Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust

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  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Space to Grow

    why peopleneed gardens

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    The role of the National Trust

    The National Trst has been caring or special gardens or

    over 110 years. Or proessional interest in gardens took o

    in the late 1940s, when we established a Gardens Committee

    to advise s on or work. We now look ater over 200 gardens

    and parks and and 32 Plant Heritage National Plant Collections

    and over 70,000 plant species. We employ 450 proessional

    gardeners, who are assisted by 1,500 volnteer gardeners.

    Another 2,400 volnteers help with activities sch as plant

    selling and gided talks.

    Octavia Hill, one o or onders, was passionate abot

    the idea that gardens cold serve as open air sitting

    rooms. Indeed, the National Trst was very nearly called

    the Commons and Gardens Trst. Arond 87 per cent o

    the poplation o England, Wales and Northern Ireland now

    live within 15 miles o a National Trst garden. Or gardensoten nction as vital local commnity spaces, or example

    at Osterley Park in London or East Riddlesden Hall in West


    Many o the gardens in or care have special historical

    signicance. Almost all o the great garden designers o

    the past worked on gardens that are now looked ater by

    the Trst, among them Charles Bridgeman, William Kent,

    Lancelot Capability Brown, Hmphry Repton, Gertrde

    Jekyll and Sir Georey Jellicoe.

    2 N A T I ON A L T R u S T

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Space to Growwhy people need gardens

    Gardens and gardening have a special place in or national

    cltre. Most weekends, millions o s will be planting, digging

    and weeding or own plots, or appreciating other peoples

    eorts as visitors to gardens. There are ew who do not vale

    the simple pleasres that gardens and gardening can oer:

    beaty, resh air, connection with natre and plants, and

    the satisaction o growing or own ood. Spending time

    in a garden is time well spent.

    Thats why I believe that gardens are more important

    than ever beore. Signicantly, seven ot o ten o s believe

    that spending time in gardens is critical to or qality o lie,

    with many agreeing that it is a more enjoyable pastime than

    shopping or watching TV. I am passionate abot the idea that,

    in todays ast-paced society, everyone shold have accessto a garden or green space that they eel entitled to enjoy and

    se. Ater all, this was the inspirational vision o the onders

    o the National Trst.

    Gardens, great and small, ace many challenges. The examples

    in this report set ot how the National Trst is responding to

    these, and the measres we are taking to ensre that gardens

    can be appreciated by everyone or generations to come.

    Fiona Reynolds


    Let: Fiona Reynolds clearing daodils with the gardeners

    at Snowshill Manor, Gloucestershire

    S P A C E T O GR OW3

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Gardening is one o Britains most popular pastimes.

    Most weekends 11 million o us will be tending our

    gardens, and more than twice that number say they

    enjoy visiting gardens each year. Put simply, gardens

    are a constant source o joy and pleasure.

    Gardens are places where people can play and relax.

    When people were asked why spending time in gardenswas important to them, nwinding was the most reqently

    mentioned response (68 per cent). One in three members

    o the pblic consider gardens to be romantic places that

    can give yor love lie a boost. Walking in the scent rom the

    300 varieties o old-ashioned roses growing in the gardens

    at Mottisont Abbey in Hampshire on a smmers evening

    helps to demonstrate why!

    Nine ot o ten o the Trsts most visited properties are

    gardens. Even in the depths o winter thosands o visitorscome to enjoy the delicate beaty o snowdrops at properties

    sch as Colby Woodland Garden in Pembrokeshire and

    Anglesey Abbey near Cambridge. This poplarity means

    that gardens open to the pblic are a major draw or

    torism in Britain. Gardens are important to sstaining

    local economies. Visits to gardens generate an estimated

    300 million in direct spending and even more than this

    in associated spending on local bsinesses.

    Gardens bring people together. They provide a sae andcomorting environment in which to prse a variety o

    activities: exercise, socialising with riends, appreciating

    natre and the seasons, or qiet contemplation. As

    sch, gardens are great social levellers, helping to nite

    commnities in ways that other pblic spaces oten do not.

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    The Gateway Gardens Trustand Moseley Old HallStaordshire

    The 17th-centry style garden at Moseley Old Hall is one

    o many in the National Trst to work in partnership with The

    Gateway Gardens Trst, which helps disadvantaged grops

    o all kinds to become involved with and experience gardens.

    Chairman o The Gateway Gardens Trst, Bettina Harden,

    describes a typical project with local schoolchildren in the

    garden at Moseley Old Hall in Staordshire: The children

    came rom a hgely deprived rban area. They planted seeds

    in their own plot, and came back week ater week to weed

    and water them, and then harvest the prodce. They wrote

    amazing poems and drew pictres abot their experiences.

    It was a spectaclar sccess.

    Bettina sees access to green spaces as a hman right.

    Gardens oer innite resorces to eed or needs as people.

    One regee child, amazed to discover the beaty o the walled

    gardens at Dinewr, asked s whether he was in paradise.

    The Gateway Gardens Trst is rnning a series o seminars

    abot increasing access to gardens and historic parks or

    National Trst sta in order to develop skills and share good

    practice in otreach work.

    The best thing about

    Knightshayes Court garden

    (above) is that it eels warm

    and neighbourly. Despiteits scale and splendour I

    always eel Ive just popped

    in to see an old riend

    National Trst visitor, Devon

    More than 12 million

    people visit National

    Trust gardens each year

    Seven out o ten o

    us believe it is critical

    to our quality o lie to

    spend time in gardens

    S P A C E T O GR OW5

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    Research has shown that physical activity in green spaces

    is eective in the treatment o clinical depression and can

    be as successul as psychotherapy or medication,

    particularly in the longer term.

    The mental health charity Thrive has ond that nearly one

    in three disabled people believe that gardening has ongoing

    health benets, and one in ve report that it has helped themthrogh a period o mental or physical ill health. At Clmber

    Park, Nottinghamshire, the National Trst is working with

    the charity Rethink and the Adlt Social Care and Health

    department o Nottinghamshire Conty Concil to help

    people who have sered rom severe mental illness by

    providing space in the Walled Kitchen Garden to propagate

    and grow vegetables and fowers.

    Gardening is an excellent orm o exercise. Jst 30 mintes

    o gardening can brn as many calories as aerobic exercise,greatly redcing the risk o coronary heart disease and other

    chronic illnesses. It can have broader health benets too, or

    example helping older people maintain stronger and more

    nimble hands.

    Doctors are beginning to see green exercise and horticltral

    therapy as eective treatments or many mental and physical

    conditions. At Storhead, Wiltshire, a Heritage to Health

    project has been established to help train and develop

    health and social care proessionals to se horticltraltherapy. Healthy gardening initiatives sch as at Greys Cort

    in Oxordshire oer commnities the chance to enjoy these

    benets at their local Trst properties. Or many garden and

    parkland walking trails provide visitors with gentle exercise

    or their bodies as well as spirital rereshment.

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    Anglesey AbbeyCambridgeshire

    The gardens at Anglesey Abbey near Cambridge are the site

    o a pioneering project to improve the health and well-being

    o local people and par ticlarly o disadvantaged or socially

    exclded grops.

    The garden has a varied network o long-term partnerships

    with charities like Mencap, health trsts, local schools and

    organisations working with at risk or socially exclded grops.

    Head Gardener Richard Todd has seen lives change throgh

    the experience o working in the gardens: Its partly jst the

    magic o being in a lovely place, and doing something worth-

    while and physical with other people. Many, or instance people

    recovering rom mental illness, have lost all condence in

    themselves. At rst theres no eye contact; they strggle to

    have a conversation. Bt then they start gardening, see a

    reslt, and begin to eel worthwhile. They come ot o their

    shell and can begin to deal with the hbbb o lie. Many

    have gone on to ll-time jobs.

    The mental health charity Red2Green has also taken over part

    o the kitchen garden, while other grops, inclding children

    with special edcational needs, now grow vegetables which

    they sell on to the National Trst restarant at the property.

    Across the UK 21,000

    people a week are using

    garden projects to

    improve their well-being

    My garden is such a

    wonderul place when lie

    gets too much. Listening

    to the birds and pottering

    amongst the owers relaxes

    me more than anything else

    in the world whenever I

    start to get all razzled!

    National Trst visitor, Kent

    S P A C E T O GR OW7

    Weeding or 30

    minutes can burn

    the same amount

    o calories as a

    hal-hour walk

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    Gardens are a great source o ood, and help inspire people

    to appreciate more about where their ood comes rom.

    The Trust now cares or 26 working kitchen gardens, rom

    Trengwainton, Cornwall, to Wallington, Northumberland.

    They are increasingly popular visitor attractions at properties,

    providing opportunities or community involvement, school

    plots and growing areas or disadvantaged groups as well

    as resh produce or the property restaurants and tea-rooms.

    In the walled garden at Wimpole Hall in Cambridgeshire, three

    gardeners and 40 volnteers grow hndreds o traditional

    varieties o rit and vegetables, inclding 60 kinds o tomato.

    The gardeners work closely with Wimpoles che, Keith

    Goodwin, who explains: Everything here is cooked resh.

    Its all ood in season, grown locally. We dont talk abot

    ood miles here; we talk abot ood eet and inches.

    Throgh or gardens, we can connect with local commnities.At the magnicent 2.5 acre kitchen garden at Knightshayes

    Cort in Devon we work with local schools who now come

    on a reglar basis to tend their plots and learn abot growing

    ood. At Hghenden Manor in Bckinghamshire theres a

    lively commnity-based programme o planting and gardening

    sessions involving amilies rom diverse backgronds in High

    Wycombe. Throgh the Landshare initiative we are committed

    to oering a thosand new growing spaces by 2012, some

    o which will be in redndant National Trst kitchen gardens.

    Were also encoraging volnteers and allotment holders

    to cltivate traditional varieties o rit and vegetables where

    possible, and passing on the skills and know-how to help them

    to do so. At Cotehele in Cornwall or cltivation o traditional

    rit varieties in the Mother Orchard helps to maintain a niqe

    gene bank sited to conditions in the Tamar Valley.

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    21 per cent o people

    have taken up gardening

    to grow their own ruit

    and vegetables

    S P A C E T O GR OW9

    Gibsidenear Gateshead

    I love working with the children, sharing my love o growing

    things with them and teaching them basic gardening sk ills

    which hopelly they will take into adlthood. One o the

    children told me last week that she enjoyed gardening

    becase she wold jst be bored i she stayed at home!says Se Adamson, Gardener at Gibside.

    Jst ve miles rom Gateshead, Gibside was once a grand

    estate bilt on the prots o coal mining. Now the estate is

    bilding a dierent name or itsel, as the centre o a thriving

    commnity allotment scheme and a sccessl armers

    market. Property Manager Mick Wilkes explains, The historic

    or-acre walled garden, long ago tred over and trned into

    a car park, is now gradally being restored, with rit trees

    planted along its walls and the space inside divided intoallotment plots.

    So ar 30 plots have been created and all are being sed

    by local people and commnity grops inclding mental

    health charities, or schools, a rehabilitation service

    and a homeless shelter. The only rle is

    that plots mst be kept in a reasonable

    condition and gardened along

    organic principles. Most crops

    are grown rom heritage seed

    varieties, althogh modern

    varieties are sed too and

    the dierences discssed.

    Kitchen gardens like

    ours are antastic places

    to inspire people to value

    ood and start growing

    it themselves

    Christine Brain, Head

    Gardener, Barrington Cort,


    The National Trust already

    has community growing

    spaces rom allotments

    to kitchen gardens at

    over 50 locations around

    the country

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    The Trust employs and trains volunteers as gardeners,

    garden guides and stewards, and in other garden-related

    roles. Similarly, our working holidays allow people to get

    involved and work in our gardens. From revamping gardens

    at Cwmdu in Carmarthenshire to creating a Caribbean

    Herb Garden at Wightwick Manor in Wolverhampton,

    volunteering provides a chance to work with garden sta

    and experience at rst hand how to maintain and manage

    historic gardens.

    Many volnteers have gone on to develop sccessl careers

    as proessional gardeners with the Trst and they in trn have

    a crcial role to play in helping others learn gardening skills.

    The Trsts own gardeners training scheme, Careership,

    is the uKs largest new entrant programme or heritage

    gardeners. Since its inception in 1997, over 200 stdents

    have been trained and many are now employed by the Trstor are working within the botanical and heritage garden sector

    in the uK and beyond.

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    Volunteering at Colby (above) gives me something

    worthwhile to do with my spare time, working in a lovely

    place I dont have a garden at home so its the only

    chance I get to garden!Volnteer Gardener, Colby Woodland Garden, Pembrokeshire

    S P A C E T O GR OW 11

    The National Gardens Scheme

    Enabling the spread o garden expertise throghot the

    gardens sector is a key objective o the partnership between

    the National Trst and the National Gardens Scheme (NGS).

    The Careership scheme is designed to ensre a continos

    spply o sitably qalied gradate gardeners, competent to

    work in historic gardens. At present 13 stdents each year arespported directly by the NGS. The sccess o the scheme

    can be measred by the nmber o post-Careership gardeners

    now employed by the National Trst and private gardens.

    Leslie Hrst, who now works as an Interactive Gardener at

    Biddlph Grange Garden, says: The Careership scheme is a

    perect balance o theoretical stdy and workplace experience.

    All aspects o working in a historic garden are covered, rom

    tools/machines throgh to garden history (and everything in

    between!). Another ormer Careership stdent, John Hawley,is now the Head Gardener at Sizergh Castle and explains

    the appeal o the opportnity to work or the National Trst:

    Ater working in a garden or a nmber o years, helping to

    shape and evolve things, yo eel a par t o the place, its in

    yor heart and sol.

    As Jlia Grant, NGS Chie Exective, explains: The Careership

    scheme allows the NGS to play a part in preserving or garden

    heritage. Gardens and garden visiting are an integral part

    o this contrys cltre and keeping a pool o horticltral

    experts coldnt be more important in maintaining and

    developing this wonderl tradition.

    In addition, many National Trst gardens open their gates

    each year or the NGS and help raise nds or the NGSs

    beneciary charities which inclde Macmillan Cancer Spport,

    Marie Crie Cancer Care, Help the Hospices and Crossroads.

    Over the last decade, the NGS has raised 25 million this way.

    We have 3,900 garden-

    based volunteers across

    the Trust who give us nearly

    40,000 hours o their time

    a year equivalent to 366

    additional posts

    Public gardens, domestic

    gardens, botanic gardens

    and parks, nursery trades,

    market gardens and

    historic properties employ

    over 200,000 people in


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    Our gardens are sae, secure places where people can

    develop their sel-esteem and condence. We work with

    the charity Thrive in the gardens at The Vyne in Hampshire,

    giving disabled adults greater condence and social skills,

    a stepping stone to employment and a sense o purpose

    in the community.

    We provide placements nder a nmber o dierent governmentschemes sch as the Intermediate Labor Market and New

    Deal or the long-term nemployed. Biddlph Grange in

    Staordshire provides work placements and training or

    training provider Total People Stoke-on-Trent.

    At Sheringham Park and Oxbrgh Hall in Norolk, the

    Trst is working with The Princes Trst on re-socialisation

    programmes or trobled teenagers, in some cases leading

    to ll-time employment. Or Getting into the past programme

    with The Princes Trst aims to oer an opportnity to get aoot on the ladder in the horticltre eld, or example or

    12 yong people not crrently in edcation or training at

    Kingston Lacy.

    Or gardeners also collaborate with probation and prison

    sta to provide horticltral and social sk ills training. Examples

    inclde the partnership between a secre nit in Newmarket

    and the gardens at Ickworth in Solk, and Qarry Bank Mill

    in Cheshire, where prisoners rom Styal are helping to restore

    its newly acqired garden.

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    The ladies rom Styal womens prison had the chance

    to experience a variety o skills they probably would

    never have even considered. The scheme so ar has

    had great success with two o them on release fndingemployment in a very short time and getting their

    lives back on track. They still keep me updated with

    their news

    Alan Knapper, Head Gardener, Qarry Bank Mill (above),Cheshire


    The Walled Garden at StackpolePembrokeshire

    The six acres o walled gardens on the Stackpole Estate

    are leased and managed by Pembrokeshire Mencap Ltd on

    a 40-year lease. The ocs is on providing opportnities or

    people with learning diclties to gain horticltral skills and

    work experience. Mike Evans, Trstee and Treasrer, explains:We bs 45 stdents to the garden rom their home or a care

    nit dring the week and they take part in pre-NVQ corses

    in Horticltre and Lie Skills or which we are nded by the

    Welsh Assembly. Fnding is also received rom Pembrokeshire

    Social Services.

    Stdents, sta, volnteers and visitors vale the gardens or

    the experience it oers them. under expert gidance, the

    stdents take responsibility or their own growing spaces

    and crops. Friendly and welcoming sta and volnteers arecommitted to providing stdents with the very best interaction

    the garden presents. Visitors are also encoraged to enjoy

    the space and to take advantage o the availability o delicios,

    resh, local prodce throgh the shop. Schoolchildren also

    visit to see how vegetables are grown and what they taste

    like reshly picked.

    Mike sees the garden as a place which coaxes people who

    might not otherwise develop their own skills. The Mencap

    Walled Gardens at Stackpole are a peacel oasis. This

    environment encorages or stdents to eel comortable

    and be themselves.

    More than 30 National Trust gardens already have

    partnerships with training bodies, social services,

    prisons and organisations or people with learning


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    The Trusts 200 gardens are sensitive barometers

    registering the pressure o environmental change on our

    lives, and on the natural world around us. Spring fowers

    now bloom and trees come into lea on average two or three

    weeks earlier than 30 years ago. Summer rainall in central

    England has allen by 20 per cent since the 19th century,

    and the growing season has lengthened by a month. Frosts

    are now uncommon in the West Country, and rozen lakes

    and rivers have become a rarity, even in northern England.

    The Trst is keen to nd ways o redcing the environmental

    impact o gardening. New methods, sch as the solar-recharged

    lawn mowers piloted at Nymans in Sssex, are being tested

    alongside tried and trsted techniqes, sch as the restored

    Victorian ram pmps sed to distribte water at The Vyne

    in Hampshire and Emmetts in Kent withot the need or

    electricity. Were working in partnership with Yorkshire

    and Clydesdale Banks to nd new ways to redce orenvironmental ootprint.

    Green gardening methods, sch as composting and water

    havesting, are good or the environment and save money

    as well as resorces. These techniqes also show how we

    can care or or historic gardens withot harml chemicals.

    At Snowshill Manor, Glocestershire, the garden is rn on

    organic principles. No chemicals are sed: garden sta

    rely on natral methods to maintain a balance.

    Gardening withot peat helps to conserve the carbon

    dioxide locked p in peat bogs and protects endangered

    wildlie. Amater gardeners are crrently responsible or

    two thirds o all peat se in the uK, the CO2 eqivalent o

    277,000 retrn fights to Sydney. All National Trst gardens

    have been peat-ree since 1999, as are all the plants sold

    at or properties.

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    S P A C E T O GR OW 15

    Nymans GardenSussex

    Nymans is admired as one o the 20th centrys otstanding

    British gardens bt it also leads the eld in demonstrating

    best sstainable gardening practice. Ed Ikin, Head Gardener,

    is clear abot his priorities: We never compromise on the

    appearance o the garden the amazing color and displaythat makes it amos bt wherever possible we se

    alternative organic methods and conventional herbicides

    or ngicides are a last resor t. There are so many alternatives

    i yo look or them. In the rose garden or instance we

    adopted a system rom Astralia o spraying reglarly

    with milk a potent ngicide.

    Water consmption is a raction o what it wold be in a

    conventional garden. Even in the 2006 droght we watered

    the borders only or times. Get the plants sed to it rightrom the star t and theyll adapt and their roots go deeper.

    The gardens carbon ootprint is very low. Solar panels

    recharge all or portable electrical eqipment, inclding

    lawnmowers. We rn or vehicles on recycled vegetable

    oil and we recycle almost all or waste throgh composting

    inclding rom the hose and restarant.

    Members o the team pass on their experience by talking

    to visitors, and by oering green garden trails, throgh

    interpretation panels, activity weekends and a hgely poplarGreen Living Fair. People trst what they hear rom or sta

    and garden volnteers, becase they can see that it works

    by looking arond the garden.

    A garden sprinkler can

    use 300650 litres in

    an hour as much as a

    amily o our uses in a

    day. We are resurrecting

    old wells and harvesting

    rain water and installing

    more efcient irrigation

    Our aim remains the same as when the garden was

    created within the Arts and Crats philosophy: to

    restore the ideal o man in harmony with nature

    Linda Roberts, Gardener in Charge, Snowshill Manor,Glocestershire

    Seven out o ten gardeners

    now put concerns about

    the environment into action

    in their own gardens

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    Our own back gardens are the most common way or

    people to experience nature close at hand. Private gardens

    in the UK cover a million acres, an area almost as large as

    all o the UKs National Parks. This represents a hugely

    important resource or wildlie.

    Birds, bats, amphibians, ngi and a wealth o invertebrates

    thrive in domestic gardens. In the typical sbrban backgarden o Mendips, John Lennons childhood home,

    a srvey ond beetles in the ndergrowth, birds in the

    hedges and a woodmose mnching on geranim seeds.

    National Trst gardens are important reges or declining

    species o native fora and ana, sch as the For-spotted

    Flower Bee. Scotney Castle and Sissinghrst Castle are two

    o the best sites or dragonfies in Kent, while the old lawns

    at Anglesey Abbey in Cambridgeshire boast rarities sch as

    Adders Tonge Fern and Bee Orchid. The Mistletoe Beetlewas recently ond in old orchards on the Brockhampton

    Estate, Hereordshire, while Celypha woodiana, a rare species

    o moth protected nder the Biodiversity Action Plan, was

    discovered at Barrington Cort, Somerset.

    Wildlie-riendly gardening practices help to promote biodiversity.

    Older cltivars o garden plants, especially bedding plants and

    perennials, tend to have mch more nectar than their modern

    eqivalents. This helps spport pollinating insects sch as bees.

    Gardens have a vital role in maintaining the link betweenpeople and the natral world. Gardening is also the easiest

    way we can encorage wildlie by providing old wood stacks

    and ponds, redcing chemicals or growing a greater diversity

    o plants. Gardens are likely to become increasingly important

    as reges in tre decades as the contryside comes nder

    pressre rom development and climate change.

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  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Hundreds o thousands o schoolchildren benet each

    year rom the experience o visiting Trust gardens. Our

    pioneering Schools Guardianship Scheme orges close

    links with over 40 local schools as gardens have become

    an unexpected and powerul way o bringing history,

    science and geography alive. They also provide the

    chance or children to learn practical growing skills.

    Nothing can inspire the imagination more than a living link to

    centries past. The Ankerwycke Yew still grows in the gronds

    o the rined Priory it takes its name rom in Rnnymede, and

    marks the very spot where the Magna Carta was sealed in

    1215. A descendant o Sir Isaac Newtons apple tree bears

    rit in his garden at Woolsthorpe Manor in Lincolnshire and

    inspires local schoolchildren as well as generations o stdents

    at niversities who have received cttings rom the parent

    plant over the years.

    The Trst is now working in partnership with local edcation

    providers on initiatives sch as Forest Schools. These give

    children the chance to enjoy the natral world and promote

    problem-solving activities. Teachers in Sheringhams Forest

    School in Norolk have ond that nder-perorming ppils

    excelled or the rst time and visibly grew in sel-esteem

    ollowing a visit to nearby Sheringham Park.

    Stdents also come on placements or day-release schemes

    rom local colleges, sch as those who helped to restore

    the walled garden at Hghenden Manor in Bckinghamshire.

    A wide range o yong adlts, some with mental health

    problems, addictions or backgronds as ormer oenders,

    have helped to bring Tynteselds magnicent estate in

    north Somerset back to lie.

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    I know more about

    gardening now, and help

    my gran in her garden.

    Were going to share

    our vegetables with her

    riends too. My mum

    didnt know how potatoesgrow, but now I do!

    Liam, school vis itor, aged 8

    S P A C E T O GR OW 19


    For ve years Trerices gardens have been the setting or an

    award-winning history project enabling local schoolchildren

    to taste the Tdors. They discover at rst hand what it was

    like to work in an Elizabethan garden: growing athentic

    plants, cooking and tasting the prodce, even enjoyingTdor pastimes.

    James Breslin, Assistant Proper ty Manager, says the key is

    the practical qality o learning. I the tre history o Trerice is

    to come alive, children have to get their hands dir ty. Yo know

    the old saying, I hear and I orget. I see and I remember, bt

    I do and I nderstand.

    The garden the children have developed over the years is

    based on historical sorces, inclding the rst gardening book

    in English, by Thomas Hill. Theres practical advice we can

    se, bt also lots o sperstition, and qite barbaric methods

    o pest control that the children call grisly gardening they

    love it!

    The children have recreated Hills Great Sqirt, a massive

    garden watering device. The children worked with 2-inch

    wide steel agrs, trned wooden pegs on lathes and made

    the pistons or the device. Give children responsibility and

    theyll act responsibly.

    Gardens, James believes, are jst as important as great

    bildings or bringing history to lie, and inspiring criosity.

    One child smmed p what hed learned over a hectic year

    o planting and weeding, hoeing and watering: Now I know

    that gardening can be tasty.

    The majority o the public (80 per cent) think that

    all children should learn about gardening, including

    growing ood, at school. Studies have shown that

    pupils rom years six to eight developed betterinterpersonal relationship skills ater participating

    in a garden programme

    The recreated Great

    Squirt at Trerice

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    A hugely signicant and growing area o the Trusts

    work is in the conservation o the internationally important

    collections o plants that contribute directly to the character

    and signicance o our gardens. Many are o great cultural,

    botanical and ecological value. In act, no other organisation

    in Europe has such a large and diverse collection.

    We manage 32 National Plant Collections on behal o thecltivated plant conservation charity Plant Heritage. These

    are heritage plant collections that represent particlar styles

    or periods o gardening and are integral to ensring or

    gardens are athentic in design and content.

    Some o or plant collections have special local signicance,

    sch as the historic Hereord and Marches apples at

    Berrington Hall in Hereordshire or the Tamar daodils

    that were bred or the Cornish ct fower indstry and are

    conserved at Cotehele. The names o many avorite gardenplants across the uK also have their origin in Trst gardens,

    sch as Hidcote lavender and Hypericm Rowallane.

    Withot the skills and knowledge to propagate and grow

    plants, the diversity and cltral signicance o or collections

    cold not be sstained. Based at Knightshayes Cort in Devon,

    the Trsts specialist propagation acility, the Plant Conservation

    Programme, ensres the srvival o many o its important

    specimens. In light o the recent spread o the ngal diseases

    Phytophthora ramorum and Phytophthora kernoviae we are

    working with the specialist micropropagation nit at Dchy

    College in Cornwall to ensre the srvival o plants threatened

    by the disease.

    Bilding national and international partnerships is crcial

    to conserving these plants. The Trst is a s ignatory to the

    Global Strategy or Plant Conservation, which seeks to halt

    the alarming rate o plant extinction worldwide.

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    S P A C E T O GR OW 21

    A nationwide plant hunt

    The National Trst is ndertaking the uKs biggest ever

    cltivated plant srvey. Crrently only 10 per cent o the many

    thosands o plants in National Trst gardens are recorded.

    Now, thanks to sponsorship rom Yorkshire and Clydesdale

    Bank and the dedication o hndreds o sta and volnteers,

    details o at least 75 per cent o the plants in or collectionswill be recorded by 2011. The database will enable the Trst

    to identiy which plants are most seriosly threatened, and

    help saegard the tre o thosands o plants that are

    signicant to the character o or gardens.

    So ar over 40,000 plant details have been recorded and

    we expect this gre to move towards a million by 2011.

    Volnteers are helping s srvey or collections. using GPS

    technology, each plant is identied, photographed and its

    details entered onto the database. This in trn is now linkedto PlantCollections, an ambitios international data sharing

    project led by Chicago Botanic Gardens, o which we are

    the Eropean lead partner.

    The project aims to link the databases o major plant collection

    holders, arboreta and botanic gardens arond the world,

    to help prioritise conservation eorts at each location as a

    response strategy to climate change. The database will enable

    s to conrm which plants are most seriosly threatened. The

    plant srveys shold help saegard the tre o thosands

    o rare plants and varieties o rit and vegetables that are

    simply part o the character o or gardens. Mike Bn, or

    Gardens and Parks Advisor, explains, We cant promise that

    nothing will be lost. Bt those plants we believe are most

    signicant to or gardens wont be lost thats or aim.

    A rare large-leaved rhododendron,Rhododendron

    magnifcum (KW213), in ull ower

    Over 300,000 species

    o cultivated plants are

    grown in UK gardens,

    compared to only around1,500 native species

    The Trust works with The

    Royal Botanic Gardens,

    Edinburgh, to help conserve

    wild source material romthe coniersFitzroya

    cupressoides, threatened

    by illegal logging in Chile,

    and Torreya taxiolia (above),

    a conier native to Florida

    and Georgia o which only

    27 are let in the wild

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Gardens are among this countrys greatest cultural

    achievements. The 18th-century landscape gardening

    tradition is associated throughout the world with places

    such as Stowe in Buckinghamshire or Fountains Abbey

    and Studley Royal in Yorkshire, which has World Heritage

    Site status.

    Figres sch as William Kent, Lancelot Capability Brownand Hmphry Repton were crcial to the development o this

    tradition transorming earlier ormal gardens into broad sweep-

    ing landscape gardens. In the 19th centry garden designers

    sch as William Nesteld, the architect Sir Charles Barry and

    Gertrde Jekyll contined to experiment with new designs and

    innovations: newly imported exotic plants, ever more elaborate

    greenhoses, and gardens laid ot to harmonise with the latest

    architectral styles. The tradition contines to evolve, with new

    gardens still being created in Britain.

    Keeping garden traditions alive and interpreting their histories

    or new generations is a vital par t o the management o

    all National Trst properties. At Sissinghrst in Kent, the

    amos gardens designed by Vita Sackville-West are carelly

    maintained by a team o gardeners in the spirit o her original

    plans and methods. Storhead in Wiltshire has been attracting

    visitors since the 18th centry and today over 300,000 visitors

    come each year to discover its beaty or themselves.

    Many o or smaller properties have gardens that are every

    bit as important as those ond at large contry hoses.

    The cottage garden and orchard at Rosedene, Warwickshire

    bring to lie the story o the Chartists and the strggle or

    democratic rights. The garden at Red Hose in Bexleyheath,

    William Morriss 19th-centry home, is lled with cottage

    garden plants which inspired some o the most iconic

    designs o the Arts and Crats movement.

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    S P A C E T O GR OW 23

    Mount StewartNorthern Ireland

    When she arrived at Mont Stewart in the early 1920s Edith,

    Lady Londonderry, ond an nremarkable parkland typical o

    any big hose o the day. Within 10 years, her niqe passion

    had created a landmark in the history o the modern garden.

    Edith worked with ex-servicemen rom the First World War,

    who helped trn her passion or exotic plants into a niqe

    garden, a antasy, a wonderland o plant treasres, according

    to Head Gardener Phil Rollinson. Taking ll advantage o the

    niqe microclimate ond next to Strangord Logh, Mont

    Stewart became a tre garden o the imagination. The Italian

    and Spanish gardens eatre glorios and eccentric statary.

    Tdor roses nestle beneath shapely dovecotes, while clipped

    Irish yews orm symbols steeped in Celtic symbolism.

    Lady Londonderry opened the garden to the pblic or two

    days a week in the 1920s and 30s. The desire to let a wide

    range o people enjoy the beaty o the place led her to

    donate the garden to the National Trst in 1956.

    The Trst now has a delicate balance to achieve in conserving

    this design classic. We can draw on a antastic archive o

    diaries and paintings and the vast knowledge o Lady

    Londonderrys daghter, Lady Mairi Bry. At the same time,

    as Phil explains: This mst never become a msem piece.

    Its a living collection and we want to keep to that tradition always looking or exciting new plants and pshing the

    bondaries o what we can grow, jst as Edith did.

    Together our gardens

    represent over 400 years

    o changing ashions in

    garden design, charting

    our evolving relationship

    with the natural world

    Above, Phil Rollinson, Head

    Gardener at Mount Stewart

    a true garden o the


    Over hal o the population

    believe we are a nation

    o gardeners

    We need these places o pilgrimage to give us space

    to think and be ourselves

    Respondent to the History Matters campaign

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Our gardens have huge potential to provide public benet,

    but their uture is not secure. The cost o maintaining them

    keeps growing, and is currently 11 million a year. Without

    new recruits to the horticultural proession, there could be

    even more signicant challenges in the uture, as traditional

    gardening skills are lost. Climate change will a ect the

    character and content o our gardens as well as the cost

    o maintenance, and has encouraged the spread o pestsand diseases. Beyond the care o the National Trust many

    gardens are at risk o being lost to development or neglect.

    Developing gardening skills

    A chronic lack o yong people training to work in historic

    and botanic gardens cold reslt in borders and fowerbeds

    at some o the contrys nest gardens being grassed over.

    With almost 40 per cent o the existing workorce de to

    retire by 2015, there are not enogh yonger sta available

    to ll their shoes. Potential recrits, yong and old, are pt

    o by what they see as a low-stats job with poor wages

    and conditions, and limited career prospects. Yet the reality

    is that gardening provides a range o relevant skills, and career

    opportnities and conditions are the best theyve ever been.

    At the National Trst or vital skills base is being eroded as

    experienced sta retire and only 6 per cent o the Trsts

    gardening sta are nder 25. Alongside or own Careership

    programme, the Historic and Botanic Gardens skills partnership

    is now helping to develop a national strategy to improve the

    marketing and delivery o training and work experience or

    yong people. This is backed by an innovative web portal

    GROW (www.growcareers.ino) which the National Trst has

    spported and which provides details o the dierent careers

    and training available throghot the hor ticltre indstry.

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Adapting to climate change

    Gardeners cannot stop the clock on climate change.

    They know or gardens mst evolve to srv ive as the

    planet grows warmer. So the range o plant species and

    the techniqes sed to cltivate them will inevitably have

    to change.

    The Trst is re-thinking what conservation in a changing

    climate will mean, and we are already altering or gardening

    methods. For example, we mow over 30 sqare miles o

    lawn, consming more than 200,000 gallons o el a year,

    so nding alternatives is vital.

    Those who care or historic gardens need to combine a

    willingness to innovate with a responsibility to protect the

    niqe historic character o each o or gardens, and

    protect the biodiversity o or heritage plant collections.

    Tackling new pests and diseases

    Other orces, both natral and hman, threaten or gardens.

    Early indicators o climate change are the increased incidence

    o new pests and diseases. Phytophthora ramorum and

    Phytophthora kernoviae, rst identied as new to this contry

    in 2002, have so ar aected 19 Trst properties, reslting in

    the loss o thosands o plants. The Trst has already spent

    over 750,000 on containment measres. We are developingand implementing biosecrity measres throgh inormative

    posters at properties to remind or sta and volnteers

    o good practice. We are also a partner in the 25 million

    Government-nded programme to tackle Phytophthora.

    New pests keep coming, the latest being the Oak Processionary

    Moth whose larvae can deoliate oaks and case severe

    health problems sch as respiratory diclties or hmans

    and animals. The Trst is working with local athorities

    and organisations sch as Kew Gardens and the Forestry

    Commission to provide gidance and help to sites aected

    or threatened by this pest.

    Ensuring political and public support

    Long-term political and pblic spport o the contribtion

    being made by gardens depends on them responding to

    pblic needs and wants and reaching ot to new and di erent

    adiences. We want or gardens to be more accessible and

    involving. People want the chance to ask qestions, to do

    research, to take home new gardening ideas, interests or

    prodce and in time, as volnteers, to take a hands-on

    role in plant conservation nder the gidance o the experts.

    The sense o pride and achievement throgh being involved

    in gardens projects paves the way or people to realise their

    own potential. Many o the garden projects were involved in

    are resorce-intensive and many o them are almost entirely

    reliant on one-o nding. Longer-term investment in this

    work wold allow the connections generated between the

    Trst and others to become better established.

    I spent my career as an engineer in the metal processing

    industries and experienced at frst hand what a mess we can

    make o the environment; working in a National Trust garden

    oers me an opportunity to enjoy and contribute to a better

    human endeavour!

    Tristram Hill, Volnteer at Treasrers Hose, York and

    Beningbrogh Hall and Gardens, North Yorkshire

    S P A C E T O GR OW 25

    Flooding at Coughton

    Court, Warwickshire

    Chestnut Lea Miner

    (Cameraria ohridella)

    Oranges and other

    citrus ruit could be a

    common sight in UK

    gardens under climate


  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Call to action Recruit andtrain tomorrowsgardeners

    Greater eort needs to be

    made to promote careers in

    gardening in schools. Trainingin horticltre shold be

    boosted throgh edcation

    reorms or 14 to 19-year-olds,

    sch as apprenticeships and

    work experience, and national

    and local volntary bodies

    expanding the scope or

    garden volnteering.

    Use gardensas outdoorclassrooms

    Local athorities shold

    actively enable and spport

    schools to se gardensas places or learning, and

    gardening as a doorway

    to science, ecology, arts

    and cltral learning.

    26 N A T I ON A L T R u S T

    Gardens have immense potential beyond the conventional

    bondaries in which we place them. Throgh the experience

    o the Trsts own diverse collection o more than 200 gardens

    we have begn to nderstand this power and the ways in

    which gardens can transorm people and places.

    The National Trst cannot achieve all this alone and we are

    already working in partnership with many other botanical and

    horticltral organisations across the uK and beyond. I we

    are to release the potential o gardens, however, more needs

    to be done by Government, local athorities, bsiness and

    others to recognise the extent o the tre vale o gardens

    or the benet o s all.

    There are seven areas in particlar where more action

    needs to be taken

  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    Respond tothe threatof new pestsand diseases

    The Government and

    the gardening sector

    shold raise standardsor biosecrity, domestically

    and internationally, and invest

    in research and eradication

    programmes. We need to

    spport the indstry in

    developing sstainable,

    environmentally riendly

    alternatives to the many

    synthetic pesticides that

    will soon be withdrawnnder Eu reglations.

    Inspire greenthinking andpromotegreener living

    All those concerned with

    engaging people abot

    climate change, wildlieconservation and greener

    living shold harness the

    extremely eective vehicle

    o gardens to tell the story

    and inspire action throgh

    inormal learning, advocacy,

    volnteering, social marketing,

    campaigns and expansion o

    opportnities or allotments

    and other growing spaces.

    Share bestpractice withinthe garden andhorticultural sector

    We need to share best

    practice and knowledge

    within the sector and providestronger championing o the

    pblic benet o gardens.

    We wold like to explore the

    idea o bilding a network

    o garden organisations,

    to press or a better deal

    or gardens.

    Develop gardenspaces forcommunities

    Expanding and improving

    the qality o pblic and

    commnity gardens andallotments shold be at the

    heart o green inrastrctre

    strategies and commnity

    development, particlarly

    in areas with a poverty o

    green space.

    Develop thehealthcarepotentialof gardens

    The Government and NHS

    Primary Care Trsts shold

    exploit the ll potential ogardens as a Natral Health

    Service in promoting physical

    and mental well-being.

    Investment shold refect

    their role in preventative

    healthcare and gardens

    shold be a reglar

    prescription to improve

    the health o the nation.


  • 8/8/2019 Space to Grow - why people need gardens - The Natonal Trust


    I you require this inormation in alternative

    ormats, please call 020 7799 4541 or [email protected]

    The National Trst

    Heelis | Kemble Drive | Swindon SN2 2NA

    2009 The National Trust | Registered charity no. 205846

    Images: plant label photography throughout Jason Ingram; ront cover NTPL/John

    Millar; p2/3 NTPL/David Levenson; ower pattern Suk Ying Wong/istockphoto; p4

    inset NTPL/Stuart Cox; p5 Knightshayes Court NTPL/Stephen Robson; p5 group

    at Osterley Park NTPL/Sylvaine Poitau; p6 inset NTPL/David Levenson; p7 diggersNTPL/Paul Harris; p7 deckchair Drew Hadley/istockphoto; p7 weeding NTPL/Ian

    Shaw; p7 Anglesey Abbey NTPL/David Levenson; p8 onion Alexander Briel Perez/

    istockphoto; p9 children National Trust; p9 produce NTPL/David Levenson; p9 man

    with cabbages NTPL/Ian Shaw; p9 Gibside National Trust; p10 inset NTPL/Paul

    Harris; p10 hedge trimming NTPL/Stephen Robson; p11 Colby Woodland Garden

    NTPL/Andrew Butler; p11 digging NTPL/Paul Harris; p12 inset National Trust; p13

    Quarry Bank Mill NTPL/Andrew Butler; p13 trestle table and diggers National Trust;

    p15 Snowshill Manor garden NTPL/Stephen Robson; p15 compost sign NTPL/

    Geo Morgan; p15 sprinklers NTPL/David Levenson; p16 inset NTPL/NaturePL/

    Niall Benvie; p17 bee National Trust; p17 buttery NTPL/Paul Harris; p17 paving stone

    Jason Reekie/istockphoto; p17 moth National Trust; p18 inset NTPL/Paul Harris;

    p19 children NTPL/John Millar; p19 Trerice National Trust; p19 potato Mr P; p21

    rhododendron National Trust; p21 conier courtesy Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh;

    p21 owers NTPL/Ian Shaw; p23 angel NTPL/Mark Bolton; p23 Mount Stewart

    National Trust; p23 hedge NTPL/Simon Tranter; p24 inset NTPL/Stephen Robson;

    p25 leaves National Trust; p25 oranges NTPL/Stephen Robson; p25 Coughton Court

    National Trust; p26 spades NTPL/Dennis Gilbert; p26 watering can NTPL/John

    Millar; p26 outdoor classroom Whitfeld Benson Photogrpahy; p27 couple at Stourhead

    NTPL/Jennie Woodcock; p27 sudden oak death NTPL/Stephen Robson; p27

    gardeners NTPL/Paul Harris; back cover Ham House garden NTPL/Stephen Robson

    Editorial by Clariy Communications | Editing and prooreading by Write Communications

    Design by E&P Design

    Printed by Park Lane Press on 100% recycled paper, using vegetable-based inks, power

    rom renewable resources and waterless printing technology. Print production systems

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