Spaced Pack for PDF Montok Point - Strange Cargo 016 Nuerotic Android - Hydra 017 Rylka - Galerie...

Spaced RadioROM 100 TRACKS BEYOND THE EDGE OF THIS REALITY - OVER 12 HOURS OF NON-STOP MUSIC ON A SINGLE MP3 - ROM Compatible with PC, MP3 enabled DVD players, and both in - car MP3-CD & personal MP3-CD players This monitor provides sight of all the albums featured within the disk. These display as covers which can be scrolled through on the screen. This screen gives you a choice of viewing channels: 1. Album sleeve 2. Track list & purchaser details, 3. Web links. Use the main control panel to set volume, automatically generate playlists controlling their duration, and the average tempo. For seemless play set the tracks to cross-fade by a precise amount; this is calculated as a percentage which displays here. Click here to select from five different playlist shapes; 1:Slow to Fast 2: Fast to Flow 3: Middle Peak 4: Middle Dip and 5: Random. To remove a track from the playlist simply drag the spine out and off the player interface area. All 100 available tracks are stacked here. They shuffle realistically and you can drag and drop the spines to play any track individually by double-clicking it and/or inserting it into the playlist stack. Use the four pre - set playlists or edit them as you desire. You can generate new playlists automatically in seconds by using the average tempo and duration sliders to create a unique playing sequence each time. Every track is an original recording or high quality remix. All tracks are encoded at 128kbps. Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the selection stack - click the centre button to toggle between the display of artist name and track name. Simple, one click control of Play, Pause, Skip Forward and Back functions. The dial offer you a selection of four pre - set playlists, each one is over three hours long and contains 30+ tracks. The program slider allows you to cue precisely to any section of an individual track. RadioROM and Cyberg are registered Trade Marks. All rights reserved. © 2001 RadioROM Limited. Contact: [email protected] Website: RadioROM Spaced contains 100 music tracks and 32 audio links. That’s over 12 hours of music on this single disk. The tracks are organised using RadioROM’s unique data base protocol MetaDynamix which ensures they run in a satisfying sequence. It is easy and quick to edit and customise the playlists to suit your mood and needs. The mp3 files on this disk can be played in MP3 enabled DVD players, in - car and personal MP3-CD players. The integrated player application illustrated below is PC compatible and requires a small installation, under 40mb, because only the RadioROM application software and Java Virtual Machine multi - media support files are installed NOT the MP3 files. 002 - Starship Taxi 003 - Mission To Mars 004 - Celestial Anihilation 005 - SETI 006 - Lost Frequencies 007 - United 008 - A 5th Element 009 - Andromeda 010 - Ionisphere 011 - Capsule Commander 00:04:17 05:16:42 04.4% 090 - Alien Tears - Hydra IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 090 - Alien Tears 085 - Grey Body Green Gun 094 - 5 Tones 100 - Extra-Terrestrial Entity 112 - Blue Pill 113 - High Energy Protons 116 - Planet 21 120 - Mars Needs Women 123 - Robostyx 125 - Youth Of The Galaxy As each sleeve is displayed the tracks featured on Cyberg are highlighted in grey in both the selection and playlist racks. This display shows the time elapsed of the track being played. The status bar and both monitors have on/off buttons. RadioROM is programmed to continue playing music whilst you make playlist adjustments and settings. Create your own playlists and save them to disk sectors A, B, C or D. Concept, Photoshop imagery and design by Glenn Greenhill - Music slected and compiled by Glenn Greenhill

Transcript of Spaced Pack for PDF Montok Point - Strange Cargo 016 Nuerotic Android - Hydra 017 Rylka - Galerie...

Page 1: Spaced Pack for PDF Montok Point - Strange Cargo 016 Nuerotic Android - Hydra 017 Rylka - Galerie Stratique 018 Simulacron - Hydra 019 Hungry On Arrival - Outernational 020 More Than



Compatible with PC, MP3 enabled DVD players, and both in-car MP3-CD & personal MP3-CD players

This monitor provides sight

of al l the albums featured

within the disk. These

display as covers which can

be scrol led through on the


This screen gives you a

choice of viewing channels:

1 . Album sleeve

2. Track l ist & purchaser

detai ls,

3. Web l inks.

Use the main control panel

to set volume, automatical ly

generate playl ists control l ing

their duration, and the

average tempo.

For seemless play set the

tracks to cross-fade by a

precise amount; this is

calculated as a percentage

which displays here.

Cl ick here to select from

five different playl ist shapes;

1 :Slow to Fast

2: Fast to Flow

3: Middle Peak

4: Middle Dip and

5: Random.

To remove a track from

the playl ist simply drag

the spine out and off the

player interface area.All 100 available tracks are

stacked here. They shuffle

real istical ly and you can

drag and drop the spines to

play any track individual ly

by double-cl icking it and/or

inserting it into the playl ist


Use the four pre-set

playl ists or edit them as

you desire.

You can generate new

playl ists automatical ly in

seconds by using the

average tempo and duration

sl iders to create a unique

playing sequence each time.

Every track is an original

recording or high qual ity

remix. All tracks are

encoded at 128kbps.

Use the arrow buttons to

scroll through the selection

stack - cl ick the centre

button to toggle between

the display of artist name

and track name.

Simple, one cl ick control of Play, Pause, Skip Forward and Back functions.

The dial offer you a selection of four pre-set playl ists, each one is over three hours long and contains 30+ tracks.

The program sl ider al lows you to cue precisely to any section of an individual track.

RadioROM and Cyberg are registered Trade Marks. All rights reserved. © 2001 RadioROM Limited. Contact: [email protected] Website:

Rad i oROM Spaced conta i n s 100 mus i c t ra cks and 32 aud i o l i n ks . That ’ s ove r 12 hou rs of mus i c on t h i s s i ng l e d i s k . The t ra cks a r e o rgan i s ed us i ng

Rad i oROM ’s u n i q u e data base p rotoco l Me taDynam ix wh i c h e nsu r es t h ey r u n i n a sat i s f y i ng s equence . I t i s easy and qu i c k to ed i t a nd c ustom i s e t h e

p l a y l i s t s to su i t you r mood and n e eds . The mp3 f i l e s on t h i s d i s k can b e p l a y ed i n MP3 enab l ed DVD p l a y e rs , i n - ca r and p e rsona l MP3-CD p l a y e rs .

The i n t eg rat ed p l a y e r app l i c at i o n i l l u st rat ed b e l ow i s PC compat i b l e a nd r equ i r e s a sma l l i n st a l l a t i o n , u nde r 40mb , b e cause on l y t h e Rad i oROM

app l i c at i o n sof twar e and Java V i r t ua l Mach i n e mu l t i -med i a s uppo r t f i l e s a r e i n st a l l e d NOT t h e MP3 f i l e s .

002 - Starship Taxi

003 - Mission To Mars

004 - Celestial Anihilation

005 - SETI

006 - Lost Frequencies

007 - United

008 - A 5th Element

009 - Andromeda

010 - Ionisphere

011 - Capsule Commander

00:04:17 05:16:4204.4% 090 - Alien Tears - Hydra IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

090 - Alien Tears

085 - Grey Body Green Gun

094 - 5 Tones

100 - Extra-Terrestrial Entity

112 - Blue Pill

113 - High Energy Protons

116 - Planet 21

120 - Mars Needs Women

123 - Robostyx

125 - Youth Of The Galaxy

As each sleeve is displayed

the tracks featured on

Cyberg are highl ighted in

grey in both the selection

and playl ist racks.

This display shows the time

elapsed of the track being


The status bar and both

monitors have on/off


RadioROM is programmed to

continue playing music whilst

you make playl ist adjustments

and settings.

Create your own playl ists

and save them to disk

sectors A, B, C or D. Con


, P







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y G




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ic s


ed a

nd c



by G





Page 2: Spaced Pack for PDF Montok Point - Strange Cargo 016 Nuerotic Android - Hydra 017 Rylka - Galerie Stratique 018 Simulacron - Hydra 019 Hungry On Arrival - Outernational 020 More Than



Fl ight One

00 1 Spaced Intro Montage

002 Starsh ip Taxi - Hydra

003 Miss ion To Mars - Starburst

004 Celest ia l Ann ih i lat ion - UNKLE

005 SETI C lub (Grey Mix) - Hydra

006 Lost Frequenc ies -Genet ic Drug

007 United (Remix) - Al ien Soap Opera

008 A 5th E lement

009 Andromeda - A2A

010 Ion isphere - Ian Boddy

0 1 1 Capsu le Commander - Der F itzer

012 Relay - ARC

013 Big Badda Boom A

014 Uranus - Hydra

015 Montok Point - Strange Cargo

016 Nuerot ic Andro id - Hydra

017 Rylka - Ga ler ie Strat ique

018 Simu lacron - Hydra

019 Hungry On Arr iva l - Outernat iona l

020 More Than A Mach ine -DJ St ix

021 Four Sk in Jobs

022 Dreamland - Naked Funk

023 Greatest Miss ion To Mars - Dan T

024 Ex-Cop , Ex-Bladerunner , Ex-Ki l l er . . .

025 Liqu id Sky - Sub l imex

026 Luna - Ga ler ie Strat ique

027 Starsh ip Un iverse - CJ Bol land

028 Who Walks Beh ind You - ARC

029 Aleph Zero - Numina

030 Mars Red Planet - Graeme Reve l l

03 1 B lush Response

032 Melt ing Moon - F lu id

033 In Love With An Al ien - Dark UFO

Fl ight Two

034 Under The Overtones - Inf in ity Project

035 Radio Sputn ik - ARC

036 De Ja Vous Expla ined

037 Parade Of P lanets - AVP Project

038 Moonraker - Teebee & K

039 New Star In The Sky - Air

040 Transmiss ions - E lectr ip C

041 Sleep ing UFO - Space Cake

042 AstraI Iso lat ion - Robert Musso

043 Fl ight 2127 - S ing le Ce l l Orchestra

044 Octane - ARC

045 The Crew Is Doing Wel l - Ohm G

046 This Is Miss ion Contro l

047 We Have Been Tweeked - Max Brennan

048 Yes Its Puzz l ing

049 Different Wor lds - DJ St ix

050 Googolp lex - E lectr ip C

05 1 Transmit 2 - ARC

052 Inte l l igent L ife Off The Earth

053 Star Above Parvat i - Doof

054 Escape From New York - K inder Atom

055 Rebe l Enforcer - Mix Master Mike

056 Venus ian Shuff le - Max Brennan

057 The Eagle Has Landed - Naked Funk

058 My IQ Is 280

059 Al ien Patro l - Inf in ity Project

060 Scorp io Rise - Thunderba l l

06 1 Mort ioso - Inf in ity Project

062 Blob - Freaky

063 Tears In Ra in

064 Star F i l ter - Ga ler ie Strat ique

065 Passing Of Time - Orb

066 Acid For Blood - Ed it

F l ight Three

067 Heavens Airport - Starseeds

068 Clubbed To Death - Rob D

069 The F irst Matr ix

070 IQ 552 - Grand Theft Audio

07 1 Val ium - Naked Funk

072 Art if ic ia l Dream - Al ien Soap Opera

073 Osge le - Ga ler ie Strat ique

074 A Huge F laming Object

075 Zero - Ohm G

076 Cur ious Sound

077 Dreampi lot - Hydra

078 Moon Glow - Numina

079 Def in ite ly Extraterrestr ia l

080 Dock ing vStat ion - Maxc

081 Future Whispers - Robert Musso

082 Someth ing ’s Happen ing . . .

083 The Journey - Evolver

084 It ’s Coming Th is Way

085 Grey Body Green Gun - Add N to X

086 The Black Regent - Add N to X

087 Al ien Soup - Al ien Soap Opera

088 Cloud Surfer - Kobe

089 I Am Ready To Go - Ohm G

090 Al ien Tears - Hydra

09 1 It ’s Always Human Error

092 Xpans ion - Aqua l ite

093 Close Encounters - J Wi l l iams

094 5 Tones - Ethn ica

095 Close Encounters - J Wi l l iams

096 Perpetua l Navigat ion - E lectr ip C

097 Ligh At End - Zen Paradox

098 Dark Koma - Soma

099 Moonstone - Bass Mekan ik

F l ight Four

100 Extra Terrestr ia l Ent ity - Dark UFO

101 Connected - Ohm G

102 Omnipresence - Future Sound Of London

103 Ambient Ga laxy - Astra l Project ions

104 Globa l - The Chek ists

105 Game Over Man

106 Crash Land ing - Graeme Reve l

107 12 ,000Suns - Astra lProject ions

108 Bui l tToProtect - Movie

109 Fuzzy Logic - Nada Brahma

1 10 Cannabanoid - Cosmosis

1 1 1 I Am Morpheous

1 12 Blue P i l l - B lue P lanet Corporat ion

1 13 High Energy Protons - Juno

1 14 Sit Down Calmly And Take Th is P i l l

1 15 Synthet ic But Not Stup id

1 16 Planet 2 1 - Caffe

1 17 My Mind Is Going

1 18 Opt ica l Dawn - Defo lder

1 19 Big Badda Boom

120 Mars Needs Women - Doof

121 B ig Boom Big Boom

122 Dark Magus - Hal luc inogen

123 Long Range Explorat ion Of Space

124 Robostyx - Transwave

125 Youth Of The Galaxy - Doof

126 Conf idence In The Miss ion

127 Future Space Trave l lers - Prana

128 Liqu id And Sol id Fue l Boosters

129 Secret Sun -Doof

130 Mindhunter - Cydon ia

13 1 Survive The Tr ip - Skaz i vs Manitu

132 Invas ion Space - Dro idsect