Some simple principles of good web design

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Web design is complicated, and it is often better to source outside help. For example, if you live in London, use a web design company London to create your website.

Transcript of Some simple principles of good web design

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Your website needs to perform well;otherwise, you might as well not have one. This is true of any person or organisation that has a website. There are some technical issues surrounding performance, such as the type of web applications that your website uses, but we’re not going to be discussing that here. Instead, we’ll assume that the website is functioning well, and that the focus now is on keeping your visitors happy through good design. There are a few simple principles that you should keep in mind to ensure that your website is offering visitors what they want: after all, this is what it’s all about.

Some Simple Principles of Good Web Design

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Know Thy Neighbour…er actually, your visitor!

In order to give the people what they want, you need to listen. Fortunately, humans tend to behave in a similar fashion regardless of who they are. We know from research how people use the internet, and you can learn from our knowledge to create great content. Here are a few things about people that will help you with design.

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Relevance: people are busy. They don’t have time to learn about this, that and the other. They have visited your site for a specific purpose, so stick to this when creating your content. E.g., you sell animal portraits? Don’t then start talking about the weather, or adding videos that are vaguely animal related. Stick to the topic. Too much information and they’ll bounce.

•Scan: people scan for keywords to see if your article/blog/content is relevant. Keep all language simple and highlight the important parts. They don’t want to work, they want to know what they want to know and they want to know it now.

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•Quality and credibility: the 90s and 00s was full of scam website and people have wised up. We’re no longer sucked in by the promise of £100 a second for doing whatever. No, today, we’ll only spend time on a website if we think it’s credible and that it offers quality.

•Patience: 21st century people have no patience. If it takes too long to load, if there’s a video and all we want is an article, we’re off. Limit things that take up too much time.

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•Control: we don’t want to be told what to do. This means we don’t want to give you our email address before we read your site, or do whatever it is your website is forcing us to do. You do this, they’re gone.

•Simplicity: KISS – keep it simple stupid. There’s not much more to say!

•Give them what they want: internet users are a savvy bunch, but if you’re stuck in the mentality of the 90s and 00s, you might not realise this. They know what they want, and they want it now. If you can’t provide it, they’ll be off again. Find out what they want by doing your research. This involves running reports on your website, finding which sections are popular, and tailoring your content accordingly.

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Web design is complicated, and it is often better to source outside help. For example, if you live in London, use a web design company London to create your website. This is what they do, they know all the rules of design and they know how to reach your customers in a way that you might not be able to do without extensive learning and research. A web design company London will save you time: and time is money!