
Analysis of SONA Maria Almigtha C. Cruz Synopsis. The president of our country, the Philippines, President Benigno "PNoy" Aquino III has successfully delivered his fifth State of the Nation Address (SONA) and discussed matters regarding the country’s economy, defenses, public works, education, and many more. The address was held in Batasan Complex, Quezon City on Monday, July 28, 2014. PNoy's SONA marked his fourth year in the presidency. Lawmakers, senators, congressmen, government officials, local and international media, dignitaries and other important personalities at Batasan Pambansa gave him at least 85 rounds of applause. The speech started at exactly 4:00 in the afternoon and ended after one and a half hour. The topic of the SONA I was really moved is when he said that the “Filipino is worth dying for. The Filipino is worth living for. The Filipino is worth fighting for”. Analysis. PNoy started his speech by touching the controversial Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) which was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. He trumpeted the benefits of the mechanism which helped 220,000 students of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to the tune of P1.6 billion DAP funds. He then showed two video testimonials of those who benefitted from TESDA scholarships. The address also enumerated the achievements of his administration over the past years, which includes good economic performance, increased budget in infrastructure, success of Public- Private Partnerships, and calamity efforts. PNoy also was combative against the critics of his administration, saying that they are actually against his "Boss", the people. He also had strong words against rice hoarders and corrupt officials at the Bureau of Customs. At the end of his speech, the President praised some religious leaders, local government heads, NGOs, soldiers and artists who made significant contributions. He also showed other video testimonials of 3 policewomen who arrested members of Martilyo Gang. He turned emotional when he reflected on the memory of his parents, slain Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. and the late President Corazon Aquino. And to conclude the address, he urged the Filipino people to be the key in continuing the positive transformation that his administration started Reaction. Overall I agreed with what our President stated. And for me, this is the best SONA in his four years of being the head of our country. The address was brief and concise, and his appeal to the



Transcript of SONA2014

Analysis of SONA

Maria Almigtha C. Cruz

Synopsis. The president of our country, the Philippines, President Benigno "PNoy" Aquino III has successfully delivered his fifth State of the Nation Address (SONA) and discussed matters regarding the countrys economy, defenses, public works, education, and many more. The address was held in Batasan Complex, Quezon City on Monday, July 28, 2014. PNoy's SONA marked his fourth year in the presidency. Lawmakers, senators, congressmen, government officials, local and international media, dignitaries and other important personalities at Batasan Pambansa gave him at least 85 rounds of applause. The speech started at exactly 4:00 in the afternoon and ended after one and a half hour. The topic of the SONA I was really moved is when he said that the Filipino is worth dying for. The Filipino is worth living for. The Filipino is worth fighting for. Analysis. PNoy started his speech by touching the controversial Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) which was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. He trumpeted the benefits of the mechanism which helped 220,000 students of Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) to the tune of P1.6 billion DAP funds. He then showed two video testimonials of those who benefitted from TESDA scholarships.

The address also enumerated the achievements of his administration over the past years, which includes good economic performance, increased budget in infrastructure, success of Public-Private Partnerships, and calamity efforts. PNoy also was combative against the critics of his administration, saying that they are actually against his "Boss", the people. He also had strong words against rice hoarders and corrupt officials at the Bureau of Customs.

At the end of his speech, the President praised some religious leaders, local government heads, NGOs, soldiers and artists who made significant contributions. He also showed other video testimonials of 3 policewomen who arrested members of Martilyo Gang.

He turned emotional when he reflected on the memory of his parents, slain Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. and the late President Corazon Aquino. And to conclude the address, he urged the Filipino people to be the key in continuing the positive transformation that his administration started

Reaction. Overall I agreed with what our President stated. And for me, this is the best SONA in his four years of being the head of our country. The address was brief and concise, and his appeal to the emotions was real and was really felt by the listeners, even his critics. He was also smart not to mention the Supreme Court and the three senators who are in jail for the pork barrel scam. And it was a relief that he did not blame this time the past administration of ex-president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo for the problems the country is now facing.

Again, I feel bad that he skipped on tackling the Freedom of Information Bill. It was one of his biggest promises when he assumed office 2010, and with two years left in his term, he should make it a priority. In his talk, the government meant well. There was no admission of any major problems in the system, and nothing about what is eating the country from the inside and out: corruption. If you were visiting from Mars and randomly dropped into one of the comfy Batasan chairs to hear the presidents speech, you would probably feel very optimistic about living in the Philippines the improvements, the countrys acceleration, and the implied contentment of the citizens; it almost sounded too good to be true.

All of the funds, according to the president, went to the places they are supposed to go. There are new fighter jets, helicopters and a landing ship. There are also new weaponry and arsenal for soldiers and police officers alike. Respondents and relief workers were quick during disaster situations. The education has been widespread all over the country that our natives are now sent to school.

This administration deserves a lot of credit for what it has done for the country. It is now at investment rate, the economy is flourishing, and there are no bloody conflicts or horrendous kidnappings. Plans for road development and improvements, housing, schools, and other infrastructure are underway.

The presidents SONA is full of metaphors; at some point he was the captain on a ship, ferryyng the Filipino people from an island of corruption to an island of flourishing beauty. Its all so dreamy he discussed mainly the beauty of what is on the surface, but not what is rotting at the core.

This SONA is the presidents fifth, the second to the last, and we are expecting him to discuss more about what is happening now impeachment complaints because of DAP, territorial disputes, pork barrel scam, energy problems and more.

It is all very superficial. Despite the improvements, there are matters deep in the crevices of the system greatly affecting the country that have been left unmentioned. There are many comparisons between his administration and the old, and most of all, there is lot of spite expressed from his attackers. We appreciate the positivity and the improvements but sheer avoidance of more pressing matters is not a development in any form.

Also, we are irked by the frequency of Kris Aquinos appearance. She looked like she was watching heavy teledrama with her emotional crumpled face and notable tissue dabbing. Nothing the president said was tear-worthy. The Philippines have many problems facing right now, and PNoy is right in rallying his 'bosses' us, the Filipino people - to help him in focusing, giving priorities and continuing the positive transformation his administration has started and will be doing in his last two remaining years as president of our country. SONA reaction paper guide. Writers have different styles in writing a reaction paper, but basically it is composed of three parts: Synopsis, Analysis and Reaction.Synopsis. This is a brief summary of the details of SONA 2014 including information on date and time, location, attendees, and other important information like the main theme or topic of the President's address.

Analysis. In this part you can write about the highlights of the SONA, the talking points and references the President made in his talk. What did the PNoy emphasize in his address? What examples/citations did he use? Did he miss on some important details? You can answer those questions in the analysis.

Reaction. In the last part of the reaction paper, you may add your personal reaction and sentiments about the SONA. You can answer the questions such as: Do you agree with what the President stated? Have you felt the accomplishments achieved by his administration? What do you think of the goals he stated for his last 2 years? What thrusts should the government give priority in the remaining years of his term?