South Bunbury Primary School and Education Support Centre ...€¦ · School Development Day:...

Issue No. 1 Date: 6th February 2015 South Bunbury Primary School and Education Support Centre NEWSLETTER DATES TO REMEMBER 10th Feb West Coast Eagles visit 17th Feb 7-8.30pm P&C meeting in staffroom 20th Feb Year 6 Room 14 Assembly 2nd March Labour Day 3rd March SDD no students attend Welcome back to all our students and their families for 2015, particularly new students who are starting at SBPS this year. Monday saw the commencement of the 2015 school year with 385 students arriving ready to start classes. Thanks goes to all parents and staff for making this first day smooth and stress free. We also welcome teachers, Miss Sarah Brunton and Mr Josh Raven. We hope they enjoy their time here with us. Student Arrival Time: Parents are asked to use before and after school care for early arrivals. There is no requirement for students to be at school before 8:30am Before this time teachers are busy preparing for the day ahead. Par- ents assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Ideally students should arrive at school between 8:30am and 8:40am. Anyone arriving prior to 8:30am must remain in the UCA. Students arriving late put themselves under unnec- essary pressure and are then forced to play “catch-up” for the rest of the day. The canteen offers a breakfast club for students. Cereal, fruit, yoghurt and toast is available free of charge. This is sponsored by Foodbank. School Finishes at 3:10pm: Please ensure your child is aware of the pre- arranged place for pickup at the end of the day. Students become distressed if parents are not where they are supposed to be. The ‟kiss and drop‟ drive is a safe option to deliver and collect children to and from school, however it is a „move on area‟. You are asked to park in the car park areas provided and be mindful not to block our neighbours driveways to their homes. Do not ride your bike or skate board through the school, including the „kiss and drop‟ area and car parks. Parents are asked not to cut through classrooms to get your child. Teachers are often working after the day ends or interviewing parents. Student belongings: Parents please ensure that your child‟s belongings, such as stationery, clothing, hats, water bottles, are clearly labelled with the student‟s name. School Uniform: It is great to see our student‟s in school uniform on their return to school. We encourage all students to wear school uniform. Parents are reminded that as per Government legislation, denim is not allowed to be worn to school. Please do not send your child to school in board shorts, these are for the beach. A very big thankyou to the P&C members who opened the uniform shop prior to school starting. Our new shorts with the school logo look great and are available from the uniform shop. Faction shirts will be available to those who place an order. Voluntary Contributions and Student Update Forms: have now been printed and will be handed to parents or posted next week. It is vital that we have the correct personal details for each student. Please update any details, sign the back page and return to school by Friday 27th February. Voluntary contributions can be paid using cash or EFTPOS at the office. Payment through Centrepay may also be an option for you. Please see office staff for the necessary form. School Development Day: Parents are reminded that Tuesday 3rd March is a SDD and students do not attend. This date was selected to back onto the long weekend to allow families a longer break. Our Canteen need YOUR help!!! Mrs Broome needs volunteers to help with canteen every day. Duties include pre- paring of recess and lunch for our students, collating lunch orders and general jobs. Please ring Yvonne to have you name put on the roster 0447 793 355. Also consider ordering your child lunch once a week to help keep our canteen viable. ADMINISTRATION STAFF Mr Ian Harvey Principal Mrs Jane Leaman Deputy Principal Mr Rob Williams Deputy Principal 2015 Staff TEACHING STAFF Name Room Name Room Mrs Kingdon Ms Kavanagh Rm 1 Yr 4 Miss Brunton Rm 2 Yr 4 Mr Raven Rm 3 Yr 3/4 Ms MacDonald Mrs Westwood Rm 4 Yr 3 Mrs Merritt Rm 5 Yr 2/3 Mrs Wilkosz Rm 6 Yr 2 Mrs Greaves Rm 7 Yr 1 Mrs Turner Rm 8 Yr 1 Miss Thomson Rm 12 Yr 2 Mrs Goodman Rm 13 Yr 5/6 Mr Allen Rm 14 Yr 6 Miss Webb Rm 15 Yr 5 Ms Home Mrs Skane PP1 Mrs Farran Mrs Halse PP2 Mrs Bromley Mrs Halse Kindy Mrs Nicolao Music Mrs Smith Art Ibu Zulsdorf Indonesian Mrs Hutton Phys Ed SUPPORT STAFF Mrs Chamberlain Registrar Mrs Kings School Officer Mr Jeffrey Mr Curd Gardeners Mrs Horton Christine/Pat Head cleaner- Cleaners Ms Woods AIEO Mr Wilde Psychologist Mrs Newman Library Officer Mrs Broome Canteen EDUCATION ASSISTANTS Mrs Archer Mrs Acatincai Mrs Wilde Ms Billcliff Mrs Dixon Mrs Kinkella Mrs Driscoll Mrs Barton Ms Else Mrs Dyson Mrs Ellis Mrs Toblar Ms Kukulka Mrs Landells Mr Zacky Welcome from Mr Harvey AUSSIE OF THE MONTH The ‘Aussie of the Month’ is an accolade awarded to a student nominated in a particular month. This award is for contin- ually using the values of respect, effort, responsibility and being the best you can be. Watch this space for our first winner in 2015.

Transcript of South Bunbury Primary School and Education Support Centre ...€¦ · School Development Day:...

Page 1: South Bunbury Primary School and Education Support Centre ...€¦ · School Development Day: Parents are reminded that Tuesday 3rd ... Ms Else Mrs Dyson Mrs Ellis Mrs Toblar Ms Kukulka

Issue No. 1 Date: 6th February 2015

South Bunbury Primary School and Education Support Centre


DATES TO REMEMBER 10th Feb West Coast Eagles visit 17th Feb 7-8.30pm P&C meeting in staffroom 20th Feb Year 6 Room 14 Assembly 2nd March Labour Day

3rd March SDD no students attend

Welcome back to all our students and their families for 2015, particularly new students who are starting at SBPS this year. Monday saw the commencement of the 2015 school year with 385 students arriving ready to start classes. Thanks goes to all parents and staff for making this first day smooth and stress free. We also welcome teachers, Miss Sarah Brunton and Mr Josh Raven. We hope they enjoy their time here with us. Student Arrival Time: Parents are asked to use before and after school care for early arrivals. There is no requirement for students to be at school before 8:30am Before this time teachers are busy preparing for the day ahead. Par-ents assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated. Ideally students should arrive at school between 8:30am and 8:40am. Anyone arriving prior to 8:30am must remain in the UCA. Students arriving late put themselves under unnec-essary pressure and are then forced to play “catch-up” for the rest of the day. The canteen offers a breakfast club for students. Cereal, fruit, yoghurt and toast is available free of charge. This is sponsored by Foodbank. School Finishes at 3:10pm: Please ensure your child is aware of the pre-arranged place for pickup at the end of the day. Students become distressed if parents are not where they are supposed to be. The ‟kiss and drop‟ drive is a safe option to deliver and collect children to and from school, however it is a „move on area‟. You are asked to park in the car park areas provided and be mindful not to block our neighbours driveways to their homes. Do not ride your bike or skate board through the school, including the „kiss and drop‟ area and car parks. Parents are asked not to cut through classrooms to get your child. Teachers are often working after the day ends or interviewing parents. Student belongings: Parents please ensure that your child‟s belongings, such as stationery, clothing, hats, water bottles, are clearly labelled with the student‟s name. School Uniform: It is great to see our student‟s in school uniform on their return to school. We encourage all students to wear school uniform. Parents are reminded that as per Government legislation, denim is not allowed to be worn to school. Please do not send your child to school in board shorts, these are for the beach. A very big thankyou to the P&C members who opened the uniform shop prior to school starting. Our new shorts with the school logo look great and are available from the uniform shop. Faction shirts will be available to those who place an order. Voluntary Contributions and Student Update Forms: have now been printed and will be handed to parents or posted next week. It is vital that we have the correct personal details for each student. Please update any details, sign the back page and return to school by Friday 27th February. Voluntary contributions can be paid using cash or EFTPOS at the office. Payment through Centrepay may also be an option for you. Please see office staff for the necessary form. School Development Day: Parents are reminded that Tuesday 3rd March is a SDD and students do not attend. This date was selected to back onto the long weekend to allow families a longer break.

Our Canteen need YOUR help!!!

Mrs Broome needs volunteers to help with canteen every day. Duties include pre-

paring of recess and lunch for our students, collating lunch orders and general

jobs. Please ring Yvonne to have you name put on the roster 0447 793 355. Also

consider ordering your child lunch once a week to help keep our canteen viable.


Mr Ian Harvey Principal

Mrs Jane Leaman Deputy Principal

Mr Rob Williams Deputy Principal

2015 Staff


Name Room Name Room

Mrs Kingdon

Ms Kavanagh

Rm 1 Yr 4 Miss Brunton Rm 2 Yr 4

Mr Raven Rm 3 Yr 3/4 Ms MacDonald

Mrs Westwood

Rm 4 Yr 3

Mrs Merritt Rm 5 Yr 2/3 Mrs Wilkosz Rm 6 Yr 2

Mrs Greaves Rm 7 Yr 1 Mrs Turner Rm 8 Yr 1

Miss Thomson Rm 12 Yr 2 Mrs Goodman Rm 13 Yr 5/6

Mr Allen Rm 14 Yr 6 Miss Webb Rm 15 Yr 5

Ms Home

Mrs Skane

PP1 Mrs Farran

Mrs Halse


Mrs Bromley

Mrs Halse


Mrs Nicolao Music Mrs Smith Art

Ibu Zulsdorf Indonesian Mrs Hutton Phys Ed


Mrs Chamberlain Registrar Mrs Kings School Officer

Mr Jeffrey

Mr Curd Gardeners Mrs Horton


Head cleaner-


Ms Woods AIEO Mr Wilde Psychologist

Mrs Newman Library Officer Mrs Broome Canteen


Mrs Archer Mrs Acatincai Mrs Wilde Ms Billcliff

Mrs Dixon Mrs Kinkella Mrs Driscoll Mrs Barton

Ms Else Mrs Dyson Mrs Ellis Mrs Toblar

Ms Kukulka Mrs Landells Mr Zacky

Welcome from Mr Harvey


The ‘Aussie of the Month’ is an

accolade awarded to a student

nominated in a particular

month. This award is for contin-

ually using the values of respect,

effort, responsibility and being

the best you can be. Watch this

space for our first winner in


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Dear Parents and community members,

Welcome back for 2015. A special welcome to our new students. Joseph Visser, Isabella Christmass, Jacob Priest, Clarence Bell and

all our new Kindy and Pre Primary students and their families.

New Staff:

We welcome back to our school Mrs Cathy Allen who is our perma-nent Deputy Principal. Last year Cathy was acting Deputy Principal

at Success Education Support Centre.

We also welcome two new teachers to our school . Mrs Jez Ains-

worth and Mrs Cim McLeish.


Room 3: Mrs Lisa Rynasewycz

Room 4: Mrs Jez Ainsworth

Room 5: Mrs Amanda Kongras, Monday and Wednesday‟s

Room 5: Mrs Dorianne Whitfield, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday


Room 6: Ms Rebecca King

Room 7: Mrs Cim Mcleish

Room 9: Ms Bev Curlie

Room 10: Ms Kate Moore

Room 11: Ms Danae Pethick

Room 17: Ms Kylie Falco

Support Teachers:

Mrs Alice Calleja, Mrs Julie Dalling, Mr Len Deeley, Mrs Barbara Nico-

lao (Music) and Mrs Anthea Wilkinson.

School Times:

School Commences at 8.40am

End of school at 3.00pm

Kiss and Drop Lane:

We have a (one way) Kiss and Drop lane (2 minute stop). Please drop off students at 8.35am and pick up students at 2.50—3.00pm. If students are not picked up by 3.00pm they will be taken to our tempo-rary admin office. If students are late for school, they are to be signed

in at our temporary admin office before going to their classroom.

Temporary Admin Office:

Due to building works this term our transportable office is located be-

tween the kiss and drop lane and the dental therapy.

Theme for this term: “Rock & Roll” celebrating the Arts, with dance

and music and Geology for science

Building works:

Our building works are continuing this term. Hopefully we will have minimal disruption to the classes. We are looking forward to having

our new admin area and new classrooms completed on schedule.

School Fees:

Thankyou to the families who have paid their School Contribution Fees for this year. We would appreciate those parents who haven‟t

paid their $35.00 school fee to please pay as soon as possible.

Swimming classes:

Swimming classes will resume next week at the beach at a cost of

$5.00 per week, to cover transport fees each week.

Room 17 - Mondays

Room 11 - Tuesdays

Room 4 & 9 - Thursdays

Room 3 & 7 - Fridays

RDA Classes:

Some students will commence Riding Develops Abilities at Gelorup Equestrian Centre on Tuesdays starting in March. Cost will be $7.00 each week plus cost of insurance and registration to be advised by


Sail into Life Programme:

The Year 6‟s will commence Sailing next Wednesday at Koombana Bay. Thanks to Rotary volunteers for giving their time again this year.

Cost is $7.00 per week, which covers transport.

Hydro classes:

Hydrotherapy classes will resume in week 3 at College Row Pool for

identified students. Cost in $5.00 per week.

Welcome Barb B Q:

We will be having our annual “Welcome Barb B Q” for all families to get together for a informal gathering next Wednesday the 11th Feb at the Big Swamp Bird Park playground between 5.00pm—7.00pm.

We will supply a sausage in a bun, watermelon and a drink.

We hope to see you all there.

Mrs Janet Stokes Principal

Important dates:

Welcome Barb B Q: Wednesday, 11th Feb 5-7pm.

At Big Swamp Bird Park, Prince Phillip Drive.

ESC Assembly: Friday 20th March 8.50am.

Public Holiday: Monday 2nd March

End of Term 1: Thursday 2nd April

Page 3: South Bunbury Primary School and Education Support Centre ...€¦ · School Development Day: Parents are reminded that Tuesday 3rd ... Ms Else Mrs Dyson Mrs Ellis Mrs Toblar Ms Kukulka

At our assembly on Friday 12th December 2014 the class award winners for 2014 were announced. Congratulations to

the following students on a fabulous year.

Our Graduation Assembly 2014

Gavin rings the siren to say goodbye to 2014. The last time we will see Year 7 stu-

dents at SBPS.

2014 Graduation Awards


Dux Lachlan Van Vliet

Citizenship Lachlan Van Vliet

Science Callum Williams

Arts Sylvia Acatincai

LOTE Kavan Patel

Sports Boy Kade Giankulos

Sports Girl Amber Ramage


Dux Chloe Willsher

Citizenship Connor Smith

Science Gavin Reddin

Arts Madelyn McDonagh

LOTE Zaya Black

Sports Boy Gavin Reddin

Sports Girl Chloe Willsher

2014 Class Book Awards

Room 1 Lucy Bianca

Room 2 Christina Sasha

Room 3 Alanna Hayden

Room 4 Namya Leila

Room 5 Henrietta Bodey

Room 6 Rosie Sam

Room 7 Tomy Imogen

Room 8 Indiia Charlie

Room 9 Lucy Taj

Room 12 Samantha Ava

Room 13 Declan Juan

Room 14 Kynen Kade

Room 15 Stephanie Jacob

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South Bunbury Primary School Prosser Street BUNBURY WA Telephone: 9721 3299 Fax: 9721 3445

PO Box 1101 Bunbury WA 6231 Principal: Ian Harvey Deputies: Rob Williams & Luke Ruane

South Bunbury Education Support Centre Principal: Janet Stokes Deputy: Cathy Allen Paisley Street BUNBURY WA Telephone: 9721 4808 Fax: 9721 6808

South Bunbury Dental Clinic Telephone: 9721 1497

Canteen: 0447 793 355 Yvonne Broome—Manageress

Our school is ‘NUT AWARE’ We have students with an

anaphylactic reaction to not just peanuts but all kinds of

nuts. We ask that parents do not send nut products in

children’s lunches.

OSH Club for before and after school care. Phone 0428 762 325

for further enquiries.

We are looking for two volunteers to assist in processing our Book Club for 2015. We will be submit-ting one issue per term which will require about 3-4 hours of your time per term. Full training will be given. Anyone that is interested could you please contact Julie Newman in our School Library on

97213299 Thank you.

Virtue of Respect

Signs of success.

You are practicing respect when you:-

Treat others as you want to be treated

Speak courteously to everyone

Take special care of other people‟s be-


Are receptive to the wisdom of elders

Honor the rules of your family, school

and nation

Expect respect for your body and your rights