the circle and is hidden.

The instructions for the game are in Spanish and you can ask the pupils to try and work these out. The English translations are in the slide notes.

Vocabulary¿Quién es? Who is it?

Es It is…

La mano izquierda The left hand

La mano derecha The right hand

You can count the pupils into start the music with 1, 2, 3, vamos!

El juego del hurón

…haced un círculo.

levantaos y…

Una persona va al centro del círculo.

¡Es el detective!

pasad un objeto

alrededor del círculo

Un pelota por ejemplo

de mano a mano

Cuando la música pare….

Esconded la pelota del detective.

…la clase dice “¿Quién tiene la pelota?”

¡El detective decide quién tiene la pelota!

Por ejemplo – La tiene María.

Y decide si la tiene…

La mano izquierda o la mano derecha

Si el detective está correcto…

…él/ella se queda en el centro.

Si el detective no está correcto…

¡…la persona con la pelota será el detective!

Actividad 2 – Pass the parcel!Modern Languages

I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages

English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a

Prior learning:


Actividad 2 – Teacher’s notes

Actividad: Pass the Parcel (pasad el paquete)

1. Prepare a parcel with different layers wrapped with different colours of paper and a small prize in the middle. 2. Pupils sit in a circle and teacher plays some Spanish music (pick something they can sing along to) whilst they pass a parcel around the circle. 3. When the music stops, whoever it lands on should unwrap their layer. 4. The class ask the question, “¿De qué color es?” and the pupil should say it in Spanish e.g. ¡es azul! 5. If you like, you can also add questions onto the sheets of paper e.g. ¿Cómo te llamas? ¿Qué edad tienes? Etc. 6. The game is over once someone gets to the prize 7. All pupils can say Bravo ____ to whoever wins at the end.


¿De qué color es? What colour is it?

Es (azul) It’s blue

¡Bravo! Well done!

¡Continuamos! Let’s continue!

¡Pasad el paquete!

Sentaos en círculo…

¡Escuchad la música…


y pasad el paquete!

Cuando la música para….

…abrid el paquete.

¿De qué color?

¡Es blanco!

¡Muy Bien! 1, 2,3 - ¡Continuamos!

¡Y finalemente…

…una persona encuentra el premio!¡Muy Bien!

Actividad 3 – ¡Las estatuas musicales!Modern Languages

I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages

English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a

Prior learning:

A song in Spanish

Actividad 3 – Teacher’s notes

Actividad: Las estatuas musicales

1.Pupils dance (and sing) to Spanish music when the music stops they freeze. 2.You could potentially link this to famous statues from around the world and ask them to adopt a different pose for each time they have to stop e.g. Rodin’s The Thinker, Rafael’s David or famous posers (some examples are included). Might be too much but could be quite funny! 3.When they are “out” they can still sing along and you can ask them to join in with you when you call out “strike a pose!” (see vocabulary). They can also help spot who has moved! 4.Lastly, if you want to, you can add in some Spanish challenges e.g. count to ten when they are frozen, say the alphabet, say as many colours as they can etc.


¡Uno, dos, tres! ¡Para/parad! 1, 2, 3 -pose!

¡No te muevas/ no os mováis! Don’t move!

¡Oh no! ¡Estás eliminado(a)! Oh no, you are out!

¡Lo siento! Sorry!

¡Las estatuas musicales!

Escuchad la música…


y bailad!

Cuando la música pare….

¡No te muevas/ no os mováis!

Si te mueves/ si os movéis…

¡… Estás eliminado(a)!

¡Bravo! 1, 2,3 - ¡Continuamos!

posad como…

Posad como…


Posad como…

…Mo Farah.

Posad como…

…Usain Bolt.

¡Bravo! 1, 2,3 - ¡Continuamos!

Y finalmente…

…una persona ganó!¡Bravo!

Actividad 4 – ¡Las sillas musicales!Modern Languages

I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages

English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a

Prior learning:

None particularly necessary.

Expressive ArtsI can sing and play music from other styles and cultures, showing growing confidence and skill while learning about musical notation and performance directions. EXA 1-16a

Actividad 4 – Teacher’s notes

Actividades: Las sillas musicales

1.Pupils walk around a number of chairs (1 less than number of pupils) and sing to Spanish music. When the music stops they must sit down in a seat which is free. 2.The person who is left is the out but they can still sing along and you can ask them to ask everyone to stand up and then choose a seat to remove next. 3.To add some extra Spanish you can stick and question or a Spanish challenge to each seat e.g. count to five, say your name, say what the weather is like today etc. and get them to say it to their neighbour. 4.You could also link this to whatever topic you have been doing e.g. pictures of animals if you’ve been looking at pets and they would have to say what it is.


¡Uno, dos, tres, anda! 1, 2, 3 – walk!

¡Busca una silla! Find a chair!

¡Sientate! Sit down

¡Oh no! ¡Estás eliminado(a)! Oh no, you are out!

¡Lo siento! Sorry!

Levántate Stand up

Coge una silla Choose a chair

¡Continuamos! Let’s continue!

¡Las sillas musicales!

Escuchad la música…

Cantad …

¡Y andad alrededor de las sillas!

Cuando la música pare….


…si no tienes silla…

… ¡estás eliminado(a)!

… ¡pero no pasa nada!

…ahora eres el(la) profesor(a)!

…Retira la silla que quieras.

¡Bravo! 1, 2,3 - ¡continuamos!

¡Y finalemente…

…una persona gana!¡Bravo!

Actividad 5 – El carteroModern Languages I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages

English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a

Prior learning:

Numbers 1 – however many are in your class.

Or you can use a different topic.

Actividad 5 – Teacher’s notes

Actividad: ¡El cartero! (the postman)

1.This game is the Spanish version of Duck, duck, goose. 2.All pupils sit in a circle except one. 3.The pupil who is outside the circle (el cartero), walks around gently tapping each pupil on the head as they pass and counting in Spanish as they go. 4.Suddenly, instead of saying a number, they shout a different (you can choose whatever you like) and whoever they tapped when they said this must then jump up and chase them round the circle. 5.If the cartero manages to get back to the vacant seat without being tagged by the other pupil, they get to then sit down and the other pupil now becomes the cartero.


Uno, dos, tres, ¡vamos! 1, 2, 3 – walk!

¡Sentáos! Sit down

¡Continuamos! Let’s continue!

¡El catero!

Sentaos en círculo…

Es el cartero

Una persona no se sienta

El cartero…

…anda alrededor del círculo…

...y toca a todo el mundo …

...en la cabeza…

…mientras cuenta…

e.g. Uno, dos, tres, cuatro etc.

¡pero, atención!

Si el cartero te toca la cabeza…

y te dice “bananas!”

…te debes levantar...

¡Corre tras el catero!

Si tocas al cartero…

…te sientas.

Si no tocas al catero…

…el catero toma tu silla.

… ¡y ahora tu eres el cartero!

Actividad 6– El Hokey PokeyModern Languages I gain a deeper understanding of my first language and appreciate the richness and interconnected nature of languages

English and literacy I can use my knowledge of sight vocabulary, phonics, context clues, punctuation and grammar to read with understanding and expression. ENG 1-12a

Health and Well beingI am discovering ways that I can link actions and skills to create movement patterns and sequences. This has motivated me to practise and improve my skills to develop control and flow. HWB 1-21a

Expressive ArtsI can sing and play music from other styles and cultures, showing growing confidence and skill while learning about musical notation and performance directions. EXA 1-16a

Actividad 6 – Teacher’s notes

Actividad: El Hokey Pokey

1.Practise the lyrics and actions and then do it to the music.2.I’ve included two versions – one which is simplified and another which goes with the Youtube version.

Prior learning:

Body parts and left and right but can learn when doing this song.

El Hokey Pokey!

El pié derecho aquí

El pié derecho allá

El pié derecho aquí

Sacudiendolo bien

Harás el Hokey Pokey

Y una vuelta darás

¡Y ya lo sabrás bailar!

Ohhh hokey, pokey, pokey! X 3

¡Y ya lo sabrás bailar!

El pié izquierdo aquí

El pié izquierdo allá

El pié izquierdo aquí

Sacudiendolo bien

Harás el Hokey Pokey

Y una vuelta darás

¡Y ya lo sabrás bailar!

Ohhh hokey, pokey, pokey! X 3

¡Y ya lo sabrás bailar!

La mano derecha aquí

La mano derecha allá

La mano derecha aquí

Sacudiendola bien

Harás el Hokey Pokey

Y una vuelta tu darás

¡Y ya lo sabrás bailar!

Ohhh hokey, pokey, pokey! X 3

¡Y ya lo sabrás bailar!

Con todo el cuerpo aquí

Con todo el cuerpo allá

Con todo el cuerpo aquí

Sacudiendolo bien

Harás el Hokey Pokey

Y una vuelta tu darás

¡Y ya lo sabrás bailar!

Ohhh hokey, pokey, pokey! X 3

¡Y ya lo sabrás bailar!

Muy bien todo el mundo!