SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS€¦  · Web viewObjectives should start with a verb (an...

2010/2011 BOARD & COMMITTEE CHAIR MANUAL President Nancy Haubert , MBA, MT(ASCP)SBB Creative Testing Solutions Page 1 of 63 5/30/2022 The mission of the South Central Association Of Blood Banks is to provide opportunities for members to enhance their abilities to deliver quality blood services.

Transcript of SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS€¦  · Web viewObjectives should start with a verb (an...

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Nancy Haubert , MBA, MT(ASCP)SBBCreative Testing Solutions

Richmond Road Suite 130-176Lexington, KY 40509

PH 866-649-6550 FX 866-649-6590← Email: [email protected]


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The mission of the South Central Association Of Blood Banks is to provide

opportunities for members to enhance their abilities to deliver quality blood services.

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Committee Chair Guidelines

Read the committee charges. Familiarize yourself to the various standard report forms (summary committee report, status of charges, committee evaluation, committee chair comment form, etc.).

Ask questions and voice your opinions. The President’s selection of you as chair identifies you as one of the leaders and experts of the Association. The board is here to help and support you.

Meet all critical calendar time frames. Timely receipt of speaker or workshop information by Central Office (CO), is extremely important.

Add or remove committee members, as necessary, to facilitate completion of the committee charges. Communicate all proposed changes to the President and CO. Communication is crucial to the successful completion of the committee’s charges.

Prior approval is required for all expenses, whether or not the expense was budgeted.

□ Teleconferences need the President’s prior approval; provide an estimate of the number of participants and the anticipated length of the call(s).

□ Speaker travel expenses (airfare, hotel, and meals) need Executive Committee (EC) approval.

□ Honoraria are not automatic (neither the payment nor amount). In general, we try to limit honoraria to $250. All requests require EC approval.

To help assure the best airfares for invited speakers, please allow the Central office to make all arrangements. Speaker should make flight arrangements for companions whose expenses are not being covered. Special circumstances require the President’s approval.

Attend the interim (summer) board meeting, especially the chairs/co-chairs of the Administrative Program, Technical/Scientific Program, Donor Recruitment/Donor Room Personnel and Exhibits committees. The written reports for these committees should be far enough along to have firm ideas, program titles, time frames and proposed speakers for their workshops.

Keep committee members informed of all activities.

Prepare and submit detailed committee reports and PULSE articles in accordance with the deadlines in the critical calendar.

When conducting teleconferences, consider the following:

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2010/2011 □ Be well organized before the call. Know exactly what needs to be accomplished.

□ Stick to your plan. Limit non-essential discussions. The cost of these calls is significant and everyone’s time is limited.

□ Contact CO to have the teleconference set-up.

□ CO’s involvement should be limited to answering association or administrative questions. It is the committee’s responsibility to take and publish minutes.

□ It is generally more effective to schedule two shorter teleconferences than one long call. Usually one hour is reasonable.

Program committees must:

□ Coordinate in advance with the Education Committee for topics and dates (to prevent conflicts). Conflicts will be resolved with the assistance of the President, when necessary.

□ Turn in the Program Evaluation Tally Sheets and room head counts to the CO (Registration Desk, usually) immediately after completion of the presentation. CO will distribute copies to the Education Committee and/or the “new” program committee. Program outline must be submitted and approved by Education Committee for presentation to the board at the interim (summer) board meeting.

Audiovisual needs of the speakers should be communicated promptly to CO. Speaker forms are an excellent way of assuring that all the information is obtained and is correct. Special needs (e.g. live Internet connection) must be communicated early on to allow for a determination of whether the request can be met. If it cannot be met, the chair must let the speaker know promptly. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate speaker needs. Slide projectors, overhead projectors, laptops and LCD’s can always be available. The committee chair is responsible for letting the speaker know if their needs can be met.

Give yourself enough time so that you are not rushed when completing speaker summary sheets. Please write clearly so that errors do not occur when the information is put into the computer. Better yet, send the summary information via email, as a message or attachment.

Speaker Information Forms are to be completed (in full) by the committee member making contact with the speaker or by the speaker themself. Once completed, they are to be sent to the Committee Chair who will complete the Speaker Summary Sheet for each session. The summary sheet is just that, a summary of information on the various speakers for a given session. The summary sheet is to be sent to CO with the speaker information forms attached. The summary sheet is to be completed in full (i.e. moderator names, level of instruction, intended audience, etc.). Please ensure that appropriate credentials are indicated for all speakers and moderators.

Program descriptions on the summary sheet are intended to whet the appetite of potential attendees. Be creative.

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2010/2011 Objectives should start with a verb (an action word). Examples are: Discuss,

Demonstrate, Evaluate, Analyze, Explain, Compare, etc. The CO is not responsible for rewriting poorly composed objectives. If they are not correct, they will be sent back to the committee chair.

All completed speaker forms and summary sheets are to be sent to the Central Office in one package from each program chair. Things may change after the package is sent, and it is okay to do a follow-up mailing or emailing. Please try to keep these at a minimum by focusing on the program early and meeting all deadlines.

Motions: During board and association meetings, when recognized by the President, any association member may make or second a motion. Board actions appearing on a committee report (provided the committee has two or more members) are considered motions that are automatically seconded.

Voting: During a Board of Director’s meeting, only the officers of the board can vote (committee chairs, committee members and general association members cannot). During the Business Meeting, only the voting delegates, representing the Institutional Members, may vote.


1. Receive charges, committee roster and budget, if appropriate, from the President-Elect.

a. If necessary, assist the President-Elect with charges and roster.b. In cooperation with the President-Elect, establish the Vice- and/or Co-

Chair of the committee.c. Review budget for ability to accomplish projects/charges.d. Review roster for diversity and numbers to ensure that charges can be

easily met.

2. Review #1 (above) and the critical calendar, create a customized committee critical calendar/timeline and establish tentative deadlines for distribution at first committee meeting.

3. Interface with the previous Chair to determine the existence of committee “history” or other documents/data.

4. Request/receive from CO any checklists, documents, SOPs, etc., which currently exist for the committee.

5. Interface with the committee members and schedule a meeting of the committee at the Association’s Annual Meeting.


6. Conduct a meeting with the committee members at the Annual Meeting:a. Assign/delegate charges and responsibilities as appropriate.

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2010/2011 b. Finalize timelines, deadlines, critical calendar.c. Establish means of communication.d. Educate members concerning the budget and budget limitations.

7. If unable to meet at the Annual Meeting: conduct a conference call no later than one month post Annual Meeting to accomplish tasks. Receive approval from the President for any conference calls expenses, in advance.

8. Interface with Publications Committee and submit PULSE articles as applicable. (see critical calendar)

9. Interface with the board, association members and CO periodically and as needed.

10. Interface with Fund Raising Committee concerning solicitation of funds for sponsorship of any activity or program.

11.Prepare and submit Committee Summary Report and Status of Charges to CO (see critical calendar for dates).

12.Attend and participate in the Interim (summer) Board Meeting.


13.Evaluate committee charges and individual committee member participation and submit report to the President-Elect (see critical calendar)

14.Assist the President-Elect with producing the charges for “next” year’s committee.

15.Submit, to CO, any documents, guidelines, SOPs, etc., pertaining to the operation or conduct of the committee.

16. Interface with the “new” committee chair to facilitate maximum information transfer and a smooth transition. Act as mentor during the transition time.

17.Prepare and submit Committee Summary Report and Status of Charges to CO. (see critical calendar)

18.Attend, report and participate in the pre-convention board meeting.

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Policy: Any member of the South Central Association of Blood Banks (South Central) shall make known any potential or actual conflict of interest which he/she may have on any matter under consideration by any official South Central group in which he/she participates. The member shall refrain from voting on any matter in which a potential or actual conflict of interest exists.

Interpretation: A conflict of interest should be considered as amy potential or actual proprietary interest in subject matters under discussion by, or within the charge of, the group. Such an interest shall arise when a member is in the employ of, or has provided consultative, or other similar services to, a manufacturer of products which might be utilized by the institutional or individual members of South Central and whose interest may be affected by the group’s deliberation. Further, it is possible that a conflict of interest could arise when a member has reason to protect the academic, medical or scientific reputation of their self, their associates or their institution.

However, it is recognized that a member with a conflict may be one of the leading experts on the subject matter or may have skills or talents useful to the matter under consideration in which a potential conflict exists and South Central should have the benefit of their expertise. Members with a conflict of interest should be permitted to participate in any consideration of a matter, but only after their conflict on the matter has been made known. It is not necessary that all details of the conflict be divulged to the rest of the group.

Members who have a conflict of interest on a matter which comes to a vote shall not vote on any motion which involves the matter. The person who is presiding over the meeting and who attempts to resolve the matter by consensus, rather than by formal vote, shall not consider those who have a conflict in the matter when considering if a consensus has been achieved. When a member’s vote is not considered for either a formal vote or a consensus, it must be so indicated in the minutes of the meeting.

South Central will include a statement about conflict of interest in the invitation sent to members inviting them to accept appointment to South Central groups. Members should accept these appointments only after they have been made aware that they will be expected to divulge actual or potential conflicts of interest. This also applies to any South Central elected position. Further, chairpersons of South Central groups and committees should make a statement at each of their meetings requesting that any member with a conflict on any agenda item or matter under consideration should make it known. Individuals involved with South Central sponsored educational events will also be asked to declare any conflicts of interest.

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Administrative Program Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To develop administrative programs for the association at the annual meeting to include seminars, lectures, paper and poster presentations.

1. Within 20 days after the Post-convention Board Meeting, submit to the Chair of the Publications Committee an article for PULSE highlighting the Administrative Program to possibly include excerpts from various presentations. This should include information about the Blood Inventory Management program (see below).

2. Organize an informative, interesting and challenging Administrative Program for the Annual Meeting. The program should be composed of various half-day workshops, general sessions and selected paper and poster presentations in concurrence with the Annual Meeting shell. Ensure programs are appropriate for the targeted audience. Ensure that the target topics relate to job/economic payback. Submit and seek approval for the proposed program at the Summer Executive Committee conference call (see critical calendar for deadline for reports). Plan and conduct in such a way as to minimize expenses while assuring high quality and maximum attendance.

Note: Consider a workshop on legislative, regulatory or compliance issues, quality assurance and/or strategic planning. If there is not a separate Blood Inventory Management committee for the current year, plan at least one BIM program for the Annual Meeting.

3. Include participatory sessions such as networking forums and panels when planning workshops for the Annual Meeting.

4. In order to maximize participation in the proposed unopposed paper sessions, work with any appropriate segment of the Association to promote the submission of high quality papers.

5. Together with the Education Committee and the Central Office, solicit the submission of Abstracts according to procedure and select papers and posters of interest to administrative/quality assurance/recruitment/computer/marketing/finance attendees for presentation at the Annual Meeting. Working with the Central Office, ensure that appropriate notification of selected presenters; including date and time, is completed on or by (see critical calendar).

6. Make suggestions for Administrative Lecturer Award winner to President by (see critical calendar).

7. Coordinate all topics for seminars through the Education Committee. Planning shell with topics and detailed program descriptions must be submitted to the Education Committee by (see critical calendar). Speakers should not be confirmed without approval by the Executive Committee.

8. Utilize local experts whenever possible in order to minimize expenses. Funds may be available for speaker expenses. The committee chair must request approval for funds from the Association or the Foundation through the Association President prior to making any commitment to a speaker.

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Awards Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To select and showcase winners of awards presented by South Central.

1. Review the criteria for selection of award recipients. While maintaining standardization of the current awards, consider the possibility and appropriateness of any new awards for the Association. If any changes to current awards are needed, or if any additional awards are appropriate, make recommendations at the Interim Board Meeting.

2. Prepare and submit to the Publications Committee an article for PULSE explaining the nature of all South Central Association of Blood Banks awards, criteria for eligibility and nominating procedures. (Suggest including examples of recent winners and their qualifications.) This article should coincide with the call for awards nominations. (See critical calendar)

3. Submit a call for nominations for all awards presented by the South Central to the Publications Committee for PULSE as well as to the Central Office for mailing. (See Critical Calendar for deadline date). (Include the information that South Central does not pay the travel expenses of the award recipient, but that one complimentary banquet ticket will be provided for each award category.)

4. Submit second call for nominations for PULSE. (See Critical Calendar for deadline date).

5. Submit final call for nominations for PULSE. (See Critical Calendar for deadline date).

6. Follow-up:

a. Evaluate the nominees and select award recipients:

b. Notify the award winners and their nominators.

i. A letter to the selected winner(s) from the President will be mailed within 15 days of the notification. Include an invitation to the banquet. A copy of the letter should be sent to the nominating facility.

ii. A letter to all nominators (facilities or individuals) notifying them of the selection should be mailed simultaneously by the Awards Committee.

c. Provide the President, Central Office and Publications Committee Chair with a statement describing each award and the recipient’s qualifications for winning.

d. Provide the Central Office with a photo of each recipient suitable for publication in the Final Program and in PULSE. [a .pdf or .tif file is preferable, head and shoulder shot].

7. Ensure appropriate hosting of award winners at the Annual Meeting by coordinating with the Local Arrangements Committee, the Central Office and the President to recognize the winners throughout the meeting as well as at the banquet.

8. Submit highlights of each award winner to the Publications Chair and the Central Office for publication in the Annual Meeting Program and issues of PULSE. Include a picture, accom-

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2010/2011 plishments and describe history of and criteria for the award. (See Critical Calendar for deadline date).

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Awards Committee Checklist

This checklist is to be used in conjunction with the committee's charges, critical calendar, and the Guidelines for Committee Conduct. Refer to those documents frequently because the information contained there is not repeated here.

Prior to the Service Year

See Guidelines for Committee Conduct.

During the Service Year

1. See Guidelines for Committee Conduct

2. Refer Awards section and appropriate Appendix of the policy manual for policies and forms.

3. Send notification letter to all SBB program coordinators within one month after Annual Meeting, informing them of the Sol Haberman Scholarship Award (form letter is available).

4. Submit call for awards to PULSE and Central Office. (See Critical Calendar for deadline date).

5. Verify that second notice for awards is published (refer to Critical Calendar).

6. Distribute nominee submissions to committee members at least 30 days before deadline for decision (refer to Critical Calendar).

7. Ensure that professional looking posters, signs, etc. are produced and available in the registration area of the Annual Meeting.

After the Service Year

Submit to PULSE, articles about each of the award winners; each article will be published in an individual edition of PULSE.

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Bylaws Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To recommend changes as needed in the Bylaws of South Central Association of Blood Banks.

Annually review the Association Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation.

1. Discuss proposed changes with the President.

2. Put proposed changes in a form suitable for review by the President and whomever she/he shall designate for review and input.

3. Submit recommended changes to the Board for approval no later than 60 days prior to the Annual Meeting and insure the approved changes are mailed to all voting members at least 30 days prior to the annual business meeting in accordance with Article VIII of the Articles of Incorporation and Article VIII, Section 3 of the Bylaws. (Refer to critical calendar)

4. Prepare and submit an Article for PULSE on any recommended changes for publication in the PULSE issue immediately prior to the Annual Meeting. ((See Critical Calendar for deadline date).

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Donor Recruitment & Collections Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To serve as a source of expertise in donor recruitment and donor room personnel and to plan seminars for the annual meeting.

1. Recommend programs from recent Annual Meeting that could be repeated as regional work-shops.

2. In cooperation with the Administrative Program Committee, organize and conduct, at the Annual Meeting, Donor Recruitment and Donor Room Personnel workshops. Use the Annual Meeting shell to aid in planning.

3. Plan, organize, and present two workshops (three half days) at the Annual Meeting. Ensure the number of workshops fill the requirements of the Program Shell. Ensure the programs are targeted to the appropriate audience. Ensure the target topics are related to job/economic payback.

4. If possible, include participatory sessions such as networking forums and panels when planning workshops for the Annual Meeting.

5. Prepare an article describing the activity of the Donor Recruitment and Donor Room Personnel Committee and submit to the Chairperson of the Publications Committee during the month of (see critical calendar).

6. By (see critical calendar), submit an article to Publications Chairperson for PULSE publication on a topic of general interest to recruitment and donor room personnel.

7. Coordinate all seminar topics through the Education Committee and Executive Council prior to confirming speakers. Program shell with topics and detailed descriptions must be submitted to the Education Committee no later than (see critical calendar).

8. Funds may be available for speaker expenses. The committee chair will request approval for funds from the Association or the Foundation through the Association President prior to making any commitment to a speaker.

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Education Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To evaluate current educational offerings to the membership and recommend future directions.

1. As Board liaison and through the Education Council, continue to evaluate existing and proposed educational programs and recommend modifications and/or additions to the education programs in response to changes in the blood banking environment and to member needs. Communicate with chairs of the Administrative, Technical/Scientific and Donor Recruitment and Collections Committee at least quarterly about content and number of programs offered.

2. Review that all programs are targeted and advertised for the appropriate audience. Ensure that target topics relate to job/economic payback.

3. Encourage networking forums and panels. Investigate the use of technology for future educational opportunities: video conferences for regional workshops, technology based training via the INTERNET, provision of handouts/abstracts via cd-rom.

4. Develop a mechanism for granting CEUs or PACE credits for laboratory, nursing and medical personnel. (LA now has licensure and needs programs with CEUs - good marketing tool if advertised.) Determine in which states CEU’s are desirable; preliminary report due by Interim Board Meeting.

5. At the Post Convention Board Meeting, receive, from the Central Office, all Annual Meeting program evaluations. Review, prepare a summary and distribute to program committee chairs (T/S, Admin, DR/DC) within 30 days of the Annual Meeting. Assess programs that can be re-used for regional workshops and make recommendations to that committee.

• Distribute a summary of topics and workshop content suggested by participants at the Annual Meeting as soon as possible after the Annual Meeting to the appropriate program chairs. Compile summary of all Annual Meeting program evaluations and distribute to appropriate program chairs and Education Council chair, along with topics and workshop content suggested by participants, as soon as possible after the Annual Meeting.

6. Assign one or two committee members to support districts directors in holding regional workshops.

7. Serve as information center to coordinate seminar topics for the Annual Meeting. All committees will provide the Education Committee with preliminary program and speaker plans simultaneously with the Central Office by (see critical calendar). The Education Committee will check for duplication or overlap and maximized utilization of paid speakers. Provide the Executive Committee with an informal synopsis by (see critical calendar); Executive Committee will conduct a conference call immediately afterward to finalize program.

Invite Program Committee Chairs to attend pertinent education committee meetings.

8. Provide a detailed synopsis of the meeting program for the Interim Board Meeting. Page 13 of 39 5/20/2023

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2010/2011 8. Develop and distribute a form to recruit new speakers within the SCABB group. (See

critical calendar) Also use list from AABB speaker bureau to provide program committeeswith additional lists of speakers.

9. Assist program committees with the correct use of speaker tracking forms, stressing the importance of the deadlines.

10. Review and revise moderator and room monitor instructions as needed.

11. Review and revise program evaluation forms as needed, in consultation with program committees.

12. Develop speaker bureau based on previously recommended speaker survey form.

13. Oversee the Education Distant Learning SubCommittee.

a. Appoint chairs and assign members to subcommittee.

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Exhibits Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To coordinate the successful recruitment of vendors, presentation of vendors, presentation of exhibits and hospitality for commercial participants at the Annual Meeting.

1. Beginning twelve months in advance of the targeted meeting, recruit vendors, organizations and associations to exhibit at the next Annual Meeting. Exchange vendor contact lists with the Fundraising Committee in an effort to help expand each committee’s contacts. Send thank you letters to those vendors that register early. Preliminary report is due at the Interim Board Meeting.

2. Using the Exhibitor’s Evaluation Form and the Annual Meeting Committee report from the recent Annual Meeting, develop a proposal for the exhibit opening, hours of operation, breaks, lunches, raffle and physical facility, and submit to the Executive and Local Arrangement Committee prior to (see critical calendar).

3. Obtain prizes for a silent auction during the exhibit hours. Coordinate with Local Arrangements concerning any planned activity during exhibit hours.

4. Verify that all exhibitors will be listed in the Final Program and assure that all information is correct before it is published in the Final Program.

5. Establish and maintain communications with the exhibitors and make them feel welcome throughout the meeting. Ensure that all exhibitors receive any information or invitations as is appropriate (packets). Address any concerns in a timely fashion

6. Evaluate, and if appropriate, initiate an invitation to technologists in the Annual Meeting local area to attend the exhibits.

7. Participation in the Exhibitors' Debrief at the Annual Meeting.

a. Organized by the Central Office with the hotel.

b. The incoming Exhibits Chair or Vice-Chair should act as a secretary at the meeting to take notes.

c. The in-coming Exhibits Chair or Vice-Chair will compile a report of the comments and suggestions and submit it to the Central Office, the Immediate Past-President, the President and the Annual Meeting Committee Chair post 30 days of the meeting (SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS invitee’s at the meeting should include the President, President-Elect, Exhibits Chair and Vice-Chair, incoming Exhibits Chair and Vice- Chair, and Executive Director.)

8. The outgoing Exhibits Committee will prepare and submit to the Publications Committee for PULSE, an article which highlights the exhibitors and their “extra” participation in the recent Annual Meeting. It WILL appear in the first issue of PULSE post the Annual Meeting.

9. Receive vendor evaluations at post-con; evaluate within 30 days of annual meeting; include summary in interim board report

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Exhibits Committee Checklist

This checklist is to be used in conjunction with the committee's charges and the Guidelines for Committee Conduct. Refer to both of those documents frequently because the information contained there is not repeated here.

Prior to the Service YearSee Guidelines for Committee Conduct.

During the Service Year1. See Guidelines for Committee Conduct

2. Ensure that all committee members circulate in the "current" exhibit hall, introducing themselves and expressing their/your appreciation for the exhibitor's participation.a. Ensure that each exhibitor is verbally invited to exhibit "next" year.b. Ensure that committee members take note of layout of exhibits, traffic flow, what is

working and what is not. c. Send thank you letters to the vendors that register early for next year’s meeting.

3. Chair will attend the Vendor Brunch, taking notes to be given in summary to the Board at the Post-Convention Board Meeting.

4. Utilize notes above plus materials listed in charge #2 to fulfill the second committee charge.

5. Review Exhibitor Prospectus created by Central Office and check for:a. Hotel information.b. Meeting city highlights.c. Notice on any social functions that may be of interest (i.e., golf tournament).

6. Call vendors that have not signed up for the meeting 10 to 12 weeks prior to the meeting to encourage more participation.

7. Plan Exhibit Opening; check to be sure Central Office has ordered ribbon and ceremonial scissors from decorator if needed for opening.

At the Annual Meeting1. Coordinate ribbon cutting ceremony. (Ensure scissors available.)

2. Act as liaison with exhibitors during the meeting.

3. Chair and co-chair to attend Vendor Feedback Session.

After the Service Year1. Write an article for PULSE; submit 15 days post the Annual Meeting highlighting exhibits,

exhibitors, new products.

2. Write "thank-you" notes to exhibitors.

NOTE: Please ensure that any amendments to this checklist, document templates, form letters, etc. are forwarded to the President-Elect at least 3 months in advance of the Annual Meeting for inclusion in next year's Committee Packet.

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Finance Committee Charges (Standing Committee)

PURPOSE: To propose an annual budget and make recommendations to the Board regarding the financial status of the Association.

1. Together with the Central Office, review the quarterly financial statements and assist the Treasurer in assessing the current status of the financial condition of the Association. Provide monthly status reports to the Executive Committee, including, at least, a cash flow report as of the last day of the month.

2. Report any unusual financial transactions to the President and Executive Committee.

3. Draft a preliminary operating budget and cash flow projection for presentation at the Interim Board Meeting. Present the final budget at the Executive Committee and Board Meetings held at the AABB Annual Meeting.

4. With the Central Office, prepare a three-year projection of cash flow, revenues and expenses.

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Fundraising Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To coordinate and facilitate fundraising activities for the Association.

1. Develop a “potential contributors” list of commercial companies including names and telephone numbers of contacts to be approached for contributions. Provide a list that includes the prior year’s contributors to the Central Office to pass to the next Chairperson.

2. Divide the list among Committee members to solicit funds. Give each Committee member deadlines for contacting “potential contributors”.

3. Raise money for the South Central Annual Meeting by soliciting funds for specific events, project or for a “pool” to offset meeting expenses. Use the President and the Local Arrangements Chair as resources in developing the needs list.

4. In cooperation with the Publications Committee, recruit sponsors for at least four issues of PULSE.

5. Provide monthly reports to the Central Office and the President regarding fund raising activities, including specific committee assignments, contacts made, likelihood of success and actual commitments. Establish a reporting mechanism for the Central Office to report receipt of contributions

6. In cooperation with the Publications Committee, publish a highly visible acknowledgment page in the Final Program in accordance with the fund raising guidelines.

7. Provide the Awards Committee chair with a list of contributors and the individuals form contributing organizations who should be mentioned from the podium at the Banquet.

8. Participate with the Local Arrangements committee and Central Office to assure acknowledgment banners and/or placards are properly prepared and displayed in the Exhibit Hall. These should be creative, accurate and highly visible.

9. Submit an article to PULSE by (see critical calendar) to coordinate all requests for funds from vendors through the Fundraising Committee in accordance with the fundraising guidelines.

Suggestion: The best time to start fundraising for the next Annual Meeting is at the current Annual Meeting. Beginning to develop a relationship with current funding sources, at that time, is an excellent beginning to the process. Initial formal contacts should be made as soon as possible after the Annual Meeting.

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Fundraising Committee Checklist

This checklist is to be used in conjunction with the committee's charges, Critical Calendar, and the Guidelines for Committee Conduct. Refer to those documents frequently because the information contained there is not repeated here.

Prior to the Service Year

1. See Guidelines for Committee Conduct.

2. Ensure that all committee members circulate in the "current" exhibit hall, introducing themselves and expressing appreciation for the exhibitor's participation.

3. Ensure that all committee members circulate at each of the funded/sponsored events, introducing themselves and expressing appreciation for the host's participation at the Annual Meeting.

During the Service Year

1. See Guidelines for Committee Conduct

2. (see critical calendar): Submit article to PULSE outlining the coordination of fundraising activities.

3. See Fundraising Guidelines.

NOTE: Please ensure that any amendments to this checklist, document templates, form letters, etc. are forwarded to the President-Elect at least 3 months in advance of the Annual Meeting for inclusion in next year's Committee Packet.

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Historian/Historical Committee (ad hoc) Charges

PURPOSE: To document the association’s existence by capturing and maintaining copies of annual programs, regional workshops, pictures from events, etc.

1. Obtain copies of the annual program and submit to CO for archival.

2. Assign staff responsibility for obtaining pictures of significant events such as award presentations at the annual meeting, lecturers at regional workshops, winners of special events, appointment of new Board of Directors at annual business meeting, etc. Submit pictures to CO for archival.

3. Write policy/procedure on how to archive information for each year and how to transfer information from one management company to a new one.

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Information Technology Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To evaluate and recommend how current technology can be employed by the organization to enhance value to the members’ benefits.

1. Evaluate current SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS web page for content.

a. Annually develop and send a survey to the membership regarding the content, and navigation on the SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS web page. (See Critical Calendar for distribution date.)

b. Tally the survey results. Make suggestions for additions or improvements to the web page. Report findings at Interim Board Meeting.

2. Examine educational and networking options delivered via the Internet. The options include but are not limited to: Online posting of SCABBinars, chat rooms, QandA services, list servers, etc. The objective is to provide services to all members, including those who may not be able to participate in the Annual Meeting or other current offerings from the SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS.

3. Identify members of the committee to act as Moderators to any social networking pages associated with South Central. Including but not limited to Face Book and Linked In.

4. Submit recommendations to the Executive Board by July 1st for further development during the committee year. Describe the advantage and disadvantages of proposed option(s), as well as reasons for rejecting other options, the value of the option for the membership and the implementation strategy (ies).

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Local Arrangements Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To plan and coordinate specific activities for successfully hosting the Annual Meeting.

1. Evaluate the current year’s meeting using the Annual Meeting Evaluation and Exhibitor’s Evaluation Forms, as well as personal communication with attendees and vendors.

a. Submit to the Executive and Exhibits Committees, a written report of the meeting evaluations to include recommendations to be implemented at the next year’s meeting.

b. Submit to the Publications Committee for PULSE, an article summarizing the recent Annual Meeting. Include attendance, registration, educational programs, and social activities, as well as an invitation to attend the next year’s meeting, due 20 days after meeting. (See critical calendar)

c. Evaluate and modify the Annual Meeting Forms as needed for the next Annual Meeting.

2. Beginning twelve months in advance coordinate with the Publications Committee to develop a publicity campaign promoting the next Annual Meeting. Campaign should target members and non-members as well as businesses of the host city and surrounding non-member states. Preliminary report is due at the Interim Board Meeting.

3. At the Annual Business Meeting, present a brief introduction and invitation to the next Annual Meeting.

4. Assist the Central Office with planning and successfully executing the following Annual Meeting activities as requested: optional evening activities, on-site registration (see #6), Opening Ceremony, Association Fund Raiser, President’s Reception, Awards Banquet, President’s Inaugural Ball, breaks/lunches and any/all vendor sponsored events. Preliminary report is due at the Interim Board Meeting.

5. Assist the responsible committees with the following activities as requested: Exhibits Opening & Exhibitor’s Brunch (Exhibits Committee), Awards Ceremony (Awards Committee), New Member Reception (Membership Committee). Preliminary report is due at the Interim Board Meeting.

6. Submit articles for each issue of PULSE after the Interim Board Meeting highlighting the Annual Meeting plans. (See Critical Calendar for deadline dates).

7. Maintain adequate records of the activities of the committee (and subcommittees) and create a Local Arrangements Critical Calendar. Pass the records and Critical Calendar to the in-coming Local Arrangements Committee 30 days post the close of the recent meeting. A copy of the Critical Calendar should be sent simultaneously to the President, the Central Office and the chair of the next Local Arrangements Committee.

8. Throughout the year preceding the Annual Meeting, distribute PULSE to non-members.

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Local Arrangements Committee Checklist

This checklist is to be used in conjunction with the committee's charges and the Guidelines for Committee Conduct. Refer to both of those documents frequently because the information contained there is not repeated here.

Prior to the Service Year

See Guidelines for Committee Conduct.

One (1) to Two (2) Years PriorDetermine Theme

Work with Central Office to Design Logo

Prepare an audio-visual invitation to be presented at the Annual Business Meeting. Invitation should be presented by the Chair/Co-chair of the committee.

Order logo stickers for distribution at the Annual Meeting prior to the one being planned. (Distribute stickers during "current" Annual Meeting.) Requires Budget Approval

Develop Invitation for Presentation at Business MeetingDetermine Social FunctionsOrganize Sub-CommitteesFollow Checklists

Decide on admission charge. If yes - set priceIdentify Entertainment needs. Submit all contracts to Central Office for approval and signature.Work with Central Office for Development of promotional items. (Brochure, flyer, newsletter)

Design and create decorations and props Award Event

Interview bands and disc jockeys or evaluate alternative entertainmentReview siteIdentify theme

Design and coordinate decorations centerpieces exterior interiorCoordinate publicity campaign with marketing and Publications CommitteeSet up booth at Annual Meeting

Ensure that all committee members take note of the functions, successes, failures, etc. at the current Annual Meeting, in order that plans can be made for the upcoming Annual Meeting.

Schedule Regular Local Arrangements Committee Meetings

During the Service Year

1. See Guidelines for Committee Conduct

Six (6) to Nine (9) Months Prior

Articles for PULSE:a. Submit in (see critical calendar) [for publication in (see critical calendar)] highlights of

the host city Page 23 of 39 5/20/2023

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2010/2011 b. Submit in (see critical calendar) [for (see critical calendar) publication] synopsis of

planned social eventsc. Submit in (see critical calendar) [for (see critical calendar) publication] appropriate

attire for meeting and social events

Confirm arrangements with central office. Assign subcommittee chairs for social functionsOutline program

Three (3) to Four (4) Months PriorWrite Follow-up Vendor Letter and submit to Central Office for mailingVerify with education committee that P.A.C.E. certification has been approvedWrite Exhibitor Acknowledgment Letter and submit to Central Office for mailingTelephone Past Exhibitors for SupportBegin Selling Fund Raiser Tickets

One (1) Month PriorWrite Exhibitor Thank You Letters and submit to Central Office for mailingDesign Exhibitor Questionnaire

Select and Purchase Gift for President (within budgetary guidelines)Prepare Job Board Information

Two (2) Weeks PriorConfirm Sign Order

Day Prior

During Meeting

Central Office/Committee ChairsCheck Room LayoutCheck Microphone and Other Audiovisual Aids

Registration Sub-CommitteeProvide Registration AssistanceProvide Local Information for restaurants, sites of interest, etc.Identify location of restrooms, drinking fountains, copier, etc.

Exhibits CommitteeCirculate through exhibit hall to determine needs of exhibitors are being metTroubleshoot - reporting all problems to Central Office staffAttend Exhibitor Forum Brunch Distribute Thank You Letters and Invitations for next Annual Meeting to ExhibitorsDistribute and Collect Exhibitor Evaluations

After MeetingSend Pertinent Thank You Letters

NOTE: Please ensure that any amendments to this checklist, document templates, form letters, etc. are forwarded to the President-Elect at least 3 months in advance of the Annual Meeting for inclusion in next year's Committee Packet.

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Membership Committee Charges(Standing Committee)

PURPOSE: To recruit and retain individual and institutional members for the Association.

1. Use the services of this SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS committee to accomplish the following as appropriate:

A. Recruit new members with assistance from the Central Office. Recruit “cheerleaders” from major blood centers/hospitals/vendors.

B. Insure a mechanism is in place for new members to receive a letter of welcome from the President. Confirm that most efficient system is in place at Central Office.

C. Follow up with non-renewing members to ask them to reconsider or determine the reasons for non-renewal. Work with the District Directors to accomplish this charge.

D. Continue recruitment campaigns and awards. Advertise in PULSE. (See Critical Calendar)

E. Provide a progress report on or about the first day of each quarter to the Executive Committee.

F. Report on progress at the Interim and pre-convention Board Meetings.G. Ensure recognition in PULSE and recognition at opening ceremony during

Annual Meeting for each new member and recruiting member.H. Participate in long range planning activities.

2. In conjunction with the Local Arrangements Committee and the Central Office, plan and host the New Member Breakfast, Lunch or Reception at the Annual Meeting. Participate, as requested, in recognition of new members at the opening session.

3. At the beginning of the service year, develop, perform and analyze a survey of individual and institutional members to identify areas of greatest interest to members. Also, survey non-renewing members to identify why those persons did not renew membership.

4. Develop a plan to retain old members and recruit new members and non-renewing members.

5. Work to develop a grassroots recruitment strategy. This should include strategies to promote SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS and recruit SBB students, MT students, etc.

6. Review institutional member benefits (increase benefits/scale benefits to amount paid). Make recommendations that enhance benefits. Clarify and update corporate membership criteria.

7. Work with District Directors to ensure membership activities for Districts are completed.

8. Further develop and implement new member mentoring program, include mentoring new MD members.

9. Provide promotional materials to blood centers/hospitals.

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Membership Committee Checklist

This checklist is to be used in conjunction with the committee's charges, Critical Calendar, and the Guidelines for Committee Conduct. Refer to those documents frequently because the information contained there is not repeated here.

Prior to the Service Year

See Guidelines for Committee Conduct.

During the Service Year

1. See Guidelines for Committee Conduct

2. At the beginning of the service year, develop, implement and analyze a survey of renewing and non-renewing members.

3. Obtain list of all persons who joined Association for the Annual Meeting within 15 days post-Annual Meeting.

4. Committee members are to send letter of welcome to each new member within 30 days of the new member joining the Association. (Form letters are available.)

5. Obtain list of new members monthly from Central Office; repeat steps 3 and 4.

6. If any new member is not from a member state, the District at Large Director is responsible for sending the letter of welcome.

7. Write article for PULSE to recognize institutional members and to advertise member recruitment contest (See Critical Calendar)

8. In cooperation with the Local Arrangements Committee, organize and host the new member social function.

9. In cooperation with the Central Office, maintain accounting of current members who sponsor new members. Arrange for award (to be presented at the Opening Ceremony) to be given to the person who recruits the greatest number of new members during the year. Chair is responsible for presenting the award.

NOTE: Please ensure that any amendments to this checklist, document templates, form letters, etc. are forwarded to the President-Elect at least 3 months in advance of the Annual Meeting for inclusion in next year's Committee Packet.

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Nominating Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To assemble a quality slate of nominees for Association elections.

1. In consultation with the Executive Director, determine which vacancies among District Directors and Officers will occur in the upcoming association year.

2. Prepare a statement for PULSE explaining the appropriate guidelines for making nominations and submit to the chairman of the publications committee with instructions to publish it in the PULSE. (See Critical Calendar for deadline date) At the same time, submit the names of all members of the nominating committee so that they may be published.

3. Prepare a list of candidates from names suggested by the nominating committee, the board and from names submitted in response to the call for nominations published in PULSE. Circulate this list along with supporting curriculum vitae to all nominating committee members.

4. Provide a copy of the job description to each candidate for the position that they are being nominated to fill. Ensure that each candidate has a full understanding of the responsibilities and expectations of the position, including attendance at meetings, travel and expenses involved.

5. Instruct all nominating committee members to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all discussions about the qualities of the various individuals nominated.

6. Determine through consensus among the nominating committee members, the best nominees for each open position. If the current officers are being considered for nomination to the same or other office, the nominating committee chair is to assign committee members to seek confidential performance evaluations for leadership and effectiveness on those individuals from the other members of the Executive Committee.

7. The chair of the nominating committee should call all current Executive Committee members who are not likely to be re-nominated by the committee in order to prepare them for the final results or to allow them to withdraw their names from further consideration.

8. The chair of the nominating committee should call each of the committee’s nominee selections to inform them of their selection by the nominating committee and assure they will/can accept the nomination.

9. Arrange for publication of the slate of nominees in the PULSE. Submit the slate to the Publications Chair, the President and the President-elect on or before the deadline for the PULSE. (See Critical calendar for deadline date.)

10. Present the slate of nominees at the annual business meeting. In anticipation of other nominations being made from the floor during the business, members of the nominating committee are to be prepared to speak on behalf of each of their nominees.

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Planning Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To guide the Association in planning and implementing long and short term

strategies to achieve the mission of the Association.

1. Conduct a long-term strategy session, review and revise the previous plans as needed. Prepare a summary report and article to submit to the President and President-Elect for review and future publication in PULSE.

2. Monitor tasks on current list of strategies for long-term plan. Divide responsibilities among committee and report quarterly to President.

3. Investigate and if appropriate plan the process of partnering with other organizations.

4. At the post-convention board meeting, receive the Annual Meeting evaluations. Using the evaluations as well as personal communications with meeting attendees and vendors, prepare a summary. The Annual Meeting, Program, Exhibit and Industry Workshop summaries shall be included in the interim board report. Use this information to aid in the development plans for future annual meetings.

5. Evaluate the structure of the Publications committee for broader coverage.

6. Serve as a transition group to support President-Elect.

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Protégé/Mentorship Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To identify Association members with a desire to become more active (protégé), and match them with an experienced member (mentor). Develop and administer a comprehensive program to educate the protégé about the operation of the Association and encourage and facilitate the protégé’s active involvement in Association committees over a period of approximately one year.

1. Develop a detailed plan to introduce the protégé to the different committees, officers and management staff and their roles, responsibilities and charges.

2. Write articles for Pulse to generate interest by the membership to become a protégé or mentor.

3. Write a “call for applications” article for protégés and mentors to be published in Aug/Sep/Oct issue of Pulse and on the SCABB Web site.

4. Recruit protégé and mentor applicants with Membership Committee, District Directors, current and protégés. Focus on new and renewing members.

5. Review applications and choose successful candidates based on eligibility and application content. Match protégés and mentors based on interests and goals.

6. Notify the President of the Association of the committee’s selections.

7. Notify protégés and mentors via congratulatory letter from President including PMP Introductory Manual.

8. Plan a mixer for protégés and mentors at the Annual Meeting to allow designated time for the pairs to meet.

9. Present a brief overview of the PMP committee at the Orientation breakfast/lunch during the Annual Meeting.

10.Develop plan for recognition of protégés and mentors at the Awards Presentation during the Annual Meeting.

11.Prepare a written request for SCABB Foundation support of PMP.

12.Prepare a written report summarizing PMP outcome measurements derived from quarterly protégé/mentor reports.

13. Work collaboratively with Planning Committee to coordinate strategic plans to support the PMP.

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Publications Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To coordinate the production and assure the high quality of major publications of the association.


A. Oversee the development and publication of the number of issues approved by the Board of Directors. Utilize the services of the Central Office as appropriate.

B. Develop a schedule of deadlines for publication in the January issue.C. Acting as an editorial board, insure the quality, content, appearance and accuracy of

PULSE as high as the budget permits.D. Within the guidelines previously established by the Board and in conjunction with the

Fundraising Committee, where appropriate, assist those committees in recruiting PULSE sponsors

E. Using the District Directors as resources, recruit the number of reports required to provide adequate coverage of activities in each state.


A. Beginning 12 months in advance, coordinate, with the Local Arrangements and Exhibit Committees, the development of a publicity campaign promoting the upcoming meeting. The campaign should primarily target individual and institutional members as well as nonmembers in the host city, state and nearby nonmember states.

B. Oversee the production of the preliminary and final programs. Insure the quality, content, appearance and accuracy meets the high standards expected. Insure adequate quantities are printed and available for marketing the meeting to non-SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS members. Assist the Local Arrange-ments Committee, as requested, in designing the program cover.

C. In conjunction with the Awards Committee, insure the final program includes an explanation of each award, the identity of the recipients and an abstract of their nomina-tion.

D. In conjunction with the Fundraising Committee and Central Office Staff, solicit advertising for the final program to defray the cost of publication.

E. Before the Annual Meeting, request from the President, a suitable digital photo and a biography for use in the following year’s PULSE and Annual Meeting Program.

3. Assist in production of the membership directory.

4. Provide assistance as requested to other committees, the Board and the Central Office.

5. Ensure Central Office publishes press releases for board members and annual meeting announcements.

6. Review structure of the committee for broader coverage. Prepare a report including suggestions to the Board.

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Publications Committee Checklist

This checklist is to be used in conjunction with the committee's charges, Critical calendar, and the Guidelines for Committee Conduct. Refer to those documents frequently because the information contained there is not repeated here.

Prior to the Service Year

1. See Guidelines for Committee Conduct.

2. Ensure that a photographer is present at the Annual Meeting, taking digital photos for publication in PULSE.

3. Obtain copies of abstracts to be presented at the Annual Meeting and biographies of the award winners that will be honored at the Annual Meeting.

During the Service Year

1. See Guidelines for Committee Conduct

2. Monthly:a. Publish the biography of one award winner until each one has had exclusive coverage

in an issue.b. Obtain and publish noteworthy news from each of the member states.c. Publish at least one of the abstracts that were presented at the Annual Meeting.d. Obtain and publish the schedule of educational events being held in the South Central

area.e. Publish recognition of vendors, sponsors, and volunteers. Include kudos and

compliments in PULSE.f. Obtain and publish articles from the appropriate committee(s) according to each

committee's charges. (1) Apr/May/June PULSE issue (see Critical calendar and PULSE publication schedule)

- Fundraising- coordination of activities article - Administrative Program - Highlights of meeting presentations

- Technical/Scientific - Highlights of meeting presentations - Note that highlights for DR/DRP will be in next issue

- Local Arrangements - Synopsis of Annual Meeting -Awards - Award winner highlights - Exhibits - Highlight exhibits/exhibitors/new products

(2) July/Aug/Sept PULSE issue (see Critical calendar and PULSE publication schedule) - Blood Inventory Management - article - Donor Room Personnel - Donor Room Practices - Highlights of meeting

presentations -Awards - Award winner highlights

- Awards - Call for Award Nominations (Due Dec 1) -Technical/Scientific and Administrative - Call for Abstracts (Due Jan 12)

- Local Arrangements - Highlights of host city for next Annual Meeting -Scholarship announcement

(3) Oct/Nov/Dec PULSE issue (see Critical calendar and PULSE publication schedule) (See 3. Preliminary Program)

- Donor Recruitment/Public Relations - Media Relations article Page 31 of 39 5/20/2023

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2010/2011 - Awards - 2nd call for award nominations (Due Dec 1)

- Technical/Scientific and Administrative - 2nd call for abstracts (Due Jan 12) - Nominating - Call for nominations for elected offices and instructions - Donor Recruitment/Public Relations - Recruitment article

- Central Office - Publish synopsis of preliminary program for next Annual Meeting - Membership - acknowledge and recognize institutional members (4) Jan/Feb PULSE issue (see Critical calendar and PULSE publication schedule)

- Bylaws - Publish proposed changes in bylaws- Local Arrangements - Publish synopsis of planned social events- Local Arrangements - Publish information concerning appropriate meeting attire as well as appropriate attire for the major social functions- Central Office - Reprint synopsis of preliminary program

(5) March PULSE issue (see Critical calendar and PULSE publication schedule) (See 4. Final Program)

- Bylaws - Publish proposed changes in bylaws (if not in previous issue) - Nominating - Publish slate of nominees

- Central Office - Reprint synopsis of preliminary program

3. Preliminary Programa. Obtain meeting information from all program committees.b. Obtain social function information from Local Arrangements.c. Publish Preliminary Program according to Critical calendar.

4. Final Programa. Obtain final version of meeting information from all program committees.b. Obtain final version of social function information from Local Arrangements.c. Obtain information concerning award winners, speakers, President, exhibitors.d. Obtain information concerning room location and times of workshops/presentations.e. Publish Final Program for distribution at the Annual Meeting.

NOTE: Please ensure that any amendments to this checklist, document templates, form letters, etc. are forwarded to the President-Elect at least 3 months in advance of the Annual Meeting for inclusion in next year's Committee Packet.

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Technical/Scientific Program Committee Charges

PURPOSE: To plan programs and solicit papers and posters on the technical and scientific aspects of transfusion medicine.

1. Within 15 days of the Post-convention Board Meeting, prepare and submit to the Chairperson of the Publications Committee an article for PULSE highlighting the scientific program to possibly include excerpts from various presentations.

2. Solicit and obtain at no fee, an article of a scientific nature from one or more highly es-teemed scientist(s) or Annual Meeting speaker(s) in the blood bank profession. Submit to the Chairperson of the Publications Committee by (see critical calendar).

3. Organize an informative and interesting Technical/Scientific Program for the Annual meeting composed of workshops, general session seminars and select paper and poster presenta-tions. Consider topics in transplantation, technical, apheresis and autologous areas since these committees have been rolled into the Technical/Scientific Committee. Target topics to ensure job/economic payback for the participant and their institution. Utilize networking forums and panels when appropriate. Submit and seek approval for the proposed program at the (see critical calendar) summer Board Meeting or conference call. Follow the meeting planning shell for specific guidelines, plan and conduct in such a way as to minimize expense while assuring high quality and maximum attendance.

4. In order to maximize participation in the proposed unopposed paper sessions, work with any appropriate segment of the Association to promote the submission of high quality papers.

5. In cooperation with the Central Office, actively solicit abstracts according to procedure and select papers and posters of interest to scientific attendees for presentation at the Annual Meeting.

6. Compile a list and make suggestions for Scientific Lecture award winner to the President, by (see critical calendar).

7. Clear all suggested workshop topics in advance with the Education Committee.

8. Utilize local experts whenever possible in order to minimize expenses.

9. Funds may be available for speaker expenses. The committee chair will request approval for funds from the Association or the Foundation through the Association President prior to making any commitment to a speaker.

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Technical/Scientific Program Committee Checklist

This checklist is to be used in conjunction with the committee's charges, Critical

calendar, and the Guidelines for Committee Conduct. Refer to those documents

frequently because the information contained there is not repeated here.

Prior to the Service Year

See Guidelines for Committee Conduct.

During the Service Year

See Guidelines for Committee Conduct

Submit to PULSE, the first call for abstracts (see critical calendar for deadline date)

Submit to PULSE, the second call for abstracts (see critical calendar for deadline date)

After the Service Year

Write and submit article to PULSE within 15 days post Annual Meeting highlighting the presentations, speakers, and sponsors (if applicable).

NOTE: No specific checklist exists for this committee other than the Guidelines for Committee Conduct. If the committee creates a checklist that can be used as an adduct to the Guidelines, it will be included in next year's packet. Please ensure that any created checklist, document template, form letter, etc. is forwarded to the President-Elect at least 3 months in advance of the Annual Meeting for inclusion in next year's Committee Packet.

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Board Of Directors’ Meeting

Summary Committee Report

For Committee


REPORT IS FOR: ______ Board action ______ for information Only

Chair/Vice-Chair Submitting Report:

Committee Members:

Contact Person (include address, telephone and FAX number) for members/board to contact for more information and/or suggestions:

Committee Activities/Accomplishments:

Motions for Board Action: (list motion below prior to the meeting) Follow-upBoard Vote

Action (to be completed at meeting)




Recommendations for Consideration: Follow-up




Attach expanded report if necessary

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Board Of Directors’ Meeting


for ________________________Committee

Date: ___________


Current Date ofCharges: Status Completion













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Board Of Directors’ Meeting




REPORT IS FOR: ______ Board action ______ for information Only

Board Member Submitting Report:


Motions for Board Action: (list motion below prior to the meeting) Follow-up

Board Vote Action (to be completed at meeting)




Recommendations for Consideration: Follow-up Action




Attach expanded report if necessary

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Committee Evaluation

Name of Committee:

Committee Chair:

Committee Members:

Are there committee members who have shown exceptional Leadership? If so, list.

Are there committee members who have failed to complete assignments? If so, list.

Are there members you would recommend for reappointment? If so, list.

This survey is important to the organization as we develop new leaders. Please take the time to fairly evaluate those on your committee to identify potential new leaders.

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Page 39: SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS€¦  · Web viewObjectives should start with a verb (an action word). Examples are: Discuss, Demonstrate, Evaluate, Analyze, Explain, Compare,


Comment Form On Committee Chair Packet

Please help improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the Association and help better prepare future Committee Chairs for their year of service by:

1. Listing any additional items you believe should be included in this Committee Chairs’ packet; AND,

2. Commenting on how this packet might be made more useful.

I think the following items should be added to this packet in the future: (use back of page if more space is needed).







I think the packet would be more helpful if the following changes were made: (use back of page if more space is needed).






Please complete this form and mail it to the SOUTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF BLOOD BANKS Central Office.

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