SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H...

________________________________________________________________________ TREATIES AND OTHER INTERNATIONAL ACTS SERIES 05-111 SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station Agreement Between the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and ITALY Effected by Exchange of Notes at Rome April 18, 2001 and January 11, 2005 with Memorandum of Understanding

Transcript of SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H...

Page 1: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,




International Space Station

Agreement Between the



Effected by Exchange of Notes at Rome April 18 2001 and January 11 2005


Memorandum of Understanding


Pursuant to Public Law 89mdash497 approved July 8 1966 (80 Stat 271 1 USC 113)mdash

ldquo the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence of the treaties international agreements other than treaties and proclamations by the President of such treaties and international agreements other than treaties as the case may be therein contained in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States and of the several States without any further proof or authentication thereofrdquo


Space Cooperation International Space Station

Agreement effected by exchange of notes at Rome April 18 2001 and January 11 2005

Entered into force January 11 2005 With memorandum of understanding

Jtltniztenr ~egi )ffori Qfsleri


11 Ministero middot degli Affarl Esteri presenta i suoi complimenti allAmbasciata degli Stati Uniti dAmerica ed ha lonore di riferirsi alPunito Memorandum of Understanding firmato a Roma il 9 ottobre 1997 tra lAgenzia Spaziale ltaliana (ASI) e la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) degli Stati Uniti che stabilisce H programma bilaterale di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la progettazione lo sviluppo loperazione e lutilizzazione_di tre mini moduli logistici pressurizzati per la StazfoneSpaziale Intemazionale ----- shy

L elaborazione di tale testo si eresa indispensabile in considerazione delle modifiche tecniche apportate nel corso degli anni 90 al progeno per la Stazione SpaZiale Intemazionale cui lItalia partecipa sia a livello bilaterale avendo sottoscritto a tal fine i1 6 dicembre 1991 un Memorandum of Understanding oon gli Stati Uniti sia a livello multilaterale essendo Parte contraente dell Accordo Intergovemativo che disciplina la cooperazione relativa alla Stazione Spaziale civile intemazionale finnato a Washington il 29 gennaio 1998

Tenuto conto della necessita di aggiomare il predetto MOU del 1991 e considerato che il Memorandum del 1997 in base allart21 e giuridicamente subordinato allAccordo Intergovemativo del-1998 ratificato in Italia con legge n4182000 ed in nessun modo deroga alle disposizioni in esso co~tenute ii Ministero degli Affari middotEsteri ha lonore di proporre che qualora il Govemo degli Stati Uniti dAmerica concordi la presente Nota con accluso il Memorandum of Understanding~ e la Nota di risposta di egua1e teriore costituiscano un middotAccordo tra i due Govemi che entrera in vigore ai sensi dellart23 dellunito MOU alla data della Nota di risposta

11 Ministero degli Affari Esten si avvale delloccasione per rinnovare allAmbasciata degli middot Uniti d America i sensi della sua pili alta considerazione ~s~o

~~lt)_v ~ ~~~Roma A~)1 lio ~~fl l i rl -tI 1~u~ ~ ~ amp f ~ ~~~~_-~~-_middotmiddotJI

~so_ ~middotmiddot middot --~-


Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti dAmerica ROMA

1 t




Text Box

NOTE This is an unofficial translation provided by the Government of Italy When the official English translation becomes available it will be added to this publication










Artie~ 1 - Pu~ and 6bjectives

Anicle2 - RcJation~hip to IntcmatlonalSpaccStationAgreements Otdcx-of Precedence

Article S - General Dcscripdon of the ASImiddotprorided Elemcnrs

Article 4 - Regi1trat1onJurisdicdon and Control and Ownership

Article 5 - Major Program Milestones

Artide 6 - Respective Responsibilities

_Article 7 - Program ManagcmentPrimarily ~withDesign and D~ent

Article 8 - Access to and Use otdie MPIMs

Article 9 - ASI Access to and Use of the Intcmatitraquonal Space Station -

Article io Program Manag~ent Prlmarlly Asaodaccd with Opcrad~ and Utilization bull

Article 11- ASIpmvided lntemational Space Station Crew

Article 12 - StandUds Specifications tcviewsand Language

kticlie IS Safety and Mission Assurance

Arricle 1 ltl - Croa-W~ofUability

Article 15 - Financial Amu1gemcnb

Artide 16 - Customs Clearance and Vias

Article 17 ~ Public Information

Article 18- Exchange of Data and Goods Ai-tide 19- Rights in Inventions and Patcaiti Data Rights

Article 20- Consultation and Settlement of Oisputes

3 Article 21 - Withdruval

Article 22 - Arncndmenti

Article 25 - Entry into Force and Durati~n


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 2: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


Pursuant to Public Law 89mdash497 approved July 8 1966 (80 Stat 271 1 USC 113)mdash

ldquo the Treaties and Other International Acts Series issued under the authority of the Secretary of State shall be competent evidence of the treaties international agreements other than treaties and proclamations by the President of such treaties and international agreements other than treaties as the case may be therein contained in all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction and in all the tribunals and public offices of the United States and of the several States without any further proof or authentication thereofrdquo


Space Cooperation International Space Station

Agreement effected by exchange of notes at Rome April 18 2001 and January 11 2005

Entered into force January 11 2005 With memorandum of understanding

Jtltniztenr ~egi )ffori Qfsleri


11 Ministero middot degli Affarl Esteri presenta i suoi complimenti allAmbasciata degli Stati Uniti dAmerica ed ha lonore di riferirsi alPunito Memorandum of Understanding firmato a Roma il 9 ottobre 1997 tra lAgenzia Spaziale ltaliana (ASI) e la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) degli Stati Uniti che stabilisce H programma bilaterale di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la progettazione lo sviluppo loperazione e lutilizzazione_di tre mini moduli logistici pressurizzati per la StazfoneSpaziale Intemazionale ----- shy

L elaborazione di tale testo si eresa indispensabile in considerazione delle modifiche tecniche apportate nel corso degli anni 90 al progeno per la Stazione SpaZiale Intemazionale cui lItalia partecipa sia a livello bilaterale avendo sottoscritto a tal fine i1 6 dicembre 1991 un Memorandum of Understanding oon gli Stati Uniti sia a livello multilaterale essendo Parte contraente dell Accordo Intergovemativo che disciplina la cooperazione relativa alla Stazione Spaziale civile intemazionale finnato a Washington il 29 gennaio 1998

Tenuto conto della necessita di aggiomare il predetto MOU del 1991 e considerato che il Memorandum del 1997 in base allart21 e giuridicamente subordinato allAccordo Intergovemativo del-1998 ratificato in Italia con legge n4182000 ed in nessun modo deroga alle disposizioni in esso co~tenute ii Ministero degli Affari middotEsteri ha lonore di proporre che qualora il Govemo degli Stati Uniti dAmerica concordi la presente Nota con accluso il Memorandum of Understanding~ e la Nota di risposta di egua1e teriore costituiscano un middotAccordo tra i due Govemi che entrera in vigore ai sensi dellart23 dellunito MOU alla data della Nota di risposta

11 Ministero degli Affari Esten si avvale delloccasione per rinnovare allAmbasciata degli middot Uniti d America i sensi della sua pili alta considerazione ~s~o

~~lt)_v ~ ~~~Roma A~)1 lio ~~fl l i rl -tI 1~u~ ~ ~ amp f ~ ~~~~_-~~-_middotmiddotJI

~so_ ~middotmiddot middot --~-


Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti dAmerica ROMA

1 t




Text Box

NOTE This is an unofficial translation provided by the Government of Italy When the official English translation becomes available it will be added to this publication










Artie~ 1 - Pu~ and 6bjectives

Anicle2 - RcJation~hip to IntcmatlonalSpaccStationAgreements Otdcx-of Precedence

Article S - General Dcscripdon of the ASImiddotprorided Elemcnrs

Article 4 - Regi1trat1onJurisdicdon and Control and Ownership

Article 5 - Major Program Milestones

Artide 6 - Respective Responsibilities

_Article 7 - Program ManagcmentPrimarily ~withDesign and D~ent

Article 8 - Access to and Use otdie MPIMs

Article 9 - ASI Access to and Use of the Intcmatitraquonal Space Station -

Article io Program Manag~ent Prlmarlly Asaodaccd with Opcrad~ and Utilization bull

Article 11- ASIpmvided lntemational Space Station Crew

Article 12 - StandUds Specifications tcviewsand Language

kticlie IS Safety and Mission Assurance

Arricle 1 ltl - Croa-W~ofUability

Article 15 - Financial Amu1gemcnb

Artide 16 - Customs Clearance and Vias

Article 17 ~ Public Information

Article 18- Exchange of Data and Goods Ai-tide 19- Rights in Inventions and Patcaiti Data Rights

Article 20- Consultation and Settlement of Oisputes

3 Article 21 - Withdruval

Article 22 - Arncndmenti

Article 25 - Entry into Force and Durati~n


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 3: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


Space Cooperation International Space Station

Agreement effected by exchange of notes at Rome April 18 2001 and January 11 2005

Entered into force January 11 2005 With memorandum of understanding

Jtltniztenr ~egi )ffori Qfsleri


11 Ministero middot degli Affarl Esteri presenta i suoi complimenti allAmbasciata degli Stati Uniti dAmerica ed ha lonore di riferirsi alPunito Memorandum of Understanding firmato a Roma il 9 ottobre 1997 tra lAgenzia Spaziale ltaliana (ASI) e la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) degli Stati Uniti che stabilisce H programma bilaterale di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la progettazione lo sviluppo loperazione e lutilizzazione_di tre mini moduli logistici pressurizzati per la StazfoneSpaziale Intemazionale ----- shy

L elaborazione di tale testo si eresa indispensabile in considerazione delle modifiche tecniche apportate nel corso degli anni 90 al progeno per la Stazione SpaZiale Intemazionale cui lItalia partecipa sia a livello bilaterale avendo sottoscritto a tal fine i1 6 dicembre 1991 un Memorandum of Understanding oon gli Stati Uniti sia a livello multilaterale essendo Parte contraente dell Accordo Intergovemativo che disciplina la cooperazione relativa alla Stazione Spaziale civile intemazionale finnato a Washington il 29 gennaio 1998

Tenuto conto della necessita di aggiomare il predetto MOU del 1991 e considerato che il Memorandum del 1997 in base allart21 e giuridicamente subordinato allAccordo Intergovemativo del-1998 ratificato in Italia con legge n4182000 ed in nessun modo deroga alle disposizioni in esso co~tenute ii Ministero degli Affari middotEsteri ha lonore di proporre che qualora il Govemo degli Stati Uniti dAmerica concordi la presente Nota con accluso il Memorandum of Understanding~ e la Nota di risposta di egua1e teriore costituiscano un middotAccordo tra i due Govemi che entrera in vigore ai sensi dellart23 dellunito MOU alla data della Nota di risposta

11 Ministero degli Affari Esten si avvale delloccasione per rinnovare allAmbasciata degli middot Uniti d America i sensi della sua pili alta considerazione ~s~o

~~lt)_v ~ ~~~Roma A~)1 lio ~~fl l i rl -tI 1~u~ ~ ~ amp f ~ ~~~~_-~~-_middotmiddotJI

~so_ ~middotmiddot middot --~-


Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti dAmerica ROMA

1 t




Text Box

NOTE This is an unofficial translation provided by the Government of Italy When the official English translation becomes available it will be added to this publication










Artie~ 1 - Pu~ and 6bjectives

Anicle2 - RcJation~hip to IntcmatlonalSpaccStationAgreements Otdcx-of Precedence

Article S - General Dcscripdon of the ASImiddotprorided Elemcnrs

Article 4 - Regi1trat1onJurisdicdon and Control and Ownership

Article 5 - Major Program Milestones

Artide 6 - Respective Responsibilities

_Article 7 - Program ManagcmentPrimarily ~withDesign and D~ent

Article 8 - Access to and Use otdie MPIMs

Article 9 - ASI Access to and Use of the Intcmatitraquonal Space Station -

Article io Program Manag~ent Prlmarlly Asaodaccd with Opcrad~ and Utilization bull

Article 11- ASIpmvided lntemational Space Station Crew

Article 12 - StandUds Specifications tcviewsand Language

kticlie IS Safety and Mission Assurance

Arricle 1 ltl - Croa-W~ofUability

Article 15 - Financial Amu1gemcnb

Artide 16 - Customs Clearance and Vias

Article 17 ~ Public Information

Article 18- Exchange of Data and Goods Ai-tide 19- Rights in Inventions and Patcaiti Data Rights

Article 20- Consultation and Settlement of Oisputes

3 Article 21 - Withdruval

Article 22 - Arncndmenti

Article 25 - Entry into Force and Durati~n


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 4: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

Jtltniztenr ~egi )ffori Qfsleri


11 Ministero middot degli Affarl Esteri presenta i suoi complimenti allAmbasciata degli Stati Uniti dAmerica ed ha lonore di riferirsi alPunito Memorandum of Understanding firmato a Roma il 9 ottobre 1997 tra lAgenzia Spaziale ltaliana (ASI) e la National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) degli Stati Uniti che stabilisce H programma bilaterale di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la progettazione lo sviluppo loperazione e lutilizzazione_di tre mini moduli logistici pressurizzati per la StazfoneSpaziale Intemazionale ----- shy

L elaborazione di tale testo si eresa indispensabile in considerazione delle modifiche tecniche apportate nel corso degli anni 90 al progeno per la Stazione SpaZiale Intemazionale cui lItalia partecipa sia a livello bilaterale avendo sottoscritto a tal fine i1 6 dicembre 1991 un Memorandum of Understanding oon gli Stati Uniti sia a livello multilaterale essendo Parte contraente dell Accordo Intergovemativo che disciplina la cooperazione relativa alla Stazione Spaziale civile intemazionale finnato a Washington il 29 gennaio 1998

Tenuto conto della necessita di aggiomare il predetto MOU del 1991 e considerato che il Memorandum del 1997 in base allart21 e giuridicamente subordinato allAccordo Intergovemativo del-1998 ratificato in Italia con legge n4182000 ed in nessun modo deroga alle disposizioni in esso co~tenute ii Ministero degli Affari middotEsteri ha lonore di proporre che qualora il Govemo degli Stati Uniti dAmerica concordi la presente Nota con accluso il Memorandum of Understanding~ e la Nota di risposta di egua1e teriore costituiscano un middotAccordo tra i due Govemi che entrera in vigore ai sensi dellart23 dellunito MOU alla data della Nota di risposta

11 Ministero degli Affari Esten si avvale delloccasione per rinnovare allAmbasciata degli middot Uniti d America i sensi della sua pili alta considerazione ~s~o

~~lt)_v ~ ~~~Roma A~)1 lio ~~fl l i rl -tI 1~u~ ~ ~ amp f ~ ~~~~_-~~-_middotmiddotJI

~so_ ~middotmiddot middot --~-


Ambasciata degli Stati Uniti dAmerica ROMA

1 t




Text Box

NOTE This is an unofficial translation provided by the Government of Italy When the official English translation becomes available it will be added to this publication










Artie~ 1 - Pu~ and 6bjectives

Anicle2 - RcJation~hip to IntcmatlonalSpaccStationAgreements Otdcx-of Precedence

Article S - General Dcscripdon of the ASImiddotprorided Elemcnrs

Article 4 - Regi1trat1onJurisdicdon and Control and Ownership

Article 5 - Major Program Milestones

Artide 6 - Respective Responsibilities

_Article 7 - Program ManagcmentPrimarily ~withDesign and D~ent

Article 8 - Access to and Use otdie MPIMs

Article 9 - ASI Access to and Use of the Intcmatitraquonal Space Station -

Article io Program Manag~ent Prlmarlly Asaodaccd with Opcrad~ and Utilization bull

Article 11- ASIpmvided lntemational Space Station Crew

Article 12 - StandUds Specifications tcviewsand Language

kticlie IS Safety and Mission Assurance

Arricle 1 ltl - Croa-W~ofUability

Article 15 - Financial Amu1gemcnb

Artide 16 - Customs Clearance and Vias

Article 17 ~ Public Information

Article 18- Exchange of Data and Goods Ai-tide 19- Rights in Inventions and Patcaiti Data Rights

Article 20- Consultation and Settlement of Oisputes

3 Article 21 - Withdruval

Article 22 - Arncndmenti

Article 25 - Entry into Force and Durati~n


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 5: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

NOTE This is an unofficial translation provided by the Government of Italy When the official English translation becomes available it will be added to this publication










Artie~ 1 - Pu~ and 6bjectives

Anicle2 - RcJation~hip to IntcmatlonalSpaccStationAgreements Otdcx-of Precedence

Article S - General Dcscripdon of the ASImiddotprorided Elemcnrs

Article 4 - Regi1trat1onJurisdicdon and Control and Ownership

Article 5 - Major Program Milestones

Artide 6 - Respective Responsibilities

_Article 7 - Program ManagcmentPrimarily ~withDesign and D~ent

Article 8 - Access to and Use otdie MPIMs

Article 9 - ASI Access to and Use of the Intcmatitraquonal Space Station -

Article io Program Manag~ent Prlmarlly Asaodaccd with Opcrad~ and Utilization bull

Article 11- ASIpmvided lntemational Space Station Crew

Article 12 - StandUds Specifications tcviewsand Language

kticlie IS Safety and Mission Assurance

Arricle 1 ltl - Croa-W~ofUability

Article 15 - Financial Amu1gemcnb

Artide 16 - Customs Clearance and Vias

Article 17 ~ Public Information

Article 18- Exchange of Data and Goods Ai-tide 19- Rights in Inventions and Patcaiti Data Rights

Article 20- Consultation and Settlement of Oisputes

3 Article 21 - Withdruval

Article 22 - Arncndmenti

Article 25 - Entry into Force and Durati~n


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 6: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,










Artie~ 1 - Pu~ and 6bjectives

Anicle2 - RcJation~hip to IntcmatlonalSpaccStationAgreements Otdcx-of Precedence

Article S - General Dcscripdon of the ASImiddotprorided Elemcnrs

Article 4 - Regi1trat1onJurisdicdon and Control and Ownership

Article 5 - Major Program Milestones

Artide 6 - Respective Responsibilities

_Article 7 - Program ManagcmentPrimarily ~withDesign and D~ent

Article 8 - Access to and Use otdie MPIMs

Article 9 - ASI Access to and Use of the Intcmatitraquonal Space Station -

Article io Program Manag~ent Prlmarlly Asaodaccd with Opcrad~ and Utilization bull

Article 11- ASIpmvided lntemational Space Station Crew

Article 12 - StandUds Specifications tcviewsand Language

kticlie IS Safety and Mission Assurance

Arricle 1 ltl - Croa-W~ofUability

Article 15 - Financial Amu1gemcnb

Artide 16 - Customs Clearance and Vias

Article 17 ~ Public Information

Article 18- Exchange of Data and Goods Ai-tide 19- Rights in Inventions and Patcaiti Data Rights

Article 20- Consultation and Settlement of Oisputes

3 Article 21 - Withdruval

Article 22 - Arncndmenti

Article 25 - Entry into Force and Durati~n


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 7: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


Artie~ 1 - Pu~ and 6bjectives

Anicle2 - RcJation~hip to IntcmatlonalSpaccStationAgreements Otdcx-of Precedence

Article S - General Dcscripdon of the ASImiddotprorided Elemcnrs

Article 4 - Regi1trat1onJurisdicdon and Control and Ownership

Article 5 - Major Program Milestones

Artide 6 - Respective Responsibilities

_Article 7 - Program ManagcmentPrimarily ~withDesign and D~ent

Article 8 - Access to and Use otdie MPIMs

Article 9 - ASI Access to and Use of the Intcmatitraquonal Space Station -

Article io Program Manag~ent Prlmarlly Asaodaccd with Opcrad~ and Utilization bull

Article 11- ASIpmvided lntemational Space Station Crew

Article 12 - StandUds Specifications tcviewsand Language

kticlie IS Safety and Mission Assurance

Arricle 1 ltl - Croa-W~ofUability

Article 15 - Financial Amu1gemcnb

Artide 16 - Customs Clearance and Vias

Article 17 ~ Public Information

Article 18- Exchange of Data and Goods Ai-tide 19- Rights in Inventions and Patcaiti Data Rights

Article 20- Consultation and Settlement of Oisputes

3 Article 21 - Withdruval

Article 22 - Arncndmenti

Article 25 - Entry into Force and Durati~n


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 8: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

3 Article 21 - Withdruval

Article 22 - Arncndmenti

Article 25 - Entry into Force and Durati~n


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 9: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


The Unitcd Srates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (nercinafccr NASA)


The lmlian Spncc Agency (hereinafter ASl)

RECALLING the lonStandingand fruitful cooperation between NASA and ASI and ib prcdeccsson in rhe Italian National RescatCh Council in the conduct of space science an~ ipptications research programs

RECOGNIZING that the United States Oocmmcnt is 1tronglycommitted to building a permanendy inhabited space station to proide a uniqu~ opportunity for international coo~racion ia space science and technology and to take achanrage ofchc lowpVity environment rhc n~cctftCUum ofapace Md the potetltial ofthe space stations antage point for o~ng the Earth and the rest of the Universe

RECOCNiZlNG that NASA and ASI have completed ajoin~study to investigate che requirements for certain clcments of the United ampates Space Stampdon program and taking note that the study indicated the potential mutual benefits that would result from coopendon ~tween NASA and ASl in the Space Stitioli ptogram

RECOGNIZING that NASA and ASX concluded a Memorandum ofUndentanding (MOU)in December 1991 for the development of ftfini Preaaurized Logistics Modules (MPLM) and a Mini Laboratory for the Space Sradon program

RCOONIZlNG that the Phue B (preliminary d~gn) studies of the MPLMs were complered in 1992

RCOGNIZINO the i-edC$ign and cransjtion activitio of 1993 and 1994- that resulted in substantial modifications to the Space Station program and ihe content and requirements of the associated MPLM program

HAVE AGREIID as follows

Arrick 1 bull Pncpmc and Oljectiycs

t t The pui-posc of this MOU is to establish that NASA and AST (hetCfnaftcr referred to as the Parties) will undertake a bilateral cooperative program dgt~ring the detnilcd design development and operation ofthree~~ which AS[ will develop and p~vide to NASA DI part ofNASAs contnb~uon to the lntcmationru Space Sadon (ISS) program [n exchange ASI wall receive rights from NASA to utilize the lSS The Particsjointly undertake rhis program with th~ purpose ofadvancingspacebulldcncc technology nnd


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 10: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


rh~ commercial use of outer spnce Theae ASl-provided elemenrs arc a key plrt of the ISS and will aidmiddot NASA in fulfilling it1 responsibility to provide the flight tUments identified in the Annex to the Agreement on Cooperation in the Detailed Design Development Opcnrion and U tiligadln of the Pcrrnanently Manned Civil Spacc Station ofSeptember 29 1988(the1988 IGA) or any superseding Intergovernmental Agrecrneri c and furthcao elaborated in Article S of the implementing Space Station Memoranda ofUnderstanding specifically one setofLogistics Elements The NASA provision to AS[ ofacceu to and use of the rss will enable ASt to strengthen its sdentillc program in all disdplines to which the ISS offers experimentation opportunida

1 The specific objecdves of this MOU~

(a) ro define the ways and means by which cooperadon between the Pmics will be conducted within the framework of the United States Space Sration program

(b) to provide a gtt1eral description of the MPIMs

(c) to dcscrlbc the roles and responsibilities of the Parties in the detailed dcagn development and operati(n of the MPLMa arrangemcors for ASIs

udliucion of the m~ and the Pard~middot 1epland financial commitments

(d) to escablish the managemi teChnical and operational strUcCUres and intedaccs necessary to c=nsure effective planning and cootdinacio11 in the conduct of the detailed design dCvelopment and opcration of the MPIMs and to ensure effective planning and cOordination ofASrs utilbationof thetSSand

(e) tomiddotprovide a fmmewotk that maximizes the total capability of the MPLMs to accommodate user needs and ensure that the MPIMs as part of the United Scites Spacc Scation program~ will be operated in a manner that is saf~ efficient and cffecdve for both ISS ucrs and ISS operaton

Article 2 Rdatianhip to [nrcmatioaal Spncc Srariqn Agrsemcnta Order ofPrecedence

2 l The Parti~ undertake the coopention undet this MOU exclusively as part middotor the United Stntes commitment to provide certain flight elements for the ISS This MOU is subject to and in no way derogates from the prOYisions of the t 988 IGA and the Memoranda of Undct1tanding referred to in Article 42 of the 1988 IGA coJectiv~ty referred to as the ~1988 Spacc Stttion


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 11: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


G Agt~cmcntsbull or the r~spcctlYc rights or obligations under rhc 1988 Space Station Agrccrncots of the United States and the Republic ofrtdyas Partner Stale the Government of the United States aa a Partner or the Covcmment of the Republic of Itnly when acting collectively with the other ~uropean governments ns the European Partner whether or not these nghts or obligations arc specifically rcferted to or otherwise included in rhis MOU All cooperation between NASA for the Go~mment of the Unted States and ASI for the Government of the Republic of Italy under this MOU will be earned out consistent with the provisions of rnose agreementsbull middot middot

It is conccmplaccd by the Pardcs that a new Inccqovemmcntal Aifeemcnt middot will supersede the 1988 IOA and that newManoranda ofUndcnanding on Space Station cooperation will supencde the 1988 Memoranda of Understanding When the applicable newagreements enter into force for both Parties and their respective Oovemnients all cooperation beavcen the Panica under this MOU will be carried outcolllistentwith the provisions of those new agrecmtnts middotUntil the 1988 Space Station Agreements are superseded in the event there is any conflict between the prcmsiom ofthis MOU and the 1988 Space Station Agreements such confticc sbaJl be resolved by gMng prcccdeJJ~e to th~ 1988 Space Station Agteemcnts Once the new Iritergcnemmcntal A-grecment and newMemoranda of Undersmnding on Spacc Station coopdtion have superseded the orlginal

corresponding agreements in the event ofa conflict between the prbvhions 0pound this MOU and the neWagreementa such con6ictshall be resolved by gi9ing precedence to di~ new agreements

Article 5 bull CcncraJ DC1tCriptiong(tbc ASIprmidcd Elsmcnrc

51 tdini Pressurized Logistics Modules MPlMs)

(a) The MPLMs arc ptcssurized logistics modules_ each capable of accommodating a toral of 16 perimeter nub and 2 aisle sconge containcn Ac amp minimum sch MPLM will accommodate 15 ncb including a capability for reampigeratorfrcezer accommodation for the purpose of tnUUporting user payloads and resupply items in a pressurized environment to the ISS and returning cu-go to the ground ASI wjll provide a su~tm rack or equivalent and NASA will provide the remaining racb and the asslc ~tos-gc concinclS The MPLMs will be used u carriers tor ~ayload rlc_b on utilization outfitting at1d logistics rCMtpply and return 01~ts thctcshysubsystem dockingberthing mechanism h1cch nnd nck designs~ to be


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 12: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


compatible withthe CSS design The MPLMs will be capable ofremaining op~Ei1tlonal fot apptoximately 10 years with the support ofground marntcmmcc as appropriate For a nominal mission the MPIMs will be lnunched and rctumcd on the same Spacc Shuttle flight

(b) The MPLMs ate part of the US flight elemcncs and arc the pressurized carriers of the ISS Integrated Logistics Sptem The availability of the MPtMs will enhance the overall efticiency and flexibility ofthe ISS logisties-ctcmenu by providing the capability to optimi~ the manifesting of both prcssuri~d and unpre$Sllrlzcd cargo on resupplyreturn missions to the IS5

Article bullmiddotBcgisrratjonJurisdictlon and ConftO) and Ownenbip

41 Prior to shipping each MPLM ASX with NASA parridpation will conduct a Final Acceptance Rcriew as described in the NASAASIJoint Managcment Plan (JMP) I with NASA concutlencc on iu results Upon deliveryof the MPLMs to Kennedy Space Center (KSC) ASt with the~~~ ofNASA wUl conduct a poswiclivcry inspection Upon cOmpledon ofsuch inspccdon satiaampctaty to NA$A ASI will traNfcr to NASAownership of the MPLMs and associated Ground Support Equipment (Qmt) and provide appropriate legal documentado~evi~ IUCh rnnsfer NASA will regbter these clements as space o~ects in accordance tvith Artide II of the 1915 Convention on Registtation ofObjectl Iawlchecl into OuterSpace (hereinafter the Registration Co1wcntion) bull

42 Pursuant to Ardclc VIII of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty and Article llof the Regiacntion Convention~ and subject to the 1988 Spacd ScadOl Agreements or any supcneding agreemai~NASA will retainjurisdiction and control 07cr the elements it registers In accordance With Article 41 above and cach Party will retain jurisdicdon and control over pcnonnel in oi on the ISS who ire its nationab

51 Because of the cxtcndcd period of time rectuircd ro assemble the ISS and

the integrated nitule of its assembly seq11ence the ~clivcry schedule for middotASI~proVided clements mny be revised over the Ufc of the ISS prognam Major program milestones of the MPLMs may be affected by changes to the ISS program milestones



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 13: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,



52 Major trgct milestones

Detivccy offirst MPLM to KSC Apri1 1998 Initial Lnunch of firSt MPLM June 1999 Delivery ofsecond MPLM to KSC Novembct 1998 Initial Launch ofsecond MPLM January 2000 Delivery of third MPLM to KSC October 2000 Initial Launch 0pound third MPLM September 2001

58 NASA and ASI will dlaquoclop maintain and exdwp eoordinated implementadon schedules These schedula including the dates for the above milestones~ will be upda~ u neccuaryand formally controlled in appropriate program documentation as provided fot in Articlemiddot

NASA Responsibilities

61(a) bull While undertaking acti~des related to che detailed design and _ dcvdoprnent ofthe ISS elements and consistentwith the management middot arrangement identified in Article 7_rand in accordance with ~cvcl

bullpccificatiom establisbcd in th~Space Stadon S)Steml Specification document and MPLM scgmcnts~citlcadoa documellt which arc controlled by the Spact1 Station Control Board NASA will

bull (1) provide ovmLll systems engineering and integration management and authority fot the ASI-providecl elements utOCiaced CSE and softwae and be raponsiblc for overall S)Stem specifications and uiterampce control docusnenmtion

(2) perform form2l acceptance or the ASJprovided flight unit and associated GSK

(8) cs~blish in consultation with the ISS partners ovuall ISS vcrificadon safetya1id mission assurance (as defined in Article lS) requirements and Plans and csrabtish1 in consultation with ASI AS(provided clement Nerificntion sffcty and mission auurance (as defined in Article IS) requirements and plans that meet or exceed the overall ISS and Space Shuttle vcritkation safety and mission assumnce rrquircmcnB nnd planll


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 14: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


(4) approve ASCvcrification and ccrtificarioa as identified in tbc middot documcn~tion described in the NASAASijMP ofASI-providcd elements ind softwa~ for iniaal launche and all subsequent launch pacbp contruning ASl--provided clements and software

(~) estlblish in consutaition with ASI requirement for oerall system level testing and operations

(6) specify in consulf2tion with ASI tcchnical and opua_gonal interlaccs between the ASI-provided elements and the ISS and Space Shuttle

(7) specify in conaultation with ASJ technlcal and operational irtcdaces between the ASI-providcd elements and tho payload andor sptems racb or other payload hardware

(8) provide all orbital support equipment (OSE) and flight Juppon equipment (FSE) to bcu~ed in conjunction with ASI-provided clements

(9) provide addidonal equipment and assodated documenradon as maybe identified in the docum~ts dcscnbed 1nmiddotrhc NASAASIJMP and

(10) csrablWi in consultation with ASI a technical aad management informationsystem for computer-based electronic flow ofappmprlate middot program information as delineated in the NASAASI]MP

61(b) While undettalcing the assembly opeiadon and utilhation ofthe ISS and consistent Mth management arrangements identiticd in Artide 10 NASAwill

(1) acquire and process engineering data to assea tlight pcrfotmance of the ASI-provided elemcnrs

(2) make available to ASI at a gateway in the United Srates all on-orbit engineering data of the ASlProvided clements

(S) approve AS[ verificarion and ccrri6cadon u identified in the documentation described in the NASAASIJMP ofASI-provided Clements and software for initial launches and all subsequent launch packap containing ASt-provided clements and software (4) perform alt on-orbit operations of the ASI-provided Bight elements

(5) perform overall training management



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 15: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,



(6) perforn the analytical t1nd physical in~gration ofcnrgo inco the ~poundP(1$ With ASI support and participarion as mutually agreed


(7) provide ovcrall logistia support management and (or hardwuc purchased from US companies all spares and spares maintenance transportation ofspares to and from IGC inventory data maintenance schedules and technical data

(8) provide or aminge for tramponadcm and communicadons scniccs co and from the JSS for ASI-ptovided payloads and samples accotding to the terms establiahca in Article 94

(9) integrate the ASImiddotprovided clements with the Space Shuttle and the ISS as required middot

( l 0) perfonn all ground operations such as prelaunch and po$t landing opcradons for che ASI-gttovidcd elements

(11) pcrfonn sustaining engineering functions for the CSE provided by ~I to NASA in ampccordance with Article 41

(12) perf~nn the physiCal ~alytical and on-orbit adivid~ ncceaary for intcgradon ofASI-providcd payloads which meet appropriate standard interfaces as agreed by NASA and~ (egbull EXPRESS racb and EXPRESS pallets Intcmational Stindard Payload Rack (ISPR)) and

(l) make available to ASI_ at a gatewty in the United States all on-shyorbit data relevant ro the ASI-proVided payloads and prcmde teccpdon Crortt Italy and uplink to omit of related conuzianamp and communications according ta che terms established in Article 94

ASI Responsibilities

6(n) While undertaking activities related to the ddtiiled design and development orthe ISS elements described in Article and conshtcnt with

the managcment arrangement identified in Ardcle and in accordance widi systcmmiddotlevel specifications cstabHsh~d in the Space Station Systems ~ccification docu~ent and MPIM segment specification docwnent which middotare controlled by the Space Station Control Board ASI will

( l) design fabricate tcst and deliver to KSC three ~PlM flight elcmcnrs complete with $U~~tcms and ground support equipment and nssoci~tcd


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 16: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


lOftwarc as required to operate these clements ASI Will provide only that CSE which is not either (i) functionally and physically common to equipmentulready developed by NASA (or other elements or (ii) ava1lahlc to auppon MPLM hardware nnd software For support eqwpmenr this provision will be Fulfilled in the bilatCnl documents dacribed in the NASAASCJMP and taking into account commonality and respectiYe NASA and ASI responsibilities The$c clements will be compatible widl launch and rctum using me US Space Shuttle

(2 establish in consultation with NASA ASl~ded element verification safety and mission murance (as deampned in Artide 19) nquirements and plans that Dleet orexcc-=d lhe ovaall ISS and Space Shuttle verification aafety and mission assunnce requiremena and plans

(S) perform Bight readiness certification as identified in the documentation d~bed in the NASAASIJMP ofASJ provided elements and softwareJ inducling 0Spound for Jnirial flights and for all subsequent ttights requiring ASI 1Upport aild opendoos

(4) prcmde to NASA aJl design integration teat and operational ~for the three MPLMs neceaary for NASA tb (i) understand the impact ofthe ASI-piovided elcinentl on the ISS andor on the coordinated operation

middot and utilization ofthe ISS (Ii) intcpto those ASl-provlded clerrun11 into the JSS and the Spsce Shuttle (iii) middotcentcrdpoundy that the ASI-pt-ovided elements ate acceptable ancl safe for launch middoton-orbit auembly and orbiad operations (iv) support orbital operations and (v) Uintain mcerampce dQcumenration

(5) provide additional equipment and associated documentation as may be idcndticd in the docwnents dcscrlbed in the NASAiASlJMP

(6) provide mockmiddotups bullimulators andor uainm ofthe MPLM u neccuary to support engineering analJSCS and crew training as identified in the documentation described in the NASAIASijMP

(7) perform verification of the MPLMs

(8) deliver GSE to KSC together with flight hardwarc ~

(9) (leJiver MPLM flight hardware to KSC as dcuiiled ln Article 52

(10) pro~dc nll opcratioris ~nd maintcr4ncc rcqui~mcnts and specifications and required OSE (with usocinted driwings and opcrntton


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 17: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


manuOls) to support processing ofASI-providcd elements at~ ASI lements und support cquipment will be designed co be compatible with KSC facilities and checkout systems and

(11) ~tablish and maintain a computerized technical and managcincnt information system compatible with the management ammgemcnts defined in Article 7 ASl will prOridc hardware and software based on infonnation format and communications standards established by NASA

62(b) While undertaking activities related to assembly operation and utilization of the lSS and consistent with management mngcmenta identified in Attide 10 ASl will~

(1) through designated ccn~r(s) in ~taly provide engineering and lopdcs support for ASI-providcd cl~cnrs as detailed In documeilfacion deCribcd in the NASAASIJMP The engineering support capability shall include systems analyse$ evaluation and astea1ments u requested byNASA and as detailed in the documentation specified in the NASAAStJMP

(2) provide resident personnel at KSC to provide expertise on all MPLM bull systems and to support ground processingofASI-plOrided hatdware

middot ) provide resident pcrsonnd for Upport-ofSltem operadons and training concerningASIprovidcd hardware atJSC

(4) develop maintaln arut utilize mathcnialical modcb tor integration middot analyses ofMPLM cargo wi ch respect to loada thermal power and data

perform miaion-uniciue stress assessments based on the NASA daign and verification loads and analyses and supportand participate as a~ With NASA in analytical and ph13ical integration ofcargo Into lhc MPLMs

(5) provide simulators or simulation software necessary ro supportKSC processingofASJprovided hardware as identified in documents as specified in the NASAASIJMP

(6) perform flight Caeiincss certification u identified in the NASA ASI JMP orASI-provided clements and software including OSE for initial flghra and for aJI subsequent flights requiring ASI support and opuadons (7) provide ~upport for development of training req uiremcnts material$ and aim cmd provide supporLto uaining for the on-orbit crew ground 1upport pentonnel and ground procCDing peDOnncl for the ASI provided clements and lSupport equipment at NASA Centers or nt nn AS[ Cenccr n$


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 18: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


detailed in the documents specified in the NASAASIJMP

(8) With tm exception of OSE provided to NASA in accordance with Article 4 t perfomrsustaining engineering functions for hardware software and suppott equipment which it providei for the operational lifetime of the hardware and software

(9) pcrtonn any support required for on-orbit verification and operarions readiness residual Design DCv~lopmcnt Test and Engineering (DDTld)

in~uding aupport for assembly operadOlll and design modifications for nominal perfonnance

(10) provide any replacement or upgrade ofhardwan software technical data and doauncmtation i-esultant from auataining engineeringanaises

(11) perform refurbishment and repain of the MPLMs beyond the capabincies 0pound1(SC except for hardware punhased in the United States

(~2) provid~ ~gistics_~pporton AStplOVided elemcnt9 incl~ poundor hatdMre purwhased from non-U S companies all tparet ancl tpU1S maintenance transportation cfspates to and ampom XSC inveatoqdata

_ inaintcnance achedul~ and rcchnical data

(15) provide or anangc for use o(icquipmcnt and so~ neceuN7 for ASX to receive MPLM on-orbit engineering data made aft11ab1e by NASA at a gatevtay in the United States

bull (14) provide or ammge fol use of equipment ancl software necaary~ ASI to reccivc ASI paytoadrelated data made awu1able byNASAat a gaieway in the United States middot middot

(15) provide required analyses and support for ~I ASI payloads proposed for operation on the ISS middotand

(16) providc payloads that meet rss defined ttandard interfaces (eg bullbull EXPRESS nuks or pallet$gt CSPR)

Arride 7 - Pmgiam Managcmcnr Primarily AModarpd wjrh Deajgn and DcvclnpmeiJt

71 The NASAASI Management arrangement is based on concun-ent proCcampSC$ involving several interfaces between the P~ties a top-level NASA ASI Executive Committee a Spucc Station Control Board SSCB) bull





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 19: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,





and in accordance with rcspcctivc tC$ponsibilities its supporting d~ign and dcvcloPmcnt working groups~ onSice liaison personnel and contractor-to-conttactor interface between the Parties prime conttactors

The Executive Committee will meet annually co review the status of the program and as required to reso(vc those iaues brought forward ampom the SSC8 by ASI The Executive Committee will aJao meet ~nually to approve the ASI Utiliiarioa Plan as dc6ned in Artide 10 The Executive Committee will be cochaircd by designated NASA and ASI representatives Members will include rcprescn~tives from other NASAprogram oftices u Rquircd and theif ASI countetparts

ISS requirements configuration iztchtding assembly aequcnce in~pated tratlic planning allocation ofhousekeeping resource for design pUlpOSCS and definition ofelement interfaces through the completion ofassembly and initial operational crlfication and any rclared ISS con6guradon activities will be controlled by the Space Station Control Boatd (SSCB) chaired by NASA ASI is cUn-cntly a member ofthe SSCB and ofsuch subordinate design snd development boards thereofas may be agreed attending and participating whex thd= boarda co~der iccms which affect the ASI-ptotridcd elements intcrfaces between NASA-provided and ASIshyprovidcd elements intcrfaccsmiddotbetwcen theASl-prcmded elements and the

middot ISS partner element or intcrflccs1)ctween ASI-provlded clements and the Space Shuttle NASA will participate in the ASI control board otpnizadon and ofsuch subordinate bo~s thereofas may be agreed aaeacling and participating u appropriate

Dedsions by rhe sscB Chairman may be appealeddeg the kecumc Cotnmittec however it is the duty of the SSCB Chairman to make every effort to reach consensus tflth AS[ rather than have Issues referred to the Executive CQmmittee Such appeals lJill be made and processed middot expedhiously Pending nSotution ofappeal- ASI need not proceed with the implementation ofaSSCB decision as falas ita provided elemcntJ are concem~d NASA may however proceed wirh Implementation ofan SSCB dccision as far as its provided elements are conccmcd Upon xccurivc Committee resolution 0poundany appeal the Parties shall proceed immediately to implement those resolutions middot

Jii additipn to ASr~ pntticipation in the SSCB ASI may monitor day-to-day program activities rhrough a pzogram liruson The ASI lia~n will be stationed at the Spltuc Station Prcgmm Office atjSC to faaluate ASl prognm mbulllnngcments visibility to enable ASl to mqnitor the progrnm on t technical level The ASl foiison may serve ai the ASI alternate to the








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 20: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,








~CB On a reciprocal basis NASA andor its prime contraceor may Wit to have program Haison nt ASrbulls contractor mcility in Turin Italy

4 bull

In order for the NASA and ASI liaison personnel to keep abreast ofovemt program requirements and milestone schedules and monitor ptogtum progress at a technical level they will be on the distribution list for technical reports and documentation as appropriate and will attend all joint program related technical meetings

The Parties liaison personnel are not considered to be partofdie receiving Partys program office and as such the sending Partyia financially responsible for its liaison penonncl Additional Habon requiremcnrs may be documented in a sepantc Uaison Personnel Agreement betwcn the Parties middot

NASAaSpace Station prime contractor will act on NASAbull bcbaJfas the Syatems Engineering ampIntegration manager for the ASI~rcwided clcmcna aad 1Yill interface dirccdy with ASI and ASrs prime contractor

Consistent with the abo~NASAASI mui3gcmcnt arranpment NASA and ASI Will work through their rcapcctive pdme conCampCtOn ro ampdlkate the use ofcommon hardware software anchupport equipment in order to promote efficient and effective ISS_operationsbull

Upon transfcr ofownenhip of each Ast-provided element NASAwill become rcsponsiblc for all aspects of its operation and uDlization management

The Execuiivc Committee may make changesin the NASA ASI management arrangement after ownership of the JSlprovided clements b transferred to NASA

Progrun Documentation

The NASVASijoint Management PJan(JMP) defines the prognmmatic and technical coordination processes ondjofntJy developed documeniation uicd byNASA and ASI for all I~ design development and implementation activities as well as operations and utilizalion activitia during aaemblybull

bullthcJMP will define NASAs and AS($ respectie roles rcspormDiJities and rclarionships for I~ prQgram activities ThejMPand all changes to the plan will bejointly signed by the designated rcprcsentadvcs ofNASA and ASI


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 21: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


72 (c)


72 (e)


T~~ Concept of Operations and Y tiliX01tion (COU) document is the source of infonnation which dc~ribcs how the ISS operates and is opctatcd bull The cfocument addre$SCS the operating principles mission profiles and scenarios and processes that support [SS design detelopmcnt and operations preparation The content of the document will be consistent with the tasks and producrs produced or prepared by the rss partners and ASt This document during the detailed design and development phase of the progrun is under control of the SSCB However decisions reprding operation and utilbation activities will be taken in accordance with Article 10

NASA in conjunction with the ISS partners anclASt bulletops an ovanll Space Station SltcmS Specificadon hued on information plOYidcd by ISS partners and ASt which contains rho performance and design requircmlnts for the ISS flight elements and ground faciliries harchvar4 and software and provides the technical basis for ovcnJ1 conduct of ISS detailed design Nid dcrvclopmcnt acd-ities The Systems Specification approved by the SSCB concdna the requirements rdatcd to all ISS partnexS and ASIs elements ADy modificadon ro the SptAsms Spc4ficarion will be-app~cd by the SSCB The Sptems Spedficati0n also include NASAASijoint requirements This sccdon tMl be cosigned by NASA and ASt

middotNASA and ASI wl develop andjobldy sign an MPLM Segment Specification that mecrs the rcquir~entsofdie S71tems Spedampcadon The MPLM Segment Specification Will be controlled by the SSC8 ASL will develop element tpecificadont for ASt hudwuesof~ and thae spcdfication3 will meet the requirements In thejointlysigned Segment Spaclfication and the Systems Spccifi~tion

NASA and ASI willjointly develop and sign Interface Control Docvmenis (ICDs which control interfaCC3 between the fJiampht elcuncnts comprising infnstructutal elements and the flight elements comprising accommodations elements between flight elemcnrs comprising infrastrUctunil ~lements and as appropriate between any other Bight clements between flight and ground elements or among ground elements Any modification$ or additions to rhe ICQs trill occur ~rough the SSC8 or one ofits subordinate~ of which ASI is a

lhellber or through an SSCB-ipprovcd process NASA will also develop a Bcueline Configuration Document BCD) based on informauon prcwidcd by all ISS partners and AS( which wiJI be the reference document reflecting the configuration of the ISS


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 22: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


Anidc 8 - Accrq to and I Jsc of rht Mpr Ms

81 NASA will nave complete access to nnd use of the MPLMs Tho capabiliti~ of the MPLMs will be rnide awHable to the ISS partners pursuant to Article 8 of th~ Space Station Memoranda of Understanding or any aupcneding agreements

Article 9 A51 amlaquo ro and Use of rhc IntcmatiaoaJ Space Station

91(a) ASIs access to and use of the lSS reflects ASIs contribution of the MPIMs their support equipment and poat-deliveryaupport

91(b) In exchange for ASIs provision of the three MPLM flight units associated unique ground clements and post-de~verympport as defined in Article 6 NASA ~11 provide ASI ~th the following~ of the allocations attilable to NASA as specified hi Article 8 of the SpaceSradon Mcmormda or Undenrancling or any supcnedingagRements 085 percent ofpRUUrized user accommodations 085 percent ofaccommodati~ for external payloads and 085 ~rccntorutilization resoUrcel

92 _ ASls allocations ofuser accommodatiom and udlitation ~as spcci6cd above in-91(a) an 91(b) willbcginafter thefintMPLM is verified on orbit unless otherwiscJbutuallyagrced

95 ASI may atany time barter for seli to NASAor the ISSpartners or enter into other arrangements for any portion ofits JSS aJJocadons andu free to

market the use ofits allocadoru according to procedures estlbJfsbed in the ISS multilateral Utilizadon ManagementPM (UMP and in accordance with the 1988 IGA or any swiperscding Incergovemmental Agreement The cerms and conditions ofany barter or sale will be decenniaed Ol a case-br-case basis by the patties ro the transaction ASI may~ any revenues it derives from such marketing and must ensure that the obliprionJ it has undertaken under this MOU are met

NASA will provide Space Sh~ttle launch and retum tranaponadon acmces for ASIi utilizadon allocation under this MOU commensurate with AS11 allocacion of utilization resources identified in Article 91 (The foregoing doct not apply to launch and return capadry provided to and from the tSS in connection with rss cvolu~onary additions) Any special ~er integration or user operation support Will be proridcd on a re1mbunable basis nt prices routinely charged to companbte uac~ for Jimilar senictis NASA will al~o provide Tracking and Ont1 Relay ~Uitc System (TDRSS)



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 23: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,



rlnrn transmission scrviceii for ASis utilitation artocation under this MOU commensurate with ASfs allocntioo ofutilhntion resources identified in Article 91 middot

NASA will respect the proprictnry rights in and confidcntialif1 of ASIs appropriately rnarkcd data and goods to be transported on the Space Shuttle ln addido~ ASI may implement mcasutCS necessary to ensurc confidcndaJity ofASI utiliiadon dara pasaing rhrough the ISS communications and data systems and other communicatiora middotsrtems being uaed in coqjunciion With the ISS Notwithscartding 1hc foregoing data that arc necessary to assUlC safe opcA-ttions will be mada awilable according to procedures cstablishtd by the User Opetdons Panel (UOP) The proprietary rights in~ and the ~onfidcndalicrof AStbulls udlization data passing through these communicadom SfStems will be respected

Arrirlc 10 bull Pmgmm Management edmarllf Associated mtb Opcrationa and UriUnrign

101 NASA has the responsibility for the overall planning for and coordination ofthe execiltion of the-overall fntegratcd operation ofthe JSS NASA-id the Cooperating Agencies identified in Article 41 of the 1988 IGA or

COITCSponding provisions ofany superseding Intergovernmental middot Agreement each hae rcsponsibil~rics regarding the management of their

respecdve clpcratiom and utilizatiqn activities OperAtions and u6limtion middot activities wiJl comprise loognngeplaiming and top-level nwiagernent and coardination which will be pcdormed byttratcgic-level organizadons cletallecl planning and support to atratttgiQ-fevel orpnhadom which will be performed by tactica1-1evel organbations and implemencadon orthese plans whidl will be perfonned by execurionmiddot1evel orpnzations

Consis1ent with the Parties rights and obligations unclcr dUs Agreement NASA will rcp~ntASI on ISSmiddotmultilateral utilization and opendons boards Upon request AS will provide expertise in matters invoMng ASIshyprovidcd payloadt or other ASI utilization int~ts

On an ~nLlal basis ASI will develop a five year Utilization Plan for all proposed uses of its allocations defined in Article 9 ASt will also satisfy the iequirements ofits users for storage within its allocations defined in Article

9 ASI wiIJ prioritize and propose appropriate schedules for the user activities in its UtiliZltltion Plan including the use of user support centers lttnd other ISS ground clements to support the udliZ4tion of the flight demcn~


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 24: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


Cf ASls planned utilization docs not involve coopcrativ~ participatioll with a NASA user progtam office the ASI Urilintion Plan will be delivered t0 th~ Assocl~le ~ministrntor for Space Flight Following verification that the AS[ Utilization Plan is consistent with the agreed ASI utiliution Clccommodatiom the ASI Utitizadon Plan will be approved by the NASAASI Executive Committee Any proposed udlizadon ofa user accommodation clement by ASI however on behalfofa non-Partnei- ot a p~tc entity under thejurisdiction ofa non-Partner will require the review nnd concurrence ofNASA and of the Partner owning that user middot accommodation The Assodatc Adrninisrntor for Space Flight is responsible for ensuring representation 0pound the ASI Utilizalioa Plan within the US Space Scadon UtiUiaticn Board (ampWB) and for ensurini irs inclusion in the US Partner Utilization Plan (PUP)

10S Ifany of the planned utilizatlon involves a coopctadve effortwith a NASA user program office involving barter or consolidadon with US ~dlizadon resources chat part of the ASI Utilization Plan will be developed in eoqjuncdon widl the dpedfic cooperadng NASA program office and will be included in the utili7atian plan 0pound that NASA user program office fn thiJ cue the SSUB mcmberrcpr~ting rho ~erating NASA user prognm oftice is responsible for ensuring its indulon in the US PUP

104 middot The US PuP will be provided to tl)e multilatcnl UOP u input for developing the Consolidated Opendons w Udlizadon Plan (COUP) The UOP in coordinarion whh the System OpaatiomPanel (SOP) is responsible for verifying the tcchnicaJ and operational compatibility ofall udliation actividct on the ISS and for providing the COUP ro the Mulcilatcral Coordination Board for approval DtiWelopment and updating ofrhe US Utilization Plan will be in accordance wlch appropriate schedulc1 and procedures established by the VS SSUB and the UOP Speciflc dccaiJs concerning the development and updating of rhe ASI Udlizarion Plan ro enable its incorporation lnto the US Utiliiadon Plan will be provided by the NASA Office ofSpac~ Flight

l 05 In working out probtcms that may arise after che development of the COUP in the case of technical or operational incompatibility between users orWith available resources the Cooperating Agency as identified in Artide 41 of the 1988 IGA or any superseding Incergovemmenral grecmenti providing the clement(s) in which users have accornmodadons M well as other imp~tcd uses ~11 provide appropriatcanal)ICS and recommendations to the appropriate sUatcgfc-1 racdcalbull or cxccutionZcvcl organization for rsolution ofconflicts However iCsuch conflict only has impacts within a $rngle ISS element and only impaclS uscrs of the


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 25: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


p~vidcr of that cl~ment the Coopcrnting Agency providing the efemcnc Wiil be respon1ible for r~oMng such conflicts ASI will assist NASA in any bulluch conm~t resotuuon invo~ving ASI-provided paylo-9 by ptoViding appropriate anal)Sel and rccomincndadona which will be forwarded to the nppropri41te strategicmiddot tactical or execution-level orpziizadon

106 Prior to their implementation NASA will pnMde copiesofwtial utilization plans to ASI for its review 1nd eonunent Furthcnnore NASA will consult with ASI nprdjng rcvbion1 or modiampcadons to such pJam prior to their approval ASI or its dqgnated reprctcncuives wll1 pardclpatc in Ultr wotkiag groups rcsponsihle ror detailed mislion planning for those increments which include ASt1K0yenided payloads

107 Should ASI utilliation involve a coopcndve cffort using NASA aser program office 6cUitia then the tcrtM ofsuch cooperation will be contained in a 4Cparatc agreement between the Partiei

108 Thasc ASI-providcd payloads included in the US Utilization Plan will be mUected to the same reviews and certifications as all US payloads

111 In exchang~ for ASrs provision of the three MPIMflightunits uaoclaud middot unique ground bulluppon equipmen~~d po1kleliveqsupport u deampndd in

middot~~~~~~~~~~~~~middot~middot crew allocation 1th an assured ~mum ofthiee l1ich ~pporam1ucs during the lire oC the progl3Jn

ll2 NASA will provide flight opportunities for ASI lSS crew as ldcdficd above from NASAs crew allocation under thcent 1988 Space Station Agtecznctamprs or any superseding apements ASIs accrual offlight opporttmidcs wi11 commence ~Eb die flight or fhe (USt MP~ to the ISS Flisht ofASt ISS crew will be AdSeel over time not ncCCllllrily on each specific crew rotation cycle Subject to agreement by the Parci~ AS1 may be provided with Space Shuttle crew assignments in lieu ofISS crew during the period between first MPLM launch and pcrmancnc habicatlon or rhc lSS by fCICt

cteWmcmben During assembly and vcriftcation of~c 6nt MrLM a fully tnJned ASI crcwmcmber will participate in on-orbit aucmbly and aystcrn

bullverificttion nnd other assigned tasks planned during th~t on-orbit period bull and two adcUdonnl Spncc Shuttle crew OPportunisics will be provid~d during the lire of the rss progrim

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 26: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

21 11S ASt ISS crewwill meet ISS astronaut ccrtification criteria fol basic

qualificampttion requirerncnrs medical certiicadon standards and gencnl and personal sisitabiUty requirements Potential ASI ISS crew Mil~ selected to jbin N~ a1tronaut eandidares ror basic training with NASA Following successful completion of basic training NASA and ASI wi11jcindy certify that the AS[ ISS crew ha~c met the Ascronaut Ceniftcation Criteria Followingjoint certification all ASt crew will enter into an appropriate training cycle in order to acqulre the skilJs necessary to conduct ISS operali_ons and utilization The Mult1latcral Crew Operations Panel (MCOP) comprised ofmembers from each ISS Partner will designate middot from amorig the certified ISS ~ spccific crew complemcna which include the ISS Commander for ~peciftc crew rotation oydcs coaiistent with Articles 11l and 112 above NASA will represent ASI on the MCOP

114 ASI will itselfbe bound and will ensure chat its ISS crewsign and be bound by tlu Code ofConduct for the ISS crew that will be devel~ and approved by all the ISS fartners in accordance with the Space Sration Memonmda ofUnderstanding

115 ASI will be financially responsible fot all cosnpensation medical ecpcmes lllbsistencc cors on Earth and training for1$ crew which it provides Pul1 training for all assigned duticsrill be required

Anfdc l 2 SrandunSpccjfications Reviews and I anlJIA

121 Standards and specifications will be developed as part ofthe NASAASI JMP and associated bUateral documenradon and will comdtute the specific requirements for coptrol purposes in ~middot~tive program

122 A schedule ofpreliminary and critical deagn reviews for the ASI-pcovided clements will be made~ with joint partidpation of the Parties in all awh rmeVS These and other ~cws condwted by the Parties will be defined and scheduled in the NASA ASIJoint Management Plan Relevant information from similar ISS nMewt haYing a bearing on the ASJprovided elements will be trUismitted to ASI expeditiously middot

lS All com~unicadon and documentation for this project will be in the E9glish language

124 The Ast-provided elements will be designed and developed in the metric S)Stcm of units The primiry systcm of units at the interfaces bctwUn the ASl-providcd hardw1re and the ISS however will be the inchpound

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 27: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

22 ~Yllelll Th~ rnc~c s~tcrn of uni ts may be used as the secondarysystem of untrs at rhc 1nccrfnccs

Actid7 Ja Snfcty and MiMiOn AMurancc

18l [n order to assure safety NASA has the responsibiHty wurking with the ISS partners to establish overall ISS safety and mission assurance requiremenl3 and plans covering ISS derailed d~ign and developmait acMtics and m4ttlre operations and utilization tn order to assure safety NASA has the ~ponsiblliiy working with ASr to cstablbh ovlaquoall safety and mission rcquircmcnrs and plans relating to the MPLMs

IS2 Consistent with the management atrangcsment identified in Artide 1 ASI will dcvefop de-called safety and rnitdon assunnce requirements and ptan for the MPIMs and associated CSE and softwue Such rcquinmenrs and plans must rnect or excCCd the overall ISS safetyand mission aaumce requirementI and plans established by NASAworking with the ISS pmnen and the Space Shuttl7 safctr requirements cscabllshed by NASA Upan N~ approval ofthe ASI safety and misdon assunnce rcquircmala and plans ASI will have the teamppOnsibUity to implement applicable overall and

detailed 1$ands~ Shuule safety and ndssion ~cerequiremen~ and plans throughout the lifetime of the program and to ccrdfy that swh middot middot rcquircmentt and plans have becqmetwith respect to the~ elemenfJ

and payloads it provides NASA wifi have the 0yenCrall responsibility to certify that thc I~ u a whole and its elements and payloads are safebull

183 NASA will conduct overall intcgnted aystem afety reviews for 8 elements launch pacbge age and payloads as well as conductsafety reviews of the ASIProvidcd elements and payloadJ ASI will upport these rcYi~ and participate as appropriate in any ISS safety review boards established by NASA

lS4 The ISS partners will establish contingency procedures for o~rbi~ omcrgcndcs to protect the safety of the ISS and ira crew The ISS pattnett will also establish a process for consultations in the event ofon-orbit emcrgc~cics for which contingency proceduresdo not exist If this consul ta tion process cannot be followed within the time required due to ~c nature of the cmergcncy ot if consensus cannot be re~cdwithin the lime required NASA will have the tesponsibiliry for making decisions necessary to protect the selfety of the Space Station and its crew following procedures agreed in advance for implcmcnration ofbulluch decisions UJOn requCJ1t by AS( NASA will provide informirion rcgncding an action that it


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 28: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


ha taken in connection with this responsibility

ArricJc J4 bull CrOMWaivcc O( Jiabmqr

14t The undcrEakings of chc United State$ and the Republic of Iaily ns Partner States expressed in Article 16 of the- 1988 IGA or any superseding Intcrgovcmmcntal Agreement apply in all respecrs to the acrivities of NASA and ASI as Parties to this MOU and bullcting for their rcspecrivc pemmenrs consistent with those undertaldnp In addidon this MOU constitutes poundulfi)Jmcnt of the relevant obligation of the Unirecl States punuant to Ardde 16(b) of the 1988 ICAor any superseding Intergovenunental Ageemcnt to extend the~ ofJiability to related cndtics

Article 15bullFinancial Amngcmcmts

151 The Parties will each hear the costs ofdischarging their rapeccivc retponsihilitica including travel and subtisteDcc ofdleir own pmonnel and ground and air transportation ofall equipment for which they~


152 The ISS program will be rcsponsibl~ for all Space Shuttle launch c0arraquo associated with the MPLMs

15S Theability ofNASAand ASI to catty out their respective obligations is subject to theil rcspccdve funding procedurea and the avu1abilicyof appropriated funds middot

154 In the event th~t funding problems arise that may affect a Partys ability to fulfill its rcsponsibillties under this MOU that PartywilJ promptly notify and consult with the other PIUtf

155 The Parties will seek to minimize the exchange ortu~ds while caning out rhair respectivc responsibilities in this coopcROYC program including If they agree through the use of barter rhat isA prcwislon ofgoods and SMCCs

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 29: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

24 Artide I 6 bull Cu1tomt Clcaranc~ and llisu

161 The Parties shall arrange ln thek rcspecrivf counuics for Cree customs clearance ofequipment required for this project Such anangemenu shall be Cully reciprocal

162 The Parties will USC thcit best efforts to facilitate the issuance or appropriate lisas for NASAand ASl personnel including contractolI participating in this program middot

Article 17 middotPublic Infornration

171 middot Release of public information regarding chil projectmay be made by rh~ appropriate agency tor its own pordon ofthe program as desired and insofar a11 partidpation of the other Party is concemed aftersuitable con~ltation

172 When necessary detailed an-angcments for implementing public information activitica foreseen under this Artide will be mutuallyagreed

Arridc tapxcbangeofData and Goods middot

181 Exceptas otherwise provided in thispatagraph each Party Will tnnsCer all technical data and goods considered to be DeccAat) (by both Parties to any rnnsfer) to fulfill its respective rcsponsibilidcs under this MOU Each Party undertakes to handle expeditiously any request for technical data or goods presented by the otherParty for the puzpO ofchis cooperation This paragraph will not require either Party to tnnster any rcchnical data and goods in co~t(aention ofits national laws or reguladom

182 The Partics will make their best efforu co handle expcdiriously requcscs (or authorization or transfers of cechni1 data and goods by penom or entities other than the Patties for example cornpan)toCCgtmpany exchanges which are likely to develop) and they will encourage and tacl1itatc such transfers in canncctipn with the cooperation undet thit MOU Otherwise bull uch tnirufen nrc not covered by the terms and cortdidons of thb Artidc National bW$ Dlld regulations will apply to such transfcrs

18S The Parties agree thar rhe crantfcrs of technical data and goods under thls MOU will be subject to the tCStrictions set forth in this parugraph The transfer 0 r technical data for the pttrposcs ofdischarging the Parties responsibilitlcs with rcgtrd to interfaces integration nnd safety will

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 30: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

25 no~01ily be~mgte without th~ restrictiona set forth in dtis paragraph If deUlilcd cstgn manufacturing and processing dam iltd associated sofllvare 11 necessary for irrcerfacc integnition or safety purposes the transfer will be made but the data and associated software ma7 be appropriately marked as set out below Tcchnial data and goodsmiddotnot covered by the restrictions set forth in this paragraph will be transferred without rcstrictions except u otherwise restricted by national laws or regulations

(a) The furnishing Party witl mark wirh a notice or otherwise spccificaJiy identify the technical data or goods that arc to be protected for export control purposes Such a notice or identification wUl indicate any sp-=cilic conditions regarding howsuch technical daca or goods may be used by the nceiving Party and its concractors and subcontractors including (t) that IUCh technical data orgoods wm be used only for the pwposea oftuJ61ling the receiving Partybull responsibilities under this MOU and for the purposes ofNASA fUJfiJJing its r~ponsibiiities under the 1988 Space Sadon Agrecmenrs or anysuperxding agrcemcntt and (2) thatsuch technical da1a or goods will not be used by penom oi entitiesother than the receiving Parry its contncton or stibContractots orforany other purposes without the prior written pcnnbsion of the fbmishing Party bull

(b) The furnishing Partywill mark ~th a notice the technical data that are middot middot to be pro tccted for propricrary rights purposcs Such notice Mil indicate

any specific conditiom regarding nowsuch technical data maybe used by de receiving Part and ita contractOrs and suhcontruton including (1) thatsuch tcehnfoal data will be used duplicated_ or dbdoscd oafy for the purposes offulfilling the receiving Parcfs rcsponstbi1ities under this MOU and for the purposes of NASA fulfilJing its responstbilities under the 1988 Space Station Agreements Ol any supenccting agreements and (2) that such technical data Will not be used bypenons or enddes other than the receMng Party its contractors or subcontractors or for any other putposes without the priotwrittcn permWion of the furnishing Puty

(c) In the event that any tcchnkaJ dam ot goods transferred under chis Agreement atC classified the furnishing Party will mark with a notice br

othcrwi~c spcclficnlly identify such technical data or goods Either Party may reqlire that any such transfer be pursuant to a security of infonnadon a_grcement or arrangement which setJ forth rhe conditions for uansfening and provting such technical data or goods A tnansfcr need not be conductc -1 if the receiving Party docs not provide for the protection of the secrecy o ~patent applications containing information that is clwitlcd or otherwise held in $CCIetmiddotfor national security p11rpltgt5eS Classified

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 31: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

bull fi bull 26 In orma tion and materibulll will be furnished only through government to govcrnm~nt channels or dannels approved by che designated security audiorities orthe Partics Su~ 1nfonnadon and material wiU bear the lelt1el ofclassifcation Md denote the counrryoforigin Clusifiedmfonnacion or material exchanged or generated pWSQnt to this MOU will be used transmi l ~ed itorcd handled and safcguarded in accordancc with lhc US Italian Cenerat Security Agreement oCAugust 4 1964 as amended Scptemltr 2 1980J and the Industrial Security Annex thereto ofNovember 27 1985 No classified tcchnical data or goods wa1l be tramferred under this MOU unl~both Parties ape to the tramfer

184 Each Pamiddotty will take aJl necessary steps to ensure that teehzUcal data or goods re eived by it undersubpangrapbll(a) S(b) crS(c) ~will be treared 1-y the receiving Party and othcr pcnons and enddes (including contractors and subcontncton) to which the tedmicaJ data orgoods UC

aubsequcndy transfcaed in accordance with the terms of the nodce_or identification Each Party will take all reasonably neccssary steps including ensuring ~ppropriate oonfJaCtual condidom in their contracts and middot subcontracts to prevent unauthorized use disdOsurt or reaamferot or lftauthorfaed acaSS b) such tcchnical data OI goodt In the cue of technica~ data or gooamp received undersuhparqraph J(c) above the rccemng Party will accord auai tcchnical dara orgoocb a Ldel ofprotection

at least equivalent to the level ofprotedion accorded by the fiunishing


185 It is not the intent of the Parties to grant through this MOU any rights to a recipic-i t beyond the right to use ditdosct or retranlfm- received iechnica~ data or goods consistent with condidon1 imposed under this Article

186 Wichdra~ut Crom this MOU by eitll~rParty will not affect rights or obligario middots regarding the pro~don oftechnical data and~ tramfcrr d under this A~mcnt prior to such withdrawal uni~ othenvis-- agreed in a withdrawpl agreement pummnt ro Article 21

187 The Part cs will csrablish guidelines for security oficformati~n

Aiticlc 19 -Righrs in I-vcorians and Patents Data Rights 19l Nothing the MOU shall be construed u granting or imp~yingany ~bu

to or int est [n pntcnts or inventions of the Patties or their contractors or middotiubcontr tors

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 32: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,

27 192 ~th regard lo utilization of the [SS each Party will retain rights to and

interest in data reaulting from its iespectivc sclendlie or other use of the ISS unlcss f~cd by the Party in iucparate utilization agreement Furthcrmofc no other provision in this MOU shall otherwise be eonsuuecl as granting or implying Dilyrights to or interest in~1uch data

Arride 2fl Can1utruioo and ScrttcmenrppoundDisputes

Ol Any dispute which is not setded through the mechanisms prmided for in Article 7 or any other issue concerning the interpretation or implementation of the terms of this MOU rhat caftnOt be resolved orhctwisc wlll be referred to the appropriate ICYel ofauthority of the Panics for considClation and actionmiddot TIan isaue is notresolved tbrOUKh mch conidcration and action the Parties maynfer the nwter to an middot agreed form ordisputd resolution such as concil~on mediation or arbitration middot

202 Unless otherwise agreed between the Patdes lmplcmenampadon ofdecisions made pursuanc to rnechaniSms pro~ded for in this MOU will not be held in abeyance pending settle-rncnt of issues under this Artide bull

Artide 21 bull Withdrawal

21l NASA or ASI may withdraw ftom this MOU atany time by giving the other Party at least one years Pfior written notice Jfeichal PattJ gives nodce of withdrawal from the MOU NASA and ASI will endeavor to reach

middot agreement conceming the tctnu and condidont of either Putfs withdnwru before the cffec=tivc date ofwithchawal comldering the objcctiv~ of this MOU Moreover recognizing the critical imponance of the ASI-providcd dcmcnts to the lnternadoml SpaceStarion ptegtgram if ASI Mthdraws ASt lfrcqu~ted will imtlediately make avu1able hardware drawings documentation software spares tooling special rcst equipment andor any other necessary items rdatcd to ics nsponsibilities under this agrccmcnt

212 Upon AS notice of withdrawal for any reuon NASA and ASI willmiddot Cpeditiotsty negoti11te a withdrawal agreement Should such agrecmc1t provide Comiddot the pennanent ~nsfcr to NASA ofASI clcmenlaquos and assocsatlti cquipmen middot it will also provide for NASA to give ASI adequate compensaon for Juch transfer



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 33: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,



2l Withdrawal by either pao will not affect that Partys continuing rights and bligations under thi$ MOU with regard to liability and the protccdon of antcllcctbullial propcrey and data unless otherwise agreed in a withdrawal agrcemcnt~unuant to Article 212 above

Amclc ttAmendmencs

2t Thia Agreement may be amended by Written agreement of the Parties Each Party may propose to the other amendments to this Agreement in ~dog

amptide 2S Enlaquoty Into Eonj and Du13don

21 ThiaMOU will eater into force upon the entxy into force ofan agreement incorpantfng its terms to be effected by an exchange ordiplomatic notet between the Gcmmuncnt of the Urured States ofAmericaand die Republic ofItaly It will mmin in effectfor chc dundoq of the United StatdSpace Scation Program Upon entry into force thiafi4-9U ~~the 1991 Memorandum ofUndcntanding Between theVnlred Swea Nadoml Aeronauties andSpace Administration aa4 the Italian Space Agency for the

middot middot Design Development Operation and UtHizadan ofTMgt Mini Psaaurlicd middot Iogisfics Modula and a Mini Labo~tory for Space Station Freedom bull


Done ampt Rome Italy in two orisimls in the English languagemiddot


9 ~ -f4 I tgt

Date Date09~TT1997 1re arr 1s91


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon

Page 34: SPACE COOPERATION International Space Station · (NASA) degli Stati Uniti, che stabilisce . H programma bilaterale .di coUaborazione tra ASI e NASA per la p.,.rogettazione, lo sviluppo,


Embassy of the United States ofAmerica


The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic and has the honor to refer to the

Minisuys note No 0811110 of April 18 2001 together with its attached

Memorandum of Understanding between the US National Aeronautics and Space

Administration (NASA) and the Italian Space Agency (ASI) signed at Rome

October 9 1997 for the design development operation and utilization of three mini

pressurized logistics -- modules for the International Space Station (the MOU)

proposing an agreement between the two gove~ents pursuant to Article 23 of the

MOU establishing the terms for the bilateral_ ~ooperative program to be undertaken

by NASA and ASI

The Embassy accepts on behalf of the Government of the United States of

America the Ministrys proposal and confirms that the Minisuys note including the

MOU and this note in reply shall constitute an agreement between the two

governments which shall enter into force on the date of this note

The Embassy of the United States of America takes this opportunity to renew to

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Italian Republic the assurances of its highest


Embassy ofthe United States ofAmerica

Rome January 11 2005

Emil M Skodon