Southern Africa Regional Climate Services Workshop · Communication, distribution of Climate...

Southern Africa Regional Climate Services Workshop Towards Exploiting the Full Potential of Climate Services 29 November - 2 December 2016, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Promoting climate services in Madagascar: Challenges and opportunities Zo RABEFITIA Direction Générale de la Météorologie (DGM) Météo MADAGASCR MADAGASCAR

Transcript of Southern Africa Regional Climate Services Workshop · Communication, distribution of Climate...

Page 1: Southern Africa Regional Climate Services Workshop · Communication, distribution of Climate Services Climate service function must be supported by adapted communication strategy

Southern Africa Regional Climate Services Workshop Towards Exploiting the Full Potential of Climate Services 29 November - 2 December 2016, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe

Promoting climate services in Madagascar: Challenges and opportunities

Zo RABEFITIA Direction Générale de la Météorologie (DGM) Météo MADAGASCR MADAGASCAR

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Meteo Madagascar

Main activities Weather forecasting - climate prediction - Tropical Cyclone,

Drought, flood Monitoring

Observations 22 Real-time synoptic stations (GTS network)

Climate data/Information/Services Data archives, web pages, reports,

Climate/Agromet bulletin, Seasonal forecast release,

information upon requests, …

Outreach Emergency management, Sectorial activities, …

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Institutionalization of the NFCS • Nov 2014: official launch of GFCS in Madagascar by Michel Jarreaud (SG WMO) • Mars-Jul 2015: National Consultation and workshops ( • Nov 2015: Institutionalization of the National NSCF: (decree N° 2015- 1548 creating the steering

committee of the NFCS) Activities • Oct 2015: First National outlook forum has been organized organized with SADC support • March-June 2016: 3 meetings of the NFCS steering committee • July 2016: Establishment of roadmap 2016 • August 2016 Outline of the Five-year Action Plan (NAP) for NSCF • Sept 2016: Establishment of user platform in 3 sectors (DRR, Health, Agriculture-FS) by nominating 2 co-

coordinators in each platform (1 from Met and 1 from sector)

Overview of the NFCS process in Madagascar

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Decree for NFCS creation

Official launch NFCS process Nov2014

Launching Workshop National consultation Workshop: Opening ceremony

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Working Groups during the launching workshop

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key challenges

Meteo Madagascar limitations

Meteo Madagascar is the natural provider of climate services


Generally demand outpaces our capability to respond in terms of spatial and temporal accuracy - Unclear climate/weather Information

And we respond to requests rather than needs

Decision-makers are not prepared to use climate information efficiently

Also there is

Inadequate funding by our Government

Few support staff

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Heavy rain



Observation: Need for higher spatial and temporal resolution

Need to focus on regions where extreme events have significant sector effects and where there are vulnerable populations

During 2014, 2015 and 2016 after the launch of NFCS, we have signed MoU with NGOs, Private sectors, projects for installing Climatic AWS

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Lessons learned from national workshops, consultations and evaluation a) Gaps and need for capacity development Recognizing important gaps in climate observations data and observation requirements are identified Limitation of Meteo Madagascar capabilities recognized by users Need for engaging systematic dialogue with users Need for strategies for engaging stakeholders Identification of priority sectors (DRR, Health, AFS, Water resources) accepted Need for effective engagement of various stakeholders essentials to NFCS Need for Building sector-specific capacities (Use of climate Information) Upgrading the technical capabilities of meteo Madagascar to provide adequate CS is urgent b) Demands for evidence-based Sectorial policy

Before using climate information in routine decision making, sectors/Users need:

-Evidence of the impact of climate information on their specific interest

-Evidence that using climate information is a means to improve their activities

-Evidence that the information can be practically useful within their decision frameworks.

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GFCS Pillars Challenges

User Interface Need for more interactions with climate service users User requirements are not always adequately understood and addressed Connecting users needs and climate services

Climate Services Information System

Improve the whole national CSIS capabilities


and Monitoring

The current availability and quality of climate observations and impacts data are inadequate (only 22 synoptic stations, no RADAR (Madagascar subject to 3-4 tropical cyclones /year)

Research, Modeling

and Prediction

Research and modeling activities on climate predictability (Sub seasonal , seasonal, …) Climate information at District level (Korean

Capacity development Modernization of Meteo Madagascar (HYDROMET-WB, GFCS support, EU-GIZ,…)

Challenges (5 pillars)

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Requirements Actions

Institutional anchorage for the Framework for Climate Services Positioning Meteo Madagascar within the Framework at the national level

Delivery of tailored climate service provision in the priority climate-sensitive sectors Tailored to specific National context ( tropical cyclones,…)

Capacity of Meteo Madagascar and other sectorial technical services to jointly elaborate adequate climate products and services

Adapting the large and regional scale forecasts/projections to national contexts

Communication, distribution of Climate Services Climate service function must be supported by adapted communication strategy

Modernization of the national hydro-meteorological observing network (increasing the density, data quality, …)

Wide access to climate data and knowledge base (HYDROMET/WB, radar network, AWS,…

Collaborative climate research, towards more salient end-user driven climate research outputs

Research focus on national needs (RCM, Tropical Cyclones, …) Training for downscaling

Capacity of end-users to further appropriate and utilize climate services Tailoring products and translating key messages for users Co-production of climate services

Sustainability of the NFCS at the national level Install strong and sustained liaison with users Improving interactions between climate service users and Meteo Madagascar at all stages (production, interpretation, communication,…)

Opportunities under NFCS

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Next steps Objectives Operational climate services system (5 pillars).

Upgrading of climate services (Modernization of Meteo Madagascar)

User oriented Climate Services (strong and sustained liaison between users and Meteo Madagascar)

Roadmap 2017 Jan 2017: Hold 3rd meeting of the NFCS steering committee to define roles, responsibilities of sectorial platforms Feb-March 2017: Hold 1st meeting of sectorial platforms (DRR, Health, AFS) to define integration strategies of climate information and services into national, local and sectorial planning, policy and programs May 2017: Finalize National Action Plan By mid-2017 Validate the Action Plan NAP endorsement by stakeholders Submit NAP to GFCS Develop project documents Organize donors, funding agencies and stakeholders forum

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Data Information

Climate Services

Decision making

Meteo Madagascar Meteo Madagascar Co-generation

Municipality Local authorities


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User platform (CHWG) Data Information/products CS (climate health bulletin) Decisions


rr_norm1 rr_prévu1


rr_norm2 rr_prévu2


rr_norm3 rr_prévu3

Mois Décembre Mitsinjo Ankarafantsika Mariarano

Dec1 Inférieure à la normale Inférieure à la normale Inférieure à la normale

Dec2 Inférieure à la normale Inférieure à la normale Inférieure à la normale

Dec3 Inférieure à la normale Inférieure à la normale Inférieure à la normale

Normale (mm) Dec1 Dec2 Dec3 Dec1 Dec2 Dec3 Dec1 Dec2 Dec3

42 68 93 57 84 107 51 80 111


Breaking news South madagascar 26/11/2016

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Data Information/products CS (Agromrteorology bulletin) Decisions

MoU DGM – FS Department

Technical meeting with FS actors

AGROMET school Field

National and District AGROMET Bulletin

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Degré of comfort


t in




Temperature )

Humidity (DGM)

Juin-Septembre (comfort)

Planification basique contre la chaleur dans la journée:

Provide water to drink Ensure availability of medical

services Plan activities during the day

when comfort index is high Use sunscreens and UV

protection (glasses)

Octobre-Mai ( less comfort)

Mettre en œuvre des précautions et faire attention: Recall frequently drinking water

(4 glasses per our) Awareness of heat-related

diseases (How to recognize them, What to do in case of illness)

Information Measures of protection Information Data

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User platform (CHWG) Data Information/products CS (climate health bulletin) Decisions

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Conclusions • Meteo Madagascar capabilities to provide effective climate

services is very low to address present and future needs

• Efforts have been made to start the implementation of GFCS in Madagascar (NFSC, management committee, UIP, NAP under development, roadmap,…)

• Innovative approach for much closer partnership between Meteo Madagascar and users of climate services Observations brings palpable results

• NFCS window is opening, but need for Regional and international support to enlarge existing initiatives

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