Sonar project

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Transcript of Sonar project

  • 7/25/2019 Sonar project


    SONARSonar is a acronym which stands for So-SOund


    A-And R-Ranging

  • 7/25/2019 Sonar project


    Sonar is a device that usesultrasonic waves to measure thedistance, direction and speed ofunderwater objects sonarconsists of a transmitter

    and a detector and isinstalled in a

    boat or a ship.

  • 7/25/2019 Sonar project


    he transmitter produces and transmitsultrasonic waves. hese waves travelthrough water and after stri!ing theobject on seabed, get re"ected bac! and

    are sensed by the detector. he detectorconverts waves into electrical signalwhich are appropriately interpreted.


  • 7/25/2019 Sonar project


    he distance of the object thatre"ected the sound wave can becalculated by !nowing the speed ofsound in water and time intervalbetween transmission and receptionof ultra sound

    (ow to calculate distance

    of object

  • 7/25/2019 Sonar project


    )et time interval be t and speedof sound through sea water be v

    total distance traveled by wave is *dthen,


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