Soul Life Magazine - Winter 2014

winter 2014 1 a quarterly magazine that celebrates your soul {soul life} winter 2014 { in this issue DORMANCY let your roots grow Death &Rebirth Energy


As the light returns to our world with the beginning of Winter Solstice, may your hearts be filled with the light of living your lives with soul. We are honored to share with you this gift of Soul Life Magazine. These past three months have brought us such shifts in our awareness. We hope that your heart and soul take a few minutes to be still, to listen and to act in love. The articles in this issue encourage you to look beyond the seen and feel into the unseen. To support your life with deep nourishment so by spring you’re pushing through with newness, vibrancy and will bloom into your fullness. Until that rebirth, we offer you morsels of insight and experience so your release and death can be full of passion mixed with patience so you may embrace more of who you were born to be in this life. Whether you’re a mom or dad, single or married, in a relationship or in transition, a 9-5er or an entrepreneur, know that we’ve created this magazine for you.

Transcript of Soul Life Magazine - Winter 2014

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a quarterly magazine that celebrates your soul {soul life}winter2014

{in this issue DORMANCY let your roots grow

Death &Rebirth Energy

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Hello Bright Stars!

As the light returns to our world with the beginning of Winter Solstice, may your hearts be filled with the light of living your lives with soul. We are honored to share with you this gift of Soul Life Magazine. These past three months have brought us such shifts in our awareness. We hope that your heart and soul take a few minutes to be still, to listen and to act in love.

The articles in this issue encourage you to look beyond the seen and feel into the unseen. To support your life with deep nourishment so by spring you’re pushing through with newness, vibrancy and will bloom into your fullness. Until that rebirth, we offer you morsels of insight and experience so your release and death can be full

{soul life}

{ contentsDormancy: Let Your Roots Grow ............................................................... 3Soul Walk ................................................................................................. 6Death & Rebirth ....................................................................................... 7Soulstice Prayer ...................................................................................... 10Soul Reads ............................................................................................. 12Energy .................................................................................................... 14Crystal Spotlight .................................................................................... 16Soul Food ............................................................................................... 18Soul Kids: Keep Kid Glowing During The Holidays ................................... 22Soul Words ............................................................................................. 24Soul Art .................................................................................................. 25

{of passion mixed with patience so you may embrace more of who you were born to be in this life.

Whether you’re a mom or dad, single or married, in a relationship or in transition, a 9-5er or an entrepreneur, know that we’ve created this magazine for you. We all have a soul and learning to live our lives with more intuition, guidance and willingness allows our soul to lead us. We are all in this together so enjoy the journey and let your light shine! We invite you to join us in play on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+. We’ll keep the conversation going until we reach the season.

From our hearts to yours!Dani, Joey and Lora

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I'm a gardener. I'm truly in bliss when my hands are in the dirt. Yet when fall arrives, after working so hard all spring and summer, I look forward to the break-- the opportunity to do "nothing". It always makes me laugh that it only takes a couple of months off and I itch to return to my soil. The cycle begins again. Winter would begin to feel claustrophobic. The sweet anticipation of spring would take hold, and I long to emerge just like all the seeds I planted.

Spending so much time in nature, along side of plants, watching my garden's natural cycle, I learned this time of dormancy is anything but dormant. My plant had those same itches to sprout as I did. In truth their season of dormancy is anything but dormant. And neither is ours.

DORMANCY: let your roots grow

by Lora Keddie

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Summer is loud. We tend to be very active with all of our families and friends. The weather is great and we want to get out and go, explore, expand. Plants do the same thing during this time. Their branches grow, they reach out, spread out, and stretch with all the sunlight and warmth. It's during the months of spring and summer that plants develop on the outside mostly. Similarly, we do a lot of "outside" experiencing and learning.

Fall comes and the daylight reduces. The weather begins to cool. There are less BBQs, planned hikes and beach trips. We pack up or outdoor furniture and we begin to stay longer indoors in our homes. Often immediately upon our return to extended periods indoors we realize there's a few things that need to get purged in our homes. We sense the clutter that has gone unnoticed since we spend most of our time outdoors or away. Fall is a busy time at Donation Centers purging what we don’t want in our rooting placing. You see trees and deciduous plants do something similar. They drop their leaves. They no longer need them for this next season. It's time for them to shed their weight, which too no longer serves them.

On top the plant appears to be asleep, hibernating. This is the farthest from the truth. This is one of the most important times in the growth and development of many plants. This is the time the plant's roots develop. No more is there focus on its above soil body. 100% of its focus and energy is at the root level. During the spring and summer plants feed not only through their whole beings, which include the feeding on light and air. In fall and winter, the majority of feeding is through their roots. And now as the dormant area is being fed, the roots grow. During this time the root system of a plant can easily double in size. While it appears nothing is happening on top, beneath the soil a larger, stronger plant is getting prepared to emerge this spring.

As humans, this is also our time of inner work. The season's weather often keeps our events smaller

and more intimate. The holidays can be a time with just family. Once the holidays are past, for many of us there are less activities, and more personal time. Slowly we become more dormant. There is a quietness that can become a reflective-ness. Our outward focus on the world becomes an inward focus on ourselves. It's a powerful time, an amazing opportunity to allow our own roots to grow.

Gardeners know the health and well-being of any plant come spring will be determined by what it feeds on, what it takes up into its roots system during this dormant time. The same can be said for own development. What "soil" is your soul feeding on right now? This is an important awareness. Are your surroundings nurturing, supportive? Who are you surrounding yourself with? What information are you taking in? What are you reading? What thoughts have been developing?

As you notice your "soil", you'll also want to be aware of what seeds are lying dormant in it. Are these the seeds you want to take root and grow this spring when you emerge? Many of them will be, but this is a time to weed out those that do not serve you well. We do this with trees when we remove their, appropriately named, "sucker" branches. These are branches that draw energy away from the healthier fruit and flower bearing branches of the tree. This time of deep looking allows us to determine which of our branches give us strength, our fruit and flowers, and which are drawing our attention and energy away - suckers.

Becoming aware of this natural cycle, you see how this time of dormancy is anything but dormant, but actually a gift to you. A quiet time with fewer distractions, but an active time to dig deep inside and weed, snip, water, feed and ready yourself for the coming spring. And just like plants, with our newly developed, stronger foundation, we become expanded and eager to emerge and experience the world anew.

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And just like plants, with our newly developed, stronger foundation, we become expanded and

eager to emerge and experience the world anew.


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An exploration of death and rebirthPhotography & Inspiration by Joey Paynter

Soul Walks are a time to really “see” into nature, to walk consciously, breathing awareness into your being and allowing your soul to speak to you. So often we go along our days missing those soft subtle moments, those whispering questions that our soul wants to ponder. Soul Walks don't have to be far. They can be down your street and even through your backyard. This issue's Soul Walk was shared by

Joey Paynter during her travels from California to Oregon and back again. We challenge you to grab a camera, enter into a meditative walk where you breathe into the moments and listen with your soul

wide open. We invite you to send us your images and soul questions to [email protected].

{soul walks}

What is ready to

fall away?How do you


How is beauty calling


Where do you

see your growth?

What in you is being


How might you see

your life differently?

What’s inside yourshadow

and light?How do you

expressyour soul?

Are you willing to

surrender to life?

What have you

abandoned in you?

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I’m a double Scorpio. On the surface this means both my sun and moon signs are in the astrological sign of Scorpio. To take this a step further, it means I’m intense, passionate, thrive off growth and change, and spend most of my time in the depths. I’ve come into this world to dive down deep into a wound, to descend into the dark, so that I might transform and heal myself and others. After all, Pluto (Hades), God of the Underworld is my ruler. He looks after the dead and prefers the shadowy depths. However many don't realize he’s also the one who brings nourishment to your soul. Are you following me yet? If not, lean in a little closer, because I want to show you the edges of your shadow. Don’t be scared - it’s only because I live close to mine too.

In these depths, I know pain. I know the aftermath of death. I know what it feels like to walk inside the ugliness, shadowy part of ourselves that we'd prefer to leave hidden. I know what it feels like to sit inside the type of pain that drags you down into the depths without warning and leaves you scared, hopeless, and lost, a type of pain that lingers and haunts without comfort. I know what it feels like to have my fears swallow me whole with nothing to free me from my despair. I know abandonment and I know what it feels

Death &Rebirth

by Joey Paynter


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bundle up by the fire, sip on some wine, and wait for his presence to pass. I also know this is doing a disservice to the Self and to the soul. There are certain aspects in us that are ready to die, they are desperately attempting to grab our attention, pleading with us to tend to them and offer them a death. Let’s be honest, ignoring them only hinders and stalls the rebirth.

Recently, I was faced with one of my biggest fears, the loss of my mother. Even though she returned out of the hospital seven days later, I found myself obsessing and making every minute I spent with her perfect. I feared saying goodnight to her, for what if that was the last words we exchanged. These thoughts spun me around and upside down with all the worries of what ifs and how do I find a way to escape this reality. I’m not ready to plunge down

like to lose the one you love to another world. I know these things because I’m alive and instead of numbing myself into avoidance, I choose to embrace life, every facet of it. I know that if I want to experience life, I must also experience death. This type of death happens in the mind, not in the body; although, I’m certain your body will feel it too. Just remember it’s necessary for the expansion of life, your life.

I’ve discovered life is a series of descents, of deaths and rebirths, beginnings and endings. This is just the essence of life; after all we see it in the seasons, don't we? We see Spring in her birthing, Summer in his play, Autumn in her letting go, and Winter in his necessary deaths. We all know these stages are part of life; yet, sometimes we look to escape the process of winter. Trust me, I know it feels easier to

My fears were consuming me, paralyzing my every move. I knew if I didn’t face them they would drag me down into the depths with them and leave me lost inside.


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into the depths and nor am I ready for her to leave me in this world. My fears were consuming me, paralyzing my every move. I knew if I didn’t face them they would drag me down into the depths with them and leave me lost inside.

There was a death and rebirth process happening inside of me, but I was frozen inside the death. I left no room to see any hope of a rebirth. I knew my soul needed a ritual. I made two tarot-type cards, one for rebirth and one for the things I needed to see die. I then went down to the ocean and released my fears to Mother Nature. I followed up on this ritual over the next three days. I called out to my ancestors asking them to reveal to me what it is that keeps me from my grief. A few weeks later I decided to go on a road trip with a very close soul friend of mine with the intention of exploring the theme of death

and rebirth. We ventured into abandoned buildings, visited some of Mother Nature’s most beautiful spots up along the Pacific Coast Highway from California to Oregon. We played in cemeteries, got lost on paths, and all the while used each spot as a landscape for our inner psychological work. I began to see how it all weaved together, how death and life are all part of the same story. I felt the gods and goddesses keeping me company and weaving my myth as we explored. I don’t know how to fully explain it, but something shifted in me on that trip. I walked away with a deep knowing, that I will be okay.

It doesn’t have to be the season of winter, but why not ask, “What is no longer serving me?” “How must I let these things die?” and “How can I honor them in their needed death?”

I then went down to the ocean and released my fears to Mother Nature.


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Soulstice Prayerby Arielle Star

Beloved Child of my Heart, Child of Light, Child of God,Know that I am here, my loving gaze upon you, my gentle wings around you, my radiant Heart pouring divine Lovelight upon you.

Your Journey, precious one, has been deep and both exquisitely beautiful and heart wrenchingly painful. Know that I have held your Sacred Heart through it all; I have been right here with you through the Joy and the tears, overcome with awe and hope at your incredible Courage, Beauty and Grace. You have been Magnificent!

And this I share with you, at the Turning of the Age and the Rebirth of the Light this Sacred Solstice time:

The darkest trials are behind you my Love. The Sun shines bright upon your life. The time of embracing your most Joyful and liberated dreams has come. This coming year will find you reaching your Heart's home. It is a time to breathe, to rest, to dance, to feast, to relish in the blessings you have earned and so deserve and to celebrate with your loved ones and the Earth herself.

The world still has many changes ahead, but you, dear one, have made it through the fires. You are purified. You are strong. You are free. You are ready. And you are Magnificent!

Enjoy the Journey to this time of peace and fruition. For it is just before you. And remember that I, Lioness of God, Protectress of the Creatures of the Earth, walk beside you every moment of the way in deepest respect for the profound gift to the World that is YOU. Forever, Archangel Arielle

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My love for photography was awakened while traveling overseas to more than 40 countries. It was the people

that caught my attention -- behind each face there was a soul with a story waiting to be told. Using my

camera I could share their story as well as using it as a therapeutic tool to create healing and life.

Now, Joey Paynter Photography is here to capture moments of your life for you or a loved one. My style

is artistic, natural and real with an emphasis on connection and life. My goal is that every picture I take becomes a work of art that tells a story reflecting who

you are and is beautifully unique to you.Specializing in natural light photography for

engagements, families, children, senior, portraits, concerts, and private events.

Soul art made by hand with heart. Original photography by Jennifer Selig enhanced by words and quotations from psychology and spirituality on mediums

like canvas and wood. Find her on Etsy:

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The Book of LifeWritten by Deborah Harkness

REVIEWED BY DANI PALACIO -- Deborah Harkness is a gifted writer as she weaves the past with a cast of characters that will delight your imagination. Her ability to create a compelling story that fills your mind with vivid images and your heart with intense emotions is truly a gift.

In this third and final book in the All Souls Trilogy, The Book of Life, Diana Bishop and Mathew Claremont return from 1590 to present day England and France. You find them returning home married and with child. The infamous manuscript, Ashmole 782, still needs to be discovered. All the creatures had their own interpretation as to what the manuscript was and they’d do anything to get it.

As the danger increases and the pregnancy progresses the vampire family and the witch family are put to the test. As the secrets start to be unearthed and the mystical and magical start to climax the real questions about who we are, where we come from and how we relate to each other start to get answered. The revelations will surprise you.

Whether you’ve read the first two you’ll love this third book. Harkness does an incredible job weaving just the right bits and pieces to keep you in the know so the characters and the story compelling. This final books answers all the questions that allow you to be at peace when the final word is read.

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars! I highly recommend the entire trilogy to anyone who believes in magic, enjoys an excellent adventure with a beautiful mix of romance. Each character serves its purpose and adds to the depth of the story. The history is real and the mystery is honored.

{ soul reads }

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Everything is energy! I live my life with this knowing. Einstein is quoted as saying “Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” There have been others who have stated something similar and to me it doesn’t matter who said it; it only matters that we live with the understanding of this statement.

As I was becoming more aware that there was more to life than the daily routine, I was reminded of my time in Japan. I studied there during my junior year in University. I was slightly obsessed with the shrines, the temples and the nature of the country. I felt a peace as I sat a temple and took in the sights. What I later realized is that I was feeling the energies of the place. The sacredness of the intention as well as the passage of time created an energy that held the mysteries of the place. It was combined with the physical structure and the items that created the shrine or temple.

It took a couple of years but this feeling came back to me as I researched Reiki (pronounced ray-key). I wanted a way to support myself and to expand my awareness of the world around me. I wanted to feel into the mysteries of the world. I wanted to become more aware of the unseen.

Energyby Dani Palacio

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Reiki literally means Universal Life Force Energy. It’s a Japanese ancient practice of energy and healing. There is much story about how Reiki was brought back to our day and time and it's many variations as it has spread around the world. The traditional system of energy is called Usui Reiki but I encourage you Google it and find your resonance with the variation of Reiki that best aligns with your soul.

Personally I am a Reiki Master in both Usui and Karuna Reiki. Ultimately it is a system that uses life force energy to heal body, mind and spirit. The Reiki practitioner acts as a conduit sending energy to the recipient. The energy flows where it is needed and can be felt as a warm sensation in the body. Reiki is a gentle, yet powerful technique for relaxation, healing and spiritual development. There is no belief system attached to Reiki. Anyone can receive a Reiki

treatment; the only prerequisite is a willingness to receive and change. Only goodness comes from Reiki. There are no negative side effects.

For me, Reiki has been the foundation of all my studies in alternative healing, energy and light work, as well as my spiritual belief system. It’s a way of life for me and for the past 18 years, I’ve given Reiki to myself to keep my body, mind and spirit supported.

Beyond Reiki, there is energy. Our thoughts, our words and our feelings have energy. Our physical body is energy in a solid state yet is still flowing with the in and out of breath. I often describe this using water as an analogy. Water is liquid but it can also be frozen or steam, it can also be various shapes – a drop, a snowflake, an ice cube, and any shape that contains it. All matter is energy and that can be in

"Everything is energy. And that's all there is to it." - Albert Einsten


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various states. Every culture has a word for energy. The Japanese call is Ki. The Chinese call it Chi. The Indians call it Prana. It is seen and unseen. It is eternal. It shapes who we are and the world we live in. Energy is the Source.

You are energy! In this knowing we must take responsibility for our energy. It’s a powerful tool for creation. It’s the fuel to create the lives of our dreams. Because everyone and everything is energy we can pick up on the various energies around us and some are enlivening and some are draining. Have you ever left a room or a conversation and felt completely drained - almost heavy? The exchange of energy was not equal in vibration and more than likely you picked up the dense energy of the group, room or person. You probably also gave too much of your own healthy vibrant energy thus depleting you. Since

we have a most generous Mother, the Earth waits for you to come to Her to be cleansed, refreshed, and refueled. Just a few moments of conscious intention and connection can help balance our energies. If we stay out of balance and depleted too long the process is longer but we were born to live in high frequency vibrational energy. It is our birthright! Claim it this season when the Light of the World is returning!

I invite you to contact me if you’d like to learn more about Reiki, energy practices and how to keep yourself balanced and in harmony. Please send me an email or visit my website.

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Crystal Spotlight: LEPIDOLITEKeywords: Calming, BalanceThis beautiful purple lilac stone is a form of mica. Its texture is flakey and can often look like scales. However, when it is shaped and polished the flakey scales take on a smooth and rather sparkly look. It can be created into many shapes and can easily be found in jewelry. Lepidolite has been called a "stone of transition" because it helps a person who is going through life changes. This stone’s energetic properties are very soothing and will assist you in remaining calm when you are feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed. The vibration works well with all the chakras and especially the higher chakras thus helping you get in touch with your Higher Self. This stone will also assist you in healing emotional traumas and assist you in going deeper into mediation. It is associated with the zodiac of Libra for its balancing qualities. It will assist you in finding the flow of life with a balanced sense of well-being.

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present.~Francis Bacon{ {

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[email protected] |

Lora Keddiespirit talker

There’s this amazing team we each have, that want us to live fuller, happier and healthier lives. I’m just here to help you hear them.

for individuals: Spirit Guidance Readings and Divination,

Power Animal Retrieval, Extraction, Soul Release, Soul Retrieval

for homes & businesses: Clearing, Saging & Blessing

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Healthy No Sugar Added RecipesTo support your body and soul in keeping the light within glowing!

Homemade Kale Chips1 bunch of Kale¼ cup Nutritional Yeast1 tsp Sea Salt2-3 tbls Olive Oil½ Juice of Lemon

Directions:1. In a large bowl, tear up the kale into nice pieces. I’d

recommend removing the large vein from the leaves. 2. Add nutritional yeast, salt, lemon juice and olive oil.

Mix thoroughly. 3. Place on a large cook sheet pan(s). Bake in oven at

350° for 15 minutes until crisp. You can also put them in a dehydrator until 118 degrees to keep them raw. Dry time is usually 6-8 hours.

** Options: Feel free to add other spices such as cayenne, cumin, curry powder, garlic or onion powder.**

prepared by Dani Palacio

{ soul food }

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Tarragon Chicken Salad on Avocado2 Chicken breasts2 Garlic cloves - diced2 Celery stocks - cut to small pieces2 Green onions - chopped¼ cup Sour cream½ cup Greek yogurt½ tsp Garlic powder1 tbls Dried tarragon½ Lemon - juiced2 AvocadosSalt and pepper

Directions:1. Boil chicken breast in water until cooked, .about 15-

20 minutes.2. Cool chicken and cut into 1" cubes.3. Mix together garlic, celery, green onions, sour cream,

Greek yogurt, garlic powder, tarragon and lemon juice.

4. Add chicken. 5. Cut avocados in half, remove skin and seed.6. Fill halfed avocado with mixture. Salt and pepper to

taste.7. Eat as is or serve on a bed of Arugula.

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Chocolate Bliss Pudding1/2 cup coco1/2 bar 85% chocolate-grated1/4 cup arrow root3 egg yolks1 cup coconut manna1/2 cup butter2 cups heavy cream (or milk)2 tsp vanilla1/4 tsp salt1 tbsp honey - or other sweetener (optional)

Directions:1. Mix all the ingredients together in a stove to pot.2. On a medium to low temperature, slowly melt and

stir until smooth.3. Then turn heat to medium to high temperature, and

continue stirring until thick.4. Eat warm like pudding, or refridgerate to cool and

enjoy one lovely spoonful at a time.

Recipe creation by Katie Robinson of Fort Collins, CO.

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I love learning. I’ve spent a lot of my life studying and learning about cultures, alternative ways of healing, and ways of living a sacred life. Learn more about me at:

Dani Palacio

Reiki Master & Teacher | Empowerment Coach | Communications Consultant

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{ soul kids } The merry holiday season is upon us and with it brings a sense of anticipation, hope and excitement as we look forward to spending time with loved ones, giving gifts, holiday parties and enjoying delicious food. Some of us are able to look at the holidays with fond memories of love and joyousness we have felt. For some people the anticipation of the holiday season is met with feelings of sadness. They cope with the emotional demands that this time of year can bring. Whether it is longing for loved ones who have passed, family tensions, money worries, loneliness or grief, it all can create an overwhelming sense of hopelessness. With people walking around with all of these different feelings and emotions, the holidays can be hard for sensitive people, especially sensitive children.

Sensitive children have their own feelings about the holidays from their own experiences. But when parents, teachers, even people in crowded malls are harboring negative energy, sensitive children can feel it. The negative energy can adversely affect them emotionally, behaviorally and physically. When children are affected emotionally by others’ negative energy it can look like sadness, depression or anger. Children affected behaviorally may have more misbehaviors, act out more than usual or have tantrums. If a child is impacted physically, they may complain of physical ailments such as headache, stomachache or any other physical discomforts. As a sensitive person myself and a mother to three young sensitive daughters, here are a few ways that I have found to help protect myself and my daughters from other people’s blues.

Keeping Kids Glowing through the Holidays

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About our guest writer: Kerry SwensonKerry Swenson is an early childhood, special needs, and parent educator and advocate. She has more than ten years experience helping children grow in peaceful, healthy and spiritual ways. Kerry lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and three highly intuitive and empathic daughters.

*Take care of yourself first. We are all familiar with the example of when on an airplane in case of an emergency you put on your oxygen mask first before helping anyone else. As a parent, we are our child’s first teacher and care taker. Your child can sense your energy vibrations. It is scientifically proven that every living thing gives off different energy vibrations. Your child receives yours. When you are happy, your child can feel it. Without even saying a word your child can know if you are upset or frustrated. If you are having negative vibrations, take a break. Put on your oxygen mask. Put things in perspective. No matter what any of us are going through, there is always going to be someone who has it worse. Try to focus on the good things in your life and have gratitude for them. This will help change your negative energy vibrations to positive ones. This will help your child feel safe and loved.

* Help your child to know what feelings are truly their own. Sensitive children are in tune with our world’s oneness. We are all connected. We are so connected that your child can feel someone else’s pain, emotional or physical. If you see or feel that your child is harboring negative energy, talk to them about what is bothering them or have them draw a picture to express their feelings. It may be about your child or you may be surprised how often they are upset about what someone else is going through. Even if your child cannot articulate what is bothering them, you can still teach them the process of getting rid of the negative feelings and energy. Tell your child to picture in their mind a hole in the floor or the ground outside. Have your child take the negative feelings out of themselves and place it into the hole. Have them cover the hole and give the negative feelings to the earth. Once your child has given the negative energy away, have your child envision the sun shining within them. Fill where the negative energy used to be with the light of the sun and love from themselves and

all. Let the light and love go through your child and illuminate from their hands. This will bring back their positive vibrations. Do this visualization as often as needed.

*Teach your child the rainbow of protection. As parents, we know when it is really cold outside to have our children wear warm clothes and even a winter coat. This helps protect them from the cold weather. Well, the rainbow of protection can do the same thing for their spirit and emotional wellbeing by protecting them from other people’s negative vibrations. Before your child leaves the house, have them envision a bubble come out of their body and go around them. But this is a special bubble, a rainbow bubble. For each color of the rainbow it gives them another layer of protection. The rainbow begins with the red layer, then the orange layer, the yellow layer and so on and so on. Explain to your child that this rainbow bubble will protect them from things that can make them feel sad and down, just like how a winter coat protects them from the cold and snow. Nothing negative can break through all of the layers of the rainbow bubble. It only accepts love and light. This is another great visualization to be practiced as often as needed.

By taking care of yourself, helping your child identify their own feelings versus someone else’s, and by teaching your child the rainbow of protection, these are all ways that will help sensitive children get through the holiday season and daily life with their own feelings and energy vibrations. Take time to do what makes you happy during the holidays and every day for that matter. Whether it is volunteering, donating, spending time with family, giving or getting gifts, figure out what will make you happy and do it. If you and your child are able to continue to protect and keep positive energy vibrations, then the season will be much merrier for you and for all.

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I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness because it shows me the stars. ~Og Mandino{ {

em⋅brace: Willing to accept all aspects of life with love: To throw your whole self into an experience with arms lovingly wrapped around every inhale and exhale: To believe what you are experiencing is irreplaceable

patience: the quality of being patient, as the bearing of provocation, annoyance, misfortune, or pain, without complaint, loss of temper, irritation, or the like: an ability or willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance when confronted with delay: quiet, steady perseverance; even-tempered care; diligence

passion: strong and barely controllable emotion: a state or outburst of strong emotion: intense sexual love: an intense desire or enthusiasm for something: a thing arousing enthusiasm

Often a word pops into our heads (hearts) that summarizes what we are going through, what we need to work on, or what we are noticing evolving in front of us. These words have significance when we look at them deeply and apply them in the here and now, and can have deep soul understandings. Here are a few words that have bubbled up for us this season.

{ soul words }

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{ soul art }We are all artists. Each of us, gifted with a unique expression of soul. It’s not necessary to call yourself an artist, we just want to see and experience your soul through any medium you wish to use. Whether it’s through the stroke of your paintbrush, or an image frozen in time from the lens of your camera is up to you. Each piece is a celebration of soul and our hope is that as you look into each image you will feel inspired, connected, and ushered in to your own beautiful creativity. If you would like to share your expression of soul with the rest of our community, please email us at [email protected].


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about Dani PalacioOver the years that I have blessed to call planet Earth my home, I have come to learn many things. The most important of these lessons is to love myself just as I am. I am not broken. I am not wounded. I am whole! I am a child of the most Divine loving, everlasting Source energy ever known. And so are YOU!! My inner fire compels me to live life with the knowing that I am more than this human body. I am SOUL living through the human experience. In this truth, I offer myself in ways that delight my heart and allow me to shine brightly. I am dedicated to sharing my creative passions with you and would be honored to assist you in finding your joy, a greater expression of your authentic heart or simply be a mirror so you might know yourself in a new way!

I’m a Master Certified Life Coach, a Usui and Karuna Reiki Master and Teacher as well as an eternal student of all things Divine. My 20+ years of experience and explorations have enabled me to gather wisdom from many cultures, practices and teachings. My intention is to meet you heart to heart and trust the guidance that best enables us to walk together in the journey of our co-created experience.

I’d be honored if you’d visit my website: to learn more about me and what I’m currently offering. You can reach me: [email protected] or on

about Joey PaynterI’m an artist and a wounded healer. I’m constantly entering into the unknown edges of the shadow world with the intention to help others see their beauty, especially if it’s been hidden in the ashes. I’m a photographer, a teacher, a healer, a speaker, and a storyteller. I believe stories hold the magic of our souls.

My diverse background in psychological studies and my ever-growing passion for empowering the human soul has led me around the world to work with others in giving a voice to their story. I attained a B.S. in Psychology and Religion from James Madison University, a Masters in Clinical Psychology from Vanguard University, and am currently in the process of attaining my Ph.D in Depth Psychology at Pacifica Graduate Institute. I’ve also completed a 2-year SoulArts apprenticeship program under a practicing Shaman, which has helped me attune to the spirit world. I’ve worked with individuals and groups for over 15 years and I specialize in relational struggles, depression, anxiety, and (re)discovering one’s dreams. I’ve traveled extensively to over 40 countries as a counselor, healer, lecturer, and photojournalist, You can view my work at and and please feel free to drop me a note anytime.

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about Lora KeddieI am gardener, a writer, a business owner, a farmer's wife, and... an Empath and a Spirit Talker. There I’ve said it. It’s taken me years to admit it, understand and accept it. Now in doing so, I’ve opened my life to this amazing world. For years I tried to block, hide and get rid of my abilities thinking that I just might be insane. With love and support, I’ve learned to hear spirit and to travel through worlds that many of us have yet to experience. I study Shamanism, which is a practice of direct relevation through listening to your own intuition, soul and your loving spirit guides. With the aid of sirits I can help heal and open souls. Lovingly nicked named Pandora Lora, since working with me you’ll often find yourself opening to something more… more that is out there and the more that is available in you. I help to open the “box” that’s been closed in you, and the box you’ll find doesn’t want to be closed again.

All that being said, there is very much I’m still learning. I believe I always will be learning and feel that sharing my experiences through this journey just might help the next person who is waking up to this wild and wonderful life. Whatever it is that you are trying to open up to, please feel free to contact me. If I can’t help, I may be able to direct you to someone who helped me.

{we'd love to hear from you}

Please send us your ideas, feedback or write to just say hi! Also follow us on social media as we post new content, questions,

inspirations and activities for living a soul life!


If you are interested in advertising in an upcoming issue of Soul Life please email us

at [email protected]

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