Space Entrepreneurship

Space Entrepreneurship Something Big is coming


A presentation about the Opening in the space industry for Startups in Australia

Transcript of Space Entrepreneurship

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Space Entrepreneurship

Something Big is coming

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Who am I?

• Masters in Internetworking and Medical Research

• Residence at Fishburners

• Graduate from the International Space University

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Global Position System

Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT)

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• Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System• Japan Quasi-Zenith Satellite System• Pakistan Navigational Satellite System

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GPS Augmentation

• US Based System • European Based System

+/- 1 Meter Accuracy

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What is in your Phone?

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New Services?

• Autonomous cars

• Precision Farming/Agriculture

• New Aircraft/Maritime Navigation systems

• Geographical aware advertising

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Revenues - 2011

• Launch Services - $6 Billion• Satellite Manufacturing - $15.5 Billion• Earth Sector Manufacturing – $35 Billion• Communications Sat Service - $125 Billion

Source: Futron Corp and Satellite Industry Association

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2 Main Challanges

• Limited Number of Orbital Slots

• Radio Frequency Spectrum Allocation

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Free-Space Optical Communication

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Artemis GEO Satellite

• Launch by the European Space Agency in 2001

• SILEX (Semiconductor-laser Intersatellite Link Experiment) Laser Link Payload

• 38,000 km distance through the Earth’s Atmosphere

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• Launched 2004

• Mission to Mercury

• 2 way Laser Based communication record 24,000,000km

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Remote Sensing

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Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)

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CEOS Quick Facts

• Setup in 1984 and has 52 Members Organizations

• More than 400 Space Missions on Catalog

• Over a 100 Space Missions with Open Access

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Landsat Program

• 1st Launched in 1972

• Longest running Satellite imagery program

• Millions of images of the entire earth’s surface

• Used to help build Google Earth

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NASA's Smartphone Nanosatellite

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Orbital Debris

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How Much Debris is out there?

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• Started in 2002 by Elon Musk

• Startup Capital 500 million USD

• 2012 won the ISS Supply Contract

• $1 Billion spent over 10 years

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Space Tourism

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• Only Current Space Tourism Operator

• Works with the Russian Space Agency

• Selling Spare Capacity on the ISS

• Up to $35 million a Ticket

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White Knight 2 and Space Ship 2

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Virgin Galactic

• Based on Scale Composites Design

• Winner of the X Prize of $10,000,000 in 2004

• Sold more than 500 tickets to date

• Each ticket is $200,000 USD

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Space Tourism

What does the FAA say?

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New Space Policy

Due out 2013

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Value of PNT to Australia

• Up to $12.6 billion increase in GDP by 2030• Safer Airspace/ Seaway• More Efficient Transport Network• Enhanced capabilities for measuring the

impact of climate change

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Lunar Numbat

• Competing in the Google Lunar X-Prize

• Open-Source Technologies

• Linux powered robotic Australian marsupial, on the moon

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Pathways to Space: Empowering the internet generation

• University of New South Wales (NSW)

• Hands On Student Project

• Simulated Mars Exploration

• Hosted in the Power House Museum

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Scramjet-based access-to-space systems (Scramspace)

• The University of Queensland (QLD)

• Leading a $14 million international consortium

• New Engines for Mach 8

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Automated Laser Tracking of Space Debris

• EOS Space Systems Pty Limited (ACT)

• Laser Tracking of Space Debris

• Eventually plan to use Laser to push space debris

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What can I do?

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Get Training

Space by its nature is something global, and you got to think globally

to actually make it work.

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What does ISU Offer?

• Interdisciplinary• Intercultural• International• 3500 ISU alumni in 100 countries

University's first Chancellor - Arthur C. Clarke

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[email protected]

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”― Richard Buckminster Fuller