Soul Driven Secrets

The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success by Andrrea Hess


Soul work

Transcript of Soul Driven Secrets

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

by Andrrea Hess

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

Dear Highly Conscious Entrepreneur,

Do you ever feel like there is a secret success formula that you haven’t been let in on? That there’s some hidden code to making great money in your business that you haven’t deciphered yet?

You see others making money in your industry ... and you’re not sure what makes you different from them. You know your work is just as good, perhaps even better. You have solid expertise to share, and a deep desire to be of service.

You’ve probably followed other people’s blueprints and systems for marketing and sales success, but with only little to moderate success. You’ve tried on different business and marketing models, but none of them proved to be the key to greater income.

You’ve probably watched some of your peers’ businesses take off, leav-ing you scratching your head, won-dering what they are doing that you don’t know about.

You probably feel like there is so much untapped financial potential within you ... if only you could un-lock whatever seems to be holding you back. It’s annoying and frustrating, right?

So ... what IS the thing that’s going to finally, finally double or triple your income?

Obviously, the secret is NOT a business model. And the secret is NOT a marketing technique.

You’ve studied a bunch of those already, and not gotten to where you want to be!

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

The secret is also not a product launch formula, a new strategy for closing sales, or filling live events, or Facebook advertising, or getting your funnel just right, or developing an awesome signature talk or system, or building wealth through workshops, or making big money with small events.

You’ve probably tried on at least a few of these strategies in your quest for a financial break-through.

And these strategies SEEM to work for SOME people. But want to know something really interesting?

They are NOT the key to financial success ... for anyone. Not even the people who are teaching those things. Not even the people who ARE making money doing those things.

Business models and marketing technique and sales skills are NEVER the real key behind busi-ness growth and financial success.

They are the outward expression of the REAL secret cause behind the money and business growth.

It’s never about the “right” business model, or the “proper” way to run a Facebook ad, or get-ting butts in seats, or designing the “best” offer for your “ideal” clients.

None of those things are the real secret behind financial success.

Very few people know the real secret ... which is why everyone is out there, shouting about the efficacy of their awesome business model or marketing and sales technique as if it really worked for absolutely everyone.

But we know they don’t ... right?

Business models and marketing technique and sales skills are NEVER the real key behind business

growth and financial success.

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

We all know that behind every glowing testimonial are twenty other clients that had zero to mediocre success.

And let me fill you in on some behind-the-scenes information.

I know quite a few people who DID use someone else’s model to make a ton of money. In fact, I was one of those people. But you don’t know the full story, the one that’s not written about.

Even if you use someone else’s models or techniques and make a shit-ton of money ... chanc-es are, you’ll be miserable. I certainly was! I made $750K in 2012, but thoroughly hated my life and business for a while. I have many friends who, after the dust settled on their multiple six-figure income, absolutely hated the lifestyle that was the price of their financial success.

In fact, I don’t know ANYONE who is using someone else’s pre-packaged business model or marketing technique who is both happy, fulfilled, AND making tons of money. And I’ve been on the inside of several very high-end mastermind groups.

So I want to let you in on the REAL secret - the secret to creating a fabulous income AND the most fulfilling, joyful, awesome lifestyle you can imagine for yourself. Because that’s why we became entrepreneurs, right?

And you might not believe me. And if you’ve been struggling for a while to achieve a financial breakthrough, I can’t really blame you.

So I want to show you my own results.

As I’m writing this, here are my own sales figures from last month:

It doesn’t get talked about in the business coaching industry.

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

And here are my sales figures from the month before that:

Now - you may say to yourself that sales figures are not exactly all that they are cracked up to be. But I run an incredibly lean business. I have one part-time assistant, because I’m a big geek and love working with technology. I get hardly any refund requests, ever.

I also don’t work very hard. I am addicted to having lots of time. Here’s a shot of my calendar this week:

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

And while I run Facebook ads and automated sales funnels and really know how to structure my content so that my webinars convert ... none of that is REAL secret behind my highly un-likely financial results.

Don’t be fooled. Authentic self-expression is THE KEY to your financial success.

But I’m not talking about your standard, run-of-the-mill, “be-who-you-are, “may-I-be-oh-so-vulnerable-with-you” (yech!!!) version of authentic self-expression.

It goes SO, so, so much deeper than that.

Ready to truly take this secret apart and get to the REAL nature of what makes money happen?


Obviously, in order to be authentically self-expressed, you need ...


We’re not talking about getting to know the little you, the ego you, the part of you that is your current belief system, conditioned mental patterns, hopes, dreams, likes and dislikes, pref-erences and aversions, fears and doubts, wants and desires. It’s not about the “you” that you currently perceive as who you are, the ego that you are most likely highly identified with.

I’m talking about knowing the real YOU, the big YOU, the eternal essence as you were created by Divine Source.

I’m talking about your Soul.

Ready for the REAL secret?

It’s authentic self-expression.

Was that a bit of a let-down?

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

Yep ... your Soul is actually THE KEY to your financial success.

What, specifically, do you know about your Soul?

Who is your Soul, exactly?

Can you describe the characteristics of your Soul?

If you can’t ... don’t feel bad! Most people don’t have a clue as to who they are, at Soul-level. And since the secret to financial success IS self-knowledge AT SOUL-LEVEL ... well that abso-lutely explains why most business fail ... right? And why most entrepreneurs struggle?

The difference between you and the entrepreneur that is making ten times the money you’re making isn’t the business model, or their marketing and sales skills. Believe me, it’s amazing how we can make some awesome money with pretty sloppy marketing and terrible sales skills.

The difference between you and someone pulling in seven figures is that they are doing business and life in CONGRUENCE to who they are, at Soul-level.

Sometimes people just happen upon alignment with their Soul Self and become successful. Even THEY think it’s their business model, or the way they sell, or market themselves. It’s not. Very, very few people know who they truly are, at Soul-level. Which is why most experts and coaches are stuck teaching what made THEM successful, which is only going to work for a very small percentage of their clients and students.

Financial success is a guessing game for most entrepreneurs. Because no-one truly knows their own Soul.

And yet, our Soul-level attributes and characteristics can actually tell us exactly what offers, what marketing channels, what business models will make us money.

What an awesome way to save ourselves time, money, and heartbreak, right?

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

Let me tell you how I stumbled upon this understanding.

You see, I started out studying the Soul via Akashic Records readings. I helped my clients understand exactly who they are at Soul-level and, through thousands of readings, developed a whole new understanding of the Soul. Eventually I began teaching how to read Akashic Records, and over the last seven years, I’ve trained over a thousand Practitioners all over the world in my own proprietary modality, Soul Realignment.

In 2008, my business was going pretty well, but my marriage was not. And so I decided to leave my hus-band and become the self-employed single mom of a three-year-old daughter. I was terrified!

My background was not in business and marketing - I have not one but two degrees in Opera Perfor-mance, of all things. But I did understand from my work who I was, at Soul-level. And I truly under-stood how the Soul translates itself into the human experience.

No-one had ever suggested to me that I apply this understanding to MY BUSINESS. Doing so was a huge leap of faith. After all, this was NOT a conven-tional path to business growth, and I had my daugh-ter to think of!

But I wanted to walk my talk in a BIG way. So I began running my business based on what I knew of who I am, at Soul-level. A lot of what I did flew in the face of what any business coach would tell you! And wouldn’t you know it ... six months later, I had my first five-figure month.

As my own business grew, my students began to ask me about marketing and attracting cli-ents.

Time and again, I noticed how different Soul-level attributes translated themselves into busi-ness, marketing and sales techniques. Time and again, when my clients DARED to do busi-ness based on their true authentic self-expression ... money inevitably happened!

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

Along the way, I was also privileged to read for some highly successful seven-figure entrepre-neurs ... and as it turned out, the way they operated their business was simply in alignment with who they are, at Soul-level.

Every. Single. Time.

So ... what does it mean to be in congruence with our Soul?

• There are certain energies your Soul is made of ... and others that are barely present in your Soul’s vibrational spectrum.

• There are certain ways your Soul was created ... which is directly reflected in your personal creative process.

• There are certain ways in which the Soul best experiences itself while incarnated ... which is directly reflected in how you are designed to manifest.

By being who we truly are, by showing up as our inherently abundant Selves in the way we serve others and do business, we get to experience that abundance in every aspect of our lives.

Money just happens to be a very happy by-product of that process!

You may be thinking to yourself right now: “But I really love my work and feel like it IS an expression of who I am.”

Sure. But ...

It means that we express the way we were made, by Divine Source, God, the Universe, the Creator, or whatever you want to

call the creative power that is the root cause for our existence.

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

Authentic Self-Expression Is Not About WHAT You Do!!

At least, it’s not JUST about what you do.

Sure, whether you’re a coach or accountant or chef or you’ve designed a nifty new kind of water bottle ... HOW you serve and offer value to your clients and customers must of course be an expression of who you truly are.

That’s actually the easiest part!

In fact, most entrepreneurs are led to their authentic work through passion and intuition, and WHAT we do is - the services and products we offer - is usually fairly aligned to our authentic self-expression.

But how much of our time do we spend serving our clients? How much of our time is truly dedicated to doing the work we love - the work that started us on our path?

If your business is going well, you spend maybe 25% or 30% of your time doing the work you love. The rest of the time, you are involved with marketing, creating content, having sales con-versations, managing your team, figuring out your autoresponder, working with your vendors, networking with joint venture partners, and the gzillion other aspects of running a business.

If you are just starting out, you may be spending ZERO time doing the work you love, and all your time marketing yourself so that you can get some sales rolling in.

Whatever stage of business you’re in ... most of your time is spend working ON your business rather than working IN your business.

So if your work with your clients is aligned to your authentic self-expression, then that takes care of maybe 25% of your business activities.

What About The Other 75%???

The REAL secret of embracing your authentic self-expression is that HOW you market, HOW you sell, HOW you structure your business, HOW you run a team ... it all has to be in congru-ence to your authentic self-expression.

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

It’s not about the “right” business model or marketing technique.

It’s about the business, marketing, sales, and management models that express YOU. The real YOU, the big YOU ... not the little ego you that is probably really, really hung up on doing these things the way that has been “proven” to work ... usually by someone else.


Your Soul is as unique as a snowflake.

The chances of someone else’s “proven” business strategies working for you exactly the way they work for that person are slim to none.

So if you’ve followed someone else’s formula for creating webinars that convert, or for filling your events, or for selling from stage, or for list-build-ing, all with little to no success ... it’s because these things are not congruent to who YOU are.I’ll let you in on a little secret:

No-one’s business technique, formula, blueprint or strategy works as well for other people as they work for the PERSON THAT ORIGINATED that technique, formula, blueprint, or strategy.

Read the above sentence again. It’s THAT important.

Think about it.

Who are the people you know who are doing incredibly well? Who are the most successful entrepreneurs you know?

Are they the ones that have innovated their own business strategies and models?


They followed no-one. They did what was congruent to THEIR authentic self-expression.

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

There’s two ways to get to that same level of success.

The first is trial and error. If you’re lucky, you’ll stumble in and out of doing business in the way that aligns to who You are, until you figure out what works for you. If you’re not so lucky and are currently totally off track, you’ll just get burnt out and heartbroken over the next five years.

The second way is to get to KNOW your Soul Self, and then leverage that self-knowledge to create a business that uniquely expresses YOU. I will tell you that knowing your own Soul solves some of the biggest business mysteries we encounter:

• Why some information products stop selling after their initial successful launch.

• Why some entrepreneurs struggle to find leads online, in spite of really awesome opt-in pages.

• Why some entrepreneurs can’t seem to fill their events, in spite of great marketing.

• Why some entrepreneurs sell amazingly well from stage, but can’t convert on a webinar.

It’s like knowing exactly what ingredients to use in your business in order to make it a gourmet meal.

You’re not limited by these ingredients - you can put them together with different side dishes, use different cooking techniques, impart new flavors, and plate them up differently.

But no matter what - using these ingredients to express yourself creatively will ALWAYS result in money showing up for you.

Making money stops being a mystery.

Knowing your Soul Self is the way to take the guess work out of knowing what will make you money, and what won’t.

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The Soul-Driven Secret Of Success

If The Soul Is The Key ... Why Isn’t This Information Out There Already?

To be honest, I really don’t know.

I happen to be a psychic with a mad passion for studying the human Soul who also really un-derstands how to be successful in business.

Only recently has entrepreneurship become conscious and open enough to incorporate spiri-tual principles into how we do business, although I don’t think we’ve taken things far enough ... because very few people have actually studied the Soul.

And maybe it’s because something within us these days KNOWS that our human experience is meant to be a playground for our self-expression. Maybe we’re finally ready to stop making our business a battle ground where we go to war and embrace concepts like competition or “targeting” a niche.

Maybe we’re ready to express ourselves fully through what we call a business, which is really simply a structure that allows us to exchange value with others.

Maybe we finally understand that, while effort is necessary, struggle is entirely optional, and we are ready to find out what makes the difference between the two.

The difference is authentic Self-expression.

The difference is your Soul.

To your infinite abundance,Andrrea Hess