Some Writings of Raz Iyahu

The Collective Writings of Raz Iyahu Raz Iyahu The Collective Writings of Raz Iyahu Page 1 ARCHIVES Raz Notes Raz Vocaroos Raz Wordpress Raz Notes & Vocaroos Raz Notes, Vocaroos, & Wordpress VOCAROOS ~ Cooking and Collecting Notes (Meditation 101) Basic Meditation Breathing and the Restrictions in the Pathways (Orbit) Collection & Cultivation During Laying the Foundations Cooking and Collecting Notes - Meditation 101 The Foundation How Do We Become Still Without Desire and Use the Heart to Marry the Sun and the Moon How Do We Become Still Without Desire and Use the Heart to Marry the Sun and the Moon II - Pointing Desire The Keys of Alchemy and Kabbalah - Understanding the Tree of Life Pranayama Rectifying the Light and the Vessel Through the Three-Fold Unified Force Regarding SAG and the Breaking of the Vessels Regarding the Breath and Sensing the Energy Unifying the Forces in the Partzufim


Some Writings of Raz Iyahu

Transcript of Some Writings of Raz Iyahu

Page 1: Some Writings of Raz Iyahu

The Collective Writings of Raz Iyahu

Raz Iyahu The Collective Writings of Raz Iyahu Page 1


Raz Notes Raz Vocaroos Raz Wordpress Raz Notes & Vocaroos Raz Notes, Vocaroos, & Wordpress


~ Cooking and Collecting Notes (Meditation 101) Basic Meditation Breathing and the Restrictions in the Pathways (Orbit) Collection & Cultivation During Laying the Foundations Cooking and Collecting Notes - Meditation 101 The Foundation How Do We Become Still Without Desire and Use the Heart to Marry the Sun and the Moon How Do We Become Still Without Desire and Use the Heart to Marry the Sun and the Moon II - Pointing Desire The Keys of Alchemy and Kabbalah - Understanding the Tree of Life Pranayama Rectifying the Light and the Vessel Through the Three-Fold Unified Force Regarding SAG and the Breaking of the Vessels Regarding the Breath and Sensing the Energy Unifying the Forces in the Partzufim

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33 Steps Up Jacob's Ladder A Bit of Advanced Alchemy A Breath Question A Simple But Very Effective Pranayam Technique The Alchemical Birth Defined The Alchemical Excalibur Alchemy ~ The Western Tao Yoga of Immortality Alchemy, Kundalini & the Merkavah Vehicle The Astral (Spiritual) Process In Simple Terms How is Sacred Circle Alchemy Different Than Another Esoteric Wisdom Like Kabbalah I A O Mantra Meditation The Infinite Spiritual Birth Cycle Kabbalah Basics; The Ohr and Kli The Keys to Peace Looking Into Alchemy The Master Key; Thought and Will (Polarity and Vibration) The OBE (Astral Projection) Experience Reject All Reasoning About Sex The 'Secret' Alchemical-Kabbalistic Words of the Christ - A Selection of Parables from the Gospel of Thomas The Secret of the Almond Staff The Shattering of the Vessels; The Secret of Spiritual Revelation Spiritual Revelation is the Purpose

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Two Principal Steps of the Great Work Why is 11:11 Prevalent The Winged Serpent Dragon Kundalini - The Giver of Life and The Bringer of Death The Woman at the (Alchemical) Well


# 11 Important Meditation Tips 15 Tricks for Your Body 200 Year Old Tao Temple Drawing The 7 metals of Alchemy and the 7 Major Glands

A About Seratonin Advancing Spirituality Air Pockets Alchemical Collection for Women Alchemical Errors and the Potion of Death The Alchemical Furnace and Receptacle The Alchemical Secrets are Not Given by Mantak Chia Alchemical Text Translated from Original French Alchemical Transmutation Steps for the Man The Alchemical Treatise Alchemical Truth

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The Alchemical Vortex Alchemy - A Very Basic Overview ALEPH - The Magician - BETH - The Priestess The Alignments Can Influence the Alchemical Art All Paths Lead Home Always Meditate How You Were Created in the Form of God The Apple and the Great Fall Apple from the Orchard The Astral (Spiritual) Process In Simple Terms Authentic Alchemical Secrets Revealed - Part I

B Basic Concepts of the Spiritual Path to Liberation A Basic Introduction to Alchemical Process The Basic Sexual Alchemical Technique The Beautiful Silence in the Mind Be Aware and Catch Your Thief Beginningless Successions of Moments Being Awake - The Ultimate Dream A Bit About Kabbalah from 'The Knowledge of God' The Body-Energy System The Bottom Line to Breakthrough Breathing for the Initiate for Great Health and Intense Focus A Breathing Tip

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The Brief View of the Process of Alchemical 'Cooking'

C Cauldrons - Chakras - Psychic Channels The Chakra System in the Body Charlatans and True Magicians Chi and Vitality Collecting and Storing Energy Collection of the Generative Force for Men and Women Collection of the Generative Force for Women Concentration Creating the Spiritual Alchemical Child; A General Overview Cultivation of the Outer and Collection of the Inner Alchemical Agents

D Dealing with Depression on the Path The Degrees (States) of Achievement Do Not Become Slaves to Any Holy Book

E An Easy Aid to Help Sense the Functioning Channel Easy Meditation to Cleanse the 'Psychic Channels' The Egoic Mind Turns the Spiritual Path of Evolution Into Nothingness Emergency Pressure Point Technique for Overcoming Orgasm

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Emotional Transmutation Enlightenment Requires No Effort Ensure Our Spiritual Path is in Balance Entering Zen The Eser Sefirot of Olam ha Nekudim - TES - Part 6 Esoteric Training An Exercise for Who I Am An Exercise to Remove Mind The Exodus from the Influencer

F Fire The Fire The Fire of the Holy Spirit ~ The Revelation of Beelzebub The First Indicators of Breakthrough Flourishing Kundalini Energy Kriyas Forming the Astral Pentagram Foundations of Tao Alchemy - Some Basics From the K'tavim Chadashim - The New Writings of the Holy Ari

G General Overview of Alchemy Great Keys The Great Snake The Green Lion

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H Hail! Hail Gods, Immortals Harmonizing Yin and Yang - Alchemical Firing Times Having Trouble Keeping the Mind Still for Effective Meditations He gave Up the Ghost and the Veil in the Temple Was Rent in Twain Healing Sounds of Master Sun Si Miao The Hebrew Letters Hermes Trismegistus States (of the Great Work) Holding Onto Peace Horizontal Pathways How Do We Know That Our Progress in Meditation and the Holding of Charge is Being Achieved How Does One Adjust or Balance Yin (Lunar) and Yang (Solar) Alchemical Energies How Does the Golden Flower Bloom How Much Time Do I Have for This Path of Illumination How the Esoteric Arts Come Together

I IAO Mantra Meditation Ida-Pingala IAO Chakra Circle Breath Meditation The Ida and Pingala Kundalini Meditation If You Can't Sleep At Night Illuminating the Third Eye, the Basics Important Read - T'ai Chin Hua Tsung Chih Initiation Into the Steps of the Great Arcanum

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Inner Awareness Exercise The Inner Conditions of Alchemy Intermediate Alchemy - Some Words on Removing Uncontrolled Winds Is the World a Gift or a Curse It's Right Before Your Eyes

K Kabbalah is Not About Morals and Ethics - It's About Spiritual Revelation Keeping the Mind Still for Effective Meditations Key to Achieving Mindless State The Keys of Reemerging The Keys to Peace The King and the Wise Man

L Letting Go in Meditation Lifting the Veil The Light of Wisdom Performs the Sorting of the Parts of Malchut List of videos Uploaded from Nameless Chat Discussions on Skype A Little Bit on Meditation Lord Lao's Wondrous Scripture of Exterior Daily Practices Lord Shiva Said to Goddess Parvati Love and Sexual Alchemy

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M The Main Energy Centers Malchut to Bina in Judgment and Mercy Man is a Machine The Master The Master Alchemist St Germain Master Huiracocha on Sexual Alchemy ~The Master Key The Master Key Meditation Timing Around the Yin and Yang Cycles Meditation Tip Rose Mercury - Siva's Semen The Mind Map More on Gnostic Revolution The Mystical Path is Not Merely Moral

N The Need for Sex Nothing is Possible Without Love

O Of Pure and Corrupted Generative Force Of the Means of Arriving at the 'Secret' On Pranayama

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The Optic Thalamus Original Cavity of the Spirit

P Path of the Great Arcanum The Path of the Hero The Path to Action (Leads to Nonaction) Pet E Ha Pet Ha The Pineal of Spiritual Sight - Breaking and Repairing Planetary Metals The Positive and Negative Channels and Their Subsequent Energy Centers Prayer for the Counting of the Omer The Principle of Vibration and the Body The Problem About 'Doing Good' The Process of Turning the Wheel of The Law (Advanced Alchemical Work) The Prophesy of Peter Deunov P'ticha - The System of Spiritual Growth Pushing Awareness

Q A Question About Sex Quick Stress Relief

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R Rabbi Avraham Abulafia Raising MAN Rant - Seek, Knock, Find Real Alchemy Regarding Shaktipat Reincarnation and Karma - The Mysteries of Life and Death Relying on Joy Removing Nocturnal Emissions Ritually Pure

S The Sacred Energy of Kundalini Saint Peter (Kaphas) the Rock Sat Nam Wa Hee Mantra Meditation The Secret Ancient Chanting of the Sacred Name of God (Tetragrammaton) The Secret Interpretations of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes the Thrice-Great The Secrets of the Mula Bandha - First Stage of Alchemy The Secrets of the Shem HaMemphorash Sexual Alchemy (Quickie) The Sexual Charge - To Rend the Time Veil Sexual Energy and the Great Arcanum Sexual Energy; The Overview The Sexual Force is at the Root of Your Religion

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Sexual Transmutation 'HamSah Meditation' by Samael Aun Weor Sexual Transmutation and the Planets of Alchemy Sexual Transmutation Technique A Sexual Transmutation Technique (Advanced) Sexual Transmutation Tips Sexual Transmutation; Practical Application Basics Short on the Zohar and the Projection of the Tree Onto the Body A Simple But Very Effective Pranayam Technique The Simple Honest Truth of the Religion of Alchemy So What is Cooking in Alchemy Some Ramblings About the Secrets of the Caduceus Species of Salt by Master Samael Aun Weor Speculum Alchemie The Spiritual Alchemical Manna Spiritual Ascents and Descents Steps for Collecting the PURE Generative Force Steps on the Path The Super Human Secret to Immortality Symbolism Concealing the SECRET DOCTRINE

T Table of the Days - Planets - Metals - Chakras Taoist Alchemy The Tao is Inner Energy

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Technique for Closing the Eyes in Meditation TES 85 The Times and Cycles We Work in Affect Our Progress The Two Must Become One There Is No Celibacy in the Work There is No Fear, No Union There's No Bestowing a Partial Desire in Kabbalah Thought - The Master Key Tips About the Orbit and Alchemy A Touch of Magick 'Treasury of the Hidden Eden' - by Rabbi Abulafia Treatise of Sexual Alchemy True Liberation Transcends 3D Experience Turning Descents into Ascents A Tzaddik is the S'firot of Yesod

U Understanding the Spiritual Bodies and the Transmutation Process Understanding the Worlds The Universal Core Truth of All Esoteric Paths The Universal Way is Now Our Choice Urine Therapy Collection and Utilization Tips Utilizing the Three Main Energy Centers

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V Very Powerful High Advanced Mantra for Bhakti Meditation A Very Simple Yet Powerful Daily Meditation Vjnana Bhairava Tantra

W The Way of Oneness We Must Evaluate What We Truly Know About Ourselves and the World What About Mental Transmutation What Are Some of the Early Indicators of Success On My Path What Are the 50 Gates of Wisdom (Kabbalah) What Causes Post-Natal Generative Force What is Being Connected to God What is Brahmacharya and is Celibacy Required for Enlightenment What is the Path About When Consciousness Frees Itself from its Identification Where Is Here Who are Ready to Die in Order to Be Reborn Why 40 Why is Breath Consciousness Important Wisdom, Divine Treasure Witnessing the Circulation of Energy in the Orbit A Word About Sexual Transmutation

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A Word About the Great Art The Words of Doctor Krumm Heller

Y Yin Convergence Classic The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali You are Not What You Think Your Eye Should Be Your Focus Your Spiritual Oath Your Truth Lies