Solutions for power systems

Solutions for Power Systems

Transcript of Solutions for power systems

Page 1: Solutions for power systems

Solutions for Power Systems

Page 2: Solutions for power systems

Yours respectfully,Alexander Rasputin,General Director.

Growing economy makes high demands on energy sector. The new dynamic power transmission systems are highly required. Energy systems should be provided with the highest transfer capacity and reliability mar-gin. But there's also a necessity to eliminate the effective usage of existing transmitting lines and to find the possibilities of interaction with adjacent systems.

All these requirements are related in the first place to those who are responsible for transmission network status and energy management. Both the new technologies and traditional methods of energy transmission are expected to give an answer to the main question: how can we in the 21st century guarantee the stability of energy systems and provide uninterrupt-ible power flow from the producer to the customer?

Engineer ing Company «Prosof t-Systems» of fers solut ions for automatization of energy facil i t ies, which have already proved their efficiency at the Russian and International enterprises.

Page 3: Solutions for power systems

SolutionS for Power SyStemS










ARiS SUBSTATiON AUTOMATiON SYSTEMMultifunctional Bay Control Unit ARiS C30xSubstation Communication Controller ARiS CSSubstation Configuration Tool «ARiS MANAgER»«ARiS-SCAdA»

MUlTiFUNCTiON SUBSTATiON AUTOMATiON MOdUlE RTU ECOM-TMMultifunctional Telecontrol Module ММТRTU ECOM-TM Expansion ModulesThird Party Measuring Converters MMT Redundancy and Self-TestingSample Architecture of Process Control System Based on RTU ECOM-TM











TPA-02-PMU – Microprocessor Based device of Synchronized Phasor Measurementsdigital Recorder of Electrical Emergences RES-3




Transceiver of Relay Protection Signals and Commands AVANT RZSKTransceiver of PlC Protection Signals AVANT R400 digital Power line Carrier device for Transmission of Relay Protection and Emergency Automation Commands UPK-CUPK-C CABiNET – Complex Solution for Transmission and Execution of Relay Protection and Emergency Automation Commands





Wide Area Protection and Emergency Control device WAPdMKPA – local Area Protection and Emergency Control SystemMKPA-2 – local Area Protection and Emergency Control device




Page 4: Solutions for power systems

About «Prosoft-Systems» Company


ABОut «ProSoft-SyStemS» ComPAny

The «Prosoft-Systems» Company develops, manufactures and supplies the devices and automation systems for energy, oil, gas, metallurgy and other businesses. The «Prosoft-Systems» Company employs more than 400 highly-skilled engineers. Many of them have M.Sc and Ph.D degrees.

Our company was found in 1995. The great experience, obtained during the years of successful activity on Russian market, allows us to renew the whole set of releasing products. The great attention is paying not just to developing of the new products and to implementa-tion of the innovative technologies, but to increasing of them quality as well.

The main goal of the company is providing of our customers with high level products and services. We are investing much funds into development of our production and test facilities, which became the best in our region today. The companies, we are working with, cre-ate a basis of economic potential of Russia. It means that the delivered equipment needs to satisfy the rigid reliability requirements. Our products satisfy to all of them.

Quality Management System of our company is fully compliant with the requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2008. This is confirmed by the DEKRA Certification B.V. Certificate (KEMA was integrated into the leading europe safety expertise concern DEKRA in 2009).

QuAlity mAnAgement SyStemS

memBerShiP in internAtionAl orgAnizAtionS

«Prosoft-Systems» is an actual member of many of international organizations supporting the open technology standards. Among them are:

■ international Council on large Electric Systems (CigRE) – a one of the leading worldwide Organizations on Electric Power Systems, covering their technical, economic, environmental, organisational and regulatory aspects;

■ OlE for Process Control Foundation (OPC Foundation), which is dedicated to ensuring interoperability in automation by creating and maintaining open specifications that standardize the communication of acquired process data, alarm and event records, historical data, and batch data to multi-vendor enterprise systems and between production devices;

■ Utility Communications Architecture Users group (UCA Users group) – a not-for-profit corporation consisting of utility user and supplier companies that is dedicated to promoting the integration and interoperability of electric/gas/water utility systems through the use of international standards-based technology;

■ The EtherCAT Technology group (ETg) is the forum in which key user companies from various industries and leading automation suppliers join forces to support, promote and advance the EtherCAT technology;

■ Prosoft-Systems is the official member of the Schneider Electric company's club – golden Club Prisma.

Page 5: Solutions for power systems

About «Prosoft-Systems» Company


The next few basic principles allow us to build successful relationships with our customers: ■ We provide a complex approach to solving tasks in industry. Our approach incorporates the full range of services during systems’

lifecycle. ■ We propose the well tested and reliable hardware and software solutions only. ■ We attract the opportunities of customers own technical services to implement our projects.

CorPorAte PrinCiPleS of CuStomer relAtionShiP mAnAgement

■ FSK EES, Russia. Federal Grid Company is the operator and manager of Russia’s unified electricity transmission grid system, including high voltage transmission lines, and holds the status of a natural monopoly;

■ RusHydro, Russia. RusHydro Group is one of Russia's largest power generating companies in terms of installed capacity. Тhe Company has over 70 renewable energy source (RES) plants;

■ Heat generating companies at wholesale market (OgK), Russia;

■ Regional generating companies (TgK), Russia; ■ RAO Energy System of East, Russia.

RAO Energy System of East (JSC «RAO ESE») is holding, operating in all regions of the Far East Federal District and follows the majority of the rights and obligations of JSC «RAO UES of Russia» in relation to the electric-power industry of the Far East;

■ idgC Holding, Russia.IDGC Holding is currently one of the world’s largest electric grid companies in terms of the number of customers and the length of networks with voltages of up to 110 kV. JSC IDGC Holding is also one of the most important infrastructural companies in Russia, is controlled by the Government, and acts as the Government’s agent to manage the Russian electricity distribution grid sector;

■ gazprom, Russia.Gazprom is a global energy company basically focused on geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing and marketing of gas and other hydrocarbons as well as electric power and heat energy production and distribution;

The products and systems from «Prosoft-Systems» are widely used in Russia and in the CIS countries. The most valuable of our customers are:

■ lUKOil, Russia.LUKOIL is one of the world's biggest vertically integrated companies for production of crude oil & gas, and their refining into petroleum products and petrochemicals. The Company is a leader on Russian and international markets in its core business;

■ TRANSNEFT, Russia.TRANSNEFT is a huge company, focused on transportation of oil and oil products through the magistral pipelines of Russian Federation and countries of CIS;

■ Belenergo, Belarus.Belenergo – Federal power concern of Republic of Belarus, operating the functions of management the electric-power complex of Republic of Belarus;

■ Ukrenergo, Ukraina.Ukrenergo – Federal power concern of Ukraine, operating the functions of management the electric-power complex of Republic of Ukraine;

■ KEgOC, Kazakhstan.KEGOC – Federal power concern of Kazakhstan, operating the functions of management the electric-power complex of Republic of Kazakhstan;

■ AzerEnergy, Azerbyidjan.AzerEnergy– Federal power concern of Azerbyidjan, operating the functions of management the electric-power complex of Republic of Azerbyidjan.

And other big power and industr ial holdings of Russian Federation and countries of CSI.

The short list of implementations is displayed on the official company site

Page 6: Solutions for power systems

About «Prosoft-Systems» Company


teSt lABorAtory

Our company has a powerful test laboratory, which provides a high level testing of the released products.

The laboratory performs certification, periodical, typical, qualification and research tests of products on the main factors of external influences, which are established by national and international standards and by utility supervis-ing documents regarded to electromagnetic compatibility, environment factors and electric safety.

The laboratory includes: ■ EMC testing facility; ■ Environment testing facility.

The environment testing equipment allows providing tests in the range of temperatures from -60 °C to +160 °C with relative humidity up to 98 % (for positive temperatures) and within volume up to 14 m3.

The test laboratory is accredited by Federal Agency on Technical Regula-tion and Metrology.

mAnufACturing fACilit ieS

Our manufacturing facility covers the full production cycle and includes the wide set of possibilities:

■ From making of simple devices to production of complex electrotechnic/electric equipment;

■ From processing of single unit orders to the orders for large series of units.

Now our company produces more then 50 series of devices with the wide set of options for each of them. The growing technical possibilities and profes-sional skills of production team create a good conditions for shif ting higher a manufacturing flexibility and spreading the set of released devices.

Our manufacturing facility includes: ■ Design department; ■ Machine shop; ■ PCB installation shop; ■ Two assembly shops; ■ Adjustment and testing shops; ■ Group of technical checking.

Control of manufacturing technological processes and careful checking of every releasing device for compliance to operating parameters provide a high quality and reliability of our products.

High quality of finished products is also guaranteed by using the compo-nents from top brand manufacturers. On our own stock we keep on permanent availability of all the necessary components and devices.

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About «Prosoft-Systems» Company


trAining Center

Our company spends many resources on updating and expanding of the proposed set of products, components and services to fully satisfy customer needs. We provide to our customers an advanced Training Center to help them become more familiar with the last achievements of the utility automation technology and to get an extra skills in installation and setup of our products.

The training courses are built as the series of lectures which are alternated with the practical works. The work desks are equipped with the running devices and are connected to the hardware solutions which are actually installed at our customers’ facilities. High professional skills and a huge practical experience of our specialists allow highlighting the entire set of problems, regarded to usage of our equipment.

Every course schedule includes a time dedicated to independent work and solving the technical tasks which are specific to student’s company. The stu-dent also gets the general information which describes the dif ferent directions of the modern automation technology development.

The most important thing, which the students obtain during the training course studies, is the possibility to work with the modern hardware and soft-ware and to study the methodology of its practical usage.

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Page 9: Solutions for power systems

wide And loCAl AreA ProteCtion And emergenCy Control

Wide Area Protection and Emergency Control device WAPd

MKPA – local Area Protection and Emergency Control System

MKPA-2 – local Area Protection and Emergency Control device




Page 10: Solutions for power systems

Wide and local Area Protection and Emergency Control


wide AreA ProteCtion And emergenCy Control deViCe wAPd

PurposeThe wide area protection and emergency control device was

designed for: ■ Automation for preventing a power system stability loss

(including load shedding); ■ Automatic control of power station generator rejection; ■ Automatic control of power station generator runback; ■ Automation of power station generator runback in response

to under frequency situation; ■ Automation for preventing the increase of frequency in

station/substation buses.

Construction and principle of operationWAPD consists of two identical subsets operating in parallel

simultaneously. Both subsets are placed in a cabinet allowing a double-sided access.

Each WAPD subset includes a programmable logic controller (PLC) and a process inter face (PI), and is equipped with control and display unit.

The PLC acts to control the power system process, communi-cations, signaling, etc.

Process interface is capable to input various types of data into the PLC, including:

■ Analog signals in accordance with the «E» series of power meters;

■ Discrete signals of the «dry contact» type; ■ Digital signals from telemechanic devices, using:

– Russian legacy telemechanic protocols (an appropriate converter is needed);

– IEC-60870-5-104 protocol;– Modbus protocol (an appropriate converter is needed).Process interface is capable to produce control actions in the

form of discrete signals of «dry contact» type.

Main functions ■ Input and processing of pre-emergency data;

■ Selection (calculation) of control actions for the «local automation» mode of operation to prevent power system stability loss;

■ Operation in the «remote controller» mode in the Centralized Emergency Automation System (CEAS) (the RC-mode);

■ Periodical self monitoring;

■ Humane-Machine interface (workstation based on personal computer);

■ Information exchange between CEAS server;

■ Interface to the automation control system of power station or substation;

■ Alarm-warning signaling;

■ Recording the emergency situations and events;

■ Unauthorized access protection.

The amount of input analog signals, per each subset up to 32

The amount of input discrete signals about pre-emergency conditions, per each subset

up to 72

The amount of emergency input discrete signals, per each subset up to 72

Supply voltage for discrete input signals 48 or 220 V DC

The amount of control actions, per each subset up to 71

The input analog signal range (by request) 4-20 mA, - 5..+ 5 mA, 0-5 mA

Full-scale accuracy for analog signals ≤ 0,5 %

Device response time ≤ 20 мs

The time of calculation cycle for the table of control actions ≤ 3 s

The amount of ports for connecting telemechanic devices, per each subset up to 8

The amount of ports for IEC 870-5-104 protocol inputs up to 32

MTBF of replacement unit ≥ 100 000 hr

Mean recovery time (replacement of unit) 1 hr

Nominal supply voltage range of the device 220 V (+ 10 %, - 20 %) AC or DC

Total power consumption of subsets ≤ 160 W

The overall dimensions of the cabinet (two subsets) 2200х1200х600 mm

Basic technical data

Page 11: Solutions for power systems

Wide and local Area Protection and Emergency Control


SoftwareWAPD software is designed for QNX Neutrino 6.2.1 operation

system. The workstation software is designed for Windows operation

system and allows to: ■ Monitor the operation of WAPD; ■ Control the states of power line, circuit breakers and other

grid elements. These states are the source data for calcula-tions;

■ Get reports about emergency response from WAPD; ■ Receive information on faults and various events in WAPD.

The workstation’s desktop can be adjusted. The information can be represented in the form of a symbolic circuit or data pan-els.

Samples of screen form

Page 12: Solutions for power systems

Wide and local Area Protection and Emergency Control


mKPA – loCAl AreA ProteCtion And emergenCy Control SyStem

Technical Specifications

Analog inputs number 32

Analog input sampling rate 2 kHz (40 sample/circle)

Logic inputs number* from 24 to 120

Logic outputs number* from 24 to 120

ADC capacity 16

Measuring accuracy ± 0,5 %

Maximum measuring current 2 A or 10 А

Maximum measuring voltage 200 V or 400 V

Supply voltage 220 V

Power consumption < 350 W

Period of safety work < 50 000 hr

Electronic block dimensions 482х457х267 mm

Terminals block dimensions 500х200х120 mm

Cabinet dimensions** 800x600x2200 mm

* Total discrete channels quantity mast be less then 144 (both input and output).** Cabinet dimensions are 800х600х2200 mm if this have glass door.


MKPA is flex logic relay protection and automatic device for high and extra high voltage networks.

MKPA has been designed to control, protect and monitor optional elements of electrical network.

Main functions ■ Out-of-step protection;

■ Frequency protection;

■ Over voltage protection;

■ Under voltage protection;

■ Extra high voltage reactor control automatic;

■ Overcurrent line protection and line power control automatic;

■ Line commutation control automatic;

■ Power transformer commutation control automatic;

■ Circuit-breaker failure protection;

■ Turn short circuit protection for transformer;

■ Voltage circuit control automatic;

■ Generator switch off automatic;

■ Short circuit power fall detection;

■ Any other protection or automatic function.

Features ■ Wide diapason ready project solutions;

■ Several protection and automatic function on single device;

■ Deep disturbance registration;

■ Advanced self testing;

■ Local and remote control (Device control panel and program for remote control);

■ Advanced flex logic;

■ Multiprocessor architecture and vote output circuit;

■ Industrial design;

■ SCADA support by OPC DA, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850.

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Wide and local Area Protection and Emergency Control


Sample of screen form SignW

Sample of screen form SoftConstructor

Organization and principle of operation

MKPA hardware is based on x86 architecture in industrial execution. MKPA can be made as 3-processor device with output vote circuit 2 from 3.

Each MKPA protection or automatic function realized as group of flex logic algorithms that placed in the device. Algorithms use the data that was calculated by analog and discrete acquired values. Any algorithm detecting power network emergency state cause MKPA trip and star t disturbance recorder. Remained af ter MKPA trip record save with its time stamp in nonvolatile storage. Information about trip puts to MKPA run-time journal. Alarm sig-nal about MKPA trip sends to remote control program SignW.


MKPA sof tware consist of controller sof tware that work on device, remote control program SignW that set on personal desk-top and flax logic software development kid SoftConstructor.

SignW program permit do fol lowing operat ions: remote configuration of MKPA, saved disturbance analyze, view currently measured signals of MKPA.

SoftConstructor SDK is design for flex logic algorithms cre-ation, editing and checkout. SoftConstructor based of FBD (Func-tion Block Diagram) language and conform to IEC 61131-3.

It were overworked software modules that permit interconnec-tion MKPA and SCADA system by one of following protocols: OPC DA, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850. For time synchronization with SCADA system MKPA use ICMP and NTP protocols.

Page 14: Solutions for power systems

Wide and local Area Protection and Emergency Control


mKPA-2 – loCAl AreA ProteCtion And emergenCy Control deViCe

Technical Specifications

Purpose MKPA-2 is flex logic relay protection and automatic device for

high and extra high voltage networks.

Main functionsMKPA-2 has been designed to control, protect and monitor

optional elements of electrical network and realize next relay pro-tection and automatic functions:

■ Out-of-step protection;

■ Frequency protection;

■ Over voltage protection;

■ Under voltage protection;

■ Extra high voltage reactor control automatic;

■ Overcurrent line protection and line power control automatic;

■ Line commutation control automatic;

■ Power transformer commutation control automatic;

■ Circuit-breaker failure protection;

■ Turn short circuit protection for transformer;

■ Voltage circuit control automatic;

■ Generator switch off automatic;

■ Short circuit power fall detection;

■ Any other protection or automatic function.

Input analog channels number 8

Analog channel sampling rate 2 kHz (40 sample/circle)

Input discrete channels number* 11, 23, 35

Output discrete channels number* 34, 22, 10

ADC capacity 16

Analog signal measuring accuracy ± 0,5 %

Maximum alternated current** 1, 5, 10, 20 A

Maximum alternated voltage** 100, 200, 500 V

Maximum constant current** ± 5, ± 20, ± 75, ± 150 mA

Maximum constant voltage** ± 20, ± 75, ± 150 mV

Supply voltage 220 V (ac or dc)

Power consumption < 150 W

Period of safety work (mean time between failures) < 100000 hr

Device dimensions 482.6x422x132 mm

Weight 15 kg

* Total discrete channels quantity mast be less then 45 (both input and output).** Measuring thresholds are set for each MKPA-2 device separately.

Features ■ Wide diapason ready project solutions;

■ Several protection and automatic function on single device;

■ Deep disturbance registration;

■ Advanced self testing;

■ Local and remote control (Device control panel and program for remote control);

■ Advanced flex logic;

■ Industrial design;

■ SCADA support by OPC DA, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850.

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Wide and local Area Protection and Emergency Control


Organization and principle of operation

MKPA-2 hardware is based on single processor x86 architec-ture in industrial execution. Each MKPA protection or automatic function realized as group of flex logic algorithms that placed in the device. Algorithms use the data that was calculated by ana-log and discrete acquired values. Any algorithm detecting power network emergency state cause MKPA-2 trip and star t distur-bance recorder. Remained after MKPA-2 trip record save with its time stamp in nonvolatile storage. Information about trip puts to MKPA-2 run-time journal. Alarm signal about MKPA-2 trip sends to remote control program SignW.


MKPA-2 software consist of controller software that work on device, remote control program SignW that set on personal desk-top and flax logic software development kid SoftConstructor.

SignW program permit do following operations: remote con-figuration of MKPA-2, saved disturbance analyze, view currently measured signals of MKPA-2.

SoftConstructor SDK is design for flex logic algorithms cre-ation, editing and checkout. SoftConstructor based of FBD (Func-tion Block Diagram) language and conform to IEC 61131-3.

It was overworked software modules that permit interconnec-tion MKPA-2 and SCADA system by one of following protocols: OPC DA, IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850. For time synchronization with SCADA system MKPA-2 use ICMP and NTP protocols.

Sample of screen form SignW

Sample of screen form SoftConstructor

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Page 17: Solutions for power systems

Transceiver of relay Protection Signals and Commands AVANT RZSK

Transceiver of PlC Protection Signals AVANT R400

digital Power line Carrier device for Transmission of Relay Protection and Emergency Automation Commands UPK-C

UPK-C CABiNET – Complex Solution for Transmission and Execution of Relay Protection and Emergency Automation Commands





PlC deViCeS for relAy ProteCtion And emergenCy AutomAtion

Page 18: Solutions for power systems

PlC devices for Relay Protection and Emergency Automation


trAnSCeiVer of relAy ProteCtion SignAlS And CommAndS AVAnt rzSK

Characteristic features ■ Principle of joint transmission and reception of PLC

protection signals and discrete commands, which uses frequency-encoding with frequency-shif t keying, is protected by Russian patent for invention.

■ For signal transmission in each direction a separate frequency band is used. The 2 bands of 2 kHz are located adjacent to each other. Resultant bandwidth is 4 kHz for 2-end lines, and 8 kHz for 3-end lines.

■ Real-time monitoring of instant fade margin (the dif ference between received signal level and receiver sensitivity treshold).

■ In the phase-comparison protection mode the compensation of signal transmission time is possible for the purpose of phase unbalance elimination.

■ In the phase-comparison protection mode the setting of a steady-state value of pulse overlapping within the whole range of manipulation input voltage is possible.

■ Complete symmetry of pulse front and drop at transmission from own and remote transmitter in the mode of phase-comparison protection.

Functionality ■ Transmission and reception of relay protection signals and

commands through 2-end and 3-end lines. ■ Transmission of protection signals and commands can be

executed either separately or simultaneously. ■ It can transmit up to 4 commands in each direction of

channel. ■ It can be used as a transceiver of either only protection

signals or only commands. If the latter is the case, it can transmit up to 8 commands in each direction.

■ Interfaces, PLC parameters, electromagnetic compatibility and noise immunity during transmission of protection signals and commands comply with all the requirements to teleprotection equipment of power systems.

■ There is a half-duplex service telecommunication between the ends of protected line in the period of PLC channel checkout.

AVANT RZSK can be used together with all existing types of protection equipment, based on:

■ Electromechanical relays. ■ Semiconductor element base. ■ Microprocessor-based terminals.

Purpose Used for transmission of PLC protection signals and discrete

commands through power line carrier links of 110-750 kV.

Service characteristics ■ Periodic monitoring of all the functional assemblies

operability. ■ Recording of all the events to nonvolatile memory with

discreteness of 1 ms. ■ Overview of equipment events log, as well as setting of

operating conditions and transceiver parameters from front panel keyboard, PC or through local information network.

■ Synchronization of transceiver clock via PLC channel. ■ Service communication channel between the ends of

protected line. ■ Test modes for monitoring of communication channels and

setting of PLC protection parameters.

Resolution of Public Corporation «Federal grid Company of Unified Energy System»Transceiver AVANT RZSK is certified and recommended for use in electric power grids of Public Corporation «Federal Grid Company

of Unified Energy System» and Public Corporation «Holding IDGC» in November 2011.

Certificates Certificate of conformity of transceiver of relay protection signals and commands AVANT RZSK (production model) with the require-

ments of normative documents РОСС RU.АЯ55.Н06194 No. 0175749, issued by Federal agency of technical regulation and metrology.

Application ■ Transmission of PLC protection signals. ■ Transmission of relay protection and emergency automation

commands (Command type teleprotection equipment). ■ Transmission of permissive protection commands of backup

protection in addition to main protection signals. ■ Additional use of main protection channel for transmission

of emergency automation commands (Special Power Disconnection Automation, Actuator Fault Control Device, Asynchronous Mode Elimination Automation, Automatic Recloser, Automatic frequency Unloading, etc.)

■ Backup of main protections at double-circuit lines with cross transmission of permissive signals (commands) through bypass channels.

■ Backup of relay protection commands transmitted through channels of command type teleprotection equipment.

■ On 3-end lines with each (or only 2 of them) having the protection equipment and transmission of intertripping signals from a tee off substation and to it.

Page 19: Solutions for power systems

PlC devices for Relay Protection and Emergency Automation


Technical data

Configurations ■ Transceiver of PLC protections. ■ Transceiver of PLC protections and 4 commands through

2-end lines, in both directions. ■ Transceiver of PLC protections and 4 commands through

3-end lines, in every direction. ■ Transceiver of 8 commands through 2-end lines, in both


■ Transceiver of 8 commands through 3-end lines, in every direction.

■ Only transmitter or only receiver of 8 commands, as a direct equivalent of high-frequency intertripping devices or other command type teleprotection equipment.The choice of appropriate version is executed on the stage of

design and order.

HF channel

Working frequency range 20-1000 kHz

Nominal bandwidth in case of 2-end line 4 kHz

Nominal bandwidth in case of 3-end line 8 kHz

Nominal level of protection signals and commands at the output of transmit ter in the ranges of: 24 – 300 kHz300 – 600 kHz600 – 1000 kHz

46 dBm (40 W) 45 dBm (32 W)43 dBm (20 W)

Level of guard signal transmission is lower than level of PLC protection and commands transmission by 12 dB

Nominal output impedance 75; 150 Ohm

Maximum sensitivity of relay protection receiver minus 15 dBm

Maximum sensitivity of commands receiver minus 20 dBm

Protection interface

Contact activation 24 V

Inertialess activation 5-100 V

Logic activation 15/2 V

Shutdown 24 V

Manipulation voltage 5-130 V

Output current 0/20 mA

Output voltage 15/1 V

Command inter face

Nominal value of direct control voltage 220 V; 110 V

Control voltage tolerance + 10 %; - 20 %

Duration of command sending 30-100 ms and tracking

Delay according to return of accepted command 0-1000 ms

Switching capacity of receiver outputs 250 V; 0,5 A

Nominal time of command transmission in case of blocking protection 22 ms

Nominal time of command transmission in case of phase-comparison protection 22-28 ms

False command receipt probability less 10-6

Command missing probability less 10-4

Power supply

DC voltage 220 V; 110 V

Power consumption 120 W

Electromagnetic compatibility

In concordance with the standard State Standard of Russia 51317.6.5-2006

Climatic conditions

Operating temperature range 0 °C – + 45 °C

Overall dimensions

WxHxD 482x275x370 mm

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PlC devices for Relay Protection and Emergency Automation


trAnSCeiVer of PlC ProteCtion SignAlS AVAnt r400

Purpose Used for transmission and reception of PLC protection signals

through power line carrier links of 35-1150 kV.Transceiver AVANT R400 ensures:

■ Transmission and reception of relay protection signals and commands through 2-end and 3-end lines.

■ Half-duplex service telecommunication between the ends of protected line in the period of PLC channel checkout.

■ Functions of service device for relay protection equipment adjusting.

Technical data

Working frequency range 24-1000 kHz

Nominal bandwidth 4 kHz

Nominal transmit output power (envelope peak value), not less– within the frequency range of 24-600 kHz– within the frequency range of 600-1000 kHz

46 dBm43 dBm

receiver sensitivity treshold minus 16 dBm

Compensation range of relay protection signal propagation delay through the line

0-18 grad

Pulse overlapping range in the mode of phase-comparison protection

18-54 grad

Supply voltage (direct) 176... 242 V

Power consumption, not more 120 W

Overall dimensions 490x340x280 mm

Weight 12 kg

AVANT R400 can be used together with all the existing types of protection equipment, based on:

■ Electromechanical relays.

■ Semiconductor element base.

■ Microprocessor-based terminals.

■ Compatibility with other PLC protection transceivers, such as: PVZ-90,AVZK-80, PVZU-E, etc.

Characteristic features ■ Relay protection signal is generated on separated

frequencies of transmission and reception within the band of 4 kHz, which lets to fully eliminate the influence of return signals.

■ Real-time monitoring of instant fade margin (the dif ference between received signal level and receiver sensitivity treshold).

■ Function of time compensation of signal transmission through the line in the mode of phase-comparison protection for the purpose of phase unbalance elimination.

■ Setting of steady-state value of pulse overlapping in the mode of phase-comparison protection within the whole range of manipulation input voltage.

■ Complete symmetry of front and drop of pulse at reception from own and remote transmitter in the mode of phase-comparison protection.

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PlC devices for Relay Protection and Emergency Automation


Service characteristics

■ Periodic monitoring of all the functional assemblies operability.

■ Recording of all the events to nonvolatile memory with discreteness of 1 ms.

■ Overview of equipment events log, as well as setting of operating conditions and parameters of transceiver from front panel keyboard, PC or through local information network.

■ Synchronization of transceiver clock via PLC channel

■ Service communication channel between the ends of protected line.

■ Test modes for monitoring of communication channels and setting of PLC protection parameters.


Transceiver AVANT R400 of dif ferent configurations ensures:

■ Transmission and reception of PLC protection signals through 2-end and 3-end lines.

■ PLC protection signal transmission in the mode of compatibility with other types of PLC protection signal transceivers (PVZ-90,AVZK-80, PVZU-E, etc.) – on special order.

The choice of appropriate configuration is executed on the stage of design and order.

Resolution of Public Corporation «Federal grid Company of Unified Energy System»

According to the conclusion decision of cer tification commission of Public Corporation «Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System» PLC protection signals transceiver AVANT R400 meets the requirements of Public Corporation «Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System» and is allowed for use on the objects of Public Corporation «Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System».


■ Certificate of conformity of PLC protection signals transceiver AVANT R400 (production model) with the requirements of normative documents of РОСС RU.МЕ27.Н01997 No. 0175496, issued by Federal agency of technical regulation and metrology.

■ Certificate of conformity of PLC protection signals transceiver AVANT R400 with the requirements of normative documents of РОСС RU.МЕ27.Н01997 No. 0175496, issued by facultative certification system GAZPROMCERT.

Page 22: Solutions for power systems

PlC devices for Relay Protection and Emergency Automation


digitAl Power line CArrier deViCe for trAnSmiSSion of relAy ProteCtion And emergenCy AutomAtion CommAndS uPK-C

Communication channel ■ PLC links of 35-1150 kV. ■ Optical fibre. ■ Low-frequency channel.

PurposeUsed for transmission of relay protection and emergency au-

tomation commands.

Resolution of Public Corporation «Federal grid Com-pany of Unified Energy System»

According to the resolution of cer tification commission of Public Corporation «Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy Sys-tem» UPK-C meets the requirements to communication equipment for transmission of relay protection and emergency automation command signals of Public Corporation «Federal Grid Company of Unified Energy System», and can be used in power grids of 35-1150 kV.

CertificatesCertificate of conformity of device for transmission of com-

mands through PLC channel UPK-C (production model) with the requirements of normative documents of РОСС RU.МЕ27.Н01790 No. 892817, issued by Federal agency of technical regulation and metrology.

Characteristic features ■ 32 commands are formed in group signal within the band of

4 kHz by parallel two-frequency code, which substantially improves transmission channel noise immunity and reliability of transmitted information.

■ Possibility of allocation of one UPK-C channel input band adjacent to transmission band of the other UPK-C channel on the same phase.

■ Function of selective relaying of transit commands by analog or digital method.

■ Telemechanics signal transmission at the rate of 200 baud regardless of command transmission.

■ Permanent monitoring of PLC channel (monitoring of fade margin) by means of periodic sending of decaying test signals in transmitter and evaluation of the fade margin with pitch of 2 dB. Wherein the warning alarm is activated by either input signal level decrease or channel noise level increase.

■ Permanent control of all units and blocks from transmitter command input circuits to receiver command output relay contacts.

■ Information of start and end of transmitted commands and alert condition, as well as current values of guard signal rate and fade margin in receiver is displayed on a four line LCD display from a nonvolatile events log.

■ Remote access to receiver and transmitter events log through interface RS485.

■ Synchronization of transceiver clock with transmitter clock accurate within 2 ms.

■ Digital interface for connection to energy object local information network.

■ Function of joint operation with receivers or transmitters of other types such as: ANKA-AVPA, AKPA-V, VChTO-M, AKA Kedr.

■ Possibility of joint operation of two complete sets of UPK-C tuned on the same bandwidth of 4 kHz but using different sets of frequency codes to transmit up to 64 commands in one direction.

The command type teleprotection equipment is the most ad-vanced PLC protection and emergency automation commands transmission equipment thanks to the use of signal processors and original algorithms of digital signal processing.

Considerable at tention has been given to meet the require-ments of noise immunity, electromagnetic compatibility and elec-tric strength of the equipment under the relevant State Standards and IEC.

UPK-C equipment has been used in power grids of Russia and the near abroad since 2004.

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PlC devices for Relay Protection and Emergency Automation


Number of transmitted commands 8-32

Command transmission time 22 ms

Working frequency range in case of 30-15 W transmitter output 24-1000 kHz

Minimal working signal to noise ratio - 2 dB

Threshold of receiver sensitivity - 28 dBm

Dynamic range of input signal change 50 dB

Probability of false command reception in case of guard signal failure, not more 0,000001

Probability of reliable command skipping, not more 0,001

Accuracy of time measurement of star t and end of command propagation 2 ms

Supply voltage of DC or AC source 90-270 V

Power consumption of transmitter/receiver 70/25 W

Overall dimensions of half-set 490x340x280 mm

Weight – case– cabinet

10/9 kg220 kg

uPK-C CABinet – ComPleX Solution for trAnSmiSSion And eXeCution of relAy ProteCtion And emergenCy AutomAtion CommAndS

Technical data

CompositionUPK-C Cabinet consists of: UPK-C transmit ter and receiver

of dif ferent PLC channels, mounting relay panels circuit, alarm system and power supply.

Functionality ■ Concordance of UPK-C transmitter and receiver external

circuits with traditional substation secondary circuits. ■ Function of command breaking without equipment cutoff. ■ Each transmitter command input circuit can be

simultaneously controlled by several external circuits. ■ Receiver command output circuits can commute up to five

independent circuits by means of dry relay contact closing. ■ The cabinet includes built-in signal circuits with light-

emitting indication. ■ Cabinet structure and circuit can be designed individually.

Application of up-to-date components of reliable well-known manufacturers provides high reliability and stability of the equip-ment.

Since 2008 typical UPK-C cabinet is produced with dimen-sions of 600x800x2200 mm, double-level doors at the front and a pair of wing doors at the back.

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SuBStAtion AutomAtion, telemeChAniCS


Multifunctional Bay Control Unit ARiS C30x

Substation Communication Controller ARiS CS

Substation Configuration Tool «ARiS MANAgER»



Multifunctional Telecontrol Module ММТ

RTU ECOM-TM Expansion Modules

Third Party Measuring Converters

MMT Redundancy and Self-Testing

Sample Architecture of Process Control System Based on RTU ECOM-TM












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AriS SuBStAtion AutomAtion SyStem

The Substation Automation System (SAS) ARIS is designed as a main building block of the distributed substation control systems. SAS ARIS is fully compliant with IEC 61850 concept.

The architecture of SAS ARIS

SAS ARIS functionality includes: ■ Electricity data measurement; ■ Power quality measurement in compliance with GOST 13109-

97; ■ Status monitoring of primary and secondary substation

equipment; ■ Remote and local switchgear control; ■ Remote and local auxiliary equipment control; ■ Substation interlocks processing; ■ Emergency process registration and analysis; ■ IEC 61850 Station bus and Process bus connectivity (MMS,

GOOSE, SV); ■ Relay protection, emergency control, smart metering,

transformer monitoring systems connectivity;

■ Auxiliary systems connectivity, such as: climatic control system, fire control system, ventilation system and so on;

■ Documenting, processing and storing in database of the acquired data;

■ Secondary data origination and report generation; ■ Storing of primary and secondary data in database; ■ Data translation to remote control centers;

The architecture of SAS ARiS has three levels: ■ Low level – Bay control units ARIS C303, С302, С301; ■ Mid level – Station controller ARIS CS; ■ High level – Process control servers with «ARIS-SCADA»


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The Multifunctional Bay Control Unit ARIS C30X is designed to monitoring and control of the one or several feeder bays at the substa-tion.

multifunCtionAl BAy Control unit AriS C30X

AriS C30X teChniCAl dAtA

There are three models of the controller – C301, C302 and C303. The models dif fer by number of expansion slots and display type.

Technical data of ARiS C30x

ARiS C303 ARiS C302 ARiS C301

SD-card Up to 2 GB

Memory (RAM) 128 MB


Internal bus Ethernet

PSU Case 1: 120-370 V DC or 85-265 V AC.Case 2: 18-36 V DC.

Expansion slots 14 6 3

Power consumption < 120 W < 80 W < 60 W

Dimensions 3U 19" case485х245х135 mm

3U case275х245х135 mm

3U case200х245х135 mm

Display and keypad Colour LCD display 320x240, 12-button keypad, mechanical key switch for local control

LCD 5,7" 5,7" 3,5"

RS-232 ports 1-4, isolation 1,5 kV

RS-485 ports 8, isolation 1,5 kV

Ethernet ports (except expansion slots) 4хRJ45 or 4xSFP (LC MM/SM)

Time synchronization Embedded GPS or external NTP server. Precision 1 ms.

Communication protocols

IEC 61850-8-1 (client, server)IEC 61850-9-2 (client)

IEC 60870-5-101 (client, server)IEC 60870-5-104 (client, server)

IEC 60870-5-103 (client)Modbus serial (RTU/ASCII client)


ARIS C30x family


■ Measurement and processing of AC power, current and voltage;

■ IEC 61850-9-2 SV stream processing;

■ Power quality monitoring, measurement and calculations (GOST 13109-97);

■ Binary inputs/outputs control;

■ Analog inputs control;

■ Telecontrol;

■ Disturbance data recording;

■ Performing a user-defined logic described as Function Block Diagrams for interlocking, controlling or for performing additional calculations;

■ Data and command communication with local devices and subsystems including GOOSE messaging.

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Feature ARiS C30x

Timestamp precision 1 ms

Accuracy of an ef fec-tive value of interphase voltages, phase voltages and currents in the range 0,05-1,5 of rating value

± 0,2 %

Accuracy of an active and reactive power ± 0,5 %

Spectral component of currents and voltages Up to 40th Fourier component

Disturbance data record-ing in COMTRADE format

Time resolution – 80 points for the period of fundamental frequency

amplitude resolution – 24 bit

AC analog CT/VT input moduleThis module is designed for measuring of the currents and

voltages, coming directly from CT/VT, disturbance data recording and power quality measuring.

Functionality of the AC analog CT/VT input module includes: ■ Measuring of the instantaneous values of the currents and

voltages; ■ Calculating of the RMS values, active and reactive powers; ■ Real time storing of the measured data; ■ Disturbance data recording in COMTRADE format files; ■ Power quality measurement in compliance with GOST 13109-

97; ■ Zero-sequence current and voltage measurement.

iEC 61850-9-2 SV stream processing moduleARIS C30x has optional module for IEC 61850-9-2 SV stream

processing. The module calculates the same parameters as AC analog CT/VT input module and records the disturbance data files.

AC analog parameters calculation On the basis of the measured or received instantaneous

values of currents and voltages ARIS C30x calculates the following parameters:

■ RMS phase voltages; ■ RMS phase currents; ■ RMS interphase voltages; ■ Values of active power per phase and total active power over all

phases; ■ Values of reactive power per phase and total reactive power

over all phases; ■ Values of apparent power per phase and total apparent power

over all phases; ■ Values of power factor per phase; ■ Frequency.

disturbance data recordingA user may define a set of events, which will start the distur-

bance data recording, and choose a recording data set. Recorded disturbance data files are then represented in COMTRADE format. A duration of the recorded pre-fault time is 3 seconds. The total duration of one disturbance data record is up to 1 minute.

Power quality measurementThe controller measures the following characteristics of power

quality: ■ Zero-phase-sequence voltage and current; ■ Positive-phase-sequence voltage and current; ■ Negative-phase-sequence voltage and current; ■ Total harmonic distortion for voltages and currents of every

line; ■ Fourier components up to 40th harmonic for voltages and

currents of every line.

Accuracy and extra facilities

Disturbance data view and control ARIS C30x web form

Power quality measurement in compliance with to gOST 13109-97

■ The steady-state voltage deviation; ■ Distortion factor of sinusoidal voltage; ■ Factor of n-harmonic component; ■ Unbalance voltage factor of reverse sequence; ■ Zero-sequence asymmetry factor; ■ Frequency bias; ■ Voltage supply interruption length; ■ Temporary overvoltage factor.

Additional power quality characteristics: ■ Brownout value; ■ Overvoltage duration.

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digital and analog iO modules

Features ARiS C303 ARiS C302 ARiS C301

Digital inputs per module 7 inputs of 220 V DC/AC or 8 inputs of 24 V DC

Input current per digital input 5±1 mA at 220 V10±4 mA at 24 V

Digital outputs per unit 8

Switching current of digital outputsUp to 0,12 А for DC/AC at 250 V (solid-state relay)Up to 0,4 А DC at 250 V (electromechanical relay)Up to 16 A AC at 250 V (electromechanical relay)

Select /execute outputs per module 4

Switching current of select /execute outputs Up to 0,4 А DC at 250 V Up to 8 А AC at 250 V

Commutation wear resistance of select /execute and digital out-puts More then 10 000 cycles

Number of analog inputs per module 8

Analog input current ranges 0-5 mA, ± 5 mA, 4-20 mA, 0-20 mA

Analog input voltage ranges 0-1 V, 0-5 V, 0-10 V, ± 10 V

Analog input module for current transformer/voltage transform-er (CT/VT)Modification without zero sequence current /voltage input

1 or 2 CT/VT input units Each unit measure 3 current lines (Ia, Ib, Ic)

in the range0…1,5 А or 0…7,5 А and 3 voltage lines (Ua, Ub, Uc)

In the range 0…330 V

1 CT/VT input unit The unit measure 3

current lines (Ia, Ib, Ic) in the range

0…1,5 А or 0…7,5 А and 3 voltage lines (Ua, Ub, Uc)

In the range 0…330 V

CT/VT input module modification with without zero sequence cur-rent /voltage input

1 or 2 CT/VT input units Each unit measure 4 cur-rent lines (Ia, Ib, Ic, I0) in the range 0…1,5 А or 0…7,5 А and 4 voltage

lines (Ua, Ub, Uc, U0) in the range 0…330 V

1 CT/VT input unit The unit measure 4 current lines (Ia, Ib, Ic, I0) in the

range 0…1,5 А or 0…7,5 А and 4 voltage lines (Ua, Ub, Uc, U0) in the range 0…330 V

IEC 61850-9-2 SV stream processing module 1

digital input moduleThe digital input module allows measuring dry-contact type

signals from the sensors of either 24 V DC (DI24), or 220 V AC/DC (DI220). The DI24 module has an internal power supply. The other modules require an external power supply. The signal changing on the input originates an event. The controller assigns the time-stamp to every event with accuracy of 1 ms. The maximum fre-quency of events that the controller can process is 100 Hz.

Analog input moduleThe analog input module allows measuring signals either in

the ranges of 0-5, 0-20, 4-20, ±5 mA or in the ranges of 0-1, 0-5, 0-10, ± 10 V. If the appropriate limits were defined, then these signals can be used for event generation. Every analog input module has 8 channels. The event is originating when the relative changing of the signal exceeds the defined limits. The measured values can be scaled and shif ted if necessary using simple linear transformation. User can assign the factors of linear transforma-tions and the necessary limits for every channel independently by special configuration software.

digital output moduleThe digital output module has 8 channels. The next modifica-

tions of the unit are exist: ■ For switching currents up to 0.12 A AC/DC in the voltage

range from 24 to 220 V. Switching on/off time is 0.2/0.5 ms. ■ For switching currents up to 8 A for voltages up to 250 V AC

or up to 30 V DC. Switching on/off time is 7/2 ms.

Select/execute moduleThe select /execute module has 4 channels for currents up to

8 A and voltages either up to 250 V AC or up to 30 V DC. Switching on/off time is 7/2 ms.

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Time synchronizationARIS C30x can synchronize time either from the integrated

GPS with accuracy up to 1 ms or from precise time server by the NTP-protocol (may be used additional PPS line). The controller also can adjust time of external devices from other manufactur-ers (in the case when the communication protocol between the controller and the device allows this).

CommunicationsARIS C30x can communicate with other devices via the fol-

lowing protocols: ■ IEC 61850-8-1 (client, server); ■ IEC 61850-9-2 (client); ■ IEC 60870-5-101(client, server); ■ IEC 60870-5-104 (client, server); ■ IEC 60870-5-103 (client); ■ Modbus serial (RTU/ASCII); ■ SPA.

local data archivingARIS C30x provides two types of acquired data archives –

retrospective and operative. The operative archive is used as data storage in the case of

link loss with a station controller. When the link will be recov-ered the controller will send all of the data recorded during a link loss.

Retrospective archive is used as data storage in the case when an analysis of emergency situations is necessary. This ar-chive has a cycle buffer structure. A user may configure a number of archiving records.

System log and alarm event logARIS C30x has dif ferent logs for system and alarm event log-

ging. A user may configure the number of alarm events intended to be stored. An user can define as alarm event the any changing of discrete input /output status, exceeding the given limits of analog input value etc.

FBd-based custom programmable logicARIS C30x has built-in tools for supporting user-defined log-

ic. These tools can be used for the creation of complex algorithms for logical and mathematical treatment. In particular for interlock-ing, controlling or additional calculations.

For these purposes the ARIS C30x software has the runtime based on Function Block Diagram language. FBD allows user to create complex algorithms consisting of dif ferent library blocks (arithmetical, trigonometrical, logical, PID-regulators etc.). The FBD implementation conforms to IEC 1131 3 standard released by IEC in 1992 and defining PLC languages. FBD incorporates the structure programming methodology that gives user the possibil-ity to describe the automated process in the easiest and most understandable way. User definable functions allow user to de-scribe algorithms not defined in the standard library. ARIS C30x is supplied with an advanced software environment with graphical tools, a standard algorithms library and a program interpreter with debug functions.


Web configuration tool

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local switchgear controlARIS C30x HMI allows local switchgear control by using of a built-in or remote control panel. The panel includes 5.7" (3,5" for ARIS

C301) display, 12-button keypad and a hardware key. This key together with password protection is used to prevent an unauthorized access to device.

Web based configuration toolThe controller includes the configuration software accessible from any web-browser. This software allows:

■ Configuration of data translation, recording parameters, recordable events, controller hardware, user-defined logic, system parameters (eg. time synchronization source);

■ Viewing of system log and alarm event log; ■ Viewing of monitored values; ■ Creation of SLD fragment of a controlled bay for HMI display.

meChAniCAl deSign

ARIS C30X controllers have the crates of 3U height for placing in cabinets, racks and for embedding into a panel.ARIS C303 has 19" crate capable to contain up to 14 optional modules and up to 2 CT/VT measuring modules.The controller has:

■ Color LCD 5.7" display and keypad; ■ Hardware key for prevention of an unauthorized access; ■ LED lights; ■ USB; ■ 2 Ethernet ports.

The controller HMI

12 button keypad

LED indicators

HMI with 5.7 color panel

Mechanical lock for protection from unauthorized access

USB connector

Ethernet connector for service usage

Ethernet extension connector

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The power consumption from primary source by single crate is less than 120 W at nominal input voltage.The back panel has unit connectors, power supply, GPS antenna.

The controller back panel

Select /Execute module

IEC 61850-9-2 SV stream processing module

Communication ports: RS-232 and RS-485

Mainboard with embedded GPS-receiver

Power supply

Digital input modules

Ethernet communication module (SFP or RJ45 connectors)

Digital output modules

CT/VT input module

The special crate edition C303.1 allows insertion of up to 12 CT/VT input units. So, the range of applications of ARIS C30x is ex-tended. The controller extension technology by just adding the extra crates allows assembling the tens of units into one single cabinet or rack.

Placing CT/VT input modules in one rack

Edition С302 (275х245х135 mm) may include of up to 6 units. The power consumption from primary source by single crate is less than 80 W at nominal input voltage.

Edition С301 (200х245х135 mm) may include of up to 3 units. The power consumption from primary source by single crate is less than 65 W at nominal input voltage.

All editions have a power supply unit. There are two types: ■ 120-370 V DC and и 85-265 V AC. Nominal input voltage is

220 V AC; ■ 18… 36 V DC. Nominal input voltage is 24 V DC.

Edition С302

Edition С301

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reliABil it y

ARIS C30x was tested and approved, providing the reliable functioning in the conditions listed in the below tables.

1. iEC 61000-4-11-99. Resistance to dynamic changes in supply voltage test.

2. iEC 60255-5. Testing dielectric strength of insulation.

interface Test ParameterThe degree of hardness testing.

A criterion for the quality of operating

Power supply

Voltage supply interrupts 0 Un500 ms

4 АVoltage supply brownouts 0.7 Un

2000 ms

Voltage supply surges 1.2 Un2000 ms

interface Test ParameterThe degree of hardness testing.

A criterion for the quality of operating

Digital input

Testing dielectric strength of insulation 2000 V AC АDigital output

Select /execute output

3. iEC 61000-4-12-95. Oscillatory wave immunity test.

interface Test ParameterThe degree of hardness testing.

A criterion for the quality of operating

Digital input Single oscillatory wave:«line-ground»


Repetitive oscillatory wave:«line-ground»


4 kV2 kV

4АDigital output

Select /execute output

2,5 kV1 kV

Power supply

Single oscillatory wave:«line-ground»


Repetitive oscillatory wave:«line-ground»


4 kV4 kV

2,5 kV1 kV

Test Test ParameterThe degree of hardness testing.

A criterion for the quality of operating

Digital input

Capacitive clamp

±2 kV5 kHz

Digital output

Select /execute output


Power supply ±4 kV5 kHz

4. iEC 61000. Electrical fast transient immunity test.

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Test Parameter The degree of hardness testing.A criterion for the quality of operating

Contact ±8 kV 4АAir ±15 kV

6. iEC 61000-4-2-95. Immunity to electrostatic discharge.

Communicational controller ARIS-CS-M

SuBStAtion CommuniCAtion Controller AriS CS

The controller ARIS-CS is an important part of SAS ARIS. ARIS-CS performs a communication between the controllers at bay level (bay controller units, relay protection terminals etc.) and the systems at substation level and/or the adjacent systems.

hArdwAreThere are two basic hardware platforms which are used for ARS-CS – ARIS-CS-M and ARIS-CS-H.

ARiS-CS-MA hardware platform of ARIS-CS-M is based on an industrial

PC MOXA DA-681. It has a fixed configuration: 6 Ethernet connec-tors RJ45, 4 RS-232 ports, 8 RS-485 ports, VGA, redundant power supply (100-265 AC/DC). An embedded sof tware runs QNX 6.5 or Windows (optionally) OS. ARIS-CS-M provides a redundancy support feature.

The ARIS-CS-M can acquire and process of up to 7000 infor-mation objects per second.

ARIS CS functionality includes: ■ Data acquisition from bay level controllers and other low

level devices; ■ Correct interprotocol translation of remote control

commands; ■ Calculation of extra parameters based on the data, acquired

from bay level; ■ Support of wide range of standard (IEC, IEEE, ISO ) and

proprietary protocols; ■ Multiprotocol data translation; ■ Acquisition of disturbance data; ■ OS: QNX 6.5, Windows (optional);

■ Processing of FBD-based custom programmable logic, including calculation of interlocking conditions;

■ Automatic connection to the systems at any levels; ■ Providing of the operative archive to temporarily store the

acquired data in the case of link loss and transmit these data right after the link recovery;

■ Providing of the retrospective archive to cyclically store the data, acquired during the given time interval, and transmit these data on demand;

■ Showing the state of the used communication channels to the systems at higher levels;

■ WEB-configuration tool similar to ARIS C30x.

5. iEC 61000-4-5-99. Microsecond high energy pulse disturbance immunity test.

Test Test ParameterThe degree of hardness testing.

A criterion for the quality of operating

Digital input«line-line»


±2 kV

±4 kV

Digital output

Select /execute output

IO «line-ground» 0,5 kV 1А

Power supply«line-line»


±4 kV

±4 kV

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ARiS-CS-HA hardware plat form of ARIS-CS-H is based on a modular

industrial PC: ■ 19" form-factor; ■ Hartmann Elektronik CPCI 2.16 Basic 10U 84HP chassis; ■ Wide set of EVOC motherboards and IO boards. ■ ARIS-CS-H has two independent system buses CompactPCI

ver.2.16 allowing installation of up to 16 6U modules (2 mainboards and 14 communication boards) and up to 4 PSU (220 V DC). All of the ARIS-CS-H modules provide a hot plug capability. An embedded software runs QNX 6.5 or Windows (optionally) ARIS-CS-H provides a redundancy support feature. The ARIS-CS-H can acquire and process of up to 20000 infor-

mation objects per second.Communicational controller ARIS-CS-H

ARIS-CS software has a modular architecture. The architecture allows each controller to be configured exactly as the given project requires. ARIS-CS embedded software contains a protocol independent kernel and a wide set of independent libraries. Each library imple-ments a protocol specific data exchange. Our company has a great experience in implementation of standard and proprietary protocols. So, using of the ARIS-CS in Substation Automation Systems allows you easily integrate the brand new and already installed equipment.

We have great experience in integration of equipment from almost all leading manufacturers: AREVA, General Electric, SIEMENS, ABB, Schneider Electric, EKRA, etc.

integr Ation oPPortunit ieS ProVided By AriS-CS

ARIS-CS integration abilities

ARIS-CS-H modules: ■ Mainboard (Intel® Dual Core Xeon LV/ULV, 667MHz FSB, 2.0 GHz, RECC DDR2 400 MHz, up to 4 GB RAM, 2xSerial ATA 150 MB/sec,

2x10/100/1000 Base-Tx, 4xUSB2.0, 2хRS-232); ■ Communicational module Ethernet 4х100Base-Tx; ■ Communicational module 16хRS232/422/485; ■ Power supply 250 W.

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An ARIS-CS kernel provides: ■ Asynchronous data acquisition and transmission; ■ Correct data translation between dif ferent protocols; ■ Correct translation of remote control commands.

Ready for use ARIS CS libraries:

1.Protocols:– IEC 60870-5-101;– IEC 60870-5-103;– IEC 60870-5-104;

SuBStAtion ConfigurAtion tool «AriS mAnAger»

Functionality ■ Interactive design and editing of a substation single-line diagram; ■ Automatic generation of configuration files for «ARIS SCADA», bay control units ARIS-C30x in compliance with IEC 61850-6; ■ Interactive design and editing of FBD (IEC 61131) algorithms.

Substation Configuration Tool «ARIS Manager» includes two main components – «SCL Manager» and «IED Configurator».

SCl Manager

«SCL Manager» functionality: ■ Interactive design and editing of a substation single-line

diagram using a wide set of graphic primitives; ■ Representation of the substation information system as

a network of IEC 61850 IEDs and binding of these IEDs to the single-line diagram;

■ Configuration of each IED, placed in the network.

The «SCL Manager» outcome is an IEC 61850-6 compliant file (.SCD) which describes a substation configuration for «ARIS SCADA».

iEd Configurator

«IED Configurator» functionality: ■ Loading of the IED configuration templates (.ICD) and

binding IEDs to the single-line diagram; ■ IED configuration files (.CID) generation in compliance with

IEC 61850-6; ■ IED configuration editing in SCD file; ■ Uploading configurations to ARIS-C30x; ■ FBD language interlocking algorithms creation.

Substation Configuration Tool «ARIS Manager» is developed in compliance with IEC 61850 concepts.

IED Configurator

SCL Manager

– IEC 61850-8-1 (MMS, GOOSE);– Modbus serial (RTU/ASCII);– Modbus (TCP);– Granit;– SPA;– START;– IEC 60870-6 (ICCP/TASE.2);– OPC (only for Windows edition).

2.Disturbance data acquisition and storing in IEEE C37.111-1999 (COMTRADE) format with authorized access over FTP.

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The main purpose of «ARIS-SCADA» is making a better trans-formation of the acquired data into human readable form. «ARIS-SCADA» provides to the operator a total control at one click of a mouse with full historical and actual behavior information. It allows user to get a detailed view in a form of mnemonic planes, trend graphs, system events and critical alarms.

Functionality ■ Real time data acquisition from controllers of substation

level; ■ Translation of acquired data to the remote control centers; ■ Data storing; ■ Data displaying – HMI function.

«ARIS-SCADA» consists of two par ts: Server and HMI sof t-ware.


«AriS-SCAdA» SerVer SoftwAre

Functionality ■ Data acquisition, processing and storing; ■ Real time database access; ■ Remote configuration and management tools; ■ Redundancy support feature; ■ Number of information objects – up to 150000; ■ Number of data acquisition channels – up to 256; ■ Number of remote control center connection channels –

up to 16; ■ Number of online HMI connections – up to 30; ■ WEB server; ■ Extra data calculations; ■ Data event logs processing (status data changing, remote

command issuing, analog data thresholds exceeding, relay protection events);

■ Data integrity checking; ■ System event log.

hmi Client

Functionality ■ Communication with «ARIS-SCADA» server; ■ Displaying of substation automation mnemonic planes; ■ Emergency events alarming (sound and light); ■ Remote control issuing; ■ Remote control result monitoring; ■ Animation of static planes; ■ Placing danger marks on mnemonic planes («Earthed»,

«Don’t switch on» and etc.); ■ Data trend viewing; ■ Preparing and printing of reports; ■ Appearance configuration of the mnemonic planes.

Example of «ARIS-SCADA» mnemonic scheme

Supported protocols and devices: ■ IEC 61850; ■ IEC 60870-5-101; ■ IEC 60870-5-104; ■ IEC 60870-5-103. ■ ABB relay protection protocol SPA; ■ IEC 60870-5-103(Siemens, ABB, EKRA, Micom); ■ Relay protection devices «Sirius»; ■ MODBUS RTU; ■ Data acquisition device AET; ■ Data acquisition device ION; ■ Data acquisition device SATEC; ■ Electricity meters SET-4ТМ, Mercury230.

Supported protocols for communicating with remote control centers:

■ OPC (Ole for Process control) v2.0; ■ IEC 60870-5-101; ■ IEC 60870-5-104.

HMI «ARIS-SCADA» «Events and alarm log» view

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Substation Automation, Telemechanics

RTU ECOM-TM is a modular device targeted to be a par t of the complex substation automation systems.

PurposeRTU ECOM-TM is designed as a building block for the next

types of systems: ■ Automatic and automated acquisition and control systems

for substations; ■ Integrated metering systems.

ModificationsRTU ECOM-TM is a modular industrial controller. It can be

supplied as a rack-mounted unit, or as a set of separate modules. The rack-mounted unit contains all the RTU ECOM-TM basic mod-ules and auxiliary modules (eg. communication modules, power suppliers, pass-through plugs, etc.). The installed set of auxiliary modules is system specific.

Features ■ Working mode measurement of the electric networks and

power-generating equipment (actual measurements);

■ Monitoring of switching equipment state (indication);

■ Remote control of power generating equipment using standard telemetry signals (telecontrol);

■ Measurement of electric power flow and consumption using electric meters and sensors with standard telemetry outlet and/or microprocessor-based meters and sensors.

multifunCtion SuBStAtion AutomAtion module rtu eCom-tm

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies based on ECOM-TM

Technical Specifications

Redundant Multifunctional Telemechanic Modules

Self-diagnostic of all RTU ECOM-TM modules

Inter faces RS232, RS485, Ethernet

Number of Communication Channels from 2 to 20

Communication channel baud rate from 300 to 115200 baud

Operating modes – sporadic and cyclic polling

Supported communication protocols to upper level systems IEC 60870-5-101/104, Modbus RTU, CRQ

Astronomic Time Synchronization GPS

GPS Time Synchronization Precision 2 ms

Measured Data Timestamp Assignment Precision 20 ms

Line Integrity Checking between RTU ECOM-TM and Alarm Sensor

Alarm Logging Precision 1 ms

Alarm Logging Resolution 1 ms

Total Number of Measurement Channels Up to 2000

Total Number of Digital Sensors to be Connected (depends on sensor type, communication line type, etc.) Up to 100

Acceptable Types of Digital SensorsPC АET (AlektoGroup); PC 6806 (JSC «NPP Elek-

tro-mekhanika»); SPC (JSC «Svey»); Simeas P (Sie-mens); ION; SATEC PM 130; digital supply meters

Lifetime 30 years

Warranty 4 years

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Substation Automation, Telemechanics

RTU ECOM-TM Structure

RTU ECOM-TM has a modular structure.RTU ECOM-TM contains the following modules:

■ Multifunctional Telecontrol Module MMT. This is a main module that performs the basic logic of device operation. MMT hosts the pluggable modules; There are 2 types of MMT: MMT-2 and MMT-5;

■ Remote Alarm Control Module with Line Integrity Checking (TS32);

■ Remote Telecontrol Module (TC4);

■ Analog Measured Data Acquisition Module (TM32);

■ Remote Digital Output Module (TC32).

RTU ECOM-TM Structure

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Substation Automation, Telemechanics



MMT is supplied in modifications MMT-2 and MMT-5.MMT-2 is a DIN-rail mounted multifunctional controller. This

modification contains the general set of pluggable modules: ■ CPU module – 1; ■ RS485 ports – 16; ■ RS232 ports – 5; ■ RJ45 ports (Ethernet) – 2; ■ Time synchronization module with build-in GPS receiver – 1.

ММТ-5 is the specialized solution for distribution and trans-former substation, not equipped by communication lines.

Small controller with embedded GSM/GPRS modem enables to control the substation, which was uncontrolled yet. No need to mount the wire communications. Use wireless.

The key benefits of MMT-5 are low price and ease of imple-mentation.

MMT-5 contains next features: ■ RS232 – 2; ■ RS485 – 4; ■ RJ45 ports (Ethernet) – 1; ■ Built-in GSM-modem and GPS-receiver; ■ Analog inputs (4-20 mA) – 8; ■ Digital inputs – 8.

To expand the system various input /output devices can be connected to MMT-2 and MMT-5 via digital interfaces.

Any MMT module can be connected with up to 100 external modules including: TS32, TC4, ТМ32, TC32, digital devices manu-factured by third parties.

multifunCtionAl teleControl module mmt

rtu eCom-tm eXPAnSion moduleS

remote AlArm Control module with l ine integrit y CheCKing tS32

Module TS32

PurposeTS32 is designed for data acquisition from alarm sensors with

outlet of «dry contact» type. This module is also provides a line checking possibility for every channel. It is a functionally indepen-dent module which uses an IEC 60870-5-101 protocol to commu-nicate with the upper level components (eg. MMT, telemechanic server, third party products, etc.).

Technical Specifications ■ Integrated current generator installed on line from module to

sensor that allows avoiding distortions on long transmission lines;

■ Permanent line checking from module to sensor (checks for breaks and shortages);

■ Light indication of communication line condition and condition of every alarm;

■ Connection via IEC 60870-5-101 protocol; ■ Alarm archives for 1000 events; ■ Protection algorithms against chatter and noise in a line; ■ Data interchange rate via RS485 port – up to 115 kb/sec; ■ Size – 165x102x31 mm; ■ Two RS485 ports. Module can be polled by 2 independent


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Substation Automation, Telemechanics

remote teleControl module tC4

PurposeTC4 is designed to provide the telecontrol functionality within

a controlled telemechanic node. It is a functionally independen module which uses an IEC 60870-5-101 protocol to communicate with the upper level components (eg. MMT, telemechanic server, third party products, etc.).

Technical Specifications ■ Up to 4 telecontrol objects (8 channels); ■ Size – 245x102x31 mm; ■ Archives for 860 events; ■ Synchronization from RTU ECOM-TM with precision 1 ms; ■ Embedded configuration software; ■ Connection to RTU ECOM-TM via IEC 60870-5-101 protocol; ■ The right to issue the telecontrol command is granted to

upper level dispatcher only;

Module TС4

AnAlog me ASured dAtA ACQuiSit ion module tm32

PurposeTM32 is designed for analog measured data acquisit ion.

It is a functionally independent module which uses an IEC 60870-5-101 protocol to communicate with the upper level components (eg. MMT, telemechanic server, third party products, etc.).

Technical Specifications ■ Differential Inputs – 32; ■ Size – 165x102x31 mm; ■ Input signal measurement range – 0..20 mA (± 0,1 %); ■ Synchronization from RTU ECOM-TM (precision – 1 ms); ■ Measured data timestamp assignment precision 1 ms; ■ Number of archived vents – 800; ■ Communication protocol – IEC 60870-5-101; ■ Embedded configuration software.

Module TM32

remote digitAl outPut module tC32

PurposeTC32 is designed for giving out signals by pulse or by volt-

age level.

Technical Specifications ■ Light indication of communication line condition and

condition of every output; ■ Connection via IEC 60870-5-101 protocol; ■ Data interchange rate via RS485 port – up to 115 kb/sec; ■ Size – 165x102x31 mm; ■ Two RS485 ports. Module can be polled by 2 independent


Module TC32

■ Algorithm of telecontrol command execution includes mandatory line checking. Every telecontrol command needs to be confirmed by dispatcher;

■ Fault monitoring; ■ Monitoring of electrical and mechanical conditions of every relay.

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Substation Automation, Telemechanics

Output voltage level DC 24 V

Max. output current 0,3 A

Time resolution 1 ms

Timestamp assignment accuracy 1 ms

Galvanic isolation break voltage 1500 V

Number of channels 32

Technical Specifications

At present time RTU ECОМ-ТМ supports data acquisition from: ■ PC АET (AlektoGroup); ■ PC 6806 (JSC «NPP Elektromekhanika»); ■ SPC (JSC «Svey»); ■ Simeas P (Siemens); ■ PM130 (Satec); ■ ION (Schneider Electric).

Also it is possible to use electric meters as telemetry sources. The list of supported modules is expanding.

third PArty meASuring ConVerterS

MMT-2 redundancy circuit

The following functions of MMT are being backed-up by redundant ones:

■ Measured data acquisition from digital sensors; ■ Alarm acquisition from TS32 modules; ■ Telecontrol using TC4 modules; ■ Pre-calculation functions; ■ Data transfer to upper level (to standalone or several

systems as well) via serial protocol or Ethernet.

In the course of RTU ECOM-TM operation the following is being controlled:

■ Stability of software operation; ■ Stability of external module operation; ■ RS485* port operation; ■ RS232* port operation; ■ Operation of control communication lines*; ■ Operation of GPS receivers.

mmt redundAnCy And Self-teSting

*in case of availability of standby ММТ only.

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Substation Automation, Telemechanics

Process control system example

SAmPle ArChiteCture of ProCeSS Control SyStem BASed on rtu eCom-tm

The Process Control System of Power Substation is intended for supervising and control of installed equipment. Our approach to use a RTU ECOM-TM as a core component of the architecture of such systems has the next advantages:

■ The full scale satisfaction of functional requirements, made to Substation Process Control System;

■ Rational minimization of system total cost;

■ Easy upgrade and enhancement by adding the new subsystems and devices to Process Control System;

■ Saving the investments made to hardware and software subsystems, which are already installed on a substation.

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regiStrAtion meASurementS

TPA-02-PMU – Microprocessor Based device of Synchronized Phasor Measurements

digital Recorder of Electrical Emergences RES-3



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Registration Measurements


tPA-02-Pmu – miCroProCeSSor BASed deViCe of SynChronized PhASor meASurementS

Purpose TPA-02-PMU is microprocessor based device of synchronized

phasor measurements. It is designed to measuring the parameters of current power system state and transmitting these parameters to the WAMS, WACS, WAPS-systems in real-time.

Main functions ■ Measurement of synchrophasors, frequency, rate of change

of frequency and other parameters of current power system state according to IEEE C37.118.1 – 2011;

■ Transmit the measured parameters of current power system state to the WAMS, WACS, WAPS systems according to IEEE C37.118.2 – 2011.

Technical Specifications

Analog inputs number 8

Analog input sampling rate 10 kHz (40 sample/circle)

Logic inputs number * 48

Logic outputs number * 48

ADC capacity 16

Measuring accuracy 0,2 %

Maximum measuring current 5 А, 10 А, 20 А, 50 A

Maximum measuring voltage 100 V, 200 V

Supply voltage 85-265 V AC120-370 V DC

Power consumption 50 W

Period of safety work 100 000 hr

Device dimensions 270х266х260 mm

Weight 6,5 kg

Features ■ All functions of industrial disturbance recorder; ■ A wide range of recorded events; ■ Time synchronization through IRIG-B, PTP; ■ Receiving of input data according to IEC 61850-9-2 LE; ■ Receiving and sending of data according to IEC 61850-8-1 (GOOSE); ■ Local and remote control (Device control panel and program for remote control); ■ The advanced self-testing; ■ Industrial design; ■ SCADA support by IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850-8-1 (MMS).

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Registration Measurements


digitAl reCorder of eleCtriCAl emergenCeS reS-3

PurposeThe recorder of electrical emergences (RES-3) is designed for

monitoring, storing and presenting information on the substation electrical equipment emergences, the process of the emergency situation occurrence, development and elimination. This informa-tion enables the initial causes for the equipment outages to be specified as well as the proper operation of RPA and EA (emer-gency automation) to be assessed. The device has found wide application for testing electrical engineering equipment, including electric drives, circuit breakers, transformers, electric machines, etc.).

RES-3 ensures the realization of several modes of storing in-formation:

■ Oscillography; that is recording instantaneous analog and digital values both under operating and emergency conditions, the sampling frequency being not less than 200Hz per channel;

■ Making archives; that is recording averaged values of a given parameter;

■ Transmitting data to the TP ACS; the data transmission is according to the OPC DA protocol and IEC60870-5-104 protocol at a given interval.

Potentialities ■ Hhigh sampling frequency; ■ Hhigh accuracy of the analog signal measurement; ■ A flexible communication system (Ethernet, a conventional

telephone modem, GSM modem, XDSL modem are applied to connect to the dispatcher’s computer;

■ A high reliability level; ■ A wide range of opportunities for changing the configuration

and a set of duties, parameters, settings; ■ The possibility to integrate the device into the ACS, using

regular protocols.

design ■ Cabinet design; ■ Portable design; ■ Stationary (fixed) design.

RES-3. Portable design

RES-3. Stationary (fixed) design

Organization and principle of operationTPA-02-PMU hardware is based on single processor x86

architecture in industrial execution.All necessary parameters are calculated on the basis of the

information received with own modules of analogue and discrete input, as well as through digital protocols IEC 61850-9-2 LE (SV) and IEC 61850-8-1 (GOOSE). All measured parameters are labeled with the exact time and in accordance with the standard IEEE C37.118.2 - 2011 transferred to the WAMS, WACS, WAPS systems.

In addition to the functional of devices synchronized phasor measurements in TPA-02-PMU implemented a functional of indus-trial disturbance recorder.

SoftwareThe TPA-02-PMU sof tware consists of the sof tware of the

controller and the dispatching program SignW established on a workplace of the dispatcher.

SignW program permit do following operations: remote con-figuration, saved disturbance analyze, view currently measured signals.

It was overworked software modules that permit interconnec-tion TPA-02-PMU and SCADA system by one of following proto-cols: IEC 60870-5-104, IEC 61850-8-1 (MMS).

RES-3. Cabinet design

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Registration Measurements


Main functions ■ Collecting information on current and voltage values of the

electrical network phases, current and voltage values of the zero and reverse sequence (under both emergency and pre-emergence conditions), with the emergency time marked;

■ Recording digital signals of relay protection and automation (RPA);

■ On-line data processing, making dif ferent types of archives and their non-volatile storage;

■ On-line vector plotting; ■ Calculating real, reactive and total power, symmetrical

current and voltage components;

Basic technical characteristics

* – A stationary version.** – A cabinet version.*** – Unilateral maintenance cabinets.

The number of analog input channels* 264

The number of digital input channels* 24240 (256**)

ADC converter digit system 16

Sampling frequency for each channel:– 16 channels– 32 channels– 64 channels

up to 10 kHz (200 points/period) up to 5 kHz (100 points/period)

up to 2 kHz (40 points/period)

The major error in analog signal recording no more than 0,4 %

Emergency situation recording time up to 1 hr

Pre-emergency situation recording time from 0,1 to 24 s

Maximum recorded current 200 А

Maximum recorded voltage 600 V

The overall dimensions of the electronic unit 196х170х287 mm

The overall dimensions of the terminal connection unit 500х200х120 mm

The overall dimensions of the RES-3 cabinet2200х800х600 mm**2200х600х600 mm**

2200х1200х600 mm***

Construction and principle of operationRES-3 consists of an electronic unit and one or several units

of terminal connections. In the terminal connection unit, two channel modules for nor-

malizing the input analog signal and 24-channel plates of the digi-tal signal galvanic uncoupling are mounted. Provision is made for a fast replacement of the input analog modules.

The electronic unit ensures analog transforming analog sig-nals into digital ones and their further processing according to the program set up. The sampling frequency of the signals recorded is set up by the user. The limiting value of this parameter is inversely proportional to the number of the analog channels used. For the recorder having 16 analog channels the sampling frequency is up to 12 kHz (240 points her 50Hz frequency period).

RES-3 is equipped with its own means of displaying emer-gency processes as part of the relay protection engineer’s work-station (the relay protection and automation department); data is transmitted to the workstation, using a local network or a modem.

Electromagnetic transient processes caused by short circuits and related to the operation of relay protection devices and emergency automation (currents, voltages, digital signals on the RPA and EA operation, the circuit breakers state) are recorded, using a RES-3. Provision is also made for starting oscillography both due to the set tings being exceeded and by the signal coming from the ex ternal devices (by the so-called «dry» relay contacts or a potential signal).

In using the RES-3 recorder, both the overall oscillogram duration and separate durations of the pre-emergency, emergency and post-emergency conditions are set up as well as the number of the stored records of the faults occurring one after another.

The moment the fault occurs is fixed by the whole set of sig-nals (both analog and digital).

The results recorded are transmitted to the upper level of the ASTPC (unattended or on command of the operator) for their fur-ther archiving as well as data displaying and a post-event analy-sis, using the relay protection engineer’s workstation.

■ Calculating line resistances; ■ Ensuring system time synchronization; ■ Built-in hardware-software diagnosis; ■ Current normal operating and emergency conditions

oscillography; ■ Time controlled data displaying and printing; ■ Exchanging data with external devices, transmitting data to

the data processing (control) center; ■ Transmitting data to the ASTPC (automated system of

technological processes control) according to the OPC DA and IEC 60870-5-104 protocols.

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Registration Measurements


It is possible to store and transmit oscillograms in COMTRADE to the higher levels of the dispatch and technological control as well as to analyze them by their spectral and harmonic components.

Star ting RES-3 for recording the emergency conditions is made unattended. Settings are specified by the user, making use of any channel or a channel combination for dispatcher signals from the dispatcher program, and are retained unchanged when the device is switched off.

Continuous records of the emergency conditions are kept of in the device memory, which allows any duration of the pre-emergency conditions as long as the emergency duration itself to be recorded.

At present, more than 1000 RES-3s have been brought into service.

External action resistance

Probability of failure-free operation no lower than 0,98

Reliability (mean-time-to-first-failure) no less than 50 000 hr

Service life 10 years

Reconditioning mean time 0,5 hr

Time between checkups longer than 2 years

Life service warranty period 3 years

Ambient temperature from + 5 to + 50 °С

Relative air humidity up to 90 % at + 30 °С

Atmospheric pressure from 630 to 800 mm mc

Supply network voltage ~85..264 V or = 120..370 V

Software RES-3 software includes the oscillograph program the device

operation is based on, and SignW dispatcher program installed in the dispatcher workstation.

The oscillograph program ensures: ■ The oscillograph on-line operation; ■ Setting processing in channels; ■ Ffailure recording and archiving; ■ Ttransmitting the record of the event fixed to the upper level; ■ Ddata exchange with the dispatcher.

SignW dispatcher program ensures: ■ Dialogue with the dispatcher in Windows; ■ Remote setting up the oscillograph parameters, i.e. pickup

settings, the duration of the processes recorded, channel names, etc.;

■ Receiving records on the current channel state and emergences;

■ Archiving and scanning processes as files; ■ Plotting processes oscillogram and making it possible for

the operator to use them; ■ Deducing the crest value of the prevailing quantity, the

frequency of the input analog signal measured, phase shif ting between the channels at the point of scanning;

■ Calculating the distance to the fault in the emergency situation;

■ Having the channels and time periods chosen by the operator printed at the specified scale, with the current values at the chosen points specified;

■ Plotting vector diagrams, etc.

Sample of screen form SignW

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ECOM Enterprise Solution









eleCtriCity metering

Page 52: Solutions for power systems

Electricity Metering


The «Prosoft-Systems» company is the developer of the cer-tified ECOM Enterprise Solution for metering dif ferent kinds of energy and resources. There are two main branches for which our metering systems are developed – the Advanced Metering infrastructure ECOM and integrated Energy Management System ECOM.

Advanced Metering infrastructure (AMi) ECOM is based on a various types of smart meters and provides the smart metering functions: meausure power and energy use, gather the data from the meters, calculate charges for resources consumed, generation of reports, notify systems users via e-mail, remote tarif f control of smart meters, remote load control of consumers and others. AMI ECOM includes hardware, communications, controllers, ad-min and end-user software.

Advanced Metering infrastructures ECOM are targeted for electric power companies and consumers. It can be divided on the following types:

■ Systems for power generating companies; ■ Systems for power transmission and distribution companies; ■ Local systems for substations; ■ Systems for electric utilities; ■ Systems for holdings and wholesale electricity companies; ■ Systems for industrial enterprises.

These systems are fully compliant with the requirements and rules of the wholesale electicity market and are recommended for installation by RAO UES of Russia.

Integrated Energy Management System ECOM is a metering system that measure, collect and analyse resourses usage, and communicate with metering devices such as electricicty meters, heat meters, gas meters, water meters and so on.

Integrated Energy Management System ECOM is targeted for: ■ Industrial enterprises and power objects; ■ Utilitiy companies.

ECOM Enterprise Solution is enlisted in Russian State Register of Measurement Instruments by №19542-05.

eCom enterPriSe Solution for SmArt metering And SmArt gridS

Page 53: Solutions for power systems

Electricity Metering


Purpose ■ Metering of electrical power generation, transmission,

distribution and consumption; ■ Metering of heat energy distribution and consumption; ■ Metering of other resources (water, vapor, natural gas,

oxygen, compressed air, etc.); ■ Remote monitoring and control of power, heat and gas

networks and equipments state; ■ Calculation of tarif fs payments for consumed power and

generation of total reports.


■ Metering of dif ferent types of energy; ■ Combination of functions of the control, metering and

management; ■ Embedded control algorithms; ■ Ability to work with dif ferent types of converters, power

meters, gas, water and heat meters.

integration ■ Construction of local and distributed hierarchical systems; ■ Adaptation to any objects and schemes of power

distribution; ■ Integration into the enterprise automation systems; ■ Merging of the existing enterprise metering systems into the

common information space; ■ Data transfer to the wholesale electricity market datacenter

and to the power distribution and generation companies; ■ Data transfer to the enterprise information systems

(MES, ERP); ■ Data exchange with standard database control systems; ■ Database is implemented using MS SQL 2000/2005/2008R2.

Hardware platform ■ Different interface types: RS232, RS485, Ethernet; ■ Different communication channel types: leased lines, dial-

up, HF, radio, GSM, satellite, Internet; ■ Embedded web-server which allows an information look-up

using any web-browser; ■ Possibility to make a transparent connection to digital

counters and flow meters; ■ High precision of measurements; ■ Simple upgrade; ■ Time synchronization using GPS; ■ Industrial environment conditions.

eCom enterPriSe Solution


Structure of ECOM Enterprise Solution ■ Remote terminal unit (RTU) of ECOM series: «ECOM-3000»

and «ECOM-TM»; ■ Energosphere® software system.



Energosphere® software system

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Electricity Metering


Basic Specifications of ECOM-3000


ECOM-3000 is a modular industrial controller. Its functional modules can be combined in any reasonable combination to best meet the customer requirements.

ECOM-3000 performs in real time: ■ Acquisition, processing, logging and displaying of measured

data; ■ Transfer of measured data to dispatcher workstation; ■ Formation and issuing the control signals.

ECOM-3000 calculates current, integral and average values during the given time interval. Integral values include total amount of consumed power, heat and energy carrier. Average values in-clude carrier temperature, pressure in the pipeline, caloric content of gas, voltage and frequency in power network, etc.

ECOM-3000 is supplied with embedded software. Remote test-ing and configuration software is supplied on a separate media. This software can work on any known Windows platform (2000/XP/Embedded/Vista /Windows 7). All of the ECOM-3000 configu-ration variables are accessible for remote configuration.

Modifications of ECOM-3000

ECOM-3000, modification R

ECOM-3000, modification T

Number of registration channels per one controller


Maximum number of controllers supported by single instance of «Data Collection Server»


Primary sensors’ types

Pulse-numeric, frequency, analog, code, «dry con-

tact», thermocouple, thermoresistor

ADC word length 24

Capacity of power independent archives

256-512 Mb

Period of information storage af ter power off

10 years

Absolute error for local astronomic time count (w/o GPS), limit per day

5 sec

Relative error for pulse-numeric signal conversion on the frequencies higher then 0.01 Hz (data transfer error)

0,05 %

Analog signal measurement error 0,1 %

Controller check interval 4 years

Controller lifetime 30 years

ECOM-3000, modification P

ECOM-3000, modification S

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Electricity Metering


the liSt of SuPPorted deViCeS

ECOM Enterprise Solution allows building the systems of any complexity level, with or even without ECOM -3000. Today the ECOM Enterprise Solution supports the next devices:

Module Name Manufacturer ECOM-3000data

Collection Server

Controllers, RTU

ECOM-3000 Prosoft-Systems, Ltd.

RTU325, RTU327 Elster-Metronica, Ltd.

SOFTBasic Controller Prosoft-Systems, Ltd.

Sicon C50, C70 Systems and Technologies, Ltd

Modbus-RTU Controller (functions 1-16) Various manufacturers

VEP-01 Controller VolgaEnergoPribor, Ltd

Electricity meters

Alpha A1T, A1R, EuroAlpha, AlphaPlus, A1800, A1700 Elster-Metronica, Ltd.


ISKRA MT851, TE851, MT855, TE831, MT860 Iskraemeco, d.d.


ZMD400CT Landis&Gyr AG

ION 6200, 8300, 8600 Power Measurement, Ltd.

ION 7500 Power Measurement, Ltd.

DSSD546/536 Holley Metering, Ltd.

SEТ-4ТМ.0x, SEТ-4ТМ.0xМ, PSCH-3ТМ.05, PSCH-4ТМ.05, PSCH-3ТМ.05М, PSCH-4ТМ.05М, PSCH-3ТМ.05D, PSCH-4ТМ.05D, SEB-1ТМ.0x, SEB-1ТМ.02D,PSCH-4ТА.03.2, PSCH -3ТА.03.2, PSCH-3ТА.07SEB-2А.07

Nizhny Novgorod Factory named af ter M.V.Frunze (NZiF)

Mercury M230ART, M230ART2, M231, M233, M203.2T, M203 Incotex Firm, Ltd.

CE6850(M), CE6823M, CE-301 (303,304), CE-6822, CE-102 ENERGOMERA Concern, JSC


Satec RM130E(N) Satec, Ltd

PC6806-17 Electromechnics, Ltd

KIPP-2M Communication and Telecontrol Systems

Proton-K Systel Automation, Ltd

CC-301 Gran-System-C, Ltd.

MIR C-01, C-02 MIR, Ltd

Heat and flow meters

Fisher NOC Fischer & Porter

Other devices

Data acquisition device for digital/analog sensors DAS16 Prosoft-Systems, Ltd.

ADAM-40xx modules Advantech Co., Ltd.

GPS/TSIP Recever Trimble Navigation, Ltd.

Profibus Hilscher CIFxxxx, COMxxxx expansion cards (MicroPC) Hilscher Gesellschaft fur Systemautomation mbH

UPS APC Smart APC Corp.

Remote Alarm Control Module with Line integrity Checking TS-32 Prosoft-Systems, Ltd.

Telecontrol module TC4 Prosoft-Systems, Ltd.

Telemeasuring module TM32 Prosoft-Systems, Ltd.

Siemens P 7KG7100 Converter Siemens

IEC60870-101/104 devices Various manufacturers

Weather Transmit ter WXT520 Vaisala

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Electricity Metering



Energosphere® is a software plat form to build a various types of measuring systems – Automatic Meter Reading (AMR), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Integrated Energy Management System (IEMS) and others. It gathers and accumulates data from a meter network, processing and rating it according to the admin or users configurations. Energosphere® then provides system users with a initial or aggregation metering data to analyse and report consumed resources.

ECOM Database runs on the MS SQL Server 2000\2005\2008R2.

Data Collection Server

Administrator ’s center

data Collection Server performs: ■ Data acquisition from the ECOM controllers, electricity

meters and flowmeters (heatmeters); ■ Storing acquired data into the ECOM Database (DB); ■ Communication with any conventional SQL-based RDBMS by

using flexible tuned templates.

Administrator’s center performs: ■ DB administration; ■ DB backup and restoring; ■ Data acquisition structure configuration; ■ User account administration; ■ DB diagnostics and update.

Objects Structure Editor performs: ■ Metering objects stucture editing; ■ Import\Export of metering objects structure; ■ Data aggregation schemes editing (meter groups, network

loss, object balance, etc.); ■ Tarif fs editing; ■ Reference data editing (measurement units and variables,

meter and measurement transformer types, etc.).

Objects Structure Editor

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Electricity Metering



Energosphere® application is a end-user interface. It allows: ■ Navigating through metering objects structure; ■ Displaing of graphs, diagrams, flowcharts, complex metering

schemes for the consumed energy resources; ■ Real time monitoring of measurements and historical trends

on the SCADA interface; ■ Real time monitoring of system events; ■ Generating of reports on the base of constructed user or

embedded templates; ■ Editing of SCADA interface and report templates.

Web-server allows a direct access to ECOM controller data or ECOM DB using any available Internet browser.

Alarm Module performs: ■ Incoming data integrity check; ■ Boundary conditions check; ■ Real-time alarm notification; ■ Writing alarm notifications in system log; ■ Sending broadcast notifications to workstations using LAN

(NetSend), e-mail, pager, SMS.

Export/import Module performs information interchange with the adjacent power metering systems in various formats (XML, 63002, ASKP, XLS, etc.) via e-mail.

Configurator is a service software designed to perform ECOM RTU configuration and setup.

Alarm Module



Export/Import Module

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Electricity Metering



AMI ECOM for power generating companies allows solving the next tasks:

■ Power parameters metering in real time; ■ Automated acquisition and storing of the measured data

on dif ferent system levels; ■ Longtime information storage in database; ■ Automatic data preparation and processing using customer

calculation schemes; ■ Graphic and table representation of data processing results; ■ Template based report generation; ■ Automatic sending of the necessary data to Trade System

Administrator; ■ Information interchange with adjacent power market

subjects; ■ Document flow process automation in all departments

of generating company.

AdVAnCed metering infr AStruCture eCom for Power generAting ComPAnieS

Typical System Structure

Typical system structure consists of the next general levels: ■ Metering Points (Meters); ■ Remote Terminals Units (Controllers); ■ Data Center (Data Collection Server, DB, admin and users


More complicated systems may contain an additional level – Common Data Centers. Purpose of the Centers is aggregation of data acquired from local data centers of power plants which belong to a power generating company.

AMI ECOM stucture for a power generating company

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Page 60: Solutions for power systems

THE «PROSOFT-SYSTEMS» COMPANY Volgogradskaya Str., 194 A, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620102phone: +7 (343) 3-565-111, fax: +7 (343) [email protected]