Solitude - Excerpt.pdf · “Solitude (original version)”. To do this,...


Transcript of Solitude - Excerpt.pdf · “Solitude (original version)”. To do this,...

Page 1: Solitude - Excerpt.pdf · “Solitude (original version)”. To do this, uncheck the Adult Filter please option in Smashwords, located in the upper right-hand


Page 2: Solitude - Excerpt.pdf · “Solitude (original version)”. To do this, uncheck the Adult Filter please option in Smashwords, located in the upper right-hand

Written and Illustrated by Alberto Agraso

Translated by Mony Dojeiji

ISBN 978-1-927803-02-8

Published at Smashwords by Walking for Peace Publishing

Copyright 2013 Alberto Agraso and Mony Dojeiji

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NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Although this comic is intended for all audiences, I modified the illustrations in the original version, in which the characters appear naked for reasons related to the story, and added garments so that children of all ages can enjoy it. Those wishing to purchase the uncensored original version will find it available on this website under the title of “Solitude (original version)”. To do this, please uncheck the Adult Filter option in Smashwords, located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

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Other Titles by Walking for Peace Publishing:

Walking for Peace, an inner journey

I am Happy

Caminando por la Paz, un camino interior

Soy Feliz

Soledad and Soledad (versión íntegra)

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This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the authors.

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Page 3: Solitude - Excerpt.pdf · “Solitude (original version)”. To do this, uncheck the Adult Filter please option in Smashwords, located in the upper right-hand
Page 4: Solitude - Excerpt.pdf · “Solitude (original version)”. To do this, uncheck the Adult Filter please option in Smashwords, located in the upper right-hand

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