Soul Revolution Iv Chapter 6

Welcome to Faith Cafe Schedule Food for next few weeks Pool Party, Bar-B-Que, etc? How is your Experiment Going? Book we are studying: Soul Revolution by John Burke Chapter 6: Kingdoms in

Transcript of Soul Revolution Iv Chapter 6

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Welcome to Faith Cafe

• Schedule Food for next few weeks

• Pool Party, Bar-B-Que, etc?• How is your Experiment


• Book we are studying:– Soul Revolution by John Burke– Chapter 6: Kingdoms in Conflict

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Kingdoms in Conflict

We live in a world of conflicting kingdoms with conflicting desires. We all have good God-given desires to be loved, to have purpose, to feel secure, to be at peace, yet all these desires are relational –we need each other!

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Jesus’ central teaching was “The kingdom of God is near.” It, or “The kingdom of heaven,” is explained about 150 in the New Testament.

What does is a Kingdom?

The sphere of influence you have, where your will is done and where you decide what happens. That’s your kingdom.

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We were created this way. That’s why even two and three-year-olds want to show that they too have a kingdom. Some of their first words are “mine” and “let me do it”.

But, just imagine the chaos of millions of little kingdoms not fully aligned under God’s loving rule, and you start to understand what’s wrong with this world today. It’s simply a battle of kingdoms.

What we need is nothing short of a Kingdom Revolution.

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Picture a husband and a wife locked in a battle for whose ways should prevail. She wants him to help out more and stop spending so much. He wants her to stop acting like his mother.

She wants him to care more about her day and he wants her to be more physically engaged in their marriage. Back and forth they go, trying to manipulate and dominate. The need a kingdom revolution.


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Think of a mom who can’t keep it together with her kids. She’s aware of her own impatience and anger, but she can’t help it. She knows she needs help. She knows she’s damaging her kids, but pride gets in her way.

She needs a kingdom revolution.


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Imagine a father who gets so wrapped up in his work that he totally disconnects from his family. He takes out his anxieties on them and uses his power to exert his will at home because he feels out of control everywhere else. He doesn’t know it, but his out-of-control kingdom is slowly killing his family.

He needs a kingdom revolution.


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Or consider the woman who was abused by her father –a man who thought having his way sexually wouldn’t hurt his little girl. At the age of thirty-three, she still carries the pain. She’s become isolated in her kingdom of self-protection –tough, aggressive, successful because she’s a survivor. But she can’t keep a relationship together because she can’t trust anyone. She drinks too much because it’s the only time she can loosen up and feel good.

She needs a kingdom revolution


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We all subtly think, “I’m right, they’re wrong; I don’t need God’s help –but they sure do!”

Jesus proclaimed, “The kingdom of God is near.” There’s a better way to live than the conflicted kingdoms of this world offer.


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Ever seen a guy, in real or on T.V., with a sign or message that says, “The end is near!” or “Repent or Burn in Hell?”

Most normal people think, “So either I repent and become like one of these weird fanatics or I burn in hell. Hmm, is there a third option?”


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There is a third option, Good News

Why is it good news for imperfect people like you and me? Because life in God’s kingdom –the way God intended us to live with him, with each other, and in relationship to our world –is now available to ordinary, imperfect, messed-up people.

That’s the Revolution! It’s a completely revolutionary way to live right now.


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Read page 99 in the middle

Do you realize how great the news is that Jesus brings to all humanity? Jesus paid the price to hook you up to a revolutionary way of life.


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God takes you “as is” so you can begin to live life restored into a right relationship with him. As you’re willing, God leads you into a life that grows within and then gives life to others. This is good news because it’s a better, more powerful, and more loving way to live.


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It’s not religion that God wants. Relational Revolution is what he’s after. It’s not about jumping through spiritual hoops; it’s about living in intimacy with God and other, so that God can begin to heal and restore what’s broken in our world. Life in God’s kingdom is relational. The means and the measure of maturity is relationship! That’s why true spiritual maturity is not measure with how religious or outwardly righteous we behave. It’s measured in how willing we are to trust God, do what He says, and let Him lead us to become loving, life-giving people to one another. God lives His life of love in us and through us as we’re willing.