SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little...

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning) 1 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox” SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince” 1. Choose the film, short movie, piece or novel suitable to the needs. The proposed workshop consists of a representation of the adaptation of the novel El Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this workshop, from the soundcool team, aims to apply an active and collaborative methodology based on STEAM education, with which the acquisition and development of multiple competencies is possible (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), in the various areas of audiovisual communication. The different competencies are reflected in soundcool as follows: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Soundcool system, connection of its audio and video modules to each other to produce the piece and desired effects with audio and video, and through wifi connection of mobile phones and tablets, also controlling audio and video, as well as the sound design of the story/work/film or novel. Arts music, literatura, drawing, scenography, etc. The aim of this workshop is that once completed, participants will have acquired the necessary skills to be able to use soundcool in any area of their day, because it encompasses an immense number of possibilities both at the individual level and in the professional field. For this workshop, we have used the fragment "The Prince and the Fox", and from soundcool we encourage you to make using your imagination, being able to make the backgrounds of the work drawing them on cardboard or making the characters live or with drawings cut out, plasticine, puppets or any other material you could available. a. Criteria: duration, interest of the students, message that contains, humor. b. Where do I look for free materials?: videos/images pexels, images unsplash, sounds freesound, videos YouTube, Vimeo, etc. (they are available but must be respected licenses: for example Creative Commons 0 allows even commercial use without quoting the author).

Transcript of SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little...

Page 1: SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning)

1 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox”

SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince”

1. Choose the film, short movie, piece or novel suitable to the needs.

The proposed workshop consists of a representation of the adaptation of the novel El

Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish

or English.

Whit this workshop, from the soundcool team, aims to apply an active and collaborative

methodology based on STEAM education, with which the acquisition and development of

multiple competencies is possible (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics),

in the various areas of audiovisual communication. The different competencies are reflected

in soundcool as follows:

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Soundcool system,

connection of its audio and video modules to each other to produce the piece and

desired effects with audio and video, and through wifi connection of mobile phones

and tablets, also controlling audio and video, as well as the sound design of the

story/work/film or novel.

Arts music, literatura, drawing, scenography, etc.

The aim of this workshop is that once completed, participants will have acquired the necessary

skills to be able to use soundcool in any area of their day, because it encompasses an immense

number of possibilities both at the individual level and in the professional field. For this

workshop, we have used the fragment "The Prince and the Fox", and from soundcool we

encourage you to make using your imagination, being able to make the backgrounds of the

work drawing them on cardboard or making the characters live or with drawings cut out,

plasticine, puppets or any other material you could available.

a. Criteria: duration, interest of the students, message that contains, humor.

b. Where do I look for free materials?: videos/images pexels, images unsplash, sounds

freesound, videos YouTube, Vimeo, etc. (they are available but must be respected

licenses: for example Creative Commons 0 allows even commercial use without

quoting the author).

Page 2: SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning)

2 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox”

2. Ask participants to summarize the story scene by scene (individually, by pairs, by groups…).

Then put it together to get a synopsis or summary of the argument.

Script from the soundcool team: "THE LITTLE PRINCE AND THE FOX"


Wind sound: (

Narrator: but then, after walking and walking through sand, rocks and snow the fox appeared.

Fox: YAWN (proposed sound): )

Little Prince: Ey! Play with me.

Fox: We can´t play. Tame me.

Little Prince: What is that?

Fox: It means to create a bond. To me you are just a little boy among hundreds of thousands

of other children. I don’t need you and you don’t need me. To you, I’m just a fox among

thousands of other foxes, but if you tame me, we’ll need each other.

Little Prince: I’m starting to understand. There’s a flower... I think it tamed me...

Little Prince: Since it’s her I’ve kept under the balloon. Since it is her whom I protected with

the screen. Since she is the rose whose caterpillars I killed (except the two or three for the

butterflies). Since it is she whom I heard complaining, or praiseing, or even sometimes shutting

up. Since she is my rose.

Page 3: SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning)

3 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox”


Fox: For me you will be unique in the world, and for you I will be unique in the world.

Little Prince: That´s ok, I´ll tame you!

The Little Prince and the Fox running and playing

(proposed sound: )

Little Prince: Who are you?

Magic sound:

Rosess WITH ECHO: We are roses.

Little Prince: Is my rose just a simple rose? She told me she was the only one of her kind in

the entire universe.

Fox: But it is not a simple rose, it is your rose. It is the time you have dedicated to her what

makes her so important.

Little Prince: She is my rose.

Fox: You must go back to her.

MUSIC Little Prince: ¡Ah, no! Don´t be sad. Taming yourself wasn´t a good idea.

Fox: Let me tell you a secret: only with the heart you can see clearly, what is essential is

invisible to the eye.

Fox: Men have forgotten this truth. But you must not forget it. You are responsible forever for

what you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose…

Little Prince: (repeated, in order to remember it): I am responsible for my rose…

Page 4: SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning)

4 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox”


3. Distribute a scene to each couple or group, so that they can focus on analyzing it.

a. Choose which actions need a sound or a sound effect.

b. Choose which ambient sound will go in the background, depending on the carácter, setting, etc.

c. Choose what music fits the scene.

d. Tip: try to take advantage of the same sound for different actions, so you don´t have

many sound files to configure and supersaturate the program.

4. Search for sounds (with free license). You can also find many links to free sound pages at , , respecting the Creative

Commons 0 licenses allows us to use the sounds without citing the author, other

licenses require to quote the author, etc., it is indicated in the page itself. The

soundcool audio part will be used to record the voices of the characters and narrator,

sound effects (you can use the ones provided as an example “1_1_viento,

1_2_caminar, 1_3_bostezo_zorro...”, or you can record them at home, or download

them from the free sound pages at,

5. Distribute roles:

a. Do you want to use only prerecorded sounds? → Divide the sounds into different

SamplePlayer modules. Keep in mind that they are not very close sounds in the time of the film.

b. Do you want to interpret sound effects of melodies with a keyboard? → Use the

Keyboard module next to the VST module.

c. Do you want to apply live effects, such as pan changes (sound left/rigth), delay, change

sound height, etc.? → Use the Pan, Delay or Transposer modules respectively.

Page 5: SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning)

5 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox”

This Project uses both the visual and audio parts of Soundcool app. On one hand, participants will

record appropriate sound effects, the narrator and characters´ voices using the Record module. The

audio tracks with the soun effects, voices and background music will be loaded into Sampleplayers

and will be launched by the participants with their tablets or mobiles at the appropriate times as the

representation progresses.

Specifically, as an example, for each fragment of the piece there are 3 Sampleplayers: S1 Where we

have organized the dialogues of the characters (which could also be live), S2 with the effects and

sounds, and S3 with the background music.

All of them have been connected to a Mixer to control their volume levels and their output to the

Speakers. In case you want to sabe the audio, you would use the Record module also connected to

the Mixer output (see figure 1).

Figure 1. Example of the connection of the modules of the audio part.

On the other hand, in case the characters are the students and we want to use their own backgrounds

with cardboard, the visual part consists of:

1) Connect Imagesampler and ScreenV modules.

2) Draw the appropriate scenarios according to the script and photograph them. Load the photos

in each key of the ImagesamplerV module.

3) One of the students will control the background change that will be projected with a projector

with his mobile or Tablet connected to the Imagesampler module.

Page 6: SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning)

6 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox”

Figure 2. Example of the connection of the modules of the image part (only images of backgrounds

on a projector or screen)

Figure 3. Example result of a background drawn and projected with Soundcool in the opera La Madre

de los Peces performed by Dominicas, from Paterna

If instead of students we want to use puppets, then the visual part will consist of connecting the

Imagesampler and DirectinputV modules (webcam input) to the inputs of the BlendingV, and their

output to the ScreenV module and following these steps (see figure 2):

1) Draw the appropiate scenarios according to the script and photograph them. View the photos

with the ImagesamplerV module.

2) Make the plasticine puppets (or cut drawings or other options) of the characters, animals, etc.

With a webcam take images of the puppets in front of a black panel with the DirectInputV


3) Mix with the BlendingV module the images of the puppets on the DirectInputV with the

images of the backgrounds of the ImageSamplerV. Different BlendingV mixing options will be

tried to find the most suitable one. The output of the BlendingV module will be connected to

the ScreenV module to view everything in full screen with a projector or large screen.

Page 7: SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning)

7 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox”

Figure 4. Example of the connection of the modules of the video part with the option of puppets,

cut-out drawings or plasticine dolls.

Figure 5. Example of a background with the plasticine figures from the story of La Madre de

los Peces in english, see playlist of the “Proyecto ópera” in advanced

projects in

6. Make the sheet music/script. They must contain:

a. Minute and second of the scene where the action is seen.

b. Button to be pressed by the student.

c. Sound description.

d. In case of interpreting melodies or atmospheres: indication of the style “Melody with

the Phrygian scale from the minute 1:23 to 3:05”.

Page 8: SOUNDCOOL workshop: “the Little prince‰S-Proyecto... · Principito/El Petit Príncep/The Little Prince, in any of the three languages Valencian, Spanish or English. Whit this

(Creative artistic and audiovisual Project-based learning)

8 Soundcool®: Worshop “The Little Prince and the fox”

7. ¡Lets rehearse!

a. Configure Soundcool and the Wireless network (For this see the frequently asked

questions at

b. Indicate the Ip of your computer (available in the main menu of the Soundcool

computer application) to your students so that they can enter it in the Soundcool OSC

app on their mobile phone.

c. Assign each module a port: type a numbres from 8000 onwards in the OSC Port box.

That port number is the one that must be entered by the student who must control

that particular module. To properly distinguish video modules from audio modules,

video modules can be numbered from 9000.

8. Review and improvement of the piece:

a. We mature the representation created among all of us with the creative SCAMPDR

technique: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modifiy, Put in other uses, Delete, Reform.

What sounds do not match the image? Why doesn t́ the background music we choose work?

Where would this sound be, apart from where we already chose?

We want to thank to Professor Pau Monfort, see his guide of the Project of Soundtracks on which this project has been

based on