Somtypes Focusreport - What are you talking about, Mr. Trump

WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT, MR. TRUMP? FOCUSREPORT Pre- & post president elecon online discussion report (2016)

Transcript of Somtypes Focusreport - What are you talking about, Mr. Trump

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Pre- & post president election online discussion report (2016)

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Herausgeber: Somtypes UG - Begasstraße 6 – 12157 BerlinDatenquelle: Brandwatch

Bildquelle: pic by DonkeyHotey The details of the focusreport are non-binding and are for information

purposes only. Without specific customer-specific consulting services, no action should be taken on the basis of the information provided.

Intro Page 3

Pre election discussion Page 4

1. candidate Page 5

2. vote Page 8

3. media Page 11

4. might Page 14

5. america Page 17

6. issues Page 20

7. trade Page 23

8. president Page 26

9. positions Page 29

Post election discussion Page 32

1. candidate Page 33

2. vote Page 36

3. media Page 39

4. might Page 42

5. america Page 45

6. issues Page 48

7. trade Page 51

8. president Page 54

9. positions Page 57

Somtypes Products Page 60+

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Somtypes Focusreport


On November 8, 2016, Donald Trump (the oldest candidate ever - sad!) was elected with 62.984.825 votes (46.09%) as the 58th President of the United States of America. He won with 304 electors against his Democratic counterpart Hillary Clinton (65,853,516 votes, 48.18%), who won only 227 electoral men. (Https://äsi-dentschaftswahl_in_den_Unte_Staaten_2016)

Somtypes has analyzed the communications 30 days before and 30 days after the electi-on with its method of making Smart Data from Big Data and structured the most import-ant contributions on the most important topics in this focus report.

The most important topics are divided in:

1. candidate2. vote3. media4. might5. america6. issues7. trade

In the following, you will find the reports before the election, followed by the reports after the election in Chapter 2.


Somtpyes combines social media monitoring with artificial intelligence. Brandwatch‘s Social Media Monitoring Tool was used to collect contributions to a topic and create a textkorpus. The text body was then analyzed by an AI.

On the basis of Unsupervised Machine Learning, the AI structures text structures using Part of Speech and Morphological Segmentation and creates a three-dimensional map (heatmap) on which the semantic structure can be read out and / or removed.

The theme map is presented by the AI in 36 equal-sized pie pieces. The terms (terms) in a cake piece represent a thematic focus. Six topics focus on a thematic area. Six thematic areas describe the respective topic.

Somtypes offers analyzes in all 47 languages available through the Brand-watch monitoring tool


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Pre-election Discussion

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1. Candidate

1.1. Democratic

Supporters of Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump recite the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance at a campaign rally in Panama City, Florida, U.S., October 11, 2016. REUTERS/Mike Segar A woman chants Lock her up in reference to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as she attends a campaign rally for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in Miami, Florida, U.S., September 16, 2016. (aol 15.10.16 #democratic)

In another sign of voter discontent this election cycle, many Trump and Clinton supporters view their vote for their candidate not as a vote of support for the candidate’s ideas but rather as a vote against the opposing candidate. The Vice Presidential candidates, Indiana’s Republican Governor Mike Pence and Vir-ginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine, have improved the likeability of the Presidential candidates. (fairus 26.10.16 #democratic)

President Barack Obama is telling voters in Florida they can’t stick Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton with a Republican-controlled Congress. Obama is in Kissimmee trying to sway voting in the state’s U.S. Se-nate race where incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican, is running against Democrat Patrick Murphy. Obama says “if you want more endless gridlock, vote for Republicans.” medicinehatnews 07.11.16 #democratic)

Trump has repeatedly referred to former President Bill Clinton’s conduct with some women in the past, as well as how Hillary Clinton responded to her husband’s extramarital activities. Two in three voters do not think Bill Clinton’s extramarital activities and Hillary Clinton’s response should be a part of the pre-sidential campaign, though most Republicans differ with Democrats and independents on this matter. (cbsnews 18.10.16 #democrats)

Right-Wing Media Bolster Trump’s Unsubstantiated, Dangerous Claims Of “Large Scale Voter Fraud” Right-wing media bolstered Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s claim that “there is large scale voter fraud happening on and before election day.” Conservatives asserted that dead people “vote for Hillary” and “for Democrats” and that early voting was implemented to give someone “a little hand” in elections. (mediamatters 17.10.16 #democrats)

1.2. Bill Clinton

Eleven days before the presidential election, F.B.I Director James Comey sent a letter to congressional leaders saying FBI agents had discovered Hillary Clinton emails “that appear pertinent” and the Clinton email investigation was reopened. November 6, 2016 - F.B.I Director James Comey told Congress that he found no new evidence in the emails discovered in late October to warrant charges against Clinton. (jpost 07.11.16 #fbi)

McAuliffe was chairman of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign then served as a fundraiser and national co-chairman of Clinton’s reelection campaign. Later, he become campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton’s first run for the White House. He also was chairman of the Democratic National Committee for five years, beginning in 2000. (mobile 24.10.16 #bill)

The Republican National Committee cheered the new attention on Clinton‘s emails as a potential turning point in the race. The FBI‘s decision to reopen their criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton‘s secret email server just 11 days before the election shows how serious this discovery must be, Reince Priebus, the Re-publican committee chairman, said in a statement. (arkansasonline 29.10.16 #fbi)

When people talk about white privilege and white control of the system, it’s insane, Bill Clinton cares not for me or anyone that I know. Yes white people and more specifically white men run the system, but they do not provide for low status and low income white people. They use their own positions of power has both evidence of white privilege and a platform by which to push anti-white legislation aimed at low status whites. (marginalrevolution 17.10.16 #bill)

Trump said the women may be motivated for financial reasons or political reasons or “the simple reason they want to stop our movement.” Separately, newly released emails showed that Clinton’s campaign

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asked former President Bill Clinton to cancel a speech to a Wall Street investment firm last year because of concerns that the Clintons might appear to be too cozy with Wall Street. (arabnews 15.10.16 #bill)

1.3. Republican

But in fact, Trump’s campaign has been working with the Republican National Committee to raise corpo-rate and billionaire MegaMoney, just as Clinton has for Democrats. And Trump made no pledge to reform the system. For America’s future, what counted was Hillary Clinton’s becoming the first major party presi-dential nominee pledging to work for campaign finance reform in the White House. (ivn 12.10.16 #republican)

In order to water down the controversy, Trump attacked Hillary Clinton over allegations about her hus-band Bill Clinton’s sexual conduct. The Republican nominee had even held a pre-debate event with three women who have accused former US president Bill Clinton of rape or sexual harassment. In a desperate attempt to win the race for the White House, Trump claims to have phenomenal plans for his first 100 days as president. (zeenews 04.11.16 #republican)

Polls also don’t see a Republican candidate at war with his party, which is increasingly prioritizing Se-nate and House races. Likely voter screens, which lean heavily on voting history, might miss new voters energized to vote against Trump. Trump’s only hope is a wave of previously unregistered white voters without college degrees, for which there is little evidence. (lgbtweekly 27.10.16 #republican)

Donald Trump did not affirmatively state on Wednesday night during the final debate of the race if he would accept the results of the US presidential election. The Republican party candidate said he would wait till November 8, election day, to determine if he would welcome the results. Trump and Hillary Clin-ton, Republican party candidate, disagreed on the major issues such as border control and immigration, birth control and second amendment. (nigeriadailynews 20.10.16 #presidential)

Trump suggested last week during the final 2016 presidential debate that the US-backed attack on Mosul was orchestrated to help Clinton in her White House bid. With just over two weeks to go until the election, Clinton, President Barack Obama‘s first-term secretary of state, leads the New York businessman in nati-onal opinion polls. Both candidates have been focusing on a small set of political swing states that could decide the contest. (sabc 25.10.16 #debate)

1.4. Candidate

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and her Republican rival Donald Trump intensified their attacks on each other as they head to the election on November 8, with Trump warning that a Clinton win could potentially trigger World War III from Syria. For most people in China, the US presidential election is more like a reality show rather than a political event which will deeply influence the only remaining superpower and even the world. (en 27.10.16 #candidate)

As of October 15th Trump destroys Clinton in Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Yesterday it was reported that Donald Trump is CRUSHING Hillary Clinton in Google searches on “How to vote Trump” versus “How to vote Hillary.” Also, it was recently reported that Trump set a Republican Party record for the largest donor pool of any Republican candidate in history with 2.6 million people donating to his cam-paign. (thegatewaypundit 17.10.16 #candidate)

The tax plans proposed by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton largely follow their respective political par-ties’ economic orthodoxy. For those interested in how each candidate’s tax plans might affect you per-sonally, there are two online tax calculators from major tax policy think tanks. Here are the links: The tax plans proposed by Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton largely follow their respective political parties’ economic orthodoxy. (wallethub 07.11.16 #candidate)

Even with national polls narrowing, the Democratic contender has many more paths to 270 electoral votes. One example: Clinton campaigned Wednesday in Arizona, a state that has voted for Republican presidential candidates all but once since 1952. Despite Trump’s optimism, Republican pollster Ed Goeas expects his party’s nominee to fall short of the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win. (japantimes 03.11.16 #polls)

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After three presidential debates, almost all mainstream US media released poll results showing Clinton winning, but social media polls are totally different, Chu Yin, a professor at the University of International Relations, told the Global Times on Wednesday. Trump is more popular than Clinton in cyberspace. Trump has 12.7 million followers on Twitter to Clinton‘s 9.99 million. (en 27.10.16 #polls)

1.5. Race

More recently, Ross Perot’s 1992 third-party run also played an important role in the final outcome of the election. The Independent Party candidate, Perot attracted 18 percent of voters, taking enough votes away from Republican President George H.W. Bush that Democrat Bill Clinton was able to win the presi-dency. Third-party candidates don’t always have to win large numbers of voters to impact the presidential race. (riverbender 18.10.16 #candidates)

Norpoth developed a model that correctly predicted winner of every presidential election in past 100 years Donald Trump will win the November 8 presidential election, an American professor whose model has successfully predicted all but one White House race result for the past 100 years has predicted despite the Republican nominee trailing in most opinion polls. (business-standard 26.10.16 #race)

The Independent Party candidate, Perot attracted 18 percent of voters, taking enough votes away from Republican President George H.W. Bush that Democrat Bill Clinton was able to win the presidency. Third-party candidates don’t always have to win large numbers of voters to impact the presidential race. (riverbender 18.10.16 #candidates)

Presidential Candidates‘ Stance On Repatriation Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton‘s campaign has proposed to use the tax revenue from repatriated foreign earnings to invest in domestic infrastructure. Republican candidate Donald Trump took a softer stance and proposed a one-time 10 percent tax on cor-porate money held abroad, while reducing the tax on future corporate earnings to 15 percent. (finance 07.11.16 #candidates)

Donald Trump was a political target of the Democratic National Committee two months before he offici-ally joined the 2016 presidential race, according to an email released by WikiLeaks on Monday. The April 7, 2015, email from Hillary Clinton’s campaign to the DNC is designed to help make anyone nominated by the Republican Party “unpalatable” to the voters. It states that the goals of the Clinton campaign and the DNC are “one and the same.” joemiller 11.10.16 #race)

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2. Vote

2.1. Women

Donald J. Trump via Reuters/Handout Donald J. Trump via Reuters/Handout Republican U.S.presidential nominee Donald Trump is seen in a video screengrab as he apologizes for lewd comments he made about women during a statement recorded by his presidential campaign and released via social media after midnight October 8, 2016. Donald J. Trump via Reuters/Handout Reuters is the news and media division of Thomson Reuters . (mobile 08.10.16 #women)

During the debate at Washington University in St. Louis, the GOP nominee apologized for the video com-ments while dismissing them as nothing more than locker room talk. He sought to change the narrative by extending debate invitations to women who have made sexual allegations against Bill Clinton and claimed that Hillary Clinton tried to silence them. Bill Clinton was abusive to women, Trump said during the debate. (wltx 11.10.16 #women)

In a survey just prior to Comey’s announcement , 37% of Clinton voters said her mishandling of classified information is important to their vote, compared to 96% of Trump voters. Most undecided voters and supporters of Johnson and Stein also consider this an important voting issue. The majority of all voters consider the allegations of sexual harassment by multiple women against Trump important to their vote. (socio-political-journal 03.11.16 #women)

4:05 p.m. President Barack Obama is telling voters in Florida they can’t stick Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton with a Republican-controlled Congress. Obama is in Kissimmee trying to sway voting in the state’s U.S. Senate race where incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican, is running against Democrat Patrick Murphy. (medicinehatnews 07.11.16 #democrat)

Donald Trump doesn‘t think his actions impact other people. Given Trump‘s public life to date, there are a percentage of voters, normally a given for Republican candidates, who will not vote, will write in a can-didate, or will vote for the Democrat. Any way you look at it, this is bad for Republicans in Congress. (cnbc 12.10.16 #democrat)

2.2. Conservative

Martha Roby, a Republican member of Congress from the conservative state of Alabama, announced she would not be voting for Trump. Donald Trump‘s behaviour makes him unacceptable as a candidate for pre-sident, and I won‘t vote for him, she said in a statement. Hillary Clinton must not be president, but, with Trump leading the ticket, she will be. Utah‘s Republican Governor Gary Herbert said on Twitter he would also no longer vote for Trump. (sharenet 08.10.16 #conservative)

I can’t in good conscience vote for either Trump or Clinton, so I will eagerly “waste my vote” on a third-par-ty candidate. As a social conservative who’s left of center on economic issues and foreign policy, the party platform that best represents my convictions is that of the American Solidarity Party. I’m done with voting for the lesser of evils. (theamericanconservative 03.11.16 #conservative)

The country has had enough experience with those policies to no longer believe they will produce the benefits Republicans promise. Unless you’re a social conservative or a rich person, there just isn’t much reason to prefer most GOP policies. I agree with you that a Kasich/Rubio ticket would be more competitive than Trump/Anyone, but there just are fewer Republican and Republican- leaning voters than Democratic and Democratic-leaning voters. (theamericanconservative 25.10.16 #conservati-ve)

The question before us is whether the voter is then morally obligated to vote for Trump, or whether they may legitimately cast a vote for a third party or write a candidate in. Here the moral inquisitor argues, “The United States has a de facto two-party system. The state voting laws are largely rigged against third-party success; only very rarely do third-party candidates come within sniffing distance of winning electoral vo-tes. (impracticalcatholic 20.10.16 #question)

Democrat vice-presidential candidate Sen. Tim Kaine also called on voters to question any Republicans who continue to stand with Trump. National political director at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and for-mer director of the Division of Political Education at the Republican National Committee Rob Engstrom:

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Trump should step down immediately tonight, yielding to Governor Pence as the GOP Nominee. (sperofo-rum 07.10.16 #question)

2.3. Vote

Chinese American voters will hold a debate highlighting key issues affecting their community ahead of the second Trump-Clinton face-off in the US presidential race. The debate between teams supporting Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump will be held in Washington today, on the eve of the Sunday’s second presidential debate. Jay Song scmp (07.10.16 #voters)

The ad from the pro-Clinton Priorities USA shows white Trump supporters screaming at and pushing black protesters, along with Obama warning that voters would lose “everything” if Trump wins. As the final-days scramble for votes intensifies, Florida remains perhaps the nation’s most critical swing state. The Trump campaign knows there is no realistic path to the White House without Florida, where polls give Clinton a narrow lead. (japantimes 03.11.16 #voters)

Some supporters of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump are making their way across the state in a bus to energize voters. The Trump Bus made its way from Leesburg to Tifton Thursday night, attracting big crowds all along the way. An occasional honk sounded as traffic made its way past a group of Donald Trump supporters outside of Merry Acres. (walb 28.10.16 #voters)

With respect to court appointments, Trump‘s supporters therefore may have more reason to fear the prospect of a Clinton victory more than Clinton voters may have reason to fear Trump‘s election. To unde-cided voters, however, the uncertainty of which party will control the Senate reduces the extent to which judicial appointments might influence their vote. (jurist 12.10.16 #vote)

Democratic candidate Catherine Cortez Masto has used every opportunity to tie Donald Trump and Re-publican candidate Joe Heck together in the Senate race in Nevada to replace retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. Despite the high number of Hispanics in Nevada, Joe Heck has said that he embraces Trump’s policies and he is working with both the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee on statewide efforts to get out the vote. (fairus 26.10.16 #vote)

2.4. Supporters

The remaining question is who will turn out more supporters to vote: Clinton or Trump? Both candidates appear to have adopted a strategy of suppressing the voters of the other candidate. The thought behind the strategy seems to be, While the voters might not vote for me, if they decide that they cannot vote for the other candidate, maybe they will not vote at all, and I‘ll be able to win the majority of those who decide to vote. (newsmax 13.10.16 #supporters)

But as some people won‘t vote for Trump because of his antics or for Hillary because of her actions as Secretary of State, some people that still considered voting for Hillary might get turned off by her attempt to lump all of Trump‘s supporters together as racists and vote for someone else, even for Donald Trump. Has Donald Trump said some things that some people have been offended by? Yeah, but that‘s why Trump has become so popular. (beardoggx 25.10.16 #supporters)

Those under 40 continue to prefer Clinton; older voters favor Trump. Nearly half of all voters still say their choice this presidential election will be the lesser of two evils , although Trump supporters feel that way more strongly than Clinton voters do. Fortunately for both major party candidates who have been beset with questions about their honesty and integrity, most voters put their policy positions ahead of their character. (socio-political-journal 20.10.16 #supporters)

A CNN/ORC poll also found Trump leading Clinton by four points in the Buckeye State. And in Pennsylva-nia, a Remington Research poll found Trump trailing Clinton in a four-way race by a mere three points in a state where he had been lagging behind by 8-12 points just a couple of weeks ago. In addition, Trump shrunk Clinton’s lead in New Hampshire to four points at 46 to 42 in a four-way race, according to a new Monmouth University poll. (s1 28.10.16 #university)

Trump declared himself a changed man, but raised the infidelities of former President Bill Clinton and slammed his Democratic opponent in the November 8 election, Hillary Clinton, saying he would talk more about their past in coming days. Disclosure of a 2005 video of Trump talking on an open microphone

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showed the then-reality TV star speaking openly about groping women and trying to seduce a married woman. (business-standard 08.10.16 #past)

2.5. Man

i see now lots of people have been leaving trump and they say they now voteing for hillary as the first lady president of usa she will make the history books in usa. go vote on nov, 8. 2016 for a better life in american in my opinion. When you vote for Hillary, you are actually voting for Bill who is a well known sexist and womanizer, and Hillary stands by her man regardless of what he has done to many woman. (topix 27.10.16 #man)

Trump‘s election will do something that, to me, will probably outweigh 4-8 years of poor decision- ma-king at the executive level. If Trump wins, then America will have elected to this country‘s highest office a man who has made many racist and sexist comments. Now, do I like it when people go around making racist and sexist comments? debate 16.10.16 #man)

we got many things to fix for all the people in the usa , not just make it better for trump ways of life witch he might live now. this is the most important vote in history trust me. trump tweets woman at 3am in the morning and trump is married, i think this is his third wife whats next on trump list hes a one man wrecking crew. (topix 09.10.16 #man)

The Times report came just two days after a Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll showed one in five Republicans thought Trump’s comments about groping women disqualified him from the presidency. The poll also sho-wed him 8 points behind Clinton among likely voters. Trump, a New York businessman and former reality TV star, has never previously run for political office. (srnnews 13.10.16 #reality)

He was not known as a social conservative. Yet Trump’s base of support consisted of conservative rank-and-file Republicans, not pragmatic leaders and donors associated with the GOP establishment. He was backed in the primaries by many Tea Party and evangelical Protestant Republicans despite incessant de-nunciations by Senator Ted Cruz, who declared that Trump was not a real conservative but rather a liberal Democrat at heart. (lewrockwell 04.11.16 #liberal)

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3. Media

3.1. Politics

Under that status quo of an administration led by the Democratic nominee, the Republican- dominated state Legislature is expected to continue balking at Clinton’s proposals for health care, as well as immigra-tion. Clinton has a political history people can track. Trump, on the other hand, is making his first real foray into politics and ascended to the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. (memphisdailynews 04.11.16 #politics)

The response of the Democratic Party and the Hillary Clinton campaign to Trump is fundamentally reac-tionary. They do not seek to expose the right-wing politics of Trump or the oligarchic and semi- criminal social interests he actually represents. Rather, Clinton is seeking to outflank Trump from the right on for-eign policy by baiting him as an agent of Russia, and to scandalize him on the basis of his sexual exploits. (wsws 13.10.16 #politics)

It’s being sold down the river for a Nietzschean will-to-power style of politics in which too much power rests in the hands of too few people. Would a Trump victory give us breathing room and allow Americans the chance to reassess our trajectory, and change course towards a semblance of political sanity? That may seem an open question to some Republicans who resist voting for Trump. (socio-political-journal 06.11.16 #politics)

The Americans who are tired of the status quo might be afraid of what Donald Trump might do once he gets into office, but they‘re more afraid that nothing will change or even that things will get worse if Ame-rica stays on its current path with Hillary Clinton as President. While Donald Trump isn‘t a career politician, he‘s playing their game better than those career politicians with far more experience holding public office than he has. (beardoggx 25.10.16 #things)

Unless voters don’t care about these issues or believe that this is simply political dirty tricks by releasing the videos now, Trump is going to have to pull a rabbit out of his hat in order to turn things around, Bon-jean said. Still, Trump‘s past controversial comments have failed to shake his core supporters, said David Axelrod, a former political adviser to Democratic President Barack Obama. (thedickinsonpress 09.10.16 #things)

3.2. Media

Voters continue to strongly believe that the media is more interested in controversy than in the issues when it comes to the presidential race. As in previous presidential election cycles, voters expect reporters covering political campaigns to help their favorite candidates and think it‘s far more likely they will help Clinton than Trump. TOPICS: Campaign News ; Polls freerepublic 14.10.16 #media)

Who are Trump’s voters? Despite claims that he has won the “white working class,” the vast majority of Trump’s supporters, like those of the Tea Party, are drawn from the traditional and new middle classes, especially the older, white male and less well-off strata of these classes. Clearly, Trump’s right-wing op-position to neoliberal trade and tax policies resonates with a minority of older, white workers, including a minority of union members. (europe-solidaire 18.10.16 #right)

Turning to his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, Trump accused her of having “bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated” her husband’s “victims”. Trump’s 90-second statement capped a jarring day that threa-tened to sink his presidential campaign and sent Republicans into a panic just over a month from Election Day. Trump’s campaign released the one-and-a-half-minute video on the Republican nominee’s social me-dia accounts. (scmp 08.10.16 #media)

His poll numbers tanking, Donald Trump has taken to charging the media, the Democratic Party , and “ a global power structure ” with conspiring to rig the election for “Crooked Hillary.” Republican leaders have responded with assurances that that the American electoral system is trustworthy. But as has often been the case this election cycle, the GOP itself laid the groundwork for Trump’s latest outrage. (religionnews 18.10.16 #media)

And I think immigration is the issue that obviously brought Donald Trump to this position, but we have millions of people who are living in limbo right now. And so part of it is about the wall or no wall, but I

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think the real immigration issue that neither Obama was able to solve, President George W. Bush couldn’t solve, was what happens to the, whatever, 11 million people who are living in this country whose future is uncertain. (billmoyers 12.10.16 #right)

3.3. Fact

One of the emails containing a speech delivered to Goldman Sachs was titled: Clinton Talks About Hol-ding Wall Street Accountable Only for Political Reasons. Others were suggestively tagged: Clinton Suggests Wall Street Insiders Are What Is Needed to Fix Wall Street, Clinton Touts Her Relationship to Wall Street as a Senator, and Clinton Is More Favorable to Canadian Health Care and Single Payer. Some foe of power and privilege. (socio-political-journal 11.10.16 #speech)

Republicans are using their airtime, however, to belittle and attack Mr. Trump. If Republicans view “un-informed” voters as a reason for the Obama win in 2012 and a challenge for a Republican victory in 2016, they should use the airtime to educate voters. They should discuss Obama’s failures, brag about the suc-cesses of Republican policies and extol the virtues of Republican solutions to our nation’s problems. (daily-caller 21.10.16 #reason)

That’s why Heck’s decision concerns some Republicans, since he will need Trump’s base to deliver them a victory in a close race. And strategists don’t see Heck’s change of heart being the reason to sway voters who are on the fence since he has backed Trump until the last few weeks of the race. Heck’s campaign is pushing back on the narrative, noting that he was “warmly- received” by Trump supporters at a recent event. (thehill 23.10.16 #reason)

The Conservative Case for Trump includes 10 chapters that examine Trump’s political agenda, including his fight against illegal immigration, his rejection of political correctness, his call for a more muscular mi-litary and to fix Social Security. These policy positions, along with several interviews conducted with the Republican presidential candidate, are supposed to help put the Right’s mind at ease. (csmonitor 17.10.16 #social)

If anything, he‘s understating the importance of the change we‘re seeing: Trump has more Twitter follo-wers than the Washington Post or the Wall Street Journal . If social media is really where people find their news, then it‘s not exaggerating to say that over the course of this campaign, Trump became the media. We‘ve seen shifts in media cause political earthquakes before. (politico 05.11.16 #social)

3.4. Issue

If you are discouraging conservative, pro-life voters from supporting Trump, then you are effectively increasing Mrs. Clinton‘s chances of victory. 6. Trump is a social liberal who has done all sorts of terrible, liberal things. Once again, he is the only viable alternative to Mrs. Clinton, and he is clearly better than Clinton when it comes to the issue of life. (foxnews 21.10.16 #issue)

Mormons in Utah - which make up 60 percent of the state‘s population - also take issue with Trump‘s position on immigration. This act of charity, though, shows that, whoever he votes for a month from now, his heart is pure and definitely in the right place. Bone gained fame overnight after he asked a question about energy policy and jobs during Sunday night‘s town hall-style presidential debate. (potiner 16.10.16 #issue)

“And Ted Strickland is both the worst Senate candidate in the country who’s run the worst campaign in the country.” Political analysts say while Trump might still have an impact on the Senate race, at this point it’s most likely only to impact Portman’s margin of victory. “You can safely say it will be an issue,” said Jen-nifer Duffy a senior editor for the Cook Political Report. (dispatch 15.10.16 #issue)

Tweet on Twitter One of the cornerstone policies of Republican nominee Donald Trump’s entire presi-dential candidacy has been his hardline stance on illegal immigration. Trump has maintained throughout his candidacy that as president, he would build a wall on the southern U.S. border and deport all illegal im-migrants currently living in the country. (goldminingnews 24.10.16 #immigrants)

What has made this election even more dramatic is that many Americans are making their choices not on who they like, but who they can tolerate as president. Clinton and Trump are extremely unpopular leaders in this gruelling race. In the year since he announced his bid for the White House, Trump has offended

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every interest group in the US; from African Americans, to Hispanics, women and immigrants, among others. (observer 06.11.16 #immigrants)

3.5. Americans

She believes Trump would oppose these policies. These Trump supporters and activists are not neces-sarily representative of Chinese-American voters as a whole. A study released last month by the National Asian-American Survey suggested that Asian-American voters including Chinese Americans are gravitating toward the Democratic party and hold unfavorable views of Republican candidate Donald Trump. (kuow 31.10.16 #americans)

These Trump supporters and activists are not necessarily representative of Chinese-American voters as a whole. A study released last month by the National Asian-American Survey suggested that Asian-Ameri-can voters including Chinese Americans are gravitating toward the Democratic party and hold unfavorable views of Republican candidate Donald Trump. Some Chinese nationals also support Trump, but for very different reasons from Chinese-Americans. (kuow 31.10.16 #americans)

Once a bastion of Republican support, Miami’s Cuban Americans are now evenly split 41-41 percent between Trump and Clinton, an October Univision poll found . That is the lowest ever by a Republican candidate among Cuban American voters,” according to Eduardo Gamarra, a pollster and political scientist at Florida International University. Trump has also failed to garner the support of key Cuban American leaders. (univision 26.10.16 #americans)

Kastor said the 2016 election is unusual. Both Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders, who fought Clinton for the Democratic nomination, told voters that the system is rigged to help big companies and business people with ties to political leaders. Those arguments about a “rigged” economy could well make their supporters more likely to question if the election itself is rigged, Kastor said. (tingvoa 21.10.16 #system)

We‘ve never seen something like this Trump clip in a modern presidential campaign, Yepsen said, calling the incident sad for the American political system and for Trump‘s supporters. Still, Trump‘s past contro-versial comments have failed to shake his core supporters, said David Axelrod, a former political adviser to Democratic President Barack Obama. (bdnews24 08.10.16´#system)

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4. Might

4.1. Way

By voting for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the primaries and caucuses, the American people showed the political establishment in both parties that they were sick of the way the country is being run and tired of the political establishment being more interested in staying in power than working for the American people. And that scares the power brokers in Washington. (beardoggx 25.10.16 #way)

Do you believe the media would ignore them the way they’ve been doing for Clinton? While the New York Times is busy digging up dirt on Trump, they and other popular media outlets are completely ignoring the fact that Joe Podesta, Hillary’s campaign chairman, wrote in an email that he knows the former Secre-tary of State “has begun to hate everyday Americans.” How many times have I told you that Hillary Clinton HATES ordinary working Americans? inquisitr 15.10.16 #way)

When this manifests itself at pro-Trump rallies, this anger is, in fact, often white hot. While President Obama is of course not a candidate in the current election, it is extraordinary the extent to which the sup-port for candidate Clinton mirrors the support for the sitting President, and the way in which the support for candidate Trump mirrors the opposition to the sitting President. (news 18.10.16 #way)

Markets hate uncertainty, so I would expect the markets to build in a big risk premium if Trump is elec-ted. More fundamentally, Trump has failed to embrace traditional Republican pro-market policies, such as trade liberalization, tax reform, and support for high-skilled immigration. Most members of the foreign policy establishment find his foreign policy positions uninformed and outside the norms for international cooperation. (wallethub 07.11.16 #tax)

Trump also supports increasing the federal minimum wage and has expressed no intention of attacking federal benefits programs like Medicaid and Social Security, a historic goal of past Republican candidates. . Of course, Trump is not more economically left-leaning in every way; his tax plan is far less progressive than Clinton’s, and he is not too concerned about making higher education more affordable to young peo-ple. (stanforddaily 21.10.16 #tax)

4.2. Million

Patriarch Joe Ricketts gave $1 million to an anti-Trump group before coming into the fold and running anti-Clinton ads during the general election. Political donations from members of the Dolan family, who own the Cleveland Indians, are meager in comparison. Federal Election Commission records show fa-mily members gave $51,500 to political candidates so far in this election cycle, Eaton writes. (cleveland 28.10.16 #million)

US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Friday at a rally in Fletcher, North Carolina, that he will spend $100 million of his own money on this election, though he will continue to trail his De-mocratic rival Hillary Clinton in campaign spending. Trump spoke on Friday to his followers in the key state of North Carolina and asked them to go out and vote now to take advantage of the early voting possibility, EFE news reported. (india 21.10.16 #million)

Yesterday it was reported that Donald Trump is CRUSHING Hillary Clinton in Google searches on “How to vote Trump” versus “How to vote Hillary.” Also, it was recently reported that Trump set a Republican Party record for the largest donor pool of any Republican candidate in history with 2.6 million people donating to his campaign. (thegatewaypundit 17.10.16 #million)

Clinton’s own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans’ own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, “Citizens United versus FEC.” That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech, including the right to con-tribute money toward political campaigns. (eastbaytimes 16.10.16 #money)

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Are women more in danger from Trump’s words or Hillary’s actions? Are Americans in general more in danger from Trump’s shallowness on issues or Hillary’s ruthless grabs for money and power? Clinton’s own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Ameri-cans’ own freedom depends. (eastbaytimes 16.10.16 #money)

4.3. Wall

Bernie Sanders ended his presidential campaign Tuesday, not with a bang but a whimper. The Vermont senator formally endorsed his rival in an undignified prostration before the Democratic Party establish-ment and Wall Street’s favored presidential candidate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The unity rally featuring Sanders and Clinton in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, had all the spontaneity and enthusi-asm of a going-out-of-business sale. (whatreallyhappened 29.10.16 #wall)

The Democratic nominee told bankers behind closed doors that she favoured open trade and open bor-ders and said Wall Street executives were best-positioned to help overhaul the U.S. financial sector. Such comments were distinctively at odds with her tough talk about trade and Wall Street during the primary campaign. Republican strategist Terry Sullivan, who previously led Marco Rubio‘s presidential campaign, predicted Trump‘s defeat. (cjme 08.10.16 #wall)

The just released emails of her campaign chairman John Podesta about Clinton‘s talk to Wall Street and other Clinton related issues are indeed revealing. She is the sell-out you would expect her to be : *CLIN-TON SAYS YOU NEED TO HAVE A PRIVATE AND PUBLIC POSITION ON POLICY* Clinton: But if everybody‘s watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. (sott 09.10.16 #wall)

That seemed to suggest that Trump would hold nothing back when he came face-to-face with Hillary. Once the debate started, Trump wasted little time in attacking Bill Clinton. “There’s never been anybody in the history of politics of this nation that’s been so abusive to women,” Trump said, as the former president looked on, stone-faced, from the Clinton family box in the audience. (newshour 10.10.16 #family)

Kumar and his immediate family have donated about $US2 million to the Trump campaign, and he spent upward of $US3 million of his own money on organizing the event in Edison, a city with a large Indian Ame-rican population. Trump‘s perceived tough stance on radical Islamic terrorism is one issue Kumar thinks can swing the traditionally Democratic voting bloc Republican. (theage 27.10.16 #family)

4.4. Might

This year, the Clinton campaign is significantly better funded and organized, particularly in battleground states. Polls also don’t see a Republican candidate at war with his party, which is increasingly prioritizing Senate and House races. Likely voter screens, which lean heavily on voting history, might miss new voters energized to vote against Trump. (lgbtweekly 27.10.16 #might)

if his taxes was shown they maybe more things on trump in my own opinion. and trump is close to putin, and some people think russia is trying to make the usa president his best of his own interest, russia can not be trusted like we cant trust trump, and the many bad things he says, like he said he might give other countrys a nuclear bomb. this is just a few things in my opinion that could destroy the usa and other coun-trys all around our world. (topix 27.10.16 #might)

Even though seven presidents have died in office and one has resigned, the very real possibility that any vice president might become president seems to influence very few votes. Another reason why the Court is not a major campaign issue is that the Senate could easily frustrate the efforts of either Trump or Clin-ton to transform the court‘s ideology, particularly if the opposition party controls the next Senate. (jurist 12.10.16 #might)

The language will help liberals hold Clinton’s feet to the fire on Wall Street reform and on the selection of Cabinet secretaries, some activists said. Adam Green, co-founder of the Progressive Change Campaign Committee, said the speech transcript highlight where Clinton was on trade and Wall Street rather than where she wound up after a campaign in which she was pushed by Sanders and other progressives. (was-hingtonpost 09.10.16 #street)

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The Clintons’ paid speeches have been an issue throughout the campaign, particularly Hillary Clinton’s private speeches to Wall Street firms. Hillary Clinton earned about $1.5 million in speaking fees befo-re launching her presidential campaign, while Bill Clinton reaped more than $5 million from banking, tech and other corporate interests, according to financial documents filed by Hillary Clinton. (arabnews 15.10.16 #street)

4.5. Political

Last night‘s debate between US Presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump was certainly one of the most heated exchanges in modern political history. Trump and Clinton trade blows in bruising debate Donald Trump has claimed Hillary Clinton should be in jail and accused former US president Bill Clinton of being abusive to women in a tense second presidential debate. (breakingnews 11.10.16 #political)

But while the FBI was conducting an investigation, Obama should have refrained from making his own judgment on the case. This was the consensus among the Democratic Party establishment: provide Clinton with impunity. No presidential candidate has ever won their party’s nomination while under a FBI investi-gation, yet the Democratic Party , with the president’s support, protected Clinton throughout the private email server controversy. (socio-political-journal 11.10.16 #political)

The U.S. government has also accused the Russian government of directing hacks against American po-litical institutions like the Democratic National Committee in order to influence the presidential election. Clinton has seized on the development to tie Trump to Russia and claim that Moscow is working to defeat her. Clinton called Trump a “puppet” of Putin during the final presidential debate on October 19. (freebe-acon 27.10.16 #political)

Donald Trump has forced America to look itself in the mirror and ask who we are and who we want to become. First Lady Obama is showing the country the brighter moral path, as she urges the American peo-ple to reject the dark portrait directly from the nation’s yesteryear that is being painted by Donald Trump. Donald Trump, First Lady Obama Trump objectifies women, Michelle Obama, Michelle Obama Trump humiliates women politicususa 20.10.16 #people)

Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton enjoys the support of financial elites and working women. The elec-tion will show whether she has managed to win the votes of young people and African Americans who supported Barack Obama at the previous election. Hillary Clinton supporters have referred to her enor-mous political experience, outstanding working capabilities and her solid political reputation. (sputnik-news 07.11.16 #people)

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5. America

5.1. Power

Nobody likes it when you try to force them to see the world exactly as you do. By voting for Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders in the primaries and caucuses, the American people showed the political establish-ment in both parties that they were sick of the way the country is being run and tired of the political es-tablishment being more interested in staying in power than working for the American people. (beardoggx 25.10.16 #power)

The question is: will the Trump supporters turn out and will the Sanders supporters turn out for Clinton? This is also the first election I can remember in which a foreign power has been accused of trying to influ-ence the vote,” Charles Henry added. A tremendous amount of hype surrounded the first debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in New York, said Aaron Kall, Director of Debate at the University of Michigan. (eurasiareview 09.10.16 #power)

Fortunately Donald Trump has stood up to the Mainstream media bullies and exposed the demeaning travesty they are perpetrating on the American people. As in other Western countries, Democracy in Ame-rica has become Kleptocracy, Plutocracy, Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy, Corporatocracy and Dollarocracy in which Big Money purchases people, parties, policies, public perception of reality, votes, political power and thence more private profit. (countercurrents 26.10.16 #power)

But he not only won 1,725 delegates but also won the all time maximum number of Republican votes, that is 13.3 million, breaking George Bush‘s 2000 record of 1,201 million votes. Here one thing must be noted though, that almost a record 30 million Republican voters voted this time, of which Trump got only 44 per cent votes, the lowest percentage to win the nomination in the history of Republican party. (meri-news 07.11.16 #nomination)

This was the consensus among the Democratic Party establishment: provide Clinton with impunity. No presidential candidate has ever won their party’s nomination while under a FBI investigation, yet the Democratic Party , with the president’s support, protected Clinton throughout the private email server controversy. (socio-political-journal 11.10.16 #nomination)

5.2. Nation

First Lady Obama is showing the country the brighter moral path, as she urges the American people to re-ject the dark portrait directly from the nation’s yesteryear that is being painted by Donald Trump. Donald Trump, First Lady Obama Trump objectifies women, Michelle Obama, Michelle Obama Trump humiliates women Follow Jason Easley on Twitter politicususa 20.10.16 #nation)

Trump responded by angrily accusing Bill and Hillary Clinton of worse misdeeds. “Never was there any-body in the history of politics in this nation that was so abusive to women” as Bill Clinton, said Trump, who had three of the former president’s accusers in the debate hall in St. Louis as his guests. “Hillary Clinton attacked those same women and attacked them viciously.” dispatch 09.10.16 #nation)

When voters refuse to listen to candidates who even mildly disagree with their opinion, it is impossib-le for America to grow as a nation, because we are, in essence, refusing to update our political views. The first group which comes to mind for a lot of people when thinking of “uncompromising voters” are, of course, the supporters of Republican presidential nominee and business mogul Donald Trump. (issuu 21.10.16 #nation)

I‘m not a cheerleader for Donald Trump but when you compare the two candidates I think that Donald Trump has more opportunity and a better chance to fix what‘s wrong with America‘ The conservative Libe-ral predicts Mr Trump will win the popular vote but lose out in electoral college numbers to Hillary Clinton. He said any other Democratic candidate would be on their way to a landslide victory. (wap 03.11.16 #chance)

The Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project, which uses an online opinion poll to project election out-comes in all 50 states, estimates that Clinton has a better than 95 percent chance of winning the minimum of 270 Electoral College votes to claim the presidency if the election were held today. The most likely out-come would be 326 votes for Clinton to 212 for Trump. (metro 23.10.16 #chance)

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5.3. America

A Donald Trump presidency is among the greatest threats facing America, and the Republican stan-dard-bearer is the worst major-party candidate for the job in U.S. history. Writing that “In the nearly half century history of Foreign Policy, the editors of this publication have never endorsed a candidate for political office,” the editors of Foreign Policy state that, topix 10.10.16 #america)

House Speaker Paul Ryan says he is confident the election will be conducted with integrity. On Sunday, Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence said Trump’s claims of a rigged election refer to media bias. “The Ame-rican people feel like, in a very real sense, that the Democratic party and many of you in the media are working together to prevent the kind of change the American people long to see of a stronger and more prosperous America.” newyork 17.10.16 #america)

A canvasser for Working America, an AFL-CIO community affiliate that has its own voter outreach, con-vinced a 93-year-old white woman who planned to vote for Trump to change her mind by comparing the two candidates’ positions on Social Security. The woman told the canvasser that she recalled a time when her grandparents had no Social Security to rely on, and said that she‘d vote for Clinton instead. (politico 28.10.16 #america)

Ahead of meeting Trump in their second presidential debate Sunday, where Republicans feared Trump will lash out like never before, the Democratic nominee released a video of her own. It highlighted Trump’s long history of insulting women and came with a message on her Twitter account: “Women have the pow-er to stop Trump.” video of her own. (bloomberg 08.10.16 #twitter)

Trump took to Twitter on Saturday morning, seeming to make light of the controversy by posting on the online social media website Certainly has been an interesting 24 hours! Trump has struggled to win over women voters, lagging Clinton in the polls. Democrats have sought to highlight past Trump behaviour toward women in an effort to erode his support with less than a month to go until the Nov. 8 election. (sharenet 08.10.16 #twitter)

5.4. Anti

US voters have responded to rising inequality by rushing to either Trump‘s embrace, or feeling the burn of Bernie Sander‘s social-democratic message. Dr Griffiths said there was no comparable anti- establish-ment candidate in Australia. He said Republican candidate Donald Trump was the least popular candidate for president in recorded US history, closely followed by Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. (sunshine-coastdaily 06.11.16 #anti)

Public-opinion polling shows that Trump’s low opinion of American elections has practically become Republican Party orthodoxy. These overt forms of voting suppression are merely the most visible mani-festations of a larger questioning of democracy on the political right. Trump’s anti- democratic rhetoric is a symptom of the larger trend on the political right toward doubting the legitimacy of the American system. (justkat 26.10.16 #anti)

Reason The main reason Trump stands a fighting chance to get to the White House is because of voter apathy by the younger generation and anti-establishment rhetoric from others who feel Clinton, a stalwart of the establishment, has failed the American people and that change is necessary. Clinton has been besie-ged with the email scandal which escalated in the last week when new email messages from her private account emerged. (observer 06.11.16 #anti)

Several protesters were detained during a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Convention Center in Anaheim, CA, Wednesday. Check out photos from the rally that turned into a shouting match between Trump opponents and supporters. Several protesters were detained during a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Convention Center in Anaheim, CA, Wed-nesday. (newschannel6now 18.10.16 #center)

But... A senior State Department official asked the FBI last year to help reduce the classification of an email from Hillary Clinton‘s private server, according to FBI investigative files that have been made public. It was to... Several protesters were detained during a rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the Convention Center in Anaheim, CA, Wednesday. (wlox 18.10.16 #center)

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5.5. Country

help us save our country it could be destroyed if trump wins as president in my own opinion. trump gives smoke screen talk. well maybe trump next stop might be in washington see what trump maybe is trying to hide in his taxes, and sold to russia and rest of the world even china in my opinion trump is a one man wrecking crew. (topix 25.10.16 #country)

This betrayal should not be forgotten by the people who work every day, pay taxes and make this coun-try work. The Main Street Republicans are no longer represented by the Wall Street party brokers. The sad thing is that the party establishment is more afraid of a Trump presidency than a Clinton presidency. (townhall 15.10.16 #country)

Students Against Trump, a branch of the Democratic Coalition Against Trump Super Political Action Com-mittee, has established a chapter at Cornell, hoping to encourage young voters to vote for Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 election. The Democratic Coalition Against Trump formed in May, and is the largest anti-Trump grassroots organization in the country with 117,000 members, according to co-founder Nathan Lerner. (cornellsun 18.10.16 #country)

Many expected Trump to moderate his immigration stance after winning the nomination, but Trump doubled-down on his anti-legal immigration position at a recent speech in Phoenix. This election is a great test of whether Americans will vote for a candidate whose substantive policy focus is immigration restric-tionism. (texasgopvote 27.10.16 #stance)

In another instance, a top State Department official assured an attorney for Mrs. Clinton that, contrary to media reports, a department official hadn’t told Congress that Mrs. Clinton erred in using a private email account . The previously unreported emails were obtained by the Republican National Committee as part of a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit seeking records of Mrs.

Clinton’s time in office. (socio-political-journal 07.10.16 #information)

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6. Issues

6.1. Immigration

The major topics of these economic agreements are determined based on the interests of corporations and economic groups which run the global economy, Navas told Xinhua. For both analysts, whoever wins the White House will have little impact on its current policies toward Latin America. However, they high-lighted that international media are exploiting Trump‘s anti-immigration rhetoric and anti-free trade stan-ce. (en 29.10.16 #immigration)

The biggest winner was the Mexican peso, which has acted as something of a bellwether of sentiment as Republican Donald Trump‘s proposed policies are considered to be deeply negative for the country. It rose to a 1-1/2 week high earlier. Investors had been unnerved by signs of a tightening presidential race between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Trump, whose stance on foreign policy, trade and immigration has rippled through financial markets. (domain-b 07.11.16 #immigration)

For both analysts, whoever wins the White House will have little impact on its current policies toward Latin America. However, they highlighted that international media are exploiting Trump‘s anti- immigra-tion rhetoric and anti-free trade stance. For Rodriguez, Trump is threatening to do what the Democrats have already done, pointing to the numerous aggressions carried out against Latin American countries. (en 29.10.16 #immigration)

The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., in a statem-ent, also expressing shock at the timing of the FBI‘s announcement, which she said played right into the political campaign of Donald Trump. The FBI has a history of extreme caution near Election Day so as not to influence the results, she said. Today‘s break from that tradition is appalling. (arkansasonline 29.10.16 #influence)

Trump didn‘t deny but interjected that he should have won an Emmy. 2. Clinton Again Ties Trump to Russia When Wallace asked Clinton about a statement she made in a paid speech about wanting an open hemisphere of open borders and open trade, Clinton quickly pivoted to WikiLeaks and evidence the Rus-sian government is hacking emails to influence the election. (nbcnews 20.10.16 #influence)

6.2. Leaders

Several prominent Republicans including House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senator John McCain, the party’s presidential nominee in 2008, have distanced themselves from Trump since the airing of the video. Most Republican voters still think top GOP leaders are hurting the party with their continuing criticism of Trump and are only slightly more convinced that those leaders want Trump to be president. (rasmussenreports 13.10.16 #leaders)

A stream of Republican leaders denounced the remarks, first published by the Washington Post, which threaten Trump’s already shaky standing with women voters just a month ahead of the November 8 presi-dential election. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, the top Republican elected official, said he was “sickened” by the comments and said Trump would no longer attend a campaign event in Wisconsin with him today. (stabroeknews 08.10.16 #leaders)

Supporters of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump gather at Trump Tower Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016, in New York. Trump insisted Saturday, Oct. 8, 2016, he would never abandon his White House bid, facing an intensifying backlash from Republican leaders across the nation who called on him to quit the race following the release of his sexually charged comments caught on tape. (syracuse 08.10.16 #leaders)

“Russia in general is not a threat to Europe, but Putin’s foreign policy is more of a threat than a part-nership. By contrast, Clinton has a more skeptical view of Putin. As secretary of state, she enlisted Russian cooperation in trying to curb Iran’s nuclear program, but she is convinced the “current military presence” of Russian forces in “Syria is not helpful,” said Jake Sullivan, Clinton’s top foreign-policy adviser. (stripes 09.10.16 #nuclear)

The ad backing GOP Sen. Roy Blunt is by from the Senate Leadership Fund. It‘s a well-funded Senate

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campaign committee run by allies of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. The ads shows the Democratic candidate in Missouri, Jason Kander, morphing into Clinton and claims the two are identi-cal on issues including immigration and liberal Supreme Court justices. (mail 23.10.16 #leader)

6.3. Issues

From NATO to Islamic State, the US Presidential Candidates‘ Foreign Policy Positions By Masood Fari-var October 18, 2016 Concerned about the outcome of the U.S. presidential race, the world has been watching closely as Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump tout their plans for handling terrorism and other global issues. (globalsecurity 18.10.16 #issues)

And Hillary Clinton has run as the defender of the way things are, the way they’re going, and who they’re going for.* Hillary Clinton received a vigorous challenge from a left wing that isn’t afraid to label them-selves socialists. America’s center-right party ditched its commitments to establishment doctrine on free trade and liberalized immigration , and challenged the wisdom and justice of America’s post-Cold War political order. (onenewspage 02.11.16 #war)

Trump and Hillary Clinton, Republican party candidate, disagreed on the major issues such as border control and immigration, birth control and second amendment. He claimed that a widespread voter fraud and a media gang-up against him could tilt the balance in Clinton’s favour. In Trump’s opinion, the system had been rigged by powerful forces to work against him. (nigeriadailynews 20.10.16 #issues)

Donald Trump, Republican Nominee Donald Trump, the Republican nominee, has offered a controver-sial perspective on the election through his extreme stances on issues such as abortion rights, gun laws, immigration, foreign policy, and so on. In regards to his stance on immigration, he wants to build a border at the wall between Mexico and the United States and deport all Muslims. (usmfreepress 03.11.16 #issues)

The Republican presidential candidate said that the Philippines is a very important strategic ally and China and Russia are probably going to take it. Trump made the comments during a campaign speech in North Carolina Friday as he promised to build up the depleted U.S. military. Trump implied that President Barack Obama had neglected his presidential duties as he was often campaigning for Democratic candida-te Hillary Clinton. (mail 21.10.16 #russia)

6.4. American

But 50 GOP national security experts, many of them past presidential advisers, have warned that Trump “would be the most reckless president in American history” and “put at risk our country’s national security and well-being.” So, preventing a Trump presidency is literally a matter of national security. Voters should pressure Republican leaders to dump Trump and convince his vice- presidential running mate, Mike Pence, to follow suit. (jpost 26.10.16 #american)

Several individuals connected to Trump’s campaign, including former campaign chair Paul Manafort, have ties to Russia. The U.S. government has also accused the Russian government of directing hacks against American political institutions like the Democratic National Committee in order to influence the presidential election. Clinton has seized on the development to tie Trump to Russia and claim that Moscow is working to defeat her. (freebeacon 27.10.16 #american)

if you like your country dont trust trump words he might try to beg you to get your votes. he says hes ritch well why not show his taxes to all the american people. to see if he tells the truth about them. in my opinion trump will do almost anything to get the keys to the white house, and your the people that has some say on trump future now ... help america keep maybe the worse ever person from getting the key to the white house door. (topix 09.10.16 #american)

Though the economic crisis immediately preceding his election in 2008 is credited with ensuring his election, he was already well on his way principally because of his vision of how he wanted America to be seen in the post-Bush era. Obama’s vision of the world, which Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State helped him implement during his first term is one where America’s military power is not flaunted and used oppressively against others. (saharareporters 07.11.16 #military)

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Republican vice presidential nominee Gov. Mike Pence rallied supporters Monday in Mason telling a crowd at the Manor House that he and Donald Trump will create jobs, lead on the world stage, repeal Obamacare, and chose a Supreme Court justice that will uphold the constitution. When Donald Trump is President of the United States we will lead once again on the world stage with American strength, said Pence. We will rebuild our military. (wvxu 17.10.16 #military)

6.5. Security

What would a Trump presidency mean for Social Security? A Trump presidency might mean the transiti-on of social and income protection from the public to private sector, relying more on individuals to make financial decisions to provide economic support for their own future. A Trump presidency would also likely mean status quo for child poverty, and, at least for the near future, growing economic inequality for chil-dren. (wallethub 07.11.16 #security)

If Trumps 4% economic growth rate is attained, I‘ve heard we might be able to postpone the day of recko-ning by about 30 years. What would a Trump presidency mean for Social Security? A Trump presidency might mean the transition of social and income protection from the public to private sector, relying more on individuals to make financial decisions to provide economic support for their own future. (wallethub 07.11.16 #security)

“A Donald Trump presidency is among the greatest threats facing America, and the Republican stan-dard-bearer is the worst major-party candidate for the job in U.S. history.” This decision to endorse a can-didate, they say, was not undertaken lightly: Our readers depend on FP for insight and analysis into issues of national security and foreign policy. (topix 10.10.16 #security)

Top government and business executives and analysts from across the world, and the Middle East in particular, have raised their concerns over Trump’s stance on issues concerning foreign policy, economic and trade relations, war on terror and immigrants. FXTM Chief Market Strategist and regular contributor on AMEinfo, Hussein Sayed, says the markets are in early stage of panic. Here is a detailed analysis from Sayed: ameinfo 02.11.16 #relations)

Any political decision in the United States affects us and the rest of the world on many levels. Although both candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump haven’t said much about Africa in their foreign policy speeches, it’s possible the election will affect the SA-US trade relations. While Trump and Clinton are fierce rivals on all levels, the two presidential hopefuls are united by one thing: their opposition to free trade. (bizcommunity 03.11.16 #relations)

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7. Trade

7.1. Policy

I live in Florida: a definite swing state. I can’t in good conscience vote for either Trump or Clinton, so I will eagerly “waste my vote” on a third-party candidate. As a social conservative who’s left of center on economic issues and foreign policy, the party platform that best represents my convictions is that of the American Solidarity Party. (theamericanconservative 03.11.16 #policy)

The strangest presidential campaign in U.S. modern history has resulted in massive uncertainty about fu-ture economic, trade and foreign policies. He compared the positions of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton on personal income taxes, corporate taxes, spending increases, spending reductions, trade, immigration and other policies and concludes that Clinton’s economic plan will generate faster growth than Trump’s . Trade Agreements in Play blog 22.10.16 #foreign)

The position from Trump directly contradicts decades of political precedent in which candidates have accepted the democratic process as legitimate. Trump and Clinton went head to head on issues such as abortion, gun rights and foreign policy in the debate at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. When asked by debate moderator Chris Wallace from Fox News whether he would accept the decision of the electora-te if he loses, Trump was non-committal. (digitallook 20.10.16 #policy)

Trump‘s Foreign Policy Is Sane While Clinton‘s Is Belligerent Some highlights of a recent Donald Trump in-terview with Reuters: U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Democrat Hillary Clinton‘s plan for Syria would lead to World War Three, because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia. (s1 06.11.16 #policy)

Markets respond blatantly Global stock markets slipped lower on Wednesday as fears emerged that Trump was closing the gap with Clinton to win the elections after fierce campaigns. Top government and business executives and analysts from across the world, and the Middle East in particular, have raised their concerns over Trump’s stance on issues concerning foreign policy, economic and trade relations, war on terror and immigrants. (ameinfo 02.11.16 #foreign)

7.2. China

You might not expect Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump to be popular in China or among Chinese-Americans in the U.S., given his many comments about China draining away American money and jobs. And yet on Friday, an airplane flew over Seattle with the banner, “Washington Chinese Americans for Trump.” The group Chinese Americans for Trump was started by California resident David Tian Wang. (kuow 31.10.16 #china)

Former Vice President Al Gore praised Hillary Clinton’s credentials on climate change at a Florida rally Tuesday that brought the presidential campaign to front lines of the fight against global warming in the U.S. and laid out a clear contrast with Donald Trump’s denial of the science. The speeches from both Clin-ton and Gore in Miami delved into the science and policy of climate change in rare depth and nuance for a presidential campaign rally. (time 11.10.16 #climate)

Climate change? Energy policy has remained relatively dormant during media coverage of the election , but a small insight into the respective candidates’ plans for the sector was made known in a recent debate with their energy advisors. Trump’s adviser Kevin Cramer questioned whether climate change was even an issue, and vocalised disdain that the US was shouldering global responsibility for global climate change efforts: pv-tech 03.11.16 #climate)

In that sense much of his campaign is structured, not around foreign policy per se, but around his attitu-de of defiance to China, Mexico, and other foreign nations. Most presidents have approached the world as a place which works better where nations work together as much as possible, says Engel. Trump’s attitude is different. “Donald Trump appears to view foreign policy as a zero-sum game, unlike any president in the 21st century,” he says. (yerepouni-news 10.10.16 #china)

In a rare statement on a foreign election, China has criticised Trump’s stance on climate change. “I belie-ve a wise political leader should take policy stances that conform with global trends,” said Xie Zhenhua, China’s top climate change negotiator. He warned the US that “the world is moving towards balancing

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environmental protection and economic growth,” and their economy will suffer if they choose to resist this trend. (contextsustainability 03.11.16 #china)

7.3. Trade

Amid the drama of the past 48 hours, it’s easy to forget that there are actual policy issues up for deba-te tonight, and presumably we’ll hear at least a little about them. Most analysts thought that Trump’s strongest moments in the first debate came early on, when he zeroed in on Clinton’s previous support for free-trade policies. Clinton, meanwhile, seemed on much surer footing than Trump on issues of foreign policy. (fivethirtyeight 10.10.16 #trade)

The point is, this nation has long ignored the “values” you’re talking about; they mean nothing anyway, sorry to break it to you, most reasonable and rational people don’t really care, nor should they. What the people in this country care about is good policy; Donald Trump brings good policy. Donald Trump brings good economic policy, good foreign policy, good trade policy, and good administrators below him. (more-monmouthmusings 18.10.16 #trade)

What the people in this country care about is good policy; Donald Trump brings good policy. Donald Trump brings good economic policy, good foreign policy, good trade policy, and good administrators be-low him. He is and has been a successful businessman and leader, much the same way that, while maybe “flawed” in terms of the “values” you speak of, the founding fathers were successful businessman and leaders. (moremonmouthmusings 18.10.16 #trade)

The dollar index is on track to fall about 1.2 per cent this week as Democrat Hillary Clinton‘s lead over Republican Donald Trump in the polls appeared to dwindle following the re-emergence of a controversy over her private email server. Clinton is viewed as a candidate of the status quo, while there is much more uncertainty over Trump‘s stance on key issues including foreign policy, trade and the economy. CRUDE OIL economictimes 04.11.16 #economy)

There’s a little bit less of a concern about the economy falling apart, said Phil Flynn, analyst at Price Fu-tures Group in Chicago. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said it would not press charges against Clinton over her using a private email server. That indicated worse prospects for Republican candidate Donald Trump, whose stance on foreign policy, trade and immigration have unnerved the market. (businesslive 07.11.16 #economy)

7.4. World

That man is Donald Trump, whose inordinate ambition to be President of the United States has roused the darker side of America that its people and past and present leaders have collectively worked to consign to history. I am not an American, so I will not be voting on November 8. But, as a citizen of a world that has looked up to America since the end of the Second World War, I do have a stake in what happens to America and American democracy. (saharareporters 07.11.16 #world)

Of course America would be weakened, but nothing will change the fact that it will remain the world’s greatest economic and military power for some time to come, and if it follows disastrous policies, ever-yone, including Russia and China, will suffer,” he suggested. In turn, political expert Arthur Lupia from University of Michigan noted that the Republican did not bad in the first round of debate. “Expectations for Donald Trump were very low. (eurasiareview 09.10.16 #world)

U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Tuesday that Democrat Hillary Clinton‘s plan for Syria would lead to World War Three, because of the potential for conflict with military forces from nuclear-armed Russia. In an interview focused largely on foreign policy, Trump said defeating Islamic State is a higher priority than persuading Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down,.. (s1 06.11.16 #world)

Some major figures have been open in their hostility to Clinton. Jaroslaw Kazcynski, chairman of the Law and Justice party, responded to Bill Clinton’s comparison of the government with Putin’s Russia by sugge-sting that the once president was mentally ill. With either Trump or Clinton as president, Poland continues to believe that Russia will be the most destabilising actor in the international system. (ecfr 19.10.16 #government)

Are Americans in general more in danger from Trump’s shallowness on issues or Hillary’s ruthless grabs

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for money and power? Clinton’s own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Con-stitutional government, on which Americans’ own freedom depends. She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, “Citizens United versus FEC.” eastbaytimes 16.10.16 #government)

7.5. Election

The debate between teams supporting Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump will be held in Washington today, on the eve of the Sunday’s second presidential debate. Jay Song Organiser Jay Song, president of Washington Chinese Media, said the Clinton and Trump campaigns had both paid close attention to the Chinese community debate, which might help influence undecided voters ahead of next month’s election. (scmp 07.10.16 #election)

Last week, the U.S. government formally accused Russia of launching a hacking campaign to “interfere with the U.S. election process.” Clinton’s campaign, which has charged the Kremlin is trying to help Repu-blican Donald Trump win the White House on Nov. 8, took its allegations a step further on Tuesday when John Podesta, chairman of the Democratic nominee’s campaign, accused the Trump campaign of colluding with Russia. (rawstory 13.10.16 #election)

At the present time, it is not clear whether the Republicans will retain their Senate majority, although polls increasingly suggest that Democrats will wrest control of the Senate. With respect to court appoint-ments, Trump‘s supporters therefore may have more reason to fear the prospect of a Clinton victory more than Clinton voters may have reason to fear Trump‘s election. (jurist 12.10.16 #election)

Most Gulf stock markets fell early today after drops in global bourses As email scandals continue to entangle Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, her Republican counterpart in the US presidential race Donald Trump has taken the lead for the first time in polls. The business magnet has a one percentage point edge over former US Secretary of State in the ABC News/Washington Post tracking polls released on Tuesday. (ameinfo 02.11.16 #business)

As email scandals continue to entangle Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, her Republican counterpart in the US presidential race Donald Trump has taken the lead for the first time in polls. The business mag-net has a one percentage point edge over former US Secretary of State in the ABC News/Washington Post tracking polls released on Tuesday. (ameinfo 02.11.16 #business)

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8. President

8.1. Change

Clinton has allocated money for Democratic Senate and Governor races in two traditionally red states. Director of UVA Center for Politics Larry Sabato analyzes Clinton’s position to change balance of power and possibly taking majority electoral votes. A new survey has Hillary Clinton with a 12-point lead over Donald Trump in Virginia. (msnbc 24.10.16 #change)

On Sunday, Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence said Trump’s claims of a rigged election refer to media bias. “The American people feel like, in a very real sense, that the Democratic party and many of you in the media are working together to prevent the kind of change the American people long to see of a stronger and more prosperous America.” COMPLETE CAMPAIGN 2016 COVERAGE newyork 17.10.16 #change)

Marshall and Mook said their analysis also shows Clinton outpacing Trump among white millennials. Obama won young voters overall in 2012 by a wide margin, but that depended on nonwhites; he still lost narrowly among white millennials. Mook also said that even with Trump consolidating some Republican support, Clinton is getting support from white college-educated voters, particularly women, who usually back Republican presidential nominees. (dailyherald 05.11.16 #college)

Mook also said that even with Trump consolidating some Republican support, Clinton is getting support from white college-educated voters, particularly women, who usually back Republican presidential no-minees. Those trends could also bode well for Clinton in Pennsylvania, a Democratic stronghold that does not have early voting but offers 20 electoral votes Trump needs. Sounds like media spin to keep the morale up. (vosizneias 05.11.16 #college)

The main reason Trump stands a fighting chance to get to the White House is because of voter apathy by the younger generation and anti-establishment rhetoric from others who feel Clinton, a stalwart of the es-tablishment, has failed the American people and that change is necessary. Clinton has been besieged with the email scandal which escalated in the last week when new email messages from her private account emerged. (observer 06.11.16 #change)

8.2. Obama

On the other hand, Clinton, an establishment politician, guarantees continuity in U.S. foreign policy as her general agenda is highly similar to that of President Barack Obama. Being the wife of former President Bill Clinton and having served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013 she can hardly surprise the internati-onal community. With reference to China both Trump and Clinton seem first to pay attention to economic policies. (en 12.10.16 #obama)

Obama got that in the last election, but this is an election without an incumbent president in the race. In fact, the electoral dynamics are in Trump’s favor because of the natural inclination of the people to give the White House to the party of the challenger, after an eight year term. In the last 65 years, the people have only once voted to give the White House to the incumbent party for a third term. (freerepublic 02.11.16 #obama)

If you’re not following the flurry of email dumps now being released every 24 hours by Wikileaks, you’re missing out on the most damning revelations of systemic government corruption in the history of this na-tion. The emails reveal unprecedented criminal collusion between the State Dept., the Clinton Foundation, the Obama White House, the FBI, the DNC, the leftist media and the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. (whatreallyhappened 29.10.16 #obama)

This is because the Electoral College distributes the presidential votes proportionally among the states rather than upon the population of the nation. Because of the Electoral College, a state like California or Texas with a large population cannot skew the presidential election via its large population. From my perspective, the Electoral College is about to save the country from a Trump presidency. (elpasonews 17.10.16 #votes)

Maine and Nebraska use a similar process but their votes are based on congressional districts rather than on the state’s majority winner. Under the Electoral College, it is possible that Donald Trump could

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win the majority of the votes cast on Election Day but still not be sworn in as president. This is because the Electoral College distributes the presidential votes proportionally among the states rather than upon the population of the nation. (elpasonews 17.10.16 #electoral)

8.3. President

A CNN/ORC snap poll said 52% thought former secretary of state Clinton won the debate and 39% said Trump, a former reality TV star making his first run at public office, was the victor. On Twitter, President Barack Obama, a fellow Democrat, said Clinton had scored an Outstanding 3 for 3 debate sweep. Obama has been scathingly critical of Trump, describing him as unfit for the White House. (businesslive 20.10.16 #president)

A woman in a U.S. flag themed dress poses for photos as Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks on stage during a campaign rally in Fredericksburg, Virginia, U.S., August 20, 2016.

REUTERS/Carlo Allegri A woman works her way to the front of the crowd as Republican U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump signs autographs after addressing a Trump for President campaign rally in Macon, Georgia November 30, 2015. (aol 15.10.16 #president)

and trump is close to putin, and some people think russia is trying to make the usa president his best of his own interest, russia can not be trusted like we cant trust trump, and the many bad things he says, like he said he might give other countrys a nuclear bomb. this is just a few things in my opinion that could destroy the usa and other countrys all around our world. a vote for trump could start a world war in my opinion. (topix 27.10.16 #president)

Director of UVA Center for Politics Larry Sabato analyzes Clinton’s position to change balance of power and possibly taking majority electoral votes. San Antonio Express-News writer Jason Buch explains why re-sidents of San Antonio think a wall is unrealistic and whether residents agree or not with Trump’s rhetoric on border issues and the deportation of immigrants. Recent polls show that Democrats have a 73 percent chance to win back the Senate. (msnbc 24.10.16 #position)

He says that he supports Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s expansion of Obama’s im-migration policies that provide even more aliens with executive amnesty. He has not stated his own po-sition on legal immigration. However, he has been a member of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s national leadership team and presumably would support her immigration efforts which would increase legal immigration. (fairus 26.10.16 #position)

8.4. General

Nothing Trump did at the debate or throughout the month of October was designed to win the general election; it’s all done in service of doubling down on his narrowcasting strategy, in order to move for-ward beyond the election. Narrowcasting as a post-election wedge strategy For Trump’s core audience, his pre-debate social media stunt with Bill Clinton’s accusers was the narrowcast main event. (vox 19.10.16 #general)

On his part Trump went after Bill Clinton, who is not running for president. However the failure of Hillary to land a knockout punch might haunt her if current developments are anything to go by. The latest an-nouncement by the FBI to reopen the investigations into Hillary Clinton’s email activity might be another red flag that might also cost some votes less than 10 days to the general election. (ugandandiasporanews 30.10.16 #general)

New York Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation To Stop Fundraising Due To Violating State Law. New York’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, sent a letter to Trump’s charitable foundation, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, ordering it to “stop soliciting charitable donations in the state” because it “had been fund-raising in New York this year when it was not registered to do so under state law,” according to The New York Times . (mediamatters 11.10.16 #general)

It was to... Donald Trump is insisting voter fraud does, indeed, pose a significant threat to the integrity of the U.S. electoral system, claiming the election could be rigged at the polling booths despite a lack of evidence and... Several protesters were detained during a rally for Republican presidential candidate Do-nald Trump at the Convention Center in Anaheim, CA, Wednesday. (cbs5az 18.10.16 #integrity)

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The other bill, the Election Integrity Act, would restrict the voting machines that states can buy. While voting systems are outdated, Trump‘s allegations of large scale voter fraud don‘t appear to be supported by evidence. A recent study at Loyola Law School found only 31 instances of voter fraud among 1 billion votes cast in U.S. elections from 2000 to 2014. (cnbc 19.10.16 #integrity)

8.5. White

From my perspective, the Electoral College is about to save the country from a Trump presidency. I still believe that the Electoral College does not truly represent the will of the electorate but in this case it might actually prove to be the thing that keeps Donald Trump out of the White House.

According to the Electoral College pundits there are several states that Donald Trump must win in order to become the president. (elpasonews 17.10.16 #white)

But she spoke in more measured tones and avoided denouncing all trade accords, including the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement brokered while her husband was in the White House. This year, the Democratic nominee often sounded more like a Republican on trade than Trump, whose appeals to blue-collar workers echoed liberal lions from the Democratic Party’s past. Trump holds a campaign rally on Oct. 31 in Warren, Michigan. (foreignpolicy 02.11.16 #house)

Clinton’s campaign, which has charged the Kremlin is trying to help Republican Donald Trump win the White House on Nov. 8, took its allegations a step further on Tuesday when John Podesta, chairman of the Democratic nominee’s campaign, accused the Trump campaign of colluding with Russia. At events in Florida, Trump said he had nothing to do with Putin or Russia. (rawstory 13.10.16 #house)

For America’s future, what counted was Hillary Clinton’s becoming the first major party presidential nominee pledging to work for campaign finance reform in the White House. During the primaries, Clinton had vowed that if elected, she would in her first 30 days “propose a constitutional amendment” to over-turn the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision and to restore the power of Congress and the states to regulate campaign money. (ivn 12.10.16


Toomey flew to campaign stops around the state Monday, while McGinty spoke at a rally at the Univer-sity of Pittsburgh for party presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Toomey, who compiled one of the most conservative voting records in Congress, is one of the Senate’s most vulnerable incumbents. McGinty, who served in Bill Clinton’s White House, was recruited by national Democrats to run against Toomey. (phila-delphia 07.11.16 #white)

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9.1. Work

She also has pledged to sign an executive order requiring federal government contractors to disclose their political giving. Clinton, unlike President Obama, is accepting campaign money and fundraising help from lobbyists. But her aides say she has not hired any lobbyists to work on her presidential transition team or to serve on any of the campaign’s policy advisory groups. (12newsnow 19.10.16 #work)

Clinton spokeswoman Christina Reynolds says Trump‘s new policy was to promise political and legal retribution against the women who have accused him of groping them. 2 p.m. Democratic vice presiden-tial nominee Tim Kaine is voicing optimism that a Democratic White House could work with Republicans, despite the divisiveness of the campaign. (mail 23.10.16

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says she will push for comprehensive immigration re-form, which includes a pathway to citizenship for immigrants. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he will work to build a wall on the US-Mexico border. His official campaign website says Trump will make Mexico pay for the wall. (sacramento 07.11.16 #work)

He has also opposed the issuance of drivers’ licenses and identification cards for illegal aliens. Jason Kander has said that he agrees with President Obama’s position on DACA and DAPA but doesn’t support the President taking “executive action.” He says that he supports Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s expansion of Obama’s immigration policies that provide even more aliens with executive amnes-ty. (fairus 26.10.16 #executive)

The State Department has refused to make public that and other emails Clinton exchanged with Obama. Lawyers have cited the presidential communications privilege, a variation of executive privilege, in order to withhold the messages under the Freedom of Information Act. Obama used a pseudonym in emails with Clinton, FBI documents reveal abovetopsecret 11.10.16 #executive)

9.2. Washington

Clinton amply qualified to be president: W Post Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is amply qualified to be US president, a leading American daily said today endorsing the former secretary of state. Popular and influential daily The Washington Post made a strong case for the former First Lady to be elec-ted as the next American president ahead of the Tuesday‘s election. (business-standard 07.11.16 #washington)

There is no question that ... Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is amply qualified to be US president, a leading American daily said today endorsing the former secretary of state. Popular and influ-ential daily The Washington Post made a strong case for the former First Lady to be elected as the next American president ahead of the Tuesday‘s election. (business-standard 07.11.16 #washington)

O’Keefe alleges that the Clinton campaign, working with the DNC, and the non-profit Americans United for Change is an illegal coordinated campaign activity. Project Veritas contacted lawyers on the subject who told them, “The ducks on the ground are likely public communications for purposes of the law. It’s political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United For Change funds but controlled by Clinton and her campaign.” townhall 24.10.16 #law)

That‘s the decisive issue of the campaign: the corrupt machinations of a ruling elite that considers itself above the law, and the rage of the American people against the oligarchical ruling class that has pulled the ladder up behind it. Trump‘s bombshell below Clinton‘s waterline came at the end of the debate, well prepared by jabs at Clinton‘s erased emails and Bill‘s rapes. Trump used the J word-- that is, jail. (socio-po-litical-journal 10.10.16 #law)

Mr Trump’s divisive methods have alienated African-Americans, Latinos, women and his own party’s legislators. His not-so-thinly-disguised reference to some “communities” which might steal the election is an assault on non-white Americans and a throwback to a nostalgic era where people of colour were sup-pressed in the name of “law and order”. Demographically, America is moving in the opposite direction to

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where Mr Trump wants to drag it back. (kashmirmonitor 20.10.16 #law)

9.3. Positions

More fundamentally, Trump has failed to embrace traditional Republican pro-market policies, such as trade liberalization, tax reform, and support for high-skilled immigration. Most members of the foreign policy establishment find his foreign policy positions uninformed and outside the norms for international cooperation. (wallethub 07.11.16 #positions)

Had Hillary Clinton won, her foreign policy positions would have been unusually predictable, given her extensive track record and an advisory team full of familiar faces. By contrast, Trump’s foreign policy posi-tions on many issues are uncertain, and have been underanalysed, as so much of the professional foreign policy analysis world has, wrongly, judged him to be stupid, mad and incapable of winning. Some conclu-sions can be drawn, however. (chathamhouse 01.11.16 #positions)

When it comes to foreign policy, Trump’s own positions make him the most immoral, poorly informed, and dangerous presidential candidate in recent American history. If Clinton is elected, there will undoub-tedly be troubling foreign-policy positions and actions which must be thoroughly questioned and scruti-nized. I just deeply hope that citizens have the opportunity to hold a President Hillary Clinton to account. (foreignpolicy 03.11.16 #positions)

And she most certainly should’ve been more cognizant of a perception that some Clinton Foundation do-nors bought access to the State Department. Yet when you weigh these flaws against her record of public service, political experience, diplomatic skills and ability to communicate clear policies on consequential domestic and foreign issues, she is the superior candidate for president. (able2know 10.10.16 #experience)

“I don’t know any European that would not prefer Clinton over Trump,” said Reinhard Meier- Walser, a professor of international politics at the University of Ratisbon in Germany. “She has the experience and is more credible and trustworthy.” Peter Mansoor, the Raymond E. Mason chairman in military history at Ohio State University, said, “The danger of adopting the types of policies that Trump seems to advocate is a more chaotic world.” stripes 09.10.16 #experience)

9.4. State

One example: Clinton campaigned Wednesday in Arizona, a state that has voted for Republican presiden-tial candidates all but once since 1952. Despite Trump’s optimism, Republican pollster Ed Goeas expects his party’s nominee to fall short of the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win. The FBI’s continued investigation of Clinton’s email practices, he said, has not changed the fundamentals of an election that has long favored Clinton. (japantimes 03.11.16 #state)

Even after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton received word that Saudi Arabia and Qatar funded ISIS, she was not deterred in taking their money via the Clinton foundation. These actions alone are enough reason not to vote for Hillary Clinton for President! A vote for Trump is a vote for the end of ISIS but a vote for Hillary is a vote for an increasing amount of ISIS death, horror, slavery and barbarism around the world. (thegatewaypundit 26.10.16 #state)

Without presenting to the public a shred of evidence, the Clinton campaign, the Democratic Party, the US government and the entire media have charged the Russian government with hacking into Democratic Party computers and leaking emails in order to tilt the election in favor of Trump. Last week, James Clap-per, the director of national intelligence, officially declared the Putin government to be the organizer of the leaks. (axisoflogic 15.10.16 #public)

As the United States’ presidential race enters its final stage, with elections due on 8 November, the two candidates have been making their final pitches to woo the voters in their direction. There is general agreement that the two candidates, US businessman and billionaire Donald Trump for the Republicans and former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton for the Democrats, are two of the least popular candidates ever to stand for this great office. (middleeastmonitor 10.10.16 #state)

Meanwhile, other emails in the Podesta trove show Clinton aides’ initial reaction to some of President Obama’s first comments about Clinton using a personal email address for government business, a contro-versy that has dogged her presidential campaign. Obama told CBS News on March 7, 2015 that he learned

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of Clinton’s email practices through news reports at the same time the general public did. (socio-politi-cal-journal 24.10.16 #public)

9.5. Senate

The chairman of the Ohio Democratic Party is praising a federal judge’s order against Republican Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and a GOP operative aimed at preventing voter intimidation in the swing state. Democratic chairman David Pepper said in statement that Friday’s decision was “a big win for Ohio voters.” whiznews 04.11.16 #statement)

I thought supporting the nominee was the best thing for our country and our party, Alabama Rep. Martha Roby said in a statement. Now, it is abundantly clear that the best thing for our country and our party is for Trump to step aside and allow a responsible, respectable Republican to lead the ticket. Republican leaders have scheduled a Monday morning conference call for House GOP lawmakers, who are out of town for Congress‘ election recess. (orlandosentinel 09.10.16 #statement)

Mr Trump claims the election is being rigged against him, and that has become the latest flashpoint in an unusually volatile race three weeks before voters go to the polls. With him trailing in opinion polls, the fo-cus ahead of the November 8 vote is shifting to Congress. The question has become whether Republicans will keep their narrow majority in the Senate or even their larger advantage in the House of Representati-ves. (sbs 21.10.16 #senate)

Ryan’s tepid support for the Republican presidential nominee has elicited criticism from some fellow Republicans. But the speaker issued a statement Sunday shortly after FBI Director James Comey informed Congress that a review of additional emails provided no grounds for criminal charges against Hillary Clin-ton. Ryan said regardless of Comey’s decision, Clinton put the country’s secrets at risk and compromised national security. (medicinehatnews 07.11.16 #statement)

Meanwhile, Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee declared that hacked emails re-leased by WikiLeaks today showed collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Department of Justice during an investigation into the former secretary of state’s email server. The evidence does indicate there was communication between the two about a court hearing date. But such dates are not inside informati-on. (staradvertiser 11.10.16


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Post-election Discussion

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1. Candidate

1.1. Democratic

The now widespread belief that Trump won because of white working class anger has become an im-portant corollary to the Democrats abandoned the white working class narrative. However, with regards to this election, even more than in previous ones, that analyses gets the causality reversed. White wor-king class anger did not lead people to vote for Trump; Trump led people to white working class anger. (huffingtonpost 20.11.16 #democrats)

Broadcast media journalists stand ahead of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump‘s election night event at the New York Hilton Midtown on November 8, 2016 in New York City.

Americans today will choose between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton as they go to the polls to vote for the next president of the United States. (photos 09.11.16 #democratic)

So convinced were Democrats and liberals that changing demographics guaranteed them victory in pre-sidential elections that they ignored or undermined or provoked the very white working-class voters that made Trump president . President Obama’s final years in office have accelerated the realignment among white voters toward the Republican Party that has left the Democratic Party a smoking ruin. (hillaryis44 13.11.16 #democrats)

Democrats are taking solace in the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in the 2016 election. Some supporters are even using this fact to implore Trump’s electors to overturn the result of the elec-toral college and install Clinton as the rightful president. And Trump himself on Sunday night reiterated that he preferred the popular-vote method: “I’m not going to change my mind just because I won. (matzav 14.11.16 #democrats)

Trump‘s transition spokesmen also announced Thursday he will name members of the so-called landing team of transition officials to work with US officials at the departments of State, Defense Justice and the the National Security Council. Concerns about the slow pace of the transition effort have grown in recent days as US officials at various agencies said they had still not yet established contact with the Trump transition team. (bloggingtories 02.12.16 #officials)

1.2. Bill Clinton

Mr. Trump won with the votes of blue-collar whites who once were reliably Democratic, and without the votes of many in the business world who once were reliably Republican. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by more than 2.5 million, but her attempt to bridge the Democrats’ rising liberal wing of Bernie Sanders and the moderate wing still embodied by her husband, Bill Clinton, left everybody a bit dissatisfied. (socio-political-journal 06.12.16 #bill)

Indeed, Trump used Clinton’s deep experience in the White House, Senate and State Department against her by citing it as evidence that she represented the status quo. Ironically, Bill Clinton won the White House 24 years ago using a similar anti-establishment strategy. In the 1992 election, he successful-ly depicted incumbent President George H. W. Bush as an out-of-touch elitist. (scitechconnect 09.11.16 #bill)

In case you’re curious, Clinton has surpassed her husband, former President Bill Clinton, by millions of votes as the country’s number of eligible voters continues to grow. Bill Clinton earned 45,590,703 popular votes in 1996 and 44,908,254 in 1992, according to 270toWin. A few other random popular vote totals from history: John F. Kennedy received 34,227,096 in an exceptionally close 1960 election against Richard Nixon. (heavy 16.11.16 #bill)

Hillary Clinton blamed the renewed FBI inquiry into her State Department email system for blunting her momentum in the presidential election and the closure of that inquiry two days before Election Day for energizing voters for Donald Trump. “There are lots of reasons why an election like this is not success-ful,” Clinton told top donors on a farewell conference call Saturday. (justice-integrity

17.11.16 #fbi)

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Clinton cites FBI inquiry Clinton, meanwhile, blamed the renewed FBI inquiry into her State Department email system for blunting her momentum in the presidential election and the closure of that inquiry two days before Election Day for energizing Trump‘s voters. There are lots of reasons why an election like this is not successful, Clinton told top donors in a farewell conference call Saturday. (nwaonline 13.11.16 #fbi)

1.3. Republican

If Senate Democrats collaborate with Trump, they will make a difficult Senate map impossible to overcome. The mythical “white working class voters” that supported Trump are never going to vote for Democratic Senators and candidates. In the modern polarized and heavily partisan environment, if Sena-te Democrats work with Trump, white working class voters will still vote forRepublican candidates during the 2018 midterms. (politicususa 17.11.16 #republican)

On Tuesday Mr. Trump won it by 19.” So convinced were Democrats and liberals that changing demo-graphics guaranteed them victory in presidential elections that they ignored or undermined or provoked the very white working-class voters that made Trump president . President Obama’s final years in office have accelerated the realignment among white voters toward the Republican Party that has left the Democratic Party a smoking ruin. (hillaryis44 13.11.16 #republican)

Trump, Pence speak with nearly 30 world leaders US President-elect Donald Trump and his vice president-elect Mike Pence have spoken over phone with nearly 30 key world leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, after the historic victory of their Republican party in the recently-held American general elections. Modi is one of the first few leaders that the 70-year-old Trump spoke with, Trump‘s transition team said yesterday. (business-standard 17.11.16 #republican)

2016 presidential election popular vote totals, Hillary Clinton beating Trump in popular vote, Hillary Clinton popular vote lead, Hillary Clinton won popular vote Follow Jason Easley on Twitter Hillary Clin-ton’s Popular Vote Lead Over Trump Surges Past 1.7 Million added by Jason Easley on Sun, Nov 20th, 2016 politicususa 21.11.16 #presidential)

In Michigan, officials are still counting the state‘s presidential election results in a tight race between Trump and Clinton that is expected to go to the Republican candidate. Unofficial results from the Mi-chigan Secretary of State‘s office show Trump ahead by roughly 13,000 votes, and state officials say the results are unlikely to change in Clinton‘s favor. (ibtimes 17.11.16 #presidential)

1.4. Candidate

Campaign in places where there‘s a chance of flipping a close popular vote, and abandon effort in those states that would be big popular vote losses. The result: An electoral college win and an irrelevant popular vote loss. But if we got rid of the electoral college system, Trump would‘ve lost and the candi-date who won the popular vote would be president--right? env-econ 11.11.16 #candidate)

In a nationwide popular votes system, every citizen is an elector, and a candidate must win a majority of them to be elected, or else there would be a run-off or goes to the Congress. Hillary Clinton would NOT have won the election if nationwide popular votes determines the winner. Bill Clinton got 43% of the nationwide popular vote in 1992, well below a majority of the nationwide popular vote. (climate-de-bate 05.12.16 #candidate)

Trump stuns world with White House defeat of Clinton A wealthy real-estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of anger toward Washington insiders to win the White House race against Clinton, the Democratic candidate whose gold-plated establishment resume included stints as a first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state. Trump collected thecritical-post 10.11.16 #candidate)

The problem, of course, is that Republicans know that without the Electoral College, Trump would not be president-elect today. In spite of false conspiracy-theory claims promoted by InfoWars and Trump himself about supposed voter fraud, most GOP voters are well aware that Clinton won the popular vote: Because of the divergence of the Electoral College and popular vote, the popular vote is garnering parti-

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cular attention this year. (washingtonmonthly 04.12.16 #voter)

By the most conservative estimates given the known cases of Democrat voter fraud in this last election, Trump won the popular vote by more than 1 MILLION votes. If there‘s going to be a recount, then all of the incidences of voter fraud have to be thoroughly investigated and all the votes examined for fraud. Trump won not only the electoral vote, but the popular vote as well. (topix 27.11.16 #voter)

1.5. Race

US elections are so dominated by Democratic and Republican candidates, that third-party candidates like Stein are more often seen as a protest vote than a person with a legitimate shot at the White House. But these votes can greatly impact the race, for instance: Stein’s total votes in Michigan and Wisconsin were greater than the gap between Clinton and Trump, as were votes for the other major third party candidate, libertarian Gary Johnson. (bloggingtories 29.11.16 #race)

Based on votes from California alone, Clinton‘s lead could reach more than 2 million votes. Votes are also still being counted in Michigan, Utah and Washington, according to Tracy Lewis, elections operations manager for the Associated Press. In Michigan, officials are still counting the state‘s presidential election results in a tight race between Trump and Clinton that is expected to go to the Republican candidate. (ibtimes 17.11.16 #race)

While he will likely enjoy a post-election honeymoon with congressional Trump triumphs over Clinton in stunning White House upset A wealthy real-estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of anger toward Washington insiders to win the White House race against Clinton, the Democratic candidate whose gold-plated establishment resume includes stints as a first lady, U.S. senator and secre-tary of state. (thecritical-post 09.11.16 #race)

Unlike most of the forecasts put out by American media outlets on voting day, Trump seized a victory in a race Clinton was poised to win. For candidates to ensure a win, they must secure at least 270 electoral votes. Trump smoothly secured office after he won 276 of the electoral votes, while Clinton won only 218 of the electoral votes, although some states had not yet been called as of print time. (dailynews-egypt 10.11.16 #candidates)

Clinton‘s margin of victory is already larger than any previous election when different candidates won the popular vote and Electoral College. In 2000, Al Gore beat George W. Bush by around 550,000 votes. But in 2000, the gap in the Electoral College was very narrow--the election was decided by Bush win-ning Florida, on the basis of a 537-vote edge out of 6 million ballots cast in the state . (socialistworker 16.11.16 #candidates)

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2. Vote

2.1. Women

Clinton supporters are calling to abolish the electoral college system , which has now deprived De-mocrats of a win in two out of the last five elections. In 2000, Democrat Al Gore won the popular vote by more than 500,000, but lost to George W. Bush who gained five more electoral college votes. Clinton lost by 58 electoral college votes. (qz 15.11.16 #democrat)

North Carolina got more attention than usual this election, and exit polls show why. Exit polls con-ducted by Edison Research for national media outlets suggest a tight finish between Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump for the state‘s 15 electoral votes. The polls suggest a majority of men back Trump, while Clinton won a majority among women - with the margins essentially even. (ky3 09.11.16 #women)

College-educated white women voted for Clinton 51 percent to 45 percent, writes Clare Malone, but non-college-educated white women voted for Trump 62 percent to 34 percent. As votes were still being counted early Tuesday, it appeared Clinton would win the popular vote, while Trump had won the electo-ral college and thus the White House, The Los Angeles Times reported . (nytlive 09.11.16 #women)

Workers were not the only white voters who were important to Trump: he won among almost every group of white voters, including college educated men who were said to hold him in contempt. The only white group to reject him was college educated women and then by a small margin. So many white vo-ters for whom Trump showed contempt were willing to vote for him - and the reason is surely that they wanted a president who would protect whiteness. (iol 12.11.16 #women)

In all four of these, the Democrat won more popular votes but the Republican took a majority of the electoral votes. This year, Clinton‘s apparent 2.24 million popular vote victory over Trump is the largest numerical win of the four elections and her 3.6 percent margin was second largest percentage win -- Democrat Samuel Tilden beat Republican Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876 by 6.3 percent, or about 254,000 votes. (njspotlight 29.11.16 #democrat)

2.2. Conservative

That gives the candidates on the Right about 65.3 million to the Left’s total of about 62.6 million, or al-most 51 percent of the popular vote on the Right, to about 48.5 percent on the Left. “Write-ins” account for over 700,000 votes, or 0.5 percent. While Trump’s sub-majority is bandied about as a non-mandate, the clear majority of votes for the Right side of the spectrum tell a story of popular endorsement for conservative governance. (redbluffdailynews 15.11.16 #conservative)

Donald J. Trump on Wednesday turned to assembling his White House team, a reality that was once unimaginable to the American political establishment. His advisers said he was also selecting a conserva-tive nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, head of the Trump transiti-on team, is shown in an official photo. (justice-integrity 17.11.16 #conservative)

With nearly 14 million votes, Trump broke the all-time record for winning the most primary votes in the history of the Republican Party. The world is dazed and rendered the yellow journalism polls inept for the election of Trump. The media devalued Trump, to the acceptance of an average conservative American, who are highly ‚entertained‘ and clinched to the ‚coup‘ of Trump. (nigeriaworld 17.11.16 #conservative)

Donald Trump’s election with fewer popular votes than Hillary Clinton has raised again the question of why the presidency is decided through an Electoral College and not a popular vote. Mr. Trump himself said in a recent interview said that a popular vote seems more sensible. Many people who are current-ly calling for the abolition of the Electoral College, however, don’t realize the chaos that would result. (realclearpolitics 06.12.16 #question)

All but one poll chose Clinton as preferred winner but in the end it was Trump and not Clinton that made it to the finishing line first, putting to question the time-tested electoral polling system of the US media. What went wrong with the US media? Trump supporters insisted the media was biased against

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their candidate and so was deliberately peddling anti-Trump falsehood, including questionable poll re-sults to sway voters. (thetidenewsonline 14.11.16 #question)

2.3. Vote

More than a week after the election, Trump is estimated to have secured 290 electoral college vo-tes compared to Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s 232 votes. Clinton, however, as of Saturday has been reported to have 1.32 million more popular votes than Trump, according to CNN. For only the fourth time in history, the popular vote is in disagreement with the electoral college. (issuu 21.11.16 #vote)

Voters upset that Republican Donald Trump had been elected president -- or think that the presidency was unfairly taken from Democratic rival Hillary Clinton -- are scrambling for ways to change the results. Their major focus is trying to get members of the U.S. Electoral College to change their vote, arguing that Clinton should be the next president because 60.47 Americans voted for her, compared to 60 million for Trump. (freerepublic 13.11.16 #vote)

However, with regards to this election, even more than in previous ones, that analyses gets the cau-sality reversed. White working class anger did not lead people to vote for Trump; Trump led people to white working class anger. An important part of this election was that Donald Trump spent a year and a half telling white Americans that they needed to be angry about the state of the world and the country. (huffingtonpost 20.11.16 #vote)

Clinton held up immigration as proof that the American Dream remains very much alive, as strivers around the world vie to participate in the world’s largest economy, home to the world’s most successful businesses. Tonight, American voters clearly said they didn’t buy it. Trump won the race with 56,897,955 popular votes and 276 electoral votes, compared with 55,877,015 popular votes and 218 electoral votes for Clinton, according to the AP . (wired 09.11.16 #voters)

In a rare move they are planning to urge other voters to ignore their oaths and vote against trump. Although the public vote count now shows Hilary leading by quite a significant margin, Trump won the presidential campaign on the Electoral College votes, not the public votes. There has been widespread criticism of the Electoral College vote, including by Trump himself in 2008 when Obama looked like he was going to win based on the same system. (elephantjournal 25.11.16 #voters)

2.4. Supporters

Just like all of the Trump supporters being happy with the Electoral College, but I really do not believe those same folks would be so happy/understanding had Trump won the popular vote and Clinton won the Electoral College vote. Would you Personally be okay if Clinton had won the Electoral College vote and Trump the popular vote??? Care to answer that? forums 04.12.16 #suppor-ters)

Steven Rosenfeld covers national political issues for AlterNet, including America’s democracy and voting rights, campaigns and elections, and many social justice issues. IMAGE: Supporters of U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump protest outside a campaign event for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in Williamson, West Virginia, United States, May 2, 2016. REUTERS/Jim Young nationalmemo 04.12.16 #supporters)

In 2012, Barack Obama won 16.9 million African-American votes, over 3 million more than Clinton’s 13.7 million. Just over 9 million Latinos voted for both Obama and Clinton, despite a significant increase in the Latino voting population over the past four years. Among people aged 18-29, Clinton’s 13.6 million votes is roughly 8 percent less than Obama’s 14.8 million figure from 2012, despite a similar growth in this age demographic. (futurefastforward 16.11.16 #past)

Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents already widely favored having the popular vote determine the winner and are slightly more likely to do so now than in the past. Most Americans Know Hillary Clinton Won the Popular Vote Because of the divergence of the Electoral College and popular vote, the popular vote is garnering particular attention this year. (conservativeread 03.12.16 #past)

Unlike unenthused Clinton supporters, Trump voters had a reason to vote for their candidate and were

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excited to do so. The Trump supporters have been told by a Clinton-supporting mainstream media for the past year and a half that they are supporting a racist and bigoted homophobe, with little to no evi-dence supporting this assertion. Therefore, voters were scared to admit to say they were voting for him. (hubpages 25.11.16 #past)

2.5. Man

Huffington Post UKGood Things Americans Voted For In The Wake Of Donald Trump‘s Election As PresidentHuffington Post UKDonald Trump‘s election to the White House shocked pollsters, the media and millions of people around the world. But while the world comes to terms with the fact that a man who bragged that his celebrity status allowed him to grab a woman “by the pussy ...and more » newsjs 09.11.16 #man)

Imagine the Trump/Republican reaction right now had Trump won the popular vote and lost the presi-dency via the electoral vote. Let’s talk about elitism we hear so many media persons repenting today for their elitism toward white men without a college education. As a 78-year-old white man with a college education, I am apparently among that elite. (newstimes 11.11.16 #man)

Your joking, Were it not for the Electoral College, Clinton would be our next President. People can spin things anyway they choose to make themselves feel good and justify their beliefs, but the reality is, were it not for the Electoral College, in THIS election, Clinton won the popular vote, by a margin of 600,000 + votes. The important fact is however Donald Trump is our new President, and that is what matters. (forums 13.11.16 #reality)

In my country, the white-lash and the man-lash have just created President Donald Trump, an unqua-lified candidate who came up not through politics, but through inheriting money, a gift for bullying, and being on television. Though Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, Trump won enough to get a majority of electoral votes. That was a move to the right not unlike Brexit and the rule of Prime Minister Modi in India. (noliesradio 10.11.16 #man)

The Democratic Party with President Clinton and Obama are bankrupt. In office, they continued to support Neo Liberal policies that stripped their allies, the working classes of a decent social safety net from ending Welfare As We Know It, where Clinton screwed a lot of poor working class Euro American women, which was the bigger scandal, than Monica Lewinsky. These women are the majority of reci-pients of welfare. (inthesetimes 15.11.16 #liberal)

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3. Media

3.1. Politics

In the end, however, Clinton’s candidacy could still do more to help than hurt women’s advancement in politics despite ending in defeat. She didn’t win the White House, but she did make history as the first woman to receive a major U.S. political party’s presidential nomination. The fact that Clinton has amas-sed a considerable lead in the popular vote may also serve as a source of hope for women with political aspirations. (theatlantic 27.11.16 #politics)

Time: Opinion: Donald Trump and history’s competing visions of America’s ‘forgotten man’ Jefferson Cowie , James G. Stahlman Professor of American History, writes about the history of “forgotten man” politics in the U.S. and how Donald Trump’s use of the expression appeals to a white, native-born wor-king class of people who see their interests as different from others at the foundation of the economic pyramid. (news 18.11.16 #politics)

This is not the end of political or electoral history. To put Trump‘s victory in context, reflect for a mo-ment how often you‘ve been told that some election result shows a sea change in American politics. 1994 was the year of the angry white man, touted as a new wave of white conservative power thwarting Democratic choices. (popehat 09.11.16 #politics)

We are not a democracy!’’ Instructively, Obama won both the Electoral College and the Popular Vote but Trump’s anger over the Electoral College was not in isolation neither was it the first of its kind over the Electoral College. The Electoral College, which is a unique system of electing American presidents, has in its two-century history, been trailed by anger, excitement, criticisms and misconception. (vangu-ardngr 12.11.16 #democracy)

While Trump’s 290 electoral votes did give him a landslide win in the Electoral College, he’s taken a massive beating in the popular vote. In 2012, Trump called the US electoral-vote system a “disaster for democracy”. “This challenge is not about changing the election result, but about securing a process that ensures that every votes actually counts for the candidate that each voter meant to receive that vote”. (celebcafe 28.11.16 #democracy)

3.2. Media

With a campaign promise to “make America great again,” Donald J. Trump, the businessman turned reality television star turned politician, is now the 45th president of the United States of America. The victory came as a shock to media outlets and so-called election experts. The Republican Party nominee was polling behind Democratic Party bet former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for months, all the way to right before election day. (imoney 11.11.16 #media)

Exit polls conducted by Edison Research for national media outlets suggest Hillary Clinton is still strug-gling with white voters who have put Georgia in the Republican column for every presidential election but one since 1980. Exit polls in Virginia show Clinton and Republican Donald Trump split white Virginia voters with college degrees. In North Carolina, Trump apparently won a slight majority of college-educa-ted whites. (savannahnow 09.11.16 #media)

It was a vote of desperation. Although the media heavily predicted that Clinton would win and that there was ‚no way‘ America would vote for a man like Trump, it was in fact nowhere near the reality of things Americans, have given a chance to Democrats in the past - the country‘s first African American president, Barack Obama, won two terms of presidency. (says 11.11.16 #media)

Bannon’s goal is audacious: a realignment that would make Trump Republicans the dominant party for generations. He’s already proved the power of a conservative populist appeal to white working-class voters; Trump won white voters without a college education by a staggering 39% margin. The hope that such a party could unite the alt-right, African Americans and second- generation immigrants, however, seems quixotic. (latimes 23.11.16 #right)

Trump broke through Hillary Clinton’s Democratic firewall and turned back her bid to become the first woman to serve as president, even as the candidates battled for the lead in the popular vote. Trump was carried to victory by a wave of right-wing populist nationalism, as working- and middle- class white

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Americans turned out in droves to vote for a candidate who had rejected Republican dogma during an erratic, peculiar campaign. (theatlantic 09.11.16 #right)

3.3. Fact

Donald Trump won the election on Nov. 8, but won‘t officially be elected president until the 538 mem-bers of the Electoral College vote on Dec. 19. Trump won the popular vote in states comprising of 290 electoral votes and still retains a slim lead in Michigan, worth another 16 electoral votes, putting him well over the required 270-vote majority to head to the White House. (syracuse 23.11.16 #majority)

The fact that a candidate can receive more votes than the other but lose the election is fundamentally undemocratic.” Secretary Hillary Clinton, who received at least 62,825,754 votes in the presidential elec-tion, won the popular vote over Donald Trump. It is estimated that by the time all the votes are counted, Secretary Clinton may win the popular vote by over two million votes and more than 1.5 percentage points. (freerepublic 22.11.16 #fact)

With Trump promising to Make America Great Again for Americans, Wong opines that the people voted in the hope that things will go back to the way they were. It was a vote of desperation.

Although the media heavily predicted that Clinton would win and that there was ‚no way‘ America would vote for a man like Trump, it was in fact nowhere near the reality of things says 11.11.16 #fact)

Still, Trump secured more than the 270 Electoral College votes required to take the White House wi-thout receiving the majority of votes from individual Americans, scoring 290 to Clinton’s 232. But if one were to have missed last week‘s presidential election entirely and simply searched who won the popular vote? on Google, the first page of results would yield starkly different answers. A right-wing WordPress site titled ibtimes 15.11.16 #majority)

But only if that is already established BEFORE the election. You can‘t judge who would have won the popular vote when the Trump Campaign was working not for the popular vote but the Electoral College and didn‘t both putting effort into the big Blue States that gave Clinton the popular majority and the Clin-ton Campaign didn‘t bother campaigning in the big Red States either. We have no idea what a popular national election outcome would have been. (commons 01.12.16 #majority)

3.4. Issue

During his campaign, Trump pledged to deport the more than 11 million immigrants in this country illegally. Since winning the White House, Trump has said he would immediately deport or incarcerate 2 million to 3 million “criminal” undocumented immigrants when he takes office in January. Once the bor-der is “secure,” Trump said his administration will then decide what to do about the remaining undocu-mented immigrants in the country. (thehill 29.11.16 #immigrants)

But when talk shifts from the wall to immigration in general, things start to get a bit blurred. Trump has already begun to hedge on his campaign immigration rhetoric. In an interview with 60 Minutes, Trump said his administration would focus on deporting two to three million undocumented immigrants, rather than the 11 million who reside in the country. (forum 22.11.16 #immigrants)

The fact remains that white women have preferred voting for a candidate who has consistently reduced women to their sexual attributes and has tried “to pit straight white men against everyone else- women, people of colour, people in the LGBTQ community, immigrants.” These elections have seemed to be all apart from presidential. Half of Clinton’s supporters said they would back her so as to keep Trump from winning . (globalpolicyjournal 18.11.16 #immigrants)

Johnson was out on appeal bond for five years before the Court ruled. While government officials may not agree with his stance on burning the flag or his views of the American political system, Democrats and Republicans alike have come out against Trump’s stance on the controversial issue. Trump’s mes-sages to his 16.4 million Twitter followers led to backlash this week across political party lines. (ibtimes 30.11.16 #issue)

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A surprising and mysterious meeting set up by Ivanka Trump between President-elect Donald Trump and climate change activist Al Gore leaves environmentalists hopeful that Trump could be more open-minded to changing his mind that “ climate change is a hoax created by China. ” Gore first met with Ivanka, future first daughter, who has advocated for paid parental leave and pay parity and is more open to the issue of climate change. (globalcitizen 06.12.16 #issue)

3.5. Americans

Hillary Clinton’s popular vote lead over President-elect Donald Trump has surpassed 2 million, accor-ding to an independent analysis. Cook Political Report on Wednesday said Clinton had 64,225,863 votes compared to Trump’s 62,210,612 votes. Clinton’s victory in the popular vote has generated criticism against the United States’ Electoral College system. (yalibnan 24.11.16 #system)

In his campaign the Republican mogul took relentless aim at the political establishment, but in his victory speech he pledged to unite a nation deeply divided after the bitterest election in recent memory, vowing to be a “president for all Americans.” “Now it is time for America to bind the wounds of division,” Trump told a crowd of jubilant supporters in New York, pledging to work with Democrats in office. (nati-on 09.11.16 #americans)

Trump lost the popular vote to President Obama’s preferred candidate. If he sincerely wants to heal the country, he should press Senate Republicans to approve Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland. That would be a bold and creative stroke that would go a long way toward enabling millions of Americans to, as Clinton said in her concession speech, allow him the benefit of an “open mind.” latimes 11.11.16 #americans)

That‘s because the president is actually chosen by the Electoral College, which is based on state voting results, not the nationwide final tally. Before Clinton, Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000 but lost the White House to George W. Bush, who ultimately won more Electoral College votes. Trump has said he would have won more overall votes if the U.S. choose its president under a direct vote system. (ibtimes 17.11.16 #system)

Finally a word about the quirks of the American electoral system where a candidate can win the popular vote and yet not the White House as his/her opponent has secured 270 or more votes in the 538-member electoral college. That is precisely what happened with Hillary Clinton who got more popu-lar votes than Donald Trump but lost the electoral college. (mainstreamweekly 21.11.16 #system)

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4. Might

4.1. Way

The Economist, which endorsed Clinton as “the last hope”, summed up the bitter mood, with a lot of anxiety and uncertainty over Trump’s victory, saying it “threatens old certainties about America and its role in the world. What will take their place? The fact that Mr Trump’s victory and the way it came about are hammer blows both to the norms that underpin politics in the US and also to America’s role as the world’s pre-eminent power”. (gulfnews 13.11.16 #way)

Republicans held onto their slim Senate majority, a stinging blow to Democrats in a night full of them. Democrats had been nearly certain of retaking control but saw their hopes fizzle as endangered GOP incumbents won in... Donald Trump claimed his place Wednesday as America‘s 45th president, an ast-onishing victory for the celebrity businessman and political novice who capitalized on voters‘ economic anxieties on his way to the White House wmbfnews 09.11.16 #way)

The fact that Mr Trump’s victory and the way it came about are hammer blows both to the norms that underpin politics in the US and also to America’s role as the world’s pre-eminent power”. Trump has taken aim at the belief, embraced by every post-War president, that America gains from the often thank-less task of being the global hegemon. If Trump now disengages from the world, who knows what will storm through the breach? gulfnews 13.11.16 #way)

The health care industry was unprepared for the presidential victory of Donald J. Trump, and executives at insurance companies and hospital systems are now uncertain what their business is going to look like in the years ahead. A Trump administration, coupled with a Republican Congress, is likely to lead to a reversal of many of the policies put into place by President Obama, and could mean a repeal of his signa-ture health care law. (khn 15.11.16 #health)

On issues where President-elect Trump did not stake out a position, we would expect the Republican Congress to push proposals similar to those in the health care reform sections of the House Republicans’ “Better Way” agenda. President-elect Trump’s promise to repeal and replace the ACA aligns with the views of congressional Republicans, and we expect legislative action soon after Congress returns. (skad-den 14.11.16 #health)

4.2. Million

It‘s an unprecedented allegation by a president-elect. Trump won the Electoral College and thus the White House, but the Democratic nominee leads him in the popular vote by about two million ballots. In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally, Trump tweeted. (democraticunderground 30.11.16 #million)

President-elect Donald Trump won a convincing electoral vote victory on Nov. 8, but he is claiming falsely that widespread voter fraud cost him the popular vote. The latest totals show Hillary Clinton lea-ding Trump in the popular vote by more than 2 million. Trump tweeted on Sunday afternoon, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. (collarchat 02.12.16 #million)

Trump won the Lone Star State‘s prized 38 electoral votes, second most behind California‘s 55, and easily defeated Democratic rival Hillary Clinton with his more than 4.6 million votes in Tuesday‘s election. But Trump‘s roughly 9-percent victory margin over Clinton was the lowest for any Republican presi-dential candidate in the state in 20 years, since Republican nominee Bob Dole won by 5 points in 1996. (courthousenews 10.11.16 #million)

Virginia Rahn reminded Jin that Trump lost the popular vote and America remains split about Trump’s victory, adding that she worries about children in America being forced “to grow up in an unpredicta-ble and fearful world so he and his family can make money.” Elaine Smith agreed on the popular vote issue. Trump “actually LOST the election by almost THREE MILLION popular votes,” Elaine Smith said. (en 07.12.16 #money)

Trump looks to Obamacare critic, Indiana expert to overhaul health care President-elect is expected to cast Price and Verma as a ‘dream team’ to help him once he takes office New York: President-elect

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Donald Trump will announce on Tuesday he has chosen a vociferous Obamacare critic and an Indiana policy expert to help him overhaul the US health care system, a transition official told Reuters. (gulfnews 29.11.16 #obamacare)

4.3. Wall

That is not our job, nor will I make it our job.” Fear among immigrants and their families has rippled across the country in the days following Trump’s election to the presidency. Trump made illegal immigra-tion a central issue of his campaign, vowing to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, deport people who are in the country illegally and unwind immigration relief created under President Obama. (freere-public 14.11.16 #wall)

Immigration : Rather than focus on jobs, Trump will likely settle for some sort of immigration initiative. During his campaign, Trump made three immigration-related promises: build “a wall” along the

U.S. Mexico border, deport all of America’s undocumented immigrants, and block immigration of all Muslims. Early indications are that Trump has softened his position on each of these. (smirkingchimp 23.11.16 #wall)

Some serious Democrats agree with Trump. Our immigration laws should be reoriented to favor im-migrants with higher skills, wrote Clinton administration policymaker William Galston in The Wall Street Journal on Nov. 2. Lawrence Summers, treasury secretary under Bill Clinton and economic adviser to Barack Obama, called for more high-skilled immigration in an American Enterprise Institute talk Nov. 4. (socio-political-journal 16.11.16 #wall)

If OCR‘s role does shift in the Trump administration, local civil rights organizations may need to step up, said Daria Hall, the interim vice-president for government affairs at the Education Trust, a research and advocacy organization. The one thing that‘s clear is that the work of state and local equity advocates is now even more important, she said. If the department does stay at the cabinet level, who might be Trump‘s education secretary? blogs 10.11.16 #education)

Gov. Haley has little foreign policy experience, yet Trump praised her as a proven dealmaker. DeVos, like Trump, is new to government but has spent decades working to change America‘s system of pub-lic education. DeVos and Haley are the first women selected for top-level administration posts as the president-elect works to shape a White House team from scratch. (tbo 23.11.16 #education)

4.4. Might

What would a Republican-controlled America mean to the country itself and the world? The Republican Congress that prevailed under Democrat president Barack Obama was generally seen to be “hawkish” with regard to Russia, Iran and other issues. So, the prospect of a Republican presidency under Trump and a Republican legislature might make some people feel apprehensive with regard to US foreign policy being more aggressive and hostile. (oananews 16.11.16 #might)

The trouble is, that man is the Republican candidate for vice president, Mike Pence. But if Trump were impeached immediately after he took office, the Republican candidate for vice president would become president in his place. Further, if Republicans take the lead in removing Trump from office, the party might regain some of its lost credibility in parts of the electorate that it is anxious to attract. (politics 23.11.16 #might)

A reading of what Clinton and Trump spent through Oct. 20 offers an interesting look at how much of a landslide the popular vote might have been had Trump invested as much money as Hillary Clinton. CNBC reports Clinton spent $450.6 million on her campaign, while her opponent spent only $238.9 million. Meanwhile, Trump secured 60.391 million votes while Clinton earned a little north of 61.061 million. (inquisitr 15.11.16 #might)

Jewish people are being terrorized, the LGBTQ community is facing increasing hate crimes and women are waiting for the next shoe to drop from the sexually-assaulting incoming president. No decent person who caucuses with Democrats and allegedly represents all of these targeted people can work with Donald Trump on any issue. This is not like Democrats trying to work with Republicans under Bush or Obama in order to help the people. (politicususa 18.11.16 #help)

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Priebus and Bannon will continue the effective leadership team they formed during the campaign, working as equal partners to transform the federal government, making it much more efficient, effective and productive, the Trump Transition Team said in a statement. They will also work together with Vice President-elect Mike Pence to help lead the transition process in the run-up to Inauguration Day, it said. (business-standard 14.11.16 #help)

4.5. Political

Hillary Clinton, the Democratic Party’s nominee for US president in the 2016 elections, has now amas-sed more than 2 million popular votes over President-elect Donald Trump, who won the White House by securing more Electoral College votes. According to an independent analysis by the Cook Political Report released Wednesday, Clinton had 64,225,863 votes compared to Trump’s 62,210,612 votes. (rinf 24.11.16 #political)

President-elect Donald Trump continues to rail against efforts to recount the election results in some states. On Twitter, Trump claimed he not only won enough votes in the Electoral College to clinch the White House, but also would‘ve won the popular vote if the votes of, quote, millions of people who voted illegally were deducted. Hillary Clinton failed to gain the 270 electoral votes need to win, even though she won the popular vote. (640whlo 28.11.16 #people)

Trump won 290 of the 270 electoral college votes needed to become president of the United States.However, Hillary Clinton won 232 of the electoral votes and surpassed Donald Trump by more than 1.7 million popular votes, said Dodds. To explain the disparity between the electoral college votes and the popular votes, Dodds said some people looked at the characteristics of Clinton’s supporters. (theconcor-dian 23.11.16 #people)

We‘re going to keep working with people right around the world, we‘re going to work with our neigh-bours and I‘m going to work with president-elect Trump‘s administration as we move forward in a positi-ve way, not just for Canadians and Americans but for the whole world. Trump claimed his election victory as America‘s 45th president early Thursday, after beating out Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. (castanet 09.11.16 #people)

The University‘s political and social organizations are speaking out about their thoughts on America’s President-Elect Donald Trump. Troy Beckham, member of Young Americans for Liberty, said Trump’s election put the Republican Party in a position of action. “I feel now that Trump has won along with Republicans in the House and Senate, the party has a rare opportunity to put forth some legislation and see some form of change,” Beckham said. (theplainsman 08.12.16 #political)

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5. America

5.1. Power

South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley says Donald Trump won election as president by running against both political parties. Haley is telling conservative lawyers who are meeting in Washington Friday that Trump’s victory offers Republicans a chance to regain the public’s trust, but only if the party restrains spending and returns power to the states. Haley says voters rejected “the political class of all stripes, Republicans included.” tampa 18.11.16 #power)

Donald Trump won a sweeping Electoral College victory including states like Pennsylvania and Wis-consin, which had been Democratic Party strongholds for two decades or longer. President Obama and President-elect Trump are scheduled to meet on Thursday to discuss the peaceful transition of power. President Obama has vowed to support a smooth transition regardless of the election’s outcome. (natla-wreview 09.11.16 #power)

What will take their place? The fact that Mr Trump’s victory and the way it came about are hammer blows both to the norms that underpin politics in the US and also to America’s role as the world’s pre-eminent power”. Trump has taken aim at the belief, embraced by every post-War president, that America gains from the often thankless task of being the global hegemon. (gulfnews 13.11.16 #power)

High Turnout Among Working-Class White Voters This is the big story of the 2016 election. Working class white voters - men and women alike - fled the Democratic Party and sided with Trump because of his promise to renegotiate trade deals with countries including China and levy stiff tariffs on goods imported from them. (uspolitics 17.11.16 #men)

Last week, WikiLeaks whistleblowing website claimed that the Democratic Party establishment conspi-red to ensure Clinton win the party’s presidential nomination. Therefore, American voters did not have much of a choice, as they had to contend with a two-party system dictated by Wall Street. This year, voters had no option but to select one among the two most unpopular and polarizing candidates of the two major parties. (islamtimes 13.11.16 #nomination)

5.2. Nation

After all, Obama won nearly 66 million votes in 2012; Trump is currently at 59.5 million and should finish around 60 million, which will actually be one million fewer votes than Mitt Romney won. How, then, could Trump have topped Obama in the electoral college? The answer: Republican turnout lagged in certain parts of the country but shot through the roof in the nation’s most critical battleground states. (socio-political-journal 10.11.16 #nation)

Obamacare in jeopardy after Donald Trump win The nation‘s health care system will be greatly impac-ted when President-elect Donald Trump takes office, as he looks to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. Obamacare in jeopardy after Donald Trump win The nation‘s health care system will be greatly impacted when President-elect Donald Trump takes office, as he looks to dismantle the Affordable Care Act. (ten-nessean 09.11.16 #nation)

That appointment will affect the nation’s history long after Trump’s tenure is over,” she said. Howe-ver, Dr. Rebecca Padot, head of the GLNS program and a professor of history and government, does not expect extreme policies to be passed by Congress. “One of the beautiful aspects of our American Government is that a president must work with Congress and the Senate in order to get money for their proposed policies. (highlandernews 29.11.16 #nation)

Interestingly, Trump spoke out against the Electoral College system which has now guaranteed him a place in the White House. Following Mitt Romney’s loss in the 2012 election to Barack Obama, Trump wrote on Twitter: The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy. Not only did Trump loose the popular vote but even the total number of votes he received were a little more than a quarter of the voting-eligible population. (islamtimes 13.11.16 #place)

Donald Trump has been elected the next President of the United States of America in the 2016 presi-dential election. At the time of publication, Trump, the candidate for the Republican Party, has earned

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278 votes from the electoral college, enough to secure his place as the next president. His main rival, the Democrats’ Hillary Clinton, has won 218 votes. (theyorker 09.11.16 #place)

5.3. America

Middle-class Britons are still hyperventilating about Brexit, and now middle-class America is trem-bling at the prospect of Donald Trump in the White House. And, of course, middle-class Americans are blaming everyone but themselves. The reason Trump is heading to the Oval Office is because the Democratic party rigged the primaries to ensure that a candidate who could have beaten Trump, Bernie Sanders, did not get on the ticket. (justice-integrity 17.11.16 #america)

While Trump offers no viable plan to actually address these voters’ economic anxieties either by increasing employment, transforming U.S. trade policy or any other means, his call to “make America great again” by rebuilding infrastructure and creating “jobs, jobs, jobs” was powerful among many white voters who associate the memory of better economic conditions with a past of white privilege and a politics of “law and order.” dsausa 13.11.16 #america)

Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren , a champion of similar policies in Washington D.C., also offered to work with president-elect Trump -- despite her campaign trail criticism -- on efforts to rebuild Ameri-ca‘s economy for working people. President-elect Trump promised to rebuild our economy for working people, and I offer to put aside our differences and work with him on that task, she said in a Wednesday statement. (masslive 10.11.16 #america)

For millions of Americans, Donald Trump may never be their president, and losing the popular vote only serves to harm his legitimacy in their eyes. 2016 presidential election popular vote totals, Hillary Clinton beating Trump in popular vote, Hillary Clinton popular vote lead, Hillary Clinton won popular vote Follow Jason Easley on Twitter politicususa 21.11.16 #twitter)

Hopefully, Electoral College electors are watching this stunning behavior unfold, and they are coming to the conclusion that putting Donald Trump in the White House would endanger the United States of America. Donald Trump popular vote conspiracy, Hillary Clinton, President elect Trump, Trump claims millions illegally voted for Clinton, Trump tweets popular vote conspiracy Follow Jason Easley on Twitter politicususa 27.11.16 #twitter)

5.4. Anti

Almost as importantly, the Democratic Party failed, putting up a candidate whose experience could not outweigh her known flaws. After eight years with a Democrat in the White House, the party struggled to defend itself against an anti-establishment insurgency. But that does not mean Trump’s victory was ine-vitable: A different Democratic candidate , or a different campaign with the same candidate, might have produced a different president. (politico 15.11.16 #anti)

In fact, Trump received fewer votes than his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and fewer votes than the loosing Republican candidates John McCain and Mitt Romney in the 2008 and 2012 elections. Over the past eight years, however, support for the Democrats had collapsed due the party’s anti- social and mili-tarist policies. This slump in support included millions of women, youth and minorities. (wsws 18.11.16 #anti)

So far, Trump has unveiled an alarming bevy of far-right administration appointees, including White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who headed the white nationalist publication Breitbart, and At-torney General nominee Jeff Sessions, who was deemed too racist to serve as a federal judge under the Reagan administration. Throughout his campaign, Trump repeatedly incited violence against anti-racist protesters at his rallies. (aboriginalnewswire 08.12.16 #anti)

Our first hint about this was the massive resistance to his candidacy from the Republican leadership, including both Bush Presidents. Another hint was Trump’s weak disavow of KKK- related David Duke’s en-dorsement. So, what can we do to stop the torrent of policies headed our way, policies that will be racist, jingoist, anti-immigrant, anti-environment, anti-Native American, anti-women’s rights and anti-LGBTQ . (peacevoice 15.11.16 #rights)

Donald Trump is going to the White House and the administration he is forming is horrifying. Trump’s appointments began with Republican senator Reince Priebus as Chief of Staff, and Stephen Bannon, head

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of Breitbart News, as White House Strategist. Priebus is a far-right Republican who opposes unions, the rights of gay people, and women’s right to abortion. (matierevolution 05.12.16 #rights)

5.5. Country

White working class anger did not lead people to vote for Trump; Trump led people to white working class anger. An important part of this election was that Donald Trump spent a year and a half telling white Americans that they needed to be angry about the state of the world and the country. He did this through incoherent arguments, misrepresentations of economic data, prejudice and outright lies. (huf-fingtonpost 20.11.16 #country)

During a bitter campaign that tugged at America‘s democratic fabric, the tycoon pledged to deport ille-gal immigrants, ban Muslims from the country and tear up free-trade deals. Trump‘s campaign message was embraced by a large section of America‘s white majority, grown increasingly disgruntled by the sco-pe of social and economic change under Obama. But it was passionately rejected by Clinton supporters. (sg 10.11.16 #country)

There were uncertainties over how his presidency will affect the country’s economy, crude oil price, Ni-geria’s main revenue earner; her nationals in the US, aid to developing countries, including Nigeria and, of course, international politics. Contrary to pre-election opinion awarding victory to the Democratic Party Candidate, Hillary Clinton, the President-elect secured 276 Electoral College votes against Clinton’s 218, to emerge victorious. (news 09.11.16 #country)

Given his anti-climate change stance, Trump is likely to cut funding for U.N. programs that support cli-mate change programs and also reduce climate study research dollars at NASA which has researched and educated Americans about the reality of climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Ch-ange has already concluded that “scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal.” Past Three Octobers Were Hottest On Record schweitzfinance 21.11.16 #stance)

In view of Donald Trump’s emergence as the United States’ 45th President, and his stance on internati-onal trade, ANNA OKON examines the future of the duty-free trade policy signed by Barrack Obama for the benefit of Africans Apart from the fact that the United States’ President- elect, Donald Trump, has vowed to withdraw from most of President Barrack Obama’s trade pacts, he has also made it clear that he is not a huge fan of free trade deals. (punchng 12.11.16 #stance)

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6. Issues

6.1. Immigration

U.S. political analysts said Trump‘s status as a non-politician outsider threatening to shake up the estab-lishment resonated with voters, as did his attacks on trade and immigration policies. The election winner did better than expected with female voters and cranked out a large number of white working-class votes, especially in rural areas. Trump will enter office with a Republican Senate and House. (northjersey 09.11.16 #immigration)

People being in favor of the appeal of Obama Care and This essay aims to display the arguments/stance that each presidential candidate has towards such issues, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, and serves as an analysis on their determined stance. To determine Donald Trump‘s stance on immigration,parti-cularly the construction of a wall on the southern birth, it is wise to analyze articles in order to see his thoughts on such as issue. (pastebin 09.11.16 #immigration)

We will all come together as never before. There has never been a president like Trump, someone who has never held political office or a military leadership position. In a campaign that began in June 2015, Trump argued that the establishment and the government have betrayed Americans with bad trade deals, leaky immigration policies, and moves toward a globalized economy that leaves people behind. (northjersey 09.11.16 #immigration)

The Republicans and Democrats who make up the foreign policy elite are laying the groundwork for a more assertive American foreign policy , via a flurry of reports shaped by officials who are likely to play senior roles in a potential Clinton White House. It is not unusual for Washington’s establishment to launch major studies in the final months of an administration to correct the perceived mistakes of a president or influence his successor. (peakprosperity 12.11.16 #influence)

Trump‘s transition team had no immediate comment. As Reuters summarizes, in his five months in office, the volatile Duterte has upended Philippine foreign policy by berating the United States, making overtures toward historic rival China and pursuing a new alliance with Russia. His diplomacy has created jitters among some Asian countries, wary about Beijing‘s rising influence and Washington‘s staying pow-er as a regional counterbalance. (zerohedge 02.12.16 #influence)

6.2. Leaders

There is little sign that Trump will live up to this, and we’ll update this list as more conflicts emerge. Foreign conflicts: Trump’s business dealings could affect his relationships with other countries Trump’s business empire touches at least 18 countries, presenting leaders around the globe with a tempting avenue to win favor with the next president and Trump with a way to use the power of the presidency to help his businesses. (vox 09.12.16 #leaders)

Trump’s victory has been hailed by authoritarian leaders around the world, including Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, as well as by populist and nationalist parties in Europe that are making electoral gains on racist, xenophobic, and anti- immigrant political platforms similar to Trump’s. Their rise marks a serious and growing political trend that threatens core human right principles around the globe. (hrw 18.11.16 #leaders)

In the statement, Mr. Trump’s office said the two leaders noted that “close economic, political, and security ties” exist between Taiwan and the United States. The statement also said Mr. Trump “con-gratulated President Tsai on becoming president of Taiwan earlier this year.” The White House was not told about Mr. Trump’s call until after it happened, according to a senior administration official. (peakoil 03.12.16 #leaders)

Trump‘s victory is a sign that the people of the world want a clear political change, Beatrix von Storch, one of the leaders of Germany‘s insurgent right-wing AfD party, said on Wednesday. Dutch far-right lea-der Geert Wilders, an Islamophobic frontrunner in parliamentary elections due next year, told Trump on Twitter that your victory is historic and for all of us! expatica 09.11.16 #leader)

“It must be pointed out that there is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inseparable part of Chinese territory,” Geng Shuang, a ministry spokesman, said in a statement. “The government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate government representing China.” Read more: White

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House reaffirms one-China stance after Trump’s talk with Taiwan leader news 05.12.16 #leader)

6.3. Issues

We don‘t know for sure what they talked about, but Gore previously pledged to work with Donald Trump on tackling climate change. Since winning office, Trump has somewhat softened his campaign trail stance of denying man-made climate change. And a recent Politico article suggests Ivanka Trump might advocate for climate issues in whatever formal or informal role she ends up playing in her father‘s admi-nistration. (newsy 05.12.16 #issues)

Donald J. Trump, elected 45th President of the United States, has had to face abundant criticism from media, public and political rivals, for not releasing policies on many significant issues ranging from cli-mate change and cybersecurity to business, trade and immigration. Donald Trump Vs the Silicon Valley: Meanwhile, in the Silicon Valley, most of the influential tech executives supported the democratic presi-dential candidate Hillary Clinton. (pakwired 10.11.16 #issues)

On economic and social issues, Gabbard belongs to the leftist wing of the Democratic Party, but she is closer to Trump‘s policies on fighting terror while avoiding foreign interventions and this makes her a prime candidate for the president-elect‘s efforts to reach out to his opposition. Media reports said that she may be under consideration for defence or foreign policy position in Trump‘s government. (ahmeda-badmirror 22.11.16 #issues)

Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated Donald Trump for his victory in US elections, hoping to work with him to improve relations, the Kremlin said in a statement. Putin expressed hope for mutual work on bringing US- Russia relations out of their critical condition and said that building constructive dialogue would be in the interest of both countries and the world community, the Kremlin statement said. (zeenews 10.11.16 #putin)

He added that the two countries’ defense-military cooperation would guarantee regional and interna-tional peace and security So the prospect for peace in the Middle East seems like a slim chance under a Trump presidency although he wants peace with Russia and to a point peace and economic cooperation with China. Will Trump or his newly appointed Secretary of State come to realize that war against Iran means war against Russia and China? shoah 19.11.16 #russia)

6.4. American

Working class white voters - men and women alike - fled the Democratic Party and sided with Trump because of his promise to renegotiate trade deals with countries including China and levy stiff tariffs on goods imported from them. Trump‘s position on trade was seen as a way to stop companies from ship-ping jobs overseas, though many economists pointed out taxing imports would drive up costs to Ameri-can consumers first . (uspolitics 17.11.16 #american)

I‘m not going to be in a position to judge President Trump‘s economic record until he‘s had some time in office.” John Gizzi is chief political columnist and White House correspondent for Newsmax. Presi-dent-elect Trump sent warning shots last week to businesses that want to offshore, even as the Obama White House sent signals it disagrees with Trump on the methods of keeping American jobs in the U.S. (newsmax 07.12.16 #american)

There is even talk of giving a job to Sarah Palin and more outlandish talk of giving John Bolton the Secretary of State position. Overall the new administration will of course include a large number of business appointees and reinforce an anti-working class, anti-women, anti-ethnic minority stance. Some Trump supporters have floated the possibility of bringing back the House Committee on Un- American Activities. (leftunity 16.11.16 #american)

Trump is sure to follow his own playbook Trump will be the first president to enter the White House with no political, diplomatic or military executive experience. His victory will send shockwaves around the world, given his sparse foreign policy knowledge, haziness over nuclear doctrine, vow to curtail Mus-lim immigration and disdain for US alliances that have been the bedrock of the post- World War II foreign policy. (wmdt 09.11.16 #military)

Trump will be the first president to enter the White House with no political, diplomatic or military

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executive experience. His victory will send shockwaves around the world, given his sparse foreign policy knowledge, haziness over nuclear doctrine, vow to curtail Muslim immigration and disdain for US allian-ces that have been the bedrock of the post-World War II foreign policy. (wmdt 09.11.16 #military)

6.5. Security

She spent a decade as the founding CEO of the Truman National Security Project, a movement of policy, political, and military leaders promoting policies that would enhance security and dignity in the U.S and abroad, for which she was named one of the top 40 under 40 political leaders in America by Time Ma-gazine. She was chosen by Secretary of State Hilary Clinton to serve on the State Department’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board from 2011-2014. (peruviantimes 14.11.16 #security)

If he took the position in Trump‘s cabinet, a special election would be held to replace him in the Senate. The Trump team said it offered retired military intelligence chief Michael Flynn the position of national security adviser. Last week, Trump selected executive chairman of Breitbart News Steve Bannon as chief strategist and Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus as chief of staff. (fox19 18.11.16 #security)

On Friday, Trump named KT McFarland, who served in three Republican administrations, as his deputy national security adviser. He also named Donald McGahn, an attorney for the Trump campaign, to be his White House counsel, according to a statement from the Trump transition team. “I am proud that KT has once again decided to serve our country and join my national security team,” the President-elect said in a statement. (theepochtimes 25.11.16 #security)

The choice here concerns the future president of France,” protested former French Prime Minister François Fillon. But the American president-elect continued to overshadow the debate as the French presidential hopefuls were pressed to discuss the impact of Trump’s victory on foreign policy issues ranging from the Syrian crisis, France’s relations with Russia, and the future of the NATO military alliance. (forums 24.11.16 #relations)

They also say that the U.S. is losing its war against this so-called “alliance.” It would have dangerous implications for our Russia policy in the coming years if Flynn has a significant role in a Trump adminis-tration. If a top adviser to the new administration thinks Russia is helping to wage a global war against America, that could spell serious trouble for our relations with Russia and other states as well. (socio-po-litical-journal 16.11.16 #relations)

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7. Trade

7.1. Policy

One unanswered question for the incoming Trump Administration is whether he will lift the ban Pre-sident Obama imposed on lobbyists serving in the administration. There are few Republican lobbyists who openly supported the Trump campaign, and the new President ran as the most anti- Washington of candidates. Nevertheless, the new President would benefit from people who can make the government work and have substantive policy experience. (politico 11.11.16 #policy)

“China has got its message across to the world as a whole with regard to Taiwan-related issues. The

U.S. side, President-elect Trump‘s team included, is also fully aware of China‘s solemn attitude on the issue.” Trump made a tougher foreign policy toward China a key component of his presidential campa-ign, pledging to crack down on Chinese currency manipulation and to keep American jobs from moving there. (politico 05.12.16 #policy)

As Trump, a Republican, is set to assume the US presidency, the Philippines will certainly feel its impact in the areas of trade and investments as well as defense. Along with the change in the party in power co-mes the change in policies and programs. Based on his speeches, making America great again will entail closing America’s borders to illegal immigrants, pursuing an uncompromising foreign policy and adopting economic protectionism. (forums 24.11.16 #policy)

reports that: Donald Trump‘s election has thrown key US alliances into doubt, but could it yet destroy the liberal world order and the West as we know it? If you thought President Barack Obama‘s White House sit-down with Donald Trump was awkward, wait for Obama‘s menu of meetings with foreign lea-ders next week. During a three-nation foreign trip, Obama will meet the leaders of Britain, China, France, Germany, Greece, Italy and Peru among others. (topix 13.11.16 #foreign)

Despite the limited arial campaign in parts of northern Syria and Iraq, the current Obama White House policy of inaction will leave little maneuver room for the incoming Trump foreign policy administration. The Trump White House should take a hard look at a radical departure from the Obama administration’s ad hoc and hesitant foreign policy stance on Syria, which ultimately allowed Daesh to grow in size and stature both in Syria and Iraq. (arabnews 10.11.16 #foreign)

7.2. China

The fall reflected Chinese investors’ concerns about Trump becoming the leader of the world’s largest economy. Editorials in the state media talked about upheavals in diplomatic and economic relations, citing Trump’s anti-China rhetoric throughout his often divisive campaign. Xi, of course, sent a congra-tulatory message to Trump that talked about working together to maintain world peace and stability. (hindustantimes 11.11.16 #china)

“There aren’t going to be trade wars,” Ross said in an interview Friday. Chinese President Xi Jinping called Trump after his electoral victory Wednesday to congratulate the next president and discuss econo-mic and military policies. China‘s public stance on Trump‘s success has been relatively cautious since his election and Sunday‘s editorial marks perhaps the harshest message yet from the world‘s second-largest economy to its largest. (ibtimes 14.11.16 #china)

TRUMP TRANSITION IS IN THE HOUSE: Trump‘s transition team has made contact with the USTR, signa-ling the start of briefings and regular communication to bring the incoming team up to speed on pending issues with China, the European Union and other countries around the world. USTR is in contact with the president-elect‘s transition representatives, USTR spokesman Matthew McAlvanah said after the an-nouncement of transition team members on Monday. (politico 22.11.16 #china)

Brookings Institution, How Trump’s foreign policy could upend the world order , Thomas Wright, Nov. 7, 2016. Starting with the implosion of the U.S. alliance system, a Donald Trump presidency could unravel the U.S.-led global order and ignite a world crisis of historic proportions. I have been writing about Do-nald Trump’s foreign policy since January. (justice-integrity 17.11.16


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If Trump follows his campaign stance and imposes pressure on China over a host of economic issues, US firms doing business in China may get caught in the fallout. However, Trump‘s victory is not the worst result for China because Clinton‘s strategy toward China was seen as tougher than Trump‘s despite his unpredictability. As global stock markets fall sharply, Chinese shares remain relatively moderate. (global-times 09.11.16 #global)

7.3. Trade

Far from defending jobs, trade war will lead only to retaliation by US corporations’ competitors, the deepening of the world economic crisis, and a descent toward world war. As the Carrier deal shows, the “American-first” demagogy peddled by Trump and the unions boils down to “American billionaires first.” SEP public meetings: Meetings in the US: The election of Donald Trump: The political issues facing wor-kers and youth wsws 07.12.16 #trade)

Working with the Republican Party and the trade unions, it is responsible for enacting social policies that have impoverished vast sections of the working class, regardless of race or gender. The present political juncture presents real dangers for the American and international working class. The Trump ad-ministration will be the most reactionary in American history. (futurefastforward 16.11.16 #trade)

Donald Trump is set to tear up a giant Pacific trade pact and has questioned alliances that have defined America’s engagement in Asia since World War II. But it’s too early to declare President Barack Obama’s “pivot” dead. For Asia’s leaders, a big question from Trump’s win is whether America’s military and eco-nomic focus on Asia will continue, given how Trump played on a populist mood at home and pledged a less interventionist foreign policy. (bloomberg 13.11.16 #trade)

Trump pledges to cancel the Paris climate agreement. In a major speech on energy policy, Trump said that during his first 100 days in office , he would rescind all the job-destroying Obama executive actions including his landmark climate regulations, cancel the Paris Climate Agreement, and stop all payments of US tax dollars to UN global warming programs. Trump says he probably called climate change a hoax. (climatedesk 07.12.16 #energy)

Trump has paid attention to these workers, and now the world is paying attention. America’s trade po-licy is about to become more protectionist. Trump cannot get all the jobs back, but he seems determined to get some of them back, even if means risking a trade war that hurts American companies, American consumers and the rest of the American economy. (blogs 10.11.16 #economy)

7.4. World

Trump ... US President-elect Donald Trump and his vice president-elect Mike Pence have spoken over phone with nearly 30 key world leaders, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi, after the historic victo-ry of their Republican party in the recently-held American general elections. Modi is one of the first few leaders that the 70-year-old Trump spoke with, Trump‘s transition team said yesterday. (business-stan-dard 17.11.16 #world)

China said on Monday U.S. President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team are clear on China’s position regarding his telephone call with Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Friday. “The world is very clear on China’s solemn position. The US side, including president-elect Trump’s team, is very clear Chi-na’s solemn position on this issue,” said foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang at a regular press briefing in Beijing. (rawstory 05.12.16 #world)

Trump had earlier claimed that Americans are living through the greatest jobs theft in the history of the world, saying US companies were moving out jobs to countries like China, Mexico and Singapore. Russia sees a ray of light in Trump Russian President Vladimir Putin has congratulated Donald Trump for his victory in US elections, hoping to work with him to improve relations, the Kremlin said in a statement. (zeenews 10.11.16 #world)

“The whole world knows about the Chinese government’s position on the Taiwan issue. I think Pre-sident-elect Trump and his team are also clear,” Lu said , “The Chinese side in Beijing and Washington lodged solemn representations with the relevant side in the U.S. The world is very clear on China’s so-lemn position. The U.S. side, including President-elect Trump’s team, is very clear about China’s solemn

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position on this issue.” amtvmedia 05.12.16 #government)

While it is expected that leaders of the Democratic Party in the US will oppose most of Trump’s reacti-onary policies and his intent to roll back the progressive achievements of the Obama administration, in Haiti the prospects are different. The country does not have any well-organized political party that can defend the core issues that the people care about. The majority of the presidential candidates are one-man political organization. (haitiantimes 30.11.16 #policies)

7.5. Election

Hillary Clinton is now more than two million votes ahead of President-elect Donald Trump in the popu-lar vote count for the US presidential elections, a tally compiled by the Cook Political Report showed on Wednesday. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton The Democratic candidate’s 1.5 percent lead in the popu-lar vote makes no difference to the outcome of the November 8 election, which Trump won by taking a majority of electoral votes. (nehandaradio 25.11.16 #election)

He said it is time to work together. We‘re going to keep working with people right around the world, we‘re going to work with our neighbours and I‘m going to work with president-elect Trump‘s adminis-tration as we move forward in a positive way, not just for Canadians and Americans but for the whole world. Trump claimed his election victory as America‘s 45th president early Thursday, after beating out Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. (castanet 09.11.16 #election)

Although the public vote count now shows Hilary leading by quite a significant margin, Trump won the presidential campaign on the Electoral College votes, not the public votes. There has been widespread criticism of the Electoral College vote, including by Trump himself in 2008 when Obama looked like he was going to win based on the same system. Trump tweeted in 2008: “He lost the popular vote by a lot and won the election. (elephantjournal 25.11.16 #election)

The white working class here that voted for Trump was the same voters who had elected Obama in the previous two elections. Nobody can deny that certain racist voters came to show their support for Do-nald Trump due to the nationalist tone he took during the campaign, but the preponderance of his white working class voters came from those who had formerly supported an African-American Democratic president in the previous elections. (eurasiareview 30.11.16 #working)

Although Trump won the electoral votes to be the next President of the United States, former presiden-tial candidate Hillary Clinton won the popular vote or vote of the people. Ever since her evident win for the popular vote, there were conspiracy theories floating on the Internet, which suggested that Clinton had won the popular vote because millions of people voted for her illegally. This theory has been widely debunked. (ibtimes 28.11.16 #millions)

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8. President

8.1. Change

Mrs. Clinton actually beat Trump in the popular vote by more than 206,000 votes. But under the U.S. system, it is the Electoral College that decides the presidency, and with 270 electoral votes needed to win, Trump won 279 votes to Clinton‘s 228. Pre-election day polls were giving Clinton a 2- to 3- point edge over Trump. (amcostarica 11.11.16 #college)

The popular vote determines which states‘ electoral votes will go to which candidate, as opposed to determining the official winner of the election. Right now, Hillary Clinton is close to winning the popular vote, and Donald Trump has won the electoral vote. In other words, without the electoral college, Hillary Clinton would be the president-elect right now. (teenvogue 15.11.16 #college)

Secretary Hillary Clinton, who received at least 62,825,754 votes in the presidential election, won the popular vote over Donald Trump. It is estimated that by the time all the votes are counted, Secretary Clinton may win the popular vote by over two million votes and more than 1.5 percentage points.

However, Secretary Clinton lost the Electoral College 232 to 306. (freerepublic 22.11.16 #college)

Since winning office, Trump has somewhat softened his campaign trail stance of denying man- made climate change. And a recent Politico article suggests Ivanka Trump might advocate for climate issues in whatever formal or informal role she ends up playing in her father‘s administration. But given that Donald Trump‘s transition team includes several climate change doubters , Gore‘s extremely interesting conversations might not amount to much. (newsy 05.12.16 #change)

As the brash and unpredictable Trump positioned himself as an agent of change, Clinton seemed like the establishment’s candidate, an impression that proved fatal to her campaign. Indeed, Trump used Clinton’s deep experience in the White House, Senate and State Department against her by citing it as evidence that she represented the status quo. Ironically, Bill Clinton won the White House 24 years ago using a similar anti-establishment strategy. (scitechconnect 09.11.16 #change)

8.2. Obama

Clinton is the fifth presidential candidate in U.S. history to win the popular vote but lose the election. That‘s because the president is actually chosen by the Electoral College, which is based on state voting results, not the nationwide final tally. Before Clinton, Al Gore won the popular vote in 2000 but lost the White House to George W. Bush, who ultimately won more Electoral College votes. (ibtimes 17.11.16 #votes)

United States President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday said that he lost the popular vote because millions of people in the United States had voted for his rival Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Al-though Trump won the electoral votes to be the next President of the United States, former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton won the popular vote or vote of the people. (ibtimes 28.11.16 #electoral)

The election winner did better than expected with female voters and cranked out a large number of white working-class votes, especially in rural areas. Trump will enter office with a Republican Senate and House. GOP congressional leaders praised Trump‘s election and said they would launch an agenda that ranges from repeal of the Obama health care law to a reduction of government regulations on business. (northjersey 09.11.16 #obama)

Weeks after the 2016 election, 47% of Americans say they want to keep the Electoral College, while 49% say they want to amend the Constitution to allow for a popular vote for president. In the past, a clear majority favored amending the U.S. Constitution to replace the Electoral College with a popular vote system. The problem, of course, is that Republicans know that without the Electoral College, Trump would not be president-elect today. (washingtonmonthly 04.12.16 #popular)

In recent elections, the Electoral College has become an increasingly vexing issue for Democrats, who won the popular vote in 2000, only to see George W. Bush take the White House because of the electoral vote math. Should the college vote for Trump, as expected, it‘ll be the same story: Clinton led the popu-

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lar vote by about 1.7 million votes as of Monday morning. (sott 23.11.16 #votes)

8.3. President

The mythical “white working class voters” that supported Trump are never going to vote for De-mocratic Senators and candidates. In the modern polarized and heavily partisan environment, if Senate Democrats work with Trump, white working class voters will still vote for Republican candidates during the 2018 midterms. Donald Trump is the least popular President-elect since 1992. (politicususa 17.11.16 #president)

The majority who didn’t support Trump are angry, and they are not going to tolerate his extremist agenda. For millions of Americans, Donald Trump may never be their president, and losing the popular vote only serves to harm his legitimacy in their eyes. 2016 presidential election popular vote totals, Hil-lary Clinton beating Trump in popular vote, Hillary Clinton popular vote lead, Hillary Clinton won popular vote politicususa 21.11.16 #president)

Political Wire, Elector Says He Won’t Vote for Clinton , Taegan Goddard, Nov. 5, 2016. “A Democratic elector in Washington state said Friday he won’t vote for Hillary Clinton even if she wins the popular vote in his state on Election Day, adding a degree of suspense when the Electoral College affirms the election results next month,” the AP reports. (justice-integrity 17.11.16 #results)

“The people President-elect Trump picks to serve in his administration will have a huge impact on the policies he pursues,” said JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president for policy and political affairs at the Human Rights Campaign. “We should all be alarmed at who he’s appointing to key posts on his transition team.” Following Trump’s rise during the Republican primary, his party’s position on gay marriage appea-red to become a bit less extreme. (threesonorans 28.11.16 #position)

“A Democratic elector in Washington state said Friday he won’t vote for Hillary Clinton even if she wins the popular vote in his state on Election Day, adding a degree of suspense when the Electoral College affirms the election results next month,” the AP reports. There’s nothing in the Constitution that says the electors are required to vote for a particular candidate, but some states have penalties for so-called “faithless electors.” justice-integrity 17.11.16 #results)

8.4. General

Trump chose a man to counsel him on national security who has questionable relationships with for-eign governments and may have violated the law by working as a foreign agent and not registering with the Department of Justice. President-elect Trump’s nominee to be Attorney General is already facing intense pushback for his racial views, and now the man Trump picked to advise him on national security could find himself in legal trouble. (politicususa 18.11.16 #general)

Trump is offering former military intelligence chief Michael Flynn the position of national security advisor. It‘s unclear whether Flynn, a retired army general, has accepted the job. Flynn was a fierce critic of President Barack Obama‘s military and foreign policy long before he began advising Trump on national security issues during the campaign. (www1 18.11.16 #general)

“I spoke with President-elect Donald Trump and we talked many issues; Peace and security issues in-cluding the issue of climate change. I remain optimistic about our efforts to combat climate change,” Mr Ki-moon said. “He will have to understand the reality of the World’s progress to combat climate Change,” the UN Secretary General added. (monitor 15.11.16 #general)

Saudi Arabia was sure that the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton will win the presidential elections, and the Arab country will once again enjoy benefits that it had when Clinton served as the US Secretary of State. For this purpose, the kingdom even made a financial contribution to the election campaign of the US Democratic Party. (justice-integrity 17.11.16 #integrity)

Washington Post, Clinton blames Comey letters for stopping momentum, turning out Trump voters , Anne Gearan, Nov. 12, 2016. Hillary Clinton blamed the renewed FBI inquiry into her State Department email system for blunting her momentum in the presidential election and the closure of that inquiry two days before Election Day for energizing voters for Donald Trump. (justice-integrity

17.11.16 #integrity)

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8.5. White

If President-elect Donald Trump is serious about cutting a new deal for American workers -- and we dearly hope he is -- he can prove it by signing a new minimum wage bill within the first 100 days of his administration. By signing a bill, President-elect Trump will be giving an immediate raise to the millions and millions of the white working class voters who formed the heart of his victory. (justice- integrity 17.11.16 #white)

Trump’s cabinet choices and the reaction to them suggest that we are in for four years of political and social battles. Trump will occupy the White House, and his Republican Party will also control the Senate, the House, and soon the Supreme Court, as well as 30 state governorships, and in many states it controls the state legislature as well. Seldom if ever in American history has one party hel such political power. (europe-solidaire 20.11.16 #white)

It‘s not like there is a party that fields actual conservative, reasonable, transparent candidates and yet Trump was still electable. Trump was an even bigger disaster of a candidate than Clinton was, but he still managed to find his way to the white house with an electoral college victory even against the will of the people. just over 62 million people voted for Trump and just over 64 million voted for Clinton. (forum 30.11.16 #white)

Center for Public Integrity, Team Clinton sponsored 75 percent of TV ads in 2016 presidential race , Michael Beckelemail, Nov. 8, 2016. Will advertising assault help the Democratic nominee win the White House? More than 500,000 broadcast and national cable TV ads have aired in the presidential race during the general election, and Team Hillary Clinton accounted for 75 percent of them. (justice-integrity 17.11.16 #house)

Yes, there were some anti-establishment undertones but the establishment many of these people were against was an establishment they perceived to be anti-white and liberal. True anti- establishment politics would result in the so-called white working class uniting with people of colour to overthrow indi-viduals like Donald Trump, not to put him in the White House; there is nothing anti- establishment about that. (consented 18.11.16 #house)

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9. Positions

9.1. Work

The state-run Xinhua News Agency said the campaign had highlighted that “the majority of Americans are rebelling against the US’s political class and financial elites”. Russia: President Vladimir Putin sent Trump a telegram of congratulation on winning the presidential election. In a brief statement, the Krem-lin said Mr Putin expressed “his hope to work together for removing Russian-American relations from their crisis state”. (liveblog 09.11.16 #work)

We are eager to work with House Republicans and President-elect Trump to bring the national and economic security our nation is asking for, McConnell said in a statement. Separately, House Republicans held a closed-door vote Tuesday in which they re-nominated Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin for speaker of the House. House Democrats delayed their vote until after the Thanksgiving holiday. (abc7news 16.11.16 #work)

Trump’s goals are worthy of America and its people. They are great goals: to make America great again, to fix America’s inner cities, rebuild her infrastructure, put millions of people back to work, take care of America’s veterans, restore respect for law and order, to put the Supreme Court back onto its proper path of adjudicating law, not making it; and igniting a great economic revival. (curtisreports 09.11.16 #work)

Retired African American neurosurgeon Ben Carson, a former 2016 Republican presidential candidate, has opted against accepting a Cabinet position in the Trump administration despite being mentioned as a possible secretary of Health. Meanwhile, Former congressman Mike Rogers has also declared that he is leaving his position as a senior national security adviser to Trump’s transition team. (islamtimes 16.11.16 #cabinet)

President Barack Obama, who campaigned hard against Trump, invited Trump to the White House for a meeting on Thursday. Obama is due to speak later on Wednesday about the election. Ensuring a smooth transition of power is one of the top priorities the President identified at the beginning of the year and a meeting with the President-elect is the next step, the White House said. (sharenet 09.11.16 #meeting)

9.2. Washington

Trump, who in the last presidential debate called her a “nasty woman”, was also decent and considera-te in his victory speech as he praised Clinton for her hard work and years of public service. As day broke under rainy skies in Washington, the White House said President Barack Obama called Trump to congra-tulate him. The president, who will host his successor for transition talks on Thursday, was to address the country and the nation at 1715 GMT. (nation 09.11.16 #washington)

Both Hillary Clinton and President Obama urged their backers Wednesday to accept President- elect Donald Trump’s victory and support his transition into power, as Democrats prepare to hand over control of the White House for the first time in eight years. The calls for a national political reconciliation un-derscored the seismic political realignment now underway in Washington after Clinton’s crushing loss to the New York businessman. (justice-integrity 17.11.16 #washington)

Trump Transition Washington Post, Trump fills White House counsel and deputy national security posts , Jerry Markon, Karen Tumulty and Karoun Demirjian, Nov. 25, 2016. President-elect Donald Trump on Friday named a libertarian election lawyer as his White House counsel and a hard-line former Reagan ad-ministration official to a top post on his national security staff. (justice-integrity 26.11.16 #washington)

The following is a list of Republican Trump‘s selections for top jobs in his administration. All the posts but that of national security adviser, the White House chief of staff, White House director of the National Economic Council and White House strategist require Senate confirmation: U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: JEFF SESSIONS thestar 09.12.16 #chief)

About 45 minutes after Trump‘s arrival, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough was seen taking Trump‘s son-in-law Jared Kushner and other Trump aides, including Dan Scavino, across the edge of the Rose Garden. Obama had denounced Trump as “temperamentally unfit” for the White House during a

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long and brutal campaign. But he said that “we are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country. (justice-integrity 17.11.16 #law)

9.3. Positions

The stunning upset by Trump, the candidate of change, with no political, military or foreign-policy experience, against Clinton, the candidate with experience and knowledge of domestic and world affairs, was a deja vu. History books will point out to Trump as a unique political phenomenon in US politics, who defied the traditional path to reaching the White House. (gulfnews 13.11.16 #experience)

Trump broke the political jinx as the second major-party presidential nominee in American history whose experience comes principally from running a business, Wendell Willkie was the first. Trump is the first United States President without prior government or military experience, and the first without prior political experience since Dwight D. Eisenhower. Trump, an entertainer, is also the oldest first- term president, 70 years. (nigeriaworld 17.11.16 #experience)

There are few Republican lobbyists who openly supported the Trump campaign, and the new President ran as the most anti-Washington of candidates. Nevertheless, the new President would benefit from people who can make the government work and have substantive policy experience. BakerHostetler , whose federal policy team is led by former Rep. Mike Ferguson: His election is a political earthquake on an unprecedented scale. (politico 11.11.16 #experience)

Will Trump adopt a more militarist line against Iran in the Persian Gulf, or a more accommodationist one that recognizes Iran‘s stabilizing role? Will Trump continue or change US‘ interventionist policy in Sy-ria? The answer to these questions can be partially deduced from past Trump‘s positions, the make-up of his foreign policy team, and the interplay of domestic and foreign factors that determine the US’ foreign policy in the proximate future. (irdiplomacy 10.11.16 #positions)

That position is a critcial one, as the team will be responsible for deciding on many appointments for positions in the Trump administration. It stands to reason that Christie, one of the first establishment Re-publicans to support Trump‘s candidacy, could get a very high-powered position in Trump White House, one that could start as soon as January. Like US President Barack Obama, Christie is term- limited and cannot run for re-election. (newbrunswicktoday 11.11.16 #positions)

9.4. State

The Republican sweep sets up the United States for two years of “unified” government Trump stuns world with White House defeat of Clinton A wealthy real-estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of anger toward Washington insiders to win the White House race against Clinton, the Democratic candidate whose gold-plated establishment resume included stints as a first lady, U.S. senator and secretary of state. (thecritical-post 10.11.16 #state)

A wealthy real estate developer and former reality TV host, Trump rode a wave of anger toward Was-hington insiders to win Tuesday’s White House race against Clinton, the Democratic candidate whose gold-plated establishment resume included stints as a first lady, US senator and secretary of state. Trump’s victory marked a crushing end to Clinton’s second presidential quest. She also failed in a White House bid in 2008. (business-standard 09.11.16 #state)

He writes, With a GOP-controlled House and Senate, the Republican Party has a clear mandate, and mission, courtesy of Donald Trump, the man at the top of the ticket: to make America great again. New York Magazine‘s Jonathan Chait disagrees , saying Trump, despite winning the Electoral College, is losing the popular vote over Clinton. Expressing condemnation of the state-centric system, He asserts, The voters supported Clinton over Trump. (usnews 09.11.16 #state)

His victory has shocked many of us, but we should remember that Trump is more popular in social-media, compared with his rival, Hillary Clinton,” he said. Trump, the Republican candidate, defeated his Democrat rival Clinton in a tight race to secure the US presidency. Although the 70 year-old real estate developer-turned-reality television star has no experience in public office, Chong said Trump knew how to exploit social media. (nst 12.11.16 #public)

The contest between GOP candidate John Kennedy, the state treasurer, and Democratic opponent Fos-

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ter Campbell, a state Public Service commissioner, also has emerged as a final proxy battle between the Trump campaign and supporters of failed Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. State Repu-blicans announced Wednesday that Trump, now the president-elect, will visit Baton Rouge on Friday to lead a get-out-the-vote rally for Kennedy. (foxnews 07.12.16 #public)

9.5. Senate

All of those dangers still beset the party, but now without the bridge of a Clinton presidency to ease the blow. Donald Trump will enter the White House with a Republican Senate and a Republican House. Because President Obama was unable to get the Senate to vote on his appointee for an open Supreme Court seat, Trump will immediately have the chance to appoint a ninth member to the Court, breaking a 4-4 tie. (theatlantic 10.11.16 #senate)

As for the GOP, it re-elected Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky as majority leader, a position he has held since the party took back the majority in January 2015. He had served as Senate minority leader for eight years prior. McConnell led Republican efforts in recent months to delay the confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland , a move that could pay off for the party after the presiden-tial election of Republican Trump . (abc7news 16.11.16 #senate)

President Barack Obama is telling voters in Florida they can‘t stick Democratic nominee Hillary Clin-ton with a Republican-controlled Congress. Obama is in Kissimmee trying to sway voting in the state‘s U.S. Senate race where incumbent Sen. Marco Rubio, a Republican, is running against Democrat Patrick Murphy. Obama says if you want more endless gridlock, vote for Republicans. (yourohiovalley 12.11.16 #senate)

Trump, who expressed respect for Putin during the campaign, spoke with the Russian leader by phone Monday. During the call, the two leaders discussed a range of issues including the threats and challenges facing the United States and Russia, strategic economic issues and the historical U.S.-Russia relationship that dates back over 200 years, the Trump transition team said in a statement. (justice-integrity 17.11.16 #statement)

Marine Le Pen, the French far-right National Front party leader, however, congratulated Trump and... the free American people! Iraq hopes for ‚continued US support‘ The Iraqi prime minister‘s office issued a statement, congratulating Trump on the occasion of his victory in the American presidential election, and expressing hope for continued US and international support in the Arab country‘s war against terror. (globalsecurity 09.11.16 #statement)

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